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(Adnkronos) - “Vent’anni fa, il progetto ‘Buon Fine’ ha dato subito a Caritas Ambrosiana l'idea che bisognava allearsi con un'impresa che poteva aiutarla, nel concreto, a stare vicino a tutte le persone in difficoltà. Una collaborazione che ha prodotto tanti risultati”, ha dichiarato il direttore di Caritas Ambrosiana Luciano Gualzetti intervenendo all’evento organizzato da Coop Lombardia per celebrare il 20esimo anno di ‘Buon Fine’, il progetto che si impegna nel recupero di generi alimentari invenduti donandoli ad associazioni ed enti caritativi sul territorio.


00:00How did you come up with the idea of the Bonfino project?
00:04The Bonfino project came to Caritas Ambrosiana 20 years ago.
00:09The idea was to partner with a company that could help Caritas Ambrosiana
00:21to stay close to all people in need.
00:25We did it by bringing the goods that were donated to us by COOP Lombardia.
00:33We also did it 10 years ago with the idea of ​​the Ambrosiano Refectory.
00:43In that building, we still receive a lot of goods from the various COOPs
00:50around the Ambrosiano Refectory.
00:54With these aids, together with others,
00:57we are able not to spend a penny on food to provide a good meal
01:06to people in need who are guests at the Refectory.
01:11All this has generated a system of recovery of material goods
01:17and above all of food that has allowed us to feed a whole supply
01:25that goes from the meals to the solidarity demands,
01:30to the supply of food through the food packages
01:36that our 400 listening centers generate in the territory.
01:42This is the beginning of a collaboration that has produced many results.
