• 2 months ago
या ऑक्सीजन पार्क, कबाड़ और कचरे के निष्पादन का अनोखा तरीका


00:00Oxygen park has been opened for them.
00:02What are the qualities of this park and where did the municipality get the idea for this?
00:06In the preparation of Swachh Sarveshwar 2024, we saw some waste which was useless here.
00:15Earlier we wanted to sell it, but when we saw that the rates were coming down a lot,
00:20then when we took a decision from our employees, it was decided to make a park.
00:28In this, you can see the old items, the old tiles, the old drums,
00:34we have made some walls there.
00:36With the help of those, we have shown the asanas of Surya Namaskar.
00:40So, in this way, with a lot of material, the boundary wall of the park has also been prepared.
00:44By making a lot of pots in that park, we want to give a message to the public
00:50who throw such garbage out.
00:53With these, we can make some beautiful pots.
00:56For example, we have made a peacock.
00:58We have made it with a dolphin bottle.
01:00In this way, we want to give this message to the public.
01:03How much garbage is collected from the city, which is later put in segregation?
01:09What is the use of the hard material?
01:12From the city, we get about 5 tons of garbage daily.
01:16But according to segregation, we are collecting different types of wet and dry garbage.
01:22If the public gives it totally, then it turns into wet and dry garbage.
01:27And the dry garbage remains in more quantity because it has a lot of polythene.
01:32For those polythene, we have also ordered a machine,
01:35in which the baling and collecting machine is coming.
01:38With that, the polythene will be compressed and sold to some cement factories.
01:42So, we are also trying in that.
01:44And now the processing is only 30%.
01:47And we are making compost, which we use in our garden.
01:51How many more parks will the municipality aim to make in the city?
01:56If we get a government place like this, where there is garbage,
02:00then we will try to make parks everywhere.
02:03In this way, in front of the nursing college,
02:06where the fish market used to be,
02:08we have shifted it.
02:10And we have put an angle there too.
02:12Our next plan is to beautify it.
02:14And we will make a small garden there too.
