Rakul Preet Singh was recently snapped at Versova Jetty, and she made a stylish impression with her outfit. The actress opted for a beautiful white co-ord set with black strips, which included a cut-sleeve top and pant. She paired the outfit with black footwear, which added a nice touch to her overall look.
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#RakulPreetSingh #Trending #2024 #BollywoodCountry #BollywoodNews #BollywoodGossips #BollywoodUpdates #BollywoodNews #Bollywood #Bollywoodcelebrity #BollywoodHindiNews #ians
00:00Rakul Preet Singh was recently snapped at Versova Jetty and she made a stylish impression
00:06with her outfit.
00:07The actress opted for a beautiful white co-ord set with black strips, which included a cut
00:12sleeve top and pant.
00:14She paired the outfit with black footwear, which added a nice touch to her overall look.
00:20To complete her look, Rakul Preet Singh wore sunglasses, which added a cool and chic vibe
00:25to her appearance.
00:26She kept her look simple and elegant, opting for minimal makeup that highlighted her natural
00:33The actress also kept her accessories to a minimum, wearing only a watch that complemented
00:38her outfit perfectly.
00:40Rakul Preet Singh's Versova Jetty spotting was a treat for fans and paparazzi alike and
00:46she undoubtedly made a lasting impression with her stylish appearance.
00:50Her outfit was a perfect blend of comfort and style and she pulled it off with ease.
00:55As she walked away, Rakul left behind a trail of admiration and appreciation for her chic
01:01and elegant look.