Coronation Street 16th September 2024

  • 4 days ago
Coronation Street 16th September 2024


00:23Dragunu Mama, I'm good to see you!
00:26Ah! Was he okay?
00:29Yeah. Yeah, he was... he was fine, wasn't he?
00:32Yeah, lots of... lots of crashing cars.
00:34Crashing cars?!
00:35Yeah, you get two cars and you crash them together, yeah.
00:38I think she's got to work that out, Tash.
00:40I don't know, stay for a brew?
00:42Not now, the taxi's waiting, I'm afraid.
00:45Really? I mean, I thought you would...
00:48Never mind.
00:50You're gonna come to visit soon, yeah?
00:52Yeah, yeah, yeah, as soon as possible.
00:57Come on.
00:58We know he's waiting.
01:00Okay, come on.
01:02Look, you've got your hands full, haven't they?
01:04Oh, thank you.
01:05Now, all of your things are in here, Doreen, yeah?
01:08Can we get in?
01:09In your bag?
01:10Oh, you know what?
01:12I've still got your favourite car. What colour is it?
01:15Yellow, yeah, it is. Come on, then.
01:22You're not coming in.
01:25I'm sorry, are you a security guard?
01:27Sorry, what's going on?
01:29Like I said, you're not coming in.
01:31I must say, you are very intimidating.
01:35I've got every right to walk in there and serve Carla
01:38with a letter of claim commencing proceedings against her.
01:42Are you joking?
01:44So, what are you gonna do?
01:46What can you do?
01:48Kirk, let him past.
01:50Ooh! Funny, that.
01:54What is going on?
01:55Oh, it's you.
01:58Slow morning, Joel.
02:00You know everything called email.
02:02I thought you'd appreciate the personal touch.
02:04Did you?
02:05Like you thought wrong.
02:09So, what?
02:11You really think behaving like this
02:13is gonna make you seem innocent?
02:15I'm just looking after the interests of me and my son.
02:18Maybe the first bit.
02:20You don't give a stuff about Frankie.
02:24I see you're out.
02:26OK, thanks.
02:28I can't believe him.
02:29He's just trying to get under people's skin.
02:31Yeah, well, it's working.
02:34That was Nikki.
02:36She's coming over and she's bringing Ellie.
02:40Aw, look at you two, working together.
02:43Kiss of death for a lot of couples, that.
02:46Only if there isn't a well-defined packing order.
02:48And does she, Peck?
02:52Although that barrel does need changing.
02:55Change the barrel, Ryan.
02:56Yeah, OK.
03:01Oh, just the person.
03:04Now, are you busy?
03:06Or can we have a quick chat?
03:09Yeah, she can't hear you.
03:12And no, she is not busy.
03:14Although she might tell you that she is,
03:15but every time I walk by, she's scrolling through her socials.
03:18Hey, Bethany!
03:22Do you want another tap water?
03:24Oh, no, I've got some.
03:26Some left.
03:34Now, I have got a slightly bonkers,
03:40but very exciting proposal for you.
03:42Oh, really?
03:44How do you fancy a trip to Turkey?
03:49So, I've got a friend, yeah?
03:51She is the CEO of this incredibly swanky cosmetic surgery company.
03:57And they're all set to have this huge PR push,
04:00you know, articles, socials, you name it.
04:03Anyway, me point is, as part of this whole shebang,
04:07they're flying a journalist out there to Turkey,
04:10to the clinic, for a week.
04:12The said journalist has only gone and pulled out,
04:16yeah, broke it or something.
04:18And my friend asked me if I know of anyone.
04:21And you said me.
04:23I mean, she'd have to meet you, obviously,
04:25but between you and me, she's in a bit of a tizz about it.
04:28So, if you said you could do it, I'm sure she'd bite your hand off.
04:34Yeah, well, thank you for thinking of me, obviously.
04:37Oh, hang on a minute, there's never a book coming, is there?
04:40If you're worried about the money, don't be.
04:43I know she'll pay you well.
04:45I've seen their promotion's budget.
04:47Yeah, no, it sounds great, but...
04:50Yeah, there it is, the big bad butt.
04:52It's just that I promised myself
04:54that I wouldn't do any more promotional stuff, you know, puff pieces.
04:59I'm just trying to give the serious journalism thing another go.
05:03That's why I'm in here all the time, writing.
05:08But, seriously, thank you so much for the offer.
05:11I do appreciate it.
05:13OK, well, no props. Serious is good, sometimes.
05:18But if you do change your mind,
05:20you've probably got about an hour before she finds someone else.
05:25Hey, don't suppose they consider someone
05:28with loads of experience in influencing
05:31and hours and hours of online content creation?
05:34Amelia definitely did say a background in print journalism.
05:37Yeah, that's why I thought of...
05:40Yeah, yeah, makes sense.
05:42I could check if they're looking for someone who influences people.
05:49It's fine. I don't really want to do that any more anyway,
05:52and I'm busy, busy, busy.
05:55Just like Bethany, really.
05:57I mean, someone's got to check
05:59what the cast of Gossip Girl look like now, haven't they?
06:10Nicky said they were on their way.
06:13We can't lose this chance, Lisa. We need her statement.
06:18And even if she will turn up,
06:20I mean, how do we even begin to convince her to help us?
06:23She's probably terrified.
06:25Listen, we stick to the facts.
06:28And we tell her we need her
06:30to make sure Joel can't do this to anyone else.
06:33What, so we...
06:35we emotionally blackmail a vulnerable young woman?
06:38Yeah, that's right.
06:40Seriously, you're going to start that?
06:42Beating yourself up cos obviously you're the one that's in the wrong?
06:46We do whatever it takes
06:48to make sure Joel can't do this again to anyone else.
06:54No, you're right. Sorry, I just...
06:56I've been stressed. I just...
06:58No, no, it's fine.
07:00Me too.
07:02And, you know, bad cop.
07:05Yeah, you are really good at that.
07:15Hi, yeah, come up.
07:18There it goes.
07:21Hi. Come in.
07:23So you found the place OK?
07:25Yeah. Daniel used to live here, didn't he?
07:27Of course he did.
07:30Hiya, Ellie.
07:32Come in.
07:39Oh, wow. Lemon fresh.
07:41Yeah, just thought I'd give the kitchen a proper clean.
07:45A bit of what you say, I know.
07:47Distraction. Displacement.
07:50OK, so as long as you don't want me to help,
07:52then you do what you want.
07:55Go on, then, chuck us that oven cleaner.
07:57Yeah, can you answer that for me? I haven't wet hands.
08:03Billy Mayhew's phone.
08:07Oh, hi.
08:13Yeah, that's fine. I'll be in.
08:16Yeah, that's right.
08:19OK. Thanks.
08:23What was it?
08:25The living aids people. Bernie must have rang them.
08:28Oh, flipping heck.
08:30What, they want to come and pick up his chair today?
08:32Yeah, well, Paul wanted it sorted as soon as possible
08:35so someone else on the waiting list can...
08:37Yeah, no, I just...
08:39I just didn't expect it to be so soon.
08:42Does that mean they want to pick his voice synthesiser up today as well?
08:45Cos I haven't bagged that up yet.
08:47I don't know. I'll ring.
08:49He's got his voice on it.
08:51Everything. All of his messages.
08:54They won't take it until you're ready.
08:56I just thought I had more time.
08:58I was going to back everything up onto an external hard drive
09:01and I haven't even worked out how to do that yet.
09:04Billy, have time. It's fine.
09:07Why don't you start backing it up and I'll call them?
09:16I'm sorry we're having to do any of this.
09:19It's just we think we know how badly Joel treated you
09:22because, well, we know how he works.
09:25Maybe you could go over why you need her.
09:27Because we... Sorry.
09:31So, Nicky explained to you what happened with Lauren?
09:34I didn't need to explain. It was everywhere, wasn't it?
09:37Yeah, of course.
09:39So, Joel represented Lauren when she was in trouble
09:43and he made out like he was helping her
09:45when really he was grooming her to have sex with her
09:48and physically assault her.
09:50He finally beat her up so badly
09:53and made her so scared that she ran away,
09:56even though she was pregnant with his baby.
09:59Now, look, I'm not saying that's exactly what happened with you.
10:04Um, yeah.
10:06That's what he did.
10:08I mean, I didn't get pregnant, but, like, yeah.
10:12He made out like he was nice and then...
10:19..just, yeah.
10:21That's what happened to me too.
10:28Thank you for telling us that, Ellie. That's very brave.
10:32It really is.
10:35Did Lauren have the baby?
10:37Yeah. He was premature, so he's still in the hospital.
10:41But, um, his name's Frankie.
10:45So, look, Ellie, all we need from you is an official statement.
10:49No, I said I wasn't going to do that. It's OK. They just want to talk.
10:52Yeah, we understand you're scared. No.
10:54No, look, I said I'd speak to you, but I'm not making an official nothing.
10:57Please, Ellie, we need to stop Joel doing this.
10:59No, because he'll find out. You don't know what he's like. I do. Trust me.
11:02You saw what he did to Lauren. We'd be able to protect you.
11:04No, look, I'm sorry. There's nothing you can say.
11:06Ellie, you have to listen.
11:08OK, whatever he did to you, Joel has destroyed Lauren's life.
11:11He tried to poison her so her baby would die. He has to be stopped.
11:15I can't. OK? Just leave me alone.
11:18Ellie, please. Wait.
11:37I mean what I said before.
11:39If you want a break, just pop on a plane and come and see us.
11:42I'm sure Tommy would love that. He would.
11:44And besides, he's got some serious making up to do.
11:47Well, yeah, you tell that Tommy old trait he's got some serious...
11:51No, it sounds weird.
11:53Anyway, love, I love it. Bye.
11:55It's been really lovely seeing you.
11:57Even the circumstances weren't ideal.
11:59Well, it seems like I'm leaving you in capable hands.
12:03We get on like a house on fire, don't we, Kenny?
12:05Yeah, we do. Opposites attract.
12:07What he means by that is he's a culture smoothie and I'm as rough as old boots.
12:11I know, that's what I'm saying.
12:13You're just trying to get your own...
12:17I reckon the real attraction is somebody else.
12:20We want to get in there, Steve.
12:32Who's that?
12:34It's just Kev. He'll be wondering where I am.
12:36But I should be getting back anyway.
12:38OK, love.
12:40Remember what I said about the flights?
12:42We'll make it work, yeah?
12:46See you later.
12:50Are you booking a holiday?
12:52People really need to stop looking at my laptop screen while I'm working.
12:55You shouldn't be working. Lunch break.
12:58Yeah, well, I'm finished now anyway.
13:00And it's not work. It was potential work.
13:03Debbie offered me a job doing some promotional stuff for a friend's company.
13:07They do health care and cosmetic surgery.
13:10It's one of those resorts where you lie around a pool
13:12while you're recovering from a bum lift.
13:17Presumably on your front.
13:19Lie on your front, if you...
13:21Yeah, good one.
13:23They had arranged for a journalist to go out there for a week
13:25to write some puff pieces about the treatments that they offer.
13:28That journalist is pulled out and Debbie reckons that they'd offer it to me.
13:31It'd mean flying out there tomorrow.
13:33Right. Wow.
13:35But you said no?
13:37Yeah, of course I said no.
13:39Ethics aside, I'm a journalist, not a copywriter.
13:42And yes, I know that makes me sound like a pretentious...
13:45No, I get it.
13:48But what?
13:52Nope. Never mind.
13:54Ignore me.
13:55No, go on. You were going to say beggars can't be choosers, weren't you?
13:58No, I wasn't. I was going to say, actually,
14:01that you haven't got much else on at the minute.
14:04And in the meantime, this is paid work.
14:06It's work you can be doing while you're looking for something else.
14:09That is basically beggars can't be choosers.
14:12Look, you've had a really tough couple of weeks.
14:16So maybe doing something relaxing that doesn't tax you too much
14:19is a good thing.
14:23And think about it. You might get a story out of it.
14:25I imagine that the people that go out there for these kinds of surgeries
14:28have got something going on.
14:31Hmm. I don't know.
14:35It does look pretty swish.
14:38Do you reckon I should go for it?
14:40I reckon maybe.
14:44Well, I'll talk to Debbie.
14:46Hey, thanks for lunch.
14:48Haven't you got a class that's starting in a bit?
14:51Oh, crikey. Yes, I do.
15:05All right, all right, I'm coming.
15:07OK. You all right? Oh, what's wrong?
15:09I got a little car.
15:10Oh, come in, sweetheart.
15:12I got a little car.
15:14Oh, thank you.
15:16I was going to check in when I found my passport was missing.
15:19Your passport?
15:21Oh, I see.
15:22It's not there.
15:23It was in my bag and now it's gone.
15:25Daddy, time out!
15:26Oh, yeah.
15:28I thought it might have fell out. Have you seen it?
15:30No, no. Right, well, where else have you been?
15:32Nowhere. I mean, I had it this morning.
15:35I already called the taxi company and they haven't got it.
15:38So you're not going to make your flight?
15:40No, we won't make it now.
15:43I mean, there's another one later today,
15:45but I'm not going anywhere without my passport, am I?
15:48Well, look, let me help you look for it.
15:50It's got to be somewhere, eh?
16:00Plum pie in the sun.
16:03I spy...
16:09I'm sorry, Frankie.
16:12I'm a bit rubbish today.
16:16Grow up, right?
16:23Grow up to be nice.
16:25Are you Lauren, love?
16:27There's a young lady out here to see you.
16:29Is that OK?
16:31Yeah. Ta.
16:41This is Lauren, innit?
16:43Yeah, who are you?
16:45I'm Ellie.
16:48I think that Joel did the same thing to me as he did to you.
16:56Ellie, mate! Hiya.
16:58So, did Tracy get off all right?
17:00Yeah, after she made me take her bags all the way to security.
17:05Erm, Cassie, if you've got a minute, I was going to go to the pub.
17:11Wondered if you fancied, erm, going, you know, with me, like?
17:16Just give us a minute while I finish this.
17:19What are you doing? Booking a holiday.
17:21Yeah, a city break in Porto.
17:23And Cassie has very kindly volunteered to accompany me as a companion.
17:28Oh. All right.
17:31A bit posh.
17:33Only the best for our Kenny.
17:35So, we're doing all-inclusive, right?
17:37I think we should go for that superior suite.
17:40Roof terrace, sea views.
17:43All right.
17:47Is he coming back up?
17:50Yeah, just gone to get something from the van.
17:53And I confirmed with Comstech about the voice synthesiser.
17:57It's fine.
17:59I've backed everything up to a hard drive.
18:01It's double backed up.
18:04They said they're happy to come back for it tomorrow.
18:07No, it's fine.
18:09I'm sure someone else is waiting for it.
18:17You're already taking his stuff away?
18:22You OK?
18:29There's no rush on anything if you're not ready.
18:32No, it's all good.
18:34You can all go.
18:44I just came to say that, erm...
18:49..we just...
18:51..collected Paul...
18:53..from the hospital.
18:58You've got his body?
19:03Obviously, no biggie either way, but...
19:07..if you did want to spend some time with him...
19:12..we'd be happy to close up.
19:21Hey, no rush.
19:23You don't have to decide straight away.
19:26I'll think about it.
19:32Hi, Debbie. It's Bethany again.
19:34I did try the hotel, but they said that you'd nipped out.
19:38Erm, I'm sorry about before.
19:41If that job is still available, I would definitely like to take it.
19:53Yeah, thank you.
19:54Tan, where have you been?
20:00What were you two talking about?
20:02Not much. Phone's in the office. Why, what's up?
20:04Alina's lost her passport. I've been turning the house upside down,
20:07looking for it. She's in the right state.
20:09Dorian was kicking off, so I've sent her both to the cafe.
20:12Oh, no. Oh, no?
20:15Do you want to try that again and mean it this time?
20:18Ty, what have you done?
20:21He's lush.
20:23Reminds me of my nephew.
20:27Will you help us, then?
20:30You know, make a statement about what he did to you.
20:33I can't. He'll kill me.
20:36Oh, look, that's what I thought at first, but...
20:40It's all out now. Everyone knows.
20:42Well, stop him. He can do what he wants.
20:44No, I'm telling you, he can't.
20:46Not anymore. Not if we stick together.
20:50I'm sorry. I can't.
20:52Then where did you come here?
20:54Well, I... I came because...
20:58..I needed to speak to someone.
21:00Someone who doesn't, like, look at me the way that they do,
21:03you know, someone who, like, has been through it and gets it.
21:11Right, OK, so you wanted to make yourself feel better,
21:14but you didn't want to help me, all right?
21:16Oh, no. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that.
21:18Did he tell you he tried to kill him?
21:25He drugged me while we were pregnant.
21:29And now he's saying he's going to try and get him taken off me.
21:33Not because he wants him,
21:35but because Joe knows that I'll hurt the most.
21:41And without you, Ellie, he has that chance.
21:46Just look at him.
21:48And then look at me and think,
21:50well, she's trash, so she's obviously lying, but...
21:53Look, if we stick together...
21:57..then they might believe us.
22:01And then we can stop him for good.
22:20What are you doing?
22:21Do you really want to go to war with Alina?
22:23How do you think she's going to react to it when she finds out?
22:26I have the right to be involved in my son's life.
22:28Did you take her passport?
22:29All that legal stuff, it could take months to sort out.
22:31Did you steal her passport?
22:32If she leaves the country, my case is knackered.
22:34I thought you'd be on my side. Did you steal it? Yes!
22:36Where is it? Under the tree.
22:38What were you thinking, Ty?
22:40I mean, seriously, what were you thinking?
22:42He's my son. Yeah...
22:44I know he is.
22:45What, would you just stand by it, would you,
22:47while someone tried to take old pal Ruby out of the country?
22:49We've been through this.
22:50Alina has got the right to leave with her son
22:52and live in her own country.
22:54And what about my rights?
22:56My rights as Doreen's father?
22:57Rights that she denied me, don't forget.
23:01I mean, she kept him away from me for years.
23:03I didn't even know he existed, is that fair?
23:05No, it's not. No.
23:06What, now she's going to take him away again,
23:08and what am I supposed to do, just stand by him, do nothing?
23:11I understand that.
23:16Look, maybe I'm wasting my time
23:18and money, I don't know, but I have to try,
23:20I have to do something, because I'm losing him anyway.
23:22Ty, you cannot win this fight.
23:26Yeah, maybe not.
23:28But I can show him how much I care.
23:31How much I love him.
23:35Maybe, maybe there's a way where we can, you know,
23:38work it out, where we can have shared custody or something,
23:41a way that we can all be a part of his life.
23:43Do you really think that's possible?
23:45I just know that if she leaves the country, it's game over.
23:48She's so traumatised.
23:51We should have been more sensitive, we should have...
23:54You mean I should have been more sensitive?
23:59I mean, I don't know, but I just...
24:01It's whatever now, isn't it?
24:03Is that too hard? And she's totally spooked.
24:08I just really want to nail Joel.
24:12Me too.
24:14Me too.
24:19Who's that now? If that's him...
24:20No, no, no, it's OK. Let me handle it.
24:27Hello, who is it?
24:30Coming up, Ellie.
24:53He said no-one would believe me.
24:56How did you meet Joel, Ellie?
24:59I met him at the hospital.
25:01He was a nurse.
25:03And you met him at the hospital?
25:05I met him at the hospital.
25:07And you met him at the hospital?
25:09I met him at the hospital.
25:11How did you meet Joel, Ellie?
25:13I got caught shoplifting.
25:16He was my duty solicitor at the police station.
25:19Just like Warren.
25:21He said that he could help me.
25:24And he did, like, he got me stuff, phones and money.
25:28And then he said that there were ways that...
25:32that I could pay him back.
25:35So we started having sex.
25:37When he wanted.
25:39And then one day we got caught having sex in his office.
25:43I don't know what happened, but there was, like, a lot of shouting.
25:46Anyway, that's when they paid me the 200 quid and made me sign this, like, NDA.
25:51And I promised that I wouldn't say anything about Joel or the solicitors.
25:57Do you know which firm it was?
25:59Sorry, I don't think I remember the name.
26:01Was it Walcott Associates, Manny Jones?
26:04Yeah. Yeah, that's it.
26:05Yeah, that's it.
26:07I don't want to go to prison.
26:09Hey, you will not go to prison.
26:14Joel will go to prison.
26:24Cheese and onion toastie?
26:26Oh, yeah. Perfect.
26:28Hey, we're going to miss you when you're off swanning round Turkey.
26:31Yeah. New job. Good news.
26:36Look, maybe I'm being paranoid or maybe it's my overactive imagination,
26:41but I'm pretty sure I saw you being very pally with Daisy earlier.
26:46It was her that picked up Bertie from school when he was feeling a bit sick.
26:50They rang me, so I asked her if she could do me a favour.
26:53Why didn't you ask me to get him? I would have been happy to pick him up.
26:56Well, I thought you were meeting Debbie about that PR job.
26:59Didn't want to mess that up for you.
27:01You were hugging?
27:03Yeah, we were.
27:06But that was about Paul.
27:09Situation's just awful.
27:14But you're right, it probably is inappropriate of me to be hugging my ex. I'm sorry.
27:19No, I'm sorry.
27:21It's OK.
27:23I won't always be like this, you know, insecure and paranoid.
27:28It's just with Lauren and Nathan, it all gets in your head.
27:32You need a hug.
27:36Look, I am not going to let him squirm his way out of this.
27:39No, but Joel could say that we found Ellie, that she didn't come forward.
27:43He could say we coached her and then, if we're not careful, it's his word against hers and then we're back to square one.
27:47Ellie still has some old messages from Joel on her phone.
27:50Which may suggest he had an inappropriate relationship, but don't prove any physical abuse.
27:55Do you know what? Maybe I should come with you.
27:57Look, you are not even supposed to be investigating this.
27:59Because I am free to do whatever I like.
28:02Look, please, Lisa, I can handle this, yeah?
28:05Are you sure?
28:07Oh, I'm sure.
28:09And they've got a spa.
28:11It's very nice.
28:13A spa?
28:15Yeah, it's a place where they do treatments, like mud wraps, massages, sauna.
28:19Yeah, I know what a spa is.
28:21It's connected to the infinity pool.
28:23They've even got a bar in the infinity pool.
28:26Well, I'm officially jealous.
28:27Can't you take me in your suitcase?
28:29Only if you're a contortionist.
28:31Well, have a good time.
28:33Can I just ask something? Is Ken paying for all this?
28:38All what?
28:40Well, you know, the spa and the mud wraps and, you know, the pool bar.
28:44I actually think a few massage treatments would be good for Ken.
28:48Yeah, right.
28:50What, while you're sipping cocktails?
28:52Are you trying to say something?
28:54Me? No.
28:55I'm just trying to figure it out.
28:57Well, it seems to me...
28:59Seems what?
29:01It seems to me that you're taking advantage of an old man just for a free holiday.
29:12Well, am I right?
29:14Nobody cares about carers, do they?
29:17I mean, I'm only trying to help Ken, but, you know, caring is work, you know.
29:21Hard work.
29:22My job is to help Ken enjoy his break. It's not about me.
29:26Really? Really.
29:28Because I reckon you're going to ditch him in the hotel and go to the nearest bar.
29:33Why? Is that what you do?
29:35No, because I like Ken.
29:37Well, I think you should understand that I also like Ken.
29:40He's got company. Makes me laugh. He's clever, charming, witty.
29:46All the things you're not.
29:49I'm going to change this pint.
29:51Don't taste rubbish.
29:55Where did you find it?
29:57There it is. It was in the hallway, inside one of Hope's boots.
30:01Yeah, I've no idea how it got there. It must have fallen out of your bag.
30:05I was literally just trying to get the mud off one of them and there it was.
30:09Inside her boot. That's amazing.
30:12Yeah, I know.
30:14Well, at least I can book another flight now.
30:18We are going to miss you, mate.
30:20A green one. We'll miss you so much.
30:23He'll miss you too.
30:25Viz, you have been so good to me after everything.
30:33Oh, there are still tickets available for the flight at half past seven.
30:37But the one on Wednesday is much cheaper.
30:39Oh, but then you would get home tonight.
30:42I'll book it.
30:47Where is Tyrone? We still have time to see him.
30:50Oh, yeah, he's on a breakdown job.
30:52Don't worry, I'll, you know, give him your best wishes.
30:55Hmm, that's a shame.
30:57Yeah, but I always think it's best to get to the airport early, don't you?
31:01Plenty of nice places to get something to eat and that.
31:04You sound like you want to get rid of me.
31:07Me? No, of course not.
31:09No, just, you know, don't want you to miss your flight again.
31:12Don't want you stuck in that rush hour traffic.
31:14You're right.
31:15Of course, you're always right.
31:33Hi, James. Me again.
31:35I got so much trouble giving you that phone.
31:37Oh, I'm sorry about that, but I do need to talk to Mal.
31:40No, you need to go.
31:42No, we are so close to proving exactly what kind of man Joel is.
31:45He's busy.
31:47I can wait.
31:49I'll lose my job. Please go.
31:51You, again?
31:53I need to speak to you.
31:55No, you don't.
31:57Well, it's important for me and for you.
31:59You see, I know about Eleanor Benton.
32:01I know what you did.
32:03And somehow I don't think you want your firm embroiled in a teenage sex scandal cover-up.
32:16So, was this some kind of personal crusade?
32:19I won't pretend it's not personal.
32:21I was engaged to Joel.
32:23We were actually supposed to be getting married a week this Friday.
32:27So, this is revenge?
32:30No, this is justice.
32:33See, Joel didn't just cheat on me.
32:36He abused young women.
32:38He tried to kill all of them.
32:41He tried to rape them.
32:42He raped young women.
32:44He tried to kill one of them.
32:47And when that didn't work, he tried to kill her baby.
32:50By covering up what you know, you are helping him get away with it.
32:54Not true.
32:56And that's not to mention the fact that I could report you to the SRA for taking advantage of a vulnerable client.
33:01Ellie's told me everything. I mean, you do remember Ellie Benton.
33:05Look, I understand why you did what you did.
33:09You had the reputation of your firm to protect.
33:12I still do.
33:14But I have read the messages between Ellie and Joel.
33:17Now, your firm paid her off and bullied her into signing an NDA.
33:23She's still scared.
33:25But she's willing to tell the truth about Joel.
33:28And she's willing to tell the truth about your firm.
33:32See, Joel is going down for this, Mal. Either way.
33:36Question is whether he's taking the reputation of your firm with him.
33:40If you're so confident of what you say, why are you talking to me now?
33:44Because I want your help.
33:46I want copies of any messages or documents between Joel and the women he abused.
33:53I want anyone who works here and has witnessed what he was doing to give a statement to the police and give evidence in court if necessary.
34:02I'm not sure that's possible.
34:07You know, it was.
34:10A huge shock to find out the truth about Joel.
34:15I can only imagine what a shock it would be to your family if they found out you knew about this and helped cover it up.
34:25And you are so perfect for this job. I mean, look at you. Eh? You're stunning.
34:30I don't know about that.
34:32Well, I do. And you'll have a great time.
34:33Now, Amelia said you do need to get yourself clued up on all the procedures that they have to offer.
34:40I've had a quick shufty and can I just say, I wouldn't mind a few of these tweakments meself.
34:46It's all gone a bit south, you know, under all this glamour.
34:50Are you all right? You are up for this, aren't you?
34:53Yeah. Yeah, of course I am. I need the work and I promise I'll do a good job.
34:57Oh, I know. I'm sure you will.
34:58And her business is booming. Honestly, they're expanding every year.
35:03Everyone wants to be the best version of themselves, don't they, eh?
35:07Keep young and beautiful and all that, eh?
35:10And why not, if it makes you feel better?
35:13Right, I'll leave this lot with you.
35:16Now, don't forget, do your own work and then enjoy the summer.
35:20And have a smashing time, yeah? Enjoy yourself.
35:24Ta-ta for now. Or as they say, bon voyage.
35:29Ta-ra, love.
35:32You all right?
35:34Yeah. Yeah, good.
35:36How are you and Daisy?
35:38Yeah, all right, thanks. Good.
35:40You Daniel?
35:42Yeah, really good.
35:44What's this? Cosmetic surgery?
35:47Oh, it's just a work thing.
35:49You writing about it?
35:50Well, I'm actually flying out to Turkey tomorrow. I'm doing some PR for the company.
35:54Oh, I'll check you out.
35:56Debbie sorted it. The company do quite a lot of events at her hotel.
36:00They reckon they can make anyone beautiful.
36:05I'm sorry, I didn't think.
36:07It's all right. It'll take a lot of work to fix this.
36:10The woman here says that her nose job changed her life.
36:13Maybe you should sign me up.
36:15You don't mean that. You don't need to change your life.
36:20How's Bertie?
36:22Hey. Yeah, he's good. Thanks for picking him up.
36:24Oh, no problem.
36:26Got the job then?
36:28I did.
36:30Oh. Hey, did you get a discount?
36:32I don't know. Just thinking what I'd have done.
36:35Nose, eyes, cheekbones, bum lift.
36:39Bit of life, actually.
36:41Are you serious? You're perfect. Absolutely perfect.
36:44You're only saying that because you have to.
36:46No, I'm saying it because it's true. Tell her, will you?
36:47Uh, yeah. Yeah, it's true.
36:50Well, this was fun. Thanks.
36:55Well, this is all new, compelling evidence.
36:58You have to get that case reopened, Lisa.
37:00Yeah, I'll try my best.
37:02Look, I also got a list of potential witnesses from Walcott's.
37:08Reckon that might help?
37:10It might.
37:12Fingers crossed, eh?
37:17Mum's safely arrived into Tommy Olpinson's arms. Just got a text.
37:25You OK with this?
37:27Couldn't care less.
37:29Yeah, that's not true. Just as long as you're coping.
37:32Well, I've got other things to worry about.
37:34Yeah? Like what?
37:36Cassie and Ken's big adventure.
37:38Oh, the holiday?
37:40Yeah, she's sponging off him, taking advantage.
37:42Grandad's not had a holiday in ages.
37:44Do him good to get a break after everything that's happened.
37:46We don't have to go with Cassie, though.
37:48What, would you rather be going on holiday with Grandad?
37:52Would you rather be going on holiday with Cassie?
37:54Oh, that's it?
37:56It is not.
37:58You're jealous?
37:59I am not!
38:01Cassie and Ken has a nice ring to it. Quite romantic.
38:03Cassie and Ken, are you joking? It's completely inappropriate.
38:08You're enjoying this.
38:10I'm pleased that you're getting over you and Mum.
38:12But if you've got feelings for Cassie,
38:13I might have a bit of competition.
38:21God, it really does look empty in here, doesn't it?
38:24Without all of his stuff.
38:27The place looks so much bigger.
38:31Well, just because his stuff's gone
38:34doesn't mean his spirit isn't still here.
38:39You OK?
38:44I think so.
38:48Yeah, I'm getting there.
38:52I think the next few weeks are going to be quite hard.
38:55I know.
38:58But I just keep thinking,
39:00what would Paul want?
39:03And that seems to put things into some kind of perspective.
39:09We were so lucky to have him in our lives.
39:29I thought I made it clear
39:31that you were not welcome around here.
39:33I had a meeting in Speed, darl.
39:35A meeting?
39:37Oh, yeah, you probably won't have heard.
39:39My firm have cancelled my suspension.
39:41As soon as the CPS dropped, all charges against me.
39:44So I'm working again.
39:46How about you? Are you busy or not so much?
39:49I'm always busy, me.
39:51Doing what?
39:53I'm learning to play the banjo.
39:57Oh, right.
39:59Actually, I'm getting quite good.
40:02Well, maybe one day I'll see you busking on these streets.
40:09But that's assuming
40:11you'll be free to walk these streets.
40:23I'll text you when I get home.
40:25Thank you again for everything.
40:27It's not a problem.
40:29You have a safe journey, yeah?
40:37We can go now.
40:52Look, erm...
40:54I'm sorry about earlier.
40:56I just had this massive streak of paranoia running through me.
41:00It's OK.
41:02Tell you what,
41:03next time I need someone to put Bertie up,
41:06you'll be my go-to woman.
41:08If that's OK.
41:10Yeah, that's OK. Once I'm back from Turkey.
41:13Let's have a look.
41:19I might get my nose done.
41:23I've always fancied a stronger jawline.
41:25Like full-on desperate Dan.
41:27What do you think?
41:29I don't know.
41:31I should go and check on Bertie.
41:38I can't believe you would give her the passport!
41:40What you were doing was wrong!
41:42I was fighting to be a part of my son's life, how can that be wrong?
41:44We're holding her against her will.
41:46She's already been a victim of people trafficking once.
41:48You stole her passport!
41:50What time's the flight?
41:52Please, Tyrone.
41:54What time is the flight?
41:56What are you going to do?
41:58Physically stop her boarding a plane, drag her out of the departure lounge?
42:00You have got to let this go.
42:01Because of you...
42:03Is this revenge? Is this what it is, because I had an affair?
42:07Wow! Wow, I may never see my son again because you wanted to get your own back.
42:10You wanted to punish me.
42:12If I wanted to punish her, I would have told her that you took the passport.
42:14I didn't do that. I could have done that, but I didn't.
42:16She thinks it dropped out of her bag, and I found it for her.
42:19Because I lied to protect you!
42:21Yeah, well, you still won't be on my back.
42:23Because you were out of control!
42:25You could have just talked to me!
42:27I tried to.
42:29You know what? You can tell the girls.
42:31Get their little brother off abroad.
42:42So, how did it go at the law firm?
42:44Yeah, it went well.
42:46They've agreed to drop the NDA against Ellie.
42:48And they're going to give evidence against Joel.
42:51And the good news is that my boss is prepared to reopen the case against him.
42:58I just...
43:00I just wish I'd spoken up sooner.
43:03Ellie is so brave.
43:05You've both been brave.
43:07And you did the right thing.
43:09Yeah, it's not always easy.
43:11You know, a lot of people don't trust the police, but we are actually here to help.
43:16And sometimes we get a result.
43:18Look, I know. We're not quite there yet, Lauren.
43:23I mean, I don't imagine we'll find any physical evidence of abuse.
43:26He's been pretty good at covering his tracks, but...
43:28We now have reliable testimonies from those who knew what was going on.
43:33As well as the brave survivors.
43:39I really think we've got him.
43:42You know, this is the beginning of the end for Joel Deering.