• 2 weeks ago
00:00:00Evolution's Animal has won the Royal Rumble, Batista will be in the main event at WrestleMania
00:00:27I've made Batista a tremendous offer to come to SmackDown.
00:00:33You go to SmackDown and you become the WWE Champion.
00:00:37Me as the World Champion, you as the WWE Champion.
00:00:41We own the business.
00:00:44If Batista wants to face me at WrestleMania, I will beat him like a rented mule, like I
00:00:49have done everybody else they have put up against me.
00:00:57JBL, he is spitting in the face of Evolution.
00:01:01JBL's been talking about me, not Evolution.
00:01:04One person is going to do something about it, and that's me.
00:01:08The power of the animal, Batista rocking SmackDown here tonight.
00:01:13I saw the offer from Theodore Long at SmackDown, and you don't want to take that offer.
00:01:19Batista will have to decide if he's going to stay on Raw, go to WrestleMania, and challenge
00:01:23Triple H for the world title, or take Evolution's advice and go to SmackDown and meet the WWE
00:01:28Champion and the number one contender in a Triple Threat match.
00:01:31What do you think he's going to do?
00:01:33I don't know.
00:01:54We're in this together.
00:01:57They said nothing's forever, and they refuse to see the change in me.
00:02:03Why won't they wake up?
00:02:22The road to WrestleMania is roaring!
00:02:25The Kinstead University, the home of the Nittany Lions!
00:02:29And tonight is going to be one of the most significant, one of the most important nights
00:02:33in the history of Monday Night Raw.
00:02:35Because tonight, Batista will decide if he will go to WrestleMania representing Raw,
00:02:41or going to WrestleMania and representing SmackDown for championship gold.
00:02:50And look at this, JR.
00:02:51You're not going to have to go to a museum to see it.
00:02:54The unveiling of the masterpiece.
00:02:56Christmas has happened.
00:02:58He's going to be in one-on-one competition live here tonight.
00:03:01And King has this for Extraordinary.
00:03:05You can call it Tag Team Mania tonight.
00:03:07Oh yeah, check it out.
00:03:08There you see it.
00:03:09Shawn Michaels teaming with Randy Orton.
00:03:11They're going to win Edge and Tristan.
00:03:13What a team!
00:03:14What a tag team match!
00:03:15A great tag team main event, and what a start for this broadcast.
00:03:19Oh yeah, bro!
00:03:27Look at Tristan buy!
00:03:32It's a triple threat match.
00:03:33It is for the WWE Women's Championship.
00:03:36Introducing first, from Toronto, Canada, she is the women's champion, Trish Stratus.
00:03:43Trish got that black eye in a women's title defense this past Friday night
00:03:47at a big Raw live event in Michigan.
00:03:50But she is here tonight to defend her women's title.
00:03:53But King, last week, in a face-to-face conversation with Chrissy Heming,
00:03:59Trish really demonstrated her overt jealousy.
00:04:03Our very own Chrissy Heming has agreed to pose naked in Playboy magazine!
00:04:12It's official.
00:04:13The only slut around here is you.
00:04:20Posing for Playboy doesn't make you a slut.
00:04:23Sleeping with half the locker room?
00:04:29That makes you a slut.
00:04:39Man, you're talking about taking her aggression out on Chrissy Heming.
00:04:43I gotta believe that's all about jealousy as far as I'm concerned.
00:04:46Oh, wait a minute.
00:04:47Look at Trish Stratus.
00:04:48What does she possibly have to be jealous of?
00:04:51She's a champ!
00:04:53Oh, she's beautiful.
00:04:54Introducing the challengers, first from Forest Lake, Minnesota,
00:04:58Molly Holly!
00:05:01Molly Holly, a former women's champion,
00:05:03getting an opportunity in this triple threat match.
00:05:06The first competitor to score a pinfall or submission wins the match.
00:05:10Really, the champion going in at a distinct disadvantage.
00:05:15Especially with that black eye.
00:05:17I think I'm gonna volunteer to be her traveling personal doctor.
00:05:22That was busted.
00:05:27And from Los Angeles, California, Victoria!
00:05:33Victoria, another former women's champion again.
00:05:35I wish you had been with me last night in Pittsburgh.
00:05:38I was at No Way Out and what an impact.
00:05:40Evolution's animal maid at SmackDown's No Way Out in Pittsburgh last night.
00:05:45Well, I saw it.
00:05:47Don't worry, it was unbelievable.
00:05:49I was so proud.
00:05:50I mean, check it out.
00:05:52You know, Batista.
00:05:55He's the man.
00:05:57I understand that Teddy Long is gonna be here tonight?
00:06:00He is here.
00:06:01The SmackDown general manager is here.
00:06:03This match is underway.
00:06:05A triple threat match.
00:06:06And Trish off the apron there.
00:06:08And remember, the first competitor to score a pinfall or submission
00:06:11wins the match, becomes the women's champion.
00:06:16Moonsault by Victoria O'Malley.
00:06:18And Trish with that double sledge, breaking up referee Jack Doan's count.
00:06:24Whoa, there's the O'Matrix move!
00:06:27Oh my goodness.
00:06:28And a counter to the Matrix move.
00:06:30We're gonna see it.
00:06:31It's so nice.
00:06:32She's gonna do it for us twice.
00:06:34Whoa, roll up!
00:06:35Trish with a roll up on Victoria.
00:06:38Strong legs, able to kick out there this match for the women's title.
00:06:42I'll tell you what, this is an electrifying night.
00:06:46I didn't hardly sleep a wink last night thinking about this broadcast, this night.
00:06:50And what this night means to the future of Raw as far as I'm concerned.
00:06:54Will Batista commit to meet Triple H at WrestleMania?
00:07:00Or will Batista sign with SmackDown and wrestle for the WWE title at WrestleMania 21?
00:07:06Well, we're gonna find out tonight.
00:07:09Trish with that beer-naked choke on Victoria, referee Jack Doan's count.
00:07:13Trish could care less, I think, if she gets disqualified here.
00:07:16Very good, take a bow.
00:07:21Oh, hey!
00:07:23Shot back to the head by Victoria.
00:07:24These two have had several battles in the past.
00:07:28As we mentioned, both Molly Holly have been incapacitated for the moment.
00:07:33Trish not wanting any part of this.
00:07:36The sidewall slam and Molly Holly back in the fray.
00:07:40And Molly interrupting the count.
00:07:42Molly wants to be here, the women's champion tonight.
00:07:45On what I gotta believe is gonna be a night we're not gonna soon forget here on Monday Night Raw.
00:07:50We are pretty sure that you're with us here tonight, folks.
00:07:53It is a cold blistery night.
00:07:54We've got a great crowd here at Penn State University.
00:07:57Nice Northern Rock Suplex by Molly Holly.
00:07:59And Trish interrupts that count.
00:08:01That's right, because if Molly Holly pins Victoria,
00:08:04Trish is no longer the women's champ.
00:08:06Look out!
00:08:07Trish to the springboard, lands on her feet.
00:08:09There's a roll-up by Victoria.
00:08:12Oh, I love these matches.
00:08:14Molly Holly interrupting the count.
00:08:17Molly and Trish seemingly on the same page.
00:08:20Well, for the moment.
00:08:24Like I said, for the moment.
00:08:25Not a long moment.
00:08:27You wanna mess with me?
00:08:28You wanna mess with me?
00:08:31Trish and Molly.
00:08:32Virgil, Virgil sparring.
00:08:34And then the right hand by the women's champion.
00:08:36Molly, I would have thought you would have learned from what happened to Julie Hibby last week.
00:08:40No mess with Trish.
00:08:42Victoria from behind.
00:08:43And now Victoria with a roll-up from the champion.
00:08:47Close one on Molly Holly.
00:08:48And another close one on the champion.
00:08:50Victoria, she's on a roll.
00:08:56I love these kind of matches.
00:08:57Right back, Molly Brown.
00:08:58I've been crazy about girls ever since I found out I was a woman.
00:09:03Straight right hand.
00:09:04Trish Stratus fighting for her women's title here.
00:09:06In this triple threat match, a kickoff Monday night brawl.
00:09:10And Trish, looking for the chick kick.
00:09:13Didn't find it there.
00:09:16Leave her eye alone.
00:09:17Don't hurt her eye.
00:09:18Oh, the hip bump.
00:09:19Right in the eye.
00:09:20The hip bump right in her face.
00:09:21Molly, looking for the Molly go round.
00:09:24Victoria avoided the contact of the Molly go round.
00:09:28And Victoria is poised to become the women's champion.
00:09:32It's the Widow's Peak.
00:09:33Here it comes.
00:09:35Can she hit it?
00:09:37It is.
00:09:38It'll be over here.
00:09:39It will be over here.
00:09:40The Widow's Peak.
00:09:43One, two, three.
00:09:45And there's a...
00:09:46Trish pulling Victoria.
00:09:47Wait a minute.
00:09:48One, two, three.
00:09:49Oh my goodness.
00:09:51Trish capitalizing on Victoria's hand.
00:09:54What an opportunist.
00:09:55Here is your winner, and still the WWE Women's Champion, Trish Stratus.
00:10:02She may be battered and bruised, but she's still a winner, JR.
00:10:05But Trish Stratus is not going to be in Playboy magazine.
00:10:09Christy Himi is.
00:10:11And I think that's under Trish's skin.
00:10:14Christy Himi in Playboy.
00:10:15I can't wait.
00:10:18Oh, what a night.
00:10:19What a start.
00:10:21I've never seen you look cleaner.
00:10:22You are the man.
00:10:24Tonight is the night.
00:10:26Tonight is the contract signing.
00:10:29Tonight it all goes down on black and white.
00:10:31Batista goes to SmackDown.
00:10:33And you and I take the first step in running this industry.
00:10:37You should be on top of the world right now.
00:10:39Do you realize you've helped another wrestler scale that mountain to immortality?
00:10:44Batista is a big player now.
00:10:46And last night at No Way Out, he blew the roof off the building when he walked out the door.
00:10:51It was unbelievable.
00:10:52I knew that after seeing him on SmackDown, Batista was going to get a hell of a reaction.
00:10:56But I had no idea.
00:10:58When I saw No Way Out, I saw him blow the roof off that place.
00:11:03I knew it was a done deal.
00:11:06He will have no choice.
00:11:08I know it.
00:11:09But to sign with SmackDown.
00:11:11He is totally influenced by you, Triple H.
00:11:15The greatest wrestler alive today.
00:11:17Where is Dave? I want to talk to him.
00:11:20Well, I'm not really sure.
00:11:22But don't overthink it.
00:11:24Is he not here?
00:11:25No, no.
00:11:26I don't know right now.
00:11:27I've called his phone twice.
00:11:29He goes right to voicemail.
00:11:30I was out in the parking lot earlier.
00:11:31Wait a second now.
00:11:33You're telling me he's not here and you have not talked to him.
00:11:37That's true.
00:11:39But I'm sure.
00:11:41Huge storm here last night.
00:11:43Travel issues.
00:11:44I know Dave Bautista.
00:11:46You know he's coming tonight.
00:11:48And you know that he'll make the right decision.
00:11:49You know how big of a night this is, right?
00:11:53Champ, I'll go to the parking lot.
00:11:55I will wait until he gets here.
00:11:57And the minute he's here, I will send the word.
00:11:59Trust me, okay?
00:12:00And I'm sure he'll make the right decision.
00:12:09The photo shoot will be in about five minutes.
00:12:11That's perfect.
00:12:12Thank you.
00:12:13It's going to be awesome.
00:12:14It's going to be fun.
00:12:16Look what we have here.
00:12:17We have the greatest women's champion ever.
00:12:25And the resident Playboy slut.
00:12:29You guys having fun today?
00:12:30Nice eye.
00:12:32Looks like you lost that fight.
00:12:34That's very funny.
00:12:35You see, what are you guys doing out here?
00:12:37Oh, you're doing nothing.
00:12:38Yes, because what I was doing was I was out there taking care of business.
00:12:42Okay, because that's what the number one raw diva does.
00:12:47Okay, she takes care of business.
00:12:49Okay, what I did is I went out there and I took down the top two contenders.
00:12:55Just like that.
00:12:58That's funny.
00:12:59Because I always thought the only one who went down around here is you.
00:13:07That's funny.
00:13:09You think that's funny?
00:13:11Stop kidding.
00:13:12Oh, my God.
00:13:16What are you going to do?
00:13:17What are you going to do, Chrissy?
00:13:20That's right.
00:13:21That's what you're going to do.
00:13:22You're going to do nothing.
00:13:23Hey, Chrissy's going to do something all right.
00:13:28Chrissy, hold her mouth.
00:13:32Get her off the table.
00:13:36I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.
00:13:38They are so funny.
00:13:39Sean, what's up, man?
00:13:40Hey, Sean.
00:13:41Hi, Stacey.
00:13:42Stacey, if you don't mind, I'm going to talk to Sean.
00:13:43We've got a match later.
00:13:44Okay, see you later.
00:13:46Bye, sweetheart.
00:13:47I'm not interrupting anything.
00:13:48Of course not.
00:13:49Of course not.
00:13:51I just wanted to make sure we're good tonight.
00:13:52We're on, man.
00:13:53We're on the same page.
00:13:54You've got my back.
00:13:55I've got yours.
00:13:56We're good to go.
00:13:57Thanks, man.
00:13:58Hey, but real quick, before you take off, man, I just wanted to throw something out
00:14:00You know, WrestleMania's coming up, and this is a big opportunity, not only for me, for
00:14:02everybody, you know, and if anyone knows this, it's you, you know, and I just, you
00:14:06know, I've been thinking of different ways to go.
00:14:08Randy, you need to understand, this is the WWE, man.
00:14:12You can't just sit around and wait for opportunity to come knocking on your door, because it
00:14:16isn't going to happen, especially when it comes to WrestleMania.
00:14:20You can sit around, and you can wait, and you can ask, and you can beg, or you can go
00:14:27out there, and you can take it.
00:14:30And man, let me tell you, taking it is half the fun.
00:14:34I got you.
00:14:35Randy, a little over ten years ago, nobody was thinking about Shawn Michaels, and I mean
00:14:41nobody, and then he went out there with a ladder and did his best to change this industry
00:14:48forever, and every WrestleMania that I've performed at since, Randy, I've left every
00:14:56ounce of my being in that ring in the hopes that when those people filed out of the building,
00:15:02the one thing that would be on their mind was the showstopper.
00:15:07Shawn Michaels did it again.
00:15:11That's WrestleMania, man.
00:15:14And I didn't ask anybody, Randy, and I went out there, and I took it.
00:15:20You know, sometimes even guys like me need to listen to their own advice.
00:15:25I got to take care of something, man.
00:15:27Okay, yeah.
00:15:28I'll see you in match time.
00:15:30Thank you.
00:15:31Thank you.
00:15:33Well, it will be the last time we see Orton and Michaels were caught tonight.
00:15:36HBK and the Legend Killer will take on Edge and Christian.
00:15:40What a tag team main event tonight.
00:15:42The King, the big decision.
00:15:45Will the Royal Rumble winner stay with Raw, or will he move to SmackDown?
00:15:49We're going to find out tonight because the contract signing is going to take place.
00:15:53Batista, where's he going to be?
00:15:55What's he going to do?
00:15:58You people are really lying to each other if you think that you're actually in good shape.
00:16:03Back here with Simon Dean, live on Raw.
00:16:07I've heard of the Freshman 15 before, but you, Miss, you must be on the Freshman 50.
00:16:18As a matter of fact, I got a call from some washed-up old man today.
00:16:29Speaking of you suck, I got a call from a washed-up old man today named Joe Paterno,
00:16:35who wanted me to sell...
00:16:40who wanted me to sell him some Simon System,
00:16:44and I had to turn him down because even I can't work miracles for a 95-year-old fossil.
00:16:55Raw coach at Penn State here, Joe Paterno, a legend.
00:16:58Probably didn't hear that. He's already past his bedtime.
00:17:02All right, well, tonight is not about Batista's contract signing.
00:17:17Well, finally, Simon Dean has shut up and can wrestle.
00:17:22The following contest is scheduled for one fall.
00:17:25Making his way to the ring, born in Manhattan, New York,
00:17:29weighing in at 230 pounds, Chris Jericho.
00:17:34Chris Jericho, who ran afoul of Muhammad Hassan last week here on Monday Night Raw,
00:17:40was the first-ever undisputed champion.
00:17:43And I think that Jericho is going to look to silence Simon Dean in this match.
00:17:54Well, Simon Dean was silenced right in the middle of his sales pitch.
00:17:59Come on, Jerry, have you really tried that Simon System?
00:18:02Although I haven't.
00:18:03You haven't?
00:18:04You haven't?
00:18:05You haven't?
00:18:06You haven't?
00:18:07You haven't?
00:18:08You haven't?
00:18:09You haven't?
00:18:10You haven't?
00:18:11You haven't?
00:18:12You haven't?
00:18:13You haven't?
00:18:14You haven't?
00:18:15You haven't?
00:18:16You haven't?
00:18:17You haven't?
00:18:18You haven't?
00:18:19You haven't?
00:18:20You haven't?
00:18:21You haven't?
00:18:22You haven't?
00:18:23You haven't?
00:18:24You haven't?
00:18:25You haven't?
00:18:26You haven't?
00:18:27You haven't?
00:18:28You haven't?
00:18:29You haven't?
00:18:30You haven't?
00:18:31You haven't?
00:18:32You haven't?
00:18:33You haven't?
00:18:34You haven't?
00:18:35You haven't?
00:18:36You haven't?
00:18:37You haven't?
00:18:38You haven't?
00:18:39You haven't?
00:18:40You haven't?
00:18:41You haven't?
00:18:42You haven't?
00:18:43You haven't?
00:18:44You haven't?
00:18:45You haven't?
00:18:46You haven't?
00:18:47You haven't?
00:18:48You haven't?
00:18:49You haven't?
00:18:50You haven't?
00:18:51You haven't?
00:18:52You haven't?
00:18:53You haven't?
00:18:54You haven't?
00:18:55You haven't?
00:18:56You haven't?
00:18:57You haven't?
00:18:58You haven't?
00:18:59You haven't?
00:19:00You haven't?
00:19:01You haven't?
00:19:02You haven't?
00:19:03You haven't?
00:19:04You haven't?
00:19:05You haven't?
00:19:06You haven't?
00:19:07You haven't?
00:19:08You haven't?
00:19:09You haven't?
00:19:10You haven't?
00:19:11You haven't?
00:19:12You haven't?
00:19:13You haven't?
00:19:14You haven't?
00:19:15You haven't?
00:19:16You haven't?
00:19:17You haven't?
00:19:18You haven't?
00:19:19You haven't?
00:19:20You haven't?
00:19:21You haven't?
00:19:22You haven't?
00:19:23You haven't?
00:19:24You haven't?
00:19:25You haven't?
00:19:26You haven't?
00:19:27You haven't?
00:19:28You haven't?
00:19:29You haven't?
00:19:30You haven't?
00:19:31You haven't?
00:19:32You haven't?
00:19:33You haven't?
00:19:34You haven't?
00:19:35You haven't?
00:19:36You haven't?
00:19:37You haven't?
00:19:38You haven't?
00:19:39You haven't?
00:19:40You haven't?
00:19:41You haven't?
00:19:42You haven't?
00:19:43You haven't?
00:19:44You haven't?
00:19:45You haven't?
00:19:46You haven't?
00:19:47You haven't?
00:19:48You haven't?
00:19:49You haven't?
00:19:50You haven't?
00:19:51You haven't?
00:19:52You haven't?
00:19:53You haven't?
00:19:54You haven't?
00:19:55You haven't?
00:19:56You haven't?
00:19:57You haven't?
00:19:58You haven't?
00:19:59You haven't?
00:20:00You haven't?
00:20:01You haven't?
00:20:02You haven't?
00:20:03You haven't?
00:20:04You haven't?
00:20:05You haven't?
00:20:06You haven't?
00:20:07You haven't?
00:20:08You haven't?
00:20:09You haven't?
00:20:10You haven't?
00:20:11You haven't?
00:20:12You haven't?
00:20:13You haven't?
00:20:14You haven't?
00:20:15You haven't?
00:20:16You haven't?
00:20:17You haven't?
00:20:18You haven't?
00:20:19You haven't?
00:20:20You haven't?
00:20:21You haven't?
00:20:22You haven't?
00:20:23You haven't?
00:20:24You haven't?
00:20:25You haven't?
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00:20:28You haven't?
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00:20:31You haven't?
00:20:32You haven't?
00:20:33You haven't?
00:20:34You haven't?
00:20:35You haven't?
00:20:36You haven't?
00:20:37You haven't?
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00:20:39You haven't?
00:20:40You haven't?
00:20:41You haven't?
00:20:42You haven't?
00:20:43You haven't?
00:20:44You haven't?
00:20:45You haven't?
00:20:46You haven't?
00:20:47You haven't?
00:20:48You haven't?
00:20:49You haven't?
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00:20:51You haven't?
00:20:52You haven't?
00:20:53You haven't?
00:20:54You haven't?
00:20:55You haven't?
00:20:56You haven't?
00:20:57You haven't?
00:20:58You haven't?
00:20:59You haven't?
00:21:00You haven't?
00:21:01You haven't?
00:21:02You haven't?
00:21:03You haven't?
00:21:04You haven't?
00:21:05You haven't?
00:21:06You haven't?
00:21:07You haven't?
00:21:08You haven't?
00:21:09You haven't?
00:21:10You haven't?
00:21:11You haven't?
00:21:12You haven't?
00:21:13You haven't?
00:21:14You haven't?
00:21:15You haven't?
00:21:16You haven't?
00:21:17You haven't?
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00:21:27You haven't?
00:21:28You haven't?
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00:21:30You haven't?
00:21:31You haven't?
00:21:32You haven't?
00:21:33You haven't?
00:21:34You haven't?
00:21:35You haven't?
00:21:36You haven't?
00:21:37You haven't?
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00:24:09You may be
00:24:10You may be
00:24:12you may be
00:24:14You may be
00:24:16you may be
00:24:17you may be
00:24:18one of
00:24:19one of
00:24:26The Big Red Machine set for a one-on-one competition here on an epic night on Monday Night Raw.
00:24:36Look out.
00:24:38Epic indeed, JR.
00:24:39Tonight's WWE Raw is being brought to you by Warner Brothers' new motion picture, Constantine.
00:24:46It's now playing.
00:24:47And by Juicy Crockpot.
00:24:49Juice up the flavor with great tasting Juicy Crockpot.
00:24:54And by Truth.
00:24:55From the far out files of Big Tobacco, it's Fair Enough, America's most addictive youth
00:25:00comedy hit.
00:25:02I got a feeling this is going to be a battle of heavy equipment here.
00:25:07And making his way to the ring from Jacksonville, Florida, weighing in at 285 pounds, Tyson
00:25:16What's up with Tomko?
00:25:17He's carrying a mic.
00:25:18Tonight, all this focus on Batista is pathetic.
00:25:23It makes me sick.
00:25:26The spotlight should be on me, Tyson Tomko.
00:25:31And all these people are going to realize who the most dominant superstar here on Raw
00:25:41It's me.
00:25:46The problem solver.
00:25:49And my new problem.
00:25:53Is you.
00:25:57Well, that's a mighty big problem to have, I'll tell you.
00:26:00Tomko, a big man, King, just a shade under seven feet tall.
00:26:04Tomko right there with him, both men around 300 pounds and change.
00:26:09And both general managers here, Tomko looking to impress, almost to showcase his talents.
00:26:15Well, as we heard straight from the horse's mouth there, he is a big stud that I guess
00:26:21he's a little bit upset with all the attention that we're giving to Batista.
00:26:25Everybody's talking about Batista, where he's going, who he's going with.
00:26:29Big time right hands by Tomko.
00:26:31You're right.
00:26:32With Teddy Long here, Eric Bischoff here tonight, Tyson, he wants to show off.
00:26:37What a shot.
00:26:38And that certainly woke up the big red machine and dims the lights of Tyson Tomko.
00:26:42The problem solver.
00:26:44And King with great elevation, great athleticism by the big red machine.
00:26:48The hook to the leg and Tomko, to his credit, able to kick out.
00:26:52Speaking of the big red machine, J.R., I got a question for you.
00:26:55What do you think King got his wife Lita for Valentine's Day last week?
00:26:59I would not have any idea.
00:27:01I bet you it was a heart.
00:27:03Still beating.
00:27:04And a kick right to the base of King.
00:27:07Takes down the big red machine.
00:27:08And that was a challenge.
00:27:10The current angle for WrestleMania.
00:27:12As Tomko mounts King.
00:27:14Look at King covering up there.
00:27:16Don't blame him.
00:27:18And Tomko made a big impact in King's dental work just a few moments ago.
00:27:22Watch this shot here.
00:27:25Got that big kick.
00:27:27The problem solver.
00:27:29Tomko measuring King with thunderous right hands.
00:27:32And Tomko with the big red machine.
00:27:34The problem solver.
00:27:36Tomko measuring King with thunderous right hands.
00:27:39Still to come Shawn Michaels and Randy Orton together.
00:27:42To meet Edge and Christian.
00:27:44What a tag team main event.
00:27:46Still to come here tonight.
00:27:48Of course, as we mentioned, the contract signing of Batista's.
00:27:52Tomko punches King here with the neck vise.
00:27:58Listen to these fans here at Penn State.
00:28:01We know Batista's on his way here.
00:28:04Batista is definitely going to be at WrestleMania meeting a champion.
00:28:08But will it be Triple H?
00:28:10Or will it be the WWE champion?
00:28:12And their number one contender.
00:28:14Look at King.
00:28:16That's a lot of strength and a lot of power.
00:28:18Hanging Tomko there.
00:28:20Right on the top rope.
00:28:22And King with a shot to the temple.
00:28:24Well, you know JR.
00:28:26There's certainly two ways to look at this.
00:28:28But I got to agree with Evolution.
00:28:30And well, I got to agree more importantly with Triple H.
00:28:32I mean, Evolution could rule wrestling.
00:28:34Oh, look out here.
00:28:36The clothesline.
00:28:38And King is ruling the ring as we speak.
00:28:40With that clothesline right off the top.
00:28:42The big red machine.
00:28:44That right hand wants something.
00:28:46Yes, it does.
00:28:48Oh, he missed it.
00:28:50Tomko avoided the contact with King.
00:28:52Muscling up.
00:28:54Oh, Tomko.
00:28:56Almost a gut buster.
00:28:58After being hung on the top rope.
00:29:00I don't know if he's going for the gut buster, the back breaker,
00:29:02or the shoulder breaker.
00:29:04King with that massive shoulder.
00:29:06Right into the midsection of Tomko.
00:29:08Get him out of there.
00:29:10King, as we said, close to seven feet tall.
00:29:12Certainly over 300 pounds.
00:29:14Oh, and King.
00:29:16A little overzealous there.
00:29:18To Tomko's credit, he was able to avoid the contact.
00:29:20But King did not.
00:29:22King's shoulder struck the ring post.
00:29:24Tomko wants the spotlight on himself.
00:29:26He beats King here tonight.
00:29:28He'll get the spotlight big time.
00:29:30No doubt about it.
00:29:32Looking to load up.
00:29:34Oh, with a slam dunk.
00:29:36King with a toe slam.
00:29:38And King with a victory.
00:29:42Here is your winner, King.
00:29:45It wasn't easy.
00:29:47But it was a victory for the Big Red Machine.
00:29:49Tomko wanted the spotlight.
00:29:51Instead, he wound up looking at the lights.
00:29:53Two big men in a smash mouth match.
00:29:56They call that a tooth chipper down in Oklahoma.
00:29:58Watch this.
00:30:00One-handed toe slam of a mere 300 pounds.
00:30:02Get that right.
00:30:04Up the knees.
00:30:06Down hard.
00:30:08A phenomenal big athlete.
00:30:10One of the greatest super heavyweights ever on Monday Night Raw.
00:30:14And what a Monday Night Raw we are having.
00:30:16What a night it is going to be here in Penn State.
00:30:24All right!
00:30:26Champ, I told you you'd make it.
00:30:28Somebody said word.
00:30:30Batista's here.
00:30:35You're not Batista.
00:30:41Where are you?
00:30:45I'm Chris.
00:30:47The Masterpiece.
00:30:49And hey, Rick.
00:30:51Go ahead and watch my match tonight.
00:30:53You might learn a thing or two.
00:30:55We're laughing out here on Monday Night Raw from Penn State University.
00:30:57And tonight, a return match for the Infinite Continental title.
00:30:59Shelton Benjamin looking forward to meeting Stitsky tonight for the title.
00:31:01Well, he better be on his game.
00:31:03I'll tell you this.
00:31:05Because Stitsky, I talked to him earlier.
00:31:07I actually talked to him.
00:31:09He is focused.
00:31:11Oh, no.
00:31:13We have to think about this now.
00:31:15Maybe if we flush, he'll go away.
00:31:17Muhammad Hassan.
00:31:22His controversial political views, ladies and gentlemen, regarding the treatment of Arab Americans.
00:31:24He's a traitor.
00:31:26He's a traitor.
00:31:28He's a traitor.
00:31:30He's a traitor.
00:31:32He's a traitor.
00:31:34He's a traitor.
00:31:36He's a traitor.
00:31:38He's a traitor.
00:31:40He's a traitor.
00:31:42He's a traitor.
00:31:44As far as I know, represents two people,
00:31:46Hassan and the man following him, Daivari.
00:31:50Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome
00:31:52Daivari and Muhammad Hassan.
00:31:54But King, there's no denying that Hassan
00:31:56is an excellent athlete, a tremendous athlete
00:32:01with a spotless record.
00:32:04Look at that sign.
00:32:05Hassan stole their tablecloth.
00:32:07A lot of signs here tonight at Penn State.
00:32:09The art department's been working overtime.
00:32:12Apparently, Muhammad Hassan is going to address
00:32:16this crowd and our worldwide audience tonight.
00:32:18Again, we're live at Penn State University.
00:32:22Everybody stand up and say hello to Muhammad Hassan.
00:32:29Hello, Muhammad Hassan.
00:32:31Hello, Muhammad Hassan.
00:32:33Hello, Muhammad Hassan.
00:32:35Hello, Muhammad Hassan.
00:32:37Hello, Muhammad Hassan.
00:32:39Hello, Muhammad Hassan.
00:32:41U-S-A, U-S-A, U-S-A.
00:32:44U-S-A, U-S-A, U-S-A.
00:32:48You know, since I debuted here on RAW,
00:32:52I've been confronted with nothing but prejudice
00:32:55around each and every turn.
00:33:01But I'm just like everybody else.
00:33:04I'm just like each and every one of you.
00:33:08I was born right here in this country, and yet you people show me nothing but disrespect.
00:33:25Well today, today is President's Day, a day that should remind us that here in America
00:33:33all men, all men, all men were created equal, but if all men were created equally, then
00:33:44why am I the only one being discriminated against?
00:33:51Why am I the only one being denied on law?
00:33:58Well this is something that no one can deny, and that is my undefeated record on Raw.
00:34:12There is no one who can defeat me, because unlike everyone else in that locker room,
00:34:21I take pride in what I do.
00:34:34That's why if Batista decides to sign with SmackDown, I should face Triple H at WrestleMania
00:34:4221 for the World Heavyweight Title.
00:34:47I deserve to be the main event.
00:34:51I deserve a shot.
00:34:52Well when you talk about taking pride in your craft, you start with that man, Chris Finn
00:35:02The respected 18 year veteran, the Rabbit Wolverine, stepping with a purpose to the
00:35:14Spurge Turtle here tonight.
00:35:30Let me guess, you're out here to say that you deserve the main event match at WrestleMania.
00:35:37No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:35:40You see, I'm out here to challenge you to a match.
00:35:51And to once and for all, shut you up.
00:35:56There you go.
00:35:59You want a match with me?
00:36:01You want a match with me?
00:36:03Alright, you're on!
00:36:07Just not tonight.
00:36:09You see, I'm not ready for a match.
00:36:12I'm not...
00:36:14Well you better get over there with Daivari!
00:36:17You better get ready Hasan because Chris Finn Wong puts the rest...
00:36:20Oh, look at, look at, look at this.
00:36:22Daivari ripping at the eyes of Finn Wong and a chop block right to the knee by Muhammad
00:36:27Hasan, taking that knee of Chris Finn Wong.
00:36:30And now Daivari and Hasan double teaming Finn Wong.
00:36:36Finn Wong came out to make a man-to-man challenge and this is what he gets.
00:36:42Finn Wong can't even stand...
00:36:43Oh, man!
00:36:45Finn Wong's head smacking off the canvas.
00:36:50And now a helpless Chris Finn Wong.
00:36:53I have no idea what Daivari was saying, but you can bet your bottom dollar it was disrespectful
00:37:09as hell.
00:37:11Look at the look in the eyes of Hasan here.
00:37:14Hasan had a chance to meet Finn Wong one-on-one right here tonight.
00:37:19But not tonight.
00:37:21I don't...
00:37:24Undefeated, yes.
00:37:26Unlikeed, absolutely.
00:37:28It's Muhammad Hasan and Finn Wong's knee may have been seriously hurt there.
00:37:34I can only hope that it's not.
00:37:36It's been dropped on his face as well.
00:37:41Intensity personified here tonight.
00:37:44And ladies and gentlemen, it's a WrestleMania 21 shaping decision that will be made here
00:37:51Will Batista go to SmackDown or will he stay here on Raw and challenge Triple H for the
00:37:56world title at WrestleMania?
00:37:58Boy, it may be one of the most star-studded tag team matches we've ever had.
00:38:02Shawn Michaels, the legend killer Randy Orton, taking on Edge and Christian, reunited here
00:38:07tonight for this big match.
00:38:09And JR, it's next.
00:38:11It's absolutely next.
00:38:14And we are back live.
00:38:20Penn State University and the legend killer is here and ready for what should be one hell
00:38:27of a tag team match.
00:38:30The following tag team contest is scheduled for one-on-one.
00:38:33Introducing first, from Kansas City, weighing in at 260 pounds, Randy Orton.
00:38:42He is the legend killer.
00:38:45Teaming tonight with the showstopper, Shawn Michaels.
00:38:49And what I've got to believe is going to be a showstopping tag team main event here live
00:38:54tonight on Wednesday Night Raw.
00:39:00And what an ovation for the 24-year-old, third-generation superstar, whose dad, Bob
00:39:06Orton Jr., will be in the Hall of Fame this year.
00:39:11Introducing his tag team partner, from San Antonio, Texas, the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn
00:39:19And the future Hall of Famer himself.
00:39:22No doubt about it, Shawn Michaels is one of a kind.
00:39:28There'll never be another like him.
00:39:30And I'll tell you what, Shawn Michaels certainly gave a super-smackdown to America if you know
00:39:36how long the message was for Kurt Angle.
00:39:38Shawn Michaels wants to meet Kurt Angle at WrestleMania 41.
00:39:42Well, speaking of challenges, JR, I understand that Benoit is irate back in the locker room
00:39:47after his challenger.
00:39:48I thought of what went down, and well, you and I both know what can happen when you get
00:39:52that Wolverine BOE.
00:39:53No doubt about that.
00:39:56And you get very visible, just like this tag team main event's going to be.
00:40:01Oh yeah, this is going to be a good one.
00:40:04I'm not your war toy.
00:40:07And of course, this is a great-looking tag team right here.
00:40:10Shawn Michaels, Randy Orton, but check out this tag team.
00:40:15Making his way to the ring, from Toronto, Canada, weighing in at 224 pounds, Christian.
00:40:23Well, Captain Charisma without his problem-solver.
00:40:27Tomko taking on the King earlier tonight.
00:40:29No Tomko here, but Christian will soon be joined by a former longtime tag team partner.
00:40:36And what a hellacious match last Monday night was with Randy Orton and Christian.
00:40:43Please call him Captain Charisma.
00:40:45And introducing his tag team partner, weighing in at 250 pounds, Edge.
00:40:52A very complex enigma is Edge.
00:40:56He could be described as a prisoner of his own paranoia and ego.
00:41:05He's still thinner.
00:41:07I'm saying he has some issues.
00:41:11Well, but no issues as far as the success that Christian and Edge have had together
00:41:16As a tag team match tonight, this reuniting of Christian and Edge could be the therapy that Edge needs to refocus his men.
00:41:24Seven times these two guys have been tag team champions.
00:41:27And between them, they've been champions 20 different times, JR.
00:41:31That's an amazing feat.
00:41:33Randy Orton and Shawn Michaels, I'm sure, are impressed with the qualifications, but not intimidated.
00:41:39I'm sure there's respect there, but this should be a great tag team match.
00:41:43I know that Edge and Christian have had some personal difficulties with each other in recent months.
00:41:49Those have been rectified from what I'm told.
00:41:52But Christian and Edge back on the same page.
00:41:55It's going to be Orton and Christian starting it out here.
00:42:00And man, again, what a one-on-one match that these two had last week on Monday Night Raw.
00:42:04Collar and elbow tie up.
00:42:05Senior referee Earl Hebner signed this match.
00:42:07And it's Christian forcing Orton back into the corner.
00:42:14He grabs the right hand, got a short right of his own.
00:42:19Not a good start for Captain Charisma.
00:42:25You're right, these two last week, what a match.
00:42:28I spoke with Captain Charisma afterwards, and he really felt if he had another opportunity,
00:42:35that he could take the measure from Randy Orton, and he's getting it tonight.
00:42:39And referee wanted a clean break, didn't get one.
00:42:41Downstairs goes Christian.
00:42:42Three right hands, a kickball to the midsection of Randy Orton.
00:42:47Orton being a rock with a right hand, and Christian feeling good about himself.
00:42:51Feeling good about punishing Randy Orton here.
00:42:56And Orton, oh, a headlock takeover from Captain Charisma.
00:42:59And a side headlock takeover.
00:43:01And of course, shoulders are down.
00:43:03Shoulders are down, they're going to be counted.
00:43:05Why do I always detect a note of sarcasm in your voice when you say Captain Charisma?
00:43:10I don't know.
00:43:11Why can't you just every now and then say something nice about Christian?
00:43:15He's a great wrestler.
00:43:16He's a great athlete.
00:43:17There you go.
00:43:18But Captain Charisma, he's a...
00:43:24Here comes some of that tag team experience I was telling you about.
00:43:27And Orton now has been isolated in the corner of Christian and Edge.
00:43:30We used to say that term almost in one word, Christian and Edge.
00:43:34We haven't said that in a long time.
00:43:36This one-time reunion, as far as we know.
00:43:42Remember all the great photo op he used to give us?
00:43:46And Edge quickly off his shoulders.
00:43:51Edge has been wrestling as good and serious as he's ever been.
00:43:56Edge has been wrestling as good in single matches recently as I have ever seen him.
00:44:01Shawn Michaels with the tag.
00:44:04The show's starting to ramp.
00:44:05The legend killer out.
00:44:09And the ropes are holding up Edge.
00:44:16And a million dollar knee left by Shawn Michaels.
00:44:18And a knife hand shot takes down Edge.
00:44:20The cover and Edge quickly kicks out.
00:44:22And the compromising situation comes up with a right hand that scores and makes a very timely tag.
00:44:29There's Shawn Michaels.
00:44:31He's talking about...
00:44:32Oh, he's talking about Kurt Angle at WrestleMania.
00:44:35He's got his hands full right here tonight on Raw.
00:44:38Well, we knew that would be a fact in this tag team matchup.
00:44:43And a shot by HBK.
00:44:46San Antonio, Texas.
00:44:49He's met them all. The whole family.
00:44:51All three of the turnbucklers.
00:44:57Michaels sending Christian for the ride.
00:44:59Oh, my God.
00:45:01Big neck body drop.
00:45:02Great elevation by Shawn Michaels.
00:45:04And Michaels again going for a cover.
00:45:06And again got a near fall.
00:45:09And Michaels walked right back up.
00:45:10And again got a near fall.
00:45:12And again got a near fall.
00:45:14And again got a near fall.
00:45:15And again got a near fall.
00:45:16And again got a near fall.
00:45:17And Michaels walked right into a right hand.
00:45:19And another right hand.
00:45:20And look at this.
00:45:21Right to the eyes.
00:45:22Right in front of the referee.
00:45:24Who's admonishing Christian for his tactics.
00:45:30Tag made.
00:45:34Edge in.
00:45:36Just a hard shot to Shawn Michaels.
00:45:38And Michaels knocked down.
00:45:40With a big forearm shiver taking down Shawn Michaels.
00:45:43Boy, how long has it been since Edge and Christian have teamed?
00:45:46It looks like it was just yesterday.
00:45:50Michaels trying to fight out of the corner.
00:45:52Michaels knows he's in dangerous territory there.
00:45:55And the veteran, John Michaels, fights out of the corner.
00:45:59A little too fast press to get a vengeance.
00:46:01And the right hand by Shawn Michaels.
00:46:03Pissed him like right hands to the face of Edge.
00:46:07Edge now.
00:46:08Again set for the right.
00:46:10And this time Michaels got set a little early.
00:46:12And Edge has got a hard kick in.
00:46:16And then made another timely tag.
00:46:18I'll tell you this.
00:46:19Edge and Christian.
00:46:21Inside cradle.
00:46:22Inside cradle.
00:46:23A near fall.
00:46:25Shot hit by Tickle.
00:46:26And another.
00:46:27Shoulders are down.
00:46:29Well, you mentioned something a second ago.
00:46:31You said two, uh, two hands.
00:46:33That is so important in tag team wrestling.
00:46:35The reason that Edge and Christian are so good together.
00:46:38Timely tag.
00:46:40You know, these guys aren't glory hounds or anything.
00:46:42They don't want to stay in there and steal the spotlight.
00:46:44They keep the freshman in the ring.
00:46:47Oh, look at that.
00:46:48Edge got a glory hand.
00:46:51Captain Charisma might be a little bit.
00:46:53But not Edge.
00:46:54Oh, of course not.
00:46:56Side headlock.
00:46:57Shawn Michaels and Randy Orton against Edge.
00:46:59And the tag team is in the lead.
00:47:01Shawn Michaels and Randy Orton against Edge.
00:47:03And Christian.
00:47:04I feel sorry for Edge.
00:47:05So many times he's been screwed out of the world championship.
00:47:07Oh, Lord.
00:47:09He needs therapy.
00:47:10Talks about it so much.
00:47:12And a left hand by Michaels.
00:47:13Taking down Christian.
00:47:16The world has been against Edge.
00:47:17And the shoulders are down again.
00:47:18I'll tell you.
00:47:19There's been three near falls and outside headlocks.
00:47:21And those shoulders are down.
00:47:27Wait and pull the hair.
00:47:29That's what it's there for.
00:47:31Baby fart.
00:47:32Hold on.
00:47:33Hold on.
00:47:34Pull it.
00:47:40This is not good.
00:47:41I don't know what Christian was thinking.
00:47:42Look at that.
00:47:43Look at that.
00:47:45Edge pulled down the top.
00:47:46Shawn Michaels catapulted over the top to the floor.
00:47:50Referee didn't see it.
00:47:51Looked like Shawn landed right on his shoulder.
00:47:52He sure did.
00:47:54Looked like Michaels landed right on his shoulder.
00:47:55What's Edge?
00:47:56Edge is up with big eyes.
00:47:58And the clothesline right to the head and shoulder.
00:48:01Michaels may not recover from this.
00:48:03Michaels may not recover.
00:48:05Ladies and gentlemen.
00:48:07This tag team main event will continue from Penn State University.
00:48:14We're back live here on Monday Night Raw.
00:48:16Shawn Michaels and Randy Orton against Christian and Edge.
00:48:19In tag team main event action.
00:48:21Michaels has not been able to make the tag since we went to the commercial.
00:48:26He was dropped back in the ring after going outside.
00:48:29It may be over.
00:48:32Michaels kicked out.
00:48:33I thought it would be over right there, King.
00:48:35Because Michaels has tried time and time again to make the tag to Randy Orton.
00:48:40You're right.
00:48:41But that great tag team.
00:48:43Well, just that great tag team working.
00:48:45Oh, look at this.
00:48:47Of Christian and Edge.
00:48:48Can you remember?
00:48:49Can you count?
00:48:50Or did you count?
00:48:51How many times has Christian and Edge tagged?
00:48:53During that commercial break.
00:48:55Eight or nine.
00:48:56It's been very impressive.
00:48:57No doubt about that.
00:48:59Shawn Michaels.
00:49:00Here comes another one.
00:49:01Being pulled up by the hair.
00:49:02And the tag's made.
00:49:03Edge in Christian's corner.
00:49:05Shawn Michaels has spent most of his time.
00:49:07Yes, he has.
00:49:08And some out on the floor as well.
00:49:10Getting his mail there.
00:49:11He spent so much time in this match.
00:49:13And that's exactly what you want to do.
00:49:15You can't knock the strategy of Captain Charisma and Edge.
00:49:19Come on.
00:49:20Come on.
00:49:21Come on.
00:49:22Come on.
00:49:23Come on.
00:49:25Hard shot by Michaels.
00:49:28Man, harder shot by Christian.
00:49:30Calorie Michaels.
00:49:31That might be it right there.
00:49:33I think I saw a tooth fly.
00:49:36Christian off the top.
00:49:38Michaels up.
00:49:39A resource for Shawn Michaels.
00:49:41Buried his fist in the abdomen of Christian.
00:49:46And now can Michaels make a tag?
00:49:48Swinging neck breaker.
00:49:50But both men are down.
00:49:52It'll be a difference maker if Michaels
00:49:53can't take Randy Orton.
00:49:55He's fresh.
00:49:56He's jumping at the bit.
00:49:57Come on, Christian.
00:49:58Come on, Randy.
00:49:59Come on.
00:50:00Come on.
00:50:01Come on.
00:50:02Come on.
00:50:03Let's be working with a 10 count.
00:50:06Come on, Shawn.
00:50:07Come on, Shawn.
00:50:08Come on, Christian.
00:50:10We're out here at Penn State University
00:50:12getting behind Shawn Michaels.
00:50:14We're going to get there, Captain Charisma.
00:50:16There's the tag.
00:50:17Tag made to Edge.
00:50:18Grab his feet.
00:50:19Oh, no.
00:50:20Michaels makes a tag.
00:50:22And the legend kill.
00:50:24European uppercut forearm to Edge
00:50:26who's sitting for the ride.
00:50:30What is this?
00:50:31Oh, and Randy Orton.
00:50:33Power slam.
00:50:34Look out.
00:50:35Hey, that's a cheap shot.
00:50:37Captain Charisma knocked out with his peeps
00:50:39and he broke down there.
00:50:40And Randy Orton.
00:50:48Loving forearm blows.
00:50:54Randy Orton not going to stop.
00:50:55He's not stopping.
00:50:56And they're all legal.
00:50:57All these shots are legal.
00:50:59Look at the cape.
00:51:01Look at the cape.
00:51:02Edge's chest in.
00:51:03Yeah, Orton.
00:51:05Oh, my God.
00:51:06Good God.
00:51:08It's enough to open the top turnbuckle.
00:51:10Captain Charisma.
00:51:12Orton came in here and just
00:51:14electrified this crowd.
00:51:15Got on fire.
00:51:17He's feeling good about himself right now.
00:51:20Will it be enough?
00:51:21One, two.
00:51:22And I don't know how Edge did it, but he kicked out.
00:51:24Some kind of way.
00:51:26The will to win is what I would say.
00:51:28The will for Edge and Christian to beat Randy Orton and Shawn Michaels here tonight.
00:51:33And a cheap shot on the outside.
00:51:35Christian with a cheap shot.
00:51:37And look at that.
00:51:39Look at this tag team work.
00:51:43And behind the referee's back.
00:51:44They're going to win it here.
00:51:46Orton now.
00:51:47Get a shoulder up.
00:51:49What a match this is, JR.
00:51:51Tremendous tag team action here live tonight on Monday Night Raw.
00:51:54You got to stay on him now, Edge.
00:51:56Edge driving that knee right into the torso, the ribs, and the back of Randy Orton.
00:52:02And now again, Orton pulled to the corner of Edge and Christian.
00:52:05And again, another tag is made.
00:52:08Well, you're right.
00:52:09Here we go again.
00:52:11That same tag team strategy.
00:52:13Keep your opponent in your corner.
00:52:15It is a time-tested.
00:52:17I don't believe this man's won an RKO.
00:52:20And Randy Orton is a man that can deliver the RKO.
00:52:24An RKO so thunderous you can hear it back in his hometown of St. Louis.
00:52:30And that's a long way from where we are here in Happy Valley.
00:52:33Nothing happy about that elbow.
00:52:35The lateral press.
00:52:37And Orton this time, it's the left shoulder that came off the canvas.
00:52:40We know Randy Orton is resilient.
00:52:42And that's going to get a rookie to call it for the break.
00:52:46Sometimes getting prisoner gets just a little bit frustrated.
00:52:54Reverse chin lock, a modified version of a reverse chin lock,
00:52:57keeping Orton grounded, at least for the moment.
00:53:00Orton trying to fight back up to regain a vertical base here.
00:53:07Orton reaching for the rope.
00:53:09Orton reaching for the ropes, couldn't touch the ropes.
00:53:12That's all.
00:53:14Orton now trying to fight out this predicament.
00:53:16But it's Christian right back into Orton's face.
00:53:18Tag made.
00:53:20How many times have we said that?
00:53:24Great teamwork by Edge and Christian.
00:53:26And look at this.
00:53:29Oh my gosh!
00:53:31It was a ticket flapjack.
00:53:33Turned into a double DDT.
00:53:35Look at Shawn Michaels now.
00:53:36He wants back in the action.
00:53:38Three men are down.
00:53:40And the referee's got no option
00:53:42but to utilize the 10 count again.
00:53:44Edge, he and Captain Charisma
00:53:46dropped on their heads by Randy Orton.
00:53:49That doesn't save this to end by a count out.
00:53:52Is Edge out?
00:53:54He may be out.
00:53:56Edge is starting to move around a little bit.
00:53:58So is Captain Charisma.
00:54:00But Orton's going to make the tag here.
00:54:02Who's the legal man here?
00:54:04Shawn Michaels is the legal man.
00:54:06And Michaels in.
00:54:08Michaels with right hands.
00:54:11And Michaels striking.
00:54:13Inverted atomic drop.
00:54:15Down goes Captain Charisma.
00:54:17Man, this thing's hurt.
00:54:19One for Edge as well.
00:54:21And a right hand to the face.
00:54:24Michaels up and over.
00:54:28And look out.
00:54:30That was almost like an Olympic slam.
00:54:32Not a cage out of Kurt Angle's,
00:54:34but the man that Michaels challenged
00:54:36at WrestleMania.
00:54:38And Orton back in.
00:54:40What a shot right across the bridge
00:54:42of the nose of Edge.
00:54:44You can bet Kurt Angle is watching this.
00:54:46He'll take exception to that.
00:54:48Good Lord.
00:54:50God, what elevation.
00:54:52Kicked the charisma right out of the captain.
00:54:54Unbelievable elevation.
00:54:56And Orton is screaming,
00:54:58get up, don't do it, Edge.
00:55:00Or don't do it, Christian.
00:55:02Oh, man.
00:55:04Oh, the ref.
00:55:06He got the shot.
00:55:08On the spear.
00:55:10Edge almost speared Orton out of Orton's boots.
00:55:12Yes, he did.
00:55:14And Michaels with a knockout.
00:55:16But now it's reversed by Edge.
00:55:18And Michaels flying forward.
00:55:20And a nip up by the showstopper.
00:55:23Shawn Michaels, scoots sliding.
00:55:25Captain Charisma.
00:55:27With the referee still down.
00:55:30And as long as it's that way,
00:55:32it's a tie game.
00:55:34Ref's down, Orton's down,
00:55:36Captain Charisma down.
00:55:38Michaels about halfway across the ring.
00:55:40He's going to stay about three quarters.
00:55:44Can you hear it?
00:55:46Can you feel it?
00:55:48Is the band about to tune up?
00:55:50Is the fat lady about to sing?
00:55:52We're going to be humming that tune here in a moment.
00:55:58Oh, wait a minute.
00:56:00Edge pulling Michaels down.
00:56:02Oh, gosh.
00:56:04That'll do it right there.
00:56:06A double team by Edge and Christian.
00:56:08Michaels is going to be humming any tune.
00:56:10It's going to be about three octaves higher.
00:56:12Get away.
00:56:16Oh, wait.
00:56:18Do you know what we're about to witness?
00:56:20Do you remember this, JR?
00:56:22Two chairs being brought into the ring.
00:56:24We didn't hear Sweet Chin music,
00:56:26but we may hear a concerto.
00:56:28Oh, I forgot about the concerto.
00:56:30The concerto, JR.
00:56:32A double chair shot,
00:56:34and Michaels is a sitting duck.
00:56:37Michaels is up.
00:56:39There it is.
00:56:41Michaels barely aborted the contact.
00:56:44Look at Orton taking Edge over the top rope.
00:56:48Michaels back up.
00:56:50And Christian with a tap.
00:56:52Oh, Sweet Chin music.
00:56:54Oh, Sweet Chin music.
00:56:58What a shot.
00:57:00What a shot.
00:57:02Here are your winners,
00:57:04Randy Orton
00:57:06and the Hungry Kid,
00:57:08Shawn Michaels.
00:57:10Michaels very lucky to avoid the concerto.
00:57:13Christian not so lucky.
00:57:15He did not avoid Sweet Chin music.
00:57:19What a match.
00:57:23I'm not getting through, but get out, boy.
00:57:26Shawn Michaels and Randy Orton.
00:57:28What a tag team combination.
00:57:30What a tag team match.
00:57:32And the frustration for Edge
00:57:34continues to grow.
00:57:36I make them hot.
00:57:38I make them shiver.
00:57:40Well, folks, I'll tell you why he's like athleticism.
00:57:42Look at the elevation, Randy Orton.
00:57:44You got that right.
00:57:48This could have been the difference maker here.
00:57:51Edge and Christian going for the chair.
00:57:53Somebody was there.
00:57:57Here's how it all went down.
00:57:58Right there.
00:58:00Sweet Chin music.
00:58:02Edge had the gleam in his eye
00:58:04to take Shawn Michaels' head off,
00:58:06but not tonight.
00:58:08Michaels and Orton victorious.
00:58:12Well, that was a great tag team match.
00:58:14Look at Edge.
00:58:16He may have to go back into therapy after this.
00:58:18Don't pull your hair out.
00:58:23He's going to snap.
00:58:28You see, Teddy Long,
00:58:30you only wish you had action like that
00:58:32on SmackDown.
00:58:34You haven't watched SmackDown lately.
00:58:36Hey, Coach.
00:58:38I hate to interrupt,
00:58:40but I've just been told that Batista should be here
00:58:42in just a couple of minutes.
00:58:44Thanks, Coach.
00:58:46That's good.
00:58:48Eric, that's not good.
00:58:50That's real good.
00:58:52And I'm feeling that.
00:58:54Big decision for the Royal Rumble winner tonight, King.
00:58:56Boy, check it out.
00:58:58Leonardo da Vinci.
00:59:00Is it by Michelangelo?
00:59:04It's a masterpiece.
00:59:06It's Chris Masters,
00:59:08and he will be unveiled next.
00:59:10Hey, Shawn.
00:59:12Congratulations on your match tonight.
00:59:14I heard that you were challenging.
00:59:18What the?
00:59:20Who was that?
00:59:22What do you think now, Shawn?
00:59:24What do you think, heartbreak?
00:59:26What the hell?
00:59:28Come on!
00:59:30Somebody get him!
00:59:32Stop this!
00:59:34Am I breaking your heart, Shawn?
00:59:36Am I breaking your heart?
00:59:38Oh, God.
00:59:40Ed should be ashamed of herself.
00:59:43That's appalling.
00:59:45Assaulting Michaels.
00:59:49I knew that.
00:59:54Not a spear!
00:59:58What do you think, Shawn?
01:00:00What do you think?
01:00:02Don't worry about anything else but me.
01:00:04Me, Shawn.
01:00:06Me. Do you understand me?
01:00:13I can tell by the look on Ed's face
01:00:15after that match was over.
01:00:17He was just inches away from...
01:00:22I can't believe the handle, man.
01:00:24Talk about snapping.
01:00:26Ed just snapped.
01:00:28Some help back there.
01:00:30Some medical help.
01:00:32Back here live in the arena,
01:00:34Steven Richards.
01:00:36Who we used to think needed mental help.
01:00:38But he looks good now.
01:00:40Look at Steven Richards.
01:00:42Great shape.
01:00:44Here on Monday Night Raw.
01:00:46And we are ready for a debut.
01:00:48An unveiling.
01:00:50They are an unveiling.
01:01:12Look at that!
01:01:14What a specimen!
01:01:28The following contest is scheduled for one fall.
01:01:30Making his Raw debut
01:01:32from Los Angeles, California,
01:01:34weighing in at 275 pounds,
01:01:36The Masterpiece,
01:01:38Chris Masters!
01:01:40Well, you're speechless, aren't you, Jay?
01:01:42Are you going to admit he is masterful?
01:01:44He's a very, very
01:01:46extraordinary man.
01:01:48He's a master.
01:01:50He's a master.
01:01:52He's a master.
01:01:54He's a master.
01:01:56He's a master.
01:01:58He's an extraordinary looking athlete.
01:02:00Look at that statue of David DeShane.
01:02:02The Masterpiece,
01:02:04Chris Masters,
01:02:066'4", 275.
01:02:08Hails from Los Angeles,
01:02:10the home of WrestleMania 21.
01:02:12Making his in-ring debut here tonight
01:02:15on Monday Night Raw
01:02:17against the veteran,
01:02:19Steven Richards.
01:02:21This guy looks like he's carved out of stone.
01:02:23You know what to make of
01:02:25young Mr. Masters' arrival here earlier tonight.
01:02:26Had some interaction with
01:02:28the Nature Boy, Ric Flair.
01:02:30Yeah, that was...
01:02:32You tell Nate to stick around and watch my match,
01:02:34he might learn something.
01:02:36It's either confidence or arrogance.
01:02:38One of the two.
01:02:40This young man certainly looks like
01:02:42he's etched out of stone.
01:02:44Magnificent condition, as we said,
01:02:466'4", 275 pounds.
01:02:49Just turned 22 years of age,
01:02:51we understand.
01:02:53Taking down Steven Richards rather easily.
01:02:54And King, I'll tell you,
01:02:56it's a very intimidating sight.
01:02:58Hey, don't hit that face,
01:03:00that's a Masterpiece.
01:03:02And Richards not respecting
01:03:04the conditioning and the unveiling
01:03:06of Chris Masters.
01:03:08And Masters just simply overpowered
01:03:10Steven Richards.
01:03:13Forearm shots right in that
01:03:15kidney area.
01:03:17In the lower back and kidney area.
01:03:19And Masters now,
01:03:21low back suplex.
01:03:22Let this be a lesson
01:03:24to any future opponents
01:03:26of the Masterpiece.
01:03:28Don't do anything that might
01:03:30damage his looks in any way.
01:03:32Masters certainly has
01:03:34got himself in magnificent condition here.
01:03:36Running shoulder block,
01:03:38and Richards,
01:03:40he got folded up like an accordion
01:03:42in that second turnbuckle.
01:03:44One more time,
01:03:46Masters delivering a shoulder block,
01:03:48and Richards out of desperation
01:03:50got a knee in Masters' face.
01:03:52He's not locking those shots
01:03:56Oh, they could bruise him.
01:03:58Double chop for you.
01:04:00Look at the Polish hammer there.
01:04:02Double sledge there by the
01:04:06A big, young,
01:04:08impressive athlete.
01:04:10Don't know a lot about him,
01:04:12ladies and gentlemen.
01:04:14We'll be learning more about him.
01:04:16But look at that Bull Nelson.
01:04:18The Bull Nelson applied by
01:04:20the Masterpiece and taken down
01:04:22way here.
01:04:24This is a torturous maneuver,
01:04:26and Richards
01:04:28unable to continue the referee.
01:04:30Here is your winner,
01:04:32the Masterpiece,
01:04:34Chris Masters.
01:04:36Masterpiece winning it by
01:04:38submission, and Richards
01:04:40maybe busted a broken nose
01:04:42in the process.
01:04:44Like you just said,
01:04:46I don't know if it's confidence
01:04:48or arrogance,
01:04:50but this young man
01:04:52took this out.
01:04:54This may have been
01:04:56the damage to the nose.
01:04:58Steven Richards, I think it was,
01:05:00in that very impressive
01:05:02and punishing
01:05:04Bull Nelson.
01:05:06I think Steven Richards was out after that.
01:05:08Richards had to give it up
01:05:10from the Bull Nelson
01:05:12of the successful
01:05:14debuting, the unveiling
01:05:16of the Masterpiece,
01:05:18Chris Masters.
01:05:27Evolution's Animal
01:05:29has won the Royal Rumble.
01:05:31Batista will be in the main event
01:05:33at WrestleMania 21.
01:05:36I've made Batista
01:05:38a tremendous offer
01:05:40to come to SmackDown.
01:05:42You go to SmackDown
01:05:44and you become the WWE Champion.
01:05:46He is the world champion.
01:05:47You is the WWE Champion.
01:05:49We own the business.
01:05:52If Batista wants to face me
01:05:54at WrestleMania,
01:05:56I will beat him like a rented mule
01:05:58like I have done everybody else
01:06:00they have put up against me.
01:06:05JBL, he is spitting
01:06:07in the face of Evolution.
01:06:09JBL's been talking about me,
01:06:11not Evolution.
01:06:13One person's gonna do something about it,
01:06:15and that's me.
01:06:17The power of the Animal,
01:06:19Batista rocking SmackDown
01:06:21here tonight.
01:06:23I saw the offer from Theodore Long
01:06:25at SmackDown,
01:06:27and you don't want to take that offer.
01:06:29Batista will have to decide
01:06:31if he's gonna stay on Raw,
01:06:33go to WrestleMania,
01:06:35and challenge Triple H for the world title,
01:06:37or take Evolution's advice
01:06:39and go to SmackDown
01:06:41and meet the WWE Champion
01:06:43and the number one contender
01:06:45in a Triple Threat match.
01:06:47We don't know,
01:06:49but time is drawing near
01:06:51for Evolution's Animal.
01:06:53Batista makes his decision tonight.
01:06:55Will he go to SmackDown?
01:06:57Will he stay in Raw?
01:06:59Who will Batista face at WrestleMania?
01:07:02And we are back live
01:07:04here on Monday Night Raw.
01:07:06The Intercontinental Championship
01:07:08about to be decided.
01:07:11Oh, this guy scares me.
01:07:13The following contest is given for one fall.
01:07:15Heading in for the
01:07:17Intercontinental Championship.
01:07:19Introducing the challenger
01:07:21from Nescahone, Pennsylvania,
01:07:23weighing in at 300 pounds,
01:07:25Gene Snitsky.
01:07:27Okay, I'll admit,
01:07:29he's probably not all there.
01:07:31He got so frustrated last week
01:07:33that Snitsky,
01:07:35he took part in a combination
01:07:37to beat the Intercontinental Champion,
01:07:39Shelton Benjamin,
01:07:40he went into another place,
01:07:42another sphere.
01:07:44He resorted to this.
01:07:46This metal chair, listen.
01:07:55Snitsky gets disqualified
01:07:57and says to the referee,
01:07:59what did I do to get disqualified?
01:08:01It wasn't his fault.
01:08:03Unless that's what he thinks.
01:08:05Oh, nothing's ever his fault.
01:08:07He almost bashed Shelton Benjamin's brain out.
01:08:09Intercontinental title on the line
01:08:11in this rematch.
01:08:14I don't know what
01:08:16Shelton Benjamin wanted for this.
01:08:18Weighing in at 248 pounds,
01:08:20he is the Intercontinental Champion,
01:08:22Shelton Benjamin.
01:08:24Look at the face
01:08:26of the Intercontinental Champion.
01:08:28He means business here tonight,
01:08:30I can guarantee you.
01:08:32Strong right hands by
01:08:34the Intercontinental Champion,
01:08:36Shelton Benjamin.
01:08:38The headbutts right across
01:08:40the bridge of the nose.
01:08:42That thrust kick right to the legs
01:08:44and the Intercontinental Champion
01:08:46running knee lift.
01:08:48Shelton Benjamin came here
01:08:50to compete, to fight,
01:08:52and to finish Snitsky and both men
01:08:54crashing and burning over the top.
01:08:56Well, it looks like you're right.
01:08:58After Shelton Benjamin got that steel chair
01:09:00across his head last week,
01:09:02you're right, he is out for some revenge
01:09:04here tonight.
01:09:06Look at this.
01:09:08Shelton Benjamin went to the
01:09:10springs and scrambled his cerebellum
01:09:12and a shot to the head
01:09:14and the Intercontinental Champion,
01:09:16I don't know, this is so much about
01:09:18successfully defending the
01:09:20Intercontinental title as it is
01:09:22about hurting Snitsky.
01:09:24You're right, I haven't seen that
01:09:26in the eyes of Shelton Benjamin
01:09:28so far in this match.
01:09:30He's just out there to send a message
01:09:32to Snitsky and to hurt him.
01:09:34Snitsky with that arm bar takedown.
01:09:36Snitsky, a man who has
01:09:38passed accents,
01:09:40seems to have no conscience,
01:09:42but you cannot disregard
01:09:44his ability to dish out
01:09:46the punishment.
01:09:48This is a big, impressive man
01:09:50standing 6'6", maybe 6'8".
01:09:52Scary man.
01:09:54Certainly in a 300 plus pound range
01:09:56and look at how easily,
01:09:58oh, the sidewalk slam.
01:10:00Intercontinental title.
01:10:02It may go to a new home here
01:10:04and Shelton Benjamin able to kick out.
01:10:06Frustrated quickly,
01:10:08that's what happened last week.
01:10:10The challenger and the referee
01:10:12discussing the math on that count
01:10:14and it's officially a two count
01:10:16overhand wrist lock,
01:10:18a key lock applied by Snitsky
01:10:20against a man that wants to be known.
01:10:22He wants to earn the reputation
01:10:24as the greatest Intercontinental
01:10:26Champion of all time.
01:10:28Certainly a young man,
01:10:30Shelton Benjamin is extremely endowed
01:10:32with amazing athletic skills.
01:10:34Dinging right hand.
01:10:36Nice right hand from Shelton.
01:10:38From a guy that's a
01:10:40former All-American wrestler.
01:10:42One of the finest amateur wrestlers
01:10:44to ever compete in the WWE,
01:10:47but we're seeing a little different side
01:10:49of the Intercontinental Champion tonight.
01:10:51The Stinger Splash scores
01:10:53for Shelton Benjamin.
01:10:56But Snitsky,
01:10:58usually wants to juggle it
01:11:00with that T-bone suplex.
01:11:01Not on Snitsky, not now.
01:11:03Wait a minute.
01:11:05That's a chair game.
01:11:07Are you kidding me?
01:11:09This man learned his lesson last week.
01:11:11You can't win the Intercontinental title
01:11:13in a baseball slide.
01:11:15And that steel chair
01:11:17got away the top.
01:11:19Well Shelton,
01:11:21he learned his lesson last week.
01:11:23He didn't want to face that chair again.
01:11:25And Snitsky now shoving,
01:11:27trying to get some distance
01:11:29between himself and the
01:11:31Intercontinental Champion.
01:11:35Is that a gunshot?
01:11:37It sounded like a gunshot.
01:11:39Look at Shelton's face.
01:11:43The chair is bent.
01:11:47Snitsky's brains,
01:11:49they have been rearranged
01:11:51by the Intercontinental Champion.
01:11:54Oh my God.
01:11:56What an impression
01:11:58Shelton Benjamin has made
01:11:59on Snitsky.
01:12:01He's bleeding.
01:12:03What an impression Snitsky has made
01:12:05on that steel chair.
01:12:07You want to see the bad side
01:12:09of Shelton Benjamin.
01:12:11You just saw it
01:12:13from the undisputed
01:12:15Intercontinental Champion.
01:12:19Hey, it's Rick.
01:12:21Dave, this is the third time
01:12:23I've called you tonight.
01:12:25We are up next.
01:12:27The contract signing is next
01:12:29and I want it back.
01:12:31I've got to have some answers.
01:12:35Nothing, right?
01:12:39Can you believe this?
01:12:43It's supposed to be
01:12:45the biggest night
01:12:47in Batista's career.
01:12:49It's supposed to be
01:12:51the biggest night
01:12:53in the history of evolution,
01:12:57It's the first night.
01:13:00After everything we've done for him
01:13:03and tonight of all nights
01:13:05he has the guts
01:13:07to be over two hours late.
01:13:10Champ, you have bent over
01:13:12backwards for him.
01:13:14You created Batista.
01:13:16You made him.
01:13:18You put him in a position
01:13:20to make a huge amount
01:13:22of impact on his industry.
01:13:24You did it.
01:13:26I've done more than you even know.
01:13:29Like what?
01:13:31Stuff I don't know?
01:13:33You know how hard it is
01:13:35to get footage from SmackDown
01:13:37of JBL and Big Show
01:13:39and get it put into Raw?
01:13:41It's not easy.
01:13:43And do you know how hard it is
01:13:45to find a white limousine
01:13:47and get those stupid
01:13:49big horns put on the front
01:13:51to make Dave think
01:13:53that JBL was trying to run him over?
01:13:55Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
01:13:57You orchestrated that last week?
01:13:59The limousine almost running over Dave?
01:14:01Hey, relax, relax.
01:14:04Hold on.
01:14:06Now, it's not like I was trying
01:14:08to have him killed.
01:14:10I was just trying to light a fire
01:14:12under him for his own good.
01:14:14Listen, sometimes Dave is not smart
01:14:16enough to know what's good for him.
01:14:18Just trying to ensure
01:14:20that he made the right decision
01:14:22tonight and went to SmackDown.
01:14:25Oh, my God.
01:14:27There have been times
01:14:29when I have thought you were a genius.
01:14:31I have even told people
01:14:33you were a genius.
01:14:35But now I know you're a genius.
01:14:37God, that's the greatest thing
01:14:39I've ever heard in my life.
01:14:41You did all that?
01:14:43Oh, my God.
01:14:49No wonder they call you
01:14:51Mr. Evil Assassin.
01:14:52That's the greatest move
01:14:54I've ever seen.
01:14:56And I've been around a long time.
01:14:58Yeah, it's a great plan.
01:15:00But it's all for nothing
01:15:02if the big idiot gets here tonight
01:15:04and decides to be selfish
01:15:06and stay on Raw.
01:15:08Batista needs to do
01:15:10what's right for Evolution.
01:15:12What's right for Evolution
01:15:14is right for Batista.
01:15:16And what's right for Batista
01:15:18is for him to go to SmackDown.
01:15:21Now, when he gets here,
01:15:23we need to make sure
01:15:25you are clever beyond
01:15:27the word clever.
01:15:29You are a genius.
01:15:31You may be the most intelligent
01:15:33human being I've ever met in my life.
01:15:35You may be the most intelligent
01:15:37human being I've ever met in my life.
01:15:50You may be the most intelligent
01:15:52human being I've ever met in my life.
01:15:54You may be the most intelligent
01:15:56human being I've ever met in my life.
01:15:58You may be the most intelligent
01:16:00human being I've ever met in my life.
01:16:02You may be the most intelligent
01:16:04human being I've ever met in my life.
01:16:06You may be the most intelligent
01:16:08human being I've ever met in my life.
01:16:10You may be the most intelligent
01:16:12human being I've ever met in my life.
01:16:14You may be the most intelligent
01:16:16human being I've ever met in my life.
01:16:18You may be the most intelligent
01:16:20human being I've ever met in my life.
01:16:22You may be the most intelligent
01:16:24human being I've ever met in my life.
01:16:26You may be the most intelligent
01:16:28human being I've ever met in my life.
01:16:30You may be the most intelligent
01:16:32human being I've ever met in my life.
01:16:34You may be the most intelligent
01:16:36human being I've ever met in my life.
01:16:38You may be the most intelligent
01:16:40human being I've ever met in my life.
01:16:42You may be the most intelligent
01:16:44human being I've ever met in my life.
01:16:46You may be the most intelligent
01:16:48human being I've ever met in my life.
01:16:50You may be the most intelligent
01:16:52human being I've ever met in my life.
01:16:54You may be the most intelligent
01:16:56human being I've ever met in my life.
01:16:58You may be the most intelligent
01:17:00human being I've ever met in my life.
01:17:02You may be the most intelligent
01:17:04human being I've ever met in my life.
01:17:06You may be the most intelligent
01:17:08human being I've ever met in my life.
01:17:10You may be the most intelligent
01:17:12human being I've ever met in my life.
01:17:14You may be the most intelligent
01:17:16human being I've ever met in my life.
01:17:18You may be the most intelligent
01:17:20human being I've ever met in my life.
01:17:22You may be the most intelligent
01:17:24human being I've ever met in my life.
01:17:26You may be the most intelligent
01:17:28human being I've ever met in my life.
01:17:30You may be the most intelligent
01:17:32human being I've ever met in my life.
01:17:34You may be the most intelligent
01:17:36human being I've ever met in my life.
01:17:38You may be the most intelligent
01:17:40human being I've ever met in my life.
01:17:42You may be the most intelligent
01:17:44human being I've ever met in my life.
01:17:46You may be the most intelligent
01:17:48human being I've ever met in my life.
01:17:50You may be the most intelligent
01:17:52human being I've ever met in my life.
01:17:54You may be the most intelligent
01:17:56human being I've ever met
01:17:58in my life.
01:18:00You may be disabilities
01:18:02You may not have wisdom
01:18:04You may get girls
01:18:06You may be blind
01:18:08You may be an
01:18:12You may be a
01:18:16You may be worshipped
01:18:18You may be condemned
01:18:20Which will mean Batista will face Triple H at Wrestlemania 21 for the heavyweight title.
01:18:35Or, a Smackdown contract, which means Batista would face JBL and John Cena in a Triple H
01:18:50Triple Threat match for the WWE title at Wrestlemania.
01:18:58With that said, allow me to introduce the winner of the 2005 Royal Rumble, Batista!
01:19:34A winner of the Royal Rumble has got a main event at Wrestlemania.
01:19:41What will it be for the World Heavyweight Championship for the WWE title?
01:19:50Wouldn't you love to know what Batista's thinking about now?
01:20:04You know what Triple H and Flair want.
01:20:25There's a couple of things that I want to say.
01:20:49By signing this contract, two things are going to happen.
01:20:54First and foremost, you remain with RAW, the flagship program, the number one brand in
01:21:06all of sports entertainment, and the brand that made you a superstar.
01:21:17RAW is a brand that will give your career stability, because unlike other general managers,
01:21:27my job is not in jeopardy.
01:21:32But more importantly, by signing this contract, it means that you'll face Triple H one-on-one.
01:21:44For the heavyweight title at WrestleMania, it's the dream of every superstar in our business
01:21:58to face Triple H, a man who is arguably one of the biggest names in the history of our
01:22:06A man that even the Nature Boy, he says it best, Ric Flair says it best, to be the man,
01:22:17you've got to beat that man, Triple H. And this is your opportunity.
01:22:26So Batista, this isn't really a question, it's a simple thing.
01:22:33Sign the contract, reach your dreams.
01:22:38Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, just a minute, just a minute.
01:22:44Now Batista, actually there is a choice.
01:22:50Now you can sign this contract and come to SmackDown.
01:22:58Now we all, you can't tell me that you didn't feel the electricity when you walked out on
01:23:06No Way Out last night.
01:23:09Now we all saw what you could do to the WWE Champion, JBL.
01:23:17We also saw the magic when you stared John Cena in the eye.
01:23:26Now think about this Batista, John Cena, Batista, the two hottest commodities in the WWE on
01:23:37the same show.
01:23:40In fact, you two could start your own rivalry.
01:23:44It could be the biggest rivalry since Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock.
01:23:56Now not only is it JBL and John Cena waiting for you at SmackDown, it's Eddie Guerrero,
01:24:09Rey Mysterio, Olympic gold medalist Kurt Angle.
01:24:17And think about this, one day it could be Batista one-on-one with The Undertaker.
01:24:30But you know something player, in order for this to happen, you have to sign this contract.
01:24:40Now you beat JBL, you beat John Cena in a triple threat match at WrestleMania 21, and
01:24:53I assure you that your career will blow up on SmackDown.
01:25:02Now it's time for you to make that decision player.
01:25:24Dave, this shouldn't be a very difficult decision for you.
01:25:33Because there's really only one person that you need to listen to.
01:25:44See, because it's not what's best for Raw, and it's not about what's best for SmackDown.
01:26:02It's about one thing big man, it's about what's best for you.
01:26:12And about what's best for Batista, man.
01:26:16And I don't want you to worry about Rick and myself, because hey, what's best for Batista
01:26:23will be best for Evolution.
01:26:27I want you to picture something Dave, imagine this, it's WrestleMania 21.
01:26:36It's all said and done, and I'm standing in the middle of this ring, still the world heavyweight champion.
01:26:48And standing right next to me, is the new WWE champion, Batista.
01:26:59Think about it Dave, we would rule the world.
01:27:03We would answer to no one man, everything we ever dreamed of.
01:27:11Do you know how big that is?
01:27:14Think about it like this, it's 1986, the four horsemen are running wild, Ric Flair is the NWA champion.
01:27:23But what if, what if Arn Anderson were the WWE champion, huh?
01:27:31They would have been unstoppable.
01:27:35But it never happened.
01:27:38Think about it like this, DX in our prime, on top of our game, Shawn Michaels is the WWE champion.
01:27:47What if I had been the WCW champion?
01:27:54We could have written history.
01:28:00Do you see that Dave?
01:28:02But it never happened.
01:28:06You and I, you and I have an opportunity to make history.
01:28:14And we owe it to ourselves to do it.
01:28:21Now Dave, I don't want you to be concerned about Bradshaw, I don't want you to be concerned about Cena.
01:28:31Because I know deep inside of my heart, you could beat both those guys at the same time like that.
01:28:39You see Dave, we have an opportunity to do the greatest thing that has ever been done in this industry.
01:28:49We owe it to ourselves, we owe it to the world, you and I, to walk that aisle with the nature boy Ric Flair, side by side, owning this business.
01:29:05Doesn't seem like a difficult decision to me at all Dave, it really doesn't.
01:29:11And I've got a feeling, you know what you want to do big man, don't you?
01:29:19You know what you want to do.
01:29:23Hunter, I've known what I was going to do for a long time.
01:29:53Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:30:13The World's Champion.
01:30:28What are you doing, Batista, what are you doing, Batista?
01:30:33My God, Batista, the thumbs down to the world's champion.
01:30:36Evolution's animal.
01:30:42He just almost took Triple H's head off.
01:30:44And he's knocked Nate out of the ring.
01:30:46Wait a minute, what are you doing, Batista?
01:30:48What are you doing?
01:30:50My God.
01:30:51If you do this, there's no turning back.
01:30:55What a double body.
01:30:58What a big powerbomb.
01:31:01Through the table.
01:31:03The world's champion through the table.
01:31:07Batista, Batista, Batista, Batista, Batista, Batista, Batista, Batista, Batista, Batista,
01:31:19Batista, Batista, Batista, Batista, Batista, Batista, Batista.
01:31:34Hunter, I'm staying right here on Raw.
01:31:39Now Wrestlemania, I'm taking the world championship from you.
01:31:49When the deal is done, the untamed spirit of the animal known as Batista has made his decision.
01:31:57Batista will stay on RAW, and Batista will go to WrestleMania 21.
01:32:05And if the deal is set and granted, Batista will come for the world's title against The Game.
01:32:13And it's gonna happen at WrestleMania 21.
01:32:19Subs by www.zeoranger.co.uk
