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Actress discusses her new short film and how she survives rejections

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#Bollywood #dating #SoulSathi


00:00dating and all for me not really unless I really know the person really well and
00:06he's accepted me being weird and my weirdness and you know I can continue being
00:11like I am and I don't have to mask it and be someone else
00:16I saw the trailer very interesting one I mean I can make out a bit of it you play a double role
00:21yeah it is a double role but it's a different kind of double role it's not the usual that
00:26you usually have a double role where there are twins here it's different both are me
00:31one is my body and the other is my soul so all the boys on the dates can see the body
00:35because she's well dressed and the soul none of them can see the soul it's interesting
00:40actually it's also the portrait of like modern day courtship right where people are trying to find
00:46love or whatever so do you think this series will reflect that yeah the people will really
00:51identify with I think all the girls who've gone on blind dates or met annoying boys will really
00:57identify with it I think it's something that all people can see of all ages and they'll really enjoy it
01:03have you been on something have you ever been on a dating site which I'm told is very frustrating
01:07because I have many single friends who tell me it's like a landmine of problems the kind of
01:15I mean the problems that you have when you already know the person are also
01:19so if you don't know the person I guess no I haven't been on a dating site I don't really
01:25have the guts I don't know what it takes to to be but I have friends too and like my friends
01:31share screenshots of things with me and we like laugh it takes a lot of guts to put yourself
01:37out there also I feel I don't have that I also I get anxiety just thinking about being
01:43on a blind date with someone I don't like sitting across the table with someone I don't know
01:48do you think this movie also kind of reflects what's happening among youngsters or perhaps
01:5420-30 somethings you know especially those in cities trying to find the perfect mate
01:58yeah totally I think all the girls like I said in an arranged marriage setup also would have to
02:02meet boys it would be like this the world itself is fascinated by Indian arranged marriages and
02:07the way it functions do you think this is the topic that people are extremely fascinated about
02:12is that what drew you to the movie as well yeah I think the west is very intrigued by
02:18the concept of matchmaking I honestly am not averse to it if it's done I mean what is and
02:26what is a dating app if not Indian matchmaking the west they've been on dating apps right it's
02:32exactly the same it's just that here you have a human person who will get two people to meet
02:37while as on an app there's a computer program who'd get two people to meet it's the same
02:41concept in this film it's this girl who goes because her mother is insisting that she meets
02:45boys and to get married to do you consider arranged marriage generally a bit archaic
02:50though in this day and age when there's everybody puts their life on social media I don't know why
02:55you end up marrying strangers do you subscribe to that theory or you think there is romance in
03:00marrying strangers when you're meeting someone on a dating app you're meeting a stranger only
03:04only then you don't know he could turn out to be a serial killer and maybe if your mother tells
03:08you to meet him she's done her background check on it he might not be a serial killer also he
03:12could be a closet serial killer I don't know so you're such a pessimist when it comes to dating
03:18by the way in case you don't know he could be one or he could be a closet
03:23I'm just giving you options he could be the love of your life also but you could be a serial killer also
03:31I'm just being a realist it's not about being a pessimist yeah it's actually a pragmatic
03:37dating and all for me not really unless I really know the person really well and he's accepted me
03:44being weird and my weirdness and you know I can continue being like I am and I don't have to
03:50mask it and be someone else are you happy with where your career is heading now because you're
03:55getting movies you know that kind of puts the spotlight on you because this is an author
03:59back role right yeah it shines a spotlight on you it's about your young woman's journey kind of
04:05I've been brought up in a way where I've been taught to be happy generally so I don't keep my
04:09happiness dependent on career heading or love life or external factors because I feel like then you'd
04:15never be happy because then I'd be like okay Soul Mate, Soul Saathi is released now and it's a hit now
04:19when is my next then I'll be happy and then when I sign three more I'll be happy then so I don't
04:25I'm generally a happy person I keep that as a separate thing as far as my career is concerned
04:29I love doing roles like these I feel like till the last year till last year I felt like only two
04:35percent of my potential was exploited in movies I have so much more I can showcase I haven't gotten
04:41the opportunity to but in the last year from when Commando 3 was out and I had my debut web
04:48series The Holiday that was another one where I got a lot of I mean I figured that people really
04:53watch good content and people like to watch fun stuff also not just a serious thing so I thought
05:00that space would be a really nice place to tap into that's why Soul Saathi is there I think it's
05:04really nice and I feel like if it's a short film or a long film whatever the medium if it's
05:09interesting I want to definitely do it and yes I'm being offered author backed roles it feels great
05:15you have managed to keep the faith alive is it I mean you don't handle rejections very personally
05:20because I ask everybody this because of the surround noise that's going on how do you keep the
05:24faith alive and how do you just allow this industry how do you survive in this industry which seems brutal
05:30rejection really hurts yeah but for me I think I've gotten so much of it now I've ever so many
05:36auditions I got rejected for for things that are opposite like sometimes I get rejected because
05:42I've gotten rejected for like the weirdest the most inane things ever and later got selected for
05:48a role or something for that thing that I had gotten rejected for so sometimes there's no reason
05:53to it if you just tell yourself that how do you perceive the surround noise that's happening in
05:57Bollywood which is looked at as a place of orgies and drug addled etc you know a lot of surround
06:02noise over celebrity deaths etc how do you as an actress and as a woman perceive all of this
06:08the world is a place like that firstly the world has good and bad like it has nothing to do
06:14pertaining to a particular industry I think the world has good people and bad people I believe
06:18that the world can't have only one certain type of people and even the industry can't have only
06:22one certain type of person you know there is all sides and I met all kinds of people in the
06:28industry and in life also so I think people should be open to the fact that there are all kinds of
06:33people in the world good and bad but do you feel like you belong I mean irrespective of whether
06:37you have powerful uncles aunts or whatever you know do you feel a sense of belonging in this
06:42industry and accept it no to be honest I've never felt I'm not from the industry and I'm not as
06:50you know I'm not a very good person who's socialized so I can't blame it on the industry I'm
06:55not that's not a skill I possess I've been trained in dance and acting and playing the piano so
07:01those are skills I possess but I've never been taught how to interact with people or how to
07:08socialize at a party or how to you know I've not been taught that and maybe people some people
07:13learn it on the job and I've not picked that up that's not a skill I possess so I've never really
07:19felt belonging no I've never really felt that ever to be very honest OTT's are quite exciting right
07:26I mean the reviews are brutal though sometimes I feel they're so quick to judge how do you take
07:30it how do you look at OTT platforms shooting the movie doing the movie and the after effects are
07:36all the easy part for an outsider I think to get your break is the tough part after that for me
07:42everything's a dream this is my dream right I'm getting to live my dream this is what I wanted I
07:47wanted to do movies I wanted people to watch it part of my dream wasn't people saying nice things
07:52is not part of it people watching it now hopefully I'm good enough so that they really like it
