• 2 months ago
00:00I like your question. What would you do? 888-957-9570. You know, I mean, we can sit here and scream
00:07about this for the next two months if we want to. I would start by acknowledging Warriors
00:15are in a tough spot. And I won't say by no fault of their own, but largely, you know,
00:23whoops, okay, we can all point to things that contributed to getting them here. But I'm
00:31not offended by people who are about to turn 37 that don't play as often or as well. You
00:37know, that's the core of this. And then some of the rest of it is just head scratching.
00:44You know what I mean? Why that team was in such a flow, out of the gate, and now they
00:49can't find it. And like Bagger Vance's swing, can they find it again? I don't know. I don't
00:56know. But I won't write it off. And I don't take Steph Curry's comments, though they were
01:04unique. I don't take his comments. We'll play it for you in just a second. You didn't hear
01:10it. I don't take them as a white flag. Did you take it as a white flag? No, it's more
01:16of a yellow flag. Like, I think it's more of an admission that there's more to life
01:21after Steph than there is to going all in right now. And, you know, if they were sitting
01:26here after 39 games at 25 and 14, and it felt like they were just one player away, I do
01:32think that Steph might have been sounding a little bit different. But when you're 19
01:36and 20, and you talk about, you know, protecting the future, and you don't want to be completely
01:43dismissive of what's going to go on after you, that does to me feel a little bit like
01:48a white flag, because you're 19 and 20, you just lost to one of the worst teams in basketball,
01:53a team that had lost 16 of 17, you had a lead, and you couldn't close them out. And so again,
02:00Steph sits in front of microphone, and he's, you know, downtrodden. And so I do think there's
02:04a little bit of a realization of of who you are as a team.
02:08Alright, so here's Steph last night, talking about relevance and desperation.
02:13Mike understands like we want to win. We want to be in a position where we've always said
02:18that you want to be relevant in the championship type of chase. Well, you know, we understand
02:24we're getting older and deeper into our careers and allowing some of the young guys to kind
02:28of blossom. But it doesn't mean you're getting desperate. It's better to kind of be patient,
02:34understand what that looks like. And I know, you know, Mike is, is always on the phone
02:38trying to figure it out. So the big GM does doesn't mean there's a deal on the table doesn't
02:42mean that you're desperate doesn't mean that you're just flinging, like I said, assets
02:45all the way around and being reckless with it doesn't mean that you're just flinging
02:49the assets and being reckless with it. I don't know, man, I like, this is an interesting
02:56dynamic to me to listen to many, and guru was one of them today. I thought the whole
03:01thing was fascinating. This idea that you want your NBA star to basically be a narcissist.
03:09I don't want that. I don't want that. I understand this whole idea of like, you know, the win
03:14at all costs, and he's a dog and he's a killer and all that, like, I get it. But that's also
03:19I don't know, that's like colorful talk more than reality. Steph Curry's not a killer.
03:26He's a point guard. Yeah, I don't want him to be a narcissist. I don't want him to make
03:33the remainder of his career solely about him to where he is calling for the Warriors to
03:40do one of two things. Give me other veteran name value players at your expense. And if
03:46you don't, I'll ask for a trade. I don't want that guy. Do you want that guy? No, and he's
03:51not that guy. So I don't think that this is going to be the way that plays out. And I
03:55do think that, you know, you look at this team maybe three weeks ago and you could be a little
04:00bit more aggressive in your talk if you're Steph Curry about what you need and, you know, maybe
04:06what's going to come up at the deadline. But here you are. You've lost 17 of 24. You just went to
04:11Toronto, rested, and I know you didn't have Draymond and you don't have Kaminga and you don't
04:16have pods, but you're playing against a team that is flat terrible and a team that's won one game
04:22in the past month. And you went up there and you fought and you had the lead and then you
04:28couldn't make a shot, which has kind of been the story of this team and you lost. And your new
04:33acquisition this year, buddy healed, had a shot to tie that maybe hit the rim, kind of was near
04:40the basket. And then you look at the final score and you lose again. So I'm not surprised at the
04:47tone from Steph Curry. And I don't want to be like captain dismissive, but I go back to however
04:53long ago. And I looked at what I thought this team most likely was. And now here we are and
04:58this is who they are. And I don't look at the deadline and think, okay, if they can just get
05:04fill in the blank guy, or if they can just get, you know, fill in the blank two guys, if they can
05:08like somehow repurpose five guys into two or four guys into two that, you know what we can give life
05:16to what we have. I think for me, this is more of a, an off season rebuild. And you get to June and
05:24August and September, and you look at what you need to do for Steph next year, because right now
05:30this thing for me is too broken. I don't think you're irrational for saying that. I just,
05:35here's what I struggle with. I hear a lot of people using the phrase rock bottom today,
05:39by the way, my experience in life with rock bottom, you're not, you're not aware of it when
05:43it's happening. It's something you look back on. You're like, oh, that was rock bottom. Like this
05:49whole, we wake up the next day and we're like, that was rock bottom. Now that you're just hoping,
05:52you're hoping it doesn't get worse. Maybe they're going to lose by 60 tomorrow night.
05:56I don't know. You know what I mean? So that like, I have a hard time hearing,
06:04this is rock bottom. And then your next sentence, and you use this a lot, this is who you are.
06:10Well, you're not who you are at rock bottom. You're also not who you are when you're riding
06:15high. So I guess the core of what my thought is on where this can go, is there a trade that I'd
06:24like to see them make? Yes. Is it an earth shatterer that includes coming in multiple first
06:30rounders? No, I don't want them to do that, but I would like to see them make a move. I'd like to
06:35see them get better, but here's what no one accounts for. I want to see them play better.
06:42They can. We know these players. Dennis Schroeder is better than this. He's better than this.
06:52Is Buddy healed? I don't know. He can be. He has been at times. That's why I wasn't
07:00triggered by what Wiggins did last night. You know who he looked like last night?
07:05Andrew Wiggins. So I'm fine with that. And Kaminga was doing some interesting things
07:11before he got hurt. I don't think it's irrational to think that this group that we currently watch
07:20can be better, great, relevant. I don't know. Put whatever word you want on it, but
07:27they can play better. They can be better. And they're not that far removed from where they
07:33need to be right now. There are four really good teams in the West, in my eyes. Other than that,
07:41teams that are going to go hot, then cold, then cold, then hot. The Warriors are one of those.
07:46And I don't think it's irrational to think that something of a run can still happen to put them
07:53in that somewhere where, you know, five, six, seven, eight, nine, somewhere in there.
07:58Ten? Can we hope for ten? You can hope for whatever you want.
08:02Some people are hoping for fourteen. Exactly. And I think fourteen is probably out of reach with
08:08Portland and Utah and New Orleans being that bad. And you don't really want to be,
08:13you know, ten or eleven. You either want to be six or fourteen. And I don't think that six is
08:18attainable and fourteen is not either. So what are we looking at? And can they play better? Yes,
08:24of course they can play better. And I look at last night as a good example of a game where
08:29you played pretty well for the majority of the game. And that's a game that you should win by
08:34fourteen going away. But you let Toronto hang around and you need a bucket late. And you had
08:40no answer for Boucher, former Warrior, in the fourth quarter. And, you know, he was sticking
08:45it to you. And, you know, you get down to a spot where you need a bucket and defenses know it.
08:50And so they take Steph away. And when Steph's taken away, who's going to score? And the answer
08:55is no one. Did you see the slow-mo, not Kyle Anderson, the slow-mo replay of the Boucher
09:01throw the ball one hundred feet in the air three-pointer? There wasn't even any rotation
09:06on the ball. I'm like, what the hell was that? Dude, you look, you look like some of the guys
09:11I played with at high school who were just shot putting the ball. That guy visited the zone for
09:18maybe one of probably two times in his life. That will never happen again. That was ugly.
09:24It was a Boucher revenge game. It worked. You know, the Warriors cast him out many years ago.
09:28There's one more from Steph, by the way. And I think this is important. And again,
09:32we're looking to hear from you. 888-957-9570. What do you want the Warriors to do?
09:39What exactly do you want them to do? And the options go from all-in for Steph,
09:46um, minor trade, Stan Pat, sit everybody out and tank. We've heard everything today.
09:54Here's Steph talking more about the responsibility he feels toward the Warriors.
09:58Desperate trades are desperate, you know, moves that deplete the future. Like,
10:04there is a responsibility allowing or keeping the franchise in a good space and good spot when it
10:10comes to where we leave this thing when we're done. Doesn't mean that you're not trying to
10:14get better. Doesn't mean that you're not active in a, in any type of search to, to, you know,
10:19if you have an opportunity to trade, it makes sense. Or even in the summer free agency makes
10:23sense. Like you want to continue to get better. Nobody wants to be stale or be in a situation
10:27where you're passing up opportunities, but it doesn't mean that you're desperate, you know,
10:32just flinging assets all around the place just because you want to do something.
10:36I mean, Steph, Brian Windhorst already today said that he's never heard a statement like this from
10:42a star in the middle of the season. And I've heard a lot of people today almost either be critical
10:47of Steph for this or shocked from Steph. Why are you shocked? Why would you be critical?
10:53Steph Curry has never sounded like your neighborhood NBA star, right? It's why we
10:57love him so much. And I applaud him for his reflection, his self-awareness. He doesn't
11:03want to crater the Warriors. That's not a good thing. And it's not up to him ultimately. And
11:08yes, he can go full Jimmy Butler. He can fold his arms like LeBron. He can do a Bradley Beal.
11:13He can do whatever he wants as a professional basketball player. He's got more clout than
11:18almost any player in the league, but he's not built that way. And so at least right now, not
11:22right now. And I don't know if we ever get to a spot where Steph Curry goes to a microphone and
11:27says, yeah, I need to go somewhere else where I have a chance to win. But for him to say what he
11:32said tells me that, you know, the organization is either letting him know, signaling to him,
11:38like where they are, or he's just reading the tea leaves at 19 and 20.
