Emmerdale 4th September 2024

  • 2 weeks ago
Emmerdale 4th September 2024


00:30Uh, by the way, these are just the burgers, so tell David I can't get the steaks to him
00:40until tomorrow.
00:42Do you mean Eric?
00:43Uh, oh, yeah, sorry.
00:44Well, his name's still up there.
00:45Yeah, better to change it.
00:48Is my car ready?
00:49You mean this one?
00:50Uh, sorry.
00:51You're probably done by now.
00:52I thought we had a special relationship.
00:53Max made it in heaven.
00:54Um, seriously, you'll have to give me about an hour.
00:55Here's an oil change.
00:56What am I supposed to do till then?
00:57I'm sure you'll think of something.
00:58Um, so, um, yeah, I'll be on my way.
00:59See you later.
01:01I'll see you later.
01:03I'll see you later.
01:10See you later.
01:19So? Come on, you dragged us down here and you haven't said anything for ten minutes.
01:32OK. Well, I want to tell you this, because people are going to find out anyways, and
01:38it is still early days, but I want you to know that I'm actually really happy.
01:43Oh, my God, you're not going to tell us you're up the duff again, are you?
01:46No, no.
01:48What then?
01:50I'm seeing someone.
01:52Oh, right, good for you.
01:54Do I know them?
02:00Are you kidding?
02:02What, he's just broke up with Belle?
02:04How long has this been going on?
02:06A couple of weeks. Lydia knows about it.
02:08Great, anybody who doesn't, apart from me, obviously.
02:12Has Belle calmed down about it yet?
02:14I haven't seen her since yesterday.
02:16Is she very upset?
02:18I'll bet.
02:20What are you thinking?
02:22It is awfully quick, love.
02:24Exactly, this stinks of a rebound to me.
02:26Oh, yeah, thanks for your input.
02:28OK, hang on, lady, hang on.
02:30There's no way you would have sat me down special if you thought I was just going to say,
02:32oh, nice one, darling, let us know when you need a babysitter.
02:34You knew I was going to have a problem with this.
02:36Yeah, I wanted to tell you before anyone else could.
02:38That's all.
02:44Yeah, sorry I'm late.
02:46Three businesses, including this one.
02:50What's the matter?
02:52This just in.
02:54Ten grand? They want ten grand?
02:56In two days.
02:58What are you going to do?
03:00You're not thinking of paying them, are you?
03:02What else? I'm not going to let one mistake
03:04ruin what me and Kim have got.
03:06Marrying her, what best thing I ever did.
03:08I'm just going to have to do whatever's necessary.
03:10But how?
03:13Surely Kim's going to notice ten grand suddenly
03:15going haywool, and you know there's no money
03:17in the haulage at the moment.
03:19I'm going to have to pawn some of it.
03:21This, in fact.
03:23Wasn't that a wedding present from Kim?
03:25I have got two days to find ten grand
03:27on the quiet.
03:29I've not got much choice, Jimmy.
03:31I mean, I wasn't expecting a street party,
03:33but I thought she'd at least say she was happy.
03:35Well, I expect she was just being protective.
03:37I know, but I don't want her to be protective.
03:39I just need a bit of support, that's all.
03:41Hey, I'm glad she knows.
03:43We'd nothing to be ashamed of.
03:45I know,
03:47but I do still want her
03:49to be on board with it.
03:51OK, well,
03:53I'll tell you what, why don't you ask her out for lunch
03:55and we can double team a charlotte, please?
03:57OK, yeah.
03:59Are you OK?
04:01Should I be?
04:03We'll bring her round.
04:05Why don't you come back to the house?
04:07Have a brew and a proper catch-up.
04:15Who is it?
04:21I want a word.
04:23What's the problem?
04:25Mainly you trying to get into bed with my husband.
04:27What are you talking about?
04:29Don't give me that.
04:31I saw what you were doing back there.
04:33Were you thinking I'm stupid?
04:35Well, I wouldn't nominate you for a TED talk right now.
04:37I saw you.
04:39No more flirting.
04:41Squeezing his arm.
04:43I'm not blind.
04:45Stupid, you are deluded.
04:47Where is this even coming from?
04:49Stay away from him!
04:51What the hell's going on?
04:53She just nutted me!
04:57Am I the only one who thinks
04:59Belle might be on to something?
05:01No, you're not the only one.
05:03But we're hardly unbiased, are we?
05:05I just don't get what Amelia sees in him.
05:15I'll get these in.
05:17Best behaviour, okay?
05:21He is trying.
05:23What, you think I'm going to be won over because a bloke's getting the first round in?
05:25It's always worked for you before.
05:29A pint of zero
05:31and two dry white wines, please.
05:35Go on, then.
05:38You know you want to.
05:42Well, I'm here with my Amelia
05:44and you were pretty vocal yesterday,
05:46so I thought I'd let you get a cheap shot in.
05:48Yeah, get a hold of yourself, mate.
05:52Yeah, what he said.
05:56As long as we're clear,
05:58Belle and I are separated.
06:00So it's nobody else's business what I do in my life.
06:02Implies we care.
06:04Yeah, what she said.
06:14You okay?
06:16I'll be a lot better once you've called the police.
06:18Right. That's not going to happen.
06:20She assaulted me.
06:22A warning. You stay away from my husband.
06:24Moira, this is insane.
06:26She's insane.
06:28She's been sniffing around him since you arrived.
06:30What? Don't look like that.
06:32I just saw her now at the garage.
06:34Saw what, exactly?
06:36You can't keep your knickers on.
06:38You want to expand on that, sweetheart?
06:40Right, this isn't helping.
06:42We are going home. Right there.
06:44I mean it, Ruby. You stay away.
06:50I am going to slap the Scottish DNA
06:52out of that one.
06:54She won't even have the accent left.
06:56All right, just take it easy.
06:58Take it easy? Look at me.
07:00You're angry. I get it.
07:02But now's not the time to go all Kill Bill.
07:04Well, not as wrong as it's going to be.
07:06Let me have a word.
07:08She needs more than a word.
07:10Seriously, leave it with me, okay?
07:14There you go.
07:16Are you going to give the piggies some orange?
07:20I have just delivered the cutest litter
07:22of puppies over to Vex.
07:24You'll have to come over and see them.
07:26As long as she knows she can't take one home.
07:30Aw, look.
07:33Yeah, do you want to go give him a hug?
07:35Tell him I'll come over in a sec.
07:37Go on, darling.
07:41How are you feeling about him going?
07:43How do you think?
07:45I'm dreading it.
07:47You've made long distance work before.
07:49Yeah, but this isn't making
07:51a relationship work, is it?
07:53It's co-parenting.
07:55There's just as much motivation
07:57to make it work though, right?
07:59I mean, if not more.
08:01Come on, you know he loves Frankie.
08:03He won't just abandon her.
08:05Hey, what are the chances of me taking Frankie
08:07for pizza tonight?
08:09Ask her yourself, I'm sure she'll say yes.
08:11Where is she?
08:13I don't know, she ain't here.
08:15What, did she not just come over then?
08:21How are we feeling?
08:23Better, Normie.
08:25Right, it is your home.
08:27Yeah, I know you've got a place of your own,
08:29but it doesn't stop you coming back here.
08:31You know you'd always be welcome.
08:33And it'd be better than rattling
08:35around up there on your own.
08:37I have thought about it.
08:39When a relationship ends,
08:41well, there's a grieving period.
08:43Like when someone dies.
08:45I wish he had.
08:47You don't mean that.
08:49Not really.
08:51But it's good you're talking about your feelings.
08:55And at times like this, it's good to be
08:58around family.
09:00It just feels like a step backwards.
09:02You don't have to be permanent.
09:04At least have a think about it.
09:06I will. Thanks, Lyds.
09:08Well, we're family.
09:10Here to support.
09:12And it'd be much easier to do that if you were in situ.
09:14You know, we can make sure
09:16you're doing everything to keep well.
09:20Oh, um...
09:22Just taking your meds
09:24and whatnot.
09:26Taking my meds? Who said I haven't been?
09:28No one.
09:30It's just after yesterday.
09:32Here we go. It's all in my imagination.
09:34I never said that.
09:36No, but it's what you think.
09:40You practically admitted
09:42to stealing Tom's tablet.
09:44And then you accused him of trying to steal it back again.
09:46Look, I know it's hard for you
09:48in being with Amelia.
09:50Can you understand why we'd all think
09:52it were a bit...
09:54Do you believe me or not?
09:58Of course I believe you, obviously.
10:00It's just I think...
10:02You think that I believe I'm telling the truth.
10:04But I might not be telling the truth
10:06because I'm having delusions.
10:08Will you at least try and consider it?
10:10No, I won't consider it. Lydia, this is real.
10:12And Amelia deserves to see
10:14what Tom's like, what he's actually like.
10:16So thank you so much for the offer
10:18and thank you for all this support,
10:20but no, I'm good by myself.
10:37I just want to know what's going on with you.
10:39Well, I told you it might be the menopause.
10:41This is way more than the menopause.
10:43Oh, well, I'm sorry
10:45that I'm not just having hot flushes, Cain,
10:47but I don't know what you want from me.
10:49Answers? Look, yesterday you couldn't keep your hands off me
10:52and today I'm in danger of sleeping with Ruby.
10:54So what's wrong?
10:56I don't know!
10:58What did Wendy say?
11:02What are you on about?
11:04Well, you went for a blood test. You made an appointment.
11:06Did I?
11:08I'm just about my limit here.
11:10I can't deal with this,
11:12especially when you're not trying to help yourself.
11:18What does Esther think of Policenet?
11:20She loves it. Well, I'm getting more sleep now.
11:22No, I'm much more content
11:24watching them play happy families.
11:26Well, I guess you're just going to have to learn to live with it.
11:34Cards on the table.
11:36I get why you'd be nervous.
11:40I am not one to believe everything that I hear,
11:44Belle's accusations? Yeah.
11:46I get it. In your shoes, I'd be worried too.
11:48Well, we were planning on being quiet about it.
11:50No, it's out in the open.
11:52It's probably better for everyone.
11:54No, we've done no wrong.
11:58Well, on the subject of
12:00what yous have done,
12:02and I reckon you know what I'm talking about...
12:04Kerry, that's none of your business.
12:06I'm just trying to find out how serious this is.
12:08Well, it's serious.
12:10Of course it is.
12:12We care about each other,
12:14but we're just taking it slow.
12:17Yeah, well, I'm not just talking about
12:19the other.
12:21You've got a one-track mind, you.
12:23No, I'm saying, there's a lot of other things that go
12:25with being serious.
12:27Well, taking it slow for us just means that we're not planning
12:29on moving in, or wedding bells,
12:31or, I don't know, even getting a cat together.
12:33Nothing like that, OK?
12:35Ah. What?
12:37Well, you've just reminded me.
12:39Esther was talking about wanting a puppy.
12:41Now, given what you just said, I know the timing
12:43wouldn't be perfect, but
12:45we did just have this litter
12:47delivered over at the surgery,
12:49and the owner's looking for homes.
12:51So, just say if you think it's a bad idea.
12:53No, it's lovely.
12:55Esther will be made up.
12:57Well, do you not think you should be running this past Chas first?
12:59Er, no, Chas will be fine.
13:01It's not like Eve's gonna complain, is it?
13:07He's getting her a puppy.
13:11Tom! Tom, I've just heard him
13:13tell Amelia that he's gonna get her an Esther a puppy.
13:15Belle, look, I know you're
13:17upset about pie. No, this isn't about her, OK?
13:19This is, this is exactly
13:21what he did to me. OK, look,
13:23Belle, he's not your
13:25problem any more, OK?
13:27And them two, they'll probably be together five minutes
13:29and then split up.
13:31He is not your problem any more.
13:33Well, yeah, but I thought we were just talking
13:35generally for a minute there.
13:37I just think you're running away with yourselves a little bit, that's all.
13:45Don't cross the road, darling.
13:51Frankie, what you doing?
13:53I'm here to get a puppy.
13:57Come here.
14:05Come on.
14:09I need a word.
14:12I need a word.
14:14Belle, I really don't want to argue, but...
14:16Please, I need you to know exactly what he's like.
14:18Yeah, well, you would say that. You're the ex.
14:20It's got nothing to do with that.
14:22Do me a favour, of course it has.
14:24Amelia, everything he's doing right now is to try and make me jealous.
14:26My God, do you actually hear how pathetic you sound
14:28right now? After everything you've put Tom
14:30through, the help that he's tried to give you were your
14:32issues, and he still won't let it go.
14:34He's lying to you about me.
14:36Yeah, well, I'm sorry it didn't work out. But Tom's actually
14:38a really good guy, and he don't deserve you stalking
14:40him or me. Please, just drop it, Belle.
14:42Leave us alone so we can
14:44be happy.
14:50Is everything all right?
14:52I wonder where you've gone.
14:54Yeah, I was just coming out.
15:06It's no good, I'm ringing
15:08the police. Give Nate five minutes.
15:10I can't wait that long. What if someone's taken her?
15:12She was only outside for a few seconds.
15:14Well, it's not a few seconds anymore, is it?
15:18Oh, my God.
15:20I'm making the call.
15:26Oh, thank God. Come, darling.
15:32Oh, Frank.
15:35Oh, God.
15:37Found this little wanderer.
15:39Where on earth have you been?
15:41She was up at the vets looking for puppies.
15:43I got her back as soon as I could.
15:45Thank you. We owe you one.
15:47Darling, you don't run off like that.
15:49You know that.
15:51Anyway, she's home now, so I'll leave you to it.
15:57Thank you so much, Ella.
15:59Yeah, thanks, Ella.
16:01Just being a good neighbour.
16:03I miss you, Baba.
16:05Oh, God.
16:13that could have gone worse.
16:15I thought I was gonna be accused of something.
16:17Looks like things have moved on, yeah?
16:19Here's hoping.
16:21Look, thanks again.
16:25I still think you're making a mistake.
16:27You know how he says,
16:29after I pawn my watch?
16:31So unpawn it and don't give them the cash.
16:33You know the score, Will.
16:35They never stop at one payment.
16:37And that deepfake shows they're serious.
16:39I do know how blackmailers work, Jimmy.
16:43Look, believe me, they'll be giving the cash back
16:45if they get it in the first place.
16:47Look, the cash is bait.
16:49Once they give me the drop-off instructions,
16:51then that'll lead me to them,
16:53and then I can deal with whoever it is.
16:55Well, I wish I'd been there.
16:57Don't just leave her, Kerry.
17:00You know, people should be allowed to have a quiet drink
17:02without being hassled by the local headcase.
17:04Kerry, it's fine.
17:06No, it's not fine.
17:08Listen, next time
17:10you want to have a go at somebody,
17:12how's about you start with me, yeah?
17:14Sorry, you got a problem?
17:16Ask her.
17:18No, I'm asking you, Kerry.
17:20You can quite easily be replaced, you know.
17:22Skating on pretty thin ice as it is.
17:24Everything all right?
17:26Well, let's just say she's gonna start losing customers
17:28if she came to the court to the loo.
17:32I just wanted to speak to Amelia.
17:34Hey, it's fine, all right?
17:36It's all just a misunderstanding.
17:38I'm sure Belle didn't mean to cause any trouble.
17:40Right, Belle?
17:42Oh, fine here, thank you.
17:44Maybe let's all just get back to having a nice, quiet drink, yeah?
17:52Belle, look.
17:54I know you've got your problems.
17:56Are you gonna start on about my meds as well?
18:00I was actually gonna say maybe give this lot a wide berth.
18:04Look, if you need someone to talk to, I'm here for you.
18:06I don't want to talk. Charity.
18:08I just want you to back off.
18:18She okay?
18:20Wondering what all the fuss was about.
18:22What about you? You all right?
18:26Come on, I know it was scary, but it's not your fault.
18:28I was so self-involved.
18:30I took my eyes off her.
18:32Yeah, you knew I was a few yards away.
18:34It was only a couple of seconds.
18:36Yeah, but that's all it takes, innit?
18:38When I think about what could've happened.
18:40Yeah, but it didn't.
18:44It was easier when she was younger.
18:46She couldn't run around
18:48and duck out of sight.
18:50Now I've got to be on the ball
18:52all the time.
18:56No one else can help.
18:58But now...
19:00Now you're going away.
19:04It's all gonna be on me, isn't it?
19:06Come here.
19:12It's all right.
19:14Come on, you'll be okay, I promise.
19:18I don't want you to go.
19:26I love you.
19:48I knew you still had a key.
19:52Just give it to me and go.
19:55Because you didn't seem fine earlier.
19:57What was all that with Amelia?
19:59Tom, please.
20:01Please just leave her alone. I'm begging you, do not do this to her.
20:03You think I'm enjoying it?
20:07I mean, clearly you're jealous.
20:09And I wouldn't mind if it wasn't so unnecessary.
20:11I'm not jealous.
20:13Oh, come on.
20:16After what happened today.
20:18And I get it.
20:20I'd be jealous too if the roles were reversed.
20:29We'd be so good if we got together again.
20:33You know we would.
20:45I'm never giving up on Isabel.
20:49Believe it.
20:51We belong together.
20:55You'll see.
20:57In the end.
21:21Two ex-lovers stand accused of a shocking crime
21:23in the return of our gripping courtroom drama, The Twelve.
21:25You can watch the latest episodes right now on ITVX.
21:27But stay with us here on ITV1 tonight
21:29for Coronation Street next.