Midsomer Murders Season 23 Episode 2

  • 3 months ago
Midsomer Murders Season 23 Episode 2


00:00:00Hi, ladies.
00:00:01How are you?
00:00:01Thank you.
00:00:02I'll have a shot of wine, please.
00:00:04Oh, I'd love that.
00:00:12Thank you.
00:00:15Thank you.
00:00:18Did anyone ever tell you that you scrub up pretty well?
00:00:21Oh, I get that all the time.
00:00:24I was waiting for you to say that.
00:00:36I'm not looking forward to it.
00:00:38Of course you're not.
00:00:39It's a very long dessert.
00:00:40There's lots of it.
00:00:46Elaine's working the room, I see.
00:00:48Oh, I always knew where the doormat in was.
00:00:55Amy, you're not here.
00:01:00My dad's not.
00:01:04My stepfather couldn't come, sadly.
00:01:09Would have been hard, I suppose.
00:01:11Room full of top brass.
00:01:13But still, shame to miss the big night.
00:01:19Well, it's an impressive turnout.
00:01:21Ah, detective chief superintendents
00:01:24always get a good send-off.
00:01:26It's one of the perks, I think, along with,
00:01:28um, health care and free travel.
00:01:30You could be a DCS if you wanted.
00:01:33I had the chance for a promotion, didn't I?
00:01:35But, uh, I'm no good behind a desk.
00:01:37I like getting my hands dirty.
00:01:39So you do.
00:01:40All the politics, kissing up, glad-handing.
00:01:43I don't think I'd be very good at it.
00:01:45I know you wouldn't be.
00:01:48Still, I doubt I'll get a crowd as big as this when I return.
00:01:53Don't worry.
00:01:54I'll come.
00:01:55I'll bring a date.
00:02:06So, Elaine, how are you settling into your new place?
00:02:10On the whole, everyone's been very welcoming.
00:02:13Well, anyway, I'm sure you have a plan
00:02:15to win around the doubters.
00:02:17I really should mix.
00:02:21Please don't let me get in your way.
00:02:26Enjoying yourself?
00:02:27I am.
00:02:28Thank you.
00:02:29Must be nice, retiring on a high,
00:02:32a great and a good, lining up to wish you well.
00:02:37Oh, don't be coy.
00:02:38It's boring.
00:02:39Have you any idea the damage you've done?
00:02:42The pain you've caused?
00:02:45Have a lovely evening.
00:02:51Oh, young Barnaby.
00:02:53What are you doing here?
00:02:55Representing the station, sir.
00:02:56Oh, no need to be so formal.
00:02:58DCI Capital do very nicely.
00:03:01The DCI was my boss when I was on a training
00:03:04secondment at Causton a good few years ago now.
00:03:10The better half?
00:03:11By a country mile.
00:03:13I didn't realize you knew DCS Bennett.
00:03:15Only by reputation.
00:03:19She certainly has one of those.
00:03:20She has?
00:03:21Oh, an ability to be front and center at all times.
00:03:23You know, there was never a committee
00:03:25that she didn't want to chair or an initiative
00:03:27that she didn't want to be the face of.
00:03:29And now she's your new neighbor at Chalice Court,
00:03:31I understand.
00:03:33Chalice Court?
00:03:34Well, it's a retirement home for old Bill like me.
00:03:37What, you're all ex-police officers?
00:03:39Oh, it's a prerequisite.
00:03:41It's run by a charity, you know,
00:03:43a committee that vets new applicants.
00:03:46They're very picky about who they let in
00:03:48or who they used to be.
00:03:50Ladies and gentlemen.
00:03:52Well, some gentlemen and maybe a few rogues.
00:03:56When I first graduated from Hendon,
00:03:59the force was very different to what it is today.
00:04:02I think we've all come a long way since then.
00:04:05Now I'm retiring and looking forward to,
00:04:08well, who knows what?
00:04:10I don't know.
00:04:12But I'm delighted to have moved into Chalice Court.
00:04:15It's the next phase of my life
00:04:17and I can't wait for it to begin.
00:04:30That Sebastian chap seems nice.
00:04:32DCI Cabot?
00:04:34You know, even though that secondment wasn't very long,
00:04:37he taught me a lot.
00:04:38Did he tell you?
00:04:39Thank you.
00:04:40He taught me to listen, not just to what is being said,
00:04:44but to what isn't.
00:04:46And he taught me to follow where the evidence leads,
00:04:50not where you think it ought to go,
00:04:52but mostly, he taught me the importance
00:04:56of wearing a self-tied bow tie.
00:04:59And that's important?
00:05:01Because now I can do this.
00:05:07Which I think puts me just the right side of Loosh.
00:05:12I've always had a thing for that look.
00:05:14Oh, lucky me.
00:05:16Well, take me home and I'll show you how lucky.
00:05:22Well, take me home and I'll show you how lucky.
00:07:21I need a criminal.
00:07:24You said you'd sort it.
00:07:26And I will.
00:07:29It's less than a week until the county fair.
00:07:30All the other stalls and displays are done and dusted.
00:07:32I've got the sponges and the stocks and I just need...
00:07:34A criminal?
00:07:35Yes, please.
00:07:36I know this is important to you.
00:07:38It's my first county fair as chair of the committee.
00:07:42Leave it with me.
00:07:47I'll meet you there.
00:07:49I just want it to go well.
00:07:51It will be spectacular.
00:07:53Trust me.
00:07:55Have I ever let you down?
00:07:57Tell your mother she doesn't have to answer that.
00:08:09No sign of breaking or any attempt to make the turn.
00:08:13She just...
00:08:16has all the hallmarks of being deliberate, don't you think?
00:08:33I'm afraid this didn't do her much good.
00:08:35Massive trauma to the head and thorax.
00:08:38Death would have been instantaneous.
00:08:40No seat belt.
00:08:42Doesn't look like it.
00:08:43So no attempt to make the turn.
00:08:45She just floors it and deliberately drives into a tree.
00:08:48Not quite.
00:08:51I thought you might be interested.
00:09:07I was at her retirement party last night.
00:09:10She said she couldn't wait for the next phase of her life.
00:09:21That goes down well with the neighbours.
00:09:51You see, I barnered me. This is DS Winter.
00:09:54I'm Matilda, Mattie. Elaine was my step-mom.
00:09:57Can I speak to your father?
00:09:59Be gentle.
00:10:22Mr Bennett?
00:10:27I was asleep.
00:10:29Elaine was gone when I woke up.
00:10:32Which was when?
00:10:34Sometime after nine.
00:10:37We have two witnesses who saw your car driving away at about five this morning.
00:10:47Get that done here.
00:10:51Can you think why she would leave that early?
00:10:56And your wife didn't wake you?
00:11:02I was...
00:11:04sleeping heavily.
00:11:06You didn't hear her get up? You didn't hear her leave?
00:11:11Had you been drinking, Mr Bennett?
00:11:13Is this really necessary?
00:11:14Lionel, it's all right.
00:11:18Yes, I had. I...
00:11:22passed out, okay?
00:11:24I was in the study.
00:11:26When I woke, our car had gone.
00:11:31how about you answer a few of my questions, like...
00:11:35why was she out so early?
00:11:38Why did she crash?
00:11:40Was it an accident?
00:11:42Had she been drinking?
00:11:45Can someone, somewhere...
00:11:47please tell me what the hell is going on?
00:11:52It wasn't an accident, Mr Bennett.
00:11:57I don't understand. Their car?
00:12:00But that means someone deliberately...
00:12:02I'm sorry.
00:12:06Did you know her?
00:12:07No, I'm afraid I didn't.
00:12:09She was funny, you know?
00:12:11And tough.
00:12:13And just who Dad needed after Mum left.
00:12:16Well, that can't have been easy.
00:12:18I was just a kid and took it badly.
00:12:22Elaine was a godsend.
00:12:24She'd had Lionel a few years earlier.
00:12:26See, so they were both single parents.
00:12:29Dad adopted Lionel and we made a whole family.
00:12:32They were well-suited.
00:12:34Neither of their marriages had survived them being on the job.
00:12:39I think she was relieved when I trained to be an accountant.
00:12:42She didn't want either of us following her into the force.
00:12:45She'd seen what it can do.
00:12:47So Lionel is a...
00:12:48A landscape gardener.
00:12:50He's good. Got a real eye.
00:12:52He's doing that development next door.
00:12:54Oh, we saw it coming in.
00:12:57At least Lionel's with him.
00:12:59He doesn't drink so much if someone's there.
00:13:04Must have put a strain on the marriage.
00:13:06They rowed, yeah. Anyone would.
00:13:08A lot?
00:13:10More so recently, but...
00:13:12Dad could never hurt Elaine.
00:13:14He adored her and this is going to break him.
00:13:20You said break cable.
00:13:21We believe so.
00:13:22Then start by finding who smashed the windscreen three weeks ago.
00:13:35Why didn't you go with her to the party?
00:13:40I didn't fancy it.
00:13:42Not really my scene.
00:13:46So you went instead?
00:13:48That's right.
00:13:50What happened after the party?
00:13:53I had driven here.
00:13:55Mum drove us to the party and back.
00:13:58In her car?
00:13:59Our car.
00:14:02And then?
00:14:03Picked up my van and went home.
00:14:07What time?
00:14:08Just after midnight.
00:14:11And you were here all the time?
00:14:18Do you think...
00:14:23She enjoyed last night?
00:14:27Yes, I do.
00:14:33That's something, isn't it?
00:14:39The car had been damaged before.
00:14:42Did they report it?
00:14:43Damien Bennett was all for it, but Elaine didn't want to.
00:14:46Why not?
00:14:47No idea. They rowed about it.
00:14:49They rowed quite a lot, I gather.
00:14:51Get under the garage, see what the damage was
00:14:54and if it included anything other than the windscreen.
00:14:57Like the brakes?
00:15:00Have you any idea how hard it is to get into this place?
00:15:03What, are you thinking of applying, sir?
00:15:06In many years from now, obviously. Decades.
00:15:10You'd have thought someone like DCS Bennett
00:15:12would have been welcomed with open arms, wouldn't you?
00:15:15She wasn't.
00:15:16That's something someone said last night.
00:15:20Probably nothing.
00:15:28By who?
00:15:31We have to tell the police.
00:15:33We have to tell the police.
00:15:35We can't. They'll know it was us.
00:15:39What if he comes after you?
00:15:42Or Freya.
00:15:51She had what?
00:15:52Grodinger's disease.
00:15:54Which is?
00:15:55An inherited condition.
00:15:57Over time, the brain cells begin to waste away.
00:16:01Symptoms don't usually appear until middle age.
00:16:04It starts with loss of balance and goes downhill from there.
00:16:09Eventually you lose the ability to walk, talk, swallow.
00:16:17Is there a cure?
00:16:20It's cruel and horrid.
00:16:22By my reckoning, Elaine Bennett was in the early stages.
00:16:26You said it's inherited.
00:16:28So could she pass it on?
00:16:31There's a 50-50 chance.
00:16:33They generally advise sufferers to tell,
00:16:37so the kids can get tested, but not everyone does.
00:16:40So if you're asking questions,
00:16:42don't go charging in with your size 10s.
00:16:45As if.
00:16:46Would anyone else know about this?
00:16:48A husband, maybe.
00:16:50A GP, definitely.
00:16:52Do we know who that is?
00:16:53Um, a Dr...
00:16:56Ruth Cabot.
00:17:01Thank you, Fleur.
00:17:03Sir, I've got three different people
00:17:05who say that they saw the Bennett's car
00:17:07arriving back at Chalice Court around midnight.
00:17:10So whoever tampered with the brake did it sometime after that.
00:17:15You can't just walk into Chalice Court.
00:17:17The gates are locked and you need a fob.
00:17:19Someone could have scaled the wall.
00:17:21That's better than the alternative.
00:17:24The killer was inside all along,
00:17:27and we're looking for an ex-officer.
00:17:31That we are here today at all
00:17:34is a testament to the wonders of science.
00:17:37Not that long ago, this entire field was a waste ground.
00:17:42Badly polluted and good for nothing.
00:17:45Even today, only a handful of people are allowed onto it.
00:17:49But something called bioremediation
00:17:51is turning that all around.
00:17:53And with my team of talented, dedicated people,
00:17:58we can turn something toxic
00:18:00into something we can all be proud of.
00:18:10Using microorganisms and bacteria and that sort of thing
00:18:13to help reclaim polluted land and rivers.
00:18:16They feed on the pollution and clear it up.
00:18:18Not a chemical in sight.
00:18:20Very impressive, Wynter. Thank you, sir.
00:18:22A mental science. Of course you did.
00:18:26There's something I should have told you from before.
00:18:30About Sam Engles.
00:18:32Who's he?
00:18:33He used to work for me,
00:18:35but I found out he'd been in prison and he lied about it.
00:18:39The thing is, my clients, they trust me, you know?
00:18:43They found out about...
00:18:44And then you fired him.
00:18:47I'm worried he might have something to do with my mother's death.
00:18:51She remembered him.
00:18:53When he'd been nicked.
00:18:54And she told me.
00:18:56So he blamed her for losing his job?
00:19:00Do you know where we can find him?
00:19:06I'm still waiting for that breakdown.
00:19:08I'm so sorry. I know you've got a lot on your mind.
00:19:11I'll get it to you.
00:19:12The audit's in a week.
00:19:13The last thing I need right now is the taxman on my back.
00:19:16I know.
00:19:17Don't worry.
00:19:20Giles Franklin.
00:19:21DCI Barnaby, D.S. Winter.
00:19:23You're the treasurer at Chalice Court, is that right?
00:19:26Yes. It's just about Elaine Bennett.
00:19:28A shocking business.
00:19:30How can I help?
00:19:31You rowed with her last night.
00:19:33It wasn't really a row.
00:19:35But I told her I didn't like her complaining about my dog.
00:19:38Simba barks at night.
00:19:39Well, not often, but...
00:19:42She said if he did it again,
00:19:45if he did it again, she'd apply to have him, I don't know, evicted.
00:19:49She can do that?
00:19:50I doubt it.
00:19:52Told her that if she wanted a fight,
00:19:54Simba and me had faced a lot worse.
00:19:58I was a dog handler.
00:20:0023 years on the force.
00:20:02And the last three was Simba.
00:20:06And then, when they invalided me out,
00:20:10I took him with me.
00:20:12Tried stopping a getaway car with my hip.
00:20:15Not a great success.
00:20:18But after, when my wife passed,
00:20:21he was my pal.
00:20:25You know...
00:20:28You're with someone for 40 years,
00:20:30and suddenly you...
00:20:35Don't get old, gentlemen.
00:20:38It's a bit rubbish.
00:20:47I knew about the Grodingers, of course.
00:20:51It's why Elaine wanted to move here.
00:20:53To Chalice Court?
00:20:56She said she'd feel safer here.
00:20:59She'd begun to experience early symptoms.
00:21:02I mean, nothing bad yet, but...
00:21:04She knew what was coming.
00:21:06What about the family? Did they know?
00:21:08Oh, absolutely.
00:21:11And Damien knew, of course.
00:21:13Not that that helped, particularly.
00:21:15How do you mean?
00:21:17To care for someone, you...
00:21:19You have to be able to put them first.
00:21:21And Damien couldn't?
00:21:24Not that I could see.
00:21:26You know, ten years ago, last April,
00:21:28he was out there, gardening.
00:21:31Cerebral haemorrhage.
00:21:34No warning.
00:21:35I'm sorry.
00:21:38Afterwards, it wasn't easy, but we managed.
00:21:42Routine, you see.
00:21:46He's made a remarkable recovery, considering.
00:21:49So, to mark the anniversary,
00:21:52he wanted to give something back.
00:21:54The charity walk, the equivalent of here to London.
00:21:57100 metres a day.
00:22:01And another one bites the dust.
00:22:08Sam Engles.
00:22:19There's something you said last night, sir.
00:22:21You gave the impression you thought
00:22:23the committee letting in Elaine Bennett was a mistake.
00:22:26No, it wasn't Elaine that worried me.
00:22:28It was her husband.
00:22:30Damien, why?
00:22:32Well, Damien Bennett used to be a police officer, too.
00:22:36At Colston?
00:22:37At first.
00:22:39Then he was transferred, and then he left.
00:22:42Under a big grey cloud.
00:22:45Malfeasance, they call it.
00:22:47Nice umbrella term.
00:22:49He was bent?
00:22:50Oh, no.
00:22:52Not officially, no.
00:22:54He left before anything incriminating could be proved.
00:22:57He's a private investigator now.
00:23:00I hear he's quite good.
00:23:02What sort of incriminating things?
00:23:05You remember the Goldman Forbes job?
00:23:10Yes, I blamed her.
00:23:12I mean, she didn't have to tell him, did she?
00:23:14Stick her nose in like that?
00:23:16If you'd just told the truth, it wouldn't have been a problem.
00:23:19When I got out last time,
00:23:22I really wanted to change.
00:23:24Sort my life.
00:23:26I got a few jobs, cash in hand, but...
00:23:30it wasn't enough.
00:23:32It wasn't enough.
00:23:35And trying to get a proper job,
00:23:37the minute they found out I'd been in prison...
00:23:42..and I could feel the tug.
00:23:45You know?
00:23:47Do a couple of houses.
00:23:50But I didn't want to go back.
00:23:54Then I hear about this job.
00:23:56Garden labourer.
00:23:58With Lionel Bennett?
00:24:00So this time I said nothing.
00:24:02Just that I'd been away, travelling.
00:24:05And I got the job.
00:24:07A regular paycheck. Reckon I'd turned the corner.
00:24:10Until Elaine Bennett recognised you.
00:24:14Where were you last night?
00:24:20You think I had something to do with her death?
00:24:22Did you?
00:24:26I'll donate as soon as I get back to the station.
00:24:29Or you could do it at the county fair.
00:24:31Yes, that's where I'd do the last leg.
00:24:33The grand finale.
00:24:35Very resourceful, my husband.
00:24:37He always was.
00:24:41Calm, calm, calm, calm, calm.
00:24:44Calm, calm, calm.
00:24:46Calm, calm, calm, calm.
00:24:49What's happened?
00:24:51It's just a buzz. It doesn't matter.
00:24:54It doesn't matter, Charlie.
00:24:57Who's he? Has he come to take me?
00:25:00Nobody's come to take you.
00:25:02Now, there's a smart car.
00:25:051965 red custom BMC with white interior.
00:25:09If you say so.
00:25:11You've got quite a collection. What's your favourite?
00:25:14It was the 1969 Scissador Manta Ray.
00:25:16It was sky blue.
00:25:18Only I lost it.
00:25:20So Dad bought me a different car.
00:25:22Nice of him.
00:25:23He buys all of my cars.
00:25:25Does your car have scissor doors?
00:25:27I'd be very surprised.
00:25:29And you've not come to take me away?
00:25:33Charlie, no. No.
00:25:35Hey, why don't I drive you home?
00:25:56Come on.
00:25:58See you, Charlie.
00:26:03How long has he had OCD?
00:26:05Oh, he was diagnosed sometime after the autism.
00:26:09He doesn't live here?
00:26:11Sadly not, no.
00:26:13We had to move him into sheltered housing some years ago.
00:26:17He can be, you know, volatile.
00:26:20And we couldn't cope.
00:26:23He's privately run, you know, with carers.
00:26:26So he's safe.
00:26:28And he comes here often?
00:26:30Mostly to visit his toy cars.
00:26:32He's been obsessed with them since he was a kid.
00:26:35But we look after them, you know,
00:26:37so they don't get too battered, unlike the rest of us.
00:26:49Thank you.
00:26:51Thank you.
00:26:54Oh, Sam Engles claims he was in here all night.
00:26:57Apparently he had his usual three pints of IPA and then went home.
00:27:01Anyone back it up?
00:27:03Barman says that he thinks he remembers him,
00:27:05but Engles is in here most nights, so wouldn't swear to it.
00:27:08He said the three pints of IPA sounded about right, though.
00:27:11So Damien Bennett was a cop. Get that quiet.
00:27:14What's all this about Goldman Forms?
00:27:16I don't remember. About 30 years ago.
00:27:19I finished my training stint at Causton six months earlier.
00:27:24I was four.
00:27:26Please tell me you've heard of the Great Train Robbery.
00:27:29They stole a train?
00:27:31Yes, sir, I've heard of it.
00:27:33Well, the Goldman Forms job was just as daring.
00:27:36How much?
00:27:38Just under five million.
00:27:40It was all over the news for weeks.
00:27:42You couldn't move round here for reporters.
00:27:44Why? Goldman Forms Bank's in the city, isn't it?
00:27:47Because they hid the money at a disused farm out near Badger's Drift.
00:27:53Their plan was to hide it there until the heat died down.
00:27:57But it didn't work out that way.
00:27:59A young PC noticed unusual amounts of traffic on the lane leading to the farm.
00:28:05But he raised the alarm with his sergeant.
00:28:08They went to check it out.
00:28:13And the sergeant?
00:28:15Sebastian Cabot.
00:28:17They found evidence of the gang.
00:28:19Coffee mugs, newspapers, cigarette butts, prints all over.
00:28:24Forensics had a field day.
00:28:27And the money?
00:28:29Found in an outhouse.
00:28:35So what's this got to do with Damien Bennett?
00:28:37I just found out he was the one who raised the alarm.
00:28:41They were heroes.
00:28:42Commendations, pictures in the paper, interviews on the news.
00:28:45The press do like a good story.
00:28:47This one ran and ran for a while at least.
00:28:49Why? What happened?
00:28:51When the money was finally recovered and counted, 300,000 was missing.
00:28:56At first the feeling was one or more of the gang had taken it.
00:29:02They'd double-crossed their colleagues.
00:29:04Honour amongst thieves.
00:29:05Quite. Except as the members of the gang were rounded up, they all denied taking it.
00:29:09Yeah, well they would, wouldn't they?
00:29:12Over time a rumour spread that someone else took it.
00:29:16Any idea who?
00:29:18Damien Bennett.
00:29:20There was never any proof, but there was a time gap between him noticing the activity around the farm
00:29:26and him telling Sergeant Cabot.
00:29:29So what if he found the money early on before raising the alarm?
00:29:34He'd be alone, uninterrupted.
00:29:37He'd have both means and opportunity.
00:29:40That's a lie.
00:29:43You think I'd be stupid enough to take that money?
00:29:48Somebody did.
00:29:50Not me.
00:29:53But the rumour stuck.
00:29:56You didn't say you used to be on the force.
00:30:00Didn't think it was relevant.
00:30:02Why not?
00:30:03I'm not the one that got killed.
00:30:07You left because of malfeasance. We both know what that means.
00:30:11It means they wanted a scalp.
00:30:16It was one of those, um, periodic drives to, you know, root out corruption.
00:30:25My face fitted.
00:30:28I bent the rules, took a few shortcuts.
00:30:33But I was never dirty.
00:30:36How did your wife feel about you leaving like that?
00:30:42She backed me 100%.
00:30:46Something like that, someone in her position, bound to put a strain on a relationship.
00:30:52Can't have been easy.
00:30:55Stop fishing, Inspector.
00:30:58I know the game.
00:31:00Can you imagine what it was like for her?
00:31:02If he's bent, maybe she is too, you know?
00:31:07She didn't care.
00:31:10She believed in me.
00:31:14She even bankrolled me.
00:31:17As a private investigator?
00:31:20Just until I found my feet.
00:31:24When I needed her, she was there.
00:31:26And then I thought, now I can do the same for her.
00:31:33Whatever happens.
00:31:35You mean the Grodinners?
00:31:41I didn't want her to face it on her own.
00:31:44Had she told people about the diagnosis?
00:31:48She didn't update her Facebook profile, if that's what you mean.
00:31:52She said she didn't want to fuss.
00:31:58Besides, I really don't think that's why she died.
00:32:03Do you?
00:32:06I don't know yet.
00:32:11What do you mean, you lost your field?
00:32:13The farmer's pulled out. Says he doesn't want the hassle.
00:32:15But it's less than a week to the fair.
00:32:17Yeah, thanks, I'd forgotten.
00:32:19What are you going to do?
00:32:20Prayer's looking good.
00:32:22Good luck. I'll see you later.
00:32:27How was Damien Bennett?
00:32:31Reckons he's more sinned against than sinning.
00:32:34You don't like him much, do you?
00:32:36I've known coppers like him who think you can be a little bit bent.
00:32:40I'm going down to records tomorrow to pull out the Goldman Forbes files.
00:32:43See what there is about him in there.
00:32:45Good. Anything?
00:32:47Elaine Bennett smashed Wynn's screen.
00:32:49I got on to the garage that does repairs, like you asked.
00:32:52She didn't pay for them.
00:32:54Sebastian Cabot did.
00:32:57Sebastian Cabot did.
00:33:27They weren't leaving anything to chance, were they?
00:33:49They weren't going to retrieve anything from that.
00:33:51All our records. Everything.
00:33:57What was on the computer?
00:33:58Basic admin.
00:34:00Residents' details, applications, records.
00:34:04Including Elaine Bennett?
00:34:05Of course.
00:34:06You didn't have anything backed up?
00:34:08We'd been discussing getting a proper system in for ages.
00:34:12If you like, I could try putting an inventory together from memory.
00:34:19In case they took anything.
00:34:20Thank you.
00:34:21I'll get on it right away.
00:34:32It's the thing used to tighten a drip bit.
00:34:41It's a chuck key.
00:34:42Looks brand new.
00:34:44So I'm wondering who bought a nice new chuck key recently.
00:34:51So I paid the bill because I felt responsible.
00:34:54So don't.
00:34:58You see, it was Charlie.
00:35:02Charlie smashed the Wynn screen?
00:35:05Oh, he was cross.
00:35:07See, Elaine was here hoping she could, you know, counter my vote.
00:35:10And Charlie was, he was playing.
00:35:13And Elaine said she thought he was a bit old to be playing with toy cars, you know.
00:35:18Made him look babyish.
00:35:20A bit harsh, wouldn't you say?
00:35:22Unthinking, really.
00:35:24But unfortunately, she accidentally broke one of the wing mirrors off his car.
00:35:30Oh, Charlie didn't like that.
00:35:33So he retaliated.
00:35:35Car for car, sort of.
00:35:38Well, of course, I offered to pay for the damage, which I did in spades.
00:35:45I'm on to you.
00:35:46You keep saying and in the hope that I'll just keep talking and maybe say more than I want to.
00:35:51Oh, that's an old trick.
00:35:54Try a new one, young Barnaby.
00:35:59And so?
00:36:00Oh, and so is irresistible.
00:36:05All right.
00:36:06Well, unfortunately, Charlie was under caution for something that had happened a few months before.
00:36:14Elaine knew that.
00:36:16And she knew that Charlie was therefore vulnerable.
00:36:20So in exchange for not bringing a charge of criminal damage, she wanted more than just the cost of the windscreen.
00:36:26She wanted my vote.
00:36:28The admissions committee?
00:36:30She knew it was going to be a close-run thing.
00:36:33I voted yes.
00:36:34She scraped through.
00:36:35She blackmailed you?
00:36:37And there was always the danger she'd come back for more?
00:36:40Neatly done.
00:36:42You just got me to volunteer a motive for murder.
00:36:46So I did.
00:36:48Mind you, if I was the murderer, how stupid would that make me?
00:37:05Are you serious?
00:37:19They think you could have done it?
00:37:21You always look at the husband.
00:37:23I know that.
00:37:25I was sort of expecting it.
00:37:27But when it actually happens, when he looked at me like I was...
00:37:31Damien, they're just trying it on.
00:37:34Poking you, you know?
00:37:35Seeing what you'll do.
00:37:37Then maybe I need to find out who actually did it.
00:37:41DCI Barnaby's not the only one around here who knows how to investigate.
00:37:45So I went to see Charlie Cabot.
00:37:49He lives in a converted manor house near Midsomer Parva, specially kitted out, loads of support, very high-end.
00:37:55You think he could have done it?
00:37:56I don't see how.
00:37:58The place is secure, locked down at night, CCTV, night staff.
00:38:03According to Charlie's flatmates, he was in his room all night.
00:38:06Oh, it was always a long shot.
00:38:08How are you getting on?
00:38:09Well, most of the original Golden Forbes gang are either dead or in prison.
00:38:13But there's one that got away.
00:38:17Brian Hurst.
00:38:19He'd be about 50 now.
00:38:21Perhaps he's come back looking for the missing money.
00:38:24Or revenge on whoever took it.
00:38:26Whoever kills Elaine.
00:38:30Unless that wasn't who he was after.
00:38:33Damien Bennett could just as easily have been driving that car.
00:38:36How about he got the wrong Bennett?
00:39:29OK, thank you.
00:39:32The speed camera out on the Marshwood Road picked up a motorbike at 10.43 the night before last.
00:39:40So I ran the plates. It's registered to Damien Bennett.
00:39:44He said he was Sparco in the study.
00:39:47So that would be a lie.
00:39:48I think I know why.
00:39:50Several of the files have been taken from the Golden Forbes records.
00:39:53Who was the last person to sign out the boxes?
00:39:55Elaine Bennett. The day before she retired.
00:39:57Elaine? Why?
00:39:59Maybe Damien asked her to, to help clear his name.
00:40:02Or cover his tracks.
00:40:05What if there's something in those files that proves Damien's guilt and he was using her to keep it hidden?
00:40:11An unwitting accomplice.
00:40:14Unless, of course, she found out.
00:40:25Mr. Bennett, police.
00:40:51It's too late.
00:40:53Too late. He's gone.
00:40:59He wasn't answering his phone.
00:41:02When I got here, his clothes, his overnight bag, his bike, all gone.
00:41:09I don't get it. Why run away? Why would he do that?
00:41:12Why do you think?
00:41:14I don't know.
00:41:17My mum and him, they were arguing more and more.
00:41:22I, um...
00:41:25Go on.
00:41:28I heard them, a week or so ago.
00:41:32I came to drop off some garden tools and I could hear them from outside.
00:41:36What were they saying?
00:41:38I couldn't make it out. Something to do with golding and downside.
00:41:45Didn't mean anything to me.
00:41:47Could it have been Goldman?
00:41:50Could have been.
00:41:53Is it important?
00:41:56Put out a recent picture and alerted the airport, stations and ferries in case he's tried to skip the country.
00:42:01Good. We'll also need phone traces, bank activity, any and all known associates.
00:42:09He knows how we do things, which will make it harder to find him.
00:42:13I'll get on to it.
00:42:17Isn't that Billy Bevan, who's developing the land next to Chalice Court?
00:42:21Why has he got a file on him?
00:42:25Cobra and Panther.
00:42:28And MSM, whatever that is.
00:42:31This note was made the day before yesterday.
00:42:35So, what does it mean?
00:42:39Perhaps he's investigating a zoo.
00:42:43Or not.
00:42:47Sir, Damien Bennett rented a lock-up on Downside Lane. Look at this.
00:42:56Regular payments to a commercial letting agent.
00:42:58Downside, wasn't that?
00:42:59What Lionel Bennett overheard his parents rowing about.
00:43:02And that speeding camera that clocked Damien when he said he was at home.
00:43:05Half a mile from Downside Lane. I think that's where he was.
00:43:08I'll drive.
00:44:00His own private incident room.
00:44:35See how the skull is indented?
00:44:38I'll know more when I get him to the lab, but for now, I'd say that's what killed him.
00:44:43A single blow?
00:44:46My preliminary investigation would suggest two or three.
00:44:51No defensive wounds or bruising.
00:44:53I'd say the first one put him down, and the others finished the job.
00:44:57Time of death?
00:44:59It's a bit soon to be sure, but I'd say he's been dead no more than about six hours.
00:45:05So somewhere between 11 and when we found him at 4.30.
00:45:11Why string him up?
00:45:13A warning. This is what happens if you cross us.
00:45:17Whoever it was, they've got a flair for the theatrical.
00:45:21Very Kiss of the Spider Woman.
00:45:24And then, of course, there's this.
00:45:34Found a partial boot print outside, and the padlock on the door's intact. No sign of forced entry.
00:45:39And no signs of a struggle.
00:45:41He let them right in, and then get close enough to hit him.
00:45:44I'm guessing because he knew them.
00:45:54Let's get that tested.
00:45:58What was Damien up to?
00:45:59Clearing his name, I'd say.
00:46:01I think he wanted to know who took the 300,000.
00:46:04If he found out, it'd prove his innocence.
00:46:07Or get him killed.
00:46:13If Damien Bennett took that money, he'd hardly need his wife to bankroll his business.
00:46:18And he wouldn't be privately investigating his own crime.
00:46:21So why this?
00:46:22Maybe the murderer made a mistake.
00:46:24Thought Damien was, indeed, guilty.
00:46:26I'd explain the whole display.
00:46:29So where does the murder of Elaine Bennett fit in?
00:46:32Maybe it's like you said, they've got the wrong Bennett.
00:46:35OK, let's widen it out.
00:46:36You take a look at all of his files from in there.
00:46:38Notes, everything.
00:46:39Also, who was he investigating?
00:46:41Who had he upset?
00:46:44And what the hell does a cobra, a panther, and whatever MSM is have to do with all of it?
00:47:01He always claimed to be innocent.
00:47:04That someone else took the money.
00:47:08But recently he'd become obsessed.
00:47:12Why was that, do you think?
00:47:13Them moving here.
00:47:15All those old cops looking at him.
00:47:18The rumours, the looks.
00:47:21More than ever, he was desperate to clear them up.
00:47:26But he couldn't see.
00:47:29The harder he tried, the more damage he did.
00:47:32To their relationship?
00:47:36At first, Elaine was like a sort of cheerleader.
00:47:41But recently, I think she was just sick of it all.
00:47:45She wanted to enjoy not working.
00:47:49Spend time with her granddaughter, Freya.
00:47:55Both of them.
00:48:02What am I going to do?
00:48:12Where is he?
00:48:16Where's hubby?
00:48:17Leave us alone.
00:48:18Believe me, I will.
00:48:20Just as soon as I get the money, I'm owed.
00:48:22We don't owe you anything.
00:48:24That job was mine.
00:48:26I'll call the police.
00:48:32No, you won't.
00:48:37It's mine.
00:48:43No, you won't.
00:48:48It's mine.
00:49:02Those traces you under-tested.
00:49:04We've got the results back.
00:49:07In amongst the soil and clay, we found evidence of chicken feces.
00:49:13I'd say you're looking for someone who either works on a farm or rears poultry.
00:49:18That should make things easier.
00:49:20Well, it really doesn't, but thanks.
00:49:23I live to serve.
00:49:26Plus, I was in the area.
00:49:29Sir, I found the files that Elaine Bennett took from the Golden Forbes records.
00:49:34One of them was Sebastian Cabot's duty statement, covering the events leading up to the raid on the farm.
00:49:39I was on duty patrolling in car ZV-4 with PC Jack Minogue.
00:49:43We returned to the station for refreshments, which is when PC Bennett informed me of suspicious activity around the farm at Badger's Drift.
00:49:49I went out to the farm, accompanied by PC Bennett, where we found the money.
00:49:56I then secured the area with PC Bennett and called for backup.
00:49:59That's exactly as he told us.
00:50:01Standard routine, filing that.
00:50:04So what's the significance?
00:50:07That's my duty statement.
00:50:10And you say that Damien Bennett got Elaine to take this from records?
00:50:14We think so.
00:50:16Your partner, PC Minogue, do you know where we can find him?
00:50:20Kylie, we used to call him, obviously.
00:50:23I'm afraid he died nearly ten years ago.
00:50:26Cancer. Too damned young.
00:50:30Why do you think Damien Bennett took this?
00:50:35It's just me dotting I's and crossing T's. It's completely insignificant. What do you think?
00:50:41It was one of a number of files Damien Bennett took.
00:50:45Perhaps the others are more significant.
00:50:49And Damien Bennett obviously thought so, or he wouldn't have taken them.
00:50:57You know, I've been thinking, 300,000 is a lot to hide.
00:51:01You couldn't easily hide it in a pillowcase or in the freezer, so where did they put it?
00:51:06Property, I'd say.
00:51:08Buy, wait a while, then sell. It's nice, clean money.
00:51:11Maybe, but Damien Bennett didn't do anything like that.
00:51:14That you know of.
00:51:18Keep at it, young Barnaby. You'll crack it.
00:51:22I hope so.
00:51:24In the meantime, don't lose sight of the big picture.
00:51:27Which is?
00:51:28Well, Damien Bennett went to a lot of effort to make it look as if he was clearing his name.
00:51:33You know, pretending to be obsessed and all that.
00:51:36Looked pretty real to me.
00:51:38Well, if it seems you've made it your life's mission to find a villain, how can that villain possibly be you?
00:51:46You know, common sense says you're innocent.
00:51:49Clever of that.
00:51:54Nothing so far, I'm afraid, on MSM.
00:51:59Could be someone's initials, could be an acronym.
00:52:02There are lots, from mainstream media to Miami Sound Machine.
00:52:06Popular beat combo, sir, from the 1970s, I believe.
00:52:10What about Cobra slash Panther?
00:52:12Apart from the obvious.
00:52:14Cobra's an old computer programming language.
00:52:17Perhaps he was learning to code for some outdated reason.
00:52:21Keep at it.
00:52:22Anything on William Bevan?
00:52:24Only what you'd expect.
00:52:26Dodgy deals, suspected backhanders, general slipperiness.
00:52:30But nothing outright illegal.
00:52:32Not as soon as you'd notice.
00:52:34Without the land next to Chalice Court, that's not a done deal.
00:52:37There's an appeal against it.
00:52:38If it doesn't go through, he'll be on the hook for a fortune.
00:52:42Oh, then one other thing.
00:52:44What's that?
00:52:45Nothing on William Bevan before 1995.
00:52:48No tax returns, no bank details, no nothing.
00:52:52What's that?
00:52:53Witness statement, hardware store in Newton Magna.
00:52:57The owner says that an old guy came in four days ago
00:53:01and bought a chuck key and heavy-duty drill bits.
00:53:03How did he pay?
00:53:04Cash, so no record.
00:53:06But he says that he had a dog.
00:53:09Tied him up outside.
00:53:10Called him Simba.
00:53:21I think we should talk about the heavy-duty drill bits you bought four days ago.
00:53:30I borrowed some money from a charity.
00:53:37That's not a word I like to use.
00:53:41You see, a year ago, my injury pension was reviewed.
00:53:45They couldn't touch the lump sum, but they decided to re-ban me.
00:53:49Decided I wasn't as badly injured as they'd originally said.
00:53:53Can they do that?
00:53:54Oh, yeah.
00:53:56Wrote me a letter, all very polite, but their decision was final.
00:54:00First I thought I'd be OK, make ends meet.
00:54:06But I couldn't.
00:54:09Not if I wanted to stay here.
00:54:14You know, my wife and I were very happy here.
00:54:18This is where she died.
00:54:20You know, sometimes I sit here and I feel that she's with me, still.
00:54:30I don't want to leave.
00:54:33So you stole from the charity fund?
00:54:37I was always going to give it back.
00:54:39You know, that was the plan.
00:54:41What happened?
00:54:42Mattie Bennett was preparing the annual audit.
00:54:45She does the books.
00:54:46She noticed something?
00:54:47I didn't know what to do.
00:54:49She was pushing for the files and I was afraid that she'd see what I'd...
00:54:56I thought, if I destroyed everything, made it look like a break-in, I'd...
00:55:07You'll need to come with us.
00:55:09You'll be charged with fraud and criminal damage and released on bail.
00:55:14I understand.
00:55:16Did Elaine Bennett know about your embezzling?
00:55:19Is that why you ran out?
00:55:22She knew nothing.
00:55:24Or if she did, she never said anything to me.
00:55:28Pop your shoes back on, darling.
00:55:38Come on.
00:55:47Mrs. Barnaby?
00:55:49Billy Bevan.
00:55:51I'd like to make you a proposal.
00:55:53What do you think?
00:55:55Well, you know, Elaine Bennett wasn't averse to a bit of blackmail to get what she wanted.
00:55:59Why blackmail Giles Franklin?
00:56:01I mean, it's not like he's rich or can do her a favor.
00:56:04It doesn't make any sense.
00:56:05No, it does.
00:56:06I mean, what are we looking at here?
00:56:07A wife murdered by mistake?
00:56:10Or by design?
00:56:11And if that's the case, why kill her husband?
00:56:21I'm just imagining how you'd look in the stocks.
00:56:26Sam wants the money he's owed.
00:56:28I thought he was going to hit me.
00:56:31I'm scared.
00:56:33Don't be.
00:56:35When does he want it?
00:56:38I don't...
00:56:42Everything's going to be all right.
00:56:55I've got you, you criminal.
00:56:57Particularly nasty type.
00:57:01Oh, hi, darling.
00:57:02This is my husband, John.
00:57:04This is Billy Bevan.
00:57:05Yeah, I was at the groundbreaking yesterday.
00:57:08Very impressive.
00:57:09It will be.
00:57:10Mr. Bevan here is my knight in shining armor.
00:57:12Billy, please.
00:57:13Is he, indeed?
00:57:14Yeah, he's offered me some land for the county fair.
00:57:16Ah, next to Chalmers Court.
00:57:18No, we can't let the public onto that yet.
00:57:20Authorized boards only.
00:57:21Even I'm not allowed.
00:57:22Ah, right.
00:57:23The bio-remediation.
00:57:25Very good.
00:57:26No, this is up the hill a bit.
00:57:28I'm not doing anything with that at the moment.
00:57:29So, Billy thought he could help us out.
00:57:31Isn't that generous?
00:57:33Plus, I'm sure it'll play well with the council,
00:57:35and especially with any appeals lodged.
00:57:40I should be going.
00:57:41I'll see you out.
00:57:49Thank you so much for your help.
00:57:51I really appreciate it.
00:57:52You're welcome.
00:57:57Thank you so much.
00:57:58Thank you so much.
00:57:59I really appreciate it.
00:58:00You're welcome.
00:58:01Thank you so much.
00:58:03Thank you.
00:58:04You're a lifesaver.
00:58:05Thank you.
00:58:06I didn't know what we were getting into.
00:58:11Take care.
00:58:12All right.
00:58:13Thank you very much.
00:58:28You did well.
00:58:29Sent the glass off to forensics.
00:58:31William Bevan might not have existed before 1995,
00:58:34but maybe a record of his fingerprints does.
00:58:45You come looking for money?
00:58:47You think I owe you?
00:58:50You threatened my wife.
00:58:52Your daughter, eh?
00:58:53You think you can do that?
00:58:56Listen to me.
00:58:58You better hope that nothing happens to either of them.
00:59:01Because, my friend, if Jenny gets robbed,
00:59:04or the car gets broken into,
00:59:06or Freya so much as grazes her knee,
00:59:09I'm holding you responsible.
00:59:11You got that?
00:59:14Leave us alone.
00:59:24Well, what do you know?
00:59:26I owe you.
00:59:29We got a match on the prints I got from William Bevan's glass.
00:59:33That was quick.
00:59:34I called in a favor.
00:59:35And I'm glad I did.
00:59:37You see, there's a good reason there's no record
00:59:40of William Bevan before 1995.
00:59:43Because before that, he was someone else entirely.
00:59:53Thank you so much for coming, gentlemen.
00:59:55I have to tell you,
00:59:56I think this deal's going to be very good for all of us.
01:00:01I hope you haven't come all this way to see me, Detective.
01:00:04Don't really have the time.
01:00:06I'm sure you can find the time, Mr. Hurst.
01:00:13I don't suppose there's any point in denying it.
01:00:17At first, the idea of taking part in a heist like that was exciting.
01:00:22I was a kid. Made me feel the big man.
01:00:24So what happened?
01:00:25Cold feet.
01:00:26The closer it got, the more I thought it was a crazy idea
01:00:28that we'd never get away with it.
01:00:30What did you do?
01:00:31I told them I was sick, the day before.
01:00:33Some stomach bug.
01:00:34But they believed you?
01:00:35There wasn't much they could do.
01:00:37But it was fine.
01:00:38The job went down and I fought fair dues.
01:00:40And that was that.
01:00:41Then the money went missing and I knew I was in trouble.
01:00:45I knew about the farm, where they stashed the money.
01:00:47And I ducked out of the job, so I double-crossed them.
01:00:50I knew I had to get away, fast.
01:00:52Unlike some, I'd been careful with the money that I'd made.
01:00:58I had a bit squirreled away, so I ran.
01:01:00Reinvented myself.
01:01:02Went straight.
01:01:03By going into property?
01:01:05I'd have thought the 300,000 would have set you up nicely.
01:01:09I didn't take it.
01:01:14Coming back here was a gamble?
01:01:16Not really. I waited 25 years.
01:01:18And who, after all this time, is going to link Billy Bevan to the farm?
01:01:21I'm going to link Billy Bevan with little Brian Hurst.
01:01:23How about Damien Bennett?
01:01:34Hello there.
01:01:36Last leg. All set?
01:01:38Just point him in the right direction, wind him up and watch him go.
01:01:41Very, very slowly.
01:01:43Brilliant. Thank you.
01:01:45All right.
01:01:46You know, you're not bad for an old croc.
01:01:48Oh, thank you very much. Thank you.
01:01:50I'll call you again.
01:01:54Did you know Damien Bennett was looking into your affairs?
01:01:57I'd heard some talk.
01:01:58If he blew your ID, that'd be bad for you, wouldn't it?
01:02:01An ex-criminal who lied, I'm sure your investors would just melt away.
01:02:05Only he didn't. Someone got to him first.
01:02:08Where were you yesterday between 11 and 4?
01:02:11At home. Working.
01:02:13Can you prove it?
01:02:16You people, slinging your accusations around,
01:02:19and you've got no proof, no evidence, just a story.
01:02:23Well, I've got one, too.
01:02:25I did know for sure about Damien,
01:02:27and I'm not about to kill him on the off chance.
01:02:29I'm not that stupid.
01:02:31So, unless you've got anything else up your sleeve,
01:02:34I think we're done here.
01:02:36Don't you?
01:02:46This way.
01:02:58It's a bit thin, isn't it?
01:02:59Early days.
01:03:01Isn't Jamie with you?
01:03:02He's at the station.
01:03:04Well, what about...
01:03:05He'll be here.
01:03:06In costume?
01:03:07Le tout ensemble.
01:03:09Listen, while you're here,
01:03:10you could make yourself useful and set up the stocks.
01:03:14It beats being in there.
01:03:16Thank you.
01:03:17See you later.
01:03:45Thank you.
01:04:11You asking me out?
01:04:14They're doing it because their pumps were out of order the other night.
01:04:17Which means that you couldn't have had your three pints of IPA.
01:04:20Sorry, I made a mistake.
01:04:25This time, he was pretty sure that you weren't there at all.
01:04:29You weren't, were you?
01:04:33I didn't kill her.
01:04:34So why lie?
01:04:37I was at Lionel's house.
01:04:40I wanted my money.
01:04:42I could see the van was gone and he wasn't there.
01:04:44It was just his wife and the kiddie.
01:04:45So what did you do?
01:04:48I waited.
01:04:50I watched.
01:04:52Felt good.
01:04:53For the first time, somebody else was going to do what I told.
01:04:58So what happened?
01:05:06She went to bed at 11.30.
01:05:10I stayed there till gone one, maybe a bit later.
01:05:14Then I decided to call it quits.
01:05:15So you didn't see Lionel Bennett come home?
01:05:17I thought I'd go back another time.
01:05:19And did you?
01:05:21Lionel Bennett may seem sweet.
01:05:23You know, working with plants and gardens and that.
01:05:25But underneath, he's messed up.
01:05:30Now, may I recommend that you check out all of these stalls that we have.
01:05:35It's a tremendous stall.
01:05:38Quite an achievement.
01:05:40Did you ever think he wasn't going to make it?
01:05:42When he started, he said he was doing it for Charlie,
01:05:44so he'd be proud of his old man.
01:05:48And I knew he'd make it.
01:05:51You know, Elaine adored Lionel.
01:05:53Telling him she was sick must have been incredibly difficult.
01:05:57The Grosdingers.
01:05:59Nasty business.
01:06:01Then, of course, he had to get tested.
01:06:03See if he had it.
01:06:05That takes guts.
01:06:07But it all worked out fine.
01:06:10I was delighted when Lionel had Freya.
01:06:13I was telling him about the other night.
01:06:15Elaine must have been so happy.
01:06:17Do you have children, Inspector?
01:06:19A little girl.
01:06:21The things we do, eh?
01:06:24The things we do, eh?
01:06:34What if he's here?
01:06:40He won't bother us again.
01:06:43It's over.
01:06:50I love you.
01:06:53I love you too.
01:06:57No one's going to hurt us.
01:06:59Not while I'm around.
01:07:16Can we find out who Lionel Bennett's GP is?
01:07:19I need to ask them a question.
01:07:21I'll get that over to you.
01:07:22Speaking of,
01:07:23do you know that he didn't get home until gone one the night Elaine Bennett was killed?
01:07:27Later than he said?
01:07:28Possibly a lot later.
01:07:30I'll talk to him.
01:07:31Meanwhile, don't forget you're on in a couple of hours.
01:07:33And look villainous.
01:07:34I might be a few minutes late.
01:07:37There's something I need to ask Giles Franklin first.
01:07:53Elaine Bennett was the chair of the Pension Review Board, wasn't she?
01:07:57You blamed her for them taking your pension away.
01:08:00And everything that followed, the lies and the fraud, you hated her for that.
01:08:04Now what I'm wondering is whether you hated her enough to kill her.
01:08:10I found out about Elaine a couple of weeks ago.
01:08:13So that's what you were really arguing about that night then, was it?
01:08:16I wanted her to know, right? To understand.
01:08:20I wanted her to know, right? To understand what she and her cronies on the committee had actually done to me.
01:08:26And 27 others like me.
01:08:29Did it make any difference?
01:08:30What do you think?
01:08:32But at least I told her.
01:08:34Is that all you did?
01:08:36I was angry.
01:08:38I had it out face to face.
01:08:40Do you really think I then waited until she got home,
01:08:43went out in the middle of the night and cut her break cable?
01:08:46A bit elaborate.
01:08:47A bit like staging a robbery to cover up your embezzlement.
01:08:51The damage was done.
01:08:53Killing Elaine Bennett wouldn't have changed anything.
01:08:56I didn't kill her, dearest Winter.
01:08:59What would have been the point?
01:09:32You in these?
01:09:34Yes, yes, that's me.
01:09:38Quite the sportsman.
01:09:40Once upon a time.
01:09:42Yeah, that was the day we won the Federation Sevens tournament.
01:09:46The same day they found the gold on Forbes money.
01:09:49Big weekend.
01:09:50As it turned out.
01:09:51But we wouldn't have won it if Kylie hadn't have scored with a drop goal in the last minute.
01:09:56Yes, oh, sorry.
01:09:57Well, that's what we called him.
01:09:59His real name was Jack.
01:10:00Jack Minogue.
01:10:03The whole game was riding on it and he was just outside the 22 and he nailed it.
01:10:07Calm as you like.
01:10:29You've got quite a collection.
01:10:31What's your favourite?
01:10:32It was 1969 scissor door Manta Ray.
01:10:35It was sky blue.
01:10:36Only I lost it.
01:10:38So Dad bought me a different car.
01:10:50Sebastian Cabot couldn't have been on duty with Jack Minogue when Damien told him about the farm.
01:10:54Jack Minogue was playing rugby.
01:10:56Cabot lied on the duty statement.
01:10:58And I'm afraid I know why.
01:11:06We need to talk.
01:11:07We need to talk.
01:11:08We need to talk.
01:11:09We need to talk.
01:11:10We need to talk.
01:11:11We need to talk.
01:11:12We need to talk.
01:11:13We need to talk.
01:11:14We need to talk.
01:11:15We need to talk, sir.
01:11:18Thank you.
01:11:19That's a bit formal.
01:11:20Can't it wait?
01:11:21Not really.
01:11:23All right.
01:11:24What's it about?
01:11:25The 1968 Panther base with the Cobra body.
01:11:29It's how you hid the money you stole from the Goldman Forbes job.
01:11:37Damien Bennett wasn't the first person to notice activity around the farm.
01:11:43I had already seen fresh tar tracks a few days before.
01:11:48But I kept it to myself.
01:11:51And when I could, I watched.
01:11:56And I found it all.
01:11:58It was like it was there waiting for me.
01:12:01That's when you took it.
01:12:04I didn't even stop to think.
01:12:06You know, you swear you'll never cross the line.
01:12:09Oh, my God.
01:12:10It was so much.
01:12:12Oh, God.
01:12:13It was so much.
01:12:19I needed it so badly.
01:12:21You know, Charlie was just, oh, he was, he needed help.
01:12:26And I couldn't afford it.
01:12:28But he was my boy.
01:12:32That was the miracle I needed.
01:12:35And then what?
01:12:37Well, I hid the money miles away.
01:12:41And then I started to think straight.
01:12:43And I was worried because I'd left fresh tar tracks and footprints in the mud.
01:12:49You know, all physical evidence that forensics was bound to find.
01:12:55Anyway, I went back to the station.
01:12:57Where PC Bennett was waiting for you.
01:13:01And when he said that he was suspicious and that we should check out the farm,
01:13:06it all clicked into place.
01:13:08That was the other miracle that I needed.
01:13:12So I said we'd go together.
01:13:14We'd discover it together.
01:13:17And that way you'd have a legitimate explanation
01:13:20for any forensic evidence you'd left behind when you were there before.
01:13:24Exactly. Uh-huh.
01:13:26Plus an entirely unwitting, innocent scapegoat.
01:13:29No. No, no, no.
01:13:32That wasn't the plan.
01:13:35Mind you, when they began to ask questions later,
01:13:38then it was easier to start a rumour.
01:13:41And, of course, by that time, Demien had acquired a reputation.
01:13:48On the day, you had to fill out a duty statement
01:13:50to account for the time that you were actually stealing the money.
01:13:53And you lied about being on patrol with PC Jack Minogue.
01:13:57No, I realised a few days later that I'd made a mistake.
01:14:01I couldn't have been on patrol with Kylie
01:14:05because he was in the Sevens team.
01:14:09But I'd already submitted the report,
01:14:12so I just had to hope that nobody noticed.
01:14:17And they didn't.
01:14:19And they didn't.
01:14:22But you did.
01:14:25Then you had to hide the money.
01:14:28By then, Charlie was obsessed with the toy cars, and so...
01:14:34So you bought collector's items?
01:14:36Bought and sold.
01:14:38Anonymously, of course, when we needed a lump sum.
01:14:42Like the scissor door manta ray, the one that Charlie thought he'd lost.
01:14:47I got nearly 30 grand for that. Imagine.
01:14:51Demien Bennett was close to putting it all together.
01:14:54He knew what you'd done, he just needed the proof.
01:14:57Oh, I didn't know that.
01:14:59And if you had?
01:15:01Oh, you really think I could have killed him?
01:15:08How about your wife?
01:15:10Oh, of course not.
01:15:13And she was with me all night.
01:15:15Besides, she had no idea.
01:15:17That you stole the cash?
01:15:19She must have suspected all that money over the years.
01:15:22Suspicion is different from collusion.
01:15:25She didn't know, John.
01:15:29I told you you'd crack it.
01:15:33You know I'm going to have to arrest you.
01:15:37Aye. Aye, of course.
01:15:39Can I just ask one last favour, for old time's sake?
01:15:56You're a terrible old softie.
01:16:02Well done, Doug.
01:16:04Going to tell me?
01:16:06Yeah, well, I figured he wasn't going to make a run for it.
01:16:11No, Charlie, your old man's going to have to go away for a week, well,
01:16:15so I want you to be strong.
01:16:17Can you do that, now, Charlie?
01:16:19Where are you going?
01:16:20These gentlemen are going to look after him.
01:16:23For how long?
01:16:24Ah, well, I'm not sure.
01:16:25I don't want you to go.
01:16:26Charlie, just look after your mum, will you?
01:16:30My best boy.
01:16:42Right, lads.
01:16:44This way, please, sir.
01:16:45Thank you.
01:16:48Thank you, young Barnaby.
01:16:51Take him away.
01:17:03So, that's one mystery solved.
01:17:06Now you just have to find who murdered Elaine Bennett and her husband.
01:17:10Assuming it was the same person and that Elaine wasn't killed by mistake.
01:17:14Oh, no.
01:17:18The airbag in the car deployed, remember?
01:17:21When that happens, it releases particulates into the air which get breathed in.
01:17:25Normally, you'd expect to find traces in the lungs.
01:17:28Only you didn't.
01:17:31Not even a suggestion.
01:17:33Which means she wasn't breathing.
01:17:36So, I went back and looked again.
01:17:38This time, I found an injury that didn't fit the car crash narrative.
01:17:45She was killed by a blow to the head.
01:17:48Elaine Bennett was already dead when the car crashed.
01:17:52I'd say her murderer hoped the killer blow would get lost amongst all the other injuries.
01:17:59It nearly did.
01:18:01So, Elaine wasn't a mistake.
01:18:04She was the intended victim all along.
01:18:09There's a cat.
01:18:13Ladies and gentlemen, if you go to the paddock area,
01:18:16the display of sheepdog skills by Frank Bridgewater and his dog Bonzo has begun.
01:18:22That was so good.
01:18:24So good.
01:18:27Come on, let's go.
01:18:33Just doing my bit for charity, wouldn't you?
01:18:36Oh, well, try not to enjoy it too much.
01:18:42You do know how this works, don't you?
01:18:51I'm not concentrating.
01:18:53What's the matter?
01:18:54It's this case.
01:18:56I feel like I'm close, but every time I think I've got a handle on it...
01:19:00Well, something will turn up.
01:19:03Well, look at me.
01:19:05One minute I'm worrying about whether we're going to have anywhere to stage all this, and then the next...
01:19:08God bless Billy Bevan.
01:19:10He's a very interesting man.
01:19:12Yes, he is.
01:19:14He was telling me the other night, you know that land he's developing?
01:19:17It was unusable until he reclaimed it.
01:19:19Oh, the bio-remediation. Yeah, ask Winter, he's the expert.
01:19:23All I know is that they use chicken poo.
01:19:27Say that again?
01:19:28Well, the bio-whatever-it's-called remediation thing.
01:19:31Apparently they use chicken poo to clean up the oil pollution.
01:19:33Some sort of chemical reaction.
01:19:35I mean, who'd have thought it?
01:19:42What was that for?
01:19:45You've got one left, sir.
01:19:47It'll have to wait. Come on.
01:19:54Look at us.
01:19:56Still a family.
01:20:01Thank you, Doctor. That's very helpful.
01:20:12Lionel, where are you going?
01:20:30Come on.
01:20:53You look like you're doing some help.
01:20:55Thank you. Nice catch.
01:20:57Old habits and all that.
01:20:59He did brilliantly.
01:21:01I wasn't talking about Simba.
01:21:03In they go, one after the other.
01:21:06And that, ladies and gentlemen, was some textbook shepherding.
01:21:10Round the floors, ladies and gentlemen.
01:21:13It was the Grodinger's diagnosis, wasn't it?
01:21:17What are you talking about?
01:21:19Your mother assured her doctor, Ruth Cabot,
01:21:22that she'd told you and that you'd been tested.
01:21:25Only you hadn't, had you?
01:21:27I spoke to your GP just now and they confirmed it.
01:21:31Why was that?
01:21:33My choice.
01:21:35You were starting a family. Why wouldn't you want to know?
01:21:38Unless Elaine didn't tell you.
01:21:42Your mother let you start a family without informing you
01:21:45of a fatal genetic disease you might have
01:21:49that you could pass to your daughter.
01:21:52A game of Russian roulette you didn't even know you were playing.
01:21:56Might never have known.
01:21:58Except Ruth Cabot unwittingly revealed it at the party.
01:22:06She thought I knew.
01:22:08Dr Cabot.
01:22:10She thought I'd been tested.
01:22:12She said I must have been so relieved.
01:22:14She kept going on and on about how it could have gone either way.
01:22:19And Mum knew. All this time.
01:22:22And she said nothing.
01:22:24Even when Jenny was carrying Freya.
01:22:32How could she?
01:22:34So you confronted her.
01:22:37I waited until we got to her house.
01:22:41I told her,
01:22:4350-50, I'd got it.
01:22:4650-50, Freya would grow up with a terminally ill parent.
01:22:51I said she could have it too.
01:22:54I said her silence had put my daughter's life in danger.
01:23:02My baby.
01:23:05Then what happened?
01:23:07She said she didn't tell me to begin with because
01:23:10she didn't want me to have that burden
01:23:13of knowing.
01:23:16Of it casting a shadow over my whole life.
01:23:20Then Jenny got pregnant and she said,
01:23:23she said she didn't dare tell me
01:23:26because if we knew, we might terminate the pregnancy.
01:23:31And she couldn't have that.
01:23:34Not her grandchild.
01:23:39I just
01:23:41found out this thing.
01:23:44My whole life
01:23:46turned upside down.
01:23:49And she had the nerve to make it all about her.
01:23:52What the hell do you think you are?
01:23:54What right do you have to decide?
01:23:56And if you'd known, what then?
01:23:58You think I'd just sit back while you terminated the pregnancy?
01:24:02It was my grandchild.
01:24:04She wasn't just yours.
01:24:06She was mine too.
01:24:07Get away from me!
01:24:11I didn't mean for it to happen.
01:24:13But she should have told me.
01:24:15She shouldn't have kept it a secret.
01:24:18And afterwards?
01:24:20I knew I had to cover my tracks.
01:24:22I thought if I could make it look like Mum wasn't the target and...
01:24:26It'd send us on a wild goose chase
01:24:28and we wouldn't look too closely at motives to kill her.
01:24:32So I cut the break cable to make it look like you'd got the wrong person.
01:24:37Damien had a lot more enemies than Mum.
01:24:40But it couldn't end there, could it?
01:24:42If we were really going to believe that your mother had been killed by accident,
01:24:45the killer had to strike again.
01:24:49So you what? Killed your stepfather to keep up the pretense?
01:24:53He knew. About everything.
01:24:56He could have told me. He was as guilty as she was.
01:25:00Then he said he was going to start investigating.
01:25:02Well, I couldn't let that happen.
01:25:04I was afraid he'd work out what I'd done.
01:25:08I just needed a motive that you'd buy.
01:25:12I knew about the missing money, of course.
01:25:15And the rumours.
01:25:18He told me about wanting to clear the family name once and for all.
01:25:22I've got a place.
01:25:24A lock-up where I've gathered all the evidence.
01:25:27No, he was investigating the missing money.
01:25:30It was just what I was looking for.
01:25:33So I went to see him. He showed me everything.
01:25:36He was excited.
01:25:38Said he was about to crack it wide open.
01:25:40Every police officer.
01:25:43Every villain going back 30 years.
01:25:48I'm this close, I'm telling you.
01:25:54Then it was just a matter of making it look like it was connected to the stolen heist money.
01:25:59The £50 note with payback written on it.
01:26:02And it worked.
01:26:03For a while.
01:26:04Only you left a boot print and traces of the chicken dung used to restore the land you were working on.
01:26:11And the microscopic traces of blood on your clothing, which you and I both know you missed, will clinch it.
01:26:24I didn't mean for any of it to happen.
01:26:27They both made a choice.
01:26:30They knew what they were doing.
01:26:34All of this.
01:26:37It's on them.
01:26:51So now you know, will you get a test?
01:26:55Of course.
01:26:56And if it's positive, will you tell your daughter?
01:26:59When the time is right.
01:27:01And when's that?
01:27:05Ladies and gentlemen, the bait is now closed.
01:27:12May I thank you all for making the effort to come here today.
01:27:16Secrets and lies.
01:27:18DCI Cabot lied so he could help Charlie.
01:27:22Elaine Bennett kept her secrets so she could watch her grandchild grow.
01:27:27The things we do.
01:27:28Many thanks.
01:27:32Terry Leaf.
01:27:33Terry Leaf.
01:27:34Shouldn't you be in Chokey cooling your heels?
01:27:36Well, the case collapsed.
01:27:37The police threw in the sponge.
01:27:40You're quite pleased with that one, aren't you?
01:27:42It's pretty nifty, I think.
01:27:43Thanks, Jamie.
01:27:44Nice work today.
01:27:48So, two arrests.
01:27:51Like I said, I like getting my hands dirty.
01:27:55Well, today was a huge success.
01:27:58I'm glad.