Salón de té La Moderna - Ep 203

  • 3 months ago
Salón de té La Moderna - Ep 203


00:00Well, I won't take any more of your time. I'll leave it at your disposal, Matilde.
00:08I'll walk you to the door.
00:10Thank you for everything, Doctor.
00:12Everything will be fine.
00:18Excuse me.
00:22Here's my card. I hope you liked it.
00:26And remember, the sooner the better.
00:30Thank you.
00:44What did he tell you?
00:47Dr. Mendoza will need more time to study your case.
00:53And to tell you that, you've been talking for so long.
00:56Yes, well, you know how doctors are. They like to be sure.
01:00I hope that soon, with what I have, we can leave this nightmare behind.
01:08Well, honey, now we have to wait.
01:12And when they have the diagnosis and the treatment, they'll tell us.
01:26Oh my God, I can't believe it's been so long.
01:35Giancarlo's voice reminded me of a child's.
01:38And now, I don't know, I'm surprised.
01:41With this serious tone of voice.
01:45He's a man, and he has rights.
01:48Of course. The last time you saw him, he was a child, wasn't he?
01:53My dear love.
01:55I remember when we took you to the ship to go to America.
01:59Yes, I remember.
02:01I would sleep at night and I would wake up with the image of him telling me goodbye with his little hand.
02:07Poor thing. He was so little.
02:12I cried a lot at that time.
02:15Me too.
02:19I tried to cheer up the boy, but...
02:22But inside, he was broken.
02:24Pedro, excuse me.
02:26Please forgive me for leaving you alone all this time.
02:30Don't say that, Lucia, please.
02:34We had no choice.
02:36We had to get the boy out, didn't we?
02:40I should have been able to support the family, but I couldn't.
02:45I got up at three in the morning.
02:49I was going to work at the bakery.
02:51I got home at six in the afternoon, my love.
02:54I remember. I don't know how you could face a day like this.
02:59How I liked to play with Giancarlo before going to bed.
03:03Do you remember?
03:06But the numbers didn't come out.
03:09It was a misery salary.
03:12You did what you could do.
03:14You're right.
03:17Maybe it's true.
03:19We did everything we could do before leaving so far away.
03:23You were very brave.
03:25The first one to go looking for a better life for the three of us.
03:31But fate doesn't control us.
03:34It's fate that controls us, right?
03:45Daddy Gordy.
03:49You gave it to me at the port the last day when we said goodbye.
03:56I've been carrying it with me all this time.
03:59There wasn't a single night that I didn't look at it before going to bed.
04:03It gave me the strength to move on.
04:06That's the only way I could get up in the morning thinking...
04:09that one day we would be a family again.
04:13I know that...
04:15things haven't gone the way we dreamed,
04:17much less.
04:23I'm still in love with you.
04:33Maybe it's better if I leave.
04:36I've talked too much.
04:38I'm going to the pension before it's too late.
04:41Do you want me to come with you?
04:44I have a lot to think about.
04:48Good night.
04:50Good night.
05:07You know I don't like to argue.
05:09It's like my sister enjoys taking me against her will.
05:12Laura, it's lucky to have a sister who's almost your age...
05:15and with whom you share so many things.
05:17It's normal that you argue sometimes.
05:20Look, first I've hit her for defending Mrs. Lázara...
05:22when no one in La Moderna does it.
05:24And then for saying that Agustín is fantastic and wonderful.
05:28Well, Laura won't say it to annoy you.
05:30She'll have her own point of view.
05:32Yes, it's clear that she has her way of perceiving the world...
05:35and I don't understand it.
05:36Maybe if instead of arguing you simply talk...
05:38it's easier to understand each other.
05:40Well, I could tell her that Mrs. Lázara is manipulative...
05:44and that she doesn't need to be an intellectual to realize...
05:46that Agustín is...
05:48Agustín is so...
05:50Well, I don't know.
05:51I admit that I'm not so sure about Agustín...
05:54but I'm sure he's not as wonderful and fantastic as she is.
05:57But they are my favorite partners.
06:00How are you?
06:01Fine, fine.
06:02Well, we were talking about...
06:05We're very nervous about the event...
06:07that's being organized this afternoon at the gramophone store.
06:09Ah, yes.
06:10Zenobia Camprubí, Juan Ramón Jiménez's wife.
06:12I suppose she'll talk about her husband's literature, right?
06:15Well, it's true that Zenobia is Juan Ramón Jiménez's wife...
06:18but she's much more than that.
06:20She's a very well-known writer and translator.
06:23Well, in any case, she'll talk about literature.
06:27I'm sure it's going to be a great evening.
06:30See you later.
06:35Oh my God, how happy Zenobia is...
06:37that she's going to talk about female suffrage.
06:39Let's see if she still thinks it's such a wonderful evening.
06:52Always the same.
06:53Come in.
06:56I have to give you some news.
06:58I hope it's the right time.
07:00It's always the same for you.
07:02Tell me.
07:03What is it about?
07:04My contact at the Ministry of the Interior called me...
07:07and he told me that for the moment and until new evidence appears...
07:11the investigation for your daughter's murder is going to stop.
07:14The case, as he explained to me, has reached a deadlock.
07:18I'm aware of that.
07:20Inspector Jiménez personally called me first thing in the morning to tell me.
07:24By the way, have you already started the plan to liquidate part of the companies as I asked you?
07:29Yes, I'm busy with all the paperwork.
07:32But I want to tell you something that worries me about it.
07:36Tell me.
07:39I would like you to tell me why you want to liquidate these companies...
07:43and open a listed account in Switzerland.
07:46Because what leads me to think this attitude is that...
07:49maybe you want to leave Spain and therefore leave our relationship.
07:56If that's the case, I prefer to know the truth.
08:00To know where your heart is.
08:03And where do you see yourself in the next few years if it's not by my side?
08:07I understand that you want to know.
08:09But if I haven't told you anything at the moment it's because I don't have a decision made.
08:14I don't want you to interpret this as a pressure on my part.
08:17No, none of that.
08:19It's normal for me to ask you if it worries you.
08:23Sincerity is the basis of any good relationship.
08:29I understand that you want to get away from so many painful memories.
08:34And I want you to know that if you want...
08:38I would have no problem accompanying you wherever you go.
08:44Thank you, my love.
08:46But you can rest assured.
08:48For now, I'm not going anywhere.
08:51I have very important matters to resolve here.
09:02Do you have a moment, Mr. Fermin?
09:04Of course, son. Come in.
09:06Thank you very much.
09:09I wanted to tell you that I was talking to my lawyer.
09:12And he told me that the judge is going to temporarily file the case of Carla's murder.
09:16Well, that's excellent news for you.
09:19Let's hope that now they finally leave you alone.
09:22Well, the truth is that I hope so.
09:24Well, the truth is that I hope so.
09:26But there is another matter that worries me.
09:30I suppose it's about Matilde, right?
09:33That's right.
09:35Have a seat, please.
09:37Thank you very much.
09:39Tell me...
09:41Have you been able to talk to Dr. Mendoza?
09:47And he told me that considering his behavior...
09:52and his possible evolution...
09:56the most advisable thing would be to put her in a center.
10:02I'm very sorry to hear that.
10:04As you will understand, I am in a very difficult situation.
10:08My friend, I understand perfectly the bitter drink you are going through,
10:12but I am no one to advise you in a situation of this caliber.
10:16Look, Mr. Fermin, I know that Matilde is not well.
10:20But I don't think she is as bad as to put her in a center.
10:24Maybe a change of air would be good for her, right?
10:28Or a change of routine,
10:30to be in contact with nature, away from worries.
10:33Don't you think so, Mr. Fermin?
10:35Don't you think so?
10:37Why don't you take a few days to think about it calmly?
10:42Because I don't have much time, Mr. Fermin.
10:44Dr. Mendoza has asked me for an answer as soon as possible because...
10:48if we don't do something soon, Matilde's condition will worsen irreversibly.
11:02I want to congratulate you because both the consumption of the salon
11:05and the sale of products have increased considerably
11:08and that is a success for everyone.
11:10Please, these congratulations, make them extendable to the rest of the colleagues.
11:14We must continue like this.
11:16Thank you very much, Mrs. Alazara. We will do so.
11:21Come on, why are you smiling like that?
11:24What do you want? That I look at her badly?
11:26But don't you realize that she is adoring us with so much congratulation?
11:31Look, Teresa, she will have her things.
11:34But a good boss, as a boss,
11:36is the one who not only scolds you when you do it wrong,
11:39but also congratulates you for what you do well.
11:41Look, in any other case, I would say yes.
11:44But here I am sure that what you want is to manipulate us with some intention.
11:49You are very susceptible, Teresa, and it is normal with everything that has happened to you.
11:53No, no, no, susceptible, nothing. This is what it is.
11:56By the way, I followed her yesterday and I already know where she lives.
11:59Don't you think you're taking this hobby too far?
12:03Well, no. I'm going to go at lunch break to ask about her neighborhood
12:07and, I don't know, maybe I'll get some information.
12:11I don't think it's a good idea, Teresa.
12:13As soon as she finds out, you're going to get into a good mess.
12:16Look, I'm already tired of being taken for a fool.
12:18And besides, I have little to lose.
12:20But don't you realize how strange it sounds that you are spying on your boss?
12:24Yeah, but she's manipulating Mr. Fermin for I don't know what purpose.
12:28And I don't want to allow it, man.
12:30Look, I'm not saying no, but Mr. Fermin is also an adult to realize things.
12:34Well, Mr. Fermin is smart in business,
12:37but personal life is something else, he's been alone for a long time.
12:41We have to make him realize that this woman is not to be trusted.
12:45And bad people, malicious people, always leave a trail in the path.
12:48That's what I want to find.
12:50And you intend to find him by spying on his house and scaring his neighbors?
12:54Well, I'll do what I have to do.
12:56Because I know this woman is not to be trusted.
12:58So, have you made a decision?
13:08Yes, and after a long process of selection,
13:12I have come to the conclusion that Marta is the best candidate.
13:16Yeah, and that she's the best won't be because she does something funny to you?
13:23Come on, let's go.
13:35Hi Miguel, Salvita.
13:37What did you want? I don't have much time.
13:41We won't bother you, but tell us, do you know if you want to work with us?
13:46Thanks for the offer, Salvita, but I'm thinking about it.
13:49I have to see if I can combine it with my shift at La Moderna.
13:53I would have to come at the first hour before starting in the living room
13:56and I could only come three days a week.
14:00Well, it sounds just what we need.
14:03The only thing is that when I come at the first hour,
14:05I don't know if they could leave me a key or someone could come to open me.
14:10Well, the key thing is complicated, you have to think.
14:13No, no, you don't have to think anything.
14:15I'm going to come every day at the first hour.
14:18Are you going to get up early three days a week?
14:20You leave me with money.
14:23Forgive me.
14:26It's not a problem for me at all.
14:28Besides, it would be good for me, so I can take advantage of the time to study
14:32because then with all the work there is in the library, I don't have time.
14:36This is going to be the closest thing to a library you can imagine.
14:41Well, you know what I'm telling you, Salvita?
14:43I've thought about it and I'm not going to accept the job.
14:46Well, if I don't have to make it easy for you, why are you coming to work here?
14:49Is it something bad?
14:50I'm not a girl, Salvita.
14:52I have a need, but not so much.
14:54Or do you think I don't realize that what you want is to be alone with me?
14:58Well, you should know that I have no interest in getting up early
15:01so that a smartass can take advantage of me.
15:08So, do we have a cleaner or not?
15:11Yes, yes, yes, yes, we have a cleaner.
15:13The only thing is that he has to think about it for two days.
15:18Your father wants us to hire the new cleaner now.
15:22If Marta is not for the job, we will have to hire another one.
15:29I'm coming.
15:37Good afternoon.
15:40Did I come at a bad time?
15:42No, come in.
15:48Sorry for the mess, I wasn't expecting you.
15:51If this is messy, you are a prodigy in the organization.
15:55Well, if I have visitors, I like to have the house better.
15:57What do you want?
15:59Sorry to bother you, I just came to see your sister Inés.
16:02It's an urgent matter.
16:07Would you like something to drink?
16:09No, I just came to bring you something.
16:12It is a small pending account that I hope you read calmly.
16:19What is this?
16:20It is your new contract for the court of Pharaoh.
16:25But I don't understand anything.
16:27We already had a contract and you already know what my problem is.
16:30That is the reason for the new contract.
16:32I have included a couple of clauses.
16:34I promised you that I would wait until you were in full condition.
16:38Everything is reflected there.
16:41You don't have to answer me now, Inés.
16:44Read it calmly, consult it with whoever you need.
16:47With your sister, with your uncle.
16:51I am very proud to be able to confirm that my advice and recommendations
16:55to improve the performance of the business are working.
16:58Both sales and consumption are increasing significantly.
17:02Well, I celebrate your good news.
17:04Although I didn't expect less from you.
17:07Look, I have prepared a document with all the data.
17:18Of course, the results are impressive.
17:24What luck I have to have you.
17:27By God, the one who is lucky to be here is me.
17:30I just put into practice everything I have learned during all these years.
17:34Well, you are doing it frankly well.
17:43Yes, your niece Inés has already told me about the colloquium.
17:47It seems that the speaker will be the wife of the writer Juan Ramón Jiménez.
17:51That's right, I'm sure it's going to be a great evening.
17:58Maybe you want to come with me.
18:02I'm very sorry, but I won't be able to attend.
18:06Well, it's a shame.
18:09It's just that I have a commitment.
18:10A commitment, of course.
18:13You must have met a friend, I guess.
18:15No, no, no, no, no.
18:18Well, I'm in a bit of a hurry to tell you, but I've met a man.
18:26What did you say?
18:27Well, no, no, no.
18:28I'm sorry, I don't want to seem ...
18:32I don't want to bother you, it's not my business.
18:35What I wanted to tell you is that I have an appointment with the tapestry.
18:41With the tapestry?
18:43Yes, he has to come and take the measurements of the sofa.
18:46I'm really ashamed to tell you this because it seems like it's just a sofa,
18:50but it's a family relic and well, for me it's important.
18:54Of course.
18:56Of course, of course.
18:58Of course.
18:59Yes, yes, yes.
19:04Did you want to talk to me, Mr. Fermin?
19:06Yes, Trini, come in.
19:07Well, I'll leave you to talk quietly.
19:10Goodbye, Mrs. Rafa.
19:11Mr. Fermin.
19:16Yes, yes, sit down, sit down.
19:19But I don't understand, Inés.
19:21Didn't you say you didn't want to sing again?
19:23No, no, that's something that depends on me.
19:27I gave my word to your sister and I keep it.
19:31I would like nothing more than to count on your sister for the function.
19:35But I don't know if I can sing again or if I will have the strength to do so.
19:39Well, I'm willing to wait for whatever it takes to do things as they should,
19:43with the best on the boards.
19:46But you told me that I could lose a lot of money waiting for me.
19:49And I don't want to be a burden.
19:51Well, that's a risk that I'm willing to take.
19:55Agustín, please, I'm asking you.
19:57Look for a protagonist with whom you can tell the truth.
20:00No, let's do one thing.
20:02You read it calmly, without hurry.
20:04And when you have a clear decision, you sign it, right?
20:09But I don't want to be a problem.
20:11I don't want to be a problem.
20:13And for a moment it made me doubt,
20:16but we both know that waiting for me would be an irresponsibility.
20:19Irresponsibility would be turning your back on one of the most incredible voices
20:23I've ever heard in my life, Inés.
20:27But that voice may never come back.
20:31Agustín, please, I'm asking you.
20:33If I change my mind, let me know, please.
20:43I'm very sorry to have bothered you, really.
20:47I think it's better if...
20:48Don't worry, I'll walk you to the door.
20:56It's me.
20:57It's me.
21:03Wait a moment, please.
21:06Well, since we're all being honest,
21:10I'd like to apologize.
21:12I think I've confused myself a lot with you.
21:14He's a man of his word, and he's proven it.
21:17Do you think you can forgive me?
21:19No, there's nothing to forgive.
21:21Just that I showed up at your house without warning you.
21:23Which won't happen again.
21:25Well, then we're even.
21:27And I also wanted to thank you for taking care of my brother.
21:31Sometimes it's hard for me to do it.
21:33You can count on me for that and for whatever you need.
21:37Good afternoon.
21:38Good afternoon.
21:47Don Fermín told me he hopes the wedding will be a success
21:50because we've had a complicated divorce.
21:52Well done, Don Fermín. Always full of good wishes.
21:55I'm not saying it to flatter you.
21:57I'm saying it because everyone is putting pressure on us.
21:59Don't worry, my love.
22:00Tonight I'm meeting my friend Aureliano.
22:03I know what we needed to finish the wedding.
22:06Well, then you can call me Cinderella.
22:08Aureliano will do a fabulous job.
22:09There's no better priest, not even the real ones.
22:11Well, if you say so.
22:12All I hope is that he doesn't meddle
22:15and that everyone finds out that our wedding is a lie.
22:19Let's see, lovers of Teruel...
22:22Yes, you spend all day peeling potatoes.
22:25Well, that's over after four days of getting married.
22:28You'll see.
22:29Well, I'm going to the show.
22:33Me too.
22:34Elias, tell me what I owe you.
22:35Hey, hey, hey.
22:36Stay there, Miguel.
22:37I'm in a bit of a hurry.
22:38Well, neither hurry nor inventory.
22:39None of that.
22:40You stay here, you and I have to talk.
22:43Let's see.
22:44Come on, tell me.
22:45How are those preparations for the wedding going?
22:47That I find out.
22:48That's it, that's it.
22:49Well, you know how everything is.
22:51It's going to be a very humble celebration.
22:54With so little time, we'd even have to reduce the number of guests.
22:58Come on, how many more guests, the better.
23:00It's a wedding, Miguel.
23:02You only get married once in your life.
23:03Yes, yes, but it's still a commitment
23:05and I don't like to bother people.
23:07What you have to do is set up a good coffin.
23:10By the way, do you have a godmother?
23:12It's just that, of course, since I'm without being Antonia's godmother,
23:15well, to take advantage, right?
23:17Come on, woman, it's just something for the rest.
23:19If you love that, you've already talked.
23:21The godmother is not going to be Miguel's mother, right?
23:23Well, my mother, that's what we are.
23:25Since he doesn't live here in Madrid.
23:27Oh, well, then don't bother the woman.
23:29That thing about being a godmother is a lot of trouble.
23:32I'll take care of that.
23:35I'll take care of it, she says.
23:37What are you laughing at?
23:38And you, Diargo, that at this rate, come on,
23:40you're going to have a child without being married.
23:43Don't worry, we've got it all tied up.
23:45We even have a godmother.
23:48But we don't want to reveal surprises,
23:50because otherwise, what a wedding, right?
23:57You calm down, Miguel.
24:00I understand perfectly how you are.
24:02And everything comes out, even the fear of the bullfighter.
24:05The fear of the bullfighter?
24:06Yes, yes, the fear of the bullfighter.
24:08Let's see, I'm not going to judge you.
24:10Of course, after so many years as a priest,
24:12I understand that you have the means to enter
24:14and kill with a female.
24:16I thank you, Elias, but I don't know
24:18if I want to have this conversation with you.
24:20Man, you're over-prepared.
24:22Besides, who better than me to guide you
24:24on the path of amateur arts?
24:27Really, there's no need.
24:28When the time comes, I'll let myself go and that's it.
24:31And that's it?
24:32Well, but do you know the relationship
24:34between the flower and the bee?
24:41Come here.
24:55I know things haven't gone as we dreamed,
24:58much less, but Pietro, I'm still in love with you.
25:05Wow, wow, wow.
25:07What a great look these tartlets have, Pietro.
25:11They're almost done, Mr. Fermin.
25:16Can I ask you how you're doing?
25:19I still can't believe Lucia has reappeared, Mr. Fermin.
25:24I see.
25:25Yesterday we called Giancarlo to tell him
25:28and I thought, how is he not going to be shocked
25:32for the rest of his life thinking that his mother was dead?
25:36It must have been very difficult for that boy
25:38to grow up without a mother from such a young age.
25:42Yes, it hasn't been easy.
25:45Not for Lucia either.
25:48Nor for me.
25:50And all because of the damn politics, Mr. Fermin.
25:54Pietro, I don't want to get into where they don't call me,
25:58but what do you mean?
26:02Lucia and I moved to Turin,
26:05north of Italy,
26:07after the wedding.
26:08I had a bakery and she worked in a car factory.
26:13But it was a very particular moment in my country,
26:15very complicated,
26:17and the anarcho-syndicalists took over the factories.
26:21I see.
26:23I imagine that such a stir affected them.
26:27We didn't want to know anything about all this,
26:29but our friends got involved.
26:33And that's why they fired Lucia.
26:36They thought she was in favor of anarcho-syndicalism.
26:40Of course, and that's where their problems started, right?
26:43Yes, exactly.
26:45My work wasn't enough to support the whole family.
26:49I'm sorry, Pietro,
26:51because it must have been very difficult to get the family through.
26:56And besides, Mr. Fermin, Giancarlo got sick.
27:00Everything he earned was for medicine.
27:04And that's why Lucia thought it was better to emigrate to America.
27:11At first I didn't want to separate from her,
27:13but she convinced me.
27:15She told me it would be a few months.
27:21And she left.
27:22She went there and time passed and...
27:30And nothing, Mr. Fermin, nothing.
27:32Not a letter, not a call, nothing.
27:39The truth is, Pietro, I don't know how she didn't go crazy.
27:43Thank you, Giancarlo, Mr. Fermin.
27:48Year after year, I asked myself about her mother.
27:51Where is mom, dad?
27:53Where is she?
27:55Finally I got strength from weakness
27:58and I thought we wouldn't see her again.
28:02That she was dead.
28:07Sometimes it's better to think that someone can't come back,
28:10than that someone doesn't want to do it, right?
28:13Uncle, excuse me, there's a call.
28:17Honey, whoever it is, tell him I'll call him back later, please.
28:21No, it's not for you, it's for Pietro.
28:24The police are asking for him.
28:38I don't know why there's so much mystery, woman.
28:40You disgust me.
28:41Man, don't expect me to investigate Mrs. Lázara
28:44and then tell you what I've found in front of everyone.
28:46Have you discovered anything?
28:48Well, no, but I've been able to talk to some of the neighbors.
28:51The first one, the one at the bar, and the one at the kiosk.
28:56Well, everyone says she always goes alone.
28:59The one at the bar told me she moved in recently.
29:03I think it coincides with when she stopped working at the Almacenes Madrid Paris.
29:07And the one at the kiosk told me
29:09that on Sundays he buys her a crucifix.
29:11And what's wrong with buying a crucifix for a woman?
29:14Well, I think it's obvious.
29:16This woman has no social life outside of the modern one.
29:19What do you want me to tell you?
29:21It must be that I don't have much social life outside of the modern one either.
29:24Because I coincide with Mrs. Lázara.
29:26What do you mean you coincide with Mrs. Lázara?
29:29No, no, I mean that I also buy the crucifix on Sundays.
29:32And it has nothing wrong with it.
29:34And it's less suspicious.
29:40I'm just saying it's a very healthy hobby.
29:42If I knew the new words I've learned,
29:45equidistant, for example.
29:47Although it was harder for me when I had eight letters.
29:50Hey, are you really going to keep fighting for this woman or are you going to collaborate?
29:53Because it looks like you're defending her.
29:55I'm not defending her, Teresa.
29:57But if I can't even see her.
29:59Man, you insist that I don't investigate.
30:01Then you follow the game when you're fed up.
30:03And now, come on, come on, with the crucifixes.
30:06No, woman, I'm just saying they're entertaining.
30:08And that I learn vocabulary.
30:10Well, I'm just telling you to clarify which side you're on.
30:14And now, come on, work.
30:16I have to change and when someone comes and sees us here,
30:18he's going to think what it's not.
30:20Come on.
30:29Yes, that's it.
30:30I just need to send him the budgets and...
30:33And the Vatican Convention would be ready.
30:36Very well.
30:38Thank you.
30:40See you later.
30:46See you later.
31:19Yes, yes, yes.
31:27It's you. Think..
31:44Matilde, are you there? This is Esperanza.
31:48It was time. Here, the menus of the convention of Boticario.
31:54How long have I been here?
31:57A little while.
31:59So you've heard it too. You've heard it too, haven't you?
32:07It was her. It was her, Esperanza. It was her voice.
32:13Mrs. Carla.
32:16For God's sake, Matilde. Mrs. Carla is dead.
32:18No. No, Esperanza. It was her. It was Mrs. Carla.
32:22They were voices from the street.
32:23No, no.
32:25Matilde, calm down a bit.
32:27Come on, let's go inside.
32:30Calm down, huh?
32:32Come on, let's go. Let's go inside.
32:36I'm going to put her in the comfort room. I don't want the cops to catch her again.
32:40Don't worry, Antonia.
32:42We're taking him out again right away.
32:44As soon as that Lucia leaves, we just have to wait a bit. You'll see.
32:48Yes. If she leaves, I won't have her all with me.
32:52Although I understand it too, huh? Pietro is a wonderful man.
32:56How can he not leave? Come on, don't say nonsense.
32:59That Lucia doesn't paint anything here, Antonia.
33:02Well, yes, Marta. If she's where Pietro is, he's her husband.
33:06And they have accounts pending from the past. It's not a small thing.
33:09But what husband, Antonia?
33:11If she hasn't seen poor Pietro for more years than I do, I don't know.
33:14I hadn't even been born.
33:16If that's a marriage, I'm the queen of Spain.
33:19Marta, they're married.
33:21And they don't just have papers.
33:24They have a past together, a son...
33:29It's nothing.
33:31Do you think she has any intention with Pietro?
33:34I don't know.
33:36But I wouldn't be surprised, really.
33:40Because of the way he looks at her, the way he talks to her...
33:43For all the miles she's driven to see him.
33:46Well, even if she makes another move, she won't get anything.
33:49Pietro loves her.
33:52They were very in love, Marta. A lot.
33:55And where there was fire, there's ashes.
34:00Well, let's change the subject.
34:04Tell me your thing, it's been a long time since you told me anything.
34:07Did you quit your job at the bookshop?
34:09I don't think so, Antonia.
34:11I wouldn't mind, but...
34:14I have my doubts, being around Salvita.
34:18You're going to quit a job for a man?
34:21Did he do something to you?
34:22No, it's not that.
34:23The boy is very nice and well-behaved.
34:26I just don't know, Antonia.
34:28I don't like that he's always getting what he wants.
34:31And not this time.
34:33I'm tired of being the poor girl.
34:35I'm not the same as I was in Madrid a long time ago.
34:37A lot of things have happened to me.
34:39That's for sure.
34:41You've matured in such a short time.
34:44You're a woman now, Marta.
34:46I'm very proud of you.
34:48And if that's the case, it's thanks to you.
34:50You've been watching over me day and night.
34:52Not even if I were the serene one.
34:54No, Antonia, it's true.
34:56Before, I didn't think I could live like this.
35:00Like, I don't know, I felt like I didn't deserve it.
35:04And if I think so, and I'm so happy, it's thanks to you.
35:10It's true.
35:14I'm going.
35:24The police have arrested Lucia.
35:28Come in.
35:32Hi, Pietro.
35:34But why?
35:35Moral doubt.
35:37Get lost.
35:39For living alone in the pension?
35:41That's it, yes.
35:44She has no address, she doesn't know how to explain why she's here in Madrid,
35:49and bad luck too.
35:51But they told you how long they're going to keep her detained?
35:55They kept her in the dungeon for a few hours,
35:58and then they let her go.
36:00I just hope this doesn't get to the owner of the pension where she's staying.
36:05Because if the woman wanted to, she could kick her out.
36:08The law allows it.
36:13Something hot will make your stomach feel better.
36:16And your head.
36:26Esperanza, I know it may seem crazy,
36:29but I swear, I heard his voice.
36:32I heard Carla's voice coming from the terrace.
36:36Do you want to take a walk around the house?
36:39We'll do it.
36:41But before there was no one, and now there won't be anyone either.
36:46But you'll feel calmer.
36:51Thank you, but there's no need.
36:54Do you want me to stay here with you until Íñigo comes back?
36:58Don't worry.
37:00Leave. It's late.
37:02I don't want to bother her anymore, or hurt him.
37:04Thank you very much.
37:05Why don't you call Íñigo, tell him what happened,
37:08and tell him to come back as soon as possible?
37:10It's not necessary.
37:12I'll be fine.
37:14Are you sure?
37:16I'm sure.
37:18Are you sure?
37:20I'm sure.
37:30Don't tell anyone about this, please.
37:33I don't want them to think I'm crazy.
37:38You're not crazy.
37:40You're just very tired.
37:42Because you have a lot to do.
37:44Take this and go to bed.
37:47So you can rest.
37:52Come on.
37:54See you tomorrow.
37:56See you tomorrow.
38:14See you tomorrow.
38:30She says,
38:31do you understand the relationship between a flower and a bee?
38:34Oh my God.
38:35If you prick me, I won't bleed.
38:37If you prick me, I won't bleed.
38:38I'm telling you.
38:40But this man didn't have to arrive in an hour.
38:43Then Aureliano is a free soul.
38:45A soul of a cantaloupe, rather.
38:55I'm sorry, macho.
38:56The emotion.
38:57I haven't seen you in a long time.
39:00Look what I brought.
39:01From Camporreal.
39:03If I didn't have to go, I would.
39:04But you shouldn't have bothered.
39:06Look, I introduce you to my wife, Trinida.
39:09Hello, I'm Trinida.
39:10Well, nice to meet you.
39:11I've heard a lot about you.
39:15I finally meet the great Trinida.
39:18But you love me.
39:19We're almost family.
39:20Well, as much as family.
39:24Look at him.
39:25Look at him.
39:26Look at him.
39:27If I knew he was going to do well.
39:29When he gave me the first bite, I thought,
39:31he's a generous gentleman.
39:33And besides a man, like the cup of a pine tree.
39:37Well, how was the wedding?
39:40That's why we called you.
39:43So you can do it.
39:45But what am I going to do?
39:46Yes, when you got married, I got confused with the church.
39:50What a head I have.
39:51No, man.
39:52No, don't worry.
39:53Anyone could have gotten confused, right?
39:55In all churches there are virgins, walls, columns, floor.
40:00Well, it's also true.
40:02Well, friend, tell me.
40:03What do you need?
40:08So, in short.
40:10As you are a sacristan and you have the key to the hermitage,
40:14we need you to marry us.
40:18But how am I going to get married?
40:19If you're already married.
40:21Oh my God, that's good.
40:23Come on, come on.
40:24Get out of these carts.
40:25Tell me, what do you need?
40:27You have to marry us.
40:28Yes, for a matter of my work.
40:30Because before, in my work there was a rule
40:32that prevented married women from working there.
40:35And then we pretended we didn't know each other
40:37until that rule was finally removed.
40:39And since it has been removed, now we have to get married
40:41to see that people don't think what it is not.
40:43So, finally, you just have to get married.
40:46Do you understand?
40:51Do you understand anything?
40:52I don't. And look, I know.
41:03Thank you very much for everything.
41:05It has been a delicious evening.
41:07No, thank you.
41:08For us, it is a pleasure to have someone of your size
41:11giving a talk in our business.
41:13It has been wonderful.
41:14Every time I spoke, my hair stood on end.
41:16And I think I have not been the only one.
41:18It has been a pleasure.
41:20At your feet, Mrs. Campurri.
41:22It has been a wonderful evening.
41:24If you allow me, I will accompany you to the car.
41:26Of course.
41:27So, in passing, I could introduce you to my husband, Juan Ramón.
41:30Don Juan Ramón Jiménez.
41:32It will be a great honor. After you.
41:34Thank you.
41:39Holy shit, bride.
41:41What a woman.
41:43We are going to tell our grandchildren that.
41:45Yes, the truth is that she is an incredible woman
41:48with a lot of world and a lot of passion for literature.
41:52And so generous.
41:53She always wants to give prominence to women
41:55in all areas.
41:57Like you.
41:59What do you mean?
42:00Well, Celia, you mean that everything you organize
42:03is like what Cenovia does.
42:05Yes, come on, just the same.
42:07Well, yes.
42:08You are creating many spaces to give voice to women.
42:12All with your help.
42:14The fight of women is very important
42:16and we have to be united.
42:18And you are like the glue for that.
42:23I admire you so much.
42:25Me too.
42:26The truth is that thanks to you I have discovered
42:28that it is very important to fight for what one wants.
42:31You are a warrior.
42:39Working together, we are the best couple.
42:42If you were a man, I would ask you to marry me.
42:44I wish Agustín looked a little more like you.
42:51What's wrong?
42:56Although I'm making it difficult for him,
42:58I think Agustín is winning me little by little.
43:03Do you like him?
43:08No, how could you have told me no?
43:11Well, but I say a lot of things.
43:13I thought that after what happened with Collado
43:15I would never like a man again, but...
43:17Laura, I'm not feeling very well.
43:19I think I'm going to go get the tram.
43:21You close, okay?
43:22Sure, see you later.
43:59Yes, yes, yes.
44:00That's the point, Bombilla.
44:02Because if the people at Trini's work
44:04think that we have just fallen in love
44:06and we want to stop pretending,
44:09what we have to do is...
44:12Oh, I know this one.
44:15Pass it on.
44:16Very good, Aureliano.
44:17Of course, because people don't know the truth.
44:19You've understood it now, it wasn't so difficult.
44:21Well, let's see, let's see.
44:22I understand, I understand.
44:24I don't like getting married twice.
44:27It's as if...
44:28As if I squeeze a sandwich to have dinner alone
44:31and then later, with more people,
44:33I squeeze another one because I haven't had dinner.
44:37Well, look, Aureliano, you're right.
44:39Out of wedding, out of sandwich
44:41and it's better not to insist.
44:42And that's it.
44:43Let's see, let's see, let's see.
44:44One thing is that I don't understand it
44:46and another very different thing is that I'm going to get married.
44:48I'll marry you one, two or a dozen times.
44:51As many as I need.
44:53Of course.
44:54My goodness, the kind of things that are done
44:56without any knowledge.
44:58For example, sometimes I feel like talking to myself.
45:00What for?
45:01I think so.
45:04Yes, you have a sacristan
45:06and the hermit of Santa Maria del Venado.
45:08You decide when you get married
45:10and I'll marry you as there are two of you.
45:12You're a real friend.
45:13In my arms.
45:18Well, that's it.
45:20Tomorrow we'll start telling all my classmates about it.
45:23Yes, yes, we'll tell them tomorrow.
45:25No, no, no, no, no.
45:27Aureliano, there's no need.
45:28Miguel and I will do it quietly.
45:30Of course, of course.
45:31Don't worry.
45:32You already do enough with all this.
45:35Popilla, you're a friend.
45:38Miguel, you ask me for the time
45:41and I give you the watch.
46:09How was your day?
46:11Well, what about yours?
46:13Nothing out of the ordinary.
46:18Madrid Camaret, well,
46:20it's still welcoming people.
46:22The waiters are happy and...
46:26And well, I don't want to bore you with my things.
46:28Tell me, how are you?
46:29No, if you don't bore me.
46:31Tell me, I'm sure something else has happened to you today.
46:36It happens to me that I want to know how your day has been,
46:38but apparently you're not in the mood to tell me.
46:41I've had a normal day.
46:43I have nothing to tell, Íñigo.
46:45It's been a long time without you,
46:47and well, I've taken the opportunity to work a little.
46:49I've finalized the details of the convention,
46:52I've reviewed the menus.
46:56You're doing a great job.
46:58I'm sure that convention will be a success.
47:06have you reconciled a date with Dr. Mendoza again?
47:10Are you feeling bad, my love?
47:12Because if it's like that...
47:14No, I'm fine.
47:17But I think it would be good for me to start a treatment.
47:21Well, Dr. Mendoza needs to do more tests.
47:25Nothing important, but he needs more information
47:28to decide on a specific treatment.
47:33But if it's like that, I don't understand why he's taking so long.
47:36He seemed worried when he came.
47:42Tell me, my love.
47:44That I know you.
47:47All this is very strange, tell me the truth.
47:56Dr. Mendoza thinks you need a special treatment.
48:02Not just a medication.
48:05Not just a medication?
48:07What do you mean?
48:09I mean...
48:12a rest clinic.
48:21Now they call the asylum seekers like that?
48:23Íñigo, I'm not crazy.
48:25My love, nobody is saying that you are.
48:27It's not necessary.
48:28It's enough for me to see how people look at me.
48:30That no, I'm crazy.
48:32That there is someone who wants to drive me crazy, Íñigo.
48:34And he's not going to get it, he's not going to get it.
48:44Aren't you going to say anything?
48:46Do you want to get rid of me by getting me into a asylum
48:48and you stay quiet?
48:50But how can you say that?
48:53You are the woman of my life.
48:55And I want you to be fine.
48:56And that's why we must value all options.
48:58Then why does no one value that there is someone behind my madness?
49:03In the next few days, Matilde will follow a series of phases.
49:07First she will deny reality.
49:09And then it is likely that she will be angry with those around her.
49:13Especially with you.
49:15My love.
49:17I have always been with you.
49:20And I will keep doing it.
49:21And this time it won't be an exception.
49:23No, Íñigo.
49:26If you think locking me up is the best option, then no.
49:29You are not with me.
49:30But my love, I don't want to lock you up.
49:32And the doctor is not sure either.
49:34We just want the best for you.
49:35To help you.
49:36I am perfectly fine.
49:40Matilde, please.
49:43I thought you believed me.
49:47But I see that I am wrong.
49:56I am sorry.
49:59Have you thought about your income?
50:01I can't stop thinking about that, doctor.
50:03And have you made any decisions?
50:05What the police is afraid of is that you live alone in a pension.
50:08That you don't have a permanent home.
50:10And that you don't know how to explain what you were doing in Madrid.
50:13Your father wants someone to take care of the cleaning and he wants it now.
50:16Give me one more day.
50:17If I haven't convinced him today, I'll let him be.
50:21The convention of pharmacists is going well.
50:24I have everything prepared.
50:25If you think it's okay.
50:26Everything is in order, Mr. Fermin.
50:28And everything will be fine.
50:30I assure you.
50:31You will see that Esperanza has told me something that I think you should know.
50:36What is it about, Teresa?
50:37She insisted that she had heard Mrs. Carla's voice.
50:41It can't be again.
50:42Do you understand now, Inigo, the urgency I had to meet you?
50:46I found a card in the apartment.
50:48From a Dr. Mendoza.
50:50He has treated many ladies of high society.
50:52I trusted that he had some contact in common.
50:55So that he could tell us what Matilde's diagnosis is.
50:58It is well known that finding a date to get married today is a miracle.
51:02But God, our dear Lord,
51:04that José Miguel and Trinidad
51:06get married next week.
51:09Next week?
51:10First, yes, in a hermitage.
51:12And now to get married there, in a sigh.
51:14Come on.
51:15I am the first to see the alarming drift that my wife's behavior has taken.
51:19And I also know that ...
51:22I'm delaying the inevitable.
51:24I already told you that it is true that I like it, but ...
51:26I prefer to go with my feet on the ground.
51:28Do you really like it?
51:30A little.
51:31Well, there he comes again.
51:33Do you want me to dispatch him? I don't care.
51:35No, don't worry, Esperanza, I already know what foot to take from this one.
51:38Good morning.
51:40Good morning.
51:41Do you allow me to invite you to a coffee?
51:43Well, I allow you to invite me to accompany you.
51:46With a girl, it takes you a long time.
51:48What you have to do is bow your head.
51:50And not insist more.
51:51But ...
51:52No buts, no buts.
51:53Because you can't have everything in life.
51:55Have you thought about what I asked you?
51:59I assure you that I can be very insistent.
52:02I don't think it is necessary for me to help you to get close to my friend Laura.
52:06I'm going to talk to Don Fermín.
52:07I'm going to mediate on my own and risk it.
52:09I'm going to tell Don Fermín to close La Moderna for your wedding day.
52:12So all the guests can get in touch.
52:15I knew this was not a good idea.
52:18The owner of the pension where Lucia is has found out that she was arrested.
52:24What's going to happen now?
52:26Lucia has one day to pack her things and then go out.
52:31Esperanza told you?
52:33I don't know why I'm surprised.
52:34She always liked to talk too much.
52:36My love, don't talk to her.
52:37Because if they told me, it's because Don Fermín forced her to tell me.
52:40Don Fermín was here?
52:43So I guess he also thinks I'm crazy, right?
52:47Well, no, Iñigo, I'm not crazy.
52:49I'm not crazy and I'm not going to let anyone question what I see or what I hear.
52:53Matilde, please.
52:54No, no, that's it.
52:55Iñigo, everything I see is real.
52:57Everything I see is real, do you understand?
