Shipping Company Cleans Up Oil Spill Off Mumbai Coast

  • 14 years ago
On Thursday, the CEO of Mediterranean Shipping Company says his company continues to clean up an oil spill caused by the collision of two ships more than five weeks ago. 200 cargo containers loaded with oil dropped to the ocean floor.

[Deepak Tewari, CEO, Mediterranean Shipping Company]: (English)
"We have four specialized tug boats standby around the Chitra. These tug boats are equipped with oil spill cleanup measures, and as the oil, if any oil is there, even small traces of oil, they get to the oil point, they disperse the oil and make sure that the oil does not become a hazard."

Two Panamanian ships collided five nautical miles off Mumbai on August 7.

One ship, which was carrying a cargo of diesel and lubricant oil capsized, triggering an oil slick that spread to a distance of two nautical miles.

The oil slick and toxic fumes are causing considerable damage to marine life in the area.

Some environmentalists say it’ll take two years to clean the water if the oil spill touched the ocean bed.
