• last year
The Listeners Trailer HD - BBC - Plot Synopsis: "Can you hear the hum?" Claire (Rebecca Hall), a school teacher, begins to hear a low humming in her ears. Nobody else can hear the noise, which starts becoming disruptive to her professional and private life. This seemingly innocuous noise gradually upsets the balance of her life, increasing tension between herself and her husband, Paul, and daughter, Ashley – and despite multiple doctors, no obvious source or medical cause can be found. When a student of hers, Kyle (Ollie West), claims he can also hear the sound, the two strike up an unlikely and intimate friendship. The Listeners is a series created and written by Canadian writer Jordan Tannahill


00:00Oh, what's that noise then?
00:04I'm worried about you.
00:08You've been weird. People are noticing.
00:12I feel like I can't trust my senses.
00:16Maybe we can talk about it more.
00:18I just think you should get tested.
00:21What is it?
00:22The hum is not your enemy.
00:23I feel like I'm watching my life collapse.
00:25What about your family?
00:26What if it is a gift?
00:29This will not end the way that you think it will.
