• 4 days ago
When Calls the Heart S12 Episode 9 - Buried Treasure


00:01Previously on When Calls the Heart.
00:04Now, I know you're supposed to give these at the beginning of the performance, but I, uh, I didn't have a chance.
00:09They're beautiful, thank you.
00:11There's a wildlife corridor where the cattle can take to an even bigger summer pasture.
00:15Little girl, this is a conversation for grown-ups.
00:18Miss Riella, green leather trunk with brass corners was found.
00:21Really? This is from the Schwartzman school.
00:24Did you tell Angela about the tour?
00:26When I think about something happening to her and us not being there.
00:29No luggage to check in? You see any?
00:34I told you to drop the proposal.
00:36You knew McGinty would railroad the entire thing, didn't you?
00:39Yes, ma'am. No one knows it better than we do.
00:42Heads, you tell us who else is trafficking in your stolen loot.
00:45Tails, you tell us where we might find the rest of it.
00:48Did Teddy Davis dealt in coins like that?
00:51You help me out of here, I'll tell you more.
01:00Come on.
01:09Constable Grant here.
01:11Yes. We got the books.
01:14We'll be on the lookout.
01:16You've heard?
01:18Sonny Garrison escaped Granville. Prisoner at large.
01:22Overtook two guards and jumped the fence.
01:24Any indication where he's headed?
01:26Well, it's not hard to guess.
01:28We told him that somebody stole his loot when we interviewed him.
01:31So he's gonna go find it for himself.
01:33The Martell Ranch.
01:38All right. You can say it.
01:40I told you so. You told me so.
01:43Don't get used to saying it, though.
01:45We're talking about...
01:46What else? The talk of the town.
01:48And I must admit, she did a wonderful job playing Gwendolyn.
01:51Oh, Ava. So you're warming to her.
01:53Oh, I would say I'm beginning to understand her.
01:57Yes, her stories are a bit extravagant.
01:59And yes, she makes herself the star of every single anecdote.
02:02Sometimes her stories are a bit hard to believe.
02:05Well, who hasn't indulged in a little exaggeration in the interest of a good story?
02:11Mama, can I have a candy bar?
02:13What? You just had breakfast, honey bear.
02:16I'll make you a deal. We'll go to the mercantile and get a snack for your whole play group.
02:20That includes you.
02:24Elizabeth, can I talk to you for a second?
02:27Oh. Well, why don't I take the little ones to the mercantile?
02:30Come, Jack. Let's go.
02:33Is everything okay?
02:35Nothing to worry about.
02:37I wish I could tell you more.
02:39Bill and I are headed on a stakeout.
02:41I'm not sure when I'll be back.
02:43Can I at least stay with you, maybe?
02:45Of course.
02:47Be safe.
02:49I will.
02:57I love you.
03:27That will be 20 cents, which I will put on your tab.
03:30Oh, and a telegram came for you.
03:33It seems that Mr. Elmer Peterson lost a trunk with the same description as yours.
03:38What a coincidence.
03:40So the train station would like it if you could telephone to confirm that the trunk that you received is in fact yours.
03:46Of course it is.
03:48It's in my room, full of my clothes.
03:51Green trunk, brass corners. My mother bought it for me in Budapest.
03:54Do you read all the telegrams?
03:56I transcribe them. That's how it works.
03:59Now, if you'll see here, it says the same train station on the same day.
04:04How odd.
04:05So many stolen trunks.
04:08Busy thieves.
04:17And these will be ready by morning. Just bake them for an hour.
04:20And the icing. That's right.
04:22Got it.
04:23Oh, and Cooper and Toby will help with dinner service and clean up.
04:26Aye, aye, Cap.
04:27Aye, aye.
04:30Here, baby. That's a little too far.
04:32I can do it.
04:33Where's your scar?
04:34Never mind. We can't miss the train.
04:36You forgot it?
04:37It's only a tour of the campus, Mama. It'll be fine.
04:39I'll run and get it.
04:40There's no time. The train's not going to wait.
04:42Okay. Goodbye, everybody.
04:44We can't wait to hear all about Schwarzman.
04:46I left it right on top of your bag.
04:47Mama, we have to go.
04:48Baby, it's all right.
04:49It's not all right. She wants to live on her own at this school.
04:51She has to show us she's ready.
04:53Okay. All right. Come on. Let's go.
04:55Come on, Angela.
04:56Come on.
04:57Thanks. Bye.
04:59I knew it!
05:00I knew she was hiding something.
05:02And now we have proof.
05:03We have a theory.
05:05But why steal a trunk?
05:06And a man's trunk?
05:07Don't you see?
05:08The missing parents.
05:10The lack of funds.
05:11The random stories of a privileged childhood.
05:14Her irritatingly good acting.
05:17And now, all of a sudden,
05:19this trunk conveniently shows up
05:21with conflicting claims of ownership?
05:23It is possible to have two identical trunks.
05:26That both go missing?
05:28No. Thieved from the same train station on the same day?
05:32It all adds up.
05:34It is a strange coincidence,
05:35but we still don't have any proof.
05:37We need something.
05:39We need to get to the bottom of this.
05:41Because local law enforcement is away on assignment.
05:44It's up to us.
05:46Giddy up, Elizabeth!
06:03Why don't you head back south and check along that creek?
06:05I'm going to stay here.
06:06Well, if he's traveling along the water, there'll be tracks.
06:22Howdy, cousin.
06:27Not so loud.
06:29You got it?
06:30Boy, do I ever.
06:46You almost have to admire it.
06:48Any which way we move, McGinty's got us.
06:51All the ranchers are in his pocket.
06:53He blocked the cattle path.
06:55Now he's blocking any kind of compromise over the park.
06:58No, I can't say as I'm surprised.
07:01He's got his hooks into every landowner in the back country.
07:05Untangled with them before him.
07:08Look, Henry, I'm sorry to ask for your help.
07:11I know you meant to keep out of politics.
07:14But what do I do?
07:15Stop negotiating.
07:17No more meetings, no more proposals.
07:21Make an executive order.
07:23Without the legislature?
07:25Without the cattleman's approval?
07:26Yep, and they'll make you pay.
07:28You'll probably lose your votes.
07:30You'll probably lose the votes of everyone they tell how to vote.
07:35More than likely, you will lose the governorship.
07:39But you'll get your part.
07:45Makes you wonder why no one's gone around McGinty before.
07:47It's that easy.
07:51Well, that's how despots rule, isn't it?
07:54They make everyone figure that it's too much to oppose them.
07:59Once that fear dissipates, well, they tend to disappear like a cloud of dust.
08:11Let's see if we can make him disappear.
08:15I'll write something up.
08:20Come on, we don't want to be late for the tour.
08:23And right.
08:27Ooh, this is beautiful.
08:33Did you know that three of the founders were blind women?
08:37The Sahara is enormous.
08:40She's late.
08:41Oh, just a few minutes.
08:43Mr. and Mrs. Canfield?
08:46Oh, you must be Mrs. Gamble.
08:49Ms. Gamble. And I'm a student. You can call me Clementine.
08:53Nice to meet you, Clementine. I'm Minnie Canfield, and this is my husband.
08:58Lovely to meet you both.
08:59You as well. This is Angela.
09:01Hi, nice to meet you.
09:02Welcome to Schwarzman, Angela.
09:04I'm sorry I was late. I was just finishing up in the pottery studio.
09:08Do you like pottery?
09:09I haven't made anything since I was little.
09:12Oh, Angela is a wonderful musician.
09:15I can't wait to hear. Let's take a tour of your future, shall we?
09:19The blind leading the blind.
09:29So, the infamous Edie Martell, staying at our hotel.
09:36I should apologize for the way that things have gone.
09:40I am sincerely sorry for all the trouble.
09:44McGinty's lucky to have you on his side. I'll give him that.
09:48You know, the more time I spend in Hope Valley, the more time I find myself coming around to its way of thinking.
09:55Your way of thinking.
09:57Perhaps someday we'll be on the same side?
10:01Perhaps the divide is shrinking. A little bit.
10:04Kind of like the park.
10:09I'll go get you a porter.
10:20What brings you back?
10:22Well, the Mounties could only tell me so much, but it sounds like Uncle Ernie left me more than just a bankrupt ranch.
10:31It seems like he was mixed up in something, so they've advised me to find safe harbor.
10:36You are looking at the newest full-time temporary resident of Queen of Hearts Saloon.
10:42Well, that's fantastic. Not the troubles, obviously.
10:46But, well, seeing as you're here now, I'm wondering if you might want to join me for dinner.
10:54If you're free. A working dinner.
10:57Yes, I could be amenable to a working dinner.
11:02Great. Say, seven o'clock at Minnie's Cafe? Try the new menu?
11:08I'll be there.
11:11Welcome back.
11:15I've logged most of the Aspens, but there are these really rare ash trees I found over by the lumber yard.
11:20Howdy, folks. Sorry to bother you. I couldn't help noticing you two seem to know a lot about the woods around these parts.
11:27It's for school. We're doing a survey of local wildlife.
11:31That's terrific. I wonder if you could help me with this map.
11:42Did you draw this yourself?
11:44Not me. My cousin Jake. Jack. Jackson.
11:48Gave it to me before he passed. Said there's a tree where my parents carved their initials. He wanted me to see it.
11:57See? Right there.
12:01There's a few trees like that.
12:04Any idea how to find this one?
12:06That could be the stream off the north road.
12:09We could take you there. Would you?
12:12Sure. We're headed out that way anyway. We'll go get our stuff and meet you at the trailhead in a few minutes.
12:19Mighty obliged.
12:26Watch it, lady.
12:28Well, I'll be.
12:32Where was Mary? What are we doing?
12:35I have no idea.
12:37Oh. Hickam.
12:40About the Eris Riela's trunk.
12:48Is it still in her room, perchance?
12:51I took it up to her room after she confirmed it was hers, yes.
12:58Did you happen to look inside?
13:01No. I'm not in the habit of looking into customers' trunks.
13:04I wonder if...
13:06You're not asking to go into her room.
13:08Okay. What's happening here?
13:11Have you asked our esteemed guest if she would like to put her trunk inside?
13:18We don't have trunk storage.
13:23Sweetheart, I'm not letting you in her room.
13:27And we would not dream of asking.
13:31Perhaps we just need a different approach.
13:36Hopefully better than trunk storage.
13:38Elizabeth, hang.
13:45I don't think we should be doing this.
13:47Who on earth expects privacy when they leave their curtains open like this?
13:53Elizabeth, what did the trunk look like again?
13:56Green with brass corners.
14:02It's the trunk.
14:04She's trying to destroy the evidence.
14:09What should we do?
14:10Maybe we should talk to her.
14:12Elizabeth, that's ridiculous.
14:14This is ridiculous.
14:21We need to confront this head-on.
14:23We need to be strong.
14:25Stop dilly-dallying around.
14:28Would you like to lead the charge?
14:34Stop right there!
14:37Where did she go?
14:43Howdy, friends.
14:45Look, I brought you some paper and some charcoal, so you can do a rubbing.
14:50A what?
14:52Your parents' initials.
14:54Oh, I see.
14:56I'm sorry.
14:58I'm sorry.
15:00I'm sorry.
15:01Of what?
15:03Your parents' initials.
15:05On the tree.
15:07Oh, right.
15:19Give her a minute.
15:21Maybe she'll explain.
15:23Maybe she will run away.
15:25Rosemary, where would she go?
15:27Stranger things have happened.
15:33I was curious.
15:35Well, I wanted to ask.
15:40Alright, well, I was about...
15:42Oh, Ava!
15:44I found your trunk in the wagon outside.
15:47Oh, Mike.
15:49How thoughtful and observant you are.
15:52Well, you're welcome.
15:54What did you do?
15:56I, we...
15:58Nothing untoward.
16:08Why don't we talk?
16:12I suppose now is as good a time as any.
16:17Stop it.
16:25Spill the beans, Miss Riella.
16:26If that's even your real name.
16:30It is my real name.
16:32I promise.
16:34But I'm not an heiress.
16:36And my parents aren't traveling the globe.
16:38What about the Dolomites?
16:40And what about your tab, young lady?
16:42I will pay you back.
16:44One way or another, I promise.
16:46I never meant to put you out so much.
16:48You've all been so kind to me,
16:50and Rosemary, Elizabeth,
16:52I've never experienced such generosity.
16:54Ava, why don't you start from the beginning?
16:57Have you heard of Clive Maxwell?
17:02The mentalist?
17:06They love a bit of magic.
17:08I mean, who doesn't?
17:11Well, it's not magic.
17:13He's a con man, and I was his plant.
17:15His plant?
17:17What, like a fern?
17:19He would pick a mark, and he would have me butter them up.
17:21Get them to tell me a few things.
17:23Birthdays, pets' names,
17:24and then an hour later,
17:26he would invite them onstage
17:28and miraculously guess them.
17:30When I realized it was a scam,
17:32I confronted him, and he threatened
17:34to call the coppers on me.
17:36That's terrible.
17:38But why are you here,
17:40with your extravagant stories
17:42and not even a dime to your name?
17:44He wanted to try a new scam.
17:46I'd pretend to faint in the audience,
17:48and then he'd pickpocket the mark onstage.
17:50Only we didn't know
17:52that the mark was a Pinkerton.
17:54And later that night,
17:56when the Pinkertons came back,
17:58Clive blamed me.
18:00So I ran.
18:02So the Pinkertons are after you,
18:04and you decided to come here.
18:06I'd heard about this place.
18:08From my book.
18:10It sounded like the most wonderful place.
18:13Oh, Ava.
18:17When Nathan gets back,
18:19please talk to him.
18:21If you do the right thing,
18:25you think that's possible?
18:31Of course it's possible.
18:34But more importantly,
18:36think about how much lighter you'll feel.
18:38Do you feel lighter already?
18:43Gosh, there's so much to do.
18:45Orchestra, clubs, and dances.
18:47Oh, I forgot.
18:49There's a read-aloud happening this afternoon.
18:50A read-aloud?
18:52We get recordings of books,
18:54and then we get to listen to them together.
18:57Everyone, this is Angela Canfield.
19:04Do you mind if we join?
19:06Not at all.
19:08We were just starting the new Agatha Christie.
19:10Oh, I hope you like mysteries.
19:12I love mysteries.
19:14It's so fun to figure out who done it.
19:18And it's even more fun
19:20to figure out who did it.
19:26Are we there yet?
19:30Just making sure we don't get lost.
19:33Pretty fancy compass.
19:35Standard Mountie issue.
19:37We only use the best.
19:39Whoa, kid, you didn't tell me you were a Mountie.
19:41He's a cadet.
19:43In training.
19:45Don't worry.
19:47We're not lost.
19:49Forget you ever met me, kids.
19:51But we're almost there.
19:53That's right.
19:55You wouldn't want to quit now
19:57before we finish the job.
19:59I'm sorry, cousin.
20:01I didn't know he was...
20:03But now you do.
20:05And now we got no choice.
20:09Sonny Garrison?
20:11That's your face on the wanted posters.
20:13That's right.
20:15Ain't you smart?
20:18you and Miss Nature Girl here
20:20are going to get back to helping us find that ex.
20:24If you hurt her...
20:26Do what he says, kid.
20:28You don't want to get my cousin riled.
20:32Then you're going to help us dig something up
20:34and everyone goes home happy.
20:36How's that sound?
20:40It's that way.
20:43Move it, son.
20:46Let's go.
21:05Do you have a moment?
21:07Yeah, sure. Come on in.
21:11I want to apologize.
21:13Uh-oh. An apology.
21:14Canceling the park.
21:16Figured that might happen.
21:18No, no. The park is going ahead.
21:20It is?
21:22I want to say I'm sorry for it taking so long.
21:24And I also feel like I compromised our friendship
21:28by trying to be the good guy
21:30without ruffling any feathers.
21:32That's very noble of you, Lucas. Thank you.
21:34But, uh,
21:36what about the ranchers
21:38and pretty much everyone else?
21:40I think I've found a way around them.
21:42It's what's going to cost me,
21:44but it was worth it.
21:46What's it going to cost you?
21:48Nothing for you to worry about.
21:50I see.
21:52And that, uh, lady lawyer,
21:54going to cost you something there?
21:56It's the right thing to do.
21:58I hope that she sees that
22:00and that she understands it.
22:02Well, good luck with that.
22:06Might need it.
22:15Mike, have you seen Allie?
22:18She and Oliver were supposed to meet me at the library
22:20to go over their research.
22:22No, haven't seen them.
22:24Well, I have.
22:26I heard them talking to one of your guests.
22:28They offered to take him on a hike.
22:30Which guest?
22:32A very rude one.
22:34That'll be Woody Garris.
22:36He checked in a few days ago.
22:38And Molly is not wrong.
22:40He is not the friendliest of folks,
22:42if you catch my meaning.
22:44He wasn't trying to listen, but he was bellowing.
22:46And he said he was going to sneak someone into his room.
22:50Well, that's entirely too friendly, if you ask me.
22:52Sounded like it was possibly his son,
22:54because he kept calling him Sonny.
22:56Well, Woody and the Sonny Garris
22:58are going to have to answer to my two friends,
23:00Buster Keaton and Douglas Fairbanks.
23:03Sonny Garris?
23:05Could it have been Sonny Garrison?
23:07Well, who's Sonny Garrison?
23:09He's part of the Garrison gang.
23:11Jack Thornton and Bill put him away a few years ago.
23:14In Granville Prison.
23:16Didn't Bill go on that stakeout with...
23:20Where did Ali and Oliver say they were taking him?
23:22He asked if they'd show him to some lover's tree
23:24where people carve their initials.
23:26There's a few of them.
23:28Did he say which one?
23:30There's the one by the old mine.
23:32And the one by Gleason's Mill.
23:34We have to find them.
23:36Molly, if the kids come back,
23:38make sure they stay here.
23:40Of course.
23:42Oh, dear.
23:45This the place?
23:47Sure looks like it.
23:49All right.
23:55Start digging.
23:57Let's hope you get lucky for all our sakes.
24:02I'll go find Nathan.
24:04And Bill.
24:15Let's go.
24:40I brought the next shift with me.
24:44It's been hours.
24:46Yeah, something's not sitting right.
24:48Are we missing something?
24:51Toddy said that he got the gold from a dead rancher.
24:54Who's got to be Ernie Martell.
24:56Who somehow got the gold from the garrisons.
24:58But what is a down-on-his-luck rancher
25:00who's never broken a law in his life
25:02doing working with the garrison gang?
25:04Who's to say they were working together?
25:06Now hear me out.
25:08The garrisons steal the gold.
25:10They hide it somewhere.
25:11Could it be that this Ernie Martell, this rancher,
25:15just came upon this gold somehow?
25:18Dug it up when he needed it?
25:20And he never tells his niece about it.
25:22Well, she certainly seemed innocent.
25:24If none of this is connected,
25:26then Sonny could be anywhere.
25:28Well, the gold could be anywhere.
25:30Let's leave him here in case Sonny comes back.
25:32Head back to town and regroup.
25:38Move, move, move.
25:41Move, move, move.
25:51Oh, Ernie.
26:09Grab that side.
26:12All right, careful now.
26:14Get it out here.
26:17All right, now, come here, come here.
26:19Watch her.
26:27The lock's already broken.
26:29He left it open?
26:42How did this happen?
26:45Sonny, maybe we made a mistake?
26:48There can't be a mistake.
26:50Jake buried it right here. It's on his map.
26:52I know. He put an X on it.
26:56Don't look at me, cuz.
26:58All I did was hold onto the map, as instructed.
27:00So how come there's nothing in there?
27:02Maybe there's more to the story.
27:07It doesn't totally make sense.
27:09Jake buried the treasure and left you with a map you couldn't read?
27:13No, he did that so he could remember where it was, but no one else could.
27:17Why didn't he trust you?
27:19He did. He trusted me with the map.
27:22And then when it was safe, he was gonna take us there and we were gonna dig it up.
27:26Share it, fair and square.
27:31Maybe Jake came back and dug it up without you knowing.
27:35Because he never meant to share anything.
27:37Because he never meant to share it.
27:41You saying my brother was a liar?
27:43You saying he was a thief?
27:45Well, he was a thief. So were you.
27:48You shut your mouth!
27:50Or maybe Cousin Woody here came back and took it.
27:53Now, now, wait a minute. Why would I do a thing like that?
27:56He died.
28:05Did you find Elizabeth?
28:07No. What? What's up?
28:09Allie and Oliver went into the woods with Sonny Garrison looking for a tree that had initials carved in it.
28:16Well, I went by the mine and looked there. Mike went to Gleason's Mill and Elizabeth went to the Martell Ranch.
28:20You should have come across her.
28:22I know one of those trees. It's up the old north road. They probably went there.
28:25Hyah! Hyah!
28:27It makes sense. Woody had the map the entire time you were in prison.
28:33Jake never trusted you.
28:35He never trusted you neither. That's why he left me the map.
28:39Whoa, whoa, whoa!
28:43There you are! Allie! Oliver!
28:47What did I tell you about going out into the woods alone?
28:50But we're not, Mrs. Thornton.
28:54We brought friends.
28:56Of course. We're my students showing you the park.
28:59This is our teacher, Mrs. Thornton. We were telling you about her earlier.
29:03Really, none of you should be out here. There are wild animals in the area. Wolves. And bears.
29:10We saw a bear track only yesterday.
29:12Can't be too careful. But all you have to do is make some loud noises and you'll scare them right off.
29:25Whoa, whoa, whoa!
29:40Listen, lady, I don't know what your game is, but I don't see no bears.
29:46Well then, I guess it must have worked, huh?
29:49Now, I am so sorry to cut the hike short, but Allie, Oliver, we really can't be late for dinner, so...
29:55Yeah, but...
29:57Now, if I let them go and leave with you, they could start telling tales to teacher.
30:03That's a good one, Sonny.
30:06Don't use my name.
30:10I know who you are, Mr. Garrison. That's just half the town. And help is on its way.
30:15So if you're taking hostages, you'll have to take me too, but you'll be much faster if you go on your own.
30:21Run, Mrs. Thornton! Allie, go! Go!
30:35Where do you think you're going? Get back! Get back!
30:46Sonny Garrison, you're under arrest.
31:06We'll let them cool their heels for a while until they're ready to talk.
31:10Well done, Constable.
31:12I can say the same thing about you, Inspector.
31:16Ah, hey.
31:18Let's go find Henry in the saloon and have a drink.
31:20Or some apple juice.
31:22Or some apple juice.
31:26Oliver, this is going to get you a pretty high evaluation on your end-of-year report.
31:30Good job, cadet.
31:32I never should have let Allie go with him.
31:34But you also saved us.
31:36You were both pretty smart.
31:38And Allie, if it hadn't been for your hair ribbon, let's just say high marks all around.
31:45That was impressive.
31:47You're going to be the talk of the town, kid.
31:51No one will believe it.
32:07I guess word got out.
32:16See you later.
32:20I couldn't... I couldn't find them.
32:29They're okay.
32:35Ah, you did good, gents. You did good.
32:39Well done, you two. Oh my goodness.
32:42I barely scratched the surface of this nail-biting yarn, but I can't wait to get all the details for the valley boys.
32:48Fearless school teacher rides into danger.
32:52Oh, whoa. Let's not give anyone any ideas.
32:54All right, fine. We'll go with Mounties catch their man or some such.
32:58Oh, speaking of Mounties, Nathan, I'd like you to do a favor.
33:02No. I have an opportunity for you to help right a wrong.
33:06Ava Riella has a confession.
33:10She has?
33:14It's a whopper.
33:16Well, I'm happy to oblige.
33:22So I go on one little stakeout, and you find more trouble than the jail sees in a year.
33:28What can I say? Diane DeMarco loves trouble.
33:32Oh. She has an accent, huh?
33:35She does.
33:37Well, if we had drinks, I would toast to a successful working relationship.
33:45May it continue to work.
33:48Um, are we sure that they're even open, or did we just accidentally break in here?
33:54I'm not sure. Well, at least we won't be alone.
33:57You're the cute one.
33:59Michael! May!
34:02Mike, we forgot.
34:03I mean, he's dinner service.
34:05What do we do?
34:07You go fire up the stove, and I will think of something.
34:17Good evening.
34:19May I take your order?
34:21Um, thank you, Mike. I think we could use menus.
34:26Menus would be good.
34:28Of course.
34:30Of course.
34:34What crazy day, huh?
34:38You know, I think I would just have the special.
34:43What is the special?
34:45I was hoping that you would know.
34:47Whatever the special is, let's make it two.
34:50Excellent. I'll be right back.
34:55Um, so, this is strictly business. No pleasure.
35:11I wish it weren't just pleasure, but I'm afraid there is something fairly serious.
35:19Edie, I wanted you to hear it from me.
35:22But I will be signing an executive order designating the land with the original boundaries a national park.
35:32No more cattle.
35:36No more ranchers.
35:38I appreciate you telling me.
35:40As the attorney for the other side, I will concede that it is completely within your power as governor.
35:46But as your friend, you're not just declaring a park, Lucas.
35:52You're declaring war.
35:57McGinty will do whatever he can to stop you.
36:01And if he can't, he will find a way to take revenge.
36:04But we'll still be friends.
36:08Of course.
36:14Now, the least that you could do is buy me dinner.
36:21Today's special, an array of Minnie's finest pickles.
36:26Oh, let's do it.
36:28Today's special, an array of Minnie's finest pickles.
36:33Oh, leftover chicken.
36:35A chilled picnic squab.
36:38And bread that was baked fresh yesterday.
36:43Oh, bon appetit.
36:56To friends.
36:58To life.
37:09How was your night?
37:11I couldn't sleep. My mind is spinning.
37:15I guess you've got a lot to think about.
37:18Here, make yourself some tea.
37:23Oh, it's alright. Let me help.
37:29Mama, I don't want to go to that school.
37:34Angela, what's this?
37:37You were right. I forget things. I can't even make myself tea.
37:43How will I take care of myself?
37:46Oh, sweetie.
37:48Come and sit down.
37:51Once you're with the other girls and—
37:53But I'm not ready.
37:57You remember when you first went sledding?
38:01You stayed at the top of that hill waiting for all the other kids to go down one after another.
38:07And then what happened?
38:09You went down with me?
38:14When we got to the bottom, you had a smile a mile wide.
38:18And you couldn't wait to do it by yourself.
38:21But this isn't sledding.
38:23Oh, I know.
38:25But when I saw you sitting with those girls, I saw exactly what you've been saying you want.
38:32A community that understands you.
38:34But I still can't—
38:35Okay, why don't we say this?
38:38Just try it.
38:40Go down that hill once.
38:43And I have a feeling that when you get to the bottom, you're going to want to run right back up.
38:48And try it again.
38:50With all your new friends.
39:03As I'll ever be.
39:05You'll be fine.
39:07Headquarters has arranged an escort to take you all the way to the courthouse.
39:10You're in safe hands.
39:11And the Pinkertons have agreed to wipe the slate clean, as long as you testify.
39:16Thank you, Constable.
39:18I'll go check on the car.
39:21See? Now all you have to do is tell the truth.
39:24Oh, you can think of it like training for your craft.
39:27All you have to do is get up in front of people and dramatically reenact the truth.
39:32It's what real actors do.
39:35You really think I'm a real actor?
39:37Of course.
39:38Don't you forget the young lady who lit up an audience and followed her dreams?
39:44I saw her perform Gwendolyn the other night. She was sensational.
39:48And you don't have to let fake mentalists like Clyde Maxwell define you.
39:53Well, my attempt to impersonate your book was pretty terrible.
39:57On the contrary. You had us all fooled.
40:01It seems to me you've reached my favorite chapter.
40:03The one where Elsa realizes she's no longer a stranger to Hope Valley.
40:08I marked it for you.
40:13Eva Riella, I have no doubt you are going to go out into the world, make things right, take the world by storm.
40:21But if you ever find yourself in need of a home, you know where to find it.
40:29Miss Riella's chariot has arrived.
40:31Well, shall we?
40:34Thank you all so much for your generosity.
40:38Oh, my tab.
40:40It's been taken care of.
40:42It has?
40:44Let's just say singing for our customers has taken care of it. Right, Lee?
40:49Yes, of course. Don't worry about it. It's fine.
40:54No, no. I will pay you back. I will pay all of it. I'll send it from wherever I end up.
41:01Yes, absolutely. We believe you.
41:17She's a sweet girl. She'll find her way.
41:21Just like we did.
41:23Oh, no! Eva!
41:25You forgot your trunk!
41:31You forgot your trunk!