• last month
Detective Kyle Bodine falls for Rachel Munro who is trapped in a violent marriage. After shooting her husband, Kyle reluctantly agrees to help hide the body, but Kyle's partner is showing an unusual flair for finding clues.
00:02:00It's you
00:03:36Fix your collar
00:03:41What do we got here looks like a shooting inside yeah, this is clear all up to here. Yeah, it's clean
00:03:48Who's the first officer Manola series inside
00:03:52Central took a call from one of the neighbors given name at 823 that there was a rape and robbery going on here
00:03:58What time is it Dickie? I know one
00:04:04Get this gentleman's name, would you
00:04:17Manola how you doing? Yeah, who's smoking in here?
00:04:22Come on
00:04:27Tom you done with the photos? Yes, sir. You get something close on this blood trail here in the butts in the estuary. Yes, sir
00:04:33Great. Thanks
00:04:36Me some gloves, please. Here you go, sir
00:04:54Good print over the side
00:05:22No, the viddhi she hasn't been gone long
00:05:29Go on Dickie take a look at her
00:05:32You may not remember the woman you were with last night, but you won't forget her
00:05:37Manola she was dead when you came in
00:05:39Yes, sir. I couldn't find a pulse in her sir. What time was that?
00:05:46842 exactly got any witnesses. Nobody no defense cuts fingernails are clean. Why don't you check the windows in the door?
00:05:54Boy, whoever did this fucked up all over the place, didn't he? It's the gong show of murder
00:05:59What's your name?
00:06:01Felicity Turner married. Yeah has a daughter too. She doesn't know it yet. She's Alvin's a friend
00:06:42The Morris says maybe rape and robbery
00:06:47Is that what you say Dickie boy
00:06:50That's right. She's wearing a gold watch Lamar
00:06:55Robbers don't leave gold watches behind do they?
00:06:59See that hole in the head
00:07:01You know what? That is hard contact wound is what that is
00:07:04You got to be angry enough to press the gun smack against the head to do that
00:07:07His unhappiness shot her in the bathroom first in the head then in the chest. He left her lying in there
00:07:13Left a bullet in the bathroom wall
00:07:16And he sat around a bit thinking about what he had done sweating up his socks maybe he had a cigarette or two
00:07:24Started getting the idea his life was over
00:07:26So he drags her out of the bathroom into the kitchen trying to make it look like a rape
00:07:31Then he calls the police
00:07:32He hadn't fucked up enough. So he goes back into the bathroom begins to clean the blood off the bathroom wall
00:07:38Never heard of a rapist a robber who does your apartment afterwards? I
00:07:42Don't think you're gonna find any signs of forced entry because it wasn't a rape or robbery. It was her old man
00:07:49You find him and find a gun to put the bullet in the bathroom wall
00:07:54There's no reason he would have thrown it away that everything else wrong
00:08:00Are you ready for me to take her
00:08:04She's all yours
00:08:07Deceased is black female approximately 35 years of age
00:08:14You don't much like it here. Do you Lamar?
00:08:16I'm fine
00:08:18He likes it. He just doesn't know why
00:08:22Makes me feel alive to see someone dead
00:08:24Come on
00:08:30What's up, well her husband was just picked up at the bus station with a 32 caliber in his PVDs and they're taking him to the
00:08:47Looks like a 32 to me. Yeah
00:08:50Kill someone in Brayton Kyle Boudin is gonna get you
00:08:54Don't think it takes any brains
00:08:56murderers of dumb shits
00:08:58They always screw it up sooner or later
00:09:03The more you shouldn't be doing this this is nothing that a man like you should be spending his life at
00:09:24Talk to me, baby. Tell me what I want to hear
00:09:48Say that you love me
00:09:51And you wish that I was there I miss your sweet kissing
00:10:10I don't fear who my dancing lady. Maybe she's here. Maybe not
00:10:16But if I see her tonight, I'm gonna fall in love
00:10:20I can just feel it
00:10:26What'd you forget my wallet I left it in the car I'll be back in a minute
00:10:36I know you got a long
00:11:19Mind some company my safe talking to you. I don't know live in dangerous times
00:11:27Yeah, we meet in dangerous places
00:11:30I've had too much to drink in this one. I know another one
00:11:34Now there's something about tonight that wants to play a little game
00:11:37I'm gonna go get some water. I'll be back in a minute
00:11:40I'm gonna go get some water. I'm gonna go get some water. I'm gonna go get some water
00:11:44I'm gonna go get some water. I'm gonna go get some water. I'm gonna go get some water. I'm gonna go get some water
00:11:47Now there's something about tonight that wants a place like this
00:11:51It's where you end a holiday, oh you've been on a holiday sort of I
00:11:57Don't much like holidays
00:12:02You an orphan
00:12:05Yeah, I'm an orphan of destiny I see life and all its dirty details, you know, sure I know how it is
00:12:12You had a hard day at the office. You could say that
00:12:15relieve the stress
00:12:16Sounds like a good idea to me
00:12:19Only maybe you're confusing me with another kind of woman
00:12:23No, I'm not I'm not confusing anything maybe it's just me
00:12:33Wait a minute, I thought we're doing pretty good here. Yeah, we were now I have to leave don't go please
00:12:40Let me start all over again. You started just fine
00:12:43In fact, you just best whip me off my feet
00:12:47I did I said just about I
00:12:52Really do have to go I'm expected
00:12:55So, why are you here?
00:12:58But I meet somebody interesting
00:13:01And I have
00:13:03So there's no sweeping you off your feet. No, you sure I'm sure I
00:13:10Can't help admiring real effort
00:13:22She is thanks a lot
00:14:02Rachel what are you doing out here? Just getting some fresh air
00:14:14You're out here drinking
00:14:17It don't look good you being out here drinking so all the damn neighbors can say they're all asleep
00:14:24Where were you?
00:14:26Playing cards. I told you I
00:14:30Forgot you always forget
00:14:39I don't want you out here drinking anymore
00:15:26Rachel that's your name, isn't it? Rachel Monroe. I know you we met last night
00:15:38I'm sorry. I didn't recognize you
00:15:41Kyle Bodine
00:15:44You already know
00:15:49How'd you find me it wasn't hard I wanted to apologize if I said anything stupid no
00:15:58I just had to leave early. I had a little too much to drink as well. I
00:16:02Don't do that very much. What's the holiday you told me?
00:16:06Did I?
00:16:07What else did I tell you not a lot?
00:16:15Like to see you sometime
00:16:19That's not possible anything is possible
00:16:26Maybe I'll call you anyway. I'll call the police
00:16:34Call me
00:16:53How much is that this one
00:16:58You want with a big 9-millimeter, how much is it 600?
00:17:06And I'll throw in a couple clips
00:17:29What do you do today
00:17:31Put in some new flowers
00:17:33These alias are coming in. I
00:17:36Saw I look real nice
00:17:43Guys hungry
00:17:46You sure as hell look hungry, here you go
00:17:51She forget to feed you again
00:18:03Something wrong with you, honey. What do you mean? Wow, you're acting like you're keeping something from me
00:18:09Well, how am I acting?
00:18:12Like I'm having a wild sexual affair
00:18:15Are you?
00:18:20Are you why'd you say that?
00:18:25Excuse me sit down. God damn it. I'm talking to you
00:18:53Promise a ticket. Mr. Cobbo Dean. Who should I say? It's Colin
00:19:01Hold on
00:19:03It's for you. She's got no name
00:19:08How you doing
00:19:12Sure, where
00:19:14Yeah, what time
00:19:17All right. I'll see you then. Bye
00:19:23You're not married, right? No, how come I
00:19:32Don't know married to your work
00:19:39You don't look like a real detective
00:19:43You're supposed to wear white socks, aren't you what color your socks
00:19:49Blue and
00:19:54Very colorful, that's what detectives wear. Do you carry a gun? Yes, I do where
00:20:00Can I see it
00:20:03What are you gonna do shoot this chef
00:20:06What kind is it it's 38 two inches nothing on us because of the short barrel you never shot anyone have you
00:20:16Not really
00:20:19Bet you wouldn't tell me if you had
00:20:23Thank you
00:20:28Honey you take care now you too
00:20:33I'll call you
00:21:06Watch your dress
00:21:35You want to go out
00:21:51Look at that moon
00:21:54My grandmother used to call that a China moon like a big old plate of China
00:22:01She said people would get affected by that
00:22:05But they do strange things do you believe that I
00:22:10Don't know you can do something strange
00:22:14Do feel like it sometimes
00:22:22You're so beautiful
00:22:31Did you do it drink beer roll around the lake just get kind of stupid
00:22:37Go skinny-dip
00:22:39water sunrise
00:22:43You ought to jump in
00:22:47It's okay. Yeah. Sure. Go ahead
00:23:24Wow, that's wonderful. Are you coming in?
00:24:15Why did you cry Rachel
00:24:24It's your tenderness
00:24:28Haven't had much of that
00:24:33How bad is it I don't want to talk about it not when I'm with you
00:24:48Wait a minute, wait a minute. Wait a minute
00:24:53What's going on
00:24:56Talk to me
00:24:59Just talk to I can't
00:25:26Mr. Bodine
00:25:28Speak dicky boy
00:25:30So what do you do for boredom? I?
00:25:34Never had the problem bullshit. You've got the most boring life a man ever lived. You'll grow into it. Trust me
00:25:45Three pointer
00:25:48See that
00:25:49Call the Pistons signed a kid for five million it could happen
00:25:53Yeah, and I still be pulling down 26 five a year and worth every goddamn cent
00:26:04What color was his t-shirt who kid who made the basket white
00:26:10How the hell would I know you wouldn't know cuz you've got no way for detail
00:26:15Well, I think I do and it's important it's always important everything you see every minute of the day
00:26:22But you don't see nothing because you're bored
00:26:27Lamar the kid wasn't wearing a shirt
00:26:30You're an okay cop, but these are keeping you from being a good cop
00:26:35Then why'd you partner with me I mean you had a choice I keep hoping you might surprise me someday
00:26:42Well one day I might
00:26:44Don't strain yourself. I might be incapable of surprise
00:26:49Could be in this lifetime. I'm all surprised out
00:28:35Waited for you all day
00:28:37You miss me
00:28:54So how is who your Cinderella
00:29:00Come on I tell you everything. What do you tell me who's dead and who's done it?
00:29:07You don't want to tell me about it do you
00:29:10How come I?
00:29:13Think I'm gonna take her away from you
00:29:24Good shot
00:29:27She putting up I got nothing going on what are you gonna get upset please don't
00:29:46Have to talk listen, I want to forget this
00:29:59What do you mean
00:30:22I'm for a ride and this how well can you swim? I'll soon they forget I
00:30:34Will never forget
00:30:37You won't go inside I
00:30:41Am you Kyle so comfortable in yourself
00:30:47Wish I could be you what's wrong
00:30:52I'm in a trap. I can't get out of it
00:30:57Divorce him I
00:30:59Love you. I
00:31:03Know I can't give you what he can it's not it. Whatever. I got it's yours
00:31:07Whatever you want. I'll get whatever you need. I'll do Kyle stop, please
00:31:12You got to decide
00:31:14You either stand up to him and leave him or you stay with him and you try to work it out
00:31:37Rachel my god, what are you doing here? No, I just surprised you
00:32:06You have a call sir, he won't give his name says it's personal
00:32:28Who the fuck is this
00:32:32What don't make much sense to me is why two smart guys like us chose his poor-ass police life I
00:32:40Had a reason for doing it
00:32:44It'll come to me
00:32:53CID one five nine. We're close. We'll respond to two or one Cyprus
00:33:13See I'd 159 with 1097 code for
00:33:35Everything sir, you live here
00:33:37Nothing happened. Really, sir. Do you live here? Yes, I do. What's your name?
00:33:42My name is Rupert Monroe with the Monroe American Bank
00:33:45Yes, sir. I know who you are. Where's your wife? Mr. Monroe? She's inside. She's fine
00:33:50This is nothing too embarrassing. It's all the best. We'd like to speak with one of you inside and one of you outside
00:33:56I'm gonna take a look
00:34:01Mr. Monroe
00:34:08Mrs. Monroe
00:34:38Are you all right, ma'am
00:34:42Do you want us to arrest your husband Lamar I'll take care of this get back outside with Monroe
00:34:54Want us to take him in
00:34:57Good would it do
00:35:00Be out tomorrow, wouldn't he?
00:35:08Nice house, mr. Monroe how much you pay for a place like this none of your goddamn business
00:35:17Wife doesn't want to have you arrested
00:35:19Well, it was just a little spat. You don't get arrested for a little spat. Don't touch her again. Are you talking to you fuck?
00:35:38Got a smart mouth little man
00:36:25Didn't you tell me
00:36:35Rachel you don't have to put up with him divorce the son of a bitch get rid of him
00:36:42Yes, you're right, I want to get rid of him I've dreamed it a hundred times every night all night long
00:36:54Bought a gun
00:36:56I want it. Where is it? I could fly to Miami. What are you talking about?
00:37:01I'd wait a day and drive back and I didn't do it. What's happening to you?
00:37:05No, I'm okay
00:37:50Mrs. Monroe, you're in 330 and you have a letter your bags will be right up. Enjoy your stay. Thank you
00:38:48God yeah, where were you? What do you mean? We're supposed to be in court this morning
00:38:54Nobody can get a hold of you this dipshit lawyer is screwing for the Smiths what's going on with you?
00:39:22Think right out
00:39:42Funny my man, how are you?
00:39:47Need you to make a call for sure
00:39:51I thought you were
00:40:13One Cypress, that's Monroe's place CID 159. We were there before 201
00:40:57What do you want one of your neighbors reported a woman here calling out for help no, hey, maybe I could speak with your wife
00:41:04She's in Miami
00:42:32Thank you, sir
00:42:50Kyle Kyle
00:43:05I was looking all over for you. I had to get away. I
00:43:11Was crazed that night I just needed some time I
00:43:15Called you and called you but you didn't answer
00:43:19I rented a car so I could come back tonight. I
00:43:26Don't care about him anymore. I have to be with you Kyle
00:43:38Don't ever leave me like that again
00:43:52Can we go away
00:44:17Want me to come in with you no, how much time do you need 15 minutes? All right, I'll wait in the street
00:45:52Coming or going
00:45:55Just hold on there a minute
00:45:59I'm leaving
00:46:09Everything but the kitchen sink my god
00:46:38Where'd you get that get away
00:46:44Get away
00:48:01What happened
00:48:04Threw me against the wall
00:48:08You wouldn't let me go I thought he was gonna kill me
00:48:13I'm gonna call the police
00:48:15It's just a fireball. I'm sick. You can't if I don't call the police. It's murder. It's an unregistered gun
00:48:25I didn't check out of the hotel. They'll say I came back here to kill him
00:48:33Did you know
00:48:38God help me Kyle, please
00:48:42If you ever loved me trust me now
00:48:48I'll go to prison. Help me
00:48:55You said you protect me do it now
00:49:02Put down the phone
00:49:23Nine millimeter, how many times did you shoot him twice?
00:49:41Where were you and where was he I was here he was over there
00:54:09I'll be right back
00:56:24If they begin to suspect us they're gonna say all kinds of things to try to turn us against each other
00:56:31To try to make us betray each other
00:56:34And you can't believe them
00:56:36Just tell me what to do you go straight to the hotel don't let anybody see you go in and don't call me
00:57:58Here you are ma'am
00:58:38Hold on
00:58:51Can't go back there
00:58:55Call his office wait a day and call the police
00:59:01Rachel you can't call me here again
00:59:04Okay, I'll call you when I can
00:59:16How come you're so quiet about this girl
00:59:18What do you want to know? She's got long fingernails. Not particularly. No
00:59:24How come you're all cut up?
01:00:18June I'd like to speak to Rupert, please. He hasn't come in yet. Mrs. Monroe. We're trying to locate him right now
01:00:25Well, would you have him call me when you do?
01:00:37Remember the bank Monroe we're out of his house. His little wife just reported him missing in action
01:00:50When was the last time you saw your husband the day after you were here Thursday that
01:00:55Yes, it's the day I went to Miami and
01:00:59You came back yesterday. Mm-hmm. Did you call your husband at any time when you were in Miami?
01:01:05Do you know if he was in any danger or if there was anyone that might wish to harm him? No
01:01:10Has he done this before?
01:01:12Has he done what?
01:01:15traveled unexpectedly
01:01:25Do you mind if we take a look around the house? Yeah, go ahead
01:01:36Was your husband here alone while you were away? Yes
01:01:43Do you notice anything funny about the house when you came back? No
01:01:48No open doors or windows, you know
01:01:56How long has that been broken a couple of weeks
01:02:02They're easy enough to fix you
01:02:08At a break
01:02:10Closing it I think
01:02:13What kind of car was your husband?
01:02:15Closing it I think what kind of car was your husband driving that black Buick?
01:02:41Wanna canvas. Yeah, let's take a look at the rest of the house first
01:02:47See how nervous she was was she oh man, she was so tight you could have bounced a golf ball off her
01:02:54Window was jammed
01:02:56Didn't move. Yeah, so she was lying
01:03:01You think she was lying about the rest of it, I don't know
01:03:21What's up, it's his car
01:03:26It's clean
01:03:28How long she's been here we don't know
01:03:37Light bulb here is busted. Someone knew what they were doing
01:04:11They're gonna want to see you again why they found his car they're gonna ask you some questions
01:04:17I'm scared. It's gonna be okay. You just got to stick with your story
01:04:29She said kookaburra
01:04:32She's had psychiatric care off and on for four years
01:04:35She tried to commit suicide two years ago with a mouthful of aliens and she's filed for divorce two times
01:04:50Rose car was wiped clean
01:04:53no fingerprints
01:04:55If this was murder someone knew what they were doing was no kookaburra
01:05:04Good work
01:05:13Will you please state your name and present address
01:05:16Mrs. Rachel Monroe
01:05:22On the evening we were called to your residence July 17. Did your husband strike you? I guess he did why I
01:05:30Don't know
01:05:32We have arguments sometimes. What was the argument on that night? You don't have to answer that
01:05:40My husband was accusing me of having an extramarital affair
01:05:44Had you
01:05:47Mr. Dickey, my client is here to make a statement regarding where she was at the time not her sexual troubles
01:05:54How many times did it strike you? It wasn't much of anything and
01:05:58Detective Bodine's report it states. There are clear signs of physical abuse a slap
01:06:10Happened after detective Dickey and I left your home that night I slept on the side porch
01:06:14And in the morning, I called a taxi. He took me to the airport
01:06:18And I took a 10 o'clock flight to Miami
01:06:21You were there Thursday through Sunday returning home Monday morning. Yes
01:06:26Did you call your husband from the hotel?
01:06:30No, I
01:06:32Wanted to be alone did you call anyone else? No
01:06:37You returned Monday the 22nd, right, right?
01:06:42What times do you arrive?
01:06:44About 11 o'clock. Did you call anyone when you got home? Yes. Who did you call the first person?
01:06:51Yeah, I
01:06:53Phoned my husband's office. I spoke to a secretary. Well, did you come?
01:06:59No, well, I thought if your husband was the first there would have been someone else
01:07:07There was no one else
01:07:11Saturday night before your husband was first missed a
01:07:15Neighbor noticed your house lights were on until almost three o'clock in the morning
01:07:19Could someone have been there? I
01:07:22Don't know
01:07:30Mrs. Monroe, we're gonna want to take another look at the house
01:07:47Inside yeah, maybe they'll find him under the bed
01:07:51Where was she she was in Miami at the Registry Hotel
01:07:57Checked in Thursday last checked out Monday morning. No
01:08:01Saturday night at 937. She called her husband here. I've got him just before he went up
01:08:07At 1141 p.m. She called him again at the break-in Country Club
01:08:12She said she didn't make any calls from the hotel. Yeah, that's what she said
01:08:2210 a.m. She had brunch poolside
01:08:25Stay there all day. They got a signature and everything
01:08:28What do you think I?
01:08:30Don't know. She was in Miami
01:08:33Maybe she got one of the loverboys to come over here and kill him. Maybe maybe you're guessing
01:08:42Hell everybody knows it she's gonna get a load of dough
01:08:46Don't bother you how come she's so nervous you think she's nervous
01:08:53What do you think she is
01:08:55She's got a reputation all over town for having her way with men. That's all
01:09:00Of her stories. Yeah
01:09:02What kind of stories?
01:09:05She used to entertain men when her husband was away
01:09:09Who told you that oh, come on Kyle, what do you think is going on here? There was nothing in the car
01:09:16Not a fingerprint
01:09:17Rupert Monroe was a big guy. So wherever he went somebody carried him, you know
01:09:22She got one of her loverboys to come over here and kill him
01:09:25Where would they put the body?
01:09:27You tell me
01:09:30It was raining so hard that night
01:09:33No one's gonna dig a hole in the mud and rain
01:09:35Hello sugar, hi. Thanks a lot. How's it going? I said, I haven't found anything yet. All right
01:09:51I brought you some lemonade. It's fresh
01:09:53Who was in your hotel room in Miami what who called Monroe from your room?
01:10:01I don't know what you're talking, you know
01:10:04You put someone in there and you came up here to kill him. I didn't tell me the truth. God damn it. Please. I am
01:10:14I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I didn't mean to do that
01:10:19I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I didn't mean to do that
01:10:24Nobody was there
01:10:27Somebody's lying this doesn't make any sense
01:10:38Just got a call
01:10:40Someone saw a car last week parked up by Camelia Lake at night
01:10:44Shiny black car who made the call anonymous
01:11:09Maybe we'll have to come back. I think it's here
01:11:18So, that's it
01:11:23Oh Jesus, I think we got him
01:12:01Think it's him got yourself a big old murder Kyle
01:12:15From the patent decomposition of the body and water temperature
01:12:20172 degrees it is estimated. The disease has been in the water for a period of seven days
01:12:26Last Saturday body evidence is to gunshot wounds medial thoracic
01:12:30perforating the lower third of the sternum
01:12:34Evidence of slight powder flaking no evidence of exit wound
01:12:38Second wood is above the right eye
01:12:41patent evidence of pardon gas scorching
01:12:44exit wound lateral to second vertebra
01:12:49You're gonna get a bullet
01:12:54Bit smashed up by the bullet
01:13:16Looks like a 38
01:13:19Yeah, maybe nine millimeter practically the same let's measure it
01:13:24Lee can I have the caliber?
01:13:40I'm 38
01:13:45Something wrong
01:13:49What's wrong
01:14:03Here's a surprise for you what there's water in the lungs so
01:14:09Two gunshot wounds in him and he was alive at the bottom of the lake
01:14:13cause of death asphyxiation by drowning
01:14:33Look what's stuck in the heel of the shoe. What is it glass?
01:14:45I can't be sure yet, but this looks like the original Victorian glass
01:14:49I think it's the same kind you found on Monroe's shoe
01:14:52This is where it happened, maybe
01:14:56Her lover boy or someone came in
01:14:59There was a struggle. The victim was hit in the head and shot twice
01:15:03Thinking he killed him. He took him to the lake and dropped the car
01:15:08We have no fingerprints in the whole place he knew what he was doing he wiped the place clean I
01:15:16Think he ran the damn humidifier to melt down the prints
01:15:20We'll find a print somewhere. We should we know he was here
01:16:03Kyle we found something
01:16:10My my look what we got here
01:16:18Dig it out
01:16:26Well, Kyle, you're right sooner or later they all fuck up
01:16:55Look at that a perfect 38 look at them rifling's
01:17:02Gonna be easy to match this to a gun. Oh, we need now. It's the gun
01:17:25Who was with you in Miami I was alone
01:17:32You've been sleeping with anyone other than me no
01:17:38Why are you asking me this I've been hearing things about you
01:17:45Don't let them do this Kyle you said they would try to change your mind and now they're doing it
01:17:53Where's the gun what gun the gun you shot him with
01:17:56He threw it away at the truck stop. That was a nine-millimeter. I know
01:18:03What are you saying
01:18:05The bullet they took out of your husband's body was shot from a 38 the bullet they took out of the wall today was a 38
01:18:12But I shot him with a nine-millimeter you saw it
01:18:20This is the bullet that was taken out of the wall at Monroe's house
01:18:24This is the bullet that was taken out of Monroe's body
01:18:27The rifling's match perfectly. They were both fired from the same gun
01:18:33What are the pits on the bullet that came out of Monroe, I don't know
01:18:37Mr. Bodine a human body as wonderful as it is
01:18:40Contains one and a half percent calcium one percent potassium
01:18:4565% water and after five o'clock somewhat all percentage of alcohol, but no sand
01:19:31Thank you very much for your help
01:19:38Kyle the captain wants to talk to you. What about something about the Monroe case?
01:19:50Kyle now were you seeing her?
01:19:55You never went to see her alone in her house. No, sir
01:20:00Y'all were called out there weren't you? Yes, sir. Yeah a couple times
01:20:04Her husband filed a complaint with us
01:20:08Said you used abusive language
01:20:13Did you say that
01:20:15You didn't say nothing captain yeah, I was a jerk
01:20:20This is a lie
01:20:23What was this domestic violence Cole? Yes, sir
01:20:28Well, you took a special interest in this one, didn't you? No, not really
01:20:33Where were you a week ago Saturday night car I
01:20:41Was at home
01:20:44Monroe was shot with a 38 wasn't it according to the autopsy report? Yeah
01:20:49You carry a 38 special don't you come?
01:20:52You know I do
01:20:53May I see it
01:21:11Fired this recently. Yes, I have
01:21:14We recovered a bullet from that bedroom wall
01:21:18Rifling marks are clean
01:21:21Won't be too hard to tell if it came from your gun. I'm putting you on administrative leave until such time as we know that
01:22:03Have to come with us. What's going on? You tell me you're the one who gave him the wrong gun
01:22:10What are you talking about wrong serial number you didn't give him your gun the captain wants to see you again
01:22:22I'll be right with you
01:22:24Got to tell you Kyle you got to tell him the truth
01:22:37You got to tell him the truth
01:22:41You got to tell him the truth
01:22:43I gotta tell you, Kyle, you got a lot of people upset who can't believe you've done something
01:22:56like this.
01:22:57Do you see her socially at any time?
01:23:13Tonight, you met her at the bartender's show with the credit card receipt with her name
01:23:18on it.
01:23:20Did you call her or contact her in any way?
01:23:22She wasn't calling you here at the office?
01:23:24Who was?
01:23:25I don't know what calls you're talking about.
01:23:32What are you protecting her for, Kyle?
01:23:37Where's the service revolver signed out by you?
01:23:40Revolver number 0876B.
01:23:44I told you, I don't know.
01:23:47Someone took yours, Kyle?
01:23:50Who would that have been?
01:23:53I don't know.
01:23:54You never went to her house to see her?
01:23:58Smarten up, Kyle.
01:24:01You're gonna fry for this and she's gonna walk.
01:24:04That must have been what she had in mind all along, don't you think?
01:24:07We find your gun or any evidence that puts you there and you're gone.
01:24:12Unless, of course, you want to help us.
01:24:16Kyle, she's gonna walk.
01:24:25She'll be real rich.
01:24:28She's gonna get $12 million.
01:24:32The state attorney will cut a deal with you.
01:24:38You could be out in a couple of years.
01:25:31Is that you?
01:25:47You got my money, Lamar?
01:25:52You got the ticket?
01:25:54Let me see it.
01:25:55You'll get the rest when I get mine.
01:26:17How much did you pay Dickie to follow your husband?
01:26:23I don't know.
01:26:31What is he to you?
01:26:34Rachel, start talking.
01:26:37Rupert was going to leave me with nothing.
01:26:44Lamar told me how to do it all.
01:26:46How to do what?
01:26:49Set up Rupert's death.
01:26:50Where to meet you, the gun, Miami.
01:26:58So we were just a lie.
01:27:04It changed, Kyle.
01:27:05It changed after I met you.
01:27:15I came back from Miami to be with you.
01:27:18You didn't even check out of the hotel.
01:27:20You came back to kill him.
01:27:23We were going away.
01:27:24Who made the phone calls from your room?
01:27:25Lamar must have put somebody in there.
01:27:27Who made the phone calls from your room?
01:27:28I don't know.
01:27:29I just want to know the truth.
01:27:30Tell me the truth.
01:27:31I have.
01:27:32Don't look at me like that, Kyle, please.
01:27:39I'm not a stranger to you.
01:27:41Yes, you are.
01:27:42Don't say that.
01:27:43I love you.
01:27:46I don't want to hear it.
01:27:47My life was over till I met you.
01:27:50Stop it!
01:27:51I love you.
01:27:52Stop it!
01:27:53I love you.
01:27:54Then why didn't you tell me?
01:27:55If you loved me, why didn't you tell me?
01:27:56I have lost you for good.
01:27:57I don't want to hear anymore lies.
01:27:58No more lying.
01:27:59You were just fucking me, weren't you?
01:28:00I was loving you and you were fucking me.
01:28:09You should have just told me from the beginning.
01:28:16Why didn't you just tell me?
01:28:18I tried to get out of it.
01:28:22Please, believe me.
01:28:31Call Lamar.
01:28:35Tell him you want to see him at JJ's tonight.
01:29:19Hello, Dickie boy.
01:29:25You're a big disappointment to me.
01:29:27There was nothing I could do for you.
01:29:30Maybe not.
01:29:35You know, you figured this one like you knew it all along.
01:29:43I went to school on you, Kyle.
01:29:46You sure did.
01:29:47I listened to everything you told me.
01:29:50I knew you did it.
01:30:02You made too many mistakes, Lamar.
01:30:05What are you talking about?
01:30:10You took this, didn't you?
01:30:12I don't see my name on it.
01:30:14You see the compass on your dash?
01:30:23How did you know about the $12 million trust?
01:30:26Did she tell you?
01:30:27Why would she do that?
01:30:29Maybe you were going to help her kill her husband.
01:30:31I didn't.
01:30:32You did.
01:30:35Yeah, well, you're going to jail with me
01:30:36anyway because of this.
01:30:38You see?
01:30:40It's all pitted from sand, just like the bullet
01:30:46they took out of Monroe.
01:30:50I don't know what you're talking about.
01:30:51You switched my gun, didn't you?
01:30:53My .38.
01:30:54You shot it into sand, and then you got the bullet.
01:30:57In the autopsy room, when nobody was looking,
01:30:59you switched it with a 9-millimeter slug
01:31:01that they pulled out of Monroe's chest.
01:31:06No one's going to believe that.
01:31:07Then you fired my .38 into the wall at Monroe's house.
01:31:10So the slug from the wall and the slug from the body match,
01:31:14and they're both from my gun.
01:31:17You got a desperate imagination, my man.
01:31:24How did you know where the body was?
01:31:28Did she tell you?
01:31:31What do you think?
01:31:33I don't know.
01:31:36All you got to do is to get the mileage from the car,
01:31:40and you know how far away the lake is.
01:31:49Get up, you son of a bitch.
01:31:51Don't fuck yourself up for us, Cal.
01:32:07Sit down.
01:32:10I told him everything, Lamar.
01:32:15Where's my gun?
01:32:19I don't have it, Kyle.
01:32:22Give me the goddamn gun.
01:32:25It's in my car.
01:32:36If you've cooked up something, Lamar,
01:32:39I'll blow your fucking head off.
01:32:43Let's go outside.
01:32:44Get up.
01:32:45Let's go.
01:32:46Wait for me, Rachel.
01:32:55Are you going to shoot me, Kyle?
01:32:56If I have to.
01:32:57Well, you won't have to.
01:32:59How much were you in for?
01:33:00A lot.
01:33:01I'm not going to shoot you.
01:33:02I'm not going to shoot you.
01:33:03I'm not going to shoot you.
01:33:04I'm not going to shoot you.
01:33:06A lot.
01:33:07The lady was desperate.
01:33:09Then she wanted to call it off, but the money smelled too good.
01:33:12Why me?
01:33:14Why not some fucking bozo off the street?
01:33:16Why do you have to go set up your own partner?
01:33:17It had to be you, Kyle.
01:33:18Anybody else, you would have cracked the case and busted me.
01:33:21You got that right.
01:33:22But you know what?
01:33:23You were never the fall guy.
01:33:25You were my insurance.
01:33:26Fuck you, dicky boy.
01:33:27You screwed up.
01:33:28First the pictures, then my 38.
01:33:30You kept it too long.
01:33:31Open it up.
01:33:36Come on.
01:33:41Where is it?
01:33:42Under the driver's seat.
01:33:51It's not too late, Kyle.
01:33:52Shut up.
01:33:56Toss the gun in the lake.
01:33:57We can forget it ever happened.
01:33:58Shut up.
01:34:01Police, stop right there.
01:34:03He's got a gun.
01:34:14Come on.
01:34:25Stay with me.
01:34:28Stay with me.
01:34:31I was so scared.
01:34:35I was never going to leave you.
01:34:49No, no, no.
01:34:57You've got to do this for our mission.
01:34:59What are you doing when you're in here?
01:35:27Kyle was right.
01:35:30Sooner or later, they all fuck up.
01:35:34Go to hell, Kyle.
01:35:35Go to hell.
01:35:36Seriously, just go to hell.
