Midsomer Murders Season 22 Episode 2

  • 2 months ago
Midsomer Murders Season 22 Episode 2


00:00:00You killed my sister!
00:00:29No! I am innocent!
00:00:31The truth, Toby. That's all we want.
00:00:33Say it, Toby. I killed Violet.
00:00:36Georgia, you have to believe me.
00:00:37Say it!
00:00:38Believe me. We've been married for years. You know that I never hurt anyone. Tell them, please.
00:00:45If you won't confess, just set the dogs on him.
00:00:47Turn them loose!
00:00:48No! No! No!
00:00:59Harry, what's got into you?
00:01:12I think he can smell your lungs.
00:01:17Oh, that's very green.
00:01:25I hope you've got his number plate.
00:01:55Ben! Ben!
00:02:12Ben! Ben!
00:02:20Good morning.
00:02:26Have you been smoking?
00:02:29Smoking as in smoking hot.
00:02:37Won't you ever listen?
00:02:39When you've been given a second chance, take it.
00:02:43Then it takes you!
00:02:51Oh, your scar is knitting together nicely.
00:02:54Yeah, isn't it?
00:03:00Whoa! Back off, Mimi!
00:03:02What's the matter, Ruben? Can't take a little extra thrust?
00:03:08Oh, Uncle, can you check this over? It's the insurance policy for our new member.
00:03:13New member? Is it a shame that she caught us?
00:03:16No one told me about a new member.
00:03:18Good morning, everyone. I'd like to introduce our latest recruit.
00:03:30Get him out of here!
00:03:31What on earth were you thinking?
00:03:32All right, everyone just calm down.
00:03:34Calm down!
00:03:35I'll kill him!
00:03:36Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. There's no need for this. Not anymore.
00:03:39Just put the stick down, Georgie.
00:03:45We'll talk later, okay? I promise.
00:03:48Toby is not what you think he is.
00:03:56Alberta, please!
00:03:57Of all the things you could do to me!
00:03:59I tried to warn him.
00:04:00And you still went along with it. Seriously?
00:04:03Don't bother answering that question. You're no longer managing the club. I'm sacking you.
00:04:07Wait, you can't do that. I've got ideas, plans.
00:04:10That's exactly why I'm sacking you. I need somebody I can trust.
00:04:30Of course, yes.
00:04:45See you soon.
00:06:29Judging from the rigor mortis, he's been here all night.
00:06:33Do we know who he is yet?
00:06:35Reuben Toombs, 68 years young.
00:06:40What's that?
00:06:42It's a nice stick. With modifications. They use it in kendo.
00:06:47I once shacked up with a local champion.
00:06:51When in Japan.
00:06:57Sadly, Big Brother wasn't watching.
00:07:00They also found this mobile phone.
00:07:03I'll get on to the service provider, see what it throws up.
00:07:05Also, find out who practices kendo around here.
00:07:09Can I go and speak to the victim's relatives?
00:07:25I'd had an early night.
00:07:28Didn't realize Reuben hadn't come back.
00:07:31Not even when he woke up this morning?
00:07:33Reuben has had insomnia since his operation.
00:07:40He didn't want to keep disturbing me, so he moved into a spare room.
00:07:45Oh, God, has Gideon been told?
00:07:48Our son.
00:07:49Sorry, sir, you've got...
00:07:50Oh, God, I've just heard.
00:07:51And you are?
00:07:52Harry Marks.
00:07:55I am not going to allow you to go through this on your own.
00:07:59Save it, Harry.
00:08:01We both know you need the work.
00:08:07Mrs. Toombs, do you know if your husband had made any enemies recently?
00:08:10Perhaps upset someone, had an argument with them?
00:08:13I nursed Reuben back to health after his heart bypass.
00:08:17Day and night I prayed for him.
00:08:20I did everything I could and now someone does this to him.
00:08:29Why are you still here?
00:08:49Problem, sir?
00:08:50Can wait.
00:08:52For now.
00:08:53I've got a lead on the kendo.
00:08:54Apparently it might belong to a club called the Stitcher Society.
00:08:57They meet here on the estate in a lodge owned by the victim.
00:09:04There's definitely one missing.
00:09:07I'm sorry to have to do this now, Mr. Toombs.
00:09:10Of course.
00:09:11I want to help in any way I can.
00:09:13Who has keys to this building?
00:09:15Doesn't matter.
00:09:16It's never locked.
00:09:17So you're a martial arts club, then, are you?
00:09:21Kendo is just a small part of our rehab program.
00:09:25The Stitcher Society.
00:09:27It was my father's idea.
00:09:29He felt there was a shortfall in post-operative care for heart patients.
00:09:32And that care involves bashing each other with bits of wood, does it?
00:09:35Yeah, well, we also arrange lectures, counselling, health and fitness,
00:09:40and more importantly, new challenges.
00:09:44Anything that'll ignite a passion for life again.
00:09:47The trauma of an operation can leave a heart patient very depressed and...
00:09:52pretty lost afterwards.
00:09:53I'm sorry, I can't take this in.
00:09:56My father was standing right where you are.
00:10:00Mr. Toombs, do you know if your father had upset anyone recently?
00:10:05Not recently, no.
00:10:07Miss Marks?
00:10:08Oh, there was a bit of a flare-up yesterday.
00:10:12Yeah, sorry, not thinking straight.
00:10:14My father stepped in to defend our newest member, Toby Wagner.
00:10:18Defend him from who?
00:10:20The club members.
00:10:21They were furious.
00:10:24I think we'd better have a list of their names.
00:10:29Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God.
00:10:31You need to stay calm while we think this through.
00:10:33How can I? Reuben was my only ally.
00:10:35And we can use that by making sure that everyone knows that he was on your side.
00:10:39But the ten worst ideas I ever had, moving back to Tamworth Springs,
00:10:42rockets in at number one, cheers.
00:10:44Toby, please, it'll be OK.
00:10:46OK? OK?
00:10:48You weren't at the club yesterday.
00:10:50I don't think anyone is ready to forgive him.
00:10:52Forgive me for what? I haven't done anything.
00:10:54Is that right?
00:10:56Only the minute you turn up, another person dies.
00:11:00Large scotch, please, Julia.
00:11:02In memory of Reuben.
00:11:10Just pour it, Julia.
00:11:12You'll be glad of the business once word gets out your brother's back.
00:11:16And you can forget about joining the club.
00:11:19Now that Reuben is no longer here to stick up for you.
00:11:38Cooper Steinem?
00:11:40Try again.
00:11:42The clue's in the accent.
00:11:44Mimi Dagmar?
00:11:49In that case, you must be their employee and lodger, Mac McAnally.
00:11:56Can you tell me about the flare-up at the club yesterday?
00:11:59It was a bit more than a flare-up.
00:12:01Wee Georgie, she threatened to mool our Toby.
00:12:03Georgie Tremaine?
00:12:05Toby was lucky Reuben stepped in.
00:12:07Could have been a bloodbath.
00:12:09Well, how was it resolved?
00:12:11Well, who says it was?
00:12:13Reuben asked Georgie to meet him. Now he's dead.
00:12:17Makes you think, eh?
00:12:23I just saw Red. I wasn't really going to hit Toby.
00:12:26We're not here about that, Miss Tremaine.
00:12:28We're here about Reuben Toombs.
00:12:30We heard that you were planning to meet with him last night.
00:12:32Sometime between the kendo class and when he was murdered.
00:12:35I did meet him.
00:12:37But I definitely wasn't the last person he saw.
00:12:40And you know this because?
00:12:43Well, that would have been his killer, obviously.
00:12:47And what did you and Reuben talk about?
00:12:50He wanted to put my mind at ease about Toby Wagner joining the club, which he did.
00:12:54And then I came straight home afterwards.
00:12:57Tell me, what did Toby do to make himself so unpopular in the first place?
00:13:02I ran the local paper.
00:13:14Toby Wagner arrested in connection with brutal murder.
00:13:18He didn't hold back in naming and shaming him, then?
00:13:21That's Viola, Alberta Toombs' sister.
00:13:24Murdered in cold blood for absolutely no reason.
00:13:27And all the evidence pointed towards Toby.
00:13:29It says here the case was thrown out of court and Toby walked free.
00:13:33Harry Marks screwed up in court.
00:13:35The defense destroyed his credibility as a key witness and the rest of the case disintegrated and I was...
00:13:41And yet you publicly hounded Toby regardless.
00:13:43Couldn't bear to see him strolling around the village. No one could.
00:13:47It didn't take much to whip them into a frenzy.
00:13:50Until he had no choice but to leave.
00:13:54And now, according to Reuben, I've been wrong all this time.
00:14:00And Reuben had definite proof of this?
00:14:03He said another witness had been found.
00:14:06Putting Toby elsewhere at the time of Viola's murder.
00:14:09I don't know how and I don't know when, but he assured me he was going to tell everyone.
00:14:18I know that woman.
00:14:19That's Toby's ex, Mimi Dagmar.
00:14:22Or Wagner, as she was then.
00:14:28Miss Tremaine?
00:14:30It's probably nothing.
00:14:34It's probably nothing.
00:14:36But she's been pretty angry at Reuben lately.
00:14:40To be honest, she looked like she was going to kill him yesterday.
00:14:45Send for the case file on Toby Wagner.
00:14:48I'd like to know how he walked free in spite of the evidence.
00:14:51And dig into Georgie Tremaine.
00:14:54Let's see what sort of a history she had with Reuben Toombs.
00:14:58What about Alberta Toombs, then?
00:15:00Reuben did step in to defend her sister's killer.
00:15:02She might not have been too happy about that.
00:15:04Alleged killer, but good thinking, Winter.
00:15:06You know how I know it's good thinking?
00:15:08Because I was thinking the same.
00:15:21Mrs. Dagmar?
00:15:23Oh, wait, don't tell me. It's Mr. Barnaby, isn't it?
00:15:26Oh, what a lovely surprise.
00:15:29Are you and Sally still in that house I told you?
00:15:32Indeed we are. And it's, um, Sarah.
00:15:35Anyway, um, I'm here to ask you about...
00:15:38Still shackled together, then?
00:15:41Um, Mrs. Dagmar, I'm here on official police business.
00:15:45Oh. In that case, I'm all ears, all eyes, and all the rest of me.
00:15:53Tell me about, um, Reuben Toombs.
00:15:56Only a witness told us that you looked like you wanted to kill him
00:16:00during your kendo class.
00:16:02Well, isn't that the whole point? To kill one's opponent?
00:16:05I mean, not literally, of course.
00:16:07Are you denying there was enmity between you and Reuben?
00:16:11Cards on the table.
00:16:12His wife, Alberta, has been a very good friend to me
00:16:15through all my ups and downs,
00:16:17and I had the overwhelming sense that he was playing away,
00:16:21so I was just a teensy little bit angry with him.
00:16:24But only on behalf of Alberta.
00:16:27Could the other woman be Georgie Tremaine?
00:16:30We know that she met with Reuben last night.
00:16:33They did meet, then.
00:16:36She's so lost and vague these days.
00:16:40I mean, come on, have you met her?
00:16:42She's all smocks and sandals.
00:16:45Hardly going to catch anyone's eye.
00:16:48Did you know that Toby Wagner, your ex-husband,
00:16:51was coming back to the village?
00:16:53He wouldn't be here if I had.
00:16:55You still believe that he killed Viola Deepdale, then?
00:16:59I married a wrong'un, Mr Barnaby.
00:17:03I just didn't realise it till it was too late.
00:17:05Now, please do remember me to Sandra.
00:17:09Now, this is the beating heart of the Stitcher Society.
00:17:12It's where the idea was born, Jocasta.
00:17:14And do you think there could be one of these in every town and village?
00:17:17Easily. A surgeon might mend people physically,
00:17:19but it's what happens afterwards.
00:17:21This is where the healing really begins.
00:17:24It all sounds well and good,
00:17:26but are there honestly that many heart patients?
00:17:30Definitely, if Townwood Springs is anything to go by.
00:17:33Trust me, coronary disease is a goldmine.
00:17:36We've had a revolving door of members for several years now.
00:17:39All I need are the funds to get as many Stitcher Societies up and running as possible.
00:17:43Premises, private nurses, money for confidence-building activities.
00:17:47People will pay a fortune for that.
00:17:49There's no lonelier person in the world than a patient with fears no-one else understands.
00:17:54Hmm. Well, as I said, I like it in principle,
00:17:57but I would need to see first-hand how it works.
00:18:00Absolutely. Let's get you down to our next class or outing.
00:18:03Meet a few members. I can arrange that.
00:18:05Hmm. Text me a date and a time and I'll pop along.
00:18:08Thanks for the tour. It was lovely to meet you, Mrs Toombs.
00:18:16I'm sorry, I know how hard that must have been.
00:18:19I see you've reinstated yourself.
00:18:22Mother, all you need to know is I'm going to make a great job of this.
00:18:25Only after you apologise for Toby.
00:18:28I couldn't be more sorry. Really and truly.
00:18:31But Father insisted he was innocent, said we'd all find out soon enough, and I...
00:18:37I suppose I thought the more people in the club, the more impressed Jocasta would be.
00:18:42If you weren't my son, you'd disgust me.
00:18:47I'll get rid of Toby. I will. You can consider him gone.
00:18:51And Georgie? What about her?
00:18:53If your father changed her mind about Toby, we'll never hear the end of it.
00:18:57She could turn everyone else.
00:19:00Fair enough. She's gone too.
00:19:02But if I do that, where does that leave me and you?
00:19:06We're going to be all right.
00:19:08We'll be just fine.
00:19:11Like always.
00:19:16Come on.
00:19:25I can't blame them.
00:19:27People are in shock over Reuben.
00:19:30Probably not up to a pub quiz.
00:19:32Get wise. We've been blacklisted.
00:19:35It's insanity bringing Toby back here.
00:19:39Dear me.
00:19:41Oh, chin up, Julia.
00:19:43It's a little bowl of hopefulness.
00:19:45Only I may have a buyer for your delightful pub.
00:19:49You are outrageous.
00:19:51Just get out!
00:19:56Ooh, pub quiz.
00:19:59Question one, economics.
00:20:01A man owns a pub and can make a small profit if he sells immediately.
00:20:06Now, does he A, say no because his wife tells him to,
00:20:10B, stall and lose the buyer,
00:20:12or C, does he save himself from a second stress-related heart attack
00:20:16after his business goes into receivership?
00:20:18As soon as people accept that Toby is innocent,
00:20:22they'll be back here drinking again.
00:20:24My brother is not and never was a killer.
00:20:28You know the truth of all this, Cooper.
00:20:30It's only going to get worse from here on in.
00:20:41Yeah, I don't blame you, mate.
00:20:50Mmm, starters. What's the occasion?
00:20:53It's Maine's, darling.
00:20:55Betty's class are having a health awareness week
00:20:57and we've decided to support her.
00:20:59I don't remember agreeing to that.
00:21:00Well, that happened when you said, I do.
00:21:04Are you happy that we moved to this house?
00:21:07Well, yes, of course. Why do you ask?
00:21:10No reason.
00:21:13Are you happy that we moved to this house?
00:21:15Well, yes, of course. Why do you ask?
00:21:18No reason.
00:21:43The truth, Toby. That's all we want.
00:21:45Faith, you killed my sister.
00:21:49Turn them loose!
00:22:43Can you tell me where you were
00:22:45on the night Reuben Toombs was murdered?
00:22:51I thought you were here about the message on the wall.
00:22:54Oh, I am.
00:22:59So where were you, Mr. Wagner?
00:23:13It's a quaint village, don't you think?
00:23:18Look out.
00:23:20Probably wouldn't want to live anywhere else.
00:23:35Lock the door. Lock the door.
00:23:37What happened?
00:23:38They tried to kill me.
00:23:39Who did?
00:23:40What are you talking about?
00:23:41Mimi, Harry, Georgie.
00:23:43You've got to get me out of here right now.
00:23:45Toby, just slow down.
00:23:47No, no, no, there's no time.
00:23:48They could come here.
00:23:49They might even hurt you.
00:23:51I'm going to need your car keys.
00:23:53As soon as I'm far enough away,
00:23:54I'll call you and I'll let you know where I left them.
00:23:56No, you can't run. You're innocent.
00:23:57The court set you free.
00:23:58But I'm not, am I?
00:24:00Not to them.
00:24:02How long will you be gone?
00:24:05No, I'm going to call the police.
00:24:07They'll protect you.
00:24:08I hate it too.
00:24:10But this is the best option for both our sakes.
00:24:16I love you, sis.
00:24:20But you can't protect me.
00:24:35I was a free man.
00:24:39And that mob, thanks to Georgie's newspaper,
00:24:41they decided I was guilty regardless.
00:24:45You didn't report the mob.
00:24:49Georgie made sure that I was hated by the entire village.
00:24:52No one would have backed me up.
00:24:55Yet you're back here now.
00:24:59Reuben came to visit me after my heart attack.
00:25:02He said he had proof of my innocence
00:25:04and that he was going to make things right.
00:25:06I couldn't believe it, but he was adamant.
00:25:09He said that he hoped I'd be able to forgive him and the others,
00:25:13so I pitched up and nothing changed.
00:25:18He hadn't even told them that I was coming.
00:25:20It was like walking into a lion's den.
00:25:23Have you arrested anyone yet?
00:25:25Someone broke into our pub.
00:25:27It's Mrs Steinem, isn't it?
00:25:29Can you account for your brother's whereabouts
00:25:31on the night Reuben was killed?
00:25:33What are you talking about?
00:25:35He wouldn't attack Reuben. Why would he?
00:25:38All the same, Mrs Steinem.
00:25:41But he was here.
00:25:43All night?
00:25:44Yes. I was with him.
00:25:49Rest assured, we'll look into the break-in.
00:26:01Thank you.
00:26:03Make sure you stick to our story.
00:26:05You were here all night.
00:26:33I'm sorry.
00:27:03I'm sorry.
00:27:33I'm sorry.
00:27:39I'm sorry. For a moment I thought you said zipper.
00:27:42I did.
00:27:44It's how surgeons describe the heart bypass scar.
00:27:47It looks like a zip.
00:27:49What they do is break open the sternum and then slice
00:27:53all the way down to a few inches above the belly button.
00:27:59If you're ever having a Sunday roast,
00:28:01I'm a surgeon.
00:28:03I do a cracking job on your chicken.
00:28:08Who would know he had that scar?
00:28:11A surgeon, obviously. A nurse.
00:28:14Or a member of the Stitcher Society.
00:28:26I want everything you can find on Reuben Toombs,
00:28:29whatever evidence he had that proved Toby Wagner's innocence.
00:28:33Start with his wife.
00:28:39How's your eyesight, Mr. Marks?
00:28:42Why? Are you moonlighting as an optician now?
00:28:46You almost ran over my dog.
00:28:48What dog?
00:28:50I think you've got the wrong man, Chief Inspector.
00:28:53Hope you don't make a habit of doing that.
00:29:06Sorry, just a couple of things, Mrs Toombs.
00:29:09How did you feel about Toby Wagner joining the Stitcher Society?
00:29:13Honestly? Volcanic.
00:29:16And when you and your husband returned home after the kendo class?
00:29:19I was still volcanic. I'm not going to hide that.
00:29:22I was furious with him.
00:29:24But please be aware that when you're married to someone
00:29:27with a damaged heart, you tend not to yell at them or upset them.
00:29:31You're scared stiff it might bring on another attack.
00:29:35So whatever anger or rage I was feeling, it never surfaced.
00:29:39I merely went to my room.
00:29:41But your husband told Georgie that he had proof of Toby's innocence.
00:29:45Interestingly, he didn't tell you that.
00:29:47We didn't talk for the rest of the evening.
00:29:50One more thing, Mrs Toombs.
00:29:53Were you alone the night your husband was murdered?
00:29:56Yes. Yes, I was.
00:29:58But I didn't leave the house.
00:30:00And for what it's worth, I loved my husband very much.
00:30:04He may have done a very silly, stupid thing,
00:30:07but it was nothing that 40 years of a very solid,
00:30:10very loving marriage wouldn't fix.
00:30:33Training alone?
00:30:38Mimi had to take a quick call from one of our clients.
00:30:41I am really sorry about your father, Gideon.
00:30:46Thank you.
00:30:48But listen, your sub's overdue for this month and last.
00:30:51I apologise. It's just a cash flow thing. It'll sort itself out.
00:30:54I'm sorry to do this, Georgie, but you're out of the club.
00:30:57You can't do that. I'd be lost without it.
00:30:59Look, I hear you. I do.
00:31:01But it's not really fair on the others, is it?
00:31:03You are not throwing me out, Gideon.
00:31:06I think I just have.
00:31:08I am running things now, after all.
00:31:11Then perhaps I'd better tell the police.
00:31:14Your father and I didn't just talk about Toby when we met.
00:31:17Ruben was really angry.
00:31:19He said he'd sacked you.
00:31:21And the next thing I know, he's dead.
00:31:30Anyone else hear him say that?
00:31:37Close the door on your way out.
00:31:49Great. That's it.
00:31:51All done.
00:31:53So, how am I? Still breathing? Still here?
00:31:55Yes, you are.
00:31:57But... Don't give me a but.
00:31:59Anything but a but.
00:32:02I got your echocardiogram results.
00:32:05I'm sorry, Georgie, but they've found an anomaly.
00:32:08God. Your surgeon is recommending a second operation.
00:32:11I can't face another op, Erica.
00:32:13But it's not going to be anything you haven't experienced before.
00:32:16And the club will rally round you.
00:32:19I doubt that.
00:32:22I can't pay the fees, so Gideon kicked me out.
00:32:30He's supposed to be carrying on Ruben's legacy.
00:32:33Even after Ruben fired him.
00:32:35I didn't know he had.
00:32:38Ruben told me the night he died.
00:32:40Apparently, it didn't go down too well.
00:32:44You should start looking after your own heart.
00:32:47Oh, mine's fine.
00:32:49I mean in regard to Gideon.
00:32:55We're very happy. Thank you.
00:32:58OK. I'll see you later.
00:33:00Thank you.
00:33:17Hello, Harry?
00:33:20I need to come and see you.
00:33:22As soon as possible, please.
00:33:25OK. Thank you.
00:33:35Thank you, sir.
00:33:39So Socko found this in the pages of a book in Ruben's bedroom.
00:33:43It's an agreement with a letting agency.
00:33:45He was due to move into a new flat next month.
00:33:48Anyone else's name on the lease?
00:33:50Just Ruben's.
00:33:51Who's handling the letting agreement?
00:33:53That'll be Dagmar and Deepdale.
00:33:55Deepdale's agency. Indeed it is, sir.
00:34:16You just can't stay away.
00:34:19Susan will be wondering what you're really up to.
00:34:22It's Sarah.
00:34:24So this is how you knew about Ruben's affair?
00:34:29My bad.
00:34:31I should have said.
00:34:33You've kept me to secrecy.
00:34:35Even though Alberta is one of your best friends.
00:34:38Don't you think I told him that?
00:34:40Yet still you helped him.
00:34:42What can I say? He was...emotional.
00:34:48..I have a big heart.
00:35:03Wonder where that had got to.
00:35:09Do you know you are sitting precisely five feet and eight inches from me?
00:35:17Make that...
00:35:19..four feet...
00:35:21..and nine inches.
00:35:26You mentioned that Ruben was emotional.
00:35:30He was very upset.
00:35:32He said that the murder of Viola had changed Alberta irrevocably.
00:35:36She couldn't get over it and it was dominating their lives.
00:35:39And sadly...
00:35:41..very sadly...
00:35:43..40 years of happiness just slipped slowly away.
00:35:49Who was Ruben moving in with?
00:35:52He refused to tell me.
00:35:56Was it you, Mimi?
00:35:58Are you the other woman?
00:36:03Would you like me to be?
00:36:05Would you like me to be?
00:36:36I don't feel a bit of weird hands in now.
00:36:39No, out.
00:36:41Hang on.
00:36:42What? Really?
00:36:46And stop with the pouting.
00:36:48Pouting's what they all do.
00:36:52..let's hope there's a fish fancier out there, eh?
00:36:55That's all right. Good.
00:36:57I didn't come here to save your love life.
00:36:59Get me to save mine.
00:37:02Just between you and I...
00:37:05..how can I sell the pub without Julia finding out?
00:37:08You're not serious?
00:37:10That's a heart attack.
00:37:12I thought Julia was your everything.
00:37:14She is.
00:37:15Well, she won't be for much longer.
00:37:17Well, can you help me or not?
00:37:19Mimi's found a buyer and they're in a hurry.
00:37:23You're using Mimi's estate agency?
00:37:26I mean, could you make it any worse?
00:37:28Julia loathes her and Mimi was there that night
00:37:31threatening to feed Toby to the dogs.
00:37:33Yes, and that's why we're doing it on the sly.
00:37:36And now Toby's back, things are going to go to the wall, Harry.
00:37:41We'll get rid of Toby.
00:37:46Don't you think I haven't thought of that already?
00:37:49Well, think harder.
00:38:02It's all about re-educating your palate.
00:38:19Do you remember the woman that sold this house to us?
00:38:22Well, as if you don't.
00:38:24She was practically moving herself in with you.
00:38:27Gigi something.
00:38:32Okay, so first you ask if I like this house
00:38:35and then Mimi crops up.
00:38:38What's going on?
00:38:40She's part of this case that I'm working on.
00:38:43Well, all the more reason for you to focus on your healthy eating.
00:38:50Eat your celery.
00:38:59Eat your celery.
00:39:29Eat your celery.
00:40:00THE GAME
00:40:12Well, that's the last time I go to a gym.
00:40:15You go to the gym?
00:40:17We need to find out who knew Georgie was here last night.
00:40:20There's a rotor inside something.
00:40:22Everyone trains with at least one partner.
00:40:25According to the rotor, Georgie was here on her own.
00:40:28She'll be on double bubble for this.
00:40:35I just heard. I can't believe it.
00:40:38Tell me, Erica, who writes up the fitness rotor?
00:40:42I do. Why?
00:40:44Georgie was training on her own last night.
00:40:46I was under the impression that the club was created
00:40:48to teach heart attack victims...
00:40:50Survivors. We don't...
00:40:52We don't use the V word.
00:40:55..that there is support for them at all times.
00:40:59I know how it looks.
00:41:01But Gideon had thrown Georgie out of the club,
00:41:03so I thought I'd make a stand and show him
00:41:05that she was still very much a part of things.
00:41:08It was the last available slot.
00:41:10What did Gideon have against Georgie?
00:41:13She couldn't pay her subs.
00:41:15So much for helping people.
00:41:17He shouldn't even be in charge.
00:41:20Georgie told me that Reuben sacked Gideon
00:41:24just before he was killed.
00:41:28They're going to come here and they're going to blame me for Georgie.
00:41:32No-one's going to do that. Aren't they?
00:41:35She publicly handed him, made his life hell.
00:41:38Who else are they going to think killed her?
00:41:40Well, he's innocent and there's proof. We just need to find it.
00:41:43That's the problem, Julia. No-one's ever truly innocent, are they?
00:41:47What does that mean? It's a good question.
00:41:50Not sure I know any more.
00:42:00I'm really sorry, but we're going to have to let you go.
00:42:03Why? What have I done?
00:42:05Oh, it's nothing personal.
00:42:07It's just...
00:42:09Mimi has found a buyer and they want a quick sale.
00:42:14Well, I guess there's no arguing with that, then.
00:42:17There is one. Tiny little hitch, though.
00:42:20I haven't told Julia yet.
00:42:22Cooper, she'll brain you. I can live with that.
00:42:25I assume you get the chance to.
00:42:30Yeah, I'm still waiting on the results from the pain test.
00:42:33Yeah, if you could. Thank you.
00:42:37Anything back on Toby Wagner's trial?
00:42:40Nothing new yet, sir.
00:42:42I was thinking, what if Toby was a killer then and is still a killer now?
00:42:46Only he came back to settle a score with the people that hounded him.
00:42:50The trouble is, Georgie and Reuben were seemingly on his side.
00:42:54They wanted him back in the village.
00:42:56Well, it's something that the victims have in common.
00:42:59Is that all they have in common?
00:43:01Reuben stood in the way of his son Gideon's plans for expansion,
00:43:05but where does Georgie fit into that?
00:43:08We know that Reuben had a secret lover,
00:43:10and Alberta told me that he made a silly mistake,
00:43:13which I just assume she meant letting Toby back into the club,
00:43:16but maybe Mimi isn't the only one that thinks Reuben's having an affair.
00:43:22This is deeply unfair of you, Mr Barnaby,
00:43:25to march in here and to accuse my husband of infidelity.
00:43:29Reuben had a rental agreement.
00:43:32Absolute nonsense.
00:43:33You claimed yours was a loving marriage.
00:43:35That wasn't a claim.
00:43:36All the same, we believe that Reuben had met someone else.
00:43:40Look, I admit we had a few bumps in the road,
00:43:43especially after Viola was murdered,
00:43:45but not enough to warrant his running off with someone else.
00:43:48Was Georgie Tremaine the other woman?
00:43:50Georgie? Dear Lord.
00:43:52You already knew that Reuben was going to meet her
00:43:55on the night that he was killed.
00:43:59Georgie and Viola were lovers, Detective,
00:44:03so there is very little chance that she and my husband were having an affair.
00:44:10I'd like you both to leave, please.
00:44:21Ah, here she is. Erica Marks, medicine woman.
00:44:25Hey. How are you doing?
00:44:27How do you think?
00:44:29Ask a stupid question.
00:44:31Ask a stupid question?
00:44:35I liked Georgie.
00:44:39Do you want to talk about it?
00:44:41I'm just here to get drunk.
00:44:43Well, that's also my kind of talk.
00:44:52You still haven't let me give you a proper health check.
00:44:57You know what my answer's going to be.
00:44:59And I don't want anyone else dying because I didn't do my job properly.
00:45:09You look like you need a friend.
00:45:15It's a bit quick, isn't it?
00:45:17I bet the heating's not even been turned off yet.
00:45:22Mrs Dagmar.
00:45:24Mr Barnaby.
00:45:26You're handling the sale of Georgie's cottage.
00:45:28That's somewhat swift. She only died last night.
00:45:31Are you thinking of making an offer?
00:45:33What would this go for?
00:45:35Oh, let me see. Oozes charm and character.
00:45:40Deceptive frontage, yet dynamic interior.
00:45:45Worth a small fortune, I'd say.
00:45:49Sounds like there's a windfall coming your way.
00:45:52Tell me, Mr Barnaby, why is my ex-husband still walking around?
00:45:56It's just two people have died since he came back,
00:45:58and yet here you are asking me about house prices.
00:46:01If you'd like to do some good, perhaps a little police protection wouldn't go amiss.
00:46:16That man's going to end up running someone over.
00:46:19Want me to have a word, sir?
00:46:21Confiscate his licence while you're at it.
00:46:27Mr Marks!
00:46:46Have you got a minute, Mr Marks?
00:46:52Where did you say you live?
00:46:54Where did you say you live?
00:46:56Just up the hill.
00:46:58Look, you could just give me my keys back, you know.
00:47:01That'd be a dereliction of duty, Mr Marks.
00:47:04Dangerous driving. You could do time for that.
00:47:07Sounds tempting.
00:47:09Probably have more friends.
00:47:14You don't fancy a pint, do you?
00:47:20In you come.
00:47:25What's this? You're leaving?
00:47:27Coop can't afford to keep me on.
00:47:29I thought I'd shoot a few play pigeons and then be on my way.
00:47:32Have a seat.
00:47:42Yeah, it's clean.
00:47:45It's lunch.
00:47:50Well, you'd better strip off now, then.
00:47:55In the name of medicine.
00:47:57An MOT before you check out.
00:47:59It's Stitcher Society rules.
00:48:01Got to make sure you're not falling apart at the seams. Literally.
00:48:04I have a sewing machine for that.
00:48:12Can I trust you, Mark?
00:48:15Of course.
00:48:17Why? What is it?
00:48:20Reuben and Georgie are dead.
00:48:23And all Gideon can think about is building an empire.
00:48:28I've seen him cry.
00:48:30I've seen him look upset.
00:48:32But the truth is, I don't believe any of it.
00:48:36It's all an act, Mark.
00:48:39And it scares me.
00:48:48You think Gideon killed both of them?
00:48:57Mother got inspired.
00:48:59My father used to take us up to Scotland for the Glorious Twelfth.
00:49:03Admittedly, this is slightly different, but it'll still get the blood pumping.
00:49:07Next week, we'll have them fire-walking.
00:49:10Well, this is rather more ambitious than I imagined.
00:49:12In a good way?
00:49:13In a very good way. I want to have a go myself.
00:49:16And you won't be alone in that.
00:49:21Oh, sorry. I need to be somewhere.
00:49:25But look, I'm going to push hard on this.
00:49:28Though I'd have to insist on a makeover.
00:49:32The Stitcher Society sounds like it's about old ladies embroidering hankies.
00:49:37So, how about Blood Pumpers Limited?
00:49:43Because that's what I'm feeling here.
00:49:45Well, have a think, OK? Get the blood pumping.
00:49:48See you in a bit.
00:49:52It's happening, Mother. It's really happening.
00:49:56Blood Pumpers. Your father would have hated that.
00:50:14Another club event?
00:50:16Got to keep the tickers ticking.
00:50:19Even though two of your members have died?
00:50:21It's not down to me, Chief Inspector. It really isn't.
00:50:23I'd soon as cancel everything, but my investor insisted on seeing the club in action.
00:50:26Your investor?
00:50:28It was my father's dream, to reach out to as many damaged hearts as possible.
00:50:31Start again.
00:50:34I know your father sacked you, and that you now stand to benefit from his death.
00:50:38Why did he sack you, Gideon?
00:50:41He found out I was trying to sell the format of the Stitcher Society.
00:50:45I'd found an investor. She'd shown a lot of interest.
00:50:49And Georgie Tremaine? You threw her out of your club.
00:50:52So what had she done to upset you?
00:50:54I didn't kill her. If anything, I was going to reinstate her.
00:50:57I mean, think about it. The more members there are, the more the club looks like a viable proposition.
00:51:11You won't believe this, sir, but Harry Marks just told me that Georgie went to him yesterday and changed her will.
00:51:18He didn't think to come to us as soon as he knew she'd been murdered?
00:51:22He stoned 24-7. I'm surprised he even remembered this.
00:51:25Who's the beneficiary?
00:51:27It's the newest member of the club. One Toby Wagner.
00:51:41Mr. Wagner?
00:51:43I don't know what to say.
00:51:45You weren't aware that Georgie had made you her sole beneficiary?
00:51:49No, I swear.
00:51:50He didn't know about the will. How could he? Harry is hardly going to call Toby.
00:51:56I know that you and Harry Marks are good friends, Mr. Steinem.
00:52:00He doesn't make any sense to me.
00:52:02I don't know what to say.
00:52:05I know that you and Harry Marks are good friends, Mr. Steinem.
00:52:09It doesn't mean that he opens his filing cabinet and invites me to have a rummage.
00:52:14Let's hope not.
00:52:21Jules, I swear I never knew about this.
00:52:24Well, I guess you can move out now.
00:52:26He's not going anywhere.
00:52:28You can't deny a man at home. I come to think of it, it's really good news.
00:52:32The village is starting to accept him.
00:52:35Maybe he won't need you as much, Julia.
00:52:40One thing I don't understand is that mob had Toby Wagner,
00:52:44the most hated man in the village, at its mercy and yet they did nothing.
00:52:48Not everyone's a killer, sir.
00:52:50All the same, they had dogs, he'd hurt his leg,
00:52:53and yet still he managed to escape and get to his sister's pot.
00:52:56And I'd like to know how he managed to do that.
00:53:03Tell me about that night on the village green.
00:53:06Which one? I've had many nights out on the green.
00:53:10This one involved dogs and an angry mob.
00:53:15I didn't know I could feel that murderous.
00:53:18Turn them loose!
00:53:20For the love of God! Dinner time, boys.
00:53:23Just, just, just wait.
00:53:25This is crazy.
00:53:27I am innocent.
00:53:30OK, OK, please, just, just, just wait.
00:53:32Get out of here. Get out of here, Toby, go on.
00:53:34Ruben! What are you doing? Ruben, he was about to confess!
00:53:37Go! He killed Viola!
00:53:39Look at us, Alberta, we are not these people.
00:53:42None of us are.
00:53:44And Viola wouldn't want this. She'd be horrified.
00:53:52We weren't really going to set the dogs on him,
00:53:55we just wanted to scare him into confessing.
00:53:58But then Ruben stepped in and prevented that from happening.
00:54:01That must have hurt, Mrs Thames.
00:54:03Horribly. I'd never felt so betrayed.
00:54:08But then, later, when Ruben had his heart attack, I was there for him.
00:54:13I couldn't not be. Every day, every minute.
00:54:18And you did all that just for another woman to come along and take him from you?
00:54:22We were making things work.
00:54:24Caring for him had brought us back together.
00:54:27Until he stopped believing that Toby was guilty.
00:54:30And worse, started convincing people like Georgie.
00:54:34Toby Wagner bludgeoned my sister to death in cold blood.
00:54:39He lured her to a house he told her he wanted to buy.
00:54:43She turned up to show him around and he killed her.
00:54:47That is the only truth of this.
00:54:58What the hell?
00:55:00Oh, gosh. I'm so sorry.
00:55:03Cooper said to do this when Julia wasn't here, but I...
00:55:06I can come back later.
00:55:08Yeah, maybe you should.
00:55:10Oh, by the way, you can't tell Julia that I was here.
00:55:15This village, jam-packed with secrets.
00:55:18Not to mention a killer. I mean, I can't believe that Toby hasn't been arrested yet.
00:55:23Maybe you got it wrong, Mimi.
00:55:25Maybe you got it wrong, Mimi.
00:55:27Could be someone else.
00:55:31Could be me.
00:55:35You're not funny, Mac.
00:55:37Why don't you jog on back to your wee estate agency?
00:55:41Sell a few houses, this pub.
00:55:44Whatever keeps you in pearls and perfume.
00:55:55Come on.
00:56:08You forgot this.
00:56:26Sir, I finally got the report back on Reuben's phone.
00:56:29I went to the wrong department.
00:56:31What can you see, Winter?
00:56:34The village.
00:56:36From this specific vantage point?
00:56:41Harry's office.
00:56:44And the estate agent's, Georgie's cottage.
00:56:48And the estate agent's house.
00:56:51And the estate agent's, Georgie's cottage.
00:56:55And the pub.
00:56:58Yes. The pub.
00:57:01That's exactly what I can see.
00:57:04Good. Because we need to go back there.
00:57:09Your mobile number was called on this phone on the night Reuben Toombs died.
00:57:13The history of the call was erased from the phone's log,
00:57:16but still showed up in the service provider's automated records.
00:57:22The phone belonged to Reuben.
00:57:24Is there anything you'd like to tell us, Julia?
00:57:27Only that Reuben Toombs would never have any reason to call me.
00:57:31He was about to move into a rented flat with someone.
00:57:34A woman. His lover.
00:57:39I loathed Reuben.
00:57:41You know what he did to my brother.
00:57:43Him and all those other savages.
00:57:46Except they didn't actually do anything to Toby.
00:57:49Because Reuben stepped in.
00:57:53Anyway, I would never have answered the phone.
00:57:56Not to a number I didn't know.
00:57:58That's odd, because the call lasted 18 and a half minutes.
00:58:04Mrs Steinem?
00:58:06You're looking in the wrong place.
00:58:09Maybe someone else picked up my phone and spoke to him.
00:58:12It certainly wasn't me.
00:58:15I swear.
00:58:19I swear.
00:58:37I heard everything.
00:58:39They're clutching at straws.
00:58:41You and Reuben...
00:58:43Not now, please. ..were running away together.
00:58:46What about me, Julia?
00:58:48You're going to leave me here to die like this pub?
00:58:51It's a good job I'm selling it.
00:58:53You can't. I can't take... You won't.
00:58:55Please listen. I'm doing this for us.
00:59:01I didn't nearly die on an operating table just to have you walk away.
00:59:06I got through that not for me, for you.
00:59:09For you, Julia.
00:59:11And I want us to move on.
00:59:13Up sticks.
00:59:15And get away from everything, including Toby.
00:59:23Coop, we're done.
00:59:25It's finished.
00:59:27The only reason that I am still here with you
00:59:31is because Reuben's dead.
00:59:45Are you all right?
00:59:55I fancy watching a matinee with me.
01:00:01You've got a starring role.
01:00:05That doesn't look good, does it?
01:00:09I didn't kill Reuben.
01:00:12Talking of whom, you know he owes me a fair amount of moolah.
01:00:16I mean, obviously he can't stump up,
01:00:18but I thought, well, you could do it on his behalf.
01:00:21Owes you? For what?
01:00:23Proving that your brother is innocent.
01:00:26You've got the proof?
01:00:28Money first.
01:00:29Oh, I need to know.
01:00:30And if you pay me extra, I can make this little film disappear.
01:00:35You know we're broke.
01:00:37You won't be when Cooper sells up.
01:00:39How do you know about that?
01:00:41This is all you need to worry about for now.
01:00:50Oh, that's outrageous.
01:00:53So is what's on this film.
01:01:12Rules are there for a reason, Harry.
01:01:15Leave your gun uncocked until you're in a designated shooting area.
01:01:21I thought I told you to get rid of Toby Waggoner.
01:01:24I will, I promise.
01:01:27Ladies and gentlemen,
01:01:29today is all about targets.
01:01:32The things you think,
01:01:34the things you do.
01:01:37Today is all about targets.
01:01:40The things you think have drifted out of reach,
01:01:43that you'll never be able to grab for again.
01:01:45Well, none of that is true.
01:01:48You are all highly capable people.
01:01:51You'll see that I've put your names on the guns
01:01:53solely because I want you to pick up that weapon
01:01:55and become its master or mistress.
01:01:59You need to take control of all the things that scare or unsettle you,
01:02:03and you need to do it now.
01:02:07All right, let's get this shooting party started.
01:02:12Come on.
01:02:21He's in the canteen.
01:02:22Something about murdering a sausage roll.
01:02:25We found several sets of fingerprints in the lodge,
01:02:27none that shouldn't have been there.
01:02:31Drumroll, please.
01:02:34I ran them anyway.
01:02:36One set showed up on the police database.
01:02:39The prints belonged to Mac McAnally.
01:02:41The Scotsman?
01:02:45I knew it.
01:02:49That's the same paint that Mac was using when I interviewed him.
01:02:52Mac threatened Toby?
01:02:54He's a bag of tricks.
01:02:55Turns out he's also a private investigator.
01:03:00He begs the question as to why he joined the Stitcher Society.
01:03:04Was it for health or business?
01:03:08Mac's got a room at the Steinem's pub.
01:03:10Get a team round there, see what you can dig up,
01:03:13whilst I take in a spot of clay pigeon shooting.
01:03:18Apparently it's good for the heart.
01:03:20Cooper, you're up first.
01:03:25Oh, you're a big son of a Jesse.
01:03:27Hey, lesser the sod than you.
01:03:29I need to do some deep breathing.
01:03:33Are you all right?
01:03:37Oh, for God's sake.
01:03:59And by the way, you don't belong here.
01:04:03And by the way, you don't belong here.
01:04:18Oh, there he is.
01:04:24Take note.
01:04:27Uh, great stuff, Mother, leading the way as usual.
01:04:30Mac, why don't you see if you can follow that?
01:04:32And obviously stick to the safety guidelines.
01:04:41This is for colloding.
01:04:43Remember, eyes on the target, Mac.
01:04:45Never anywhere but.
01:05:27Good for the heart, you see.
01:05:30I take it the shotgun was tampered with.
01:05:33It's easier than you might imagine.
01:05:38Thin strips of cloth used to jam the barrel.
01:05:41The shell had nowhere else to go but backwards.
01:05:44All but guaranteed to remove someone's face.
01:05:47I'm amazed no one saw it being tampered with.
01:05:50Humans, Barnaby.
01:05:52If they can find a way, they will.
01:05:54And of course now I can answer your earlier question.
01:05:58He doesn't have a zipper scar, does he?
01:06:00He was here on business.
01:06:02Probably working undercover.
01:06:08Did I say you're class dismissed?
01:06:13These are bar towels.
01:06:15From a pub.
01:06:18Reuben is killed,
01:06:20which means Gideon can go ahead
01:06:23and build his Stitcher Society empire.
01:06:26George's death means Toby inherits a cottage.
01:06:30And Mac was killed because...
01:06:36He found a witness who proved Toby's innocence.
01:06:40But who is this witness, sir?
01:06:42So far there's no evidence of one anywhere.
01:06:44No name, nothing.
01:06:48No sign of forced entry.
01:06:50The door was unlocked when we got there.
01:06:53No self-respecting PI is going to go out and leave his door unlocked,
01:06:57especially not if he's undercover and hiding who knows what.
01:07:01You think someone had a spare set of keys?
01:07:04Let's ask the landlord, shall we?
01:07:55Mrs Steinem.
01:08:01If you don't mind.
01:08:04It's not... It's not mine, I swear.
01:08:08I'll get tech onto it.
01:08:11All roads keep leading back to this very point,
01:08:14don't they, Julia?
01:08:18Oh, no!
01:08:21OK, OK, please, just...just wait!
01:08:24The mob was about to scare a confession out of Toby.
01:08:30But then Reuben steps in.
01:08:32Get out of here! Go on, just get out of here!
01:08:35Toby managed to get away.
01:08:38But he wasn't your only visitor that night, was he?
01:08:47How long had your affair with Reuben been going on?
01:08:50I'm so sorry.
01:08:52For a while.
01:08:54But it ended when my brother was arrested for killing Viola.
01:08:59Despite the trial collapsing,
01:09:01Reuben just couldn't accept that Toby was innocent.
01:09:05So we fell apart.
01:09:07How dare you come here? You're one of them.
01:09:11No, I swear, I went along with it to try and save Toby.
01:09:14You need to leave. Julia! Please!
01:09:20I know what I want now.
01:09:22And it's you.
01:09:27I want you.
01:09:31I told him to leave.
01:09:34But all I wanted was for my brother to be able to live peacefully
01:09:38in our village, without accusations and threats.
01:09:42So Reuben decided to prove Toby's innocence?
01:09:46It took a few years, a few false starts.
01:09:50Plus he had to do it all behind his wife's back.
01:09:54But a few months ago, he said that he'd found someone who could help.
01:09:59That they were confident that they could find unequivocal proof.
01:10:05So Reuben and I started making plans to be together.
01:10:13The night that Toby escaped from the mob,
01:10:17were you alone in the pub?
01:10:20Er, no.
01:10:23Cooper was upstairs.
01:10:25Though he'd sleep through a hurricane.
01:10:28He was absolutely petrified.
01:10:34No, I can take it from here. Thanks.
01:10:38So, this is linked to a specific Wi-Fi configuration.
01:10:42It's transmitting to a laptop or a PC.
01:10:45Can you locate it? Thanks to tech, I can.
01:11:01Wait here, Mrs Steinem.
01:11:37We'll take that if you don't mind.
01:11:39I'd also like you to explain what you're doing with a murdered man's laptop.
01:11:47It wasn't Mac who did that.
01:11:50It was you, wasn't it, Mr Steinem?
01:11:59Toby wouldn't take the hint, would he?
01:12:02Him coming back, it ruined everything.
01:12:05Me and Julie were happy. Happier than we'd been in years.
01:12:08Until Reuben hired Mac.
01:12:12I don't know what you're talking about.
01:12:15Then why did you steal Mac's computer?
01:12:17To be honest, I found him creepy.
01:12:19He was always sneaking about, poking his nose in.
01:12:21I wanted to know what he was up to.
01:12:23Well, you knew exactly what he was up to
01:12:25and decided to erase everything you'd found out.
01:12:27What, me? No, no way.
01:12:30Where were you on the night Reuben Timms was murdered?
01:12:34Because Reuben was having an affair with your wife, Mr Steinem.
01:12:42You were also Harry Marx's only friend.
01:12:45He told you about Georgie's will, didn't he?
01:12:47Which gave you the idea to frame Toby for Georgie's murder.
01:12:50And then you kill Mac to destroy any evidence of Toby's innocence.
01:12:53Come on. It's a bit of a stretch, isn't it?
01:12:55I've already had confirmation that the bar towels used to block Mac's shotgun
01:12:59came from your pub.
01:13:02And I did all this because...
01:13:04Julia would have no-one to turn to but you.
01:13:07You'd have your wife back, Mr Steinem.
01:13:13Do you know what?
01:13:15That is really good.
01:13:18I honestly really like that.
01:13:20Yeah, it's got legs.
01:13:22Makes perfect sense.
01:13:24Only, may I return to the original question you asked me
01:13:28that you wouldn't actually let me answer?
01:13:30A little bit rude.
01:13:32Where was I the night Reuben was murdered?
01:13:41Believe it or not,
01:13:43I was with Alberta Timms.
01:13:53I'm so, so sorry, but I needed to talk to someone.
01:13:56It's been doing my head in. I think Reuben and Julia are back together.
01:14:01I'm not saying I know this for sure, but you of all people
01:14:04know what it's like to be married to someone that you adore.
01:14:06Every breath, every move, every nuance.
01:14:08I have ignored this once and I am not prepared to ignore this twice.
01:14:15You'd better come in.
01:14:18When you meet the single most amazing person ever,
01:14:22you would do anything, anything to hang on to that person.
01:14:28So, all those things that you have accused me of...
01:14:35I probably could have done them.
01:14:37In fact, I probably would have done them.
01:14:41But I promise you...
01:14:44I didn't.
01:14:52Even after she broke my heart.
01:15:00Well, assuming Cooper isn't lying about Alberta,
01:15:04then they both have alibis for the night Reuben was killed.
01:15:17Look at that.
01:15:19Mac filmed us, sir.
01:15:21Never knew I had such a screen present.
01:15:25Is there anything else Mac's cameras picked up?
01:15:28Oh, there's tons of video files here, sir.
01:15:31OK, so what have we got?
01:15:37Hmm, I meant of interest.
01:15:43Well, looks your admirer, sir.
01:15:45Thank you. What else?
01:15:52That's Georgie meeting Reuben on the night he was killed.
01:15:58That's Julia Steinem.
01:16:00And she told me she was in the pub on the night Reuben Toombs was murdered.
01:16:22Hi, yeah, it's me.
01:16:27I'm at Georgie's cottage.
01:16:30OK, I'll see you in a bit.
01:16:47Why would I kill Reuben?
01:16:50I was about to start a new life with him.
01:16:53The film on Mac's laptop places you in the vicinity of Reuben's murder.
01:16:58A film that Mac was trying to blackmail me with.
01:17:01Look, I promise you that all I did that night was go out to tell Reuben
01:17:05that we needed to hold off on leaving the village.
01:17:09Because the village wasn't as safe for Toby as you hoped it would be.
01:17:14Viola's murder has twisted this village into something it wasn't meant to be.
01:17:19I hoped that Reuben and I could change that, bring peace, even closure.
01:17:26But people don't forget.
01:17:28No, and they never forgave Harry for losing the trial.
01:17:32Hence his unpopularity.
01:17:34That spaced-out fool is almost as reviled as my brother is.
01:17:39Losing that court case has haunted him ever since.
01:17:55Winter, we need to talk to Harry Marks.
01:18:59Erica, have you seen your uncle Harry?
01:19:02Sorry, I haven't.
01:19:04Though, knowing him, he's probably out reversing all the good work
01:19:07the heart surgeon did.
01:19:09I've warned him, nobody wants two zippers running down their chest.
01:19:14Say that again?
01:19:17About the zipper?
01:19:21Oh, it's more about the person who didn't have one.
01:19:28And who else knew that?
01:19:38Fleur, I need you to look something up for me on Mac McAnally's computer.
01:19:50You were asked a question five years ago.
01:19:53Now you're going to answer it.
01:19:55Harry, what the hell?
01:19:58Just because I screwed up at the trial, that doesn't make him innocent.
01:20:02You know it, I know it, everyone knows it.
01:20:06You have five seconds to confess.
01:20:36Winter, meet me at Georgie's Cottage.
01:20:45Nearly the elephant packed a trunk and said goodbye to the circus.
01:20:49Off she went with a chumpity-chump. Chump, chump, chump.
01:20:52What? OK.
01:20:54Nearly the elephant packed a trunk and said goodbye to the circus.
01:20:58Off she went with a chumpity-chump. Chump, chump, chump.
01:21:01It's not working.
01:21:03I think he's had a heart attack. Yes, I'll keep trying.
01:21:08Nearly the elephant packed a trunk and...
01:21:13Off she went with a chumpity-chump. Chump, chump, chump.
01:21:20Good God, Harry. Harry, I thought you were a goner.
01:21:23Arrest him, then. He tried to kill me.
01:21:25We've got him, sir. Thank you so much for your help.
01:21:27Yes, no, I think we're all right.
01:21:29Actually, I didn't come here for Harry Marks.
01:21:34Did I, Mimi?
01:21:56I'm flattered, Mr Barnaby,
01:21:58but may I remind you that you are a married man.
01:22:01I'm also a chief inspector,
01:22:04and I'm arresting you for the murders of Reuben Toombs,
01:22:08Georgie Tremaine and Mac McInally,
01:22:11and, not forgetting, Viola Deepdale, your ex-business partner.
01:22:15Oh! I think someone's been on Harry's weed.
01:22:21Was it Reuben letting Toby join the Stitcher Society?
01:22:24Is that what triggered this? I'm going to kill him!
01:22:26Whoa, whoa, whoa! There's no need for this.
01:22:29Not anymore. Georgie, just put the stick down.
01:22:32I know this is hard, but we'll talk later, OK?
01:22:37Toby is not what you think he is.
01:22:41Reuben's about face must have come as a huge shock.
01:22:44It meant he knew that Toby hadn't killed Viola.
01:22:49Your daughter must love your bedtime stories.
01:22:52So you had to kill Reuben
01:22:55before he could get to Georgie.
01:22:58Trouble is, you were too late.
01:23:01Could the other woman be Georgie Tremaine?
01:23:04We know that she met with Reuben last night.
01:23:07So they did meet, then?
01:23:11She's so lost and vague these days.
01:23:14You couldn't have Georgie believing that Toby was innocent.
01:23:18She would have gone to press again, told the whole village.
01:23:22Harry saw Toby leaving the house.
01:23:25I mean, Viola had the meeting written in her diary, so...
01:23:29That was probably something that you added after Viola was killed.
01:23:33Now, John, you are cleverer than this.
01:23:37For one, Georgie hated Toby.
01:23:40I mean, she was ready to take his head off when he pitched up at the club.
01:23:44And then she changed her will in his favour.
01:23:49She was refusing a second operation.
01:23:52She wanted to pay him back for the nightmare she'd put him through.
01:23:56And let's not forget he got a very lovely cottage out of it.
01:24:00Whatever changed Georgie's mind must have been nagging at you.
01:24:04Reuben Toombs must have had some very substantial evidence
01:24:08to be able to do that, which leads us to Mac.
01:24:12He doesn't have a zipper scar, does he?
01:24:15Is there anything else Mac's cameras picked up?
01:24:20Oh, it's more about the person who didn't have one.
01:24:25And who else knew that?
01:24:27And when you saw that he didn't have a zipper scar...
01:24:31Amy, you forgot this.
01:24:34..it had to mean that he was here under false pretences.
01:24:40It wouldn't take much to do some research on Mac,
01:24:43find out who he really was and what he was doing.
01:24:51That search is probably still in your history.
01:25:03This is all on you, you flower-powered pothead!
01:25:07I saw Toby. I know it was him.
01:25:10You saw me, you idiot!
01:25:12Mind you, you were probably hugging a tree at the time.
01:25:15You know, if anyone's to blame for all this,
01:25:17it's actually Harry, if you really think about it.
01:25:20I mean, Toby should have been locked up,
01:25:22happily settled with some prison wife,
01:25:24and I wouldn't have had to have done any of this!
01:25:27You didn't need to anyway.
01:25:30Our tech team processed Mac's hard drive.
01:25:34He hadn't found out a single thing about Viola's murder.
01:25:38Sir? What are you talking about?
01:25:41He took the money from Reuben in return for telling him
01:25:44what he wanted to hear.
01:25:45Mac had a history of conning people,
01:25:47hence his fingerprints being on fire.
01:25:50No. You've got that wrong. You must have.
01:25:55You killed three people for nothing.
01:25:58There was no other witness.
01:26:09It was a lie, Mimi.
01:26:16I believe you are a free man, Mr Wagner.
01:26:39One last thing.
01:26:42Why did you kill Viola?
01:26:45Would you think more kindly of me if I said it was accidental?
01:26:52She hated the way I did business.
01:26:54Claimed I was all over our male clients,
01:26:56that their wives didn't like it,
01:26:57and I was losing sales left, right and centre.
01:27:00I mean, we'd only gone to price a house
01:27:03and suddenly there was a rather weighty object in my hand
01:27:07and, well, what can I say?
01:27:09She stepped out in front of it.
01:27:13Three or four times as it happens.
01:27:16I mean, can you imagine that? Me, flirting?
01:27:20Where did she get that idea?
01:27:43First thing, we need to chop up all our veggies.
01:27:46So grab your carrots and your red peppers and mushrooms
01:27:49and first of all, we're just going to give them a quick rinse
01:27:51and then we're going to thinly slice those red peppers,
01:27:54carrots and mushrooms.
01:27:56And to add some flavour to this,
01:27:58we're going to be slicing up a couple of spring onions...
01:28:04..one or two red chillies.
01:28:23Wow, finally, it's sunk in. It only took you a week.
01:28:27Well, you and Betty have a point
01:28:29and the last thing I need is to have to join a stitcher society.
01:28:33That really would be bad for my health.
01:28:35Well, it looks wonderful.
01:28:37I'm going to look forward to it.
01:28:49Oh, God.
01:29:00And this week, we've a brand-new thriller for you
01:29:04staying out over three nights with Emily Watson.
01:29:07Too Close is tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednesday at nine.
01:29:10And there's more great British drama titles,
01:29:12including every episode of Victoria and Belgravia,
01:29:15streaming now exclusively on Britbox.
01:29:18And with all the latest headlines, it's the ITV News coming up next.