klass 95 Capitulo 1 Completo en Español

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klass 95 Capitulo 1 Completo en Español
00:00:00There are people who say that beauty is not physical.
00:00:30It's about how you feel inside.
00:00:32Others say that even beauty is tiring.
00:00:35But if I'm honest, I would rather live tired.
00:00:40Sometimes nature does some masterpieces.
00:00:44And this is one of them.
00:00:47Andrea Vanessa.
00:00:49The most famous model this country had.
00:00:52And although it seems incredible, this beauty was not always so perfect.
00:00:56Let's say it was a raw diamond.
00:00:59A diamond that only an expert could polish.
00:01:02Shayo Domínguez.
00:01:03Protagonist of this story and creator of the most important and controversial model agency in the history of Colombia.
00:01:14If someone wonders what makes this couple of perfect women entering this building,
00:01:18well, what every woman who knows she is beautiful does better.
00:01:21Manage the world at your disposal.
00:01:24Please follow, Dr. Miller is waiting for you.
00:01:29They have asked me for all kinds of favors, but this one is unique.
00:01:33What do you mean you want me to lend you the company's helicopter?
00:01:37What do you mean? Haven't you read the newspapers?
00:01:40With the agency we decided to bring the most famous designer in Italy, Tabuchi.
00:01:44It is the first time that a guy of this level comes to the country to direct a fashion show.
00:01:48He is invited to the whole world.
00:01:50All the innate cream of Colombia.
00:01:52I see he invited you.
00:01:54And what happened to the Italian?
00:01:56It happened that we introduced him to a friend and he decided to go to an island over there in the Pacific
00:02:00knowing that he had to return at dawn today before the tide rose,
00:02:04because if not, then there are no boats.
00:02:06He did not go out.
00:02:08But if he does not arrive today, there is no event tomorrow.
00:02:11Are you aware that the helicopter cannot fly for people who do not belong to the company?
00:02:16Unless the president gives the order.
00:02:20You can.
00:02:22Ask me whatever you want.
00:02:25I organize the event you want with the models you want,
00:02:28of the size that provokes you.
00:02:32But I need the Italian here today.
00:02:35Whatever you want?
00:02:37Why don't we do something?
00:02:41You call Pozo and tell him, the one from the union, that you will not be able to go today.
00:02:48And so you thank Shayo every time he has invited you to parties at the agency.
00:02:54Bringing the Italian.
00:02:58In the meantime, you can invite me to lunch.
00:03:01And then you accompany me to the rehearsal.
00:03:04If you want.
00:03:06What do you think?
00:03:08I really...
00:03:09Oh, really?
00:03:11Did I ask too much?
00:03:19Good morning.
00:03:22How are you?
00:03:23Fine, thank you.
00:03:48Take the day off if you want.
00:03:50I'm going to an important meeting.
00:03:52And leave if you ask me.
00:03:55I'm going to an important meeting.
00:03:57And leave if you ask me.
00:04:17If you think silver is the maximum power on this earth,
00:04:20it is because you clearly do not know the power of beauty.
00:04:25And this is what this story is about.
00:04:27The moment we discover how far a man can go to have a beautiful woman by his side
00:04:32and how far she is willing to go to get anything with her beauty.
00:04:45My name is Oscar Lordui.
00:04:47Nobody knows me, I'm not famous.
00:04:50But I worked for years in the most important model agency this country has ever had.
00:04:57I worked behind the scenes, of course.
00:04:59The reason I'm making this video is this.
00:05:04The manuscript of my second book.
00:05:06The book that contains the history of everything that really happened in that agency.
00:05:10And that ended up touching a lot of people and transforming many lives.
00:05:14For better and for worse.
00:05:17I just sent the book to several publishers and I don't know what's going to happen to it.
00:05:20If they are going to dare to publish it or not.
00:05:23What I mean is that if someone is watching this video,
00:05:28it's because I'm dead.
00:05:33Let's get started.
00:05:36It was the year 1991 and the country had just gone through one of the darkest periods in its recent history.
00:05:43Colombia was plunged into a painful wave of violence.
00:05:47The news that came out all over the world about us was of terror.
00:05:51Deaths, bombs, attacks, kidnapping, guerrillas and drug trafficking.
00:05:56Recognizing a Colombian at any airport in the world was easy.
00:06:00It was enough to see the panic he had when he went through immigration.
00:06:07I promised the boy that if he did well in school, we would bring him to Disney.
00:06:11And since they gave us the visa and I met a friend of a brother-in-law in the house of a aunt
00:06:16and he told us that he was going to receive us, well, here we are.
00:06:19Is that right, son?
00:06:23Let's see, gentleman, to Cuartico.
00:06:26But we haven't done anything.
00:06:28And what was the crime?
00:06:29That ass.
00:06:30That scare.
00:06:31That complex of guilt of being Colombian, dad.
00:06:34And the shame?
00:06:35Being sent to the fearsome Cuartico, which no one knew would ever leave.
00:06:39It didn't matter if you had been saving 15 years for the trip.
00:06:42Or if you had passed the test of maximum humiliation, which was going to get the visa.
00:06:49They always treated you like a mule.
00:06:55But that year, that year, something was about to happen that would change the course of this town.
00:07:02Something that was not only going to change the way they looked at us abroad, but also everyone's life.
00:07:07No, I'm not talking about the new constitution that was being signed.
00:07:14Or that Pablo Escobar finally surrendered to the authorities.
00:07:17I wish to add all the years of prison that are necessary to contribute to the peace of my family, to the peace of Colombia.
00:07:24Of course, that also helped.
00:07:26But what truly changed the fate of this country,
00:07:29happened unexpectedly, any day of 1991, in a children's school church.
00:07:38CHAPTER 2
00:07:52Ay, Chaito.
00:07:54Are you going to church?
00:07:55Of course. What a blessing, right?
00:08:00I wanted to talk to you about something.
00:08:02Well, what plans do you have when we get out of here?
00:08:04I don't know, I don't even want to think about it.
00:08:06And you, do you know what you're going to study?
00:08:09Well, I think I'm going to go for direction and television production.
00:08:14I think, I think.
00:08:15Congratulations, I love the career.
00:08:17Yes, well, let's see.
00:08:19But you didn't think of anything? It can't be.
00:08:22Well, yes, you know that I love social work and all that.
00:08:25So, like, something related to the subject.
00:08:28Psychology, maybe.
00:08:29Oh, I don't know.
00:08:31And if you say that I want you to finish this school, it's not for everyone, because I don't give more.
00:08:37Come on, but you do know what my mom does, right?
00:08:40Well, of course.
00:08:42Prepares queens and that.
00:08:47But you never thought of being a queen?
00:08:50Well, yes, introduce yourself to Miss Bogota and suddenly Miss Colombia.
00:08:54And by the way, she gets into doing all the social services.
00:09:01Well, you know I might be interested.
00:09:04But only if I'm Miss Universe.
00:09:09Can you imagine?
00:09:11Paola Turbay, Miss Universe.
00:09:20She laughs and makes me nervous.
00:09:25I would never have thought of telling Paola that she was a queen.
00:09:28She's divine, she's perfect, look.
00:09:31She has a face, a body, class.
00:09:37Slow steps.
00:09:38And best of all, she doesn't know shame.
00:09:42And she has a great boyfriend too.
00:09:46Very good.
00:09:49Good, good, good.
00:09:50And the rest, ladies and gentlemen, was history.
00:09:53That's how the road to the Philippines began.
00:10:00And the queen is Miss Santa Fé de Bogotá.
00:10:13Here is Paola Turbay, she smiles, very emotional, maximum.
00:10:26But at least the whole country was sitting in front of the TV
00:10:29waiting for there to be in the Philippines 30 million people.
00:10:33The national queen.
00:10:35The sovereign of all Colombians.
00:10:37I think I will leave the country's name very high
00:10:40and finally they will know that we are mostly good people.
00:10:44We deserve this victory.
00:10:45We deserve a crown.
00:10:47We were going to recover the lost dignity in one night.
00:10:50So who are you now?
00:10:52How are you now after all this hard training?
00:10:55I know how to take care of myself.
00:10:58But after having been here, now I also know what to improve.
00:11:03Next is Miss Venezuela.
00:11:06Carolina Ita.
00:11:08I think you're more than a simple man.
00:11:12I'm not Tuli, thank you, sorry, excuse me.
00:11:15Well, let's go.
00:11:17What do you mean?
00:11:18Where are we going?
00:11:19We are already among the ten finalists.
00:11:21No, from now on it is life or death races.
00:11:24Anything that happens is super important.
00:11:28Wherever you put it, Miss Venezuela, you become the queen of this town.
00:11:33I am already the queen.
00:11:35Thank you very much.
00:11:36And where is your boyfriend's lawyer?
00:11:39Killing himself in the gym.
00:11:42Come on, another ten.
00:11:43Come on, brother, come on.
00:11:45Let's see.
00:11:47That's it.
00:11:48Ten, come on.
00:11:50Come on, Nico, come on.
00:11:51Do it, do it.
00:11:52Nine more to go.
00:11:54According to him, becoming a beast for the day we win.
00:11:57Yes, a beast.
00:11:59A beast who has not realized that the coach has his eyes on his girlfriend.
00:12:07Mr. Bernie.
00:12:09A little question.
00:12:11Can I go now?
00:12:12I know we agreed to see Paula's kingdom with some friends.
00:12:16Yes, but of course, start, that's already started.
00:12:19Bernie, help.
00:12:21Go, go, go.
00:12:22What happened, brother?
00:12:23What happened, brother?
00:12:26Calm down.
00:12:30Are you okay?
00:12:31Did you get hurt?
00:12:34No, no, perfect, wonderful, delicious.
00:12:38How good it is, it made me suffer.
00:12:39Yes, yes.
00:12:41The good thing is that I'm starting to notice, right?
00:12:45It's hard, you can see it.
00:12:46Yes, I'm big.
00:12:47I'm already starting to get scared.
00:12:48It's just that I don't have the clothes.
00:12:50So I want to start dieting.
00:12:52I was looking for several, but none convinced me.
00:12:54What do you do?
00:12:57I do the easiest of all, brother.
00:12:59Which one?
00:13:00The cuckoo.
00:13:01What is the cuckoo?
00:13:02Eat your girlfriend a lot.
00:13:11Well, well.
00:13:13I have to go.
00:13:14Are you staying here alone or what?
00:13:15No, no, no, you're not going to leave me alone there.
00:13:17Well, I can, but it's better to go.
00:13:20You know what?
00:13:21All right.
00:13:22See you, kid.
00:13:23Romana, I'm coming.
00:13:25Hey, tell me.
00:13:26I need this guy to go to bed early, okay?
00:13:30The risk that I put him to do legs and he walks like a fool with diarrhea.
00:13:33I'll see you later.
00:13:35Come on.
00:13:37Let's do legs.
00:13:38No, but which leg?
00:13:39It's perfect.
00:13:40Come on, let's see.
00:13:41No, Romana, but which leg?
00:13:42I was doing chest.
00:13:43Come on, come on, come on.
00:13:44Let's go with 15.
00:13:45No, no, 15.
00:13:46Let's put 20.
00:13:47Let's go with 20.
00:13:48Let's see.
00:13:49It's fine, but...
00:13:51Oh, my God.
00:13:53No, no, no.
00:13:54No, no, no, wait, Romana, wait.
00:13:55No, no, no, Romana, wait, wait.
00:13:57I can't, I can't.
00:13:58Let's go, let's go.
00:13:59Let's go with another one.
00:14:01Here, here, here, Nicolas.
00:14:04Let's make a deal.
00:14:06If Paola wins, you get up the baton.
00:14:10I want to see her with her eyes closed.
00:14:15Let me concentrate.
00:14:16Paola will solve it.
00:14:20They ask Paola how to pronounce her last name,
00:14:23and she explains that in English...
00:14:25Those translators should keep quiet.
00:14:31They also want to know if Paola needs a translator,
00:14:33but of course she says no, which is fine.
00:14:36She's kind of a gringa.
00:14:37She's not perfect.
00:14:39Paola was asked everything and she always got it wrong.
00:14:43What did she want to do with her career as a psychologist?
00:14:46What do you hope to do with your career?
00:14:49Well, my mother and I, we have a school for disabled children,
00:14:53so I decided to study psychology
00:14:55so I can continue with my mother's work.
00:14:59And one of your uncles is...
00:15:01One of your uncles is the president.
00:15:03With all the achievements your family has,
00:15:05does that worry you or inspire you?
00:15:10It inspires me,
00:15:11because my family has always tried to do the best.
00:15:15They work a lot,
00:15:16so it inspires me to do my best.
00:15:18Yes, that's a perfect answer.
00:15:20Yes, perfect,
00:15:21but I don't understand why she's asking about her family.
00:15:24What's that got to do with anything?
00:15:26They're super hateful.
00:15:27Oh, honey, don't suffer for the question.
00:15:29You answered perfectly.
00:15:31She's divinely prepared.
00:15:33Well, very well. Thank you.
00:15:35Very good.
00:15:36Thank you very much, Miss Colombia.
00:15:39How much did she give me?
00:15:48And what's that?
00:15:49It's the third one.
00:15:54Not only had everything stopped on Sundays,
00:15:57but that Sunday,
00:15:58the whole country had stopped to watch that broadcast.
00:16:27And well, we went from 20 to 10.
00:16:30Then six extraordinary women.
00:16:33This is the moment we...
00:16:34And now the judges must choose three finalists
00:16:37in our search for the new Miss Universal.
00:16:41You are all winners.
00:16:43You are all winners.
00:16:45You are all beautiful.
00:16:48Number one.
00:16:49Finalist number one.
00:16:50Finalist number one.
00:16:58Because Namibia has nothing to do with it.
00:16:59This doesn't help a lot if Paola passes.
00:17:03Oh, my God.
00:17:04Please, Colombia.
00:17:05It's not that wherever Venezuela is, we're screwed.
00:17:07Well, let's move on.
00:17:08People have bought the gift.
00:17:10You always win.
00:17:12Oh, my God, please.
00:17:13I'm begging you.
00:17:14Please, Colombia.
00:17:19Such a beautiful name.
00:17:20You're all going to read the names of the three finalists.
00:17:22We have our hopes in them.
00:17:23Finalist number two.
00:17:35Miss Colombia.
00:17:36Go, Namibia!
00:17:37Go, Namibia!
00:17:38Go, Namibia!
00:17:39Go, Namibia!
00:17:40Go, Namibia!
00:17:41Go, Namibia!
00:17:42Go, Namibia!
00:17:43Go, Namibia!
00:17:44Miss Colombia.
00:17:45Go, Namibia!
00:17:46Miss Colombia.
00:17:47Go, Colombia!
00:17:48Go, Colombia!
00:17:51Miss Colombia.
00:17:52I loved your interview.
00:17:54It's so smart.
00:17:55Wait, wait.
00:17:56There's still one left.
00:17:57Let's see what else.
00:17:58We make the dream.
00:17:59Miss India.
00:18:00And yes, gentlemen, we did.
00:18:02And this country was falling with joy.
00:18:04As if we had qualified for the World Cup.
00:18:08India seems fair.
00:18:17And who is this man?
00:18:19It was Edgar Trejos.
00:18:21A street metrosexual.
00:18:23Interior decorator.
00:18:25And an eternal lover of Laura.
00:18:28Hours later, we'd find out he was Crespo
00:18:30and that he did the blog every day.
00:18:35We have to observe him very well.
00:18:37Because this man
00:18:38is the one who's going to turn this story upside down.
00:18:46The expectation that night wasn't just in Bogotá.
00:18:48It was in the whole country.
00:18:50Hundreds of kilometers away.
00:18:52In a land hit by all forms of violence.
00:18:55People had also stopped everything
00:18:57to see in front of Gisela Iñárritu's house
00:18:59if a Colombian woman
00:19:01was capable of becoming the most beautiful woman in the world.
00:19:05And before we go back to the broadcast,
00:19:07I'd like you to meet the architect of all this.
00:19:10The person who discovered Paola
00:19:12and who saw in her
00:19:14that universal queen of beauty.
00:19:18First of all, let me congratulate you.
00:19:20What an eye you have.
00:19:21No, thank you.
00:19:23Paola is already in my universe.
00:19:25She always thought she was going to get to Mexico.
00:19:27Well, the truth is that you never know
00:19:29where the ideas you have can get to, right?
00:19:32What, what?
00:19:34Oh, what's up with that noise?
00:19:37Louder a little, Gisela, please.
00:19:39What do you need to have that eye
00:19:41that discovers queens?
00:19:43I saw my mom prepare queens.
00:19:45I think that's what gave me the eye
00:19:47to know that Paola had what she needed
00:19:50to get far.
00:19:51Well, seeing her now in my universe
00:19:53proves it.
00:19:55Hey, people like that are the ones you need in life, right?
00:19:57People with a vision.
00:19:59People who think big.
00:20:01What do you say, Gisela?
00:20:02Yes, that's right, like me.
00:20:04I'm going to be the dress of the next Miss Universe.
00:20:06Let's see what it's going to be like.
00:20:08Sign it.
00:20:09Yes, ma'am.
00:20:14Kelly, baby, come here.
00:20:16I want to tell you something.
00:20:20So, my little princess Kelly,
00:20:22what do you say?
00:20:24Let's see, young man.
00:20:26You don't understand that I don't want to see you around here again.
00:20:28I saw you run.
00:20:29Who's going to see that I don't have a career?
00:20:30Who's going to see that?
00:20:33You don't have the right to do that.
00:20:34I have the right, whatever it is,
00:20:36because I'm your mom, Kelly.
00:20:37And I have to take care of you.
00:20:38And now, let him go.
00:20:40And I hope he doesn't come back.
00:20:41Well, I'm not going to leave him.
00:20:42Because I love him and he loves me too.
00:20:44Get something through your head, girl.
00:20:46You're too much of a woman for such a starved man.
00:20:49How dare you?
00:20:50And how do you know he's not for me?
00:20:52Because I've told you many times.
00:20:55If you want a boyfriend, wait a few years.
00:20:58And go and take a look at one of the oil workers.
00:21:01A guy who has to get her out of my life.
00:21:03A guy with money.
00:21:05No, honey.
00:21:06I'm hungry.
00:21:07I'm going to leave her pregnant.
00:21:08And then I'm going to abort her.
00:21:09Of course.
00:21:10Like my aunt and you.
00:21:12Who paid you with a mansion
00:21:14the services that those guys from the camp lent you.
00:21:17You don't respect me!
00:21:22Come on, come on.
00:21:23Come on, aunt.
00:21:25You're not going to win the queen's results anymore.
00:21:27Come on.
00:21:31Look, Kelly.
00:21:33Listen to me.
00:21:35You may not understand what I'm saying right now.
00:21:38But believe me.
00:21:40There are mistakes that you can't make in life
00:21:43because you screw up.
00:21:44And one of them is messing with a guy who's useless.
00:22:00Lombana, Chinazo.
00:22:01Give me the phone.
00:22:03Go ahead.
00:22:04I've been training hard, Nico.
00:22:06Like a bull.
00:22:07As always, Chino.
00:22:09A couple of pills when I get home, okay?
00:22:12Pills for what?
00:22:13I'm strong.
00:22:14Of course.
00:22:17But come on, Chinazo.
00:22:18What are the pills called?
00:22:19Just in case.
00:22:20I can't stay with Chairo.
00:22:22Well, any anarchist who comes to his office.
00:22:25Go inside and feel the relief in five minutes.
00:22:31So funny.
00:22:35Oh, come on.
00:22:36But you guys aren't that funny.
00:22:38What happened?
00:22:39A phone with coins.
00:22:40In the pool.
00:22:41In the pool.
00:22:42I left my wallet upstairs.
00:22:43You'll see if it's cheap.
00:22:54Hi, what's up? You haven't arrived.
00:22:56Hi, love.
00:22:57No, I'm here at the gym.
00:22:59I'm just finishing changing and I'm on my way there.
00:23:01I wanted to ask you if you have any food.
00:23:04I'm starving.
00:23:05Besides, I want you to be aware of me.
00:23:07I want to be with you.
00:23:09Are you serious?
00:23:11Is that all you're going to say?
00:23:13Hi, I'm finishing changing and you don't ask?
00:23:16I trained hard.
00:23:17My legs don't hurt much.
00:23:19I want to be with you.
00:23:20I want you to be aware of me.
00:23:21But no, the only important thing here is you.
00:23:23Your problems.
00:23:24Not mine.
00:23:25Look, I'm not going to argue with you now, okay?
00:23:28Hurry up, I'll wait for you here.
00:23:37What's with all the noise?
00:23:38Do you think people are going into the lobby now?
00:23:42Well, I'll take advantage of the commercial break to eat.
00:23:44Are you hungry?
00:23:45Let's go.
00:23:48Understand that if you tell me, I'll be surprised.
00:23:51I just want her to open the door, see me and be happy.
00:23:55Look, I understand the romantic detail and everything,
00:23:58but you have to understand that I get mad if I get angry.
00:24:03How are you, Jose?
00:24:04All right.
00:24:05Two favors.
00:24:06Yes, sir.
00:24:07I hired some mariachis.
00:24:08They will arrive at any time.
00:24:09They are coming soon.
00:24:10Let them pass without warning.
00:24:12And two, do me a favor and get this to the lady.
00:24:16Laura Dominguez, 602.
00:24:21What's up?
00:24:22What's up, brother?
00:24:23Let him pass.
00:24:24He's a friend of mine.
00:24:25Come on.
00:24:26It's so good to see you, Dad.
00:24:29Did you see?
00:24:30I knew the people here.
00:24:33Ms. Chayo Dominguez?
00:24:35Hey, you're lucky because I'm going up there.
00:24:38I'm the brother, Bernie Dominguez.
00:24:40If you want, I'll take this.
00:24:41Don't worry.
00:24:42Thank you very much.
00:24:43Have a good night.
00:24:45It's so good to see you.
00:24:48Go ahead.
00:24:49I've never been so happy to see you.
00:24:57I didn't know you were door-to-door neighbors.
00:25:00Yes, sir.
00:25:01And that's priceless, my dear Ben.
00:25:04From there I can always see Laurita.
00:25:08Hey, brother, what a great apartment.
00:25:11Go ahead, brother.
00:25:12Go ahead.
00:25:15No way I'm not going to have a whiskey in this palace, right?
00:25:18Thank you very much.
00:25:23Hey, Bernie.
00:25:24Those flowers you threw down were from this boy?
00:25:27Yes, from Nicolas Rocha.
00:25:29The boyfriend.
00:25:30But brother, it's just that precisely today those flowers
00:25:33cannot reach their destination.
00:25:35I have a lot to learn, brother.
00:25:38Cheers, Dad.
00:25:47And you come here to this building without an appointment
00:25:49and they let you in?
00:25:50No problem.
00:25:51How's it going?
00:25:52No, no, no.
00:25:53This is the first time I've been here.
00:25:55But since today is all about the contest,
00:25:57I wanted to congratulate you and talk to her for a while.
00:26:00Well, she got where she was, brother.
00:26:02Be careful.
00:26:03As soon as we have my universes, we enter with the mariachis.
00:26:07The euphoria is going to be total.
00:26:09You're going to thank me all your life.
00:26:11You're going to realize what I'm telling you.
00:26:13If you say so, brother.
00:26:16No, that's for Nico.
00:26:19If this doesn't end there, I'm going to end up
00:26:21with the whole table.
00:26:22No, no, no.
00:26:23Be careful with those cakes.
00:26:24That has like a thousand calories each.
00:26:26Then you're going to have to go to the gym and burn that
00:26:28every day like a crazy person.
00:26:30Don't worry about it.
00:26:31She goes to the gym happy.
00:26:34Oh, and those flowers?
00:26:36Oh, Nicolas.
00:26:38I hadn't arrived with Rosa because I wanted them to arrive first.
00:26:42No, Miss Chayo, they're not for you.
00:26:44They're for your sister.
00:26:46For me?
00:26:47How, how, who sends them?
00:26:48For me?
00:26:49The neighbor.
00:26:50Mr. Edgar making that feeling.
00:26:52With whose permission?
00:26:54Put them in the laundry, please.
00:26:56And don't even think about putting them in a vase.
00:26:58That brings bad luck.
00:26:59What a bear.
00:27:00This one, yes.
00:27:02This girl.
00:27:03And the moment of truth came.
00:27:05There were only three finalists.
00:27:07And Paola was one of them.
00:27:10Let's go, Jack, it's time.
00:27:11We are back.
00:27:12Let's go, let's go.
00:27:13We're back.
00:27:15I know your countries are very proud of you.
00:27:19And you have all done very well.
00:27:21I know your countries are very proud of you.
00:27:24And you have all done very well.
00:27:27So, the second runner-up is Miss...
00:27:33The first princess is Miss...
00:27:44Yes, yes.
00:27:45We are between the two.
00:27:49Now we win.
00:27:57Well, guys.
00:27:58This is a matter of seconds.
00:28:00As soon as we have my universes, I'll hit the beat and you guys will play.
00:28:04And if you don't win, we still play, boss.
00:28:07But of course you're going to win.
00:28:08The other one doesn't even reach Paola's heels.
00:28:11So, you know, we go in with everything, guys.
00:28:18Let's go.
00:28:19Now, girls, let's get together.
00:28:24No, we're going to lose our hearts.
00:28:26What are you doing?
00:28:29I am about to reveal the name of the first runner-up.
00:28:35Next, I'm going to reveal the name of the first runner-up.
00:28:38And then the name of Miss Universal.
00:28:40Let me remind you of the importance of the first runner-up.
00:28:44If the first runner-up couldn't fulfill her rank,
00:28:49the first runner-up would become Miss Universal.
00:28:54Why don't you shut up and tell us who won?
00:28:57The first runner-up is...
00:29:00La mi reina esta, señorita.
00:29:04It's her, it's her, it's her.
00:29:13Miss Olaundia.
00:29:18Miss Universal.
00:29:20Miss Universal.
00:29:22Miss Olaundia.
00:29:24Miss Universal.
00:29:26Miss Universal esta señorita.
00:29:30What did he say? He read it wrong.
00:29:32But did we win or not?
00:29:38At that moment, everything was a mess.
00:29:40We didn't know who won.
00:29:42Colombia or Namibia.
00:29:44The truth is that we lost.
00:29:46And we realized that we were just the universal sub-champions of beauty.
00:29:50But as Maturana said,
00:29:52losing is winning a little.
00:29:54Did we win or not?
00:29:55Yes, Colombia.
00:30:01No, but it's not the queen.
00:30:03No? Not even a second?
00:30:05No, they stole us.
00:30:07They stole us, yes.
00:30:09The queen was Colombian.
00:30:11The queen was Colombian.
00:30:12No way, no way, aunt.
00:30:14We lost as always.
00:30:17What do you mean we lost? Don't be so sadistic.
00:30:20The queen is Colombian and we have to celebrate.
00:30:23Mom, don't be sadistic.
00:30:25The girl lost.
00:30:26Let her study or do something else.
00:30:28Help me turn on the TV.
00:30:29You don't know what's going on?
00:30:30What's going on is that they have it all set up.
00:30:32That's what's going on.
00:30:33They have it all set up.
00:30:34It's like a curse.
00:30:35Those people don't care that Colombia leaves the world.
00:30:38That giraffe had nothing to do with Paul.
00:30:42Or yes?
00:30:44It's a curse.
00:30:50¿Qué es eso?
00:30:54¿Quién es el imbécil?
00:30:56¿Quién es el imbécil?
00:31:13Dios mío.
00:31:44Toña Paulina, con todo mi respeto y admiración
00:31:47por los logros obtenidos.
00:31:50No, de nada.
00:31:51Don Joaquin, para usted también mis felicitaciones.
00:31:54Y es un placer estar aquí en su casa.
00:31:56Y yo también te doy las felicitaciones.
00:31:58Es un placer estar aquí en su casa.
00:32:56Well, I really wanted to see you, to congratulate you, and to celebrate this moment with you.
00:33:04Celebrate what, Bernie?
00:33:06Did we lose everything?
00:33:08Wait a minute, Sayo, don't say that.
00:33:10Look, a second place is the best thing that could happen to you right now.
00:33:13Oh, look, I'm not going out with that Consuelo.
00:33:16No, wait a minute.
00:33:17Look, look at it this way.
00:33:21What does the queen have to do?
00:33:23She has to be committed to a lot of things for a year,
00:33:26be there going to charity and all that stuff, right?
00:33:29Instead, you don't have to do any of that.
00:33:32You can focus on what is really important,
00:33:36to make your dream come true.
00:33:39Yes, my dream was to win.
00:33:41That was my dream.
00:33:44And what did you tell me the other day?
00:33:46It is what is needed in this country, and not in this one.
00:33:52I would like to set up a model agency, but the most terrible of all.
00:34:00Do you think my idea is very silly?
00:34:03No, because it's serious. I want to set up a model agency.
00:34:06And what are you waiting for?
00:34:08To study.
00:34:10My dad says that first you have to study,
00:34:12You don't need to study for that.
00:34:14What you have to do is set up the agency and that's it.
00:34:17If you want, I can help you.
00:34:20How are you going to help me?
00:34:22Are you going to model me or what?
00:34:25No, no, but look, I set up this gym on my own.
00:34:29And I know that, look, one day I'm going to have three,
00:34:32because my bad is not going away.
00:34:34I have the experience to set up a business,
00:34:36and most importantly of all,
00:34:38I have the experience to set up a business,
00:34:40and most importantly of all,
00:34:42that it works.
00:34:44Do you know what you should do right now?
00:34:46Call Paola and set up that agency at once.
00:34:50Look, everyone knows them.
00:34:52They have to take advantage.
00:34:57The only thing I want right now, you know what it is?
00:35:02Cry of the anger I have.
00:35:04Because I was very stupid.
00:35:09Very foolish to think that we could win.
00:35:13We are never going to win, rather.
00:35:15They will never let Colombia win anything.
00:35:19Come on, and if maybe, at the end of the day,
00:35:22she was not the prettiest,
00:35:24as much as we would like her to be,
00:35:27and we think so.
00:35:29Oh, what are you talking about?
00:35:31Paola is the prettiest.
00:35:34You know.
00:35:38Well, if you ask me,
00:35:41the prettiest in the world,
00:35:45I have her sitting here in front of me.
00:35:51And she just looked at me.
00:35:55Are you flirting with me or what?
00:35:59No, no, no.
00:36:01But if you had been in the same contest as Paola,
00:36:05Paola would also have been second.
00:36:11I'm engaged, Benny.
00:36:13Oh yeah?
00:36:14And where's the boyfriend? I don't see him anywhere.
00:36:17Let's see, on such a special day for your wife,
00:36:20for your girlfriend, and he's not there,
00:36:22I think it's very bad.
00:36:23Look, that makes me angrier, I want to cry more.
00:36:26No, no, wait a minute, wait a minute.
00:36:27Nico, Chayo, please.
00:36:29Please don't shed a single tear
00:36:31for someone who doesn't deserve it,
00:36:33who doesn't deserve it.
00:36:36Why did you leave?
00:36:39Well, because I wanted to go out for some fresh air, Mom.
00:36:43Let me introduce you to Bernie.
00:36:45He's my coach.
00:36:47Nice to meet you.
00:36:48Nico's coach too.
00:36:49He's our coach.
00:36:51The gym.
00:36:53And Nico?
00:36:55He didn't come.
00:36:57I'm sorry, honey.
00:36:58But, well, the neighbor brings you mariachis to celebrate.
00:37:02You go out.
00:37:03I need you to sing fast and leave.
00:37:05You're not going back to the apartment.
00:37:13Don't go.
00:37:14Don't go.
00:37:15Now, let's escape, you and me.
00:37:18Let's go and we're going to celebrate.
00:37:19We had a good time.
00:37:20What do you think?
00:37:21Are you crazy?
00:37:23I just heard my mom.
00:37:24If I don't go in and get all these people out, she'll kill me.
00:37:26Do you know what's going on?
00:37:28I have the solution.
00:37:29The medicine for that stone you have.
00:37:32It's going to help you.
00:37:33I swear it's going to help you.
00:37:35Do you know what it is?
00:37:37You have to go and take a few dance steps
00:37:40and that's going to fly in the air.
00:37:43I assure you.
00:37:45Let's do...
00:37:47Let's do one thing.
00:37:49Don't tell me now.
00:37:52But I'm going to be around here.
00:37:54Don't worry.
00:37:56I'm going to leave my phone number here.
00:38:01And if you need anything, just call me.
00:38:05And I'll be right there.
00:38:11See you.
00:38:19Laurita, this is for you.
00:38:22Let's go, guys.
00:38:29At the top of the steep slope
00:38:33We camped in a very remote place
00:38:37And a brave woman was following him
00:38:40Little Chayo, Mr. Nico on the phone.
00:38:44Popular among the troops was Laurita
00:38:48The woman that the sergeant idolized
00:38:52Because in addition to being brave, she was beautiful
00:38:55What happened? You didn't come.
00:38:57My love, don't get mad.
00:38:58Look, I swear she was leaving
00:39:01And I was on TV
00:39:02Well, we won, Paola lost.
00:39:06I just don't understand why we made a mistake.
00:39:08Nicolás, I wanted you to be with me today
00:39:11Accompanying me
00:39:12On such an important night
00:39:14That we were going to celebrate, I don't know.
00:39:17Oh my love, I also wanted to celebrate with you
00:39:21Of course yes, but we lost
00:39:23There's nothing to celebrate
00:39:24Look, you know what, Nicolás?
00:39:27You're absolutely right
00:39:29There's nothing to celebrate here
00:39:32No, no, my Chayito
00:39:34My Chayito, hello
00:39:36If Laurita wanted to be my girlfriend
00:39:40If Laurita were my woman
00:39:44I would buy her a dress of silk
00:39:48To take her to dance at the bar
00:39:54Bravo, another one, another one, another one
00:40:00Edgar, Edgar, thank you very much
00:40:03Really, what a detail all this
00:40:06But all my friends are waiting for me to celebrate, so
00:40:10Invite them to my apartment, I have food, drink, everything
00:40:12No, what happens is that they are at the bar in Gato Blue
00:40:15And they opened it just for us
00:40:17Yes, gentlemen, we really don't take more time from you
00:40:20We are exhausted, we have to wake up early tomorrow
00:40:22So good night
00:40:23Thank you
00:40:24Thank you, thank you Edgar
00:40:28Thank you
00:40:30Don't stay up too late, okay?
00:40:33This one is not going to give up that easily
00:40:36And if we go and bring them?
00:40:39Or we send them to pick up?
00:40:40We are going to pick them up
00:40:42They are already super crowded, it will be super difficult to get them out
00:40:45I mean, I know them
00:40:47Edgar, for a next time, but thank you very much
00:40:52I insist that you are invited to my house
00:40:54You know I bought food, I have a waiter
00:40:55No, Edgar, why don't we do something?
00:40:57You come to Gato Blue
00:41:00Do you think?
00:41:02Yes, yes, yes, great
00:41:05And do you know where it is?
00:41:07Gato Blue?
00:41:08Yes, of course
00:41:09I go there all the time
00:41:15See you later
00:41:16Thank you
00:41:21I had to invite him to Gato Blue
00:41:24Really? So what did you want me to do?
00:41:26How are we going to get him out of here?
00:41:28Oh no, I have a lot of ways to go there with him
00:41:31I'm going to my house to sleep
00:41:32Oh no, Moni
00:41:33Moni, Moni, but he's not even going
00:41:38Well, then let's go
00:41:39Let's go
00:41:40I don't know what you're going to do with Edgar in Gato Blue
00:41:43But good luck with that
00:41:46I'm going to celebrate in my own way
00:41:49What do you mean, Chayo? You're not going either?
00:41:55Do you know something I don't know?
00:41:57No, no, no
00:41:58Are you sure?
00:42:02I only knew that the dinners to celebrate were so big that I didn't care about second place
00:42:08I'm going to win
00:42:22Let's not fight anymore, okay?
00:42:28I swear you and I are going to get very far together
00:42:33But I need you to listen to me
00:42:35I'm going to take you there
00:42:38to put on those dresses, to speak English.
00:42:43And you didn't want me to get a guy like that from the refinery?
00:42:47Oh no, no, no, no, that's not true.
00:42:50Those are things that I say, but no, you're right.
00:42:55That's not the solution either.
00:42:57Do you know what's going on?
00:42:59It's just that you're too much of a woman.
00:43:02And that's not worth it.
00:43:04And if I tell you that guy isn't good for you,
00:43:07it's because I know that with your behavior and your elegance,
00:43:11you can go very far.
00:43:14Give me a chance to give you the life
00:43:16that neither my sister nor I could have.
00:43:22I'm sorry for being so rude.
00:47:15I want to propose a toast.
00:47:19All right.
00:47:22I want to toast Miss Namibia.
00:47:26If it weren't for her, you wouldn't be here.
00:47:29So, cheers, and thank you, my Namibians.
00:47:33Don't make fun of me.
00:47:41I dedicate this song to you.
00:47:43And I want us to dance it.
00:48:00I don't know tomorrow
00:48:03I don't know tomorrow
00:48:05If we'll be together
00:48:08If the world ends
00:48:10I don't know if I'm for you
00:48:13If you'll be for me
00:48:16If we'll love each other or hate each other
00:48:20I don't know tomorrow
00:48:23I don't know tomorrow
00:48:25Who will be here?
00:48:32From a coffee we went to the couch
00:48:34A button to everything else
00:48:37We didn't put rules, tell me
00:48:39Here we are alone, you and me
00:48:42Everything you see is what I am
00:48:44Don't ask me more than what I am
00:48:47Wait, wait, wait.
00:48:49This isn't right.
00:48:52Oh, my God.
00:49:02Bernie, because I'm engaged.
00:49:07Nico may have screwed you over all night,
00:49:10but he's my boyfriend.
00:49:15Yes, that's true.
00:49:16That's true.
00:49:19But it's also true that this isn't a coincidence.
00:49:24And if you're here, it's because you want to be here.
00:49:31Besides, every time I see you with Nicolás,
00:49:35I know you're not happy.
00:49:37And that you still want to get married and everything,
00:49:40just because.
00:49:41But you don't want to be there.
00:49:43It's going to sound very simple to you.
00:49:45And it's not like that.
00:49:46Because I do want to get married.
00:49:49But not with Nicolás.
00:49:50That's the detail.
00:49:53So, according to you, who do I have to marry?
00:49:58With someone who values her.
00:50:02That respects her.
00:50:03That loves her with all his heart.
00:50:07And that doesn't feel safe.
00:50:09That every time he looks at her in the eyes,
00:50:11he's very afraid that he could lose her at any moment.
00:50:31What am I doing?
00:50:33This is crazy.
00:50:37Bernie, because I'm engaged.
00:50:41I'm not going to throw away a relationship for someone who...
00:50:44I'm sorry, but I don't know you.
00:50:47I have no idea who you are.
00:50:49I don't know your world, your family, your friends.
00:50:54No, I shouldn't have come.
00:50:56Wait, wait, wait.
00:51:00That's the problem.
00:51:01That you don't know me.
00:51:04Well, then let's solve it.
00:51:08Walk where?
00:51:09I'm going to show you who I am.
00:51:11Trust me.
00:51:39No, it's that I almost died when he won.
00:51:41I thought about them so much, Lauris.
00:51:43I know everything Shaio tried to do to make it perfect.
00:51:46I mean, how am I going to lose?
00:51:48What a stone.
00:51:49And my confusion, that I didn't know if I was saying the name of the first or the second.
00:51:54What anguish.
00:51:55Yes, totally.
00:51:56And all these...
00:51:58Shaio, where is he?
00:52:00I haven't seen him all night.
00:52:01Neither her, nor Nico.
00:52:03Hello, hello.
00:52:06How are you?
00:52:08I thought you weren't coming anymore.
00:52:10No, no, no, no.
00:52:11How can you think?
00:52:12I just wanted to change my clothes and pick up my friend.
00:52:20Nice to meet you.
00:52:26Nice to meet you.
00:52:32And what are we drinking?
00:52:33I'm fine with this whiskey, thank you.
00:52:36I'm fine with this champagne too, thank you.
00:52:38Why don't you change to whiskey?
00:52:40There's a 21-year-old malt one, soft, delicious.
00:52:46Okay, fine.
00:52:47Friend, whiskey, malt, 21 years.
00:52:50With all the service.
00:52:52And an auto-tumita of peanuts.
00:52:55Just kidding, peanuts, no.
00:52:59Well, thank you.
00:53:08All right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right.
00:53:41All this is for Enrique.
00:53:42For you.
00:53:46Do you know how long ago people didn't go out after 8 at night?
00:53:50People needed a joy and you gave them.
00:53:53Oh, don't look anymore, I'm going to cry.
00:53:55No, no, no, don't look.
00:53:57No, no, no.
00:53:58Don't make me cry because I want to formally introduce you to my mom
00:54:02and I want her to see her happy, I don't want her to see her sad.
00:54:05No, no, no, no, no.
00:54:07Yes, of course.
00:54:08Besides, I always tell her that you are the one who makes my life happy
00:54:11every time I go to the gym.
00:54:14No, no, no, yes, yes, I almost never go.
00:54:16Well, well, of my classes then.
00:54:18No, come on, don't wake her up.
00:54:24What happened?
00:54:26What was it?
00:54:27No, no, everything is fine, Mom.
00:54:28Nothing, Mom, we were celebrating.
00:54:30Who did I bring?
00:54:32The most beautiful woman in the world.
00:54:34You know I always talk about her, right?
00:54:36Chayo, Mom, Mom, Chayo.
00:54:38Oh no, well I know who she is.
00:54:40Oh, but how so?
00:54:41And you two, yes.
00:54:43Oh no, I thought it was a story about him,
00:54:45how he sometimes talks so much.
00:54:47So yes.
00:54:48Oh no, it's a pleasure to have you here.
00:54:50Oh, what a shame.
00:54:51I'm so ugly and why didn't you tell me
00:54:53that I was going to bring you?
00:54:54Aren't you ashamed to know me like this?
00:54:55No, ma'am, it's just that she's beautiful, she's beautiful.
00:54:57And I wanted you to meet her like this, just got up.
00:55:00You look divine with what you have on, Mom.
00:55:03Well, then don't come in and have a little broth.
00:55:05No, you know what?
00:55:06We were just coming to say hello
00:55:08and we're going to have breakfast over there.
00:55:10Do you want me to bring you something?
00:55:11Oh, yes, an arepita.
00:55:12Yes, an arepita.
00:55:13Come on, Mom.
00:55:14See you later.
00:55:15All right?
00:55:16Yes, well, take care of him, take care of him.
00:55:18What a shame to arrive like this at this hour.
00:55:20No, Alperina, all right.
00:55:21Bye, Mom.
00:55:22All right.
00:55:23Have a good day.
00:55:27So what, Edgar?
00:55:30The party's over and you don't care about anything
00:55:33at this time of year.
00:55:35You know you don't care about a minute of our night.
00:55:39Are you going to take it away from me?
00:55:41No, man, that's a fool.
00:55:43He's the friend of a lifetime and nothing happens to him.
00:55:47Well, I don't think they're dancing like they're just friends.
00:55:55Look at the face that fool is going to make when he takes it away from you.
00:55:58I'm going to make him dance.
00:55:59Look and learn, Edgar.
00:56:01Risking is not crazy.
00:56:10He's coming this way.
00:56:12He's coming this way.
00:56:15I'm going to make him dance.
00:56:17Yes, yes, I'm going to make him dance.
00:56:18Are you serious?
00:56:21Come on, come on.
00:56:29The poor kid.
00:56:30That's what the man in the hat did to you when you kissed him.
00:56:37Do you know what's going on?
00:56:38That idiot is taking advantage of Laura because she's on.
00:56:49What happened?
00:56:50What's that face?
00:56:53That guy is looking at me horribly.
00:56:54I don't know what to do.
00:56:55Well, you're my girlfriend, so show him.
00:56:57No, please.
00:57:09What's wrong with you?
00:57:11Well, I'm doing what you told me to do.
00:57:12Yes, but don't grab me like that.
00:57:13Oh, well.
00:57:15Hey, don't you want to learn to respect women?
00:57:18Edgar, calm down, okay?
00:57:20Don't worry, I'll solve this.
00:57:21No, calm down, Laura.
00:57:22Don't worry.
00:57:23Are you deaf or what?
00:57:24Didn't you hear me?
00:57:27This is a problem between my girlfriend.
00:57:29My girlfriend.
00:57:31And me.
00:57:32Get in or don't be such a snitch.
00:57:33That's not how it's done, you idiot.
00:58:25Edgar, Edgar!
00:58:46Edgar, Edgar.
00:58:57Call the police!
00:58:58Call the police!
00:59:07Escar, let him go.
00:59:09Let him go, brother.
00:59:10Let him go, or I'll have to call the police.
00:59:13And tell him to put water in his head.
00:59:31Laurita, I'm sorry if I went a little overboard.
00:59:34I apologize.
00:59:38You too, young man.
00:59:42I'm sorry.