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Go Back To Where You Came From Episode 1


00:00Winston Bastard Churchill will be rolling in his fucking grave, so what I do is I get
00:12Royal Navy, set landmines up and then any boat that come within like 50 metres of this
00:17lovely beach, they get fucking blown up.
00:20It's like rats, if you leave food out they'll keep coming.
00:24Go back to where you come from, don't come here, because we are getting invaded.
00:31For the next four weeks, these Brits will experience some of the most perilous parts
00:36of refugee journeys to the UK.
00:40Could not care what colour you are, what sexuality you are, don't get me wrong I think this 175
00:46gender thing is a load of bollocks, but supporting illegal immigration in my eyes is like supporting
00:50fucking rape and murder.
00:55So many people don't really give a crap about immigration, they're actually racist.
00:59Like get, you're a paki, you're a jihadi barbie.
01:04Immigrants should just leave, they are only here to take from us.
01:07Why are you hiding behind immigration when actually, you just don't like brown people.
01:15The immigration debate has become so polarised, but I know that my views are just basic common
01:22In ten years time, Britain is going to be full of people wearing burqas, Islam will
01:27have taken over.
01:30I think people are being manipulated by right wing politicians and media and I need to challenge
01:36these perceptions.
01:37Why are we continuing to allow the boats in?
01:44We are full!
01:46Their journey to reach the UK will begin in two of the most dangerous countries in the
01:53Is it too late to pull out?
01:54I don't know.
02:02Syria is fucking scary.
02:03Shitting bricks right now.
02:04Fucking hell.
02:05Suicide bombers.
02:07It's like a war zone.
02:08I mean it's a shit zone.
02:09Welcome to our life we are living.
02:11These kids eat fucking trash.
02:13How come no one's helping them?
02:14They'll be challenged by the reality of refugee life as they make their way back to Britain.
02:20I don't know what we're going to do.
02:22They're there, they're there.
02:24We need to hide.
02:26Will the journey change their minds?
02:30I'm really sorry.
02:36This is the boat, this is the boat.
02:38Oh my God.
02:40The term illegal is dehumanising migrants.
02:43Migrants coming to Britain on a boat are illegal.
02:46Margaret Thatcher, Reem Karnet speak again.
02:48You can't say that about someone. Why would you say that?
02:50Shut the fuck up.
02:51You are.
02:52This is the shit that you don't see on TV.
02:56If the shoe was on the other foot, most of these anti-immigrants,
02:59they would be doing exactly the same damn thing.
03:02Why are these people risking life to be here illegally?
03:06Because I'll tell them I think they're wrong.
03:18This is the story of a woman who was forced to wear a hijab.
03:41Jess, did you ever think you'd wear a hijab?
03:43Absolutely not.
03:44Jesus, Trace, I couldn't think of anything worse to wear this all day.
03:47Walking around with, like, a bed sheet on your head.
03:52It's quite elegant.
03:54After leaving the safety of the UK,
03:57Nathan, Jess and Matilda arrive in the Somali capital.
04:06Over 100,000 Somalis have fled to the UK.
04:13What I'd like to get out of this, personally,
04:15is more of an understanding of what's going on.
04:17If these people are coming over genuinely to seek asylum,
04:20why are you fleeing? Why?
04:23Well, look at you two.
04:26After uni, I went to work in refugee camps.
04:30Many of the people I love have come here as refugees.
04:33It is a very real issue to me.
04:35People have no idea what is happening on the ground.
04:39Hi. Hi.
04:41Welcome to Somalia. Let's go.
04:43Overseeing the Brits' security is ex-US Army intelligence officer
04:48and former Somali resident of 12 years, David Snelson.
04:53Shit's just got real. Big time.
04:57It's not a problem anymore.
05:04For their safety, they'll travel in armour-plated vehicles.
05:10I can't do this. This is a quick getaway.
05:13Oh, don't shoot me yet.
05:17Not yet.
05:19Now you can.
05:22Alpha One, this is Delta One. We're ready to roll. Over.
05:32Once a thriving African nation,
05:37decades of civil war and political instability
05:40have left Somalia in turmoil.
05:44Al-Qaeda-affiliated Al-Shabaab fight to impose a hardline Islamic state,
05:51causing widespread terror and daily outbreaks of violence.
05:59Was that involved? Yes. What?
06:04I can't get over this. It's like a zombie apocalypse.
06:07You don't get that in South Yorkshire.
06:10Living in barns is fun. Men are men, women are men.
06:13It's just... You don't know if you're fucking my fate, I'm half of them.
06:18I own a haulage company. We pull containers out of docks.
06:21If we get caught, we have immigrants in bag.
06:23It's £10,000 per immigrant. I get fined.
06:27I have to live in fear of an illegal immigrant,
06:29whereas most people that are sat on their arse just going,
06:32let him in, I haven't got a fucking clue.
06:38The guys here in the green, they're there to actually keep you safe.
06:41Oh, my God.
06:44If you didn't have the security, you probably wouldn't make it
06:47200 metres before somebody would pull up and take you.
06:50So we're basically walking money. Yeah, you're a bank.
06:57I live in a small village.
06:59Everyone knows everyone because it's so small.
07:02Being the only gay in the village, people call you a lemon licker,
07:06a rug muncher, a bloody flap guzzler.
07:12A lot of these countries don't agree with people being gay.
07:15People who are gay get stoned, and I'm going there.
07:21As we come to checkpoints, just please pay attention.
07:24That's when we're the most vulnerable
07:26because they're flashpoints for problems.
07:29To protect against al-Shabaab,
07:32security checkpoints operate throughout the city.
07:36In the event there's an issue,
07:38I will need you to move quickly with a purpose.
07:42Get my piss pot ready.
07:49Shit, there's people coming.
07:53No, brother, this here, Jake Boddy.
07:56Big problem, which are you looking for?
07:58I ain't got a clue what's going on. We're at a checkpoint and we're stopped.
08:10Fucking hell, it's going off.
08:15Jesus Christ.
08:18We need to go. We need to go, I think.
08:21Just go, like...
08:32Right, thought so. Let's go.
08:37Shoot myself, then.
08:39I've never been through a checkpoint in my fucking life.
08:43I'll pay it tall over Umber Bridge.
08:46It's not really the same, is it?
08:48Are you feeling all right, Jess? Not particularly, no.
08:54Of course you're going to be concerned about the danger element of it.
08:57I think these people that are coming over here are rapists.
09:02I don't think that it'll change my views.
09:05I know my opinion is right and I know people will agree with me.
09:11David takes the Brits to a local market to give them a feel for everyday life.
09:18Even routine activities in Somalia are fraught with danger.
09:24Three months earlier, nearby Bukhara market was destroyed
09:28by an al-Shabaab suicide bomber, killing ten people.
09:33It's a shit hole, isn't it?
09:35Nah, it's not something like this. It's not Benidorm, is it?
09:38It's just a fucking mess. Just needs tidying up.
09:41At the end of the day, if I fucking just start throwing my shit on the floor at home,
09:44my house is going to become a tip, isn't it?
09:48If we don't get a stamp on immigration, fucking high gunning,
09:51fucking Jesus Christ, we'll be going to fucking work on Bastard Camel,
09:54won't we?
09:57It's the ones that are coming over illegally and getting everything,
10:00when there's people out there screaming for jobs and childcare
10:03and NHS is on its arse.
10:05Australia got it right. They just turned their boats round.
10:08They said, no is no, you're not coming here, we don't want you here.
10:11Donald Trump built a wall. Yeah, do that, build a wall.
10:16Is England going to look like this in about ten years' time?
10:20Because obviously they don't even look after their own fucking garden,
10:23not even look after ours, are they?
10:27It's rough, you know, like, it's all rough.
10:30There's all the hair. Yeah. Oh, women.
10:33Yeah. I like the orange. I think that's really eye-catching.
10:36How much? Seven dollars. Seven dollars? How much?
10:39Dick Turpin wore a mask.
10:42Three dollars.
10:44Why don't everybody who owns shops just clean up?
10:48There's, like, rubbish and stuff everywhere.
10:50I can't work out, everybody just work together,
10:52and it'll tide its streets up.
10:57So you all think this is all right?
10:59Honestly, didn't take it for granted that there is, like,
11:02an efficient litter-collecting service.
11:05It fucking stinks. And it's a shit hole.
11:08There's always more to the story.
11:12These woke champagne socialists that are all left-wing
11:15and all do-gooders and fucking butter-butt-melt pro
11:18missed out on their Just Stop Oil bollocks.
11:21I'm just going to fuck this head, really.
11:24We might look at something and make a snap judgment
11:26without knowing the story.
11:27I know, but they're still throwing their own shit
11:29in their own back garden, aren't they?
11:30The fact is, yeah, I get it, there is a story,
11:32but fact is, it is a shit hole.
11:33Honestly, when you have conflict and you have famine,
11:36then things like infrastructure, public health,
11:38are some of the first things...
11:39So that bloke's making food there on the floor,
11:41would you go and eat that?
11:43Would I want to eat it? That's a different question.
11:45I'm saying, would you, though? Because I fucking wouldn't, 100%.
11:48You'd probably get cholera. Exactly, because it's a shit hole.
11:55I'm proper getting death stared at.
11:57Are you? Yeah, big time.
11:59I just want to go.
12:07Sorry, there's a few indicators here that make me nervous.
12:10Yeah, let's go.
12:12That Al-Shabaab. Oh, Jesus, let's go there.
12:14We're arguing, mate.
12:16Get any other smell, yeah.
12:20Jessica, get in quick. I am.
12:23Why did we have to leave?
12:25Someone was taking way too many photos of us
12:28and then making phone calls, calling out.
12:30It could be the precursor to something far more nefarious.
12:34And I'm not surprised that people might get pissed off with our presence.
12:38You don't want to go around being like,
12:40oh, this is a shit hole.
12:45I just want to go now.
12:48I just want to go now because, you know, we're in a dangerous situation.
12:52Like, look at all the people, like, staring, you know.
12:57I can see how vulnerable I am here.
13:03Somalia, what a culture shock.
13:08It's a lot poorer, more dangerous than what I thought.
13:12But I don't feel safe.
13:14You can just tell it could turn on you at any second.
13:18I didn't expect it to be this intense.
13:23It's literally like day one.
13:25We're just praying that we can get back to the UK.
13:43There's smoke on the horizon.
13:45Is that from a bomb?
13:47Yeah, the road, they bombed the line.
13:50Dave, Bushra and Chloe will start their perilous journey back to the UK...
13:57..in war-torn Syria.
14:02A predominantly Muslim country,
14:04the Kurds have been forced to leave their homes
14:08A predominantly Muslim country,
14:10ravaged by over a decade of relentless conflict.
14:20I sort of represent the white working-class man or woman,
14:24you know what I mean?
14:25But I'm not trans or anything like that.
14:28I believe British identity is under threat.
14:30I don't think it's right that people come in
14:32and make us change our way of life.
14:34I went down to Leicester and I went down this road,
14:37there was loads of, like, Jews everywhere.
14:39I thought it was a trampoline park, but it wasn't, it was a mosque.
14:43The whole road were people, like, praying.
14:46And I thought, I'm still in England.
14:48I think the country is eventually going to turn into a Muslim state.
14:52We'll definitely not be out boozing any more,
14:54cos we're not being allowed, you know what I mean?
14:57I understand you're Muslim.
14:59Where I'm from, I do say things like,
15:02where I'm from, I do say things sometimes, you know what I mean?
15:05Like, I might say, oh, that person's a Muslim.
15:07It's just how we talk.
15:09I don't find that particularly funny.
15:11I think that's grotesque and it's humour and laughter like that
15:13that needs to be taken away.
15:15Boris Johnson himself called a Muslim woman in a burqa a letterbox.
15:20So you tell me...
15:21I mean, it's only a joke.
15:23This is a problem, like, with Britain.
15:25We used to be able to say what we wanted, you know what I mean?
15:28There is a large portion in Britain
15:30who I just think are thick as shit, and they are ignorant.
15:33And one thing I can say for sure is that I am not the person
15:36that you want to have those ridiculous racist
15:38and Islamophobic conversations with.
15:41A politician, someone that represents our people,
15:44it's OK for him to stand up and call a Muslim woman
15:48a horrific trope to incite further hate,
15:51and you call that banter?
15:53For me personally, if I was wearing that and somebody said that to me,
15:56I'd laugh, cos I think that's actually quite funny.
16:01Syria was once one of the top tourist destinations in the Middle East.
16:11But ongoing fighting has claimed over half a million lives
16:15and displaced over 13 million civilians,
16:18with over 3,000 seeking asylum in the UK last year.
16:24The Brits head to Raqqa, the former capital of ISIS,
16:28the city's battle for liberation
16:30was one of the most brutal in the war on terror.
16:39Do you know when the bombs are coming?
16:41Yes, there is one.
16:46I've not got my hopes up for a safe, clean hotel tonight.
16:52The houses look horrendous.
16:54Once a thriving centre of commerce, 80% of Raqqa now lies in ruins.
17:00This city is a complete mess.
17:04There's rubbish all over the ground.
17:07We've all seen dodgy council estates in the UK,
17:10but this is a whole other world.
17:14I really am an empathetic person,
17:17but if we don't put a stop to these ridiculously horrific events,
17:22if we don't put a stop to these ridiculously high levels
17:26of both legal and illegal migration,
17:28Britain is going to be a hellhole,
17:31full of people wearing burqas.
17:33Islam will have taken over.
17:35People can call me racist all they want,
17:38but I know that my views are just basic common sense.
17:43It feels like it's been destroyed, like...
17:47Yeah, it's starting to get a bit more real.
17:52Raqqa lost territorial control of the city in 2017,
17:56but they continue to operate sleeper cells,
17:59carrying out guerrilla attacks on civilians.
18:06What was that? What was that?
18:10Selling tomatoes.
18:11Is that it? Fucking hell, he's selling tomatoes.
18:14I thought he was shouting at my crew.
18:16I thought he was, like, a suicide bomber.
18:18He's literally just selling tomatoes.
18:23We need to be quick.
18:28I can't believe I'm in Syria
18:31and I'm having a fucking cornetto,
18:33and all of it is mint in here, quality.
18:35Let me show you this.
18:37It's the CCTV of this shop.
18:39This is right here.
18:42Oh, now.
18:46Now. Suicide bomber.
18:48Drone strike, just a couple of months ago.
18:50Right there.
18:51It's right here. You can see the shop now. There it is.
18:54Dave, I think we should just leave.
18:56I want to leave.
18:57Yeah, she'll bugger off.
18:58I'm bricking it now.
19:06The Syrian Defence Force,
19:08a Kurdish-led coalition supported by the West,
19:11patrol the city daily to prevent the resurgence of ISIS,
19:15conducting regular sweeps for weapon caches
19:19and detaining suspected terrorists.
19:23You're a bit nervous, don't you? Yeah.
19:25I think it's time to set in now.
19:28OK, guys, we need to get your kit on as fast as possible.
19:31The Brits are joining a repeat patrol
19:34to see first-hand the reality of life in the war-torn city.
19:38They're accompanied by high-risk security operative Simon.
19:42This patrol's acting off intelligence
19:45due to recent attacks over the last ten days
19:48in which 13 SDF soldiers were killed.
19:56Right, I'm going to put you in your vehicles.
19:58Dave, put you in your vehicles.
20:00Listen, Dave, listen to me now, OK?
20:02In the event of anything happens,
20:04you're to listen to the vehicle commander
20:07and do exactly what he says.
20:11Oh, it's a shitting brick.
20:14Oh, they're shitting bricks right now.
20:16Don't exit the vehicle until we tell you to.
20:18Understood, yeah?
20:26What's your name? My name is Bushra.
20:28Bushra? Yes.
20:30Mohamed, nice to meet you.
20:33You like British people?
20:35Good, good, good.
20:37Yeah, I take you to Britain.
20:45This time last week, I was in a pub in Nottingham.
20:48A week later, I'm in a fucking armored car
20:51with the guys that batter ISIS.
20:54It's literally like Grand Theft Serious, isn't it?
20:59Where do you normally find ISIS?
21:15Go away!
21:21There's a problem. Don't exit the vehicle.
21:26Yeah, I'm worried.
21:28The places we're going to,
21:30I can't imagine we're, like, first on the Christmas list,
21:32do you know what I mean?
21:33We've got Christmas, but we don't.
21:37Dream out, come. Come back alive.
21:40That'll be... That'll be good.
21:45Do you often see lots of Syrians leaving Syria?
21:51Great Britain needs to have empathy again.
21:54We have lost consideration for human beings.
22:00We've got to have empathy for humanity.
22:03We got to have empathy for the people of Syria.
22:06We've got to have empathy for humanity.
22:11We've got to have empathy for humanity.
22:14Britain needs to have empathy again.
22:17We have lost consideration for human beings.
22:21Nobody should have to endure a life
22:23where they could be killed by a bomb.
22:27Because right now, if I was a Syrian,
22:29I would literally be saying,
22:30somebody help me, take me and my family away.
22:36I think it's not the UK's problem.
22:38I mean, we didn't cause this war.
22:41You could make this place better.
22:45Someone's got to rebuild this country.
22:47Yeah, and Syrians are still coming into the UK.
22:48They're leaving people like these guys behind
22:50to do the work for them,
22:52if they all bugger off and come to Britain
22:54so that they can get a nice five-star hotel on benefits.
22:58Britain is full, and I think it's quite disingenuous
23:02for people to just run off to Britain
23:04and leave people like those SDF soldiers here
23:07to deal with the mess.
23:10I think Chloe represents a large group of people
23:15in the UK who believe that all of their problems
23:18are created by illegal immigrants.
23:21That's just bullshit, and that's not true.
23:24Right-wing politicians are selling the British public a lie
23:28to push an agenda to actually divide
23:30the British community up.
23:45Look at this.
23:46I know.
23:47Dark to keep people from seeing where you are to shoot you.
23:51On a plus.
23:52You can walk around naked with the curtains open.
23:54God, no-one wants to see that.
23:57Yeah. Ow.
23:58He's got a funny feeling today is going to be worse
24:00than yesterday.
24:01Nathan, Jess and Matilda head out for their second day
24:05in the Somali capital.
24:06Never in a million years did I ever think
24:09that Somalia was this poor.
24:11You know, we've seen the rich Somalis so far.
24:15Are you serious?
24:16I'm dead serious.
24:19In the last year, over a million refugees have fled,
24:23but many lack the means to escape.
24:27We're coming into this IDP camp.
24:29What's an IDP camp?
24:31It means internally displaced person,
24:34so basically an internal refugee.
24:37There are nearly 2,000 IDP camps in Mogadishu.
24:42Housing over 1.2 million displaced people.
24:47Hi, love.
24:48The Brits meet former refugee Ifrah,
24:51who is now an aid worker.
24:53Do you know anything about Somalia?
24:56All I know is the pirates and that's about it.
24:58Just pirates?
24:59You can experience the real life of Somalia.
25:04Whole families live in makeshift tents and shacks.
25:08The security risks posed by Al-Shabaab
25:11means aid is inconsistent.
25:13Because of the war of over 30 years,
25:15that has affected everyone.
25:17Water, food and shelter are all in short supply.
25:23The food is like this.
25:25That's pumpkin?
25:27They will cut and cook it.
25:29What's that?
25:30Oh, God, no, you can't cook that.
25:38It's just a hole in the floor.
25:40And where does that go?
25:41I mean, I take a lot of shits a day,
25:43but eating the mouldy pumpkins and that,
25:46I'm going to guess these are shitting a lot more than me.
25:48I can't imagine a diner rod coming out.
25:51Ifrah takes them to meet Shamso.
25:55This is Shamso.
25:57A single mother who fled her farm due to famine
26:00caused by climate change.
26:02She's been living in the camp for the last three months
26:05with her seven young girls.
26:07She's actually pregnant.
26:09You're pregnant?
26:10How many kids, seven?
26:11And then one aren't we?
26:13So, if you've not obviously got the money,
26:15is there a reason why you'd continue to have children?
26:18She got married at age 13.
26:21It was a forced marriage by a family.
26:27He was older than me, and she said,
26:28I don't know how old he is, but he was not young.
26:32Is she in danger here?
26:34The biggest thing is that women are being subjected
26:37to gender violence.
26:39Gender violence and rape, you know.
26:42In the camp, these children can get abused and raped.
26:46What, in this camp?
26:50And you know, I've been in a situation.
26:52I lived one of the camps not far from here as young women.
26:56I am lucky that I had the opportunity to leave.
27:00How did you emigrate then?
27:01I went a long journey on travelling through Ethiopia.
27:05So you did it legally, everything above board?
27:07No, I was taken by smugglers.
27:10That's all.
27:11So, Efra would be what you would call an illegal immigrant
27:14under UK law today.
27:16It's not possible to do it legally.
27:19So, now I am a European citizen.
27:21How old were you when you made that journey?
27:24I was almost 16 when I left,
27:27and I left because I've seen a lot of women
27:30being subjected to rape.
27:31I was violated myself and I have seen all the things
27:35that happens in IDP camps.
27:38It's fucked up, innit?
27:39Oh, it's another world, isn't it?
27:47What's that?
27:48This is actually called the qura.
27:52I want to tell you about FGM.
27:56Female genitals.
27:57Female genital mutilation.
27:58What's that?
27:59Cutting clitoris and mutilating.
28:01They cut what off?
28:02The clit.
28:05I thought you wanted to get rid of that for us, best mate.
28:08They use this.
28:09Oh, my.
28:09And they carry the whole thing and they sew it.
28:11It's a cultural practice.
28:13In Somalia, 98% of the girls are mutilated.
28:18So, in other words, then,
28:19women here are basically not there to enjoy sex at all.
28:24They're there just to produce children.
28:30Imagine actually, like, cutting your clit off.
28:32It's the same as you having your bell end off.
28:35You know?
28:36Imagine having one of them thorns through the top of that.
28:38Imagine that happening there.
28:45The problem you've got with Somali men,
28:48their mindset is different.
28:49They're marrying kids at the age of 13.
28:51That is normal for them.
28:53That's in their head.
28:55We have to be careful not to generalise.
28:56That's just a fact.
28:59When they are coming over,
29:00you are going to have creeps.
29:03We've got to protect ourselves.
29:05When it's on your doorstep,
29:06it's a completely different ballgame.
29:17That is the hotel there.
29:20We found out that the hotel at the bottom of my garden
29:23was going to house illegal immigrants.
29:26300 brand new neighbours that haven't got passports.
29:30It's absolutely, it's terrifying.
29:33I looked online and you'll see them on the boat,
29:37ripping their own passports up and throwing them in the sea.
29:40You know, these people are coming across,
29:41could be paedophiles, could be rapists.
29:45Our government is allowing these people in,
29:47you're criminals, in a sense.
29:49Putting everyone at risk.
29:52What I take issue with is some of the language.
29:55You know, even if you're not, even if you're not,
29:57so I just say as is.
29:58But, like, rapists and paedophiles.
30:00It could be.
30:01In the context of migration,
30:03we have to be really careful about saying those words
30:05because they are being weaponised every day by the far right
30:09to take rights away from refugees.
30:12It's about how your words impact others.
30:14This is how I talk.
30:15I can't word things different because this is who I am.
30:18Just rapists and paedophiles.
30:20Just avoid those words, is all I'm saying.
30:22But they could be.
30:31So, this is what we're working with at the minute.
30:33No electric, which probably means no hot water.
30:37But, if you look over here...
30:41..you've actually got a balcony.
30:43I don't dare go out, just in case there's snipers.
30:4735-year-old chef Dave has been in Raqqa for 24 hours.
30:53Follow me there.
30:55This is the kitchen.
31:00..is like an holster.
31:02Once you've had a shit, you turn this on, stick it...
31:06Not in your arse, cos that's what I made the mistake of first time.
31:09That wasn't good.
31:11And then, yeah, turn it on.
31:13You don't even need any toilet paper.
31:16I've only ever been aboard twice.
31:18Terry Melinos and Gran Canaria.
31:20I'm going to try and, like, blend into there, I reckon.
31:23I'm from Kirkby, Nashville, Mansfield.
31:25It's a bit of an old mining town.
31:29Proper British, you know what I mean?
31:31Women battering blokes, blokes battering women.
31:34I'd say it's quite a right-wing town.
31:37BNP values throughout, really.
31:39Everyone's out with banners and flags.
31:41Like, the Euro's just as big as that.
31:45People are scared to talk about it.
31:47And this is why it's spoke about in the pubs.
31:49I'll tell you what, John, I've never been in a pub before.
31:52I'll tell you what, John, that is a good head.
31:54You do give good heads.
31:55Yeah, but only when I've got my teeth in, mate.
31:57You've got immigrants coming over, rubber dinghies.
32:00Getting put up in hotels, costing the government, like, what,
32:02£8 million a day.
32:04Lockdown, I helped out working for the food banks.
32:06I've seen how hard it's been for some families.
32:09Don't help other people in different countries
32:11when there's a lot of people in this country
32:13that's in the shit and need help.
32:15A lot of these working people haven't seen that.
32:22This is bad, this, isn't it?
32:25To understand what life is like for Syrians,
32:28Dave, Bushra and Chloe are meeting a family in the north of Raqqa.
32:34And there's people still living in that?
32:3790% of the city's residents now live below the poverty line.
32:45Many, like Um Abdullah and her family,
32:47are forced to live in the remains of bombed-out buildings,
32:51with no running water or electricity.
33:14During the war, their family home was destroyed in a mortar attack.
33:22I have never seen anything like this before.
33:25Like, what is this?
33:28There's a roof missing because there's a goddamn bomb
33:31that's dropped into this property.
33:33There is nothing here.
33:35And yet these people and these young children are calling it their home.
33:42This is my husband.
33:45Peace be upon you.
33:47Thank you very much.
33:49This is my son's job. He's a cleaner.
33:52He's got a simple salary, nothing more or less.
33:56I have to support my children.
33:58Is there anybody in the government or local authorities that can help you?
34:02I swear to God, the government doesn't want me, and no-one is asking for me.
34:08You know, as you know, children are always affected by poverty.
34:12We can't live like this.
34:13This is the poor man's life.
34:15It's a bad situation.
34:17It's a bad situation.
34:19It's worse than anything else.
34:26If you were able to leave Syria, where would you want to go?
34:39Have you got any idea how you would get to Great Britain?
34:46I want to go back to Syria.
34:50I want to have a home to support me and my children.
34:59Even the bloody marigold has been bombed.
35:05So, what are you looking for, lads?
35:08The average salary in Raqqa is approximately £6 a week.
35:13You good?
35:14Children often resort to scavenging to help support their families.
35:18OK, come on then.
35:20Ten-year-old Abdullah and seven-year-old Ahmed
35:23have been sent out by their dad to hunt for plastic and scrap metal.
35:28Chuck it in here, pal.
35:32Tell you what, though, I've been doing all the bloody hard work.
35:34He's getting pucked off. I'm taking money for this.
35:36I'm cashing it in.
35:39A kilogramme of plastic can earn them 20 pence.
35:44They're just walking right into this stuff.
35:46Look how disgusting it is here.
35:48But sifting through the rubble is dangerous work.
35:51Oh, don't go through that. That's so gross.
35:54I'm more worried about one of these stepping on a fucking IED
35:57or a landmine or something, I don't know.
36:00I mean, when I was in school, I used to go pick seashells off the beach
36:03all day and then sit on a mat and sell them.
36:05I mean, you can see how they enjoy it,
36:07because they're getting sort of an entrepreneurial kick out of it.
36:10I'm sorry, Chloe, no child should have to do this.
36:15He's about the same age as my daughter, right, and...
36:18If she, you know...
36:20Not what we're thinking about, is it?
36:22Oh, my God, he's getting into the bin.
36:28Oh, look at the flies.
36:30Yo, do you want to get out of there?
36:33Get out of there.
36:45These kids, as young as, like, seven, eight,
36:48having to go around picking up fucking trash,
36:51eating, like, food with flies all over it,
36:54just to, like, eat.
36:59This is breaking my heart, this is, you know.
37:01I'd be glad to get back to bloody Nottingham, you know what I mean?
37:04And get back to the pub.
37:06But the worst thing is, I'll probably want to take all these with me.
37:36How come no-one's helping them?
37:43I'd beg anyone to go and fucking see that.
37:48Or I'd probably say, don't go and see it,
37:50because that's fucking...
37:52That's going to fucking traumatise me.
37:54Right, the next steps for them are,
37:56a, better sanitation, right?
37:59Better medical care.
38:01Look at what these people fucking do.
38:03I haven't finished my point.
38:05You have no idea what I'm about to say.
38:07Yes, I do.
38:08I'm going to justify it and go,
38:10it needs to be better systems in the dumpster.
38:13No, that's not...
38:15That is not what I was about to say.
38:17I said the next step is to have them in homes here in Syria.
38:22They are in imminent danger of war all around them.
38:26I know it's difficult.
38:28I don't get it that you don't show this empathy,
38:30which is normal for human beings.
38:32You're like a narcissistic sociopath.
38:34How do you know how I feel?
38:36I don't know if you think we have space in Britain
38:39for every single person in the world that lives in absolute poverty.
38:42Because we don't.
38:44So we don't.
39:04So this area was considered the pearl of Africa.
39:08Beautiful architecture.
39:10You know, all we've got here left is rubble.
39:13Before Somalia's civil war,
39:15Mogadishu's beaches and rich culture
39:18made it a thriving tourist destination.
39:21Basically, it's gone from a beautiful country
39:24where people were living lovely to now rubble
39:27and everyone has got guns.
39:29David takes Nathan, Jess and Matilda to Lido Beach,
39:33the jewel in the city's crown.
39:39Oh, wow, prepare yourselves.
39:41Oh, wow.
39:42This is mental.
39:44Look at all them pirates.
39:49Somalia has the longest coastline in Africa,
39:52with over 2,000 miles of white sandy beaches.
39:56Now, this is going to be the perfect part to have a pint.
39:59Oh, can you imagine they did have a pint here?
40:01I think that's why it comes this foot, because it's dry.
40:05The recent reopening of cafes and restaurants
40:08has seen a gradual return of tourists,
40:11making Lido Beach a beacon of hope for Somalia.
40:16Now you forget you're in Somalia, don't you?
40:18You think, like, I'm in Benidorm here.
40:20It's not going to aid helicopters flying overhead.
40:24Despite recent improvements,
40:26it's still a major target for terrorists,
40:29with 30 civilians killed here in the last year.
40:34So, no bullet holes in glass in that?
40:36Oh, my God, yeah.
40:38Oh, it's so fucked up.
40:41It's such a shit hole country.
40:42But look at this beautiful beach.
40:44Is it really that bad?
40:45This country just needs a bit of work.
40:47If you start fixing your own country,
40:48that's going to bring your economy up.
40:50That brings the tourists over.
40:52Just because this is beautiful
40:53doesn't mean that there's opportunity.
40:55So, what do you suggest we do?
40:56Just put a plane up runway and just send them all to the UK?
40:59I think we all have a responsibility to each other,
41:01and if we can help, then we should help.
41:03Like, we are born with privileges.
41:06For example, you're born with citizenship,
41:08and you are, like, straight and male and white.
41:12But what's that got to do...
41:13See, this is a fucking argument.
41:15Everybody comes at me.
41:16So, because I'm white, big male...
41:18Because the world has played in your favour,
41:20but that's not the case for everybody.
41:23For me, it's just, like, you can see there's money here,
41:26so why have we got to be helping everyone?
41:29We can't just think about my needs or my family's needs.
41:32We all share this planet.
41:34Where I'm living,
41:35you don't have the option to worry about everyone else in the world.
41:39My concerns are directly with my family.
41:42We are on the breadline.
41:43I'm suffering myself.
41:45If there was people from here, right, who wanted to come over,
41:49I would still say no.
41:51It's not my problem.
41:56I think we're slightly speaking different languages at the moment.
42:02Hey, football.
42:03Come on, then.
42:08Jess and Nathan have very strong opinions on the topic of immigration.
42:14But it's just so polarised, so black and white.
42:18I'm finding it really hard to get through.
42:21I have to try and find a way to try to bridge these divides.
42:29I think Matilda, she never wanted for anything.
42:32I can have empathy for everyone,
42:34but you're not going to bloody save a refugee or your family,
42:37and that's what people have got to realise, you know?
42:56Onions. Get some garlic. Yeah.
43:00After spending time with Um Abdullah and her family
43:03in poverty-stricken Raqqa...
43:05Eggplant to amuse your missus.
43:08..Chef Dave decides to help...
43:12..in the only way he knows how.
43:14We've got you some vegetables.
43:17And we've got you some meat as well.
43:30They've not had meat for a long time, so hopefully they'll like this.
43:37When we, in Britain, moan about maybe not having this or not having that,
43:41it's nothing in comparison.
43:43These people haven't got anything. It's really, really sad.
43:47Is your mum a good cook?
43:49She has to say that.
43:51And to be able to cook for them,
43:54She has to say that.
43:56And to be able to cook for that family, it's such a heart-warming feeling.
44:07I mean, the gift of food is probably the best gift you can give people.
44:12To be able to do that and see the smiles on their faces and the kids.
44:20I'll definitely remember that for the rest of my life.
44:25Unfortunately, like back in Britain,
44:27these people that haven't got a lot don't get the help,
44:30and here, shortly, definitely don't get the help.
44:44That would be lovely.
44:46Very kind of you for offering your house to us.
44:55I wouldn't say it's, like, number one on TripAdvisor in Syria.
44:59There's no running water, there's no toilet,
45:01but this is what they have to live in all the time.
45:04To be honest, I'm privileged that they'd offer their home to me.
45:07And I will be giving them a five-star review.
45:10A brick head rest here.
45:11Are you going to plug your straighteners in? That's a big thing.
45:17Syria becomes very dangerous at night.
45:20Westerners have been kidnapped, tortured and killed by extremists.
45:33The Brits think they're staying overnight,
45:35but don't know that for safety reasons, they will not be able to.
45:44Guys, right, listen. Get up.
45:47Just get your shoes on.
45:49Grab your body armour and your backpacks.
45:52We'll go and get in the vehicles.
45:57Sounded like a gunfight.
45:58Let's just get you in the vehicle.
46:00I literally can't see anything.
46:01Here, I'll grab that.
46:03You got it?
46:04Yeah, I've got it, I've got it.
46:06Go, go, go.
46:07Fucking hell.
46:08OK, just get in, guys, get in.
46:10Don't worry about anything.
46:15It's been a drone strike.
46:17We're not safe anywhere.
46:18I would like to get back home to my kids.
46:20So what do we actually do when we need to shit in the desert?
46:23Don't we think that England is amazing, because it's not?
46:27Why are you making me do this, England?
46:29It is actual slum.
46:31I don't think these people have a right to come to the West.
46:34Fucking hell, Chloe.
46:35Someone with a bottle of coca.
46:37I'm shitting myself.
46:39Oh, my God.
46:42Oh, God.
46:43Oh, God.
46:46Can't wait to get back to the UK.
47:13Oh, my God.
