Enders 10th September 2024

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Enders 10th September 2024


00:31Nice hair, innit?
00:35Like a Barbie doll.
00:42What's your name?
00:46You speak English?
00:49Oi, pick it up.
00:52No, pick it up.
01:01Not here.
01:08Accident. Sorry.
01:18Told you I got your back.
01:20How can they do what you tell them to?
01:22Dunno. Must be my winning personality.
01:27Listen, stay away from these communal areas.
01:30Try and get a job in laundry. It's quiet down there.
01:33Door will keep you company.
01:44We wouldn't usually be alarmed about an adult going missing overnight, but...
01:47Thanks, that's very kind.
01:50Since your brother's autistic, that makes him high risk.
01:53So we've already put out an appeal on social media using the picture you gave us last night.
01:57Oh, that's good, yeah.
01:59Well, good news that he spent the night out on the street at the point, right?
02:05I know that it can be worrying, but these social media alerts are often very successful.
02:30Dad's hardly slept. He's been out looking half the night.
02:33Elaine's blaming herself, and Linda, she's worse than ever.
02:36She's locked herself in her room, so it's just me and Gina trying to keep things afloat.
02:39I'm so sorry, Anna.
02:41What's wrong with Kojo?
02:44What do you mean?
02:45Well, what exactly has he got?
02:48He's autistic.
02:49Oh, flipping hell, Joel. Everyone's got autism these days.
02:52He really struggles.
02:53Of course he does, Anna.
02:54Ignore Dad.
02:55Look, he's our only hope.
02:57Ignore Dad.
02:58Look, is there anything I can do to help? Like, look, come out with you, or...
03:02Bobby, we're talking overheads.
03:04But as manager, I can draft people in in emergencies. That's the whole point.
03:07No, that is completely not the point.
03:09That's sweet, Bobby, but the police have got it covered. I don't think we can really help like that.
03:13I still want to try and cheer you up.
03:15Who needs cheering up?
03:19There you go. Freddy can cheer Anna up.
03:21That's a good idea. Cheapen isn't open for a couple of hours.
03:24That's your coffee, Fred?
03:26Well, er...
03:28Actually, I need to do a deep, a deep clean.
03:35Deep clean?
03:36We're using my chippy as a front for something.
03:39Well, it's a slater.
03:48Get off me!
03:52It's all right, mate. I know him.
03:55I'm your nephew, remember?
04:01Are you all right, mate?
04:02I need to go home, but I don't have a ticket.
04:05Yeah, well, you don't need to get on a tube to go to the big.
04:08I'm going to Ghana.
04:10Well, erm...
04:12Why don't we go get a cuppa?
04:14What's a cuppa?
04:15A cup of tea. To drink.
04:17I need to find Kabina.
04:18Yeah, yeah, we will. After. I promise.
04:23Come on.
04:25Come on.
04:33It's better. Getting the hang of it now, yeah?
04:35It's worse than a shopping trolley.
04:37Oh, there she is.
04:39Nigel Mansell.
04:41Showing your age there?
04:43Why didn't you tell your dad what I told you?
04:45He said maybe I'll be able to go home this evening.
04:47Really? Oh, that's great news.
04:49Oh, then you can get your dad and Ricky to be your servants.
04:52Maybe install a bell?
04:54Think about it.
04:55Amy's going to start physio next week,
04:57and then in eight to ten weeks, I'd hope that she's going to be onto crutches.
05:00That's nearly three months.
05:03Look, I'll let you catch up.
05:04When you're done, grab me, and then we'll talk through the next steps, yeah?
05:09Oh, darling.
05:10Darling, I know things look dark right now.
05:13You've got everybody at home rooting for you.
05:16All right? You'll be out of this before you know it.
05:17I promise you.
05:19I need the loo.
05:21Oh, can my daughter need some toilet?
05:30It'll be okay, Jack.
05:34I can't believe that Linda told Bernie.
05:36What was she thinking?
05:39Unless she's out of the country.
05:40It don't mean she won't say something.
05:42Maybe she's called off.
05:44That's a good sign.
05:48Oh, it'd be nice for things to get back to normal, wouldn't it?
05:57Yeah, what am I saying?
06:04Well, someone was hungry.
06:07Where did you stay last night, Kojo?
06:11It was raining outside, so you didn't stay in the Vic with Ed?
06:15I mean, your brother.
06:18Kwame and Elaine had a fight about me, so I left.
06:25I hear you, mate.
06:27Elaine can be a lot.
06:30She was all right when you got to know her.
06:33Did you tell George, I mean, Kwame, that you were leaving?
06:40He's going to be worried about you, Kojo.
06:42I want to go home to Kabina.
06:44All right, OK.
06:45Well, why don't I take you over to the Vic?
06:47We talk it through with Kwame.
06:49And if that's what you want, he'll help you get home.
06:54Good man.
07:03Reminds me of the laundrette where I live.
07:06The smell in here.
07:08You and Chrissie have a good old chinwag yesterday?
07:11You and Chrissie have a good old chinwag yesterday?
07:15Everything OK, was it?
07:19She told you she killed my dad, then?
07:22I'm not one to pry.
07:27I won't get too friendly with Chrissie.
07:29She got a sting in her tail.
07:31Don't know I knew it.
07:33But she's actually been looking out for me.
07:36Warned off a couple of girls.
07:38Said I'd be safe in here with you.
07:40Oh, so that's why you're talking to me all of a sudden.
07:45I'm sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean to be rude.
07:47I just didn't expect to end up in prison.
07:50Can happen to the best of us.
07:55But seeing as I'm rubbing your back,
07:58I'm gasping for a snout.
08:01Don't mind doing away officers not looking.
08:03You ought to give up.
08:05Ought to go on a straight and narrow.
08:07But we are who we are, Blondie.
08:20Here you go, darling.
08:23Where are you going?
08:24Keep looking for Kojo.
08:26I'm really sorry, George.
08:28I wish I could go back and handle it better.
08:31It's OK.
08:32Please don't say that.
08:34What do you want me to say, then?
08:35Just tell me what you're really feeling, please.
08:39It's OK.
08:42Look who I found at the station.
08:45You all right, mate?
08:46We've been so worried.
08:48Sorry. I wanted to go home.
08:50Home? This is your home, mate.
08:52Course it is, darling.
08:53Yeah, he was trying to buy a ticket to Ghana.
08:58Said he should talk to you about it.
09:00Say his goodbye before he goes, right?
09:03Well, do you want to go upstairs for a quick chat, then?
09:06Sort it out.
09:15I'll call the police and let them know Kojo's OK, yeah?
09:19I'll see you then.
09:26Thank God.
09:27We've been in bits.
09:30Well, er...
09:31Well, er...
09:32I would have called, but I didn't know I was missing.
09:35You didn't think to call me?
09:37Oh, it was just an oversight, darling.
09:39We had a lot going on, calling the police out and everything,
09:41but this is such a relief.
09:44He's really taken on a lot there, right?
09:47That's an understatement.
09:49I put my foot in it yesterday and now he's being all cold with me.
09:52Yeah, well, get used to it.
09:54That only has room for one for over a month at a time.
09:58Now that we know Kojo's OK,
10:02maybe you could go check in on Mum.
10:05Now that we know Kojo's OK,
10:08maybe you could go check in on Mum.
10:35What do you want?
10:36I thought we'd have a little beauty sesh.
10:40Start with a trim, maybe give you a prison facelift.
10:44I'm leaving, I can use your uncle.
10:50Please, I'm a mother.
10:52I'm only here for a week, I don't want any trouble.
10:54I just want to get back to work.
10:56I don't want any trouble.
10:58I just want to get back to work.
11:00I don't want any trouble.
11:01I just want to get back to work.
11:03I don't want any trouble.
11:04I just want to get back to my son.
11:07Oh, Princess.
11:08You're breaking my heart.
11:12Why are you calling me that?
11:13I don't know.
11:14Maybe because you act like one.
11:16Nose in the air.
11:18Sucking up to Chris.
11:19She told you to stay away.
11:21I don't take orders, Princess.
11:23Please, I'll pay you.
11:25I've got money outside.
11:27I've got a business.
11:28I know people who can...
11:30Miss Watts.
11:33You're looking nice.
11:34Of course we are.
11:37Your brief, sir.
11:42Back to it then, ladies.
11:48I was so worried, Kojo.
11:50I'm sorry.
11:51Oh, don't be.
11:54I'm just relieved you're all right.
11:57I'd love for you to, you know, stay here.
12:01But if you want to go back to Ghana,
12:03to be with Coppola,
12:05I'll understand.
12:08I want to go home.
12:10I miss Mum.
12:14Mum's dead, Kojo.
12:17I feel so close to her at home.
12:20I miss her.
12:23I know.
12:24I miss her.
12:30You want to go home?
12:32Mum will stand in your way.
12:35Just give me a couple of days to arrange taking you.
12:58I'm off out now.
13:04Where was he?
13:05In the bogs by the tube.
13:07Too scared to go in those ones.
13:10He was saying something like he'd rather keep there than on the sofa here.
13:12I'm glad he's OK.
13:14Yeah, me too.
13:15Just, you know, maybe it is time for him to go back to Ghana.
13:18You haven't exactly got much room up there, have you?
13:20I want him to stay.
13:21I just think he hasn't settled in yet.
13:23And we could make more of an effort, couldn't we?
13:26I know, it made me sound bad, haven't you?
13:29Anyway, I'm just glad to see you smiling again, Anna.
13:33I think I've upset Freddie.
13:35Why do you say that?
13:36Well, you saw him earlier.
13:38I suggested coffee and he backed out of Beelzebub so fast he practically got whiplash.
13:42Why would he be avoiding you?
13:45Girls, I've got to pop out for a bit.
13:47Your dad's upstairs with his brother.
13:49You OK to hold the fort?
13:50Yeah, yeah.
13:53We should ask for a pay rise, you know.
13:56So, Freddie hasn't said anything?
13:59So, Freddie hasn't said anything?
14:01Why don't you just talk to him, sis?
14:03Yeah, that's a good idea.
14:04Well, if he's a bit cringed, like I imagined it or something.
14:06Well, I can talk to him if you want.
14:10It's cool.
14:11I could do it.
14:17Oh, you OK?
14:20I just felt a bit dizzy for a second there.
14:22I'm all right.
14:23Maybe it's all that talk of Freddie, huh?
14:26I thought I told you to deal with her.
14:28She's out in a couple of days.
14:30Don't mess it up again.
14:32I'm not doing it.
14:35You are.
14:37Look, Brian's got eyes on and I'm done with Seg.
14:39You want to be shanked?
14:42Do it yourself.
14:44Then I'm doubling your debt.
14:46And I'm going to make sure your supply dries up when I get out of here.
14:53I'm getting clean.
14:54I want a life after this.
14:56And you know what?
14:57I don't get why you'd risk it all for a peroxide bin.
14:59Like, seriously, Chris.
15:01Do you want to end up dying in here?
15:15How's Amy?
15:17She's being discharged this afternoon.
15:20Well, that's amazing news.
15:22Yeah, she's jumping for joy.
15:26So, have you, um, thought any more about what I asked you?
15:31Telling Jack the truth?
15:33Mum, I can't.
15:35And it's not because I don't want to.
15:37It's because of Jordan.
15:39He'd have me.
15:40Mum, please.
15:42Look, Amy's going to be walking again soon and everything will be back to normal.
15:46Right, good.
15:47So you can sleep at night.
15:49Because poor Jack, he's been through enough already.
15:53Well, look, I've got to go and get some bits for Amy.
15:55You do know that a divorce means you spend less time with your ex-husband, not more?
15:59What? He's a mate.
16:01And I've been a mum to that girl for years.
16:03You don't just get to wipe all that away with a signature.
16:06So you're catching feelings again?
16:08Catching feeling?
16:09What is this? What am I? TikTok?
16:11Just saying, if you are, you might let it slip.
16:18Oh, I'm sorry.
16:20I'm sorry.
16:22Worrying about number one.
16:25Well, look, don't worry, Chelsea, because you've got a mug for a mother
16:29who won't see her daughter suffer, even if she is a selfish brat.
16:45Where have you been?
16:46Got caught having an affair, got sent back here.
16:48I thought I could trust you.
16:51Well, you were out having your fag, I nearly got knifed.
16:53What? Who?
16:55Two girls on breakfast. Tattoos scarred down her face.
17:01What happened?
17:02The officer called for me to go to a meeting with my solicitor.
17:05Otherwise I'd be in the hospital wing.
17:08Oh, come on, tell me you didn't know.
17:09No. Look, just stay put in here. It's safer than out there.
17:15I thought you had Chrissie's protection.
17:20So did I.
17:23Where are you going?
17:24Chess! Chess up!
17:31Once a snake, always a snake.
17:34Admit it.
17:35He's got your knickers in a twist.
17:36You set your minions on me.
17:38All that stuff yesterday playing nice.
17:41You know, for a second I bought it.
17:43But you haven't changed at all, have you?
17:45You're still a scheming, manipulative bitch.
17:52Oh, and my forgiveness.
17:56I take it back.
18:17I've got something for you.
18:22What is it?
18:26You know that tape Holly destroyed?
18:30Well, I found this great, geeky guy down the high street.
18:34And he wound it back, cleaned it up
18:38and transferred it to a digital wadding record.
18:42Here, I'll send it to you.
18:46Why'd you do that?
18:51Your mother made that for you.
18:54Even though she had to give you up.
18:55Even though she was thousands of miles away on another continent.
18:58She mothered you from afar.
19:02She knew hearing her voice would soothe you.
19:08And I thought it might help Kojo want to stay.
19:16He's not a stranger.
19:19George, he is your brother.
19:23And I want you both to know how welcome he is.
19:31Oh, there you go.
19:33There you go.
19:46How's Linda doing?
19:50Not great.
19:53Anything I can do?
20:08All right, handsome.
20:14Little Birdie's been in my ear.
20:16Dawn's up to her old tricks again.
20:18She's smuggled some gear in, hiding under the mattress.
20:23There's no skin off my nose if you don't want to believe me.
20:25Not my job on the line.
20:29Cell's been leveled too.
20:31Oh, for real?
20:43Hi, bro.
20:44Do you mind if I turn this off?
20:48I've got something I'd like you to listen to.
20:52I've got something I'd like you to listen to.
21:05Do you recognise it?
21:11It's Ma.
21:15When I couldn't sleep, she struck my head and sang to me.
21:22Singing made her happy.
21:26Do you miss her?
21:30I, um...
21:33Never knew her.
21:37She told us about you.
21:41Did she really?
21:47Go, Joe.
21:50Tell me about other things that used to make her happy.
21:59She liked to dance.
22:03She liked to laugh.
22:07She had a loud laugh.
22:11From her belly.
22:20Did you do that?
22:25That's sweet.
22:30But what about...
22:31You don't need to say it, Johnny.
22:34I know.
22:43Hello, darling.
22:45Can I, er...
22:52About yesterday...
22:54You see me differently, don't you?
22:56You're ashamed of me.
22:58No, no, no, no.
23:01Can I sit with you?
23:10I never did any of that bedtime stuff with you when you were a kid, did I?
23:14It was your dad's job.
23:16He loved reading you all those stories, doing all them voices, and...
23:21I was always too busy running off my feet downstairs with the punters, but...
23:26Once I overheard him say to you,
23:29''Oh, it's your mum's turn next because I'm off out.''
23:33And you cried.
23:35Said, ''Oh, no, not her.''
23:37Are you trying to make me feel bad?
23:39No, no, no.
23:41He was just so good at all that stuff.
23:45Come natural to him.
23:48I was a bit jealous, to be honest.
23:52But we were a good team.
23:54We balanced each other out.
23:58When he died, er...
24:02The grief, I...
24:05Couldn't deal with it.
24:08And you had your issues, and...
24:11You mean bulimia?
24:15Yes, sorry, you're right.
24:21I just thought not showing my pain was the right thing to do.
24:25You know, chin up, carry on.
24:27That's how you get through things.
24:34Wish I'd been there to hold you like your dad would have done.
24:38Just wish I'd been able to.
24:43I wish that too, Mum.
24:45Can I now?
24:52I got you.
24:54You're my girl.
24:59Whatever happens, I am there for you.
25:03I've got you.
25:06I've got you.
25:14Full of deliments.
25:19Come on, ladies, out.
25:20What's this?
25:21Cell spin. Come on.
25:24Oh, come on.
25:26I can't believe it.
25:29There's nothing in there, governor.
25:32Is this normal?
25:34It's a stitch-up.
25:47What are you thinking about, little girl?
25:51Oh, you want to go as well, do you?
25:54Are you crazy?
25:55I'm not crazy.
25:57I'm not crazy.
25:58I'm not crazy.
26:00You come here.
26:26Makes you think I'd want your forgiveness, Sharon.
26:31After all, you're the one who put me in here in the first place.
26:34I was going to rise above it.
26:36I was going to let it go.
26:40But you really ticked me off earlier.
26:43And you know me.
26:45I never forget a grudge.
26:47So I reckon the only thing that's going to make me feel better
26:51is to make you pay.
27:00We all need to pay.