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00:00:30Oh, I've got money, I need it, I love you.
00:00:40Oggy, oggy, oggy!
00:00:42Oggy! Oggy! Oggy, oggy, oggy!
00:00:47Oggy, oggy, oggy!
00:00:50Et so spang g will erio, et so spang g willio.
00:00:54Et so spang g will erio, et so spang g willgio,
00:00:57Et so spang g will erio, et so spang g will ilio.
00:01:00Our dan Mileanes grapo Johnny Mind,
00:01:04Our Dan Milanes gripo,
00:01:08Our Dan mileanes gropo Johnny Mind,
00:01:13And from the Palmerston North showgrounds, that's the sound of Sosbon Farc, one of the
00:01:31very famous Welsh rugby songs echoing across the stadium here as we welcome this game between
00:01:38Wales and Tonga this afternoon, in weather conditions that will be fine with a moderate
00:01:44westerly breeze.
00:01:51And for this match Tonga send in a team today that varies in five places, from that which
00:01:55played Canada in Napier, the left winger today will be Manu Gunipolo, who replaces the injured
00:01:59Soane Asi, and Nasele Amoni comes in at fly half and replacing Alamone Leova'a.
00:02:05From the forwards, Malu Felice is the new number 8, and the locked number 4, Mafuiki
00:02:09Tu'ungufu'asi comes in for the veteran Tui Halimaka, who you remember went off hurt at
00:02:15The other change is in fact in the front row, where William Lutua comes in, the captain
00:02:19once again is Papa Hauvalo.
00:02:21Wales make six changes today, starting with Glenn Webb of Bridgend who comes in on the
00:02:25right wing for Yayan Evans, Kevin Hopkins the centre replaces John Devereaux, and at
00:02:30fly half Jonathan Davis is rested today, allowing Malcolm Dacey to come back to fly
00:02:35half international for his first time since 1984 in that position.
00:02:39In the forwards the number 8 is Phil Davies, Paul Mariarty switches from number 8 to the
00:02:43flanker, Hugh Riches is in at lock, and in the front row Tony Buchanan makes his international
00:02:53From Southland, New Zealand, referee Dave Bishop begins this pool 2 match in Rugby's
00:02:58World Cup, and Tonga have made the first mistake, just a little misjudgment there,
00:03:04and the ball has gone over and touched the touchline, so it is not out on the full, the
00:03:08touch judge on the far side is the other New Zealand referee, Keith Lawrence, and that's
00:03:12a quick glimpse of fullback Paul Thorburn.
00:03:19Now out to Malcolm Dacey for his first touch of the ball, 12 is Kevin Hopkins who's coming
00:03:23at the inside centre position today.
00:03:28And for the first time ever Wales are playing in green jerseys, the total colours on the
00:03:33Welsh flag are being used today, and this is fullback Tali Itiaki.
00:03:46So coming into the front row this time for Wales, the number 1 Tony Buchanan will have
00:03:51his first cap, and you see the Tongan scrum was in so much trouble against Canada, but
00:04:02now they've got it out to Puka Kirikahiho, and his first touch of the ball is a kick
00:04:06across towards right winger Buni Polo, and Tonga look a bit sharp, they look a bit keen
00:04:14I think the scrum is going to be destroyed by Wales, Keith, even they got the ball back,
00:04:19but you could see the pressure was going on from Wales.
00:04:35Here's Dave Bishop from Southland, and throwing for Tonga is Amoni Afu and Kevin Phillips
00:04:41with the ball, but it's a defensive penalty for a line out infringement against the Welsh
00:05:00This is Asele Amoni, and he is going to try for touch, or try for position.
00:05:08Very jumpy, very nervous young player, Amoni the fly half, number 2.
00:05:18The match is just 2 minutes old, no score, Wales playing in the green against Tonga.
00:05:25Number 5 for Wales is Hugh Richards, you can see the referee is playing advantage.
00:05:35That's Moriarty, number 4, his brother is also in the team, and that's Stuart Evans
00:05:39up to halfway, someone's lost their boot, pushed forward by Dacey to Webb on the right
00:05:46And here is Malcolm Dacey, and this is his 15th international today, his first 10 caps
00:05:52were as a fly half, that's where he is today, then he switched to fullback for 4, and back
00:05:57in now for his first cap as a fly half since 1984.
00:06:04So again, there's a couple of boots down there on the ground, the Tongan halfback has
00:06:11lost his boot, and I think that Richard Moriarty went across and presented it, and I think
00:06:15they're going to let him, in the name of goodwill, put it on.
00:06:19Well I think the whole lore of the boot comes off the game goes on regardless is stupid,
00:06:25and you remember Keith back in the old days when there used to be about 3 players go down
00:06:29with injuries, one of their buddies put the boot on, it was just stupid.
00:06:35Yeah this is a good thing, and there's Richard Moriarty with the Welsh pack, remember if
00:06:42all goes to plan, New Zealand will probably meet Wales in the semi-finals of this tournament,
00:06:47so it's always of interest to have a look at these guys in the green today.
00:07:08Today back to Jones, away to Dacey, Mark Rigg is wearing 13 today, and Hopkins is through,
00:08:08and that's Paul Thorburn's kick, and it's hit the post again, we've had the ball hitting
00:08:13the post in just about every game in Rugby World Cup 87.
00:08:20This is the little dummy pass from Webby, and a man outside him, if he had been tackled
00:08:24he would have, I'm sure, got a burst from one of the coaches, but the try was scored.
00:08:30Good work there from the hooker too, Phillips, who got the ball back to his half-back.
00:08:43That's an early mono he's kicked, and that's again an inexperience on the part of the Tongans,
00:08:48they've kicked it straight to Hugh Richards, and the Welsh team, Highland,
00:08:54There's a theory about the Tongan team that though they played on Sunday against Canada,
00:09:02there's a theory that they'll go much better today because it wasn't a Sunday.
00:09:09The Tongan players are deeply religious, Tonga played their first game in this tournament
00:09:17on a Sunday, and regardless of getting permission from their government to play on Sunday,
00:09:21they'll be feeling much happier, it's felt, to be playing on a day other than the Sabbath,
00:09:27and one feels that they may go better, there is a feeling that they may improve on their performance,
00:09:34because Sunday for them, of course, is a very traditional and devoted day of prayer and the family.
00:09:41So, out into the backs this time.
00:09:52Come on.
00:10:05Number eight today for Wales is Phil Davis.
00:10:09Come on, come on, come on.
00:10:25The Welsh today are playing a club combination at fly half and half back, Daisy and Jones,
00:10:29this of course was a traditional Welsh treatment of the half back and fly half position,
00:10:35they call it scrum half pairings, they had great pairs like John and Edwards,
00:10:39Barry John and Garrett Edwards from Cardiff, Rex Willis and Cliff Morgan,
00:10:43now Jones and Daisy, they don't generally do it now, but they used to do it all the time.
00:10:51It's not a bad idea either, Keith, a lot of selectors do that when they're picking sides if they don't know the players.
00:10:59Talai Fafita, a full back is Tali Etiaki, that's his tuuta, the flanker, carried on here by Malo Felice.
00:11:09Now, out to the Tong team today, they are looking better today and sharper,
00:11:13they're putting it on the Welsh at the moment, number one is Lutua, the prop forward,
00:11:17having his first appearance in the World Cup.
00:11:20Coming again for Talai Fafita, away, the thought of the drop call was in Amoni's mind,
00:11:26Fafita again, Daisy's got it off him.
00:11:35Jones, away to Paul Thorburn, there's the big boomer from Thorburn,
00:11:41and that's relieved things for Wales up to half way.
00:11:44Good kick by Thorburn, but good play by the Tongan 15.
00:11:49Very good, Keith, the Tongan side really looked like footballers,
00:11:53and they were giving the ball back so well to the half back, Fafita.
00:12:00They do their confidence to no end of good as well.
00:12:18There goes Phil Davis, this is the man that made the headlines in Welsh rugby this year
00:12:36when he got punched by Wade Dooley in the match against England.
00:12:39Untidy for Tonga at scrum time, they really had problems in the scrum,
00:12:48they made a few changes, but they don't look too much better there,
00:12:51and now here is a chance for Wales.
00:13:05Thorburn brought forward, and now he's going for the corner flag.
00:13:10Stretched the ball nicely down to inside the 22, Paul Thorburn,
00:13:15who's today having his 10th cap for the Welsh rugby.
00:13:27Out into the backs again, Daisy, Ring, Hopkins,
00:13:32and he ran into a bit of trouble from Puka Kitikahaeho,
00:13:36good tackle, but here's Ring again who scored the try against Ireland,
00:13:39kicking for Webb, and the try's been given,
00:13:45and you can see the Tongans aren't happy about it,
00:13:47Woody Paula wasn't happy, that's two for Webb,
00:13:50one in each corner in the first few minutes of the match.
00:13:57Here it comes, out along the back line again,
00:13:59there was a crash here between Hopkins and Puka Kitikahaeho,
00:14:03but quickly picked up by Paul Moriarty, who made the break,
00:14:06out to Ring, and then the kick for the corner,
00:14:09and look at Woody Paula coming across in cover defence and Webb,
00:14:12and as they crashed at the corner, well, it was partially obscured,
00:14:17but the touch judge there agreed that it was a try,
00:14:20Hilditch of Ireland, and the try's been awarded.
00:14:24This is a beautiful kick, David,
00:14:26watch the way that Webb takes it on his fingertips,
00:14:29and he knows where the corner flag is,
00:14:31and there's the tackle from Wunapolu, but he did score,
00:14:34as you can see, and you can see Mr Hilditch, the line umpire,
00:14:37right there on the scene.
00:14:38Here it is right from our behind-the-line camera,
00:14:41and we'll get a tremendous view, and as he was tackled,
00:14:44he rolled over, and there's the ball down,
00:14:46and there were his feet and the corner flag.
00:14:49Well, make up your mind, Graham.
00:14:51Yes, that's a hard one, because the legs were swinging over.
00:14:55Thorborn with the conversion attempt.
00:14:57Fine kick.
00:15:18There's Steve Hilditch.
00:15:19He was right on the spot, though, wasn't he, Keith?
00:15:21And he looked at the referee, he said it was a try,
00:15:24and fair enough, it's been given.
00:15:31So two tries to Glenn Webb of Bridgend,
00:15:35who's playing on the right wing for Wales.
00:15:37One conversion by this man, Paul Thorborn,
00:15:40and it's 10-0 to Wales.
00:15:45Yes, in a situation like that,
00:15:46the touch judge just has to make an instant decision,
00:15:49so does the referee.
00:15:50They awarded the try.
00:15:53Pitched towards the back.
00:15:55Up goes number six, Talai Te Uta.
00:16:02And the line umpire on the other side is Keith Lawrence,
00:16:05who got into all sorts of bother on Saturday with Kampiti's try.
00:16:09Perhaps if he'd looked at the line umpire,
00:16:11it might have been different.
00:16:13That's good line-out ball for Tonga, fast anyway,
00:16:16and Pukka with the conversion.
00:16:19That's the second time Dacey's done that in the game so far.
00:16:22Kicked on by Lutua.
00:16:24Hakata Tupou coming through,
00:16:26and Tonga getting very close to scoring here.
00:16:33And it's a five-metre scrum.
00:16:35The two props for Tonga there,
00:16:37Guilherme Lutua and Hakata Tupou involved in the play there,
00:16:41and this is a good position now for the Tongan team.
00:16:45Amani Apu.
00:16:47Half-back is Talai Papita.
00:16:49He scored against Wales last year up at Nuku'alofa.
00:17:03So Wales lead by two.
00:17:05And the line-out ball for Tonga,
00:17:07and it's a five-metre scrum.
00:17:09That's the second time Dacey's done that in the game so far.
00:17:13So Wales lead by ten to nil,
00:17:15but Tonga putting them again under a bit of heat near the line.
00:17:19It's the Tongan ball again.
00:17:20It's got to be quick ball too, Keith.
00:17:22They can't muck around with that good Welsh scrum.
00:17:25Yeah, there it is now.
00:17:27It's gone through onto the Welsh side.
00:17:29Defensive penalty offside play there by Tapoleti Te Uta, the flanker.
00:17:43Dacey hasn't found the line.
00:17:45Charge in from Etiaki, the full-back.
00:17:49They're very close again to the corner flag, but lost forward.
00:17:54Well, look at Tonga go in the last few minutes,
00:17:56and Te Uta crosses the line, but it's not awarded.
00:18:00There was a knock-on from the kick by Talai Etiaki, the full-back.
00:18:05Quick half.
00:18:12Phil Davis in the back, Robert Jones the half-back.
00:18:25Full marks to the Tongan side.
00:18:28They are playing above themselves.
00:18:30They're really putting the Welsh under pressure.
00:18:33Amoni up with a hooker.
00:18:39Good work by Hapatoetupo.
00:18:41They've got it.
00:18:43It was awkward, of course, but Talai for Fita.
00:18:49Good one to Amoni.
00:18:53Taken in there by the centre, Sammy Mohi.
00:18:57Well done, well done.
00:19:02But Wales going forward, you see.
00:19:04They get the put-in.
00:19:17On the near side is William Utua for Tonga.
00:19:21He's against Stuart Evans.
00:19:23This is Jones.
00:19:25You see the little pop kick into space.
00:19:28Kutusi Fi'olea, the winger number 11.
00:19:32Talai for Fita.
00:19:33Nicely off the floor.
00:19:34This is Fuka.
00:19:37To Uta.
00:19:38That's good flank forward play.
00:19:39They're driving on.
00:19:42Well, Tonga looking more like it today.
00:19:44Out into the back snow.
00:19:45Fuka to Amoni.
00:19:47This is Mohi, number 13.
00:19:50Pakahaubalo, the captain, is there.
00:19:56Good play by Tonga.
00:19:58Well, that's got their blood boiling a bit.
00:20:00They're really looking much more like an international side this afternoon.
00:20:04However, they're down by 10 points to nil.
00:20:06Two tries to Glenn Webber, conversion to Thorburn.
00:20:15I wasn't there on the first game.
00:20:17Keith, you were, and this is a different Tongan side.
00:20:19They've really lifted their game, haven't they?
00:20:22Yes, indeed, they have.
00:20:23They're playing very well indeed.
00:20:24And that's a chance to have a look at the second five-eighth putting his boot on.
00:20:29This is really the vital man in the Tongan team, Fuka Kitikahaiho.
00:20:33And as I mentioned up at Napier against Canada,
00:20:36he plays most of his rugby in the last few years in Wellington.
00:20:39He's studying for a Master of Science degree at Victoria University in Wellington.
00:20:43Hopes to finish it later this year.
00:20:45And he's the father of six children.
00:20:48And Fuka is the vital man in the Tongan back line
00:20:51because he has the experience of playing in a pretty good class of football
00:20:54and can take the crash ball.
00:20:56And if they can work off him as they have done so,
00:20:58then they could make something for themselves today, the Tongan team.
00:21:10Kevin Hopkins.
00:21:17Talai Fafita.
00:21:20They're going to have trouble at scrum time.
00:21:22That's Tapaleti Te Uta.
00:21:26Remember, he's the one that's easier to recognise
00:21:28because of the distinctive colouring of his hair.
00:21:31Tapaleti Te Uta, number six.
00:21:36That scrum, there's some funny positioning in that Tongan scrum,
00:21:40but they're pretty brave, stout-hearted lads.
00:21:42There is the man we're talking about, Fuka Kitikahaiho, going for the crash ball.
00:21:46Out to Etiaki.
00:21:48Looking for the right winger.
00:21:51Guni Pola, who, remember, came across in cover defence
00:21:54when Wales scored their second try.
00:21:56Now, how are the Tongans doing here?
00:21:59Talai Fafita, away to Tali Etiaki, the full-back.
00:22:05Sami Mohi gets webbed, but the pass is away to Hopkins.
00:22:09No, it's Headley.
00:22:11And look at this Tongan team go.
00:22:14Underdogs against the mighty Welsh,
00:22:16really playing like champions at the moment.
00:22:19They've got the Welsh on the back foot at the moment,
00:22:22and they're really playing well.
00:22:25Their scrum, of course, is going to tell in the end.
00:22:28They're playing with the wind, they've got to get some points.
00:22:31Technically, the Tongan scrum is not good.
00:22:34But if they can get quick hooks like that,
00:22:36and maybe just hold, they're all doing OK at the moment.
00:22:40And this is really a great thrill to see Tonga go so well.
00:22:42That's Whaka Haubalu there, very stout-hearted captain.
00:22:48And I think that might have been accidentally offside
00:22:50when he collided with another of his players,
00:22:52so they've lost the advantage of the put-in.
00:22:54But he's going well today, Tonga's captain.
00:22:56I think it's pointless in trying to keep the ball in the scrum key.
00:22:59It should be quick hooks.
00:23:09Because with the scrums the way they are,
00:23:11they can't afford to have the scrum in for a long time,
00:23:13because they're going to be pushed back
00:23:15and use up their energy for the second half.
00:23:19Here's the Robert Jones in there.
00:23:21Now he's the Swansea man at half-back.
00:23:24That's Stuart Evans, the big, burly...
00:23:30Let's see how Tonga goes here. It's a loose ball.
00:23:32See that diving in, giving it the full commitment today.
00:23:35And Webb, he had to hurry it out.
00:23:38Glenn Webb, his parents came from St Kitts in the Caribbean,
00:23:42but he's actually born in Cardiff,
00:23:44and as I said, the first black player kept for Wales.
00:23:46And he's looking good today.
00:23:52Hakata Tupou at the front.
00:23:54He's been getting two or three good deflections.
00:23:56Got one again there. Out to Puka.
00:23:58Out to Sami. Out to Etiaki.
00:24:00Near the 22.
00:24:09OK, Talai Papita.
00:24:11Hakata did a little war dance on the spot.
00:24:17Look, they're still in possession, I think.
00:24:19Now that's big Stuart Evans,
00:24:21and he looks like he'd be fun to be in an all-in wrestling match with.
00:24:30110 kilograms.
00:24:34It's a lot of lard.
00:24:40Wales leading Tonga by 10 points to me.
00:24:48See, the Welsh scrum is very much more solid.
00:24:51Lovely pass from Jones.
00:24:53Deysi to Webb to Uta made the tackle.
00:24:56That's Paul Moriarty who's switched on to the flank there.
00:24:58Good passing by Wales.
00:25:01OK, out to Mark Ring.
00:25:07Here they go again. This is Phil Davis.
00:25:09Wales are opening it up here this time.
00:25:11That's Hugh Richards, number 5.
00:25:13That's the Tongan, 22.
00:25:15Malcolm Deysi was taking the late tackle
00:25:17way back a long, long time ago.
00:25:19He's up and back in the game again.
00:25:20Talai Papita.
00:25:24And he's got it.
00:25:27Look at that for a good tackle.
00:25:29And the nice little touch there from the man,
00:25:31the front forward, Lutua,
00:25:33who pats him on the leg after he tackles him.
00:25:35And now Mark Ring is going to play very sensibly
00:25:37and put it out.
00:25:45Well done.
00:25:47Well done.
00:25:49Well done.
00:25:51Well done.
00:25:53Well done.
00:25:59Well, number 1, Billyama Lutua.
00:26:01I thought that was very nice.
00:26:02Did you see that grab?
00:26:03He tackled the man, a beautiful tackle,
00:26:05and pats him on the leg as if to say,
00:26:06sorry, pal.
00:26:07And then he collapsed.
00:26:09Oh, this is good boisterous stuff
00:26:12from both teams at the moment.
00:26:14Just that late tackle on Deysi
00:26:17about at the start of that move.
00:26:21You might see it now.
00:26:23It was held up here.
00:26:25And good play actually by Wales.
00:26:27They turned it round.
00:26:31And we can see it coming out now.
00:26:33We hope it will come out to the fly half,
00:26:35which is Deysi here.
00:26:36Now, I think the replay,
00:26:40this is good work by Wales.
00:26:42Watch the way the support, Davis,
00:26:43the support from the players turning in.
00:26:46That was Roberts.
00:26:48And it's all controlled from the Welsh.
00:26:55So this is Malcolm Deysi.
00:27:02Played against the New Zealand Maoris
00:27:04for the Welsh 15 in 1982,
00:27:07so the Maori team members will remember him.
00:27:12Ramone Apu, and that's a good take by Te Unga Fasi.
00:27:17Uka Kirikahaeho.
00:27:23Uka back to Uka.
00:27:24He's over there really quick.
00:27:35Tonga and Wales have met once before in an international.
00:27:39That was a year ago in Nuku'alofa
00:27:41when Wales went on a tour around the Pacific,
00:27:44playing Fiji, Western Samoa and Tonga.
00:27:46And that was a year ago.
00:27:48And that was a year ago in Nuku'alofa
00:27:50when Wales went on a tour around the Pacific,
00:27:52playing Fiji, Western Samoa and Tonga.
00:27:55The Wales Tonga match in 1986 was a very, very torrid affair.
00:28:09The last match between Wales and Tonga
00:28:11was won by Wales by 16 to 7.
00:28:13So Tonga competed pretty well in that one.
00:28:18But there was one heck of a fight going on
00:28:20between Tonga and Wales.
00:28:23But there was one heck of a fight at one stage in the game.
00:28:25Here's Gareth Roberts.
00:28:40Just harking back to that match in Nuku'alofa last year,
00:28:43there was a very, very big punch up at one stage
00:28:46down in the end goal area.
00:28:47And two of the Welsh players were taken right out of the game
00:28:50by the Tongans.
00:28:51And the Welsh really were very, very frightened
00:28:53at the ground, so I'm told.
00:29:03So Jones now out to Kevin Hopkins.
00:29:06This is Paul Moriarty.
00:29:08That's the halfway line.
00:29:09That's his brother Dick.
00:29:14This has gone down to Rooney Poehler.
00:29:18Jones covering back.
00:29:22That reminds me a bit of Mark Donaldson,
00:29:24who played so many games on this ground.
00:29:26He used to drop back for the high kick.
00:29:28Same colour as the green and the white.
00:29:33And the Tongan team are keeping it going.
00:29:36They really are.
00:29:39It's the only way that they're going to have a chance in this game
00:29:42is to just keep the ball moving,
00:29:44do things that the Welsh aren't expecting them to do,
00:29:46like quick throw-ins,
00:29:48and play sort of a skittery type of rugby
00:29:50and not have a pattern game.
00:29:52Well, they couldn't hope to take on Wales in a pattern game,
00:29:55as Wales, of course, have to do for them.
00:29:57They've got to get the set pieces going.
00:29:59The line-outs are still a shambles.
00:30:01In fact, the last eight-man line-out,
00:30:04no-one jumped off the ground.
00:30:08But once again, we have these injuries.
00:30:10As we said yesterday, Keith,
00:30:12this goes on and on, and one wonders
00:30:14whether the players aren't fit
00:30:16or whether the games are just a little bit tough for them
00:30:19or the standard is too high. I don't know.
00:30:22I think there's no doubt the players are fit, Graeme.
00:30:24Perhaps they're throwing themselves into the commitment
00:30:27with extreme vigour,
00:30:30and so they're hurting when they go down.
00:30:34Two tries to nil.
00:30:35Wales lead on a sunny afternoon
00:30:37at the Palmerston North showgrounds.
00:30:39The match will resume.
00:30:50Real Swansea combination in the back row
00:30:52with Paul Moriarty and his half-back Robert Jones.
00:31:01There's Dacey.
00:31:14There goes Evans again.
00:31:20Up, up, up.
00:31:44I think the theory that Tongans play better away from Sundays
00:31:48certainly has been proved correct.
00:31:49They are a much different side today
00:31:51playing on a Friday
00:31:54than they were against Canada.
00:32:06This is midway, 22 and halfway.
00:32:07Kevin Phillips.
00:32:08Oh, good, and a dummy.
00:32:10He's got Roberts with him.
00:32:12Back to Moriarty.
00:32:15His brother near number six, Paul Moriarty.
00:32:18The charge is on again, Hugh Richards.
00:32:23Evans, one-handed back.
00:32:30That's Tony Buchanan, the front row prop forward.
00:32:33He's got his hand out, you see.
00:32:35And that's a penalty for Wales.
00:32:45You heard that from Dave Bishop.
00:32:48It was a reference to hands in the ruck.
00:32:50And so here is a penalty shot for Wales.
00:32:58I thought that Kevin Phillips, the hooker, was running like a back there.
00:33:02In fact, I think he gave the ball out on the left
00:33:04but he could have run a bit further
00:33:06because he gave it to Roberts
00:33:08and Roberts was tackled immediately.
00:33:11I thought we could see the complete different approach from the two teams.
00:33:16The Welsh who are playing so tight, close to their chest,
00:33:19rolling off each other.
00:33:20They know they've got control up front
00:33:22while the Tongan side have to really feed off the scraps of the loose ball.
00:33:34Well, the Palmerston North people are certainly supporting Rugby World Cup
00:33:37here today on a Friday.
00:33:40Good crowd here at the showgrounds over.
00:33:52One went over from the sideline.
00:33:54One went and hit the post and bounced away.
00:34:08So Paul Fulburn puts Wales out to a lead by 13 points to nil.
00:34:2127 minutes gone in the first half.
00:34:24In the background you see the city area of Palmerston North.
00:34:29Assa Ele Amone starting the match again.
00:34:3413 points to nil.
00:34:36Two tries. One can be a bit of a pain in the ass.
00:34:39But he's got a good run.
00:34:41He's got a good run.
00:34:43He's got a good run.
00:34:45He's got a good run.
00:34:47He's got a good run.
00:34:49He's got a good run.
00:34:51He's got a good run.
00:34:53He's got a good run.
00:34:55Again, 13 points to nil.
00:34:57Two tries. One conversion.
00:35:01One penalty.
00:35:03The Hull was all on for something tricky for Mark Ring,
00:35:06but he dropped the ball at the 22.
00:35:08A rye smile on the face of Moriarty,
00:35:26the captain, as he dropped the ball.
00:35:28It was a free catch, basically, for Richard.
00:35:3312 minutes to go until halftime.
00:35:35Now, can the Tongans get some of their momentum back?
00:35:39That's Talai Papita.
00:35:41That's the number eight forward, Felice Fuka.
00:35:50Well, they're getting up on attack again,
00:35:52so for the sake of the game,
00:35:54let's hope Tonga can continue to put that pressure on Wales.
00:35:56It was a really interesting game when they did that.
00:35:59I think Fuka has lost both boots now.
00:36:02He's gone to the sideline, so the game will continue.
00:36:10This is the Welsh captain,
00:36:13Richard Moriarty.
00:36:15He's playing today his 18th international,
00:36:18and he's been all over the scrum just about in his time for Wales.
00:36:21He's had nine internationals as a lock,
00:36:24three as a number eight,
00:36:25and the remainder as a blindside flanker.
00:36:32Let's have a look at Moriarty there.
00:36:34You see him towards the left there, number four,
00:36:37and it looks like a collision there between two of the players.
00:36:45Moriarty was when he had an eye scratch in the previous game.
00:36:49that's not a good kick.
00:36:5622 metres line there.
00:37:00a penalty from Tonga.
00:37:02There's a good chance for them here.
00:37:05that's not a good kick. 22 meters line there. Ah, a penalty for Tonga. That was a good chance for them here.
00:37:24Looks like they'll get the three points, but I think they've got to take it more to Wales.
00:37:28They shouldn't kick when they've got possession, because unless the kicks are good, which they haven't been,
00:37:33and they're contested, they're just throwing away possession, and they cannot afford to throw away the possession they get,
00:37:39which is not going to be that much.
00:37:42This is Tony Buchanan there. You see him. He's a very cheerful member of the Welsh Touring Party,
00:37:49and they're very pleased to award him his first Test cap today against Tonga.
00:37:54He was a reserve all of this season in the Five Nations Championship.
00:38:04Tonga couldn't kick a goal in their first match against Canada.
00:38:13And they're on the board with one in Palmerston North.
00:38:16Assa Ali Emami has put them on the board, and their gap reduced to 10 points.
00:38:33The crowd here at the Palmerston North showgrounds have indicated that they're very firmly in favour of the Tonga team in the red.
00:38:49And here they are trying the David Kirk trick.
00:38:51Well, look at that. You see, the kick went out of the full, so they raced to halfway, looking for the quick throw-in.
00:38:56So it looks like that could be a vogue move, Graham Thorne.
00:39:01Yes, but now all the other sides know about it, and they're not going to get caught more than once.
00:39:10Nine minutes to go till halftime. Another tight head for Kevin Phillips.
00:39:13They see. Caught with good tackle by the man that kicked the penalty goal just a moment ago for Tonga.
00:39:21Robert Jones, running the narrow side.
00:39:26And that's efficient play by the Welsh team.
00:39:31And another player injured. This is Faka Haubalu, the captain.
00:39:43And they won't want to lose this guy.
00:39:51Faka Haubalu made his debut for his country back in 1973.
00:39:55And I talked about this game the other day, when he played in the second test against Australia at Ballymore.
00:40:01The Australians put out their usual hot shot line-up, and Tonga had lost the first test when Australia had won by 30-12, I think it was.
00:40:10Tonga came out and won the second test, and was the biggest upset, I think at the time they said it was the biggest upset in the history of international rugby.
00:40:17Tonga hadn't been to Australia before, and they beat them in the second test.
00:40:22And that was the day that Haubalu made his debut, that's in that series.
00:40:27And 14 years later, he's still going strong.
00:40:35Two flags of the two countries playing this Pool 2 Rugby World Cup match.
00:40:52And so that's the goal line there, and the Tongans are stacked up now against their own line.
00:40:57And when this happens, it looks inevitable that points will come.
00:41:08Pitched towards the back. Moriarty to Evans.
00:41:12It didn't look really good, but it was a goal.
00:41:17Pitched towards the back. Moriarty to Evans.
00:41:20He didn't look really full of commitment there in his charge, Evans Buchanan, number one.
00:41:25That's the goal line in behind.
00:41:30I think Tonga's got possession there, have they not?
00:41:34No, no, it's Gareth Roberts.
00:41:38Oh, well done Tonga, they've driven them back for the second time.
00:41:41OK, this time Evans, he's lost it.
00:41:45Scrum awarded, Tonga ball. Great stuff by Tonga.
00:41:49Good play Tonga, because it looked as if Wales had it completely in control.
00:41:55Talai Papita, they want the big hook here, no holding in the back really.
00:42:06Seven minutes to go in the first half, Wales leading Tonga by 13 points to three.
00:42:14Come on, come on, come on.
00:42:16Break apart.
00:42:17Up and back, up and back.
00:42:19Down, Red.
00:42:26Look at that, that big green wave just crashing through the Reds.
00:42:45Come on, come on.
00:42:47Talai Papita.
00:42:50He's cleared it right up towards the ten metre mark, this is Thorburn.
00:42:53High ball.
00:42:55A big lock forward.
00:42:57To Ngofasi under Hopkins.
00:43:03And cleared away again by Brunicola.
00:43:12The great survivors are the Tongans.
00:43:14The waves are coming from the green shirted Welsh, but they're being repulsed by the red shirts.
00:43:30So what are we going to see here from the Welsh team?
00:43:34Could be a drop kick, could be a forward charge.
00:43:38Ah, Phillips.
00:43:40I don't think he went to the plan, but he's still going.
00:43:43This is Gareth Roberts.
00:43:59Kicking for the corner.
00:44:02And a good pass by Ring sees Adrian Hadley score.
00:44:16Pressure here for the last few minutes.
00:44:18Good little kick by Jones.
00:44:20Nice pick up by Ring and quick hands by Ring.
00:44:23You see number 13, Mark Ring, right on the goal line, flicked it straight on.
00:44:27And Hadley went in unopposed.
00:44:32Hadley's fifth try for Wales.
00:44:35And here's how it happened. Nice kick by Jones for the corner.
00:44:38And from the end on, see Ring smartly across to Hadley.
00:44:46And that'll be some consolation to Adrian Hadley, because he was one of the players that was decked
00:44:50in the match at Nuku'alopa last year and had to be carried off.
00:44:57Thorburn from the sideline.
00:45:12So Hadley, that's, as I say, his fifth try.
00:45:14Yes, he was taken off the field in the match at Nuku'alopa.
00:45:19And they had to replace him.
00:45:21And that was as a result of that big scrap that took place.
00:45:24So some consolation for him.
00:45:28The try scored 17 points to three.
00:45:33Man in front.
00:45:37No, it was a re-kick, he says.
00:45:52So the try by Hadley was unconverted.
00:45:55Paul Moriarty.
00:45:57Bit of vigour there in that run.
00:45:59That's Buchanan.
00:46:05Offside play by Tonga.
00:46:08Important for the Tongans to get their act together.
00:46:11They go very well as a team, a unit.
00:46:14They like that as a people.
00:46:16They like to be with each other.
00:46:18And that's their strongest point of value on the rugby field as well.
00:46:28So Tonga have had their moments in the first half.
00:46:32Talai Fapita gets it back to Amone.
00:46:41And he's had a good first half.
00:46:43He replaced Leiva, who played at Napier, against Canada.
00:46:53That's the halfway line.
00:46:57Kevin Phillips throws.
00:47:00Comfortable ball for Moriarty to Evans.
00:47:03To Roberts on the charge.
00:47:07Jones, Dacey, Ring.
00:47:13That one's too wide.
00:47:17This is Mark Ring, who had injury problems.
00:47:19Missed two seasons because of problems.
00:47:21He now plays with a pin in his knee.
00:47:23So this is a great comeback for him.
00:47:28Come on!
00:47:34Tonga have done well in the line-outs in the first half.
00:47:40And as that went out in the full, yes it is.
00:47:46Tonga are leading in the line-out count by 11 to 9.
00:47:50Shame they've wasted a few with kicks like that that went out in the full.
00:47:53And Graeme Thorne, you're still subscribed to your theory
00:47:56Yes, they're not going to score points if they kick the ball away.
00:48:10Down to Phil Davis. Awkward tap.
00:48:25Come on!
00:48:29OK, nicely picked up.
00:48:31Good break. All support from Felice.
00:48:34Here they go, the Tongans.
00:48:36Mutua, the Hakato.
00:48:38Look at the two props here charge along.
00:48:41Budipola, the winger.
00:48:43Up to Etiaki.
00:48:46That's the goal line.
00:48:49Coming for the Tongans again.
00:48:51Fuka to Uta.
00:48:56He's got there.
00:49:02Kutusi Feolea scores Tonga's first try of the day.
00:49:08Well, what a good one it was.
00:49:11Well, this is a classic example of the Tongan team
00:49:15who like to play together because they like each other's company.
00:49:19Look at this, it's a team try.
00:49:21The two props and the hooker get an action here.
00:49:23Look at them, 2-1-3.
00:49:25The whole front row charging along.
00:49:27It gets a wee bit ragged.
00:49:29In goes winger Budipola who then frees it up for the backs.
00:49:32A good little charge here by Etiaki.
00:49:34He really put it on the Welsh.
00:49:36And it keeps coming to the left.
00:49:38Fuka further out to Uta.
00:49:41And then the winger Feolea.
00:49:43And he swung over.
00:49:45And Feolea is the scorer.
00:49:52Well, I don't know, Graeme.
00:49:53I don't make the rules.
00:49:54But that one might qualify for the top tries competition.
00:49:57That was a beauty.
00:49:58And there's the man that got it, Kutusi Feolea.
00:50:0121 years of age.
00:50:05Conversion attempt from Asaele Amonet.
00:50:12And right on half time, here is another look
00:50:16at the try that will have all of Tonga singing at the moment.
00:50:19Look at the charge from Etiaki, the fullback.
00:50:21And it keeps coming further away to the left.
00:50:24This is the thing about these tries.
00:50:26This is a team try.
00:50:27And he made it a bit difficult for himself, Feolea.
00:50:30But watch the way he turns over.
00:50:32And down he goes for the try.
00:50:34And that is the best team try of the tournament so far, Keith.
00:50:39Half time at the Palmerston North Showgrounds.
00:50:43Back live at the Palmerston North Showgrounds.
00:50:46And some drama in the Welsh camp
00:50:48as their big burly prop, Stuart Evans, limps off the field.
00:50:52He's got obviously a problem with his ankle.
00:50:54He had some bother with it at training yesterday.
00:50:56But more famously, he had some bother with it
00:50:59the day before Wales played Scotland at Murrayfield this year.
00:51:03And he limped away from that game.
00:51:05And the Welsh team went into the international against Scotland
00:51:08without Evans.
00:51:09And he proved to be a real pillar
00:51:13because he really anchored the scrum.
00:51:17And they went backwards.
00:51:19So the result was that the scrum went backwards
00:51:24with alarming speed in the match against Scotland.
00:51:26And the people there said that
00:51:28they'd never seen a Welsh scrum go back so quickly.
00:51:32Now this is Blackmore.
00:51:34Stephen Walter Blackmore from Cardiff.
00:51:37Now the thing about here is about
00:51:39the fourth prop in the Cardiff club.
00:51:42And he came in when Evans was injured earlier in the season.
00:51:45And now he gets another cap for the second half here against Toker.
00:52:16So the second 40 minutes begins here in Palmerston North.
00:52:21And Wales in the green today.
00:52:25Leading by 17 to 7.
00:52:27And there is Stephen Blackmore who's come on
00:52:29as a replacement at half time for Stuart Evans.
00:52:32He's the young man who's expecting a call from home any day now
00:52:36to tell him of an arrival in the family.
00:52:39A new baby coming for the Blackmores.
00:52:41But meanwhile across the world
00:52:43he's taken the field for his second international cap
00:52:47against Tonga.
00:52:51He was the man that attended just one Welsh training camp.
00:52:54But when he was called into the Welsh team
00:52:56he was really a real unknown.
00:53:03Big pass out to Hadley.
00:53:05The two wingers there on the same side of the field.
00:53:08To Hadley.
00:53:09The two wingers there on the same side of the scrum.
00:53:12So that's an interesting variation from the Welsh.
00:53:15But they've lost it forward.
00:53:17He's got a lovely pair of hands as well.
00:53:20He really is a talented looking footballer to me, Keith.
00:53:24You can see him there.
00:53:27No wonder he's so talented. He's got gloves on, Keith.
00:53:30That's interesting. I've not seen that for a long time.
00:53:32I certainly haven't seen it on a fine day.
00:53:36Playing with a pair of gloves on.
00:53:41I've seen it before.
00:53:42I think Alan Hewson and the boys used to do it
00:53:44in the really cold days for the All Blacks a few years ago.
00:53:46And Earl Curtin used to wear them occasionally.
00:53:51And Ernie used to also have an aid in his pocket.
00:53:57Resin in his pockets.
00:54:00As anything goes, to help you play a better game.
00:54:03I wonder what those gloves are.
00:54:04Do you think they're the equivalent of what the soccer goalkeepers use?
00:54:25So this is Moriarty.
00:54:29Captain of the Welsh team.
00:54:32And there they go again. Hugh Richards locking with them.
00:54:34The man just having his second international.
00:54:39Tongans are warming a man up on the sideline as well.
00:54:53I don't think he had those gloves on in the first half.
00:54:55I don't think he had those gloves on in the first half.
00:54:58Unless I didn't read it right, he's put them on at halftime.
00:55:26So it's Emoni Apu to throw.
00:55:29Wales leading by 17 to 7.
00:55:32Four minutes, second half.
00:55:35To Ngapasi, who's number four, he made the jump.
00:55:38That's a clearance from the first five-eight. Asa El Obeidi.
00:56:08This is a sad sight for Tonga, because this is the man who played such a vital part in their lovely try just before time.
00:56:18Hekato Tupou is leaving the field.
00:56:20Jerry Fletcher, the trainer, the American man, who trains with the Tonga team on the right.
00:56:23Jerry Fletcher, the trainer, the American man, who trains with the Tonga team on the right.
00:56:26And Hekato is leaving the field.
00:56:32Oh, look at this man. He's a real tough-looking character.
00:56:35Latu Wainu.
00:56:39And there he goes again.
00:56:42Oh, look at this man. He's a real tough-looking character.
00:56:45Latu Wainu.
00:56:51And he's just itching to get on and get into these Welshmen.
00:56:57Again, regime. 17 points to 7, the Welsh lead.
00:56:59I'm starting to think that this is not a very complete performance by the Welsh.
00:57:02They've got to do a lot better than this.
00:57:04Let's see how they go.
00:57:06Oh, collision, and that's probably the exemplification of a few of the blunders that the Welsh have made.
00:57:12Thorburn collides with Dacey.
00:57:15Down goes Dacey. Look at this.
00:57:17They haven't been going too well. This is terrible.
00:57:20All sorts of bother with a double dummy switch move.
00:57:24And there it is. They run into each other.
00:57:27Again, one of the funniest things I've seen on the rugby field.
00:57:32Well, I tell you what, it looked funny at the time, but it's not funny for poor Malcolm Dacey.
00:57:37It just goes to show that the best moves are the simple ones, Keith.
00:57:41They had a double on there with the fly half running around the second five.
00:57:45And the winger coming in as a decoy.
00:57:48And the fullback coming through as well.
00:57:50And it turned out that the fly half doing a dummy ran into the fullback coming through with a short pass.
00:57:55Well, if it's as complicated as your explanation, Graeme, it must have been complicated.
00:57:59But that was really terrible.
00:58:01And I think the Tongan team, they're really buoyed up at the moment.
00:58:04OK, they're behind on the board, as you see.
00:58:06But the Welsh aren't going too good here.
00:58:10Here they go, you see.
00:58:12Talai Papita.
00:58:18Well, the Tongan, aren't they having a great time here today?
00:58:21Pushing the Welsh back there.
00:58:23Now, here they go again.
00:58:25Emonu Esele.
00:58:27Oh, it's a wild sort of a kick.
00:58:29But look where it's gone!
00:58:40And they want the ball to throw it as well, Tonga.
00:58:43But that was a very silly kick.
00:58:45But it came right for them.
00:58:48Momentum is a great thing in rugby.
00:58:50If you can get momentum, you can do anything.
00:58:52And they've got momentum.
00:58:53They've got the ball here after a Welsh throw in.
00:58:55Tonga are really having a go here.
00:58:57Let's see which way Dave Bishop signals.
00:58:59A defensive putt as well.
00:59:02I thought Moriarty knocked it on, actually.
00:59:04He knocked it forward, but he took it.
00:59:10We had this shot in the first half,
00:59:12with looking along the goal line,
00:59:14but now it's the Welsh who are stacked up.
00:59:20Graham Thorne told you earlier
00:59:22he felt the Tongan team should attack
00:59:24in the skittery phases of play,
00:59:26and that's just what they're doing.
00:59:28And it's proving itself to be successful,
00:59:30because I think this Welsh team has bustled.
00:59:32There is a stand-off between the replacement player,
00:59:36who's come onto the field,
00:59:38who's come onto the field.
00:59:39He'd love to play in, though.
00:59:43Keep your mind on the game,
00:59:45said referee Bishop.
00:59:53It's going to be a penalty.
00:59:58It's interesting, the referee saying to the front rows,
01:00:01keep your mind on the game and think about it.
01:00:05Talking about our giraffes yesterday,
01:00:07what would you call a front row?
01:00:09Would it be a crate of front rows, Keith?
01:00:11Something like that.
01:00:13There's some real roly-polies in the Welsh squad,
01:00:16and with Vaino coming in,
01:00:19he's a real five-by-five as well.
01:00:28Six minutes gone, second half.
01:00:30Wales in the green today,
01:00:32for the first time in a full international.
01:00:34They played in green when Tonga toured England
01:00:36back in 1974, toured to the United Kingdom in 1974,
01:00:39but that was only a Welsh 15.
01:00:42Back to yellow.
01:00:44Set a leg down.
01:01:03Asa Alemoni has had a good match of first five out today.
01:01:07Remember, he's coming back with an excellent try
01:01:09that Tonga scored just before half-time.
01:01:16Two tries to the Welsh, one to Tonga.
01:01:19Robert Jones, back to Dacey.
01:01:22He's kicked this one to midfield.
01:01:24The flanker is out there in midfield to Uta,
01:01:26and this is Tali Etiaki.
01:01:30He's outside the 22, and he kicked that one.
01:01:32Paul Moriarty made the catch.
01:01:36OK, Paul Thorburn opening it up.
01:01:38It's gone past ring to Dacey.
01:01:40Webb in support.
01:01:48Loop two of the prop forward.
01:01:55Out to Tonga again.
01:01:56Talai defeated a kick that he should have run that one.
01:01:58I think there was a big, big line-up outside him,
01:02:00and the Welsh are now just going to kick it back to touch.
01:02:08It's out there.
01:02:13And a quick throw-in by Wales.
01:02:15They're going to try to put the pressure on
01:02:17by increasing the tempo, perhaps.
01:02:23Gareth Roberts.
01:02:26Fafita made the tackle.
01:02:31And a penalty to Wales.
01:02:33A handy position, this one.
01:02:36With eight minutes gone in the second half.
01:02:41This is just what Tonga didn't want,
01:02:43was to lose that momentum.
01:02:45The kicking from Fafita,
01:02:48and then Thorburn with that big kick.
01:02:51And then it went into touch,
01:02:53and Wales upped the tempo, as you say, Keith,
01:02:55and now the penalty.
01:03:02There's just little things like that
01:03:04that can change a game, as we saw in it.
01:03:06Not that the All Blacks were going to get beaten by Italy,
01:03:08but that knocker on goal,
01:03:10and suddenly it changes.
01:03:12No change.
01:03:32That's a bad miss for Thorburn.
01:03:34Across the front.
01:03:36So no change. 17-7.
01:03:38We haven't seen a big kick landed by Paul Thorburn
01:03:40open in New Zealand as yet.
01:06:41The Welsh backs don't seem to know what to do.
01:06:45They get the ball out to Hopkins or Ring and he just runs into the opposing defence.
01:06:53I suppose after that shambles in midfield they're not going to play many tricky moves.
01:07:02Welsh scrum in defence.
01:07:06Robert Jones.
01:07:16Dacey and Jones playing together for the first time in an international this match.
01:07:26See the Tongans only got six forwards in there.
01:07:29They've got Te Uta back out in the backs.
01:07:40Referee Bishop referring the other side.
01:07:57Put in.
01:07:58Tight here.
01:07:59Two fillips.
01:08:03The back of the Welsh half still.
01:08:04Tali Etiaki right down the croak.
01:08:07That's what they call room service.
01:08:09You don't have to go far to get it.
01:08:11Really the Welsh backs are most unimpressive.
01:08:15Not passing well.
01:08:16Their moves haven't come off and they've kicked a lot of possession away.
01:08:20You can see that Webb raising his hands in gestures of exasperation.
01:08:26Things aren't going well for the Welsh 15 at the moment.
01:08:39Get ready.
01:08:40I went in.
01:08:41We're ready.
01:08:42The put in has been lost from Tonga across to the Welsh.
01:08:44Puddin's been lost from Tonga across to the Welsh.
01:09:13Phil Davis in the back, Robert Jones, good catch by Etiaki, Tali Etiaki, a name unknown
01:09:28in New Zealand before the World Cup but he's a brave full back.
01:09:32Tremendous anticipation as well Keith, especially with that kick just a few minutes ago.
01:09:38Sevens player, flurry of arms and legs, the Tongans retire as the penalty has gone against
01:10:14The Tongans are using this man, Tapoleti Tuuta, as a really a roving back.
01:10:20He is only taking part in a few pushes from the scrums and the rest of the time he's standing
01:10:23out in midfield just to keep that defence secure in the midfield.
01:10:34Sixteen minutes gone, second half, there's been no change since halftime.
01:10:43And now Thorburn has added the extra points to make Wales now 20 and Tonga 7.
01:10:57So that's a pretty good effort by Thorburn, he's just raised 100 points for Wales and
01:11:06Tonga 10 international so he is averaging pretty highly for the Welsh 15.
01:11:22Jones, Desi, nicely struck by Malcolm Desi, with him Mark Green.
01:11:35I think the people who are enjoying this match most today might be the Canadian team
01:11:42down south because Tonga have competed very much more vigorously today than they did against
01:11:49Canada and that might be of some relief to the Canadian team.
01:11:55Jones, Desi, Thorburn up and in, ring, it's only about three quarter pace though and Webb
01:12:04was blocked.
01:12:07They were actually running out of room, they had too many players in too confined a space
01:12:12there and they weren't, they're just not running straight enough and they just don't seem to
01:12:18be doing the right things the Welsh backs.
01:12:20There's no comparison Graham Thorne with what the French did at Wellington in that dreadful
01:12:24win yesterday, they were sharp, snappy, but this was all done at slow pace and well this
01:12:32might not tell us because it's slow anyway but they weren't looking impressive or sharp.
01:12:37There was no ways that that was ever going to be a try yet right at the start it looked
01:12:41like there could be an overlap but they were just so slow and they went across field too
01:12:44much that they just ran out of room.
01:12:47One of the impressive things about the French passing in their match was the fact that they
01:12:52could pass the ball quickly along the chain on the blind side, two or three passes and
01:12:55an overlap to Logisque.
01:12:59Well there's been injuries on both sides, Malcolm Dacey, I think that might have been
01:13:03that collision back with Thorburn.
01:13:09Dacey here and Puka Kirikoheia was a strong collision between the two and looks like Dacey
01:13:18as a result is going to leave the field.
01:13:32So Paul Moriarty.
01:13:39This is just 10 metres out from the Tongan line.
01:13:53Welsh are signalling they want to get their new man on and it's going to be bonus time
01:13:56for the big crowd here at the showground because they're going to get to see one of the superstars
01:14:02of world rugby, Jonathan Davies play.
01:14:19Quick throw in taken.
01:14:20Moriarty with the ball, Blackmore number 19, the replacement for Evans coming on.
01:14:27Phillips Jones, Jonathan Davies in.
01:14:30He's taken time out to fall over.
01:14:35Phillips, Wales still looking stodgy in their play in the second half.
01:14:42Well that's a shame, referee Bishop signalling for the Welsh put in, but the replacement
01:14:51from Ford Vaino had wrestled the ball clear.
01:14:54We'll now see what Wales can do with this scrum, it might make a difference with Jonathan
01:14:59Davies on now.
01:15:00He's got a very big blind on the right and he's got Webb out of the picture, wide out
01:15:07Jones, then on the field, over for the try, but the whistle's gone.
01:15:18Forward pass.
01:15:19Forward pass, no try.
01:15:20The man that's impressed me in this Welsh side is Robert Jones, the halfback, he's the
01:15:23one who's got a very big pass, he's the only one, and there he is, got a knock there as
01:15:27he went through.
01:15:31See the way he just keeps on running, keeps on running, there's the tackle from Amoni
01:15:35and there's Jonathan Davies in front of the ball carrier.
01:15:50There they are, the Tongan front row, Maniapu, and to the left the replacement player, Latu
01:16:04The other front forward is William Lutua.
01:16:09Remember the whole Tongan front row was in the chars that led to their marvellous try
01:16:14just before halftime to their winger, Pia Lair.
01:16:30Three quarters of the match over on a sunny afternoon at Palmerston North.
01:16:34Once again the Rugby World Cup has had excellent luck with the weather, no rain, I think I'm
01:16:40correct in saying, no rain has fallen on any of the matches yet.
01:16:42We had some dreadful showers before the opening game a week ago in Auckland, but it stayed
01:16:47away during the playing of the match and it's stayed away since.
01:16:51He really is an amazing talent this Jonathan Davies, when he played in the Wellington Breeze
01:16:57last Monday it was a superb performance that gained great praise for him from sportswriters
01:17:03all over the world.
01:17:04Let's see if he can spark this Welsh backline in the last 20 minutes.
01:17:12Papita to Webb.
01:17:16Glenn Webb, good tackle by Amoni Asa-Ali.
01:17:20Puka's got the ball.
01:17:27Sadly lost forward.
01:17:32Some of the tackles that the Tongans are pulling off are really bone crushing ones and there
01:17:36when Webb went through he got up a bit of speed but suddenly he just stopped as if he'd
01:17:40been shot.
01:17:56There's Glenn Webb who was involved in the strong line and the collision.
01:17:59Now the story about the gloves is that he plays gridiron football.
01:18:03Glenn Webb is also a gridiron player and those are the gloves that are used by American footballers.
01:18:08So that's the reason Glenn Webb uses those gloves.
01:18:12He didn't use them in the first half.
01:18:13He's put them on for his own particular reasons.
01:18:19It was a strong run by Webb but I think you'll find that he gets caught in a tackle by number
01:18:24A good strong tackle as you say.
01:18:26Grand bone crushes the turn.
01:18:2919 minutes to play in the game.
01:18:31Jones there's the big ball out to Thorburn.
01:18:34Now the big high kick.
01:18:36Pull back under the ball.
01:18:39Good catch by Tali Etiakun.
01:18:42Now the big high kick.
01:18:45Pull back under the ball.
01:18:48Good catch by Tali Etiakun.
01:19:00Wild kick though.
01:19:02It's like up and under.
01:19:03Inside is own 22.
01:19:04Blackieball goes down.
01:19:11Paul Thorburn. Oh, another collision. I don't believe it. I don't believe it. That's 2 collisions
01:19:23in this match involving the fullback Paul Thorburn. Whatever has happened to his sense
01:19:28of direction? The man ran into his fly half before. It could have led to him going off.
01:19:33And now he runs into Moriarty. Look at that. Oh, dear me. That's like the Keystone Cops.
01:20:03The Welsh at times in the second half are played like absolute novices in rugby. Their
01:20:24backs in particular. Strummers have got another tight head. They're totally dominant in that
01:20:36department. This is Phil Davis. Gareth Roberts scrabbles it off the ground. Jones. Jonathan
01:20:46Davis the replacement. Kevin Hopkins. Thorburn in this time. Hadley. Oh, and a body block
01:20:53for the fullback. Tali Etiaki puts him over the touchline. These Tongans are playing like brick
01:20:59walls at the moment. They really are. They're holding out the best of Welsh rugby in a full
01:21:06international. 20 to 10 and three tries to one. Two locks and good combination there
01:21:17Again, the Welsh have it. Didn't cross the touchline. Davis with the drop kick. Struck it
01:21:25beautifully. Oh, my word, the class of the man. Already he's put his stamp on the game as
01:21:36Jonathan Davis. It was good play by the Welsh. It looked like it was going to go out, but then
01:21:43Phillips got it and watched the way that Jonathan Davis all the time in the world to hit it. And
01:21:48he doesn't miss many. Very good kick indeed by Davis to make a 23-7 and struck it superbly.
01:22:14Jones long ball back to Davis. Pumps it well.
01:22:25Just the difference between the ordinary fly half and a class fly half. The way he kicks it out never
01:22:31misses the line.
01:22:32That's Hugh Richards, number five. Jones, Davis, Robert Stoklanka, midfield, lost it.
01:22:48Phil Davis. Back in the Welsh team after missing a couple of games with that very serious cheek
01:23:04injury. He suffered a big punch up against England.
01:23:07Fifteen minutes left. Another tight hit. That's a hatful for Kevin Phillips today. Davis, ring.
01:23:18That's better passing. Hadley now. But again, it's the little fly half. Asaele Amone makes the tackle.
01:23:25Tremendous covering from Amone. Fly half. He got across so quickly. There was no corner flagging at that.
01:23:38He was across right behind his back line and picked up Hadley.
01:23:42That is Asaele Amone. And that was the result of his clash.
01:24:00Looks like it could be a collarbone. Here's that collision, the other one between Thorburn and Moriarty again.
01:24:11I don't believe this, Graham. That's twice in the game that Thorburn has collided with his own teammates.
01:24:15They were like a couple of magnets, weren't they? Drawn towards each other.
01:24:20Hugh Richards takes the one at the front.
01:24:41So lots of drama at the moment. Facing up to each other on the field and then limping off the sad sight of number 10,
01:24:48Asaele Amone leaving the field. He's had a very brave and noble part in the Tongan effort today.
01:24:54And that's recognised by the crowd at the stadium.
01:25:14So there's the first replacement the Tongans put on the field today.
01:25:30This is the replacement, the second replacement on the field.
01:25:34Asaele Amone, Leovar.
01:25:44Leovar, the new replacement on the field for Tonga. In they go.
01:25:48They haven't been over the Welsh halfway, the territory, since about 10 minutes ago.
01:25:56So they'll be keen to stay up there. It's 23 points to 7. Wales comfortably in the lead.
01:26:01In my word, we've seen a stout performance from the Tongans this afternoon.
01:26:10Jones, Davis, Thorburn, Webb.
01:26:14Oh, look at that for a crash.
01:26:18The referee has got to penalise Charlie Etiaki for a phone crash.
01:26:22And that's a body check, really.
01:26:25And what a collision that was. A fearsome collision.
01:26:27Let's see what referee Bishop of New Zealand says.
01:26:30Look at this for Webb, who was at full tilt. And in goes Etiaki.
01:26:33It's not a tackle. It's a collision of heads.
01:26:42And Webb, of course, was at full canter when he got the ball.
01:26:47And he couldn't get round the back of Etiaki.
01:26:51And Etiaki came in as not a tackle.
01:26:53A tackle must be with the arms. And there's the pass from Thorburn.
01:26:57You can see the speed that Webb's got up.
01:27:00And he's very slippery at the best of times.
01:27:02Coming up towards Etiaki. And there it goes in there.
01:27:05And it was high as well. And it wasn't a tackle.
01:27:08As you say, Keith, it was a body check.
01:27:10And down they go.
01:27:22Well, that is one sick lad at the moment.
01:27:26Glenn Webb.
01:27:28The Welsh have lost two players.
01:27:30The game is going to resume with 14 players for Wales.
01:27:33Glenn Webb, who scored two tries.
01:27:35One on the left and one on the right in the first half.
01:27:37I don't think he knows whether he's in Glynethle or Palmerston North, actually.
01:27:41Or Bridgend.
01:27:47Now, this will be interesting to see how the Welsh react here.
01:27:57They're in position here.
01:28:01Kevin Phillips.
01:28:11Tackled by Walu.
01:28:20It's twice now that the referee, Mr Bishop, has blown his whistle
01:28:24as the ball has come out on the Tongan side.
01:28:27The crowd very pro-Tonga.
01:28:34There's Glenn Webb. He's on his feet.
01:28:37But I don't think he'll take much more apart from the game.
01:28:40Which means Wales are going to have to finish with 14 men.
01:28:42They've had two on already.
01:28:44And I think he's lost some dental work.
01:28:48Maybe Ilkerton will get another call to go and help out.
01:28:55He's going to come on again.
01:28:59Yes, he is. Well, that's very brave.
01:29:02He's not 100%.
01:29:08The call of country is very strong.
01:29:19So, 11 minutes left in this dramatic game at Palmerston North.
01:29:23Where we've seen, I believe, the emergence of Tonga as a rugby force.
01:29:29They're not copybook, but they play with tremendous spirit.
01:29:38Jones. Jonathan Davis.
01:29:41Ring, skip pass, Thorburn.
01:29:45Sami Mohik has wrenched it away for the Tongan team.
01:29:51Now a break-up. Leobard to the winger.
01:30:00Sami Mohik and Ring out to Webb. Let's see how he's feeling.
01:30:04Glenn Webb.
01:30:07Oh, beautiful. What a comeback.
01:30:13A try, a hat-trick of tries for Glenn Webb.
01:30:20I still think he's not absolutely 100%, and you can see that.
01:30:25But the instinct to play and play well is very strong in this man.
01:30:31Tonga were going so well, but suddenly it broke clear to Webb.
01:30:35And 60 metres out, he set off and sprinted clear.
01:30:39And beat the full-back comfortably.
01:30:42And then was in under the post unopposed.
01:30:45A hat-trick for Glenn Webb.
01:30:51And you can see by the attentions of Kevin Phillips
01:30:55that he is still not 100% happy.
01:30:59Thorburn adds the conversion. 29 points to 7.
01:31:21So, what a try for Webb.
01:31:44Jonathan Davis.
01:32:00Eight minutes left in this game. 29 to 7.
01:32:04Talakapita. Leobard.
01:32:07Skip pass to Etiaki in.
01:32:10Here's Te Utu who's been out in the centres, the flanker.
01:32:12Been out as an extra-back most of the day.
01:32:14Leobard again.
01:32:18Oh, look at the crashing play by the Tonga team again.
01:32:28This is grand stuff from Tonga.
01:32:30They're not going to give in.
01:32:32They might be down by 29 points to 7,
01:32:34but they're not throwing in the towel at all.
01:32:36They're taking the fight to Wales.
01:32:47That's a taken by Kutu Sipi-Olau.
01:32:50Managed to score the try.
01:32:58That'll be a moment he'll never forget in rugby.
01:33:06Could throw in at halfway.
01:33:08Welsh team comfortably ahead on the scoreboard,
01:33:10but I'm sure they won't be too happy.
01:33:13And having lost a couple of players,
01:33:15and then Webb's injury.
01:33:20It really was an amazing comeback by Glenn Webb.
01:33:22He was involved in that fearsome collision with the pull-back.
01:33:26Dangerous tackle ruled by referee Bishop.
01:33:28And then after sitting out on the sideline,
01:33:30the man got back in the action.
01:33:32He's got the ball.
01:33:33He's got the ball.
01:33:34He's got the ball.
01:33:35He's got the ball.
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01:35:22He's got the ball.
01:35:23He's got the ball.
01:35:24He's got the ball.
01:35:25He's got the ball.
01:35:26He's got the ball.
01:35:27He's got the ball.
01:35:28He's got the ball.
01:35:29Seven minutes to go in the game, and Wales are going to have some injury problems.
01:35:34This has been the battle of the showgrounds over this afternoon.
01:35:38Two Tongans have gone off.
01:35:39Three Welshmen have gone off.
01:35:41Glen Webb has gone off and come back on again.
01:35:45We've played 43 and a half minutes in this half already.
01:35:53Right near the corner flag.
01:36:02I don't think you'd ever level any charges against the Welsh apart from that block tackle by Etiaki.
01:36:08Any of their Tongan or Welsh tactics have been out of the rule books today.
01:36:13They have played within the laws, but it's been very, very hard indeed.
01:36:17Richard Moriarty back to Jones.
01:36:20Lovely ball.
01:36:21Hopkins let it go.
01:36:23Tapaleti to Uta.
01:36:25Sami Mohi.
01:36:26Oh, Kailai for feet at the halfback.
01:36:29Over halfway they come.
01:36:31Liaba, Bunipola into Whakahauwalu.
01:36:35The replacement Liaba at the 22.
01:36:38Tonga rampaging here.
01:36:40Over the top, and it's Hopkins who takes it out.
01:36:47Well, he should have gone back and saved it.
01:36:49He was the one that let it go.
01:36:53And it was an amazing sight there because there were 13 Tongan players within a 10-metre radius,
01:36:59and there was no one in the backs for them to get the ball to.
01:37:02They couldn't spin the ball to the left because there was only one man out there.
01:37:06They were all so interested in getting the ball,
01:37:09they didn't think about getting into position to take the play on.
01:37:17Look at this.
01:37:18This is to Uta who's been out in the centres all day.
01:37:20Mohi made a good catch.
01:37:21Then Kailai for feet to the halfback.
01:37:23And look at the Tongans getting in support of the man.
01:37:25Now it goes further along the chain.
01:37:27They're all outside.
01:37:28Really keen.
01:37:29Liaba, the winger, Bunipola.
01:37:31And this was a fantastic run.
01:37:33Walu, the captain, got crunched there in a tackle.
01:37:36And at this stage, from Liaba, they lost it.
01:37:39And it comes scrambling out at number 12.
01:37:42Look at them.
01:37:43The whole team just about is there.
01:37:45Kevin Hopkins happy to take it over the touchline.
01:37:50And we can see 12 players in that shot of the Tongans in full cry.
01:37:58And this man, Whaka Hauvalo, right in amongst it.
01:38:01Look at Gerry Fletcher giving a pat on the back
01:38:03and calling out to the Tongan team to stay with it.
01:38:05There are only five minutes to go,
01:38:07but more points on the board here for Tonga I think would bring the house down.
01:38:13Picked over the back.
01:38:15Oh, and there's a collision between Liaba.
01:38:18And now they've been locked forward.
01:38:20Joel Mufasi has the ball.
01:38:22Tonga with it.
01:38:23Talai Fafita.
01:38:26There's no way through there.
01:38:28They're 10 metres out.
01:38:29Talai Fafita again.
01:38:33Talai Fafita.
01:38:35And they are bringing the house down.
01:38:43They have done themselves proud at the Palmerston North showgrounds.
01:38:47Etiaki the full back in.
01:38:49But there is much more to this try than just these last three passes.
01:38:52It was teamwork all the way.
01:38:54And Talai Fafita scores the try and starts the celebration.
01:39:01He scored a try against Wales in the international in Nuku'aloka last year.
01:39:07He scored a try against Wales in the international in Nuku'aloka last year.
01:39:12And he's made it a double with the try under the posts.
01:39:17Talai Fafita.
01:39:19The most famous player they say in all of Tonga.
01:39:22And I tell you what, up in the friendly islands at the moment,
01:39:25they'll be celebrating.
01:39:26They've played so well today.
01:39:31The left footed Liaba.
01:39:35He's out of the points.
01:39:3729 to 13.
01:39:41Look at this.
01:39:42Good play by the referee.
01:39:44The advance was being played.
01:39:46Etiaki now, watch the way.
01:39:48Fafita comes in and over the top he goes.
01:39:50And he was going to get to that line if it killed him, and it nearly did.
01:39:55Here it comes again.
01:39:56This is the moment along with the try they got near the end of the first half
01:40:00that the Tongas can reach back and hold on to forever.
01:40:03Tremendous driving football by the Tongan team.
01:40:06And finally, it was their star player, Fafita, who was over.
01:40:11Wales kick out.
01:40:1229 to 13.
01:40:13They're going to win the game.
01:40:14But really I think in the hearts of the crowd today,
01:40:17there's been only one team in it.
01:40:19A very, very brave performance from the team from the friendly islands,
01:40:25the South Pacific champions.
01:40:27And they've played their hearts out this afternoon on the showgrounds.
01:40:34Fafita, back the lever.
01:40:36Of course they must run it.
01:40:39Oh no, he passed into Fafita,
01:40:41and he is desperately disappointed that he didn't carry on that one.
01:40:47And this, Keith, is what the World Cup's all about.
01:40:50The teams that aren't expected to do very well
01:40:52are just taking the game to the big fish of the pool.
01:41:04Two and a half minutes left.
01:41:06Can we see anything else in this dramatic, pulsating game
01:41:10at Palmerston North this afternoon?
01:41:12Jones, away to Davis.
01:41:13The change of direction, Kevin Hopkins.
01:41:24Kutusi Pialea was the scorer of the first try.
01:41:26That's him with the ball on the far side.
01:41:29The Tonga have had some fine moments in rugby,
01:41:33but this will be one of them, even though they've lost the game.
01:41:36Just two minutes left.
01:41:44Just a little drop kick, and that's a beauty, isn't it?
01:41:46Whaka Haubala with the ball.
01:41:48Talai Fafita.
01:41:50Into the number eight forward.
01:41:54Now the big lockboard, Kasi Fine.
01:41:59This is fantastic.
01:42:02Sami Mohi.
01:42:03Now the kick and chase.
01:42:11Robert Jones clears, and that's appropriate too,
01:42:14because if we're going to be fair about it,
01:42:16this has been the man who's been the architect of the Welsh victory today.
01:42:19A very fine game indeed from Robert Jones.
01:42:22Well done.
01:42:27So in the last minute, can Tonga go once more to the well?
01:42:31A long ball puts it into the box to Leah Ba'a.
01:42:34Into Whaka Haubala.
01:42:35What a match he's had.
01:42:36Talai Fafita again.
01:42:38Over the top, and here's the big lockboard, Nutua.
01:42:43And a penalty to Tonga out in front of the post.
01:42:46What are they going to do?
01:42:52Are they going to have a driving charge at the line?
01:42:55The flying wedge, let's see.
01:42:57No, shot at goal.
01:43:03I think they've played their hearts out so much, Keith,
01:43:06that they just want to go off the field now and celebrate.
01:43:09Even though they didn't win, they gave Wales a big fright.
01:43:1429-13, but that doesn't really tell the story,
01:43:17because I don't think the Welsh team will be that happy
01:43:20with their performance.
01:43:21They've played some good rugby in parts,
01:43:23but at other times, as you said before,
01:43:25it's been keystone cocked up with mid-backline collisions.
01:43:30Thorburn seemingly in most of them.
01:43:32Other times, just not look like an international side.
01:43:36All praise to Tonga.
01:43:41Time is up on the clock.
01:43:42Wales lead by 29-13.
01:43:48The match is over.
01:43:50What a game we have seen this afternoon
01:43:52at the Shogun's Oval, Palmerston North.
01:43:5429-16 it finished.
01:43:57And it was dramatic stuff.
01:44:00We had five players leave the field
01:44:03because of the bruising nature of the tackling.
01:44:05It was tough hard going all the way.
01:44:07We had the Welsh scoring a hat-trick of tries
01:44:09from their winger, Glenn Webb.
01:44:11It was a tough game.
01:44:13We had the Welsh scoring a hat-trick of tries
01:44:15from their winger, Glenn Webb.
01:44:17He was also injured and taken off,
01:44:19but came bravely back on.
01:44:20The Tongan team scored two fantastic team tries,
01:44:23Fia Lair and Fafita.
01:44:25And there's the star of the Welsh team today
01:44:27with his three tries, Glenn Webb.
01:44:29He's not very well indeed,
01:44:31and the Welsh won't be totally satisfied.
01:44:33But what a pulsating match it was.
01:44:35And what a beautiful, brave display by the Tonga team.
01:44:39Wales have beaten Tonga 29-16
01:44:42in Palmerston North.
01:44:44A far from convincing performance for Wales,
01:44:46but they now have a perfect record in Pool 2.
01:44:48Two wins from two matches.
01:44:50We'll be back in a moment.
