Hollyoaks 9th September 2024

  • 2 weeks ago
Hollyoaks 9th September 2024


00:00Blue is kidnapped for Misbah.
00:01I know a turn for Misbah. I'm giving you to him.
00:04I might put this on one of those pay-to-view sites.
00:05Hey, please!
00:06See? You made me do that!
00:08We're leaving Hollyoaks for good.
00:10Nice wheels. The Jameses.
00:12The car that he escaped in is almost certainly going to be the car that he tries to leave in.
00:16He's going to get a very nasty surprise when he switches to ignition on.
00:30Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
01:01You ready for today?
01:02I've been waiting to take down Blue since he resurfaced.
01:04Just keep your head.
01:05Police are looking everywhere for you.
01:10Better get you some food.
01:11It's fine.
01:13Hey, you two seem to be joined at the hip lately.
01:16Yeah, alright, don't exaggerate.
01:17Just having a bit of fun, so...
01:20Misbah's still missing then?
01:22Yeah, your dad must be going out of his mind.
01:24I just don't get how someone like Misbah can get mixed up with someone like this.
01:28Not my world, mate.
01:42So we all know how today's gonna play out, yeah?
01:46I go to the meet-up point.
01:48Blue releases Misbah and then comes for me.
01:51And then...
01:57I come through the door.
01:58You know I'm not gonna sit by.
02:00I'm gonna cut through the door.
02:02It's too late.
02:03Too soon.
02:04It's too late.
02:05Too soon.
02:06Oh, it's a stick, stick, stick, stick, stick, stick, stick, boom.
02:20I'm sorry about last night.
02:22I shouldn't have made you lose your temper.
02:25I can trust you with that video, can't I?
02:28Well, anyway, what happened again?
02:30Good. Lesson learnt then, isn't it?
02:32Right, I'm off.
02:35Love you.
02:36Love you. Have a good day.
02:58Your fella, Donnie, has managed to buy you a bit of time.
03:03What does that mean?
03:04It means that if he stays true to his word,
03:07this will be all over soon.
03:09It could be over much sooner if you wanted it to.
03:12We've been through this.
03:13I know.
03:16But being cooped up in here these last couple of days means
03:21I've got to know you.
03:22And despite everything,
03:25I like what I see.
03:28Do you?
03:31Perhaps like is too strong a word.
03:36But you're a good person, deep down.
03:42You are.
03:44I know I'm here against my will, but
03:48I'm here for you.
03:49I know I'm here against my will, but
03:52you've looked after me.
03:55Given me water, food.
03:57You didn't have to do that.
04:02This could end now if you just untied me and let me go.
04:19You're jumping the gun.
04:21We're on the move.
04:22Where are we going?
04:24You'll find out when we get there.
04:25Any funny business,
04:29I'll kill you.
04:36Where's Warren?
04:37He'll be here soon.
04:38You hope?
04:39What's that supposed to mean?
04:40Look, the only person that Warren thinks about is himself.
04:42Now you've set him free,
04:43do you honestly think you'd trust him to come back and help you?
04:45He's a man of his word. He'll be here.
04:47Yeah, we'll see.
04:48This blue's a bike, remember?
04:50When Warren got shot, he clocked the blue badge on his helmet.
04:53So that's what we're looking out for?
04:54The most important thing today is we get Mispa back.
04:57So no matter how many grudges you've got against Warren,
04:59no one makes a move till I let you know I've got Mispa, alright?
05:08But when this doesn't go to plan,
05:10don't say I didn't warn you.
05:24Oh, this is an honour.
05:26You don't normally crawl out of your pit until lunchtime.
05:29What are you doing up this early?
05:30Fat chance of a lie-in with these two.
05:32And to what do we owe this pleasure?
05:35I just came to tell you that we are leaving.
05:39Me and the Marias are moving away.
05:41Where are you going?
05:42We haven't decided yet.
05:45So you're leaving with the girls,
05:47but you don't know where you're going.
05:49Has this got anything to do with Warren getting out of prison?
05:52No, it's got nothing to do with him.
05:53Oh, and you expect us to believe that?
05:57OK, yes.
05:59I am leaving with Warren.
06:02So you're going on the run?
06:04That is no life for these little girls.
06:06Especially with Warren.
06:07I know yous all hate him, I'm right, that's all.
06:10But I've made my decision and I am sticking to it.
06:15I just came to say goodbye.
06:17So that's it?
06:18This is goodbye?
06:22Please, just...
06:35What about baby wipes and nappies and stuff?
06:38Do you have enough?
06:42In a bit, yeah.
06:44The State Council has called for international aid,
06:47criticising the ISC for taking too long
06:50to establish a strong deterrence...
06:59Thanks for coming.
07:00Yeah, I nearly didn't.
07:02No, look, I've had enough going on lately, right?
07:04Mainly labour.
07:05The last thing I need was the police turning up late last night
07:07saying that you'd have squandered from prison.
07:09I know. I'm sorry.
07:12I had to tell you.
07:15I didn't kill my mum.
07:18Problem is, Dad, you already confessed it.
07:20Yeah, I know.
07:21Look, Blue, he had me over a barrel.
07:23I need to know that you believe me.
07:25Hey, we've got to go.
07:27And you've got to call off this deal with Donny.
07:29Look, I can't.
07:30Look, I'm beating him, I promise.
07:32Yeah? Well, if you want a new life with me and the girls,
07:34you'd better break it.
07:35Hang on, hang on, where are yous going, like?
07:37The less you know, the better.
07:39So what is this, I'm never just going to see yous again, then?
07:41Is that right?
07:42Look, I need to do this, Joel.
07:46Look, I know I'm not everyone's favourite person right now,
07:49but something's been going on with me and Abe for a while.
07:53What's wrong?
07:54Mercedes has just been here to say goodbye.
07:57Yeah, she's, um... she's leaving with Warren.
08:00Well, when's she going?
08:02Now. Now.
08:04Are you saying something about Abe?
08:08Er, no. Yeah, it's all good.
08:14Charlie 7 from Tango Control, Charlie 7.
08:20Look, there's loads of police about.
08:22We've got to move sharpish.
08:25I'll give me a promise.
08:27You promise me that you will stay away from that poison.
08:30You promise me.
08:31Yeah, mate.
08:32I love you, son.
08:56Warren should be here by now.
08:58I knew he should never have trusted him.
09:00He made a promise and he'll keep it.
09:06I'm going to go and get some coffee as well. We wait.
09:20It's him.
09:21It's Blue.
09:22We've got to hold on for Donny's signal.
09:26Chris, stop! It's too dangerous!
09:28Shut your face!
09:29Have him! Have him!
09:30What are you doing?
09:31You! You're Blue!
09:33I told you to wait! Where is she?
09:34Listen, I don't know what's going on here, OK?
09:37Like, Ethan told me about Misbah, but how would I know where she is?
09:42I mean, I hope you've called the police. Huh?
09:44I don't know what's going on here, right?
09:46But I swear, I swear, I am not Blue.
09:49Why are you dressed like this, then?
09:51I'm doing a bit of extra work. I'm couriering.
09:53I'm dropping something off to the hospital.
09:55Give us that here.
10:01We've got the wrong guy. There's no blue badge on this.
10:03You must have scared him away.
10:04Where's Warren?
10:05He's done a bunk with Mercedes!
10:06So sorry. Are you OK?
10:08I'm a bit shaken, but, you know,
10:10can I have my helmet back, please?
10:12Nice jacket, by the way. Thanks.
10:17I hope you find Misbah.
10:20I thought you said wait in the car.
10:22What's that face for?
10:27Yeah, it was a set-up.
10:29There's no sign of Warren. Freddie, Ste and Grace were behind it.
10:33So, you get rid of Misbah.
10:36I told you we couldn't trust Warren.
10:38Yeah, I already knew that.
10:40I'll deal with the others.
11:01How did it go?
11:09Please, don't do this.
11:14I'm a mother.
11:16What would your mum do if she found out?
11:20I don't have a mum.
11:22I'm so sorry to hear that.
11:26But you must have other family or someone you care about
11:29who wouldn't want you to do this.
11:32Think what they'd think then.
11:37I'm in too deep.
11:42It's too late.
11:46It's never too late.
11:49Not if you really don't want it to be.
12:02I'm sorry.
12:08I'm sorry.
12:14I thought you said you were waiting on the bus.
12:16Where is it you're actually going?
12:17Just anywhere.
12:19Are you OK?
12:22I just don't see you.
12:23No, I'm fine.
12:24Hey, I've been calling you.
12:26What was you going to say about it before?
12:29Is that why you're acting weird?
12:31Have you guys had another fight?
12:33Look, it's all good.
12:34I'm just...
12:36Look, it's here.
12:38Have you got my phone and tablet?
12:39Chill out, mate.
12:40Don't speak to her like that.
12:41I talk to her however I want to talk to her.
12:42She's my girlfriend.
12:43And she cheated on me, didn't you?
12:44Hey, what are you playing at?
12:46Whoa, whoa, whoa.
12:47Who cares?
12:48Who's she slept with?
12:49She wants to get on that bus.
12:50She can get on the bus.
12:55Mercedes, I need your help.
13:02You need to take a breath.
13:04You need to get out of my face.
13:06If Warren thinks he can outsmart me,
13:08he's very much mistaken.
13:09I know how his brain works.
13:11He can't stay here.
13:12Not now.
13:13He'll be on his way to the ferry terminal.
13:15Do you want me to try and track him down?
13:17You've got unfinished business here.
13:18I'll deal with Warren.
13:20Look, what you said before,
13:22about getting on that bus,
13:24I don't know what you're talking about.
13:26I don't know what you're talking about.
13:28Look, what you said before,
13:30about dealing with Ste and the others,
13:33what did you mean?
13:34What do you think?
13:36You know, this is getting out of hand.
13:39Are you questioning my judgment?
13:42Well, are you?
13:46Well, then push off and do as I ask you.
13:59What's he doing here?
14:01He was just having a little chat.
14:04Always one of Warren's little lapdogs.
14:05How do you even know him, Dave?
14:07I haven't got time for this, Ethan.
14:08I know.
14:09You weren't going anywhere
14:10until you tell me why my big brother,
14:11the local oddjob man,
14:12is hanging around with a bloke like him.
14:13I need to be somewhere.
14:15What are you doing?
14:17Listen to me.
14:18Where do you need to go that is so important?
14:25What is going on?
14:29I need to find Warren Fox
14:31before he gets away.
14:41Come on.
14:42No, no, no.
14:44this can't be happening, all right?
14:47You're my big brother.
14:49I'm a good guy.
14:53Please tell me you're not blue.
14:55Please tell me you're not blue.
15:17So, this is it, then?
15:18And now?
15:20I can't wait for our brand-new start.
15:22Me, you, our girls.
15:28Oh, don't you dare.
15:30I love this song.
15:32Bye-bye, Hollyoaks.
15:33Hello, our bright new shiny future.
15:47How could you do this, Warren?
15:49How could you run away
15:50and choose Mercedes' children over Sophie and Sebastian?
15:52You could...
15:57Police are still looking for Warren, are they?
16:00How am I going to tell the twins?
16:02I mean, they're still dealing with their grandmother's death
16:04and now their father has abandoned them.
16:07I think they know your family
16:08and then they do something terrible.
16:10Hey, you know you can always talk to me.
16:14Have you seen my brother?
16:16It's just he was a bit of a mess before.
16:19No, but I'm sure he's fine.
16:22How much trouble can Dave get into?
16:53Hi, this is Mercedes. Leave a message after the tone.
16:57Mercedes, it's me. Answer your phone.
17:00Things have been really bad recently.
17:02I've had to get away.
17:03I'm at a bus stop. I don't really know where I am.
17:07If it's not too late, can I please come away with you and Warren?
17:10You guys are my only hope.
17:14Fancy seeing you here.
17:19OK, you are going to tell me what's going on in your life right now
17:22and don't try and say nothing.
17:24I've got enough on my plate with Warren
17:25without having to worry about you as well, so go on.
17:29You're imagining things.
17:30What were you doing at the hospital before?
17:35Not that it's any of your business, but I was visiting a friend.
17:41How come you didn't go inside then?
17:44OK, if you're not going to tell me, I'll have a look inside this.
17:48No, you don't do this.
17:49I'll have a look at emails.
17:50Give me my phone back.
17:51Look, you're hiding something from me, James.
17:53I caught you taking pills.
17:54You look scared to go inside a hospital.
17:55I know you're inside out.
17:57This is why you're not telling me.
18:01I think I've got a brain tumour.
18:05Donny, listen.
18:07I'm sorry things didn't go as planned.
18:09Go as planned?
18:10How can I tell Misbah's kids that their mother's dead and it was all my fault?
18:15Maybe you won't have to.
18:18You're OK.
18:20Did it hurt you?
18:22Oh, I love you.
18:27If you ever get me involved in anything like this again,
18:30then I'll be the one doing the killing.
18:40Things have been really bad recently.
18:42I've had to get away.
18:44I've just got off the bus and I don't even know where I am.
18:47If it's not too late, can I please come away with you and Warren?
18:50You guys are my only hope.
18:53Babe, Cleo's in trouble.
18:54We've got to help her. Is that OK?
18:56It's risky, but yeah.
18:58Yeah, of course.
18:59She sounded really upset.
19:00I'll tell her to meet us at Embermire Woods.
19:06Don't you ever steal my stuff again!
19:08I'm sorry.
19:09You were going to delete that sex tape, weren't you?
19:11Because it's horrible!
19:12Why are you so bothered?
19:13Who would want to watch someone as fat,
19:15and disgusting as you have sex anyway?
19:17Do you know what? You're lucky to have someone like me.
19:19I know I am.
19:20Well, you're saying it.
19:21I'm lucky to have someone like you.
19:23Yeah, I'm going to take you home.
19:32What are you doing?
19:34Dave, please, can you get me away from here?
19:36Oh, come on, she's overreacting. We just had a bus stop.
19:38I haven't got time for this.
19:40My cousin Mercedes, she's meeting me with Warren.
19:42Please, can you help me? Can you take me to them?
19:43You know where Warren is?
19:45There's a helmet in there.
19:49Let's go. Get on, Cleo.
19:51Hold tight.
20:15I'm sorry.
20:16I'm sorry.
20:17I'm sorry.
20:18I'm sorry.
20:19I'm sorry.
20:20I'm sorry.
20:21I'm sorry.
20:22I'm sorry.
20:23I'm sorry.
20:24I'm sorry.
20:25I'm sorry.
20:26I'm sorry.
20:27I'm sorry.
20:28I'm sorry.
20:29I'm sorry.
20:30I'm sorry.
20:31I'm sorry.
20:32I'm sorry.
20:33I'm sorry.
20:34I'm sorry.
20:35I'm sorry.
20:36I'm sorry.
20:37I'm sorry.
20:38I'm sorry.
20:39I'm sorry.
20:40I'm sorry.
20:41I'm sorry.
20:42I'm sorry.