• 2 months ago
After surviving an attempt on her life, a reclusive mystery author discovers that her nanny has stolen her identity, forcing her to go to extreme lengths to get her children back.

Jason Bourque
Paul A. Birkett
Sarah Butler, Jim Thorburn, Lindsay Maxwell

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00:04:15Stephen King just don't let it out of your sight okay if it gets in the wrong
00:04:22hands my publisher well well to use a $5 word should be very vexed madam are you
00:04:28impugning my professional discretion never you know how much I appreciate
00:04:33your feedback Teddy pleasure is all mine you're the last decent writer I ever
00:04:37taught I swear half my students should be sent back I said hey Mark how's the
00:04:45startup game can't complain managing a couple of hedge funds I got some big
00:04:49investors on the line that's what this trip is all about
00:04:52reeling them in Oh sounds promising tell me has this protégé of mine made any
00:04:58new friends out there is she still the same sad loner you married hey I resent
00:05:03that remark all right enough of the jokes you guys better get going you
00:05:07heard the man bye Teddy thanks again you're welcome I'll toast your success
00:05:13with a virgin bloody Mary make sure that wagon doesn't tip said the preacher to
00:05:17the choir have a nice trip okay you need to call Brenda uh-huh and did you make
00:05:25sure that the kids got all their stuff of course
00:05:33I'm good finally get to be a full-time mom again my little guy is gonna love
00:06:03is that your wife I see yes hell is officially frozen over thank you so much
00:06:11for looking after the house for us no problem I hope a week away is good for
00:06:15you too well I get to decompress and mark gets
00:06:18to schmooze with some of the biggest players in venture capital so it should
00:06:21be a win-win money what's venture capital money
00:06:27money makes the world go around it does honey it does let's get you in the car
00:06:36okay break a leg thank you so much Brenda bye
00:06:42drive safe
00:07:26I was told parking was included did you book using our website actually was
00:07:33through a reservation agent let me check with our manager sorry for the
00:07:36inconvenience you should be maybe you should take the kids upstairs
00:07:44you need a hand no we're good I'll see you up there
00:07:56oh it's okay it's okay hungry little guy huh hungry and tired Oh long car
00:08:14trip yeah oh they're the worst here
00:08:24yes please do cry your tears make me stronger no they do not you stop it no
00:08:29you stop it no you must have kids just a niece and a nephew yeah I bet they like
00:08:38having such a cool uncle thanks what's your name I'm Oscar what's your name
00:08:44Jane my friends call me Jamie well I'd like to be your friend would you like
00:08:49that okay yeah I'm Nomi Gardner Nomi wait that wouldn't be Nomi Gardner the
00:09:02crime writer would it actually yeah pleasure you've heard of Nomi
00:09:10absolutely I'm reading her latest book shattered right now that makes my day
00:09:15yeah great could you please take these Oscar yes sir right away thank you
00:09:22where's 303 right down here and on your right sir I'll take your bags and follow
00:09:26you brilliant
00:09:33excellent work I like it you should go show daddy
00:09:40Janie daddy's working but we colored these for you Wow that is really good
00:09:50you're a talented artist you too Greta thank you Greta
00:09:58where's the formula should be in the change bag well it's not and neither are
00:10:04the baby wipes oh no I'm so sorry Nomi I can't believe that I forgot both no
00:10:10problem I think there's a drugstore nearby okay I'll go no it's okay are you
00:10:15sure cuz I'm the one that screwed up relax nobody's perfect
00:10:23bye mommy bye honey be good I'll be back in a minute
00:13:43ma'am can I help you yes you can call the police
00:13:47police is something wrong you could say that I'm afraid the gardeners aren't
00:13:52here what I said the gardeners are out I don't have time for this miss
00:14:00mark Jane miss March you cannot go in there that's not my name you wanted the
00:14:07police fine let's go back downstairs and call them I just want to find out where
00:14:11my family is as I told you twice before the gardeners are out where at the
00:14:19convention and they made it very clear to me that after the incident last night
00:14:23your services are no longer required what are you talking about what incident
00:15:12Greta what are you doing here it's not funny and I could ask you the same
00:15:21question I'm nothing to say to you just tried to kill me where are the kids you
00:15:32touch me again I'll call the police please just tell me what's going on
00:15:38where are Jane and Aiden they're fine their new nanny is looking after them
00:15:43yeah I don't know what you think you're doing here but I thought I made it very
00:15:49clear to you last night that I never want you coming near my family again
00:15:54your family so are you gonna leave or do I have to get security to throw you out
00:15:58this is a kind of joke some kind of sick prank or something what if you think I'm
00:16:05gonna go along with this and you're insane I could have died boys this is
00:16:08the woman who assaulted me last night no no no I can prove I'm Nomi Gardner
00:16:13really and just how are you gonna do that I'm Nomi guard all it's my IDs in
00:16:17my wallet
00:16:19are we all on the same page now
00:16:33good this is impossible
00:16:48it's identity theft I don't know what else to call it
00:16:57there must be family that can vouch for you I'm an only child my parents died
00:17:05years ago and your close friends
00:17:09I'm not very social I hate crowds since we moved here I've
00:17:16literally been a hermit
00:17:20and you've had no interactions with anyone in your neighborhood
00:17:24nanny we hired her when we moved to Olympia she takes Jane to kindergarten
00:17:32she gets the groceries she does everything I want to press charges
00:17:40officer do you know anything about this
00:17:47they can both rot in hell I just wish I could be in the room when their kids
00:17:52find out I'm dead that was the last post yesterday at 11 p.m. I'd say whoever
00:17:57wrote that made their intentions pretty clear it wasn't me I don't use social
00:18:02media Greta March does I'm not Greta March well then we have a problem
00:18:07because everything I've been able to access says otherwise they must have
00:18:11hacked my accounts every website every photograph well it wouldn't be that hard
00:18:16I have almost nothing of me online I just find this all very hard to believe
00:18:24okay mark my husband he has been involved in a bunch of tech startups he
00:18:32knows a lot of people in the computer industry smart people that he must have
00:18:37hired to do this okay I'm just being devil's advocate here okay can I get you
00:18:44something to drink yeah okay I gotta ask
00:18:53you know how crazy this sounds right uh-huh
00:18:59what's his motive what does he stand to gain by going to all this trouble to
00:19:03switch your identities I don't know unless there's money involved is there
00:19:07money involved books are barely sold enough to cover the advance what about
00:19:12him what does he stand to lose nothing his last three companies have crashed
00:19:18and burned we only moved to Olympia because Boston was getting too expensive
00:19:22and I kept telling him not to get a nanny because we can't afford it and he
00:19:27insisted now I know why look all I can do right now is file a report but if it
00:19:37turns out to be false you could be charged with the felony are you
00:19:41absolutely sure you want to do this yes please okay I'll be right back
00:19:58Detective Krantz, my name is Donovan Harris. I know who you are, Counselor. What can I do for you?
00:20:06I've been retained by Mark and Naomi Gardner. It's a restraining order against a former employee of the family.
00:20:11Let me guess, Greta March?
00:20:15My clients have employed Miss March as a nanny for the past six months.
00:20:20However, recently they've become concerned with a decline in her performance.
00:20:25The assault on Miss Gardner last night was the final straw.
00:20:29Now, they believe that Greta here is clearly a danger to herself and to others.
00:20:34Now, they won't press charges if they don't have to, but they do not want an unhinged and possibly suicidal woman anywhere near their children ever again.
00:20:43A DNA test?
00:20:45Excuse me?
00:20:47That'll prove the kids are mine.
00:20:49I'm sorry, which part of ever again was unclear to you, Miss March?
00:20:55I still want to file that report, Detective.
00:20:59Are you listening to me?
00:21:03This is the name of a good therapist. Call her. She'll be able to help you.
00:21:14If you won't do your job, then I'll find someone else around here who will.
00:21:17Unless you want to end up in jail, I suggest that you go home now and get your head on straight.
00:21:23And for your own good, stay far, far away from the Gardners.
00:21:27Far away from the Gardners.
00:21:51Come on, come on, pick up.
00:22:00Naomi, hey. I'm still reading, but listen, so far I gotta say you're knocking it out of the park.
00:22:05This is not about that.
00:22:07So, to what do I owe the pleasure?
00:22:09I have a big, big favor to ask you.
00:22:13I need you to come to Seattle.
00:22:16What? Why?
00:22:18Uh, it's about Mark and the kids.
00:22:21Jesus, now you're scaring me.
00:22:23Yeah, you're not the only one.
00:22:26Alright, I'm sitting down, so tell me what happened.
00:22:29Okay, um, I know it sounds really crazy and it's short notice, but I need you to vouch for me.
00:22:40Vouch for you? I don't get it.
00:22:42Ted. Okay.
00:22:48It's really important, yes or no.
00:22:50Um, I'm gonna have to scramble around, get someone to cover my classes, but yes, of course.
00:22:56If it's that important to you, whatever you need, Naomi.
00:22:59Okay, thank you so much.
00:23:02Uh, come to the North Precinct Police Station tomorrow morning and ask for Detective Krantz.
00:23:08Krantz, okay, uh, sure.
00:23:11But Naomi, what the hell's going on?
00:23:17You're the best, Ted. Really.
00:23:19Really. I owe you one.
00:23:21I owe you one.
00:23:48How'd it go?
00:23:50The restraining order's been delivered. I don't foresee any more issues.
00:23:56Thanks, Donovan.
00:23:58We'll touch base tomorrow.
00:24:01So, how did it go?
00:24:04Our alibi's in the bag.
00:24:06That's a relief. Now you can just focus on us.
00:24:10Daddy, I don't like it here. When can we go home?
00:24:16Soon, honey. Very soon.
00:24:33Trust me, you're gonna love this part.
00:25:09What's your favorite thing to do?
00:25:12Swings. Of course we go.
00:25:27How come you don't like your new mom?
00:25:29I just don't. Why do I have to call her that?
00:25:32Because your old mommy is sick.
00:25:35And I know you love her and you miss her.
00:25:39But if you ever see her, you can't talk to her.
00:25:45It's hard to explain. You just can't.
00:25:50She's dangerous.
00:26:09You wanna slide? Yeah.
00:26:24You see, your old mommy can hurt you and your brother because she's sick.
00:26:28I'm counting on you, Jane. You understand?
00:26:31I think so.
00:26:33Good. And if you're in trouble or someone like your old mommy tries to take you and Aiden,
00:26:38what do you do?
00:26:40Find a police officer.
00:26:42That's right. Find a police officer or call 911.
00:26:48And remember, I love you.
00:26:55Let's go. Let's get out of here.
00:27:09Hi, Mrs. Jane. Lyle?
00:27:12If you scream, you're gonna have to learn to make do with one kidney.
00:27:21You're helping them. What's going on? Why are they doing this to me?
00:27:30Get in.
00:29:46Now what?
00:29:51No. There's lots of great spots.
00:29:54One second.
00:30:03All right. We gotta hurry, baby. Come on.
00:30:08Come on.
00:30:38Come on.
00:31:08Come on.
00:31:38Son of a bitch.
00:32:08Come on.
00:32:26What's going on?
00:32:28I got a text from Lyle. Said to meet him here.
00:32:32Me too.
00:32:35Just one second, sweetie.
00:32:39We got a problem.
00:32:41What happened?
00:32:42Saw her at the park. Alone.
00:32:44Thought I could take her.
00:32:46And instead she got your phone and now she knows everything.
00:32:48Just cleaning up after your mess.
00:32:50Besides, you know, I took care of that other thing, didn't I?
00:32:53I can fix this.
00:32:54Prove it. Find her and shut her up.
00:33:00Everything's fine.
00:33:02We're going back to the hotel.
00:33:04Come on. Come on, everyone.
00:33:18Janie, slow down.
00:33:21Stay right here, okay?
00:33:25It's okay, sweetie.
00:33:51Mark, come look at this.
00:33:56There's no one here.
00:33:59There was.
00:34:09They spent all this money on hackers and now they're gonna catch us because I left this out.
00:34:13I don't care.
00:34:17They spent all this money on hackers and now they're gonna catch us because I left this out.
00:34:28Hey, no one's getting caught.
00:34:41I know that you're scared, but I also know that you're very brave.
00:34:45That's what makes you such a great astronaut.
00:34:49Give Mommy a hug.
00:35:10I love you.
00:35:41See ya.
00:35:46Oscar. Oscar.
00:35:52Are you okay?
00:35:57Who am I?
00:36:04You're Nomi Gardner.
00:36:08We need to talk.
00:36:10Okay. Right now?
00:36:12Yeah. It's important.
00:36:16My car is over here? Okay.
00:36:23Okay, so wait. Let me get this straight.
00:36:25You have a cousin in the UK who's loaded and who just passed away.
00:36:29And even though you didn't know this person existed, he wills you his entire estate.
00:36:34Not the whole thing. Only five million US.
00:36:36From what I can make out, the rest goes to charity.
00:36:39Only five million?
00:36:41Mark must have intercepted the first letter from the lawyer and never told me.
00:36:44Now Brenda Johnson, my neighbor in Olympia, is dead.
00:36:48I can't believe they're willing to go this far.
00:36:50So you think I'm next because I know you're the real Nomi Gardner?
00:36:55No one else west of the Rockies can pick me out of a lineup.
00:36:59Even my publisher doesn't know what I look like.
00:37:01We do everything by email and phone.
00:37:03This is crazy.
00:37:04No kidding.
00:37:05No, this is really crazy.
00:37:11How do I know you weren't planning this when we met at the hotel?
00:37:17For all I know, you're the one pulling the scam, not them.
00:37:24You want to know how?
00:37:26This is how.
00:37:28There's no author photo I looked.
00:37:30I know I'm too humble for my own good, but that's not what I meant.
00:37:32Just pick a page.
00:37:35Just start reading, anywhere.
00:37:39She crossed the street at a run driven by an impulse she could not contain.
00:37:42The boulevards and alleyways were unusually empty.
00:37:45It was as if the city held its breath out of respect or perhaps pity.
00:37:49She felt that if she came to a decision, this moment of peace would end.
00:37:55Are you convinced yet or should I keep going?
00:37:58That was amazing.
00:38:00Will you help me?
00:38:09When's the last time you ate?
00:38:11I'm not sure.
00:38:12It's been a blur.
00:38:14I'm going to feed you.
00:38:16And you can also take a nap, if you like.
00:38:19There's no time.
00:38:20We have to go to the police, both of us.
00:38:22And say what?
00:38:25With you vouching for me, proof of these documents, and Ted coming in tomorrow,
00:38:30the police will have to listen to me.
00:38:32And then I can get a court order for a maternity test and I can get my kids back.
00:38:39What was that?
00:38:44Don't go out there.
00:38:46Take it easy. Not everything's a conspiracy.
00:39:12It's fine.
00:39:17Probably just a whim.
00:39:25No! No!
00:39:56Somebody's been looking at things they should not be.
00:40:05I'm surprised you didn't turn off my phone tracker.
00:40:08I'm not too smart for a mystery writer.
00:40:20Don't do this.
00:40:23That money is legally mine.
00:40:26Let me go and you can name your price.
00:40:28You're wasting your breath, lady.
00:40:35I figure this poor guy, he's just sitting down for dinner when some crazy woman breaks in.
00:40:43And she's got a bogus story about somebody stole their life.
00:40:50He asked her to leave. She wouldn't.
00:40:54So he asked her to defend himself.
00:41:04What's so funny?
00:41:06You haven't thought this through, have you?
00:41:08What's that supposed to mean?
00:41:10Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but they want both of us dead, yes?
00:41:15Well, if he hits me with a bat, then how did I kill him?
00:41:23And then there's the problem with the stun gun.
00:41:26Unless the ME is really incompetent, then they're going to find burn marks on my back.
00:41:30How are you going to explain that?
00:41:31I think you're pretty smart, huh?
00:41:33I come up with this stuff for a living.
00:41:36Not anymore.
00:41:42Here's the rewrite.
00:41:45You hit him with the bat.
00:41:49Then he shot you with the stun gun, twice.
00:41:56The ticker couldn't handle the voltage.
00:42:00I'm no guy new in the joint.
00:42:02You've been in prison.
00:42:04Why am I not surprised?
00:42:07I guess I can't appeal to your better nature.
00:42:12You could if I had one.
00:42:53Get out of here!
00:43:09Oh, is he gone?
00:43:10I think so.
00:43:12Are you okay?
00:43:13Uh, yeah.
00:43:15You know, it's just another Saturday night.
00:43:47Tell me it's done.
00:43:49Not exactly.
00:43:51Not exactly? What the hell does that mean?
00:43:54It means the bitch hit me with a bat, alright?
00:43:56What the hell is she doing with a baseball bat?
00:43:58No, wait, I don't even want to know that.
00:44:00This is unbelievable.
00:44:02It's two against one.
00:44:03What did you expect me to do?
00:44:05What am I paying you for?
00:44:07No, scratch that.
00:44:09Get back here and make sure no one sees you.
00:44:14What are you doing?
00:44:16I'm cutting our losses.
00:44:19We've just got to get through the next 24 hours,
00:44:22and that money is ours.
00:44:25The longest 24 hours of my life.
00:44:28I know, and it won't be easy.
00:44:31We'll be back home in our bed,
00:44:34and she'll be rotting away in a mental hospital.
00:44:37And then our children will be back where they belong.
00:44:40With me.
00:44:47It's okay, baby.
00:44:49A new mommy's going to come for us.
00:45:08Well, we need to call the police.
00:45:11I already tried that.
00:45:14Come on, they tried to kill us.
00:45:16The cops can't ignore this now.
00:45:19They did before.
00:45:21You said you needed someone to back up your story.
00:45:24Here I am.
00:45:32What did I say?
00:45:34It's not you.
00:45:38My husband's been sleeping with another woman
00:45:40for God knows how long.
00:45:43And he just sent someone to kill me.
00:45:53No, baby.
00:46:17I can't put you in danger.
00:46:20What are you talking about?
00:46:23You're willing to commit murder.
00:46:25You really want to look over your shoulder
00:46:27for the rest of your life?
00:46:29I'll take care of myself.
00:46:47I need to leave.
00:46:51Mommy, I can't let you do this.
00:46:56You're going to have to.
00:47:01Nomi, don't go.
00:47:59This is the second time this month.
00:48:26Sorry I'm late.
00:48:28Yes, right this way, miss.
00:48:48I'm so glad to see you.
00:48:51I thought I was here for Nomi.
00:48:55Teddy, tell her it's me.
00:48:58Are you saying this is not Nomi Gardner?
00:49:02Look, I'm a busy man, okay?
00:49:05I dropped everything to get on the red-eye from Boston
00:49:08because she said it was an emergency.
00:49:10I haven't had a wink of sleep,
00:49:12so I'd appreciate it if you'd quit wasting my time.
00:49:15Oh, my God.
00:49:17Not you, too.
00:49:18Mr. Curtis, do you know this woman?
00:49:25I've never seen her before in my life.
00:49:27Damn it! Miss Marsh, you need to calm down.
00:49:30How much did they offer you?
00:49:32100 grand? Two?
00:49:33It's a drop in the bucket, Teddy.
00:49:35That's enough.
00:49:36Let me tell you.
00:49:37They're ripping you off.
00:49:38$5 million.
00:49:39That's how much is in the trust.
00:49:41That's a lot of gin and tonics, Teddy.
00:49:43Don't let them get you cheap, Teddy.
00:49:48You can let go of me now.
00:49:50You're mistaken.
00:49:51You can let go of me now.
00:49:53You gonna stay calm?
00:49:54Yeah, I'm gonna stay calm.
00:49:56You've been warned.
00:49:57You need to go home before you get yourself into more trouble.
00:50:00Do you understand?
00:50:01More trouble.
00:50:03How am I gonna get in any more trouble?
00:50:05There she is.
00:50:06Detective, this woman has violated her restraining order.
00:50:09Now, these are declarations from my client
00:50:11stating that she broke into their hotel room yesterday
00:50:13and threatened their children.
00:50:15That's not true.
00:50:16Janie and Aiden were not there.
00:50:18You see, this woman is clearly a menace.
00:50:20Now, we suggest that she be detained under Title 71
00:50:23for her own protection.
00:50:24Son of a bitch!
00:50:26You leave me no choice.
00:50:27Officers, I am placing you under
00:50:29involuntary psychiatric detention for 72 hours.
00:50:33Get a warrant and search the hotel room.
00:50:35You will find documents that prove my inheritance.
00:50:37You will be evaluated at a county medical facility
00:50:39by a mental health professional.
00:50:41You have the right to speak to your attorney during this time.
00:50:44You can't do this!
00:50:51What's going on?
00:50:53Where are they taking her?
00:50:54That depends on what her shrink says about her mental state.
00:50:58I'm sorry you had to come all this way for nothing.
00:51:01Yeah, I'm sorry, too.
00:51:04There is only one thing I'm curious about, though.
00:51:07You said that Nomi Gardner asked you to come,
00:51:10but she didn't show.
00:51:12Just mismarshed it.
00:51:14What's your point?
00:51:16I have no point.
00:51:17Just found it strange, that's all.
00:51:20It's a strange world.
00:51:24I have no argument there.
00:51:26Excuse me.
00:51:38It's done.
00:51:47I'm going to speak to a lawyer right now.
00:51:50Are you listening to me?
00:51:53I have the right to speak to an attorney!
00:52:15No, no, please, no.
00:52:17This is a mistake.
00:52:19You can't do this to me.
00:52:21Please, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:52:48My name is Nomi Gardner!
00:52:59My kids need me.
00:53:01Let me go!
00:53:02Please, my kids.
00:53:12Please, please.
00:53:14My kids need me.
00:53:18Help me, help me.
00:53:25Let me go!
00:53:41Would you stop that? You're making me nervous.
00:53:43You're nervous.
00:53:45I just arranged a murder and had my wife committed.
00:53:47She's a vindictive schizophrenic,
00:53:49and Brenda Johnson died in a freak accident.
00:53:53Refresh it again.
00:53:54It's automatic.
00:53:56Just humor me, please.
00:54:01It's here.
00:54:05Oh, ye of little faith.
00:54:09So, how does it feel to be a very rich man, Mr. Gardner?
00:54:14You want to know how it feels, Mrs. Gardner?
00:54:18I always knew my dreams would come true.
00:54:24Damn, he has some lungs on you.
00:54:26It's okay. I'll take care of it.
00:54:28After all, I am his mother.
00:54:31You really love him, don't you?
00:54:35Like he was my own.
00:55:18Who is it?
00:55:20The professor.
00:55:23And what does he want?
00:55:33Know me?
00:55:35Well, I'll be damned.
00:55:37Love what you've done with your hair.
00:55:39What do you want?
00:55:41Oh, I just wanted to see your new place.
00:55:43Nice neighborhood.
00:55:46I'll bet the crime rate is really low.
00:55:49And there's the man of the house.
00:55:51Congratulations on your recent windfall, Mark.
00:55:53But hey, if anyone deserves it, you do.
00:55:56Your money's on the way.
00:55:58Well, that's wonderful news, but I am enjoying my stay.
00:56:01It's a beautiful hotel you put me in.
00:56:03Oh, we're very appreciative.
00:56:06And I'm sure you won't mind if I show you around.
00:56:10You're even more of a lush than I thought.
00:56:12She's right.
00:56:14You get what we agreed to, not a cent more.
00:56:17Know me?
00:56:19The real know me?
00:56:21She told me how much you two are making off this little scam,
00:56:24and I am not so old and miserable
00:56:26that I'm going to sell out a friend for table scraps.
00:56:29Come on, Mark.
00:56:31I don't think you're in any position to bargain here.
00:56:33You don't want me going back to jail.
00:56:35No, I don't.
00:56:37I don't think you're in any position to bargain here.
00:56:39You don't want me going back to that police station
00:56:41and changing my story.
00:56:51Not a cent less.
00:56:58Just pay him and get him out of here.
00:57:00Pleasure doing business with you.
00:57:02I'll be the one in my hotel room checking my balance.
00:57:04And hey, I think you should hurry up and act on this
00:57:08because my flight to Bermuda leaves at 9 tonight.
00:57:25My ex had a chihuahua like that.
00:57:28He bit me after I gave him a chew toy.
00:57:31How would you like a raise?
00:58:02Come on.
00:58:04Come on.
00:58:30It had to be done.
00:58:32No guarantees you wouldn't be back.
00:58:34Is everything okay down there?
00:58:37Perfectly fine, sweetie.
00:58:39I'll be up in a minute.
00:58:44Next time you try to tap him loose and
00:58:46try not to do it in our front yard where the children can see.
00:58:48Hey, little reminder.
00:58:50We just became millionaires today.
00:58:54You're right.
00:58:56Excuse me.
00:58:57Gina and Aiden need their mother.
00:59:03Oh, God.
00:59:14Thank you, Ian.
00:59:18Have a seat, Miss Marge.
00:59:20I'd rather stand.
00:59:23Sit yourself.
00:59:28Do you understand why you're here?
00:59:31I'm on a psych hold.
00:59:32What they'd call a 51-50 in California.
00:59:35And you're the shrink who's supposed to decide just how crazy I am.
00:59:39That's right.
00:59:41Only we don't use the term crazy here.
00:59:44How very enlightened of you.
00:59:50In my first book, my protagonist ended up in a place like this.
00:59:57I did my research, but I have to say
00:59:59it's really different being on this side of the desk.
01:00:02Ah, yes.
01:00:04You believe you are a mystery writer named Nomi Gardner.
01:00:07And when I prove that I'm right,
01:00:09you and a lot of other people are going to look very stupid.
01:00:12Well, the last thing a man in my profession wants is to look stupid.
01:00:16So, why don't you prove it to me?
01:00:19Right now.
01:00:21I'd love to.
01:00:24But you and I both know that that's not going to happen.
01:00:31Would you do me a favour?
01:00:33Take a look in that mirror and tell me what you see.
01:00:38That mirror?
01:00:39Yes, please.
01:00:47I see a woman who's lost everything.
01:00:53Want to know what I see?
01:00:56A woman who has everything to gain.
01:01:01And all I have to do is pretend to be someone I'm not, right?
01:01:07I don't want you to do anything you're not comfortable with.
01:01:15I'm so glad to hear that.
01:01:21And I'm sorry.
01:01:22For what?
01:01:23For this.
01:01:37Get in!
01:01:40I think someone's over there!
01:01:42Come on, come on!
01:01:47Let's go!
01:01:53It's over here!
01:02:27Well, the good news is I've finished my evaluation.
01:02:32The bad news is I think you're going to be with us for a lot longer than 72 hours.
01:02:39Hold still, Griff.
01:02:41Hold still.
01:02:44Please don't do this.
01:02:46It's just a muscle relaxant.
01:02:48We don't want you biting off your tongue now, do we?
01:02:53Take her to the ECT.
01:02:55Let's see if we can get some electroshock therapy to jog something loose.
01:03:23This is a mistake.
01:03:28I'm not going to march.
01:03:33I'm Naomi Gardner.
01:03:37Naomi Gardner.
01:03:53I'm not...
01:03:56I'm not who you think I am.
01:04:07I've touched children.
01:04:12I've been in danger.
01:04:17Just try to relax, Griff.
01:04:27Please, Griff.
01:04:48It's probably just a drill.
01:04:50There's nothing scheduled.
01:04:54I guess we'll have to pick this up later.
01:04:58They need your help in Ward C right away.
01:05:00Some of the psychotics are refusing to leave.
01:05:03What about her?
01:05:04I've got her.
01:05:09She's not going to make it.
01:05:11What about her?
01:05:13I can't leave her.
01:05:14I know.
01:05:15She's not going to make it.
01:05:16Let me help you.
01:05:18I'm going to need your help.
01:05:21I don't need any help.
01:05:22I'm going to need your help.
01:05:23I'm going to need your help.
01:05:24I'm going to need your help.
01:05:25I'm going to need your help.
01:05:26Hi, I'm Margaret. My name's Nomi Gardner. You have to believe me.
01:05:33I do.
01:05:34You do?
01:05:38It's me.
01:05:40Oh! Hey.
01:05:44Can you walk?
01:05:45I don't think so. They gave me something.
01:05:48Well, we are just going to have to risk it. Come on.
01:05:51Come on.
01:05:57I got you. I got you.
01:05:59Okay, let's get out of here before someone realizes I'm not qualified to practice medicine.
01:06:05How did you find me?
01:06:07My sister's a dispatch officer. She owed me a favor.
01:06:10I thought I told you to stay out of it.
01:06:12Can I be honest?
01:06:15I think letting someone with your talent waste away in a mental hospital would be a crime against literature.
01:06:26Let's go.
01:06:45Over here.
01:06:49Hey! What do you think you're doing?
01:06:52That woman is my patient!
01:06:54Where are you taking her?
01:06:55Thank you!
01:07:10You're welcome.
01:07:11Listen, I don't want to rain on your parade, but we're officially fugitives from justice now.
01:07:15Got any ideas?
01:07:17Only one.
01:07:18Get my kids.
01:07:20I thought you'd say that.
01:07:56You okay?
01:07:57Oh, fine.
01:07:58Just dropped something.
01:08:00I'll be there in a minute.
01:08:11Are you okay?
01:08:13Daddy, the music is too loud.
01:08:17It's okay.
01:08:18It's okay.
01:08:20It's okay.
01:08:21It's okay.
01:08:22It's too loud.
01:08:26I'm sorry.
01:08:27Your mommy and I were having a little party.
01:08:30I'll turn it down, okay?
01:08:31She's not my mom!
01:08:33Janie, don't say that.
01:08:34You know that's not true.
01:08:35Yes, it is!
01:08:38Get back here!
01:08:46You know, I was thinking of redecorating, but then I remembered
01:08:50we're not going to be living here much longer.
01:08:52No, we won't.
01:09:07This just feels so good, you know?
01:09:10All this stress just melting away.
01:09:14We really are living our dream.
01:09:16And pretty soon, you and I are going to be lounging on a beach in Costa Rica.
01:09:20Little Aiden is going to be playing on my lap while Janie is braiding my hair
01:09:24and talking about her first day of primary school.
01:09:27What about me?
01:09:29Oh, you will be thinking of all the wild and naughty things
01:09:32that I'll be doing to you while they're in bed.
01:09:46Who is it?
01:09:52Here's to sand in my shorts and umbrellas in my drinks.
01:09:57I will drink to that.
01:10:02How'd it go?
01:10:05You smell like a distillery.
01:10:07So, I rolled his car, lit it up.
01:10:10Lit it up?
01:10:13The teacher had excellent taste.
01:10:16Hey, whiskey.
01:10:17Does he have to be here?
01:10:19Greta, we're all friends.
01:10:23Actually, one of us is an employee.
01:10:25I prefer the term business partner.
01:10:29Yeah, well, your business is killing people and we have two children upstairs asleep.
01:10:34I did what I was paid to do.
01:10:36Yeah, and I don't want to constantly be reminded of that.
01:10:39What do you expect me to do?
01:10:41You want me to disappear into some gutter?
01:10:43Hey, Lyle.
01:10:44Lyle, she did not mean that.
01:10:46Actually, I did.
01:10:47Oh, so that's how it is, huh?
01:10:49Clean up all your messes while you sit here.
01:10:52What, are you playing house with your two little runts?
01:10:54I'm not playing house!
01:10:57911, what is your emergency?
01:11:01I need a police officer.
01:11:04What's your name?
01:11:05These are my children!
01:11:06This is my husband!
01:11:07Do you dare ever question my commitment to this family again?
01:11:14I'm sorry.
01:11:15I'm sorry.
01:11:16I'm sorry.
01:11:17I'm sorry.
01:11:18I'm sorry.
01:11:19I'm sorry.
01:11:20I'm sorry.
01:11:21I'm sorry.
01:11:22I'm sorry.
01:11:23I'm sorry.
01:11:24I'm sorry.
01:11:26Both of you.
01:11:27We have a really good thing going here, so settle down.
01:11:37Now look what you've done.
01:11:46Sweetheart, don't cry.
01:11:48Mommy's here.
01:11:49Hi, sweetie.
01:11:52Are you hungry?
01:11:54Oh, yes.
01:11:55You must be so hungry because Mommy hasn't been feeding you, has she?
01:11:59Well, let me find your bottle, okay?
01:12:02Here you go.
01:12:04Good boy.
01:12:06Good boy.
01:12:07Where's your bottle?
01:12:10Where's the damn bottle?
01:12:17Where's the bottle?
01:12:19Where's the bottle?
01:12:25She's taking this new mother thing pretty serious, huh?
01:12:29Shut it, Milo.
01:12:30Mark, can you get it for me, please?
01:12:33Mark, can you get it for me, please?
01:12:36I don't know where it is!
01:12:38Dammit, keep your voice down.
01:12:40Jane, don't let all that yelling scare you.
01:12:55Our daughter's missing.
01:12:56Are you sure?
01:12:57Of course I'm sure.
01:13:04Damn, I knew she would do this.
01:13:12Take the front yard, I will take the back.
01:13:14She couldn't have gotten far.
01:13:19Watch the baby.
01:13:23Mother of the year.
01:13:28What's going on in there?
01:13:32No idea.
01:13:34All I know is that psychopath is with my kids.
01:13:37Hey, wait!
01:13:38I'm not so sure about this.
01:13:41Then stay here.
01:13:42I'm going in.
01:13:50I'm coming, I'm coming.
01:14:00You are wasting your breath, little guy!
01:14:03You are wasting your breath, little guy!
01:14:33Jane is dangerous to herself and to others
01:14:35and may be accompanied by an unidentified male
01:14:38in his early to mid-thirties.
01:14:40If you see either one of these people,
01:14:41do not try to approach them.
01:14:43Instead, call 911 immediately.
01:15:06She escaped.
01:15:08No, I just saw it on the news.
01:15:10I think she went to Bell Hall.
01:15:12This situation is getting way too out of hand.
01:15:14What if this place is in Boston and somebody sees it?
01:15:17Or what if she comes for the kids?
01:15:19You got to hold it together, Lyle.
01:15:21Hold it together?
01:15:22What if she comes for the kids?
01:15:24What if she comes for the kids?
01:15:26What if she comes for the kids?
01:15:28What if she comes for the kids?
01:15:30What if she comes for the kids?
01:15:32Hold it together!
01:15:34She could bring heat, serious heat down on us.
01:15:38Oh, my God.
01:15:42Are you okay?
01:15:44Did you miss me?
01:15:50I'll get you out of here, okay?
01:15:53But you have to be really, really quiet.
01:15:55Okay, no crying.
01:15:57Can you do that for me?
01:16:02Let's go find your sister.
01:16:05Come on.
01:16:14We're gonna need another exit strategy.
01:16:19Listen, Lyle, we need to deal with this now.
01:16:28This mess just keeps getting bigger.
01:16:30Okay, you just need to focus on finding our daughter, okay?
01:16:53Well, I wouldn't do that.
01:16:55Yeah, he's right.
01:16:58Before you got your phone back, I made a copy of the memory card,
01:17:00and I gave it to the cops.
01:17:02They have all your texts, all your phone records.
01:17:04They know everything, Lyle.
01:17:06They can do that?
01:17:08Where is my daughter?
01:17:10She took off.
01:17:12She was getting pretty fed up with those two,
01:17:14and I'm starting to see her point.
01:17:16She took off?
01:17:27Hi there.
01:17:28Are you a police officer?
01:17:30Yes, I am. What's the matter, honey?
01:17:32I want my mommy!
01:17:34Okay, okay, let's see what we can do. Can you tell me your name?
01:17:37That's a pretty name. Jane what?
01:17:39Jane Gardner.
01:17:40And is this your house?
01:17:43I'm Mark Gardner. That's my daughter.
01:17:45Oh, Jane, where have you been?
01:17:47You scared the heck out of us.
01:17:49We received a 911 from a child saying she needed help.
01:17:52I'm so sorry. My daughter has a very vivid imagination.
01:17:56No, they're lying!
01:17:58I want my real mommy!
01:18:00Don't say that. You're hurting your mother's feelings.
01:18:02Okay, I'm sorry, but I'm going to need to see IDs from both of you.
01:18:05Of course.
01:18:12I didn't think things could go this far.
01:18:14I kept changing the plan.
01:18:16Well, it's not too late to run if you want to.
01:18:25All right. Okay.
01:18:33Oh, God.
01:18:34Is that true? About his phone?
01:18:36I wish.
01:18:38Come on, we have to find Jane before they do.
01:18:40You go. I'll take the baby.
01:18:43Just take it.
01:18:44There we go.
01:18:45There we go.
01:18:48I don't think he likes you.
01:18:50He likes you.
01:18:53Yeah, well, who can blame him, right?
01:18:59Not me.
01:19:05Okay, honey, you're going to have to go with your parents, okay?
01:19:07No, please! I don't want to!
01:19:10Get away from her!
01:19:12Ma'am, I'm going to have to ask you to stay right there!
01:19:16That's my daughter.
01:19:17Jane, are you okay?
01:19:19That woman is Greta March.
01:19:20She's an escaped mental patient.
01:19:22Ma'am, hands on the hood of the vehicle.
01:19:24Spread your legs.
01:19:25My name is Nomi Gardner.
01:19:27That man is my husband, Mark.
01:19:29And that woman is Greta March.
01:19:31She's lying.
01:19:32They killed my neighbor.
01:19:33And now they're trying to make everyone think that she's me.
01:19:36There's a lot of money at stake.
01:19:38Take me back to the station.
01:19:39Do a DNA test.
01:19:40You'll find out that I'm telling the truth.
01:19:43Last warning.
01:19:44Hand on the vehicle.
01:19:45You're making a mistake.
01:19:48Come here, Jane.
01:19:51Please don't believe them. Please.
01:19:54I'm going to need backup here.
01:19:551677 Crescent Drive.
01:19:56Possible 2078.
01:19:57Copy that.
01:19:58They're going to take her away from me.
01:19:59No, they're not.
01:20:01Then they're going to take away Aiden.
01:20:03Calm down.
01:20:04I can't let them have him.
01:20:05Ma'am, ma'am, I need you to stay here.
01:20:08Would a real mother abandon her child like that?
01:20:14Where's my baby?
01:20:17Lionel, where's my baby?
01:20:19Janie, get back here.
01:20:21I am your father, damn it.
01:20:23Please don't take my mommy away again.
01:20:28I believe you.
01:20:29Take her to the front seat of the car.
01:20:30Hey, hey.
01:20:31What are you doing?
01:20:33No, no, no, no, no.
01:20:34You can't.
01:20:35You can't do this.
01:20:36Well, I just did.
01:20:37Put your hands on the vehicle.
01:20:49What are you doing in my house?
01:20:51Waiting for the police.
01:20:53Oh, yeah, the handyman gave you up.
01:20:56I don't believe you.
01:20:58Look, just let me have my baby,
01:21:01and nobody else will get hurt, I swear.
01:21:06I am not going to let you take this baby.
01:21:16Get out of here.
01:21:25Ma'am, we're not going in that house without backup.
01:21:28My son is in there!
01:21:31No, ma'am!
01:21:36Wait, wait, wait, wait.
01:21:47Janie, please open the door!
01:21:52Open the door, you little bitch!
01:22:03Don't you ever touch my children again.
01:22:11Let me out!
01:22:16Let me out!
01:22:42Is this it?
01:22:44Results of your DNA.
01:22:45I suspect no more surprises.
01:22:49My sincere apologies, Mrs. Garner.
01:22:55Your kids are waiting for you.
01:23:08So, what now?
01:23:10My lawyer says I'll have to testify.
01:23:12We both will.
01:23:14That meant after the trial,
01:23:16once your ex and the nanny from hell are safely behind bars.
01:23:21Well, I have a great idea for a new book.
01:23:25But first I need to catch up with these two.
01:23:29Well, when you come up to breathe, give me a call.
01:23:33I never did get the chance to microwave you a dinner.
01:23:37Thanks, I'd love that.
01:23:39I'll be in touch.
01:23:43Be careful, honey.
01:23:44Are you going to play with me, Mommy?
01:23:47Of course, honey.
01:23:48Let's go.
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