• 2 months ago
Statements by Jorge Rodriguez, president of the National Assembly of Venezuela. teleSUR
00:00In the case of the National Assembly, it was elected in December 2020 and it was installed
00:19on January 5, 2021. The period of the legislature would be the next term of the election. It
00:40has to be on January 5, 2026, in elections that must be made just to do your math. In
00:58December 2021, it was a kind of mega-election and we could be able to elect thanks to the
01:12consensus and dialogue of the mega-session. We elected locals, legislators, councillors,
01:23mayors, governors. So, we made local and regional elections. And so, as the period of the
01:33legislators is of four years, so it is needed to elect those local and regional leaders. And so,
01:45we must elect mayors, governors, legislators, municipal legislators, and councillors. And so,
01:55that is only popular elections. And so, the National Electoral Council must summon the three
02:08elections, the local, the regional, and the parliamentary elections. And so, an election is
02:17an already set agenda with a process of time, with a working plan that requires from the sum
02:27of the electoral event, denominations, the audits, the 32 electoral audits made by the National
02:38Electoral Council, the electoral registration, the printing of ballots. Well, it is a whole
02:46process. So, we are in a situation that requires the necessary analysis because we have to plan
02:57three elections, three complex elections in this 2025 year, added to the consultations of popular
03:10power. And so, the whole process proposed about the reform of the constitution proposed by President
03:25Maduro. And so, we must take a proposal to the National Electoral Council for the National
03:36Electoral Council to summon. And so, we will have very soon elections. That's why we have summoned
03:45all political parties and all groups of voters that have representation before the National
03:53Electoral Council, which are 38 political parties. And so, 37 representatives, secretary general,
04:03and general coordinators attended. And we considered important to call the four state
04:15governors that were elected in 2021 with voters that belong to the opposition to have a comprehensive
04:29representation today. And not only 37 political parties attended, but also I appreciate the
04:41attendance of the secretary of government, Barbosa of the state of Zulia, representing
04:50governor Manuel Rosales, and the secretary of government representative. So, we were all political
05:07factions there. There was no missing of any leader. And so, that's why we decided at the brink of all
05:22debates, we declare permanent sessions. And so, right now, they are working three tables. And so,
05:33we are just deciding what election will be first, what are the legal parameters,
05:42the requirements, and what are the necessary reforms for the whole processes of this law
05:55that necessary must be adjusted. We must revise the organic law of electoral processes, which
06:05cannot be modified six months earlier the day of the election. The issue of the districts, in the
06:17case of the National Assembly, the issue of the circuits. So, there are a lot of issues to discuss
06:25and pay attention that must be Venezuela, one of the few countries in the world that summons the
06:31political actors to make proposals to the only authority able to summon elections and elect
06:46a post. So, this is a deepening event. This is an event deepening democracy. And so, there have
06:55been very interesting proposals about how to set these three events in the year 2025 and the
07:11consultations. That's the reason of our special press briefing. And here, by my side, it is Ernesto
07:22Maduro Guerra and representatives of the National Assembly. And so, I am pleased to answer all your
07:29questions. Hi, how are you doing? Good. What's behind this dialogue table? There have been the
07:43presidential elections, surely President Nicolás Maduro, maybe. So, what's behind regarding the
07:54political issues? So, you have said that 37 political parties have participated out of the 38
08:03parties. And so, you said that Manuel Rosales participated in the National Assembly. So,
08:11and if they disregarded the electoral results, what is the meaning of he participating in this
08:21process? So, what is ahead? It is a country of peace. So, it is very hopeful and very good.
08:33Ahead of so much call to violence, the whole people of Venezuela is at the streets. Nationwide,
08:45all children are at school. And our boys and girls are at the colleges and universities. All markets
08:54opened as an expression of a strong democracy and of a country attached to peace and who loves so
09:04much peace. There cannot be prosperity, progress, future, if we don't manage to take care of this
09:15valuable asset of peace, which is the peace of the Republic. So, when I say to you that this
09:24meeting was represented by the 100% of the political spectrum of Venezuela, I refer to the
09:33100. And so, all political factions that complied with the constitutional requirements and legal
09:43requirements, abided by the constitution of Venezuela, that comes up with the representation
09:55of the Electoral National Council. And some of them participated in the regional, local,
10:06and presidential elections of 2024. And so, I mean all of them. That's why we invited not only
10:18political parties, but also elected governors of the opposition, as Governor Garrido from
10:26State Barinas. We know what opposition represented him and supported him. We know how he got to power.
10:38And there was Governor Galindez of the United States. So, you can ask which political party
10:50belongs to Governor Barindez. And it was the representative of the Governor of State Zulia.
10:58It was the secretary of his government. And it was the secretary of the government of Governor
11:06Rodriguez. And so, this is how democracy works out. What's ahead of us? Peace. And at least three
11:16elections, three popular elections, we have been counting up, around 4,000 councilors,
11:26and 4,400 of 24 governors, including that of Diana Esquiva, and an average of 10 legislators
11:45of legislative councils. Around 5,000 posts of popular elections, and add to that lawmakers of
12:00the National Assembly. So, I mean, it is an election that is going to allow to renew almost
12:07all posts that are elected by popular vote, except for other fantasy legislators. Venezuela
12:23must renew by popular election the entities, the organs that are elected, voted by popular vote.
12:37Martinez, and Maduro Guerra, and Jorge Rodriguez. And they are term in office next January 5th,
12:502026. So, we are at the service, well, the people is going to elect their nominees. And so,
13:04the one who is elected will be sweating in next January 5th, 2026. Ahead of us,
13:14peace, future, and elections, Madeline. For Venezuela News, Fabiana Marquez. Well,
13:23if it is not too soon, when are you going to publish the whole electoral agenda? And so,
13:35what message would the Bolivarian nation send to the international community by participating all
13:46political sectors? And last, if in this opportunity, you plan to announce the results
13:57of the elections? Well, about the last of the acknowledgement of results, it is already a
14:04constant tradition by the National Electoral Council. I want to recall that the National
14:11Assembly, within this special commission, make proposals to the National Electoral Council,
14:18because the only authority abided by constitution to summon and to all that has to do with elections
14:26is the National Electoral Council. All the electoral events in the country, trade unions,
14:33students' movements, federations, academies, and the post of popular vote that are stipulated in
14:43our constitution. So, all that is the responsibility of the National Electoral Council. So, the message
14:51is clear. The one who sees it, sees it, and the one who listens to it, listens to it. So,
14:57there are interesting factors that are meant to be blind, deaf, but not mute. And so, they lie,
15:08and I am sure that they will undermine this conversation, this meeting. I wish not,
15:17I wish all media outlets reflected that here were present 100% of all political factions.
15:26Who are not there? The violent ones, the ones who want death, the ones who summon with a lot
15:36of rage invasions to those involved with drug smugglers and assassins to request invention
15:51and interference to the sacred territory of Venezuela. And I say it honestly, that was
15:59already defeated. We want to lower our guard, but they are already defeated. So, today,
16:06it is an expression in medical terms. It is a symptom. Today, it is a lab test that they are
16:14already defeated. That all opposition and all political parties of Venezuela have attended here.
16:25All who participated in the presidential elections in July 2024, without an exception,
16:35when you take the temperature to your child, 36.5 degrees Celsius, and he has no fever,
16:46or she has no fever anymore. So, this is an evident proof of what the Venezuelan people
16:53want, regardless of our political position, our religious belief, faith, or any differences. So,
17:05this is a very crystal clear message. So, why am I coming to a meeting if then I'm not going
17:18to participate in the elections? They want to participate in elections. All of them have made
17:25proposals. So, we cannot set any agenda, but we are just going to make proposals. So, we have 48
17:37hours to finish those proposals. So, I am just clarifying that we will be holding elections,
17:46at least nine of them, in 2025. But, what is almost certain is that elections will be coming
17:57soon, very soon, for them to be said. Okay, Andres, how are you doing? Good afternoon. This
18:10is the new green that represents hope. Last year, you pointed out that before December 15,
18:21there were going to be already approved the electoral reforms. What comments do you have
18:29about not complying with it, about the constitutional reform? There's going to be
18:34elections. There's going to be the possibility of having these constitutional reforms, and what
18:42are the aspects to tackle? And yesterday, Roberto Enriquez highlighted to media outlets that dialogue
18:49is a way of sorting out differences, but there has to be a dialogue, a genuine and not tricked
18:59dialogue. And so, what are your comments about it? Well, I don't know if Roberto made those
19:08statements, but he didn't speak to me. I wasn't updated about this because I have no comments to
19:19make about this. What could I say? That I agree with an honest dialogue without any tricks. I
19:29agree with the dialogue with a peaceful purpose, with peaceful people, and not with people that
19:41are interested in something and betraying us, that behind us they are promoting war or anything.
19:53So, dialogue must be between Democrats, between people who defend peace, and not a dialogue with
20:04people who recognize elections when they want, or only they assume that democracy in Venezuela is
20:12good if wins something, if wins a governorate, or otherwise they kill people or burn everything. So,
20:26we are fed up with those kinds of people. So, pay attention. If you want to ask which military
20:36party belongs to at this moment, it is high and clear. It is a very crystal clear signal that
20:50here we have the 100% of all political parties in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Because,
21:01there's another thing, that it is very impressive how extreme factors, international extreme factors,
21:11believe they can mock Venezuela every time they want, and they can say everything about
21:21Venezuela. Well, we are going to invade Venezuela. We are going to do other things. What kind of
21:29diplomacy is that? So, when you review the opinions of their own people about the one who posted that,
21:38and so, tell me who you are a company with. So, they just meddle in the internal affairs,
21:54and so, tomorrow you will come back. So, we will hold these dialogues at peace, and I think that
22:06this meeting is a collaboration of political factors of Venezuela for the peace of the
22:12Republic. Because, everyone who is there, expresses their steadfast determination of
22:18looking after constitutional peace, and participating in the electoral events summoned,
22:24all of them without exceptions. And about the electoral laws, you are right, it has been a
22:32hard-working agenda, because a law can be transformed, because if a group of legislators
22:43decided, but we prefer to consult all political factions. And so, the Vice President, Eduardo
22:55Martinez, I want you to mention what the Constitution sets forth in the article 190,
23:04which clearly says that the only law that cannot be modified is the organic law of electoral
23:21processes, six-month earlier elections. So, all the rest of laws that, for instance, the law of
23:33political parties that require a lot of updating, can be reformed by the National Assembly, but we
23:43say that the reforms derive from the consensus of all political factors. And this law of electoral
23:53processes, let me give you an example, the nominations, the requirements for nominations,
24:07the requirements for nominating candidates in Venezuela, will be those established by the
24:19Constitution. So, the laws of the Republic stipulated in the Constitution, the penal law,
24:34those sentenced people cannot be nominees, and the organic law of Simon Bolivar, and all laws
24:47of the Republic. So, they can be reformed, at least the law of the political parties can be
24:56reformed. So, that's the debate we are holding. Thank you.
24:59We were listening to the statements of the President of the National Assembly of Venezuela,
25:09Jorge Rodriguez, who was providing a brief conference, a press conference to the journalists
25:14gathered there at the National Headquarters of the National Assembly. As the working meeting
25:19continues of this special commission that was installed to draft the different proposals for
25:25the schedule, the timetable of the elections that are going to be held this year, 2025,
25:29in Venezuela, being the local, the regional, and the parliamentary elections that will define the
25:34National Assembly for the next year, starting next January 5th, 2026. So, the work is in progress.
25:41The President of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodriguez, said that all political sectors,
25:44actors that comply with the Constitution have been summoned for this talk and are all present
25:49in these working tables, all working in unison to determine the rules of laws of this electoral
25:54process, when are they going to be held, which ones are going to be held before the other one,
25:59and very soon we'll have more information. And when the results are ready on how the
26:04timetable will be made, will be comprised, the authorities will announce when each election
26:09will be held and when all the campaign rallies and everything has to do with the logistics of
26:13the elections, all that will be informed. And of course, we'll have it here at Telesur. So,
26:18stay tuned for that. For now, with this, we have come to the end of this news brief. Remember,
26:22you can find more news on our website at telesurenglish.net. Also, join us on our
26:26social medias on Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, and TikTok. Stay tuned with
26:30Telesur English. With Alberto Matos, thank you for watching.
