• last month
00:00:00Yes, sir. We promised you a great main event here tonight.
00:00:04Frank Lassi, the make-up champion.
00:00:07Hulkamania is running wild!
00:00:09You are fired!
00:00:14It is not a world that's watching!
00:05:30You see, last week, I may have been denied entry into the WrestleMania Diva Battle Royale
00:05:38by Vickie Guerrero, but it's okay. I went above her head.
00:05:44I went all the way to the top, to WWE President Jack Tunney.
00:05:52And he was very...
00:05:55Okay, well, apparently he passed away several years ago.
00:05:58But regardless, I will be heard.
00:06:02I'm like a modern day Gloria Steinem and David Crockett.
00:06:06I'm an equal rights pioneer.
00:06:10So maybe, maybe you guys had your little in-ring competition,
00:06:15but I'm going to have an in-ring swimsuit exhibition.
00:06:20Oh, wait a minute. This may be good.
00:06:23That's right.
00:06:24I'm going to show that I'm more dominant than all of you.
00:06:30Even you, Beth. I'm sorry. It's true. No, it's true.
00:06:34I'm going to prove to everybody that I deserve,
00:06:37that I have what it takes to be Miss WrestleMania.
00:06:42Oh, no. This may be bad.
00:06:43So, when this is all over, maybe you guys can get together,
00:06:48go in the back in the kitchen somewhere,
00:06:50and cook me up something tasty, like a calzone or something like that.
00:06:58Ladies, brace yourselves, for I'm about to unleash upon you
00:07:05something known as the Mancini.
00:07:09Hit my music.
00:07:12Oh, no. The Mancini.
00:07:15Oh, my.
00:07:20Oh, my.
00:07:36Phoenix is...
00:07:38I don't even think Beth has seen this side of Santino before.
00:07:50Oh, no.
00:07:56All the Divas take an exception to the fact that Santino wants to be
00:08:00in the Diva Battle Royal at WrestleMania.
00:08:02He wants to be Miss WrestleMania.
00:08:04I think he's lost his Mancini.
00:08:05No, he's still got his Mancini on. Thank goodness.
00:08:11Can you imagine Santino as Miss WrestleMania?
00:08:15Cover him up.
00:08:19Ladies and gentlemen, 25th anniversary of WrestleMania.
00:08:24Of course, six nights away this coming Sunday.
00:08:26And on a serious note, King, the WWE Championship is on the line
00:08:30in one of the most personal match-ups in WrestleMania history.
00:08:32Triple H versus Randy Orton.
00:08:35Well, you know, Randy Orton's actions last week with Triple H and Stephanie,
00:08:40absolutely inexcusable.
00:08:41I mean, just way over the line.
00:08:43Well, ladies and gentlemen, last week, Randy Orton promised to up the ante
00:08:47in his version of Orton's Law.
00:08:52It is Triple H versus Randy Orton and Ted DiBiase
00:08:56in a two-on-one handicap match-up.
00:08:58A taste of WrestleMania here tonight.
00:09:02Triple H, you need to remember exactly who you're dealing with.
00:09:08This may not even be an official match.
00:09:09The referee may not be able to get control of this to even get it started here.
00:09:14Hey, wait a minute.
00:09:16The game was going under the ring for something, and then Cody Rhodes was there.
00:09:20I'm going to do something that makes the previous assaults on your family look tame.
00:09:26They've got Triple H handcuffed to the top rope.
00:09:28There's only one person that can save you now, Triple H.
00:09:35And she had better hurry.
00:09:41Hold him.
00:09:42Hold him.
00:09:45Hold him.
00:09:56Get back!
00:09:57I got it!
00:10:47I'm going to do something that makes the previous assaults on your family look tame.
00:11:45Well, some say he's sick, demented, twisted.
00:12:07You have to wonder what Randy Orton will have to say after his
00:12:10reprehensible actions last week towards Triple H and his wife, Stephanie McMahon.
00:12:14We'll find out tonight from Randy Orton.
00:12:17And talking about questionable actions.
00:12:20Up next, Chris Jericho's assault on WWE legends may end tonight,
00:12:25as Hall of Famer Jerry The King Lawler looks to take him to task.
00:12:30Good luck, King.
00:12:32It's Jerry The King Lawler versus Chris Jericho, live next.
00:12:37This next match is set for one fall, in the ring, from Memphis, Tennessee,
00:12:43Hall of Famer Jerry The King Lawler.
00:12:46And it was the assault that you just saw by Chris Jericho and Ric Flair that led Hall
00:12:51of Famer Jerry The King Lawler to issue this challenge here tonight.
00:12:58Break the wall!
00:12:59Break the wall!
00:13:04And weighing in at 226 pounds, Chris Jericho!
00:13:18Well, last week before Jericho's hellacious assault, Ric Flair accepted
00:13:23Jericho's WrestleMania challenge on behalf of the other legends.
00:13:27Ric Flair will be in their corner as Chris Jericho meets Roddy Piper,
00:13:32Ricky The Dragon Steamboat, and Superfly Jimmy Snuka.
00:13:37Now, the rules of this match are this.
00:13:40Chris Jericho must beat all three of those legends individually,
00:13:46where the legends only have to beat Jericho one time,
00:13:50Sunday in the 25th anniversary of WrestleMania.
00:13:56Jericho has been on this crusade to teach a lesson and put an end to what he considers the
00:14:01embarrassing careers of these legends ever since he watched the Mickey Rourke movie,
00:14:06The Wrestler.
00:14:07In fact, Jericho has invited Rourke to be at WrestleMania to watch his match Sunday.
00:14:23I came telling you earlier today that Chris Jericho, his mind went way over the line last
00:14:38And here comes The King.
00:14:42Jericho crushing that gold watch that was given to Ric Flair following Shawn Michael's Ric Flair
00:14:48match at WrestleMania last year, the watch given by Shawn.
00:15:03The man who has been belittling and disparaging legends for weeks and weeks.
00:15:19Jericho claiming these legends of a sickness, that they need the spotlight, that they crave it.
00:15:34As these words are prostituting themselves and leeching off this business.
00:15:39He's called the men like Piper and Snuka clowns and puppets.
00:15:49These are legends to be revered in this industry who paved the way for people like Chris Jericho.
00:15:58And yet the amount of disrespect.
00:16:13Up there, ladies and gentlemen, just a nutshell of what Chris Jericho has been about.
00:16:27Has to put legends in their place in his words.
00:16:34Jerry the King Lawler looking to put Jericho in his place here on Raw.
00:16:42Vintage King Lawler as the straps go down.
00:16:54And here comes the man who's taking up the legends crusade for the night.
00:17:04Each of those punches for Piper and Steamboat and Snuka and Flair.
00:17:12Says what Jericho did last week.
00:17:30Here comes Jericho. King on his belly.
00:17:32Walls of Jericho locked in. King has no choice but to tap out.
00:17:43Chris Jericho.
00:17:45Tonight, Chris Jericho defeated the legendary Jerry the King Lawler.
00:17:49Sunday at WrestleMania, he looks to take out Snuka, Steamboat and Piper with Ric Flair in their corner.
00:17:57But remember, Jericho must beat all three of those legends individually on Sunday.
00:18:04Jericho claims he'll allow those legends to, quote, bask in the cheers for one final time.
00:18:34And King shuts up Jericho for now.
00:18:59You want me back in that ring Lawler, huh?
00:19:01Forget it. I already beat you. I already beat you Lawler.
00:19:14And when it comes to Snuka and Steamboat and Piper at WrestleMania, it's not a question about how I'm going to beat them.
00:19:21It's how badly I'm going to beat them. Am I going to pin them?
00:19:25Will I make them tap out like I just did with Lawler?
00:19:28Or will I annihilate them like I did to Ric Flair last week?
00:19:38You see, at WrestleMania, I know I'm going to be called heartless and disrespectful by all of you parasites.
00:19:46But I want to remind you, I did not start this.
00:19:50This was started by Mickey Rourke making a challenge that he refused to back up on the ring.
00:19:56And now due to one Mickey Rourke's night of false bravado, his three friends are ultimately going to see their demise.
00:20:06Piper, Steamboat, Snuka at WrestleMania.
00:20:12I will beat you. I will embarrass you.
00:20:16And I will eliminate and eradicate you from this business forever.
00:20:22After WrestleMania, only one name will be synonymous with the word legend.
00:20:28And that is the name of Chris Jericho.
00:20:32Bold words for Chris Jericho as he heads for WrestleMania.
00:20:44But for John Cena tonight, it is a challenge from the Big Show.
00:20:48Big Show made the challenge on SmackDown.
00:20:50The OV's game, Cena accepted.
00:20:52Tonight, a WrestleMania sneak peek.
00:20:54Two-third of Sunday's whole title match.
00:20:56Cena versus the Big Show tonight.
00:21:18Match underway between Edge and Cena.
00:21:20John Cena's rolling.
00:21:22What on earth?
00:21:24The world's largest athlete.
00:21:26Look at John Cena go.
00:21:28Taking it right to the big man.
00:21:30Now here's Edge back up.
00:21:32Edge and Big Show are actually working together.
00:21:36With a common goal of eliminating Cena.
00:21:38Wait a minute, Cena's in bad trouble now.
00:21:42Go, go.
00:21:48Now this match underway.
00:21:50World Champion Edge against the Big Show.
00:21:52Hey, wait a minute.
00:21:54Don't throw him.
00:21:56This is not going to be good for Edge.
00:21:58Oh, and a right hand.
00:22:00A devastating right-handed punch.
00:22:02Right to the jaw of Edge.
00:22:04Cena was knocked down by the Big Show.
00:22:06Now Edge has been knocked down by the Big Show.
00:22:14Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the ring,
00:22:17Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome
00:22:19my guest at this time,
00:22:21John Cena.
00:22:25John, we're just six days away
00:22:27from the 25th anniversary of WrestleMania
00:22:29where you face not one, but two opponents.
00:22:31Of course, the world's largest athlete
00:22:33and the Big Show and the rated R's.
00:22:43Given his opponents at WrestleMania,
00:22:45the chances of John Cena walking out
00:22:47as champion are virtually non-existent.
00:22:59But it doesn't have to be that way.
00:23:01You know, two weeks ago,
00:23:03on Raw, the Big Show, he knocked you out.
00:23:07Last week on Raw, he knocked
00:23:09me out.
00:23:11He's seven feet tall.
00:23:13He's 450 pounds on a light day.
00:23:17He could pick us off at will.
00:23:21But it doesn't have to be that way.
00:23:25If we could put aside our differences,
00:23:27we could take out the Big Show.
00:23:29And then once we do that, we can beat the hell
00:23:31out of each other all night long.
00:23:35But make no mistake about it, unless we do that,
00:23:37unless we get on the same page,
00:23:39you and I are sitting ducks.
00:23:43So do we have an understanding?
00:23:49It makes perfect sense.
00:23:53It's intelligent, it's logical.
00:23:55Maybe the only way to take out the Big Show.
00:24:00But I don't care.
00:24:02You see, I don't like you, and I've never trusted you.
00:24:06And to be quite honest, Edge,
00:24:08I'd rather lose on my own
00:24:10than win with your help.
00:24:13But the thing is,
00:24:15neither one of those is gonna happen.
00:24:17Because I told you on SmackDown,
00:24:19I'm going to WrestleMania
00:24:22to be the World Heavyweight Champion.
00:24:35And that's about the World Championship
00:24:37this coming Sunday in WrestleMania.
00:24:39But the WWE title also on the line.
00:24:41Triple H vs. Randy Orton.
00:24:43And ladies and gentlemen, later on tonight,
00:24:45Randy Orton is planning what he calls
00:24:47his WrestleMania dress.
00:24:49To try to shed some light on what Orton might say,
00:24:51his legacy colleagues, DiBiase and Rhodes.
00:24:53Guys, what is Randy Orton planning
00:24:55here tonight?
00:24:57Well, Michael, Randy has some very important things
00:24:59to say tonight. Things regarding
00:25:01the events that occurred last week
00:25:03with Triple H, his wife Stephanie,
00:25:07and the whole McMahon family.
00:25:09That's not the reason
00:25:11for his address later tonight.
00:25:13What Randy has planned
00:25:15isn't just for Triple H.
00:25:17It's for the entire WWE
00:25:19universe. It affects
00:25:23Because after WrestleMania,
00:25:25everything you know about the
00:25:27WWE, it changes
00:25:35Well, gentlemen, thanks for joining us.
00:25:37It takes place later on tonight, live on
00:25:39Monday Night Raw, Randy Orton's
00:25:41WrestleMania dress, which as
00:25:43DiBiase said, could change the
00:25:45WWE universe forever.
00:26:17Tonight, cable's most-watched television show,
00:26:20Monday Night Raw, is live in front of 16,580 WWE fans.
00:26:26Tonight's Monday Night Raw is presented by Just For Men.
00:26:28Stay in the game with Just For Men hair color.
00:26:31And presented by the new Quiznos Toasty Torpedo.
00:26:34Only $4.
00:26:35Quiznos, mm-mm-mm Toasty.
00:26:39Ladies and gentlemen, moments ago,
00:26:41we missed what Shawn Michaels had to say.
00:26:48You were expecting someone else?
00:26:54Well, we were expecting the Undertaker's funeral
00:26:57for Shawn Michaels here tonight on Monday Night Raw.
00:26:59Obviously, the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels,
00:27:01has other ideas on what has been
00:27:04an unbelievable rollercoaster ride of a show already.
00:27:06As my broadcast colleague, Jerry, the King Lawler,
00:27:09off his mats with Chris Jericho,
00:27:11heads back down here to ringside
00:27:12to resume with his announcing duties.
00:27:15But already tonight on Monday Night Raw,
00:27:16we've seen Santino in a Mancini.
00:27:19We've seen the King take on Chris Jericho.
00:27:21And now we have a bit of a WrestleMania preview.
00:27:42The following is a given for watchdogs.
00:27:45This is the first for the city of California.
00:27:48Weighing in at 175 pounds,
00:27:52Rey Mysterio!
00:27:54Now, King, you missed a lot when you were away, buddy,
00:27:56but nonetheless, Rey Mysterio getting set to take
00:27:59on JBL here tonight on Monday Night Raw.
00:28:01This past Friday night on SmackDown,
00:28:03Rey Mysterio was on the show.
00:28:05Good matchup against Chavo Guerrero,
00:28:07and he looks ready for his Intercontinental Championship
00:28:09match at WrestleMania.
00:28:10Well, you're right. Rey Mysterio hit that 619,
00:28:13but then out of nowhere...
00:28:16Oh, my goodness.
00:28:19JBL with that huge boot to the side of Rey Mysterio's head
00:28:23sending Rey a message.
00:28:25Well, will that be the case?
00:28:26Will that be what happens this coming Sunday
00:28:28with the Intercontinental Champion,
00:28:30John Bradshaw Layfield defends his title
00:28:32against that man, Rey Mysterio.
00:28:36Mysterio's missed the past two WrestleMania's
00:28:38because of injury.
00:28:39He vows to win the Intercontinental title
00:28:41this time around.
00:28:43You know, JBL is about to make history at WrestleMania.
00:28:57I can only think that, uh,
00:29:00listening to JBL, he plans to make history
00:29:02by dominating his match over Rey Mysterio
00:29:06like no one's ever dominated in a WrestleMania match.
00:29:14Says he's gonna march into his home state of Texas
00:29:16as champion and do something historic
00:29:19at the 25th anniversary of WrestleMania.
00:29:23Come on, star, Rey.
00:29:25Come on, star.
00:29:27I said on SmackDown that I was gonna deliver
00:29:30the most decisive victory in WrestleMania history.
00:29:35Well, tonight, this is psychological.
00:29:40You see, I asked for this
00:29:42because I'm gonna beat you tonight
00:29:44within an inch of your life
00:29:46to let you know that in six days,
00:29:48on the grandest stage of them all,
00:29:51we're gonna have the most decisive victory
00:29:53in six days, on the grandest stage of them all,
00:29:57with the lights on bright,
00:29:58the biggest pay-per-view in wrestling history.
00:30:07And you will be history,
00:30:10so don't take it personally, amigo.
00:30:24A non-title matchup here tonight on Monday Night Raw, King,
00:30:26but the question is, is this a wise move
00:30:29for John Bradshaw Layfield?
00:30:31Or the same question can be asked about
00:30:33William Mysterio any time is it wise
00:30:35to get in the ring with JBL.
00:30:38I mean, strange things happening tonight, King.
00:30:41We saw Shawn Michaels pop out of the casket moments ago
00:30:46on a night where The Undertaker, we were told,
00:30:48was planning Shawn Michaels' funeral.
00:30:50Yeah, early on when I saw the arrival of that hearse,
00:30:52I would have bet my house that The Undertaker was inside,
00:30:56and instead, HBK.
00:30:58And then Legacy telling us
00:31:00that Randy Orton's WrestleMania address tonight
00:31:03will concern the entire WWE universe.
00:31:06It will change it forever.
00:31:09Oh, look at the size difference here.
00:31:11Rey Mysterio, JBL,
00:31:13and JBL in a precarious situation here.
00:31:16Oh, and there's the power of JBL.
00:31:20And JBL, oh, you may have underestimated
00:31:23the amount of injury that Rey Mysterio had sustained,
00:31:30but now Rey down.
00:31:33JBL is dominating Mysterio thus far.
00:31:35Will he gain the upper hand heading to WrestleMania?
00:31:38We'll find out when Raw continues live.
00:31:42We're back live on Monday Night Raw.
00:31:44Whetting your appetite for Sunday's WrestleMania.
00:31:46It is JBL versus Rey Mysterio.
00:31:49And Mysterio caught in the grips of JBL.
00:31:51With a fallaway slam.
00:31:53It has been all JBL, King,
00:31:55physically dominating, bullying Mysterio.
00:31:58Well, that's what this match was all about, according to JBL.
00:32:02He said he wanted to, well, just actually intimidate
00:32:07and send a message to Rey.
00:32:08And so far, it's exactly what he's done.
00:32:10I mean, Rey's going to have to go home after the night
00:32:11and think, can he win at WrestleMania?
00:32:14JBL, the Intercontinental Champion,
00:32:17vows to make history, do something historic.
00:32:20This coming Sunday night at Reliant Stadium in Houston.
00:32:24Three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
00:32:28He might be doing something historic here tonight.
00:32:31After this match, Rey's not able to compete at WrestleMania.
00:32:34Mysterio kicked out at two and a half.
00:32:39You're right, there may not be an Intercontinental
00:32:41title match Sunday, but this keeps up.
00:32:42I know JBL believes, he's a firm believer
00:32:45in psychological advantages, psychological warfare.
00:32:49That's what he's trying to do here.
00:32:50Yeah, but King, Mysterio's been fighting
00:32:52a psychological battle all his life.
00:32:54He's been the ultimate underdog,
00:32:55the biggest underdog in WWE history.
00:32:57Well, and when you look at just the size discrepancy here,
00:33:03it's not psychological, I mean, it's a fact.
00:33:07Rey is at a huge disadvantage.
00:33:09He is, but he did defeat two men in a triple threat match
00:33:12to win the world championship
00:33:14at WrestleMania a few years ago.
00:33:19Bad intentions now on the part of JBL,
00:33:21but Rey's firing back.
00:33:23The guts of the sensational Mysterio.
00:33:28Can the high flyer turn it up a notch?
00:33:31And perhaps he did.
00:33:32Seated senton, top rope.
00:33:35The quickness of Mysterio.
00:33:37It's the very, and JBL's in trouble.
00:33:40JBL's in big time trouble now.
00:33:42They're breaking into 619.
00:33:45Nobody home, but Mysterio with great balance.
00:33:49And now JBL in trouble again.
00:33:51This is the third time, and it's the charm.
00:33:57There's the splash.
00:33:59Mysterio has pinned the Intercontinental Champion.
00:34:04Here is your winner, Rey Mysterio.
00:34:08I think, in fact, a lot of logical advantage
00:34:11has been gained tonight,
00:34:12but not the one JBL had hoped for.
00:34:15Rey Mysterio from out of nowhere.
00:34:18Surprising brawl show tonight.
00:34:20Six nights away from their battle
00:34:22for the Intercontinental title at WrestleMania.
00:34:24Look at JBL's face.
00:34:26Disbelief in the eyes.
00:34:28Disbelief in the eyes of Bradshaw.
00:34:31The Mysterio do it Sunday.
00:34:34Oh, ladies and gentlemen,
00:34:36tonight, two thirds of the WrestleMania main event
00:34:39will go head to head.
00:34:41It is John Cena versus The Big Show.
00:34:44The challenge laid down by The Big Show
00:34:47this past Friday night on SmackDown.
00:34:49That's where John Cena gave it his passion speech
00:34:53about WrestleMania in the triple threat match
00:34:56for the world championship.
00:34:58Edge, Vickie, Big Show, and their sadistic,
00:35:03crazy, Jerry Springer lives
00:35:05have taken the World Heavyweight Championship hostage.
00:35:07Well, guess what?
00:35:08At WrestleMania, I'm taking it back.
00:35:11I am going to WrestleMania to fight.
00:35:19I am going to WrestleMania to win.
00:35:22I am going to WrestleMania to be the world champion.
00:35:28Heavyweight champion.
00:35:30Well, The Big Show faces the man he knocked down two weeks ago
00:35:39and one of his WrestleMania opponents, John Cena.
00:35:43Big Show, John Cena, and that's just next.
00:35:53The 25th anniversary of WrestleMania.
00:35:56Celebrating 25 years of historic WrestleMania moments.
00:36:01On any given Sunday, anything can happen in the WWE.
00:36:06It's Hollywood.
00:36:07It's unbelievable athleticism.
00:36:09But this wasn't just any Sunday.
00:36:12It's the greatest spectacle in sports entertainment.
00:36:15This was WrestleMania 11.
00:36:18Lawrence Taylor, a football champion,
00:36:20was lured onto this unfamiliar battleground
00:36:23by a scheming behemoth.
00:36:25No pads, no helmets, just me and you.
00:36:29Man on man.
00:36:32I'm going to have some fun.
00:36:33Come to WrestleMania.
00:36:36A curtain of muscle formed a menacing tableau at ringside.
00:36:42A constant reminder there would be no surrender.
00:36:47A fierce clash of brute force ensued.
00:36:50Without protection of pads nor helmet,
00:36:53the Gridiron Warrior seemed outmatched.
00:36:56Things not looking good for Lawrence Taylor.
00:37:00I think Bam-Bam can probably beat him anytime he wants to,
00:37:03but he wants to show the world he's making a statement.
00:37:06Suddenly, a Niagara of blue and black poured down.
00:37:12He caught him!
00:37:15I cannot believe it!
00:37:16The clarion call of the final bell
00:37:19signaled the end for Bam-Bam.
00:37:22The unbelievable Lawrence Taylor has done the impossible.
00:37:28On any given day, anything can and does happen in the WWE.
00:37:35At every given WrestleMania,
00:37:37history is made as it was that night with WrestleMania 11.
00:37:47Wow, well at WrestleMania 11,
00:37:48there were New York Giants on him,
00:37:50but here tonight at RAW,
00:37:51Dallas Cowboy is in the house!
00:37:53Look at him!
00:37:54Hey, hey, DeMarcus Weird!
00:37:56Karrion Barber!
00:37:57Michael Irving!
00:37:59Hey, man, where's T.O.?
00:38:01Come on, man, he's in upstate New York.
00:38:03Oh, this cowboy's having a blast.
00:38:04They're on the road to WrestleMania six nights away.
00:38:36From Newberry, Massachusetts,
00:38:38weighing in at 240 pounds,
00:38:41John Cena!
00:38:4416,580 feet!
00:38:48Screaming fans on their feet right now for John Cena!
00:38:52And John Cena will be heading down south
00:38:54on Interstate 45,
00:38:56heading to Houston for the Triple Threat Match
00:38:59for the World Championship at WrestleMania.
00:39:03And the 25th anniversary of WrestleMania
00:39:05is presented by the Army National Guard.
00:39:08Find your path to honor.
00:39:09Visit NationalGuard.com today.
00:39:16Hey, Cena's ready for Sunday.
00:39:19He knows his path to honor and glory.
00:39:22The championship is the road to WrestleMania this Sunday.
00:39:26He says he's going to fight, he's going to win,
00:39:30and he's going to be world champion.
00:39:35Oh, but unfortunately,
00:39:38Cena has to get by this man first.
00:39:43And today, it's Cena Vita
00:39:45weighing in at 440 pounds.
00:39:49Well done!
00:39:51He was introduced at 441 pounds.
00:39:53I have had a good authority.
00:39:55He weighed in at 485 pounds today.
00:40:00And there you see the interim general manager
00:40:02of Raw, Vickie Guerrero,
00:40:04Edge's wife and Big Show's lover.
00:40:08Now, that's a Jerry Springer trio for sure.
00:40:11Oh, remember, Guerrero was blackmailed
00:40:16into adding John Cena to this championship match
00:40:18at WrestleMania when John Cena made her affair
00:40:22with the Big Show public on national television.
00:40:27Excuse me, but that was embarrassing.
00:40:31What did she say?
00:40:32Animalistic urges.
00:40:34Oh, please.
00:40:36But there is an animalistic look in the eyes of the Big Show,
00:40:40and John Cena knows what faces him tonight.
00:40:43This is two-thirds of the main event match
00:40:45at WrestleMania right here live on Monday Night Raw.
00:40:49You know Edge has to be watching right now.
00:40:53Remember when Big Show told Vickie and Edge
00:40:56that he was anatomically superior to Edge?
00:40:59And Big Show's anatomically superior
00:41:01to every human being, I think.
00:41:02Every one of those right hands
00:41:04drawing the breath from John Cena.
00:41:08Ooh, those rights knocked out Cena and Edge
00:41:11over the past couple of weeks.
00:41:12Oh, did you hear that?
00:41:15Better than not just completely crush your chest.
00:41:19Oh, how much did you say Big Show weighed in at?
00:41:21It's 85.
00:41:23Every bit of that pound is standing on top of John Cena.
00:41:30This is what John Cena and Edge must face on Sunday.
00:41:34Maybe John Cena should have taken Edge
00:41:36up on his offer from earlier tonight
00:41:38to work together to take out Big Show
00:41:40Sunday at WrestleMania.
00:41:42Cena told Edge, I don't trust you.
00:41:44I'm gonna do it alone.
00:41:46I mean, you gotta be able to understand
00:41:50what John Cena's thinking on that.
00:41:51I don't know how Edge could expect to be trusted by anyone.
00:41:54Look at this.
00:41:57Physical dominance.
00:41:59Remember, in the triple threat match
00:42:01on Sunday at WrestleMania, King,
00:42:04it is the man to gain pinfall or submission
00:42:06who will win that title.
00:42:07The first pinfall or submission becomes champion.
00:42:09So, Edge, the champion does not have to be pinned or submitted.
00:42:12Doesn't have to be involved in the decision
00:42:14to lose that championship.
00:42:15I don't mean to.
00:42:16One, two, three.
00:42:20So, for instance, if Big Show
00:42:21weakened Cena in this match tonight,
00:42:23Cena would be the perfect target for either one of those men
00:42:26to single out on Sunday.
00:42:27All right.
00:42:29And Big Show, as we're seeing here,
00:42:30were to beat John Cena.
00:42:32Edge can kiss the title goodbye.
00:42:36Man, Cena, I mean, he's just been manhandled
00:42:39and stepped on and walked on so far by the Big Show.
00:42:42But now Cena trying to gain some offense here.
00:42:45What a gritty Cena.
00:42:46Always determined.
00:42:49Ooh, look at you, Cena, and feel that impact.
00:42:56Cena leaping off those ropes
00:42:58with all the momentum he could muster,
00:42:59and still that was worse than hitting a brick wall.
00:43:03I mean, that was hitting a brick wall to hit back.
00:43:05Another look.
00:43:07He launched his entire body at Big Show.
00:43:14How do you combat that?
00:43:19This is the most physically dominating.
00:43:21The best Big Show has looked in a long time,
00:43:24ladies and gentlemen.
00:43:26He is focused on winning that world title Sunday.
00:43:29You're less than a week away from WrestleMania.
00:43:31You better be focused.
00:43:32You better be in the best shape of your life.
00:43:36You're gonna be on the grandest stage of them all
00:43:38in less than a week.
00:43:41Oh, no.
00:43:42Oh, no.
00:43:43Squash, no!
00:43:44And Cena looking for an opening.
00:43:47A right hand of his own,
00:43:48and John Cena trying somehow to battle back.
00:43:49But again, the physical dominance
00:43:54of the seven foot, near 500 pound Big Show.
00:43:59Boy, and you know, with the size and the strength
00:44:03that he's demonstrating tonight,
00:44:05the Big Show, I mean, and you know,
00:44:08if you don't catch him with something special,
00:44:09he's gonna be unbeatable.
00:44:12And you also gotta look out for that right hand.
00:44:15In one quick instant, Big Show can knock you out.
00:44:17We've seen him do it with Cena and Edge in recent weeks.
00:44:20He'll win that championship.
00:44:23Oh, no.
00:44:24This is, I think,
00:44:26this is what Edge was talking about.
00:44:27Maybe Edge realizes that neither he nor John Cena
00:44:31single-handedly could beat the Big Show,
00:44:34but maybe the two of them together.
00:44:35Oh, and John Cena rolling out of harm's way for the moment.
00:44:40Looking to build momentum here live on Monday Night Raw.
00:44:43It has sold out American Airlines Center in Dallas, Texas.
00:44:47Cena with the big leg drop, and the Big Show's in trouble.
00:44:52And John Cena.
00:44:54That was the biggest move of the match for Cena, but.
00:44:56It looked like Cena was going for the,
00:44:58perhaps the STF, and Big Show still in total control.
00:45:03Can Cena somehow get back in it
00:45:05when we return live to Monday Night Raw?
00:45:11Look at that!
00:45:17Episodic show in television history.
00:45:19This is Monday Night Raw.
00:45:20We are live, and Big Show has turned his Focus King
00:45:24to the back of John Cena.
00:45:26Cena in big trouble, and it's all started during the break.
00:45:29I mean, watch Cena being slammed.
00:45:31Oh, my goodness, into that steel ring post.
00:45:34And Big Show was not done there.
00:45:35Big Show just catapulting John Cena
00:45:38into that unforgiving restraining wall there at ringside.
00:45:43And now, look at the face of John Cena,
00:45:47literally purple.
00:45:48John Cena's trying somehow to get back in this.
00:45:52The challenge was made by the Big Show
00:45:54Friday night on SmackDown.
00:45:55John Cena, always game, accepted that challenge.
00:45:59However, with a world title match
00:46:01in six nights this Sunday at WrestleMania,
00:46:04you might have to question that.
00:46:06John Cena's ribcage supporting
00:46:08somehow over 400 pounds of Big Show.
00:46:13You talked earlier about, can't help but,
00:46:16he might not, his head, please!
00:46:20Not just his head.
00:46:22Remember, King, John Cena's only a few months
00:46:24removed from neck surgery.
00:46:27Man, I mean, you have to think back about
00:46:29the proposition that Edge made to John Cena.
00:46:33I mean, is Big Show unstoppable one-on-one?
00:46:38Well, what King was alluding to is Edge said,
00:46:39Hey, Cena, let's team up and take out
00:46:41the Big Show at WrestleMania.
00:46:43John Cena said, I don't like you, Edge.
00:46:44I don't trust you.
00:46:45I'm gonna do it alone.
00:46:46Well, I can just tell you this.
00:46:47If you get in bed with Edge,
00:46:49you won't have a good night's sleep.
00:46:51I think Cena's doing the right thing.
00:46:52You talking to Biggie?
00:46:54And Big Show, Big Show completely focused.
00:47:01Almost had a sick grin on his face
00:47:04as he realizes and stalks Cena.
00:47:06And this one's closing it over.
00:47:08Oh no!
00:47:10And John Cena with a DDT counter.
00:47:15You saw Cena get the jump on Big Show
00:47:17and gain the advantage there.
00:47:20And look at Cena, John Cena again goes for the STF.
00:47:23Again, trying to lock the STF in,
00:47:25but just the size and the girth
00:47:27and the weight of the Big Show's body
00:47:29doesn't allow Cena to do it.
00:47:30He just can't reach the bridge,
00:47:33that seven-foot frame of the Big Show.
00:47:35Oh, good grief.
00:47:36Well, King, you gotta ask the question,
00:47:40do we just see the law of physics show us right now
00:47:42that the STF is not gonna be able to be used
00:47:45on Big Show at WrestleMania?
00:47:46Well, we said it, no, actually Big Show said it.
00:47:48He is anatomically superior.
00:47:51And there you saw his, just his size.
00:47:54Oh, wait a minute.
00:47:55He almost knocked Cena out with an elbow.
00:47:56Imagine the fence, here it go!
00:47:58Went for the right hand.
00:47:59He's got John Cena for the Attitude Adjustment.
00:48:00Oh, but the injured back.
00:48:03Oh no!
00:48:04Small slam with authority.
00:48:06And Big Show is roaring for WrestleMania.
00:48:12Here's your winner, The Big Show!
00:48:15Can the Big Show be stopped?
00:48:17Or are we looking at the new World Heavyweight Champion?
00:48:22Get ready to be shocked!
00:48:27The current world champion.
00:48:31It's Edge.
00:48:33It is the ultimate uppercut.
00:48:39Like a vulture.
00:48:40Edge going after John Cena six days before WrestleMania.
00:48:44I think Edge sees the opportunity to take out
00:48:47at least one of his opponents.
00:48:48That's why he's the ultimate opportunist.
00:48:51Officials here trying to get Edge off of Cena.
00:48:54Look at Big Show just standing by and watching.
00:49:01Get him off!
00:49:03Come on, get him off of him.
00:49:05He's like a rabid dog here or something.
00:49:11Shunned by Cena earlier, sending a message to Cena here.
00:49:20Boy, do those eyes tell stories for both men.
00:49:28I had to try to read Big Show's look.
00:49:30I think he's looking at Edge and saying, you're next.
00:49:36And if you read Edge's look,
00:49:39it seems he'll do anything to keep that world championship.
00:49:48Triple H is no doubt determined for revenge
00:49:51after Legacy's reprehensible assault last week
00:49:54on his wife Stephanie.
00:49:55Earlier tonight, Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase said
00:49:58that if Triple H does show up,
00:49:59he'll be met with swift and brutal consequences.
00:50:03We'll find out what transpires
00:50:04during Orton's WrestleMania address later tonight.
00:50:06And we are in Dallas for Monday Night Raw.
00:50:09And for weeks, Shawn Michaels has prepared
00:50:11for his WrestleMania match with The Undertaker
00:50:13the only way he knows how.
00:50:14Rash, bold, and brazen actions.
00:50:17Oozing with arrogance and confidence,
00:50:19playing mind games like this past Friday night on SmackDown.
00:50:23And his tribute to The Undertaker.
00:51:04Undertaker, at the 25th anniversary of WrestleMania,
00:51:10in front of 70,000 people,
00:51:13Mr. WrestleMania will take you
00:51:19to the fiery depths of hell,
00:51:23where only I will ascend victorious.
00:51:37-♪ I'm just a sexy boy ♪
00:51:41♪ I'm not your boy toy ♪
00:51:45-♪ I'm just a sexy boy toy ♪
00:52:17Apparently, it's Shawn Michaels who's holding a funeral
00:52:19for The Undertaker's undefeated WrestleMania streak.
00:52:22Will Shawn Michaels' brazen actions
00:52:24continue to go unabated?
00:52:25Or is Mr. Reignium of Mr. WrestleMania tempted fate
00:52:29one time too many?
00:52:30We'll find out next.
00:52:34And we are back live on Monday Night Raw.
00:52:35Moments ago, The Big Show showing us
00:52:38he may indeed be the favorite in the Triple Threat match
00:52:40for the world title at WrestleMania.
00:52:42Well, this big right hand from The Big Show
00:52:45missed its mark, but John Cena's weakened back.
00:52:48He was not able to put Big Show away,
00:52:50but Big Show with this monstrous chokeslam
00:52:53did put John Cena away.
00:52:56And then out of nowhere, Edge,
00:52:58the current world champion, showed up
00:53:00in the ultimate opportunist
00:53:02which seized the opportunity again.
00:53:04And look at this.
00:53:05Big Show just stands idly by and watches
00:53:08as Edge delivers a brutal beating to John Cena.
00:53:11Well, the question remains,
00:53:13how do you stop The Big Show Sunday at WrestleMania?
00:53:25Well, we are expecting tonight a funeral
00:53:29for Mr. WrestleMania at the hands of The Undertaker.
00:53:35This is creepy.
00:53:41But from the looks of things,
00:53:43it looks like Shawn Michaels
00:53:45is gonna take care of the funeral here tonight.
00:54:02Shawn Michaels with clearly a different look
00:54:04in his eye here tonight.
00:54:10We talked about it earlier.
00:54:12Shawn Michaels has made a career
00:54:13out of these bold and crass actions of recent weeks.
00:54:16But the question is, has he gone too far?
00:54:19Has Shawn Michaels gone too far this time
00:54:22by angering The Undertaker?
00:54:25You know, I've sort of been,
00:54:28in all the past few weeks,
00:54:30the way Shawn Michaels has pretty much
00:54:32stood up to The Undertaker like we've never seen before.
00:54:35Everybody, without exception,
00:54:37is almost always intimidated by The Undertaker.
00:54:41Not so with Shawn Michaels.
00:54:42But is HBK whistling as he walks through the cemetery?
00:54:47I mean, is HBK doing this to try to mask
00:54:49or hide some kind of fear or intimidation?
00:54:53Or is Shawn Michaels going to, well,
00:54:56have his fate, meet his fate at WrestleMania?
00:55:15I stand here before you tonight
00:55:18as a man unafraid.
00:55:24This wreath, this casket,
00:55:27this entire procession,
00:55:30it's not for me.
00:55:33It's for you, Undertaker.
00:55:36This Sunday,
00:55:39your undefeated WrestleMania streak
00:55:42will cease to exist.
00:55:48We've had epic battles in the past, Undertaker.
00:55:52And it's always been the headline or the showstopper
00:55:55who has come out on top.
00:56:00In all of your illustrious career,
00:56:05there's one thing
00:56:08that you've never been able to accomplish,
00:56:13and that's beat me.
00:56:18And this Sunday will be no different.
00:56:24Over the past several weeks,
00:56:28I've superkicked you in the face.
00:56:31Yes, I have.
00:56:33Yes, I have.
00:56:36I've treaded on the hallowed grounds of your graves.
00:56:40Yes, I have.
00:56:42Yes, I have.
00:56:44And this past Friday on SmackDown,
00:56:49I showed how my light will forever
00:56:52outshine your darkness.
00:56:55Yes, I have.
00:56:57Yes, I have.
00:56:59And I've done it all
00:57:04without the slightest bit of consequence,
00:57:12without a hint of retribution.
00:57:18Yes, I have.
00:57:28There will be no retribution, Undertaker.
00:57:32Not tonight, not Sunday, not ever.
00:57:41You've said...
00:57:45that you use WrestleMania
00:57:49as an opportunity to show your peers
00:57:52and the world what you represent.
00:57:56I take the fact that you don't think
00:57:59I can end your undefeated streak
00:58:03as a personal insult.
00:58:07I'm Mr. WrestleMania.
00:58:15This Sunday,
00:58:18every moment over the past 24 years,
00:58:25is gonna pale in comparison to what I achieve.
00:58:34The next day,
00:58:38they'll talk about who won the world title.
00:58:42They'll talk about who won the WWE Championship.
00:58:47They'll speak of legends and ladders
00:58:51and 70,000 people.
00:58:54But the one moment that will last a lifetime,
00:58:59the single greatest moment
00:59:01that will be etched in their minds forever...
00:59:07will be when Shawn Michaels...
00:59:12pins The Undertaker at WrestleMania.
00:59:48The Undertaker has suddenly appeared in the ring,
00:59:50but Shawn Michaels has disappeared,
00:59:53and I don't blame him.
00:59:58Frustration like we've never seen out of The Undertaker.
01:00:34Damn it!
01:00:59Hey! Sweet shit music!
01:01:02Oh my God! I cannot believe it!
01:01:11How did he keep doing this?
01:01:15Another bold statement from Shawn Michaels.
01:01:24Is Shawn Michaels in the Undertaker's head?
01:01:33Well, Shawn Michaels said that The Undertaker's down was a personal insult.
01:01:41Once again, HBK has stopped the show of The Undertaker.
01:01:47But is Shawn Michaels gone too far?
01:01:50Will he meet his fate someday when he meets The Undertaker at Wrestlemania?
01:02:03Ladies and gentlemen, moments ago, Shawn Michaels' funeral for The Undertaker's Wrestlemania streak.
01:02:08Will be when Shawn Michaels pins The Undertaker at Wrestlemania.
01:02:24The lights went out.
01:02:26And when they came up, what did we see?
01:02:32The Undertaker standing in the ring, but no Shawn Michaels.
01:02:36Frustration on the face of The Undertaker, and then he figured,
01:02:39Oh, HBK has to be inside that coffin, but no Shawn Michaels.
01:02:47And after the second time this month, sweet shit music to The Undertaker.
01:02:54And the question is, in your mind, Kane, has Shawn Michaels pushed this?
01:02:59Has he taken this too far?
01:03:01Well, I can't answer that.
01:03:03All I can tell you is we're going to find out this Sunday at Wrestlemania.
01:03:06But Shawn Michaels, I believe, has really gotten inside the head of The Undertaker.
01:03:11Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker, two surefire Hall of Famers, but that's down the road.
01:03:15This coming Saturday night, though, it's become part of Wrestlemania weekend tradition.
01:03:19On the USA Network at 10, 9 Central, it's the Hall of Fame induction ceremony.
01:03:23And a man's going to be inducted that faced Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 14
01:03:27and won the first of his many WWE titles.
01:03:31The WWE 2009 Hall of Fame induction ceremony is presented by
01:03:40Legends of Wrestlemania, the video game in stores now.
01:03:47Talk about your subs, talk about John 316.
01:03:51Austin 316 says I just whipped your ass.
01:04:01We have earned the reputation as the toughest sum of us in the WWE.
01:04:10Oh, hell no.
01:04:13Look in my eyes.
01:04:15What do you see?
01:04:17It's a rattlesnake, by the way.
01:04:19The controversy, I can feel it.
01:04:22I know your anger.
01:04:25I know your dreams.
01:04:28I'll be anything you want to be.
01:04:33I'm a social personality.
01:04:37Steve Austin does what he wants.
01:04:40Austin's raising hell!
01:04:42You won't have to follow me.
01:04:47Only you can set me free.
01:04:52I'll beat your ass up if you're a backdoor, if I'm a backdoor,
01:04:55anybody out here is backyard.
01:04:58I'm the god of the world.
01:05:13I'm the god, I'm the god, I'm the god, I'm the god.
01:05:23And Stone Cold Steve Austin will be on the USA Network, 10 o'clock, 9 central,
01:05:27this coming Saturday night, part of the WWE Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony.
01:05:33Oh, there you go, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Ricky the Dragon, Steamboat,
01:05:36Cowboy Bill Watts, Devon Erick, Coco Beware, Harry and Dory Funk,
01:05:40and The Fiend, Howard Finkel, all being inducted this year.
01:05:43Hey, and you know what?
01:05:44Yours truly, I've got the honor of hosting the event.
01:05:47And then you get to go to Sunday, of course, the 25th anniversary
01:05:50of WrestleMania, special start time, 7 o'clock Eastern,
01:05:534 o'clock Pacific, a four-hour spectacular for WrestleMania.
01:05:58Well, it's the 25th anniversary, doesn't get any bigger.
01:06:00What about John Cena, Edge, and the Big Show?
01:06:04This is a triple front match for the world championship.
01:06:08But if what we saw tonight is any indication, Big Show may dominate.
01:06:11And then Jeff Hardy taking on his brother, Matt Hardy.
01:06:15Matt Hardy has destroyed everything his brother Jeff has cared about.
01:06:18Now he wants to destroy Jeff himself.
01:06:23And then, well, the legends, Roddy Piper, Jimmy Stuka, Ricky Steamboat,
01:06:29taking on that punk, Chris Jericho.
01:06:31Ric Flair will be there.
01:06:32Well, Jericho claims there will be only one legend left after WrestleMania,
01:06:36and it will be him.
01:06:37And The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels.
01:06:41And Mr. WrestleMania, Shawn Michaels, believes his brazen actions
01:06:45will bury The Undertaker's WrestleMania unbeaten streak forever.
01:06:49And the WWE championship at stake when Triple H takes on Randy Orton.
01:06:54This is so personal.
01:06:55Randy Orton hell-bent on destroying the McMahon family
01:06:58and winning the WWE title.
01:07:00Driven by emotion, Triple H seeks revenge.
01:07:05Well, there you see him.
01:07:08Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase claim that what Randy Orton says
01:07:11in his WrestleMania address will affect the entire WWE universe.
01:07:15Orton will make that address later on tonight.
01:07:19And speaking of the 25th anniversary of WrestleMania,
01:07:22there you see the Money in the Bank briefcase.
01:07:24Inside that briefcase is a contract which,
01:07:27if you win the match at WrestleMania,
01:07:29will guarantee you a title opportunity any place, any time.
01:07:33You can cash it in right at WrestleMania this Sunday.
01:07:38The following is an eight-man over the top rope battle royal.
01:07:43Introducing first, from Chicago, Illinois,
01:07:47weighing in at 222 pounds, CM Punk!
01:07:53CM Punk must not be superstitious.
01:07:55Well, he shouldn't be.
01:07:56He won the Money in the Bank ladder match last year.
01:07:58And then he went on to cash it in and win the title.
01:08:03Introducing next, weighing in at 323 pounds,
01:08:09Well, when we come back, an eight-man over the top rope battle royal
01:08:13featuring all the participants in this Sunday's Money in the Bank ladder match.
01:08:17It's next!
01:08:22That briefcase there might as well be gold, King.
01:08:25It contains gold.
01:08:26A contract inside the briefcase suspended high above the ring.
01:08:30That contract can be cashed in any time during the next year.
01:08:34And it fits for a championship match.
01:08:37Yeah, and every time the Money in the Bank has been cashed in,
01:08:40we've crowned a new champion.
01:08:41This is an eight-man over the top rope battle royal.
01:08:44All eight of these men will be in the Money in the Bank ladder match come Sunday.
01:08:4916,580 WWE fans on hand in Dallas tonight
01:08:55as we kick off WrestleMania week.
01:08:57One thing in this match that's similar to what we're going to see at WrestleMania this Sunday
01:09:01is that, well, it's every man for himself.
01:09:04The rules here, you go over the top rope, both feet hit the floor, you're eliminated.
01:09:09Fit Finley about to maybe experience that feeling at the hands of Mark Henry,
01:09:13but no, Fit, able to...
01:09:15I'm still curious to see how Mark Henry's going to use that strength and power
01:09:19that's going to aid him to be able to climb that ladder and grab the briefcase.
01:09:22Wait a minute, Hornswoggle wants in a little bit of Mark Henry.
01:09:28You're kidding me!
01:09:29Well, the distraction cost Mr. Henry.
01:09:36It helped a little bit. Wait a minute, wait a minute.
01:09:37There's Christian in trouble.
01:09:39And now Kane, the strength of Kane, he's got both men about to be eliminated.
01:09:44Hulk and Christian in deep trouble.
01:09:46The big red machine, Kane.
01:09:50Would love to win that Money in the Bank ladder match Sunday.
01:09:53Remember, no pinfalls or submissions on Sunday.
01:09:56He used the ladder, climbed the ladder, grabbed the briefcase.
01:10:00Had that guaranteed title opportunity.
01:10:03Absolutely never know what's going to happen in that ladder match.
01:10:06I don't know what's going to happen here, but when I saw these participants
01:10:09in this over-the-top battle royale, I immediately thought,
01:10:11Mark Henry's going to win this, and now he's already gone.
01:10:15The new United States champion, MVP.
01:10:17The former United States champion, Shelton Benjamin.
01:10:20MVP hanging on there.
01:10:21Those two great athletes being involved.
01:10:24You've got the ability and quickness of Kofi Kingston.
01:10:28The power of Kane.
01:10:30The former winner.
01:10:32MVP trying to absolutely suplex Shelton Benjamin out of the ring and out onto the floor.
01:10:41The strength of Kane eliminating both MVP and Shelton Benjamin.
01:10:46The new United States champion, MVP, and the man he beat, Shelton Benjamin, eliminated.
01:10:52Four of the participants that are going to be in that Money in the Bank ladder match this Sunday at WrestleMania.
01:10:57This could be great strategy.
01:10:59Christian Punk and Kingston eliminate the bigger man.
01:11:02That worked earlier on Mark Henry.
01:11:06It's tough to eliminate anybody in that ladder match come Sunday.
01:11:10Everybody keeps coming at you, all eight men.
01:11:13There's no such thing as eliminating anyone in that Money in the Bank ladder match.
01:11:16You just want to try to climb that ladder and be the first man.
01:11:20To get that briefcase and bring it down.
01:11:23Down to three in this battle royal.
01:11:25Kane, Captain Charisma Christian, and CM Punk.
01:11:29CM Punk was decked earlier by Kane.
01:11:31And there goes Christian. Wait a minute.
01:11:33He's trying to hang on.
01:11:39He throws rope like an octopus.
01:11:40Well over the top rope, but both feet didn't hit the floor.
01:11:43Christian not eliminated.
01:11:44Once again, a little alliance.
01:11:47Well, he said he was going to be heavy man for himself.
01:11:51Look at Punk trying to hang on.
01:11:53That's the fight of the former world champion, CM Punk.
01:12:03CM Punk won the Money in the Bank ladder match last year at WrestleMania.
01:12:06And cashed it in, became champion.
01:12:08And there goes Punk.
01:12:09Not eliminated yet.
01:12:10Both feet did not hit the floor.
01:12:11But look at Kane.
01:12:13Eliminates both men.
01:12:14And Kane wins the battle royal.
01:12:18Here is your winner, Kane.
01:12:21Can you imagine, King, if Kane, indeed, he grabs that briefcase Sunday.
01:12:26How dangerous will Kane be with a title opportunity in his back pocket?
01:12:34What are you doing here?
01:12:36I came for this.
01:12:41Eyes on the prize.
01:12:42Just peering up at that briefcase.
01:12:44And now...
01:12:48I guess he wants to get a little taste of what it's going to feel like
01:12:52on Sunday at WrestleMania.
01:12:54This is what you need to do Sunday.
01:12:56Set the ladder up.
01:12:57Climb it.
01:12:58At the top of the briefcase.
01:13:00Which contains a contract.
01:13:02Guaranteeing you a title opportunity.
01:13:08Easy for Kane to do now.
01:13:10But there will be seven other participants
01:13:13trying to keep him from doing that Sunday at WrestleMania.
01:13:38Well, we're about to hear Randy Orton's WrestleMania address.
01:13:43Like I said earlier, that what Orton is going to say
01:13:46could change the WWE universe forever.
01:13:52Randy Orton delivers the WrestleMania address next live on Raw.
01:14:07Randy Orton!
01:14:17The man, the challenger.
01:14:20For the WWE Championship
01:14:22at the 25th anniversary of WrestleMania.
01:14:26Randy Orton to meet Triple H
01:14:29in what has become one of the most personal,
01:14:32one of the most emotional WrestleMania matches in history.
01:14:37As I said earlier,
01:14:38there's some say that Randy Orton has
01:14:41become diabolically sick and twisted,
01:14:44demented, if you will.
01:14:46And I think that Triple H would certainly agree with that.
01:14:48I mean, Randy Orton's actions have been
01:14:51absolutely unbelievable.
01:14:53Well, this is Monday Night Raw.
01:14:55This is the start of WrestleMania week.
01:14:57And tomorrow it continues,
01:14:58not only with ECW on SyFy tomorrow night,
01:15:00but what's going on in New York City tomorrow.
01:15:03That's right, big press conference
01:15:04at the Hard Rock Cafe in New York City.
01:15:10And the public's WWE fans invited
01:15:13to the Hard Rock Cafe.
01:15:18The Fightful.
01:15:20Randy Orton, who many people have said
01:15:23showed the supreme act of cowardice last week.
01:15:28Went in front of a handcuffed Triple H.
01:15:32DDT'd and
01:15:35they kissed.
01:15:37Stephanie McMahon
01:15:40in front of her husband.
01:15:41While Triple H was handcuffed,
01:15:42we've been told that what he's about to say
01:15:44could change the WWE Universe forever.
01:16:04Randy Orton.
01:16:20At the age of 24,
01:16:25I became
01:16:27the youngest world champion
01:16:30in the history of the WWE.
01:16:35Randy Orton.
01:16:40It was the greatest moment in my life,
01:16:45but it was short-lived.
01:16:50Because the next night on Raw,
01:16:52the man who was my mentor,
01:16:55the man that claimed to be my friend,
01:16:58turned on me in a fit of jealous rage.
01:17:04Randy Orton.
01:17:34Randy Orton.
01:17:35Randy Orton.
01:18:03That night,
01:18:04everything started to fall into place Triple H ruined my life so I made a vow
01:18:12to myself to ruin his but I had to wait I had to wait until I found the talent
01:18:22to start a group of my own I had to wait until Triple H was more powerful than he
01:18:29had ever been before and I had to wait until Triple H found something that he
01:18:34cared about more than the WWE title and so it began this past January when I
01:18:44eliminated Triple H and went on to win the 2009 Royal Rumble
01:19:29I earned the right to face Triple H and take his title at the 25th anniversary
01:19:48of WrestleMania but but that wasn't enough I had to raise the stakes I had
01:20:00to take everything away from Triple H that he cared about and systematically
01:20:06destroy it so I chose his family the most powerful family in the WWE the
01:20:17McMahons Vince McMahon Shane McMahon and his sweet wife Stephanie
01:21:09almost five years after Triple H turned on me I RKO'd his wife now let me let
01:21:37me make one thing perfectly clear I knew exactly what I was doing the entire
01:21:46time IED no no no no no I knew exactly what I was doing the entire time
01:22:10if you don't sit down and shut your mouth and listen to every word I have to
01:22:20say for the rest of this I'm gonna get real when I get you don't wanna be too
01:22:28close to me
01:22:40I knew that Triple H would retaliate and he did he went to my home and he attacked
01:22:53me he took a sledgehammer to Rhodes and DiBiase but that was a sacrifice that I
01:22:59was willing to take because I needed Triple H to feel confident I needed
01:23:06Triple H to feel as if he was in control because if he felt that way then he would
01:23:11let his guard down and if he did that then it would allow me to do this
01:23:36I'm gonna get real when I get you don't wanna be too close to me I knew exactly what
01:24:06now at WrestleMania every time Triple H and I lock up every time he goes to
01:24:29throw a punch he's gonna be looking at the man that DDT'd his wife and sealed it
01:24:35with a kiss and if he even thinks of coming to the ring at WrestleMania with
01:24:44a sledgehammer to get his vengeance then he's wrong because I talked to Vickie
01:24:51Guerrero and if Triple H is disqualified if he's even counted out then he loses
01:25:02the WWE title if he shows up to the ring with a sledgehammer then it's an
01:25:11automatic disqualification and I become champion without lifting my
01:25:18finger and so it comes full circle Triple H it comes full circle I have
01:25:31taken everything from you everything except the WWE title that comes this
01:25:40Sunday when that happens the entire landscape of the WWE changes the balance
01:25:47of power shifts permanently top superstars will climb the ladder to one
01:25:53day try and challenge me young superstars will try their best to
01:25:59impress me so that they may one day stand at my side
01:26:10and in six days my ascension to the top of this business will be realized
01:26:20finally when I beat Triple H for the world
01:26:30turn on the lights turn on the lights Ted Cody get out here come to the ring
01:26:40bring the security
01:26:56come on
01:26:59Triple H if that is you come out here I have no problem ending this tonight I
01:27:16will take you out and this Sunday I have no problem with being awarded the title
01:27:21because you forfeit it's up to you but I'll let you know that it won't be fast
01:27:30we're gonna take our time with you you hear me
01:28:21Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H,
01:28:50Can you believe your eyes?
01:29:20Can you believe your eyes?
01:29:22Can you believe your eyes?
01:29:24I have to take a game and I can't lose
01:29:27Don't move around or you'll die like a fool
01:29:30Try to stay in power but you'll never be
01:29:32Your mother was a son of a bitch
01:29:35Don't you forget there's a price you can pay
01:29:38I have to take a game and I want to play
01:29:41Oh my god it's on!
01:29:50Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H,
01:30:20Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H,
01:30:50Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H, Triple H,
