• last month


00:00Please welcome to the main stage our 12 global all-stars.
00:15Category is Opening Ceremony Eleganza.
00:19Up first, from Drag Race Belgium, Athena Leakey.
00:27Global Glamazon reporting for duty.
00:29I'm Athena Leakey and I'm the goddess of Drag Race Belgium Season 1.
00:33I think the other girls need to watch out because I always have something up my sleeve.
00:37This time I'm here to win.
00:39I'm hungry for it.
00:40Athena, which came first, the chicken or the egg?
00:44I'm not a scientist, but Rue was there before the eggs and before the chicken.
00:51I think you are a scientist.
00:54From Drag Race Brazil, Miranda Labrau.
00:58I am best known for being sassy, stupid, and gorgeous, babe.
01:04I will be having the great time of my life because this is huge.
01:10Would you rather have hands for feet or feet for hands?
01:14I would give up on having feet and hand if Rue could give me four vaginas.
01:23From Canada's Drag Race, Bathia.
01:26I cannot believe I'm here.
01:28I am Bathia, the gender-bending drag clown of your nightmares from Canada's Drag Race Season 2.
01:33I am here to slay this competition and take that crown home to Canada.
01:37Describe yourself in three words and one animal sound.
01:41Oh, outside the box.
01:45And a sound that would have to describe me would be...
01:52From Drag Race Down Under, it's Queen Kong.
01:55I'm back, bitches.
01:58My kind of drag represents pacific realness.
02:01I'm an activist at heart, but I'm also a lip-sync assassin.
02:04And I'm a mother.
02:06And a motherfucker.
02:07If you were invisible for one hour, what would you do?
02:11Ooh, Jamal.
02:16From Drag Race France, Sella Demuse.
02:20Bonjour, bonjour, bonjour.
02:21I'm so excited, you can imagine.
02:23I'm from Drag Race France Season 1, darling.
02:25I don't win the crown, but I think France wasn't ready for me at that time.
02:29But I think the world is ready for me.
02:32Let's play a game, okay?
02:33Fuck, marry, slay.
02:35Oh, okay.
02:36An acting challenge, a lip-sync for your life, and Jamal Sims.
02:39I'm here to slay the acting challenge, to slay the lip-sync challenge.
02:42Of course, I'm not going to fuck Jamal.
02:44Jamal's going to fuck me.
02:45Yeah, follow me.
02:48You too?
02:50From Drag Race Italia, it's Nelania.
02:53I'm the sweet girl, yeah.
02:55I'm the sweetheart.
02:57I'm a performing queen, a pop star.
02:59In my season, I was never in the bottom.
03:02I think that I'm destined for bigger things.
03:05What size shoe do you wear, and what size are your actual feet?
03:12So, I wear a 34 like Cinderella.
03:15But as they say, big feet means big heart, I think.
03:20Yes, big heart.
03:21I think so.
03:24From Drag Race Germany, Tessa Testicle.
03:28I'm back because a bitch has unfinished business.
03:31It took them four lip-syncs to get rid of me.
03:34And this time around, I am focused on nothing but my talent, my drag, and my garments.
03:40Fuck, marry, slay.
03:43A fashion ball, a girl group challenge, or Michelle Visage.
03:48Slay the ball, definitely marry Michelle.
03:51You look smart.
03:52And fuck a girl group.
03:53I mean, drag queen with an ego, surprise?
03:58From Drag Race Mexico, Gala Varo.
04:01I am the dangerous woman.
04:03I'm La Dama Peligrosa.
04:04This time, I came for the crown, so you should beware.
04:09If you can add an additional holiday to the calendar, what would it be?
04:14It would be the Sexiness and Cachonderia Day.
04:18And we can get naked all day.
04:23From Drag Race Philippines, it's Eva La Queen.
04:27I came here for global domination.
04:30During my season at Drag Race Philippines, I went all the way to the finale without a single win.
04:35But this time, I'm going to make it all the way to the crown.
04:38If you were going to be trapped on a deserted island, what essential item would you bring with you?
04:43I will be bringing my lip gloss.
04:46I want my friends and family to know that I will not be found dead with chappy lips.
04:51Good thinking.
04:53From Drag Race Sweden, it's Vanity Vane.
04:57Oh my God, this is the global all-stars.
04:59Can you ask for more?
05:00It doesn't get bigger than this.
05:02Vanity is not just one thing.
05:03Vanity is everything.
05:05I want to show off more of a campy side.
05:06And yes, of course, it's still going to be some bloody latex also.
05:10Of course, it's going to be that.
05:12What would you choose as your last meal on Earth?
05:15It would obviously be some Swedish meatballs with some fish.
05:20Rotted fish.
05:21And would you like fries with that?
05:26From Drag Race UK, it's Kitty Scott-Clause.
05:30I am back, back, back, back, back again to win the crown and the hearts of the world.
05:36Being Kitty, keeping it camp, keeping it glamour and having fun with it.
05:40I have a maths question for you.
05:41Oh, bugger.
05:42If you start your makeup at 7pm for a 10pm gig, how late will you be and why?
05:5012 inches.
05:5112 pace.
05:54And from Drag Race USA, it's Alyssa Edwards.
05:58Oh, here we go.
05:59Buckle up.
06:00Let's crank this gig up.
06:02Home is where the heart is and this stage is my home and there's no place like it.
06:08See, I've learned my strengths, but I've learned to embrace my weaknesses.
06:12This is the evolution of Alyssa Edwards.
06:14The best way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
06:17Now, what's the best way to your heart?
06:20A perfect credit score.
06:23There you go.
06:26Now, please welcome to the stage our 12 queens from all over the world for the first ever
06:32Global All Stars.
06:35Welcome, ladykins.
06:40What a gag-worthy gathering of glamazons.
06:43I know.
06:44I know.
06:45So much.
06:47From all the drag race queens in the world, I've chosen each of you to represent your
06:54I know that's right.
06:55Here we go.
06:56In our first ever Global Games, whether you experience the thrill of victory or the agony
07:04of defeat, I assure you that your time here will be priceless.
07:12Yes, baby.
07:13Each winner of RuPaul's Drag Race Global All Stars will earn their place in the newly
07:18constructed International Pavilion at the Drag Race Hall of Fame in Daytona Beach, Florida.
07:31Plus a one-year supply of cosmetics from Anastasia Beverly Hills, a global crown and scepter provided
07:40by Fierce Drag Jewels.
07:44And a grand prize of $200,000 US.
07:51Oh, my God.
07:56$200,000 US in the Philippines.
08:00That's life-changing.
08:01I could buy a house for myself, my mom and dad, my boy toy.
08:06Hashtag Global All Stars.
08:11To promote global harmony, this week, no one is going home.
08:19Oh, my goodness.
08:20It is such a relief knowing no one's going to go home today.
08:21It also removes that bit of pressure off of yourself.
08:23When I call your name, please step forward.
08:26Athena Likis.
08:29Miranda Labrau.
08:33I love it.
08:34You know my name.
08:35It feels like a dream.
08:37I see Rose's face, and she's standing
08:39right there in front of me.
08:41So this is fabulous.
08:43Queen Kong.
08:46Sawa Demuse.
08:49Kitty Scott Claus.
08:53Alyssa Edwards.
08:56For this week's Maxi Challenge, the six of you
08:59will perform at the Global Glamazon Talent Extravaganza.
09:06The rest of you get to watch.
09:08But next week, it'll be your turn to dazzle us
09:12in part two of the Global Glamazon Talent Extravaganza.
09:19Well, I think it's great that I'm in the second group,
09:21because now I can watch the other girls
09:23and know what I'm not supposed to do at my talent show.
09:26That's right.
09:27You're oozing so much international charisma,
09:31uniqueness, nerve, and talent.
09:33It's going to take two weeks to soak it all up.
09:37All stars, start your engines.
09:40And may the best Global Glamazon win.
09:48It worked.
09:50Oh, my fucking god.
09:52Look at this.
09:53Bitch, y'all want to talk about globes?
09:55Come on.
09:56Damn, Maru.
09:58I love what you did here.
10:00Oh, my gosh.
10:02It's so surreal for me to walk back in the workroom,
10:04especially after all these years.
10:06I can't believe that I'm here with you, Alyssa.
10:08Oh, my god.
10:09I can't believe that I'm here again.
10:10Oh, my god.
10:11What does it feel like being back here?
10:13It's, oh, my gosh.
10:14It's like going to a high school reunion.
10:17This is a gag, girl.
10:18OK, I think this is the upgrade from the American version.
10:21I mean, but it makes sense.
10:22This is a global.
10:23Come on.
10:24Give me a muah.
10:25Who is that?
10:27Muah, muah.
10:28To be here together with all these talented queens,
10:30it's insane.
10:31I can't believe that I'm here.
10:32Oh, my god.
10:35You're a goddess.
10:36Thank you very much.
10:37I'm very proud of you.
10:38Thank you so much.
10:39I want to tell you with all my heart.
10:40I'm so excited to be here with such a big name, Alyssa
10:45You're crazy.
10:47Oh, my god.
10:48That was so sweet.
10:49Nice to meet you.
10:51Do you know any of the other girls?
10:53I have a tiny secret.
10:54I haven't gotten to watch all of the franchises.
11:01My name is Alyssa Edwards from Mesquite, Texas.
11:03I was a lovely runner-up on season 5, a gorgeous runner-up
11:08on All Stars 2.
11:09And I'm going to be bringing that camp, that glamor,
11:13that quintessential Southern Alyssa Edwards.
11:16I'm a magic queen.
11:21I know Ru and Michelle, after watching me grow,
11:25they're going to have some expectations for me
11:27to live up to, especially in the performance areas.
11:30I've not seen a queen grand jete across the stage before.
11:35I think being here representing American drag,
11:37which I'm so very proud of, it has me shook a little.
11:40Because I think we're like the flagship of all of this charade.
11:45Welcome to the house of Edwards.
11:46You know, I got a spot on my mantle cleaned off
11:49for this tiara.
11:50I had one cleaned off for All Stars 2,
11:52so it's still clean, needless to say.
11:55OK, here, I'll insert you.
11:57We'll make this a little trainier.
11:59Oh, yes.
12:00OK, we love that.
12:01Caring, sharing.
12:02Thank you so much.
12:03Look at this beautiful, oh.
12:04I am free from the shackles of drag.
12:07Oh, shit.
12:09Tessa testicles.
12:11Tessa testicle, just the singular one.
12:13Just the one?
12:14You got one testicle?
12:15Because I got a testicular torsion,
12:17and one of my balls almost died.
12:20Genitalia, it's a drag night.
12:25Is it still there?
12:26It is still there and fully functional.
12:28Oh, that's good.
12:34Girls, Ru for the first time.
12:38Like, the apex of drag.
12:41I was like.
12:42Michelle looks, they all look stunning.
12:43Michelle looks stunning, bitch.
12:44Yeah, but Michelle looks cute.
12:45She looks very nice.
12:46Jamal looks so sexy, my god.
12:48Oh, Jamal is like a.
12:49It's your crush, right?
12:50Jamal is the sugar, the sugar.
12:52When you see a beautiful guy like Jamal,
12:54maybe I'm horny, let me tell you.
12:57No, let me tell you.
12:59No lies.
13:00But baby, this is so crazy that you're here.
13:02Oh my god, my Greek sister is here.
13:04That's amazing.
13:05We've been performing together in Greece last summer.
13:07We can eat medzets and tzatziki together,
13:09and we'll be home.
13:10Well, this is so cool.
13:11This is going to be very strange competing against you.
13:14I think I was the heart of Drag Race Belgique,
13:17to be honest.
13:19I'm really happy that I came second in my season.
13:22I will be a good ambassador.
13:23I think I am already.
13:24That's why I'm here.
13:27My type of drag is edgy, androgynous, fashion.
13:31I can be funny, too.
13:34I'm not representing the pageant queen.
13:37I'm more in the new age of drag.
13:39It's really important for me to represent my country
13:41because I want the world to see what Belgian drag is about.
13:46It's more underground, and we try to be political.
13:50It's so unreal to be judged by Michelle and Ru,
13:52because I've seen them on TV.
13:54And now I'm part of it.
13:56Since my season, my confidence went way better.
14:00I'm ready for global, and I will conquer the world.
14:04I'm here for it.
14:05I was thinking how amazing it was to meet Ru fucking Paul.
14:13Oh, my God, yes.
14:14She doesn't judge her season either.
14:16Same in Canada.
14:17Yeah, same in Brazil.
14:18It was very, very nerve-wracking, wasn't it?
14:19It's so crazy to think that I will be judged by Ru and Michelle,
14:22who I have looked up to for so long,
14:25and it's just so surreal to be here.
14:27The only other seasons that were hosted by Ru
14:30were UK, US, and Down Under.
14:34Yeah, right? Yeah.
14:36I think that queens that already performed to Ru and Michelle,
14:40they have kind of advantage
14:42because they have a very good relationship with the girls.
14:47Competition starts now.
14:50Everyone's sort of sizing each other up,
14:52being like, are you wearing that?
14:54No, I'm excited.
14:55I think it's going to be really fun.
14:57I think it's going to be fun to show the girls.
15:00To show the girls what we're made of.
15:02What we can do.
15:04Bloody hell, been here two seconds,
15:06and I'm already breaking the place.
15:08That's so funny.
15:09Sorry, Ru, sorry.
15:10Are you excited?
15:11I'm freaking out, actually.
15:13It's risky.
15:14We have Maddox on standby.
15:16Ladies, it's time for the talent show!
15:20It's a new day in the workroom,
15:22and it's almost time for the global Glamazon talent show.
15:26I am so excited because I'm part of group 2,
15:29so I have nothing to do today
15:31but just watch these bitches turn it out.
15:34So, I have a question.
15:37I'm excited because I'm going to really bring something
15:41I do every time in my cabaret.
15:43I know all the French people are going to look at me right now,
15:46so I'm like, ooh!
15:47Oh, shit.
15:48And I have more pressure to see
15:50Michelle, RuPaul, and Jama in front of me,
15:52so I'm like, okay!
15:56I am a drag-slash-cabaret-girl-slash-beauty-stripper,
16:00so I do everything.
16:01Mama Ru has one of the best cabaret girls from France
16:05in front of her.
16:06I'm French.
16:07I come from a little island called Martinique,
16:10and I'm Caribbean,
16:11so I'm going to put the French with some spices.
16:15I'm going to bring you some looks, some vibes.
16:21I'm here for the crown.
16:22It's going to fit on me, I'm sure.
16:23Do you see me?
16:24The French-Caribbean girl with the crown.
16:27Let it go!
16:28We need to stop the show!
16:29I have it!
16:30It's okay!
16:31Do you think you are going to be on top today?
16:33I'd love to.
16:34I think, like, I love my talent show.
16:36I love, like, what I've got,
16:37what I've got prepared and everything,
16:39so I'm really excited to just do it.
16:41The girls know who Kitty is.
16:43They know she's an actress.
16:44They know she's a West End star.
16:46So the pressure is definitely on here.
16:48I need to bring it.
16:49I need to show them exactly what I can do.
16:52It's all right, boys.
16:53Kitty don't bite.
16:54Not now.
16:55She's been fed.
16:56I was on RuPaul's Drag Race UK Season 3,
16:59and I was a runner-up.
17:01I was beat to the crown by a 19-year-old.
17:05I think what I was best known for
17:07was bringing the personality,
17:09bringing the fun, bringing the looks.
17:13I do drag because I'm an attention seeker
17:15and I like money,
17:16and since going on Drag Race,
17:17my fee has gone up quite a bit.
17:19The thing is, I can do it all.
17:21I can act, I can sing, I can dance,
17:24I can model.
17:26I represent all the camp comedy queens.
17:29I love nothing more than having a good old time.
17:32JC, baby!
17:33The British humour is what makes British drag what it is.
17:36Oh, my God, I just feel so honoured
17:38that I'm representing that.
17:39Spectacles, testicles, wallet, and watch.
17:42Everyone thinks Kitty is just like a camp old queen,
17:44and this time I'm here to bring the glamour.
17:47Are you excited?
17:48I'm freaking out, actually,
17:49because we are going to go in front of Ru again, Michelle,
17:53and show talents.
17:55I'm nervous for it.
17:57You want everything to be just like on the spot.
17:59Yes, just a little more perfect.
18:01I think that's the dance coach in me.
18:03It's like everything needs to be tight,
18:04the choreography, the details matter.
18:06I want to prove to Ru I've listened,
18:09I've taken the advice,
18:10and I helped to show all of that, this go-around.
18:14Your talent, yesterday you were sharing with me
18:17that it's quite dangerous.
18:19It's risky, and I just figured out
18:21that it had never been done in the show before.
18:24It's a lot of pressure to perform in front of the judges,
18:27and if I mess up, I can really fall flat on my face.
18:31We have medics on standby.
18:33I hope so.
18:34In the world of theater, darling, break a leg.
18:37Literally, break a leg.
18:39Olá, mundo, eu sou Miranda Lebrão,
18:42e eu sou do Brasil.
18:44I am from season one of Drag Race Brasil,
18:48and I am one of the top four finalists.
18:54I am one of the most known drag queens from Rio.
18:58My drag style is camp, playful, sassy, funny,
19:02and I am a storyteller.
19:04The drag scene in Rio are wild.
19:07We have so much fun.
19:09We are freaking crazy.
19:11Brazilian drag queens are always doing something great
19:15with so little resources.
19:17Drag means everything to me.
19:19If you know Brazil, you never give up.
19:23It's not an option.
19:27Oh, let's do Shag Mary Kill.
19:29Yeah, yeah, yeah.
19:30Oh, my God.
19:31I would Shag Gala and Nelly.
19:33I'd Shag Gala.
19:35I think Gala's gorgeous.
19:37Gala could get it.
19:39You heard that, Gala?
19:40I'm the dweller of the season.
19:42I'd marry Pythia, and I'd kill Nelly,
19:44but I'd feel bad for it.
19:46Oh, my God.
19:47Yeah, it has to be done.
19:52Welcome to the main stage of RuPaul's Drag Race Global All-Stars.
19:56From the International House of Pancake Makeup,
19:59it's Michelle Visage.
20:01Ru, you know how much I love my Rudy Tutti Fresh and Fruity baby.
20:07He puts the D in dance.
20:09It's director, choreographer, Jamal Sims.
20:12I love what you did with the place.
20:15Just a few knickknacks.
20:16And our extra special guest judge, Brazil's hottest export,
20:21the gorgeous Adriana Lima.
20:25Thank you so much for having me here.
20:27RuPaul, I've been your biggest fan for such a long time.
20:32And by the way, you look fabulous.
20:35Thank you so much.
20:37We're so happy you're here.
20:38I'm so excited.
20:41This week, we challenge our first six All-Stars
20:43to let us have it at the Global Glamazon Talent Extravaganza.
20:48And later tonight, all our queens will work the runway
20:52where the category is Garden of Eden.
20:56All-Stars, start your engines.
20:58And may the best Global Glamazon win.
21:02Welcome to the Global Glamazon Talent Extravaganza.
21:06Up first, it's time to go down under with Queen Kong.
21:11Hi, everyone. My name is Queen Kong.
21:12You should know me from RuPaul's Drag Race Down Under Season 2
21:15where I was the finalist.
21:16Yes, I'm back, bitch.
21:18I definitely want to put Down Under on the map
21:20and win this competition because I feel like we deserve it.
21:22I definitely will be bringing a more elevated approach
21:25to not only my runways but everything that I do.
21:27My drag style is definitely a product of my environment.
21:30You know, I draw massive inspiration
21:32from my Pacific heritage.
21:33I wear it with pride, and I take my ancestors everywhere.
21:36And I'm so happy that I get to bring them
21:38to this global stage.
21:40We're graduating!
21:42What's up, boys?
21:47Walk into the room, got the bitches so shook, it's what I do
21:50Leader of the pack, future ancestor, here to take it back
21:54Giving you what you need, oh, you don't believe?
21:56You're kidding me
21:58Oh, you want some more?
22:02I am the what? I am the queen
22:05What do you mean? We're talking about me
22:07Let me be real, I will go put on a heel
22:09And show all you bitches a deal
22:11I can see why, I can see why all you bitches see me
22:13And they're into your feels
22:14Brand new song, never do it wrong
22:16Because I put the queens in the con
22:18Tell all the girls, nopo ilala
22:20Put on an ear while you're a sarong
22:23I am the what? I am the queen
22:25This bitch picked up a whole-ass man
22:27Step on the scene and I swipe them clean
22:30Sister, please, I do it with ease
22:34What do you mean? We're talking about me
22:44Get me around, don't play around, I'll shut it down
22:48Stay down, colonizer!
22:53Yeah, yeah, yeah
22:57Up next, from Rio de Janeiro
23:00It's Miranda Lawanda Paige Brooks
23:06Oh, okay
23:23Oh, my God!
23:26Oh, my God!
23:30Yeah, you're killing it!
23:36Oh, oh!
23:46Oh, my God!
23:47Oh, my God!
23:52Oh, my God!
24:06I peed a little when I saw that
24:08I thought she was gonna die
24:10Oh, my God! You're killing it!
24:13Up next, it's the bombshell of Birmingham
24:17Kitty Scott Claus
24:22I live a life of luxury
24:25If I'm down, I just go lighter
24:27Buy a shade or two or three
24:29And all I need is a box of bleach
24:31And a bottle of Prosecco as a party bait
24:33And a scented candle, shopping spree
24:35Cos much is gonna be made of your troubles
24:38A gun, you can get what you want
24:41Everything and beyond
24:43Not me being a pop star!
24:45Oh, yeah!
24:51All I care about is nothing
24:54I'm all too glad I'm standing
24:57I've longed like no one's watching
24:59They all live, laugh, key change
25:03I'm living, laughing, I'm loving
25:06All I stress about is nothing
25:10I'm all too glad I'm standing
25:13I've longed like no one's watching
25:16They all live, laugh, love
25:19And now, from Brussels with Sprouts, it's Athena Leakeys.
25:49Athena, wait, it's not over yet.
26:17Join now your two biggest fans.
26:28Oh my god, so stupid, I love it.
26:33And now, representing Gabriel Lee, it's Soa Demuse.
27:02Oh my god, so stupid, I love it.
27:27Oh my god, so stupid, I love it.
27:49Up next, the pride of Mesquite, Texas, it's Alyssa Edwards.
27:55Welcome to Sweating to the Essentials with Alyssa Edwards.
27:58In today's workout, we're going to stretch, hear, pop, and draw.
28:02Now follow along.
28:04Take both of your arms, put them down by your side.
28:07We're going to start real low, time to open up wide.
28:10Tone puppet loud and show me your flex.
28:13Let my mouth be your guide like you're cashing them checks.
28:16Now pop, two, three, four.
28:18Pop, pop, two, three, four.
28:22Take both of your legs, keep marching in place.
28:25Focus on the eyes, the tips of the face.
28:28When I count to four, let your eyes flare.
28:31One, two, three, four, deliver a stare.
28:34Now stare.
28:40Now a little cardio breakdown, five, six, seven, eight.
28:48Hip, hip, hip, hip, hip, hip, hip, hip.
28:51And stare.
28:54That's it for today's lesson.
28:57Join me for next week's From Back Rolls to Back Rolls.
29:02That end, show stubborn.
29:06Where's your style, baby?
29:09Category is Garden of Eden, as in we're all created naked,
29:15and the rest is drag.
29:17Up first, from Belgium, Athena Likis.
29:21I'm serving the moment when Eve bite the apple.
29:24I'm making statements about religion,
29:27but always try to shut down all women.
29:30Oh, my God, her stomach's in knots.
29:35Up next, from Brazil, Miranda Lawanda Paige Brooks.
29:40Brazil, we are here.
29:43This bad snake's all around my waist, and it's eating me.
29:48That's the biggest snake I ever seen.
29:52From Canada, Pathea.
29:54I am the evil that has come out of the apple
29:56and has rotted this world.
29:58It's like, ooh, what smells in here? It's me.
30:01Listen, she's getting to the core of the problem.
30:05From down under, Queen Kong.
30:07I'm giving you like the tree of life and death.
30:10Lots of the design is definitely a love letter homage
30:13to my Pacific heritage.
30:15We were rooting for you.
30:18From France, Soheida Muse.
30:20I see you do darkness with Lilith.
30:22The first woman before Eve, she say no to Adam,
30:25she say, I do my shit, and she's the goddess of the wind.
30:28You grow, girl.
30:32Representing Germany, Tessa T.
30:35Bitch, I'm coming out on the runway,
30:37I'm giving them my theories, I'm giving them silhouette.
30:39It is clean, it is glamorous.
30:42Her safe word is Applebee's.
30:46From Italy, Nalania.
30:49I am Lucifer, the archangel.
30:53But wait, because I don't want to be an angel anymore.
30:58Now I became the devil.
31:00That's better.
31:02Slip into something a little more comfortable.
31:05Oh, she's going to need a band-aid.
31:09From Mexico, Calavaro.
31:13I'm trying to represent the original scene,
31:16and I'm ready to tempt the judges with my fruits.
31:19It's not an apple, it's a banana.
31:22Oh, there we go. I knew it.
31:24That's definitely making me horny.
31:26Now that's what I call a forbidden fruit salad.
31:31From the Philippines, Eva Laqueen.
31:34I'm serving you the tree of life.
31:37This outfit is made of organic materials.
31:40It's actually coconut husks.
31:42Each fiber, it was made with so much love from the Philippines.
31:45How do you like me now, Granny Smith?
31:48From Sweden, Vanity Vane.
31:51Fashion Nova, live from the Garden of Eden.
31:54So I'm walking down the runway with this, like, edgy tracksuit,
31:57more of a, like, more attituded look.
32:00Oh, one more thing. Let me whip this out.
32:03Then I just shred my skin and show off my foreskin
32:06like I became the gay Voldemort.
32:09Listen, they needed condoms back then too.
32:15From the UK, Kitty Scott-Clark.
32:17Can you see my rosebud from here?
32:19I am serving English rose gone bad.
32:22You've always got to bring the glamour.
32:24Okay, bloomer.
32:25Oh, I'm all dewy. I'm a flower.
32:28From the USA, Alyssa Edwards.
32:31I'm giving y'all the Garden of Full of Temptation.
32:34Will you take it or can you resist it?
32:37You know there could only be one.
32:39It's the Beast of Burden.
32:41I keep reminding myself, $200,000.
32:44Oh, I'm getting hot just thinking about it. Oh, my God.
32:49Welcome, all-stars.
32:52Now, the top two all-stars will lip-sync for the chance to win
32:56a cash tip of $10,000.
32:59Oh, my God.
33:01Sophia, Tessa, Nalania, Gala,
33:06Ava, and Vanity.
33:09Thank you for slaying the runway.
33:11We'll see more of your talents next week.
33:14For now, you may leave the stage.
33:17Thank you. Ciao.
33:18Thank you. Well done.
33:19Bye. Bye, ladies.
33:22Now it's time for the judges' critiques,
33:24starting with...
33:26Atina Likis.
33:28The performance, I had so much fun watching you.
33:31It was a comedy routine, and you really told the story.
33:35The best part to me was when 2 Dancing Michelles came out.
33:38When they first came out, I was speechless.
33:42I have a thing about being tied up.
33:45It kind of scares me.
33:48I love this outfit. It's gorgeous.
33:51The color palette, everything about it is fan-fantastic.
33:56Up next, Miranda Lashonda Rhymes.
34:04Sorry, I say it's nice to see a Brazilian representative here.
34:07I had to say a little bit.
34:09I absolutely love this outfit.
34:11It is so kooky, but at the same time so glamorous.
34:14Feels like we know who you are immediately.
34:17Your talent was ridiculous.
34:19Listen, trapeze is hard,
34:22and then in drag, it's even more difficult.
34:24I loved your energy.
34:26I think you were so funny and playful.
34:29And then the final drop was like,
34:32so great job tonight, you're wonderful.
34:34Up next, we've got Global Savage, Queen Kong.
34:38I have to get to this performance because nobody wants to be first.
34:42But if you're gonna go first, you have to set the bar so high,
34:45and that's exactly what you did.
34:47The fact that you lifted up that little boy dancer,
34:50and that's not even the oppressive part,
34:53the music stayed on!
34:56The song was fantastic.
34:58Production, everything, everything about it was fantastic.
35:01Now for this look, you just look like a beautiful princess.
35:04The hair and everything, it's truly beautiful.
35:07Thank you so much. Thank you.
35:09Up next, Zoé Demeuse.
35:11Bonjour, bonjour, bonjour. Bonjour!
35:13This look is beautiful and dark.
35:16I love the song.
35:18You bring all your emotions to your performance.
35:21I may not have understood every lyric that you were saying,
35:24but there was a mood that was set, and we felt it.
35:28Up next, Kitty Scott Claus.
35:31Girl, you have amazing voice.
35:33Oh, thank you.
35:35Yes, you have such a great charisma.
35:38You're so much fun.
35:40You're like the girl I want to hang out with.
35:42I want to party with her.
35:44And in this look, you're dressed like a frickin' flower, look at you!
35:47You understand what your brand is, and you deliver it.
35:50It's so much your personality, and it's great.
35:53Thank you so much.
35:55It's Alyssa Edwards.
35:57The talent show, I love the 80s.
36:00Your body looked so good.
36:03And then at the end, you decided that you're going to pour some water on yourself
36:08and do a flash dance moment, which killed it!
36:11And this look tonight is just Alyssa Edwards.
36:14This is so beautifully done.
36:16Alyssa Edwards, years of being on stage,
36:19of being a star, it all shows.
36:22Tonight you are a star.
36:25Very proud of you.
36:28Very proud of you.
36:29Thank you, Alyssa.
36:32While you untuck in the workroom, the judges and I will deliberate.
36:36You may leave the stage.
36:39After watching the performance, are you nervous about your own, yeah?
36:50Are you nervous?
36:52A little.
36:54Because today was very, very, a big show.
36:57Everyone was so good and amazing.
36:59Which was your favorite?
37:01Maybe Alyssa or Queen Kong.
37:03Queen Kong?
37:05Selena brought, like, a really, like, elaborate and smart concept.
37:08I really enjoyed Miranda.
37:10Oh, Miranda was so funny.
37:12So wonderful.
37:13Kitty's look was the best one out of everybody.
37:17That hair.
37:18And she said, live, live, live.
37:20I feel like after tonight, the bar was set really high,
37:23so we have a lot to prove next week.
37:29We're back in Untucked after the talent show.
37:32Those critiques sent me to a place where I only hoped and imagined.
37:37They adore us.
37:39Literally everyone got good feedback.
37:41Wait, you got bad feedback?
37:42No, I got great feedback.
37:44I am so desperate to be in that top two.
37:46To be in the top two week one, can you imagine?
37:50Alyssa received, like, critiques about love, just love.
37:54Like, how she's a star because she's a star.
37:56It was special.
37:58Hearing Ru tonight say that I was a star,
38:02so I started getting emotional.
38:03I was like, no, I'm not trying to get sappy on day one, shit.
38:06Alyssa Edwards, get your adoption papers out
38:09because I'm going to be Tessa Edwards after this season.
38:12Is this the audition?
38:13Oh, let it go.
38:15I like her.
38:16I do.
38:17The testicles, all this, I don't know.
38:20I'm not going to lie, I feel insecure.
38:22I'm doing my best, and I hope all the French people look at my talent show
38:26and they're not going to be disappointed about me.
38:28I have to say, your whole performance spoke to me right there.
38:33It was magic.
38:36Miranda, I'm not counting you out tonight because they loved you.
38:40And you know what?
38:42Congratulations snaps to Miranda.
38:45Miranda, you took a risk tonight.
38:47I feel very happy about my number.
38:50I have this struggle with my own body.
38:52I'm losing some muscles.
38:55When I was very young, I got burned, and I injured a lot of my muscles.
39:01And a few years ago, the doctor said,
39:03you are going to reach a point where you will not be able to do the stuff that you do now.
39:08So I am not doing trapeze as I was able to do like five years ago.
39:13So for me to show that and put some fun, some Brazilian craziness on it was so special.
39:20And for me, it's like a farewell to my trapeze
39:24and very proud of myself to be able to do this at least one more time,
39:32but now in a global stage.
39:34Well, look, the standards have been set pretty high for you, Group 2.
39:37Good luck.
39:44Welcome back.
39:45For global all-stars, MTV, RuPaul's Drag Race, and World of Wonder
39:50have partnered with All Out, an organization that champions LGBT plus rights around the world.
39:58Now to our viewers, if you want to find out more and make a donation,
40:04look for the Drag Saves the World QR code at the end of each episode.
40:10Now to kick things off, we're donating $100,000.
40:16Oh, my God.
40:17Oh, my God.
40:19Now, based on your debut presentations and performances, I've made some decisions.
40:26The top two all-stars of the week are...
40:36Alyssa Edwards.
40:41And Queen Kong.
40:44Let's go, bitches.
40:48The rest of you may step to the back of the stage.
40:52Kill it, girls.
40:54Alyssa, Queen Kong, this week, you both did your country proud,
41:01but tonight, there can only be one winner.
41:07Mother Alyssa can lip sync, and we've seen it, but so can I.
41:12Let's go, motherfucker!
41:14Two global all-stars stand before me.
41:20Ladykins, this is your chance to impress me and win a cash tip of $10,000.
41:30The time has come for you to lip sync for The Globe.
41:41We're about to turn this gig out.
41:44I want Mother Ru to know that I am the only queen in the world.
41:50Good luck, and don't fuck it up.
42:07And I'm gonna make you swallow the pride.
42:12Want you to make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world.
42:17Like I'm the only one that you'll ever love.
42:21Like I'm the only one who knows your heart.
42:25Only girl in the world.
42:28Like I'm the only one that's in your bed.
42:31Cause I'm the only one who understands.
42:35Like I'm the only one who knows your heart.
42:39Only one.
42:41Take me for a ride, ride.
42:44Oh, baby, take me high, high.
42:48Let me make you buzz, buzz.
42:51Oh, make it last all night, night.
42:55Take me for a ride, ride.
42:58Oh, baby, take me high, high.
43:02Let me make you buzz, buzz.
43:05Make it last all night, night.
43:09Oh, make it last all night, night.
43:12Oh my god, Queen Kong, like, rolling in the sky.
43:16Like I'm the only one that you'll ever love.
43:19Like I'm the only one who knows your heart.
43:23Only girl in the world.
43:26Like I'm the only one that's in your bed.
43:29Cause I'm the only one who understands.
43:33How to make you feel like a man.
43:37Only girl in the world.
43:41Girl in the world.
43:44Only girl in the world.
43:48Girl in the world.
44:01Wow, ladies, I've made my decision.
44:06Alyssa Edwards.
44:09Queen Kong.
44:12It's a tie, baby.
44:18Oh my god, I fucking won!
44:21I could have shared when, but who else would I want to share a lip sync win against?
44:25I couldn't ask for a better way to start off this gig.
44:28And you'll be splitting the cash prize of $10,000.
44:32Condragulations, ladies.
44:34Next week, the rest of our global all-stars will take the stage
44:39for part two of our Global Glamazon Talent Extravaganza.
44:44Oh yes, honey, this race is just getting started.
44:48If you can't love yourself, how in the hell are you going to love somebody else?
44:51Can I get an amen up in here?
44:53All right, now let the music play!
