• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - Energia rinnovabile, efficienza energetica e valorizzazione architettonica per uno sviluppo sostenibile, un mix di fattori che convergono nell'inaugurazione della nuova copertura vetrata fotovoltaica nel Cortile delle Corazze dei Musei Vaticani. Il progetto, frutto della collaborazione tra il Governatorato della Città del Vaticano e Acea, è stato completato in tempi record, appena sei mesi. Realizzato da Areti, società del Gruppo Acea specializzata nella distribuzione di energia elettrica a Roma, si inserisce in una visione complessiva di sostenibilità ed efficientamento energetico per il Vaticano, che prosegue con ulteriori interventi previsti nei prossimi mesi


00:00Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Architectural Valuation for Sustainable Development, a mix of factors that converge in the inauguration of the new photovoltaic glass roof in the Cortile delle Corazze of the Vatican Museums.
00:17The project, the result of the collaboration between the Governorate of the Vatican City and ACEA, was completed in record time, just six months.
00:26Realized by Areti, a company of the ACEA group specialized in the distribution of electrical energy in Rome, it is included in a comprehensive vision of energy sustainability and efficiency for the Vatican, which continues with further interventions planned in the coming months.
00:41The new structure covers an area of ​​1,200 square meters and stands out for its double impact. On the one hand, the installation of photovoltaic glasses will allow an annual production of renewable energy. On the other hand, the aesthetic and functional appearance of the roof values ​​one of the most iconic places in the Eternal City.
01:00It is a system that, as we see, is composed of 235 high-performance photovoltaic panels, which was realized thanks to the coordination of Areti together with a series of suppliers and subcontractors in a harmony that allowed to realize everything in six months, obviously reconciling the realization of this infrastructure with the visits of tourists that have never been interrupted during this period.
01:28In addition to the roof of the Cortile delle Corazze, the project also includes the installation of photovoltaic glasses for the Vignaccia warehouse in the Vatican Gardens, which will be completed within the first months of 2025. Overall, the two plants will offer a power of 350 kilowatts of photovoltaic peak for a total production of about 500 megawatts of electricity per year.
01:50We have developed, I must say, in great harmony, together with the technicians of Acea and Areti, these projects that are really complex, because they are very particular, delicate structures that insist on very sensitive sites and therefore are very complex to achieve. They require time, but this has really been done in record time.
02:14On the same day, new charging stations for electric vehicles, 20 fast charging points and two ultra-fast have also been inaugurated to facilitate the transition to more sustainable mobility. These initiatives reiterate the commitment of the Vatican to technological innovation and environmental protection, combining tradition and modernity at the heart of a site that is a symbol of culture and world history.
