Emmerdale 16th September 2024

  • 4 days ago
Emmerdale 16th September 2024
00:00Hey, it's, um, it's me. Look, um, Moira has some sort of tumour on her brain and, er...
00:20Look, son, I am really sorry. I, um... I didn't mean it, any of it. Um, I shouldn't
00:30have said what I said and, er... Look, just, please, come home, yeah?
00:36Hey. You've been here all night. I told you to go.
00:49And I told you I'm in this with you. Good morning!
00:56Time to rise and shine. Oh, delish, lovely. Not breakfast yet.
01:01Oi, don't eat your apple. What? Want a bite?
01:04Sorry, Mum. He insisted on tagging along. Um, if anyone's tagging along, it's you, mate.
01:08Can you see what I'm dealing with, Mum? The sooner you get home, the better.
01:11I'm trying. How are the boys? Yeah, er, good. Ice cream for breakfast, dinner
01:16and tea, so good hands. How are you doing? Yeah, I'm, er...
01:20Have you heard from the neuro team yet? They'll be here when they're ready.
01:24Well, until then, Mum, just sit back, all right? Relax. The farm and the boys are safe
01:28with me. I've made sure of that. I've taken John on
01:31to help out, Moira. Oi, that was my brilliant idea, thank you
01:35very much. Moira! Call the doctor, now!
01:45Something smells gorge. Yeah, erm, biscuits. For my, er, church club.
01:52Ah. Erm, Amelia? I'll say another prayer for Moira, but I'd
01:56best go. Right, well, then I'll join you.
02:00Go to the church? Yeah. Go for a coffee afterwards. Maybe check
02:05in on Belle. No. I'm not listening to any more of her lies,
02:08Chas. They're cruel. She's not lying.
02:10Yeah, well, of course you'd believe her. You're her family.
02:13So are you! There are plenty of liars in my family, but Belle is not one of them.
02:18She lied about killing Tom's baby. Whoa! No! She terminated her pregnancy.
02:23Yeah, and she lied about it. And you're saying that she don't lie?
02:26What about this? Amelia, I get, I get that Tom has been charming and kind to you, but
02:34he is dangerous. Tom is. Tom who's never been locked up for killing
02:40someone or not been off his meds cos he's never been on meds in the first place.
02:44Don't let him twist Belle's past issues. We've all seen her lose it on him.
02:48Oh, sweetheart. No, don't talk down to me. I'm not a kid.
02:51At least Tom actually treats me like a grown woman. I actually trust him. I trust him.
02:57He's finally had the guts to walk away from a bad marriage.
02:59I mean, you were practically his wife's carer. Carer?
03:02You have no idea how much he hid to protect her. And once he moved on and he met me, she
03:06starts crying abuse. To protect you!
03:08No, because she's jealous. Wow. God, he has really done a number on you.
03:12No. Belle's done a number on you.
03:17Can you do anything to help her? She's safe. She'll be a little dazed when
03:23she comes to. Mum? Are you OK, Mum?
03:27I'm going to need a place, a school run. Your children are all right, Moira. All taken
03:35care of. You've had another seizure. You're coming out from it now. Nothing to worry about.
03:46Tell them that. Is it my house guests playing up again?
03:51Looks like it. This one was what we call a generalised seizure, or tonic-clonic seizure.
03:57Is it bad? He just switched off for a couple of minutes.
04:02We will look at increasing your anti-epileptic medication to reduce the risk of these type
04:08of seizures occurring. Reduce, not stop?
04:13You will discuss it with your neurologist and neurosurgeon. They are the experts on
04:18all things brain matter. They're meeting now, coming up with a plan to tackle your...
04:25What did you call it? A house guest.
04:30He's the star of the show. The specialist will be along to advise you later.
04:36Thank you. Well, I am not having you lot gawping at me until then.
04:43Well, I'm not, shefty.
04:46Well, you two reckon you've got the boys and the farm covered, so go cover them. Please.
04:54OK, Ma. All right. Well, see you later.
04:58Love you.
04:59Love you too.
05:00I'd just really love to know what you've got planned for your birthday this week, so call me back.
05:13I miss you. Sweetheart.
05:16Hi, Nicky.
05:18That's one of my lovers.
05:21Sent me to voicemail.
05:24Come here.
05:28Is that Jay again?
05:31Yeah, he called when you were showering. Desperate to know if you'd raised any cash yet.
05:35It's no big deal. Just a slight glitch.
05:38Is that what we're calling him now? How fitting.
05:41How are you holding up?
05:43Pitchy. Kept waking up. Choking on smoke.
05:47That's all right. It wasn't real.
05:52So what are you up for today?
05:55Self-indulgence with a hurt-called earthling?
05:58I'm making words up.
05:59No, it means lounging in bed for as long as I want.
06:01Are you coming?
06:02No, no, I can't. Jay needs his hand held before I go and check in on Cain.
06:09See you in a bit. Enjoy your decadence.
06:14Where's Tracey skiving at?
06:17I'm not my sister's keeper.
06:20Oh, should have robbed you blind.
06:24Security cameras would have busted you.
06:30Was it a bad time?
06:32When isn't it?
06:34Trace, are you all right?
06:37No, it's just texted. He's made it to school.
06:41No, it's just texted. He's made it to Shetland.
06:44That's bad.
06:49Settling in. Head's a mess.
06:53Don't call me. I'll call you when I'm ready.
06:57That's cold.
06:59Arctic. Call him anyway.
07:01Tried. It went to voicemail.
07:04I mean, I'm the one who sent him packing, accusing him of all sorts.
07:08No wonder he won't shut me.
07:13Vanessa, get us a bottle of wine.
07:15On it.
07:27Have you seen Amelia?
07:29Much to her disappointment.
07:31Well, it's not just you.
07:33How did she seem?
07:34Outraged that we'd all been conned.
07:36Well, we have. And not by Belle.
07:38She needs to open her eyes, man.
07:40Yeah, but we can't open them for her.
07:42Not when she's in love and loyal.
07:44I saw it far too many times in the shelter.
07:46We need to tread carefully.
07:51I've got it.
07:54Oh, dear. Fighting with lipsticks and tampons.
07:57You all right?
07:59Yeah, apparently.
08:00All I need is a lion to get over nearly dying in an inferno.
08:04How are you on this fine day?
08:07Actually, I'm in need of a cuppa.
08:09Do you fancy one?
08:10Are you worried I might pour it on your head?
08:12More worried I might pour it over yours.
08:14Are you joining me?
08:20Shouldn't you be helping out at the farm?
08:22Thanks, Mackenzie, for going to get some fresh clothes and some proper food for us.
08:29Oh, Mr Chowdhury.
08:31This is Miss Green, the neurosurgeon I said is on your case.
08:35My very own neurosurgeon.
08:37Lucky me, eh?
08:38Are you ready to discuss your options?
08:42You will need surgery at some point.
08:45How long till you can get her in?
08:47The preferred option is to try and control your seizures with medication first.
08:52Well, why not just get it out and be done with it?
08:54That is an option.
08:56You do have that choice.
08:58I consider it is safer to try to reduce the risk of seizures around surgery first.
09:05How long will that take?
09:07To get the best therapeutic dose, a few weeks.
09:13Then you get her in for surgery?
09:14Later finish, man.
09:15We would do an interval MRI scan in a couple of months.
09:19Months? You just said a few weeks.
09:22Keen, let me hear what she has to say.
09:24You're not helping.
09:26The scan would give us information about the growth rate.
09:29Well, you said try and control my seizures.
09:32What if you can't?
09:33There is no guarantee that these seizures will settle.
09:36I'll still need to have the surgery.
09:39And we'll have waited all that time and given it a chance to grow and get worse.
09:44This option we typically call watch and wait.
09:47It is considered the safest option.
09:50That's a ticking time bomb she's got in her head.
09:52She just wants to wait to see if it gets worse.
09:54Keen, can you listen, please?
10:00Casey, go after him.
10:04I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
10:05He's just...
10:06Just to be clear, Moira.
10:08It is absolutely your choice what treatment we pursue.
10:12You decide.
10:17What the hell was that?
10:25All right, I'm coming. Just needed a breather.
10:28No, you're not.
10:29You're not seen like this.
10:30I'm OK now.
10:34Get out of my way, Mackenzie.
10:38What's going on?
10:39You go back in there, she's only going to fret about you.
10:42She will worry that you're going to throw another selfish tantrum
10:45because you're too weak to handle it.
10:49I'm sorry.
10:50You're selfish tantrum because you're too weak to handle it.
10:54She needs to know what she's up against.
10:56How can she do that when she's too busy worrying about you?
11:01Cale, can you take your brother home, please?
11:04Keen, we're all struggling here.
11:06But this is the start of what Moira has to deal with.
11:11Do you want to do right by her?
11:12Yeah, always.
11:15Then get a grip.
11:17And be better.
11:25If you were gulping that much and you were a bloke,
11:27I'd have clobbered you by now.
11:29I'm trying to work out how you go from boobless one day
11:32to fully boobed the next.
11:35Padded bra.
11:37All my tops are from before the op, so, well, no pad, no fit.
11:41Oh, right.
11:42What, you're too cheap to buy new tops?
11:45When you offered me a cuppa, I thought you meant a proper drink.
11:49No judgment here.
11:50Of course there is. You wouldn't be human otherwise.
11:52Well, let's just say I'm not judging you badly.
11:54I wouldn't care if you did.
11:57I love our little chat.
12:02Oh, sorry, I...
12:04Oh, it's all right.
12:05No, it's not, it's eves.
12:06Yeah, there's plenty more where that came from.
12:08Well, not as many as you think.
12:11One day you're the centre of their world,
12:13the next you almost get burned to death
12:15and you can't even pick up the phone.
12:19I suppose we did leave things in a bad way.
12:22What's his dad's excuse for not caring?
12:25Caleb cares.
12:28I told him I was having nightmares.
12:32He took off.
12:33Scalding his minions and running after your brother
12:37are bigger priorities than me.
12:44Chwara be with Moira every step of the way, innit?
12:48I couldn't hold it together for five minutes.
12:51I left her to face it without me.
12:53Mackenzie's with her.
12:54Yeah, well, it should be me.
12:57I went through the same with Mum.
12:59Just stood by and did nothing, let it happen.
13:02I can't do that again.
13:08What are you doing home?
13:09Well, they've discharged me.
13:11What for? They're just freeing up another hospital bed.
13:14I thought you were holding it together.
13:16The doctors think that I can live with this tumour for now.
13:19Well, they're wrong.
13:20She almost died already.
13:22Cain, stop.
13:23Just stop.
13:25I will try to live with it until it's safe to get it out.
13:29Look, I've got it from here, so...
13:31But you're...
13:32Mackenzie, we've got it, honestly.
13:35Please don't be offended, but can you just...
13:37Can you just go?
13:47Come on.
13:57I'm sorry.
13:58I know.
14:00It just feels like they're abandoning you.
14:02They're not.
14:04Miss Green said it was up to me what we do next.
14:07She was the one who was pushing you to do nothing.
14:09No, she wasn't.
14:11Cain, do you want to keep kicking off, or are you ready to hear what I'm facing?
14:16You need to play it clever.
14:17Like, cool your jets on Tom being the devil.
14:19But he is.
14:23Ah, yes, she is.
14:24Pull up a pew.
14:25And stop you from talking about me.
14:27No tap.
14:28Oh, give all that.
14:29We were just nattering about...
14:34Cos me mam wants to apologise.
14:39I'm sorry, love.
14:41What, for repeating Belle's lies?
14:43For airing it in the pub.
14:45For airing her lies.
14:46What happened to being innocent until proven guilty?
14:50Oh, Amelia, please stay.
14:52No, I'm sick of the lectures.
14:54We're on your side.
15:01We're on your side.
15:03We are.
15:05Don't feel right indulging her ignorance.
15:09All she wants right now is for Tom to come back.
15:11Well, he won't.
15:12If he knows what's good for him.
15:14But what if he does?
15:15If we push her too hard, she'll shut us out.
15:18And then she will be isolated and vulnerable to him.
15:21She'd be in serious danger.
15:25Oh, thank God.
15:27I thought you were going to try and feed me more dishwater.
15:29Eh, it's the best coffee for miles.
15:32If you turn your nose up at that, then this ain't going to be up to standard.
15:34No, I won't.
15:35Eh, you're less likeable by the day.
15:37I'm growing on you.
15:39Come on, give it to me.
15:41I almost got burnt to a crystal.
15:42Ah, cheap card.
15:44Here, look.
15:46Oh, what are you doing here?
15:48I am bonding with my second least favourite sister-in-law.
15:52You've been bumped up.
15:54She's coming to dinner tomorrow.
15:56I am?
15:59I am, yes.
16:01But I've got Kyle and Isaac staying, so if I'm less than fresh,
16:04then you'll be no different to usual.
16:06So I take it you haven't been searching high and low for me then?
16:09No, I've been checking on Cain.
16:11Myra's home.
16:13They cut it out already?
16:14No, they wanted to live with it and see how it goes.
16:17And how did Cain say that?
16:18Yeah, about as well as you'd expect.
16:20Oh, that's the last thing we need, him spiralling about to get up there.
16:22No, no, don't.
16:24Myra sent me and Mac packing.
16:25She wanted to talk to him on her own.
16:27Wow, a married couple talking things through.
16:30I wonder what that's like.
16:32Are you really making this all about you right now?
16:35Thanks for the drink and everything.
16:45What, are you just walking off on me?
16:49Well, if I was her, I'd walk away too.
16:53What about poor Frankie?
16:55I mean, she wants to talk to her dad,
16:57and I really thought her dad would want to talk to her.
16:59I mean, he loves the birds, doesn't he?
17:01Oh, Eric's going to have a fit when he finds out I've locked up hours early
17:05and now we're drinking all this stock.
17:07Who's telling?
17:09Would you really have uprooted Frankie
17:11and moved your entire life to Scotland?
17:14I was all in,
17:16until I thought he'd got it on with Myra.
17:20I should have trusted him.
17:22But you didn't.
17:24I keep messing up every chance I've got at a happy family.
17:28Right, I see you're a messed up family,
17:31and I will raise you mine.
17:32OK, you've got a choice.
17:35You can take Nate by the horns,
17:37chase him to Scotland and beg him for another chance,
17:40or you stay here, you wallow a bit more,
17:44and then realise that he didn't even care enough
17:48to stick around and set things right,
17:50and you start over.
17:53I hate starting over.
17:55Yeah, we all do.
17:58Ruby, just hang on, will you?
18:00Come on, wait. I'm sorry.
18:03Why are you being headbutted?
18:05Headbutted? Held at gunpoint?
18:07Shot at? Knocked out? Almost burned to death?
18:10All thanks to Myra, who I can't even be mad at
18:13because she is doolally and sick,
18:15and it is heartbreaking what she is facing.
18:17Yes, it is.
18:18It is, yeah, but I'm here, your wife, your supposed everything,
18:21not sleeping, not coping.
18:23You're not.
18:24Of course I'm not!
18:25You seem really strong.
18:26Strong doesn't mean I'm not struggling or important.
18:29You're the most important thing in my life.
18:31Where were you today? Running after your brother again?
18:33Yeah, cos when he spirals, he needs someone to talk him down.
18:36He has got loads of people to do that.
18:38I have you. I only have you.
18:41And you don't care.
18:42Of course I do, I just don't want to think about it.
18:46How close I came to losing you.
18:51Who am I without you?
18:53A waste of space.
18:57You need to step up and be the one I can lean on.
19:01I will, Ruby.
19:03I love you.
19:05Stop being needy.
19:25Will you stop calling?
19:30I'll protect Ruby from you with everything that I've got.
19:32Are you listening to me?
19:36And you're a liar.
19:41All right, then, tomorrow I'll be there.
19:44If only to put your 640 under me self.
19:48It really is your choice to have the surgery.
19:51Just choose the surgery.
19:56When it was me, you begged me to have surgery.
19:59For you, there was no other choice.
20:01That aneurysm was going to kill you.
20:04Mine won't.
20:05But it almost did.
20:06Because we didn't know what we were dealing with.
20:09And I reckon all the stress and confusion made it a far worse house guest.
20:14Don't do that, just laugh it off.
20:17Hey, you don't get to tell me what I call it,
20:20how I feel about it or deal with it.
20:22But I promise you, being glib doesn't make it seem OK.
20:26And if it starts acting up or it gets worse,
20:29then surgery will become more urgent.
20:32And more risky.
20:34Is it?
20:37Because even if the medication does work,
20:39it could take weeks.
20:42Watching what happened today, that was...
20:44Hard, I'm sure.
20:48But hard is not impossible.
20:50And we can do hard things.
20:53And if it doesn't work?
20:55It could grow bigger within months and it'd be harder to cut out.
20:59But they will cut it out.
21:02And possibly a part of me with it.
21:05But I need you to keep it together for both of us, Adam.
21:11Can you do that for me?
21:16Come here.