• last year
00:00Hello everyone, welcome back to insightful maths.
00:04So today's session I will be continuing the chapter data handling class 7.
00:09In the previous sessions you can see on my slide the topic I have already discussed mean
00:14median mode range.
00:16Other than that I have already covered the first exercise till question number 6.
00:21So if you have not seen the previous videos I request please see those video first and
00:26after that only this video has to be seen.
00:29So that you get the clarity on the basic concepts right.
00:33So I am going to discuss the questions from 3.2 and 3.3 so that we are able to cover maximum
00:40questions in this particular video.
00:43So basic thing is you should get the clarity on how the questions to be solved rather than
00:48me solving each and every question.
00:50I will discuss the questions, I will tell you how it has to be done but ultimately it
00:55is you who has to do the calculations.
00:58So more you calculate, more you do the written work, the more you will be confident in solving
01:04these questions.
01:05So we have already covered till question number 7.
01:09This is from first exercise.
01:11Let us discuss question number 8.
01:13It says the rainfall in millimetre.
01:16We have to take care of the units.
01:18The rainfall in millimetre of a city on 7 days of a week are given as.
01:25You need to find the range, okay, mean rainfall and on how many days was the rainfall less
01:31than the mean rainfall.
01:34First of all, we have to find the range.
01:36What is the range now?
01:37We know that the formula of the range is highest number minus the lowest number, right, which
01:45is the greatest number here.
01:47The greatest number is 20.5 and the least or the smallest number is zero.
01:53What is the difference of these two?
01:55That is 20.5.
01:57So first one answer is 20.5.
02:01After that you have to find the mean rainfall.
02:04What is mean?
02:05Mean, average or arithmetic mean are all same.
02:09You need to add all these numbers and divide by how many numbers are there, 1, 2, 3, 4,
02:165, 6, 7 and the question itself says it is of 7 days.
02:20So let us count the add these numbers and then we'll divide it by 7.
02:26No calculation errors here.
02:28First number is 12.2, zero.
02:31If I write or even if I do not write, it's hardly going to make any difference.
02:35The value will not going to change.
02:37Next one is 2.1.
02:39Please have a look at the position of the decimals, how I'm writing another zero not
02:44to be taken 20.5 decimal below decimal 0.5, 20, zero is at one's position.
02:54I'll write zero here and then two.
02:56This is the correct arrangement of the number.
02:59Then we have 5.5 and last we have 1.0.
03:04Let us quickly add them up.
03:065 plus 5 is 10, 11, 12 and 113 carry one decimal below decimal.
03:15Now 2 and 2, 4, 5 and 5, 10 and 1, 11, 1 and 1 here, 2, 3 and 4.
03:23So what have you bought?
03:25The sum is 41.3.
03:28For finding the mean, what we are supposed to do, this sum has to be divided by 7.
03:34The number of observations are 7.
03:36So have a look.
03:37It is 41.3 and I need to divide by 7, 7 into 5 is 35.
03:45What is the difference of 35 and 41?
03:48That is equal to 6.
03:50Now before taking the 3 down, decimal is bothering, go it into, send it into the quotient.
03:57Now 3 down, 7 into 9 is 63.
04:01It is completely divided.
04:03So what's your mean?
04:05Mean here is 5.9.
04:08Now the third question says, on how many days the rainfall was less than the mean rainfall?
04:14What is mean?
04:16So on how many days the value was less than 5.9?
04:21This is less, this is not, this is less, this is less, this is not, this is again less and
04:28this is again less.
04:31The fourth question says rainfall less than the mean rainfall and what is the mean 5.9
04:37again recheck.
04:38First is smaller, it's not, this is smaller, this is smaller, this is not, this is again
04:43smaller and smaller.
04:45So 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
04:48So you need to name these days on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday the
04:54rainfall was less than the mean rainfall.
04:58Come to question number 9 now, exactly similar.
05:01The height of 10 girls is given in centimeter.
05:05You need to find the highest height of the tallest girl.
05:09You can have a look at the greatest number you can easily find, smallest number you can
05:14easily find, range is the greatest minus the lowest, mean again add all these numbers and
05:21divide by 10.
05:24Next is how many girls have height more than the mean height?
05:28I'll just take an example, I'm not saying this is the mean height.
05:32You need to calculate it yourself.
05:35Let's say the mean is 140.
05:38So question says how many girls have height more than the mean height, more than 140.
05:44So just pick the numbers which are more than the mean height.
05:47For example, if I'm taking the mean as 140, first one is not, second yes, this is not,
05:54this is not, this is yes, not, yes, yes, yes, and yes.
05:59So if my mean would have been 140, the answer is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6 students have height
06:08more than the mean height.
06:10This is not the correct answer.
06:12You just need to calculate the mean yourself and check it yourself, right?
06:16I have just given you the clue how to do this.
06:20Now let's move to the next exercise, which is again very, very easy one.
06:26Exercise 3.2.
06:27Now we are starting with the score in the mathematics test out of 25.
06:34These are the marks out of 25 of how many students, 50 students are given.
06:39You need to find the mode and median of this data.
06:43How do we find the mode?
06:44I suggest whenever there is a median question, we otherwise know the data has to be arranged
06:51in the ascending order.
06:52It is a prerequisite.
06:53What is the median?
06:55It is the value which is lying exactly in the middle when the data is arranged in the
07:00ascending order.
07:01So first of all, you have to put these numbers in the ascending order.
07:06So which is the smallest number here?
07:08We can see it is 5.
07:10What we can do, whichever number you have already picked, just cross it up.
07:15It gives you the clarity that we have already taken this number.
07:19After 5, we have 9, write 9 here.
07:24After 9, which number do we have?
07:27We have 12 written here.
07:30After 12, we have 15, okay?
07:35We have 15 here.
07:38After 15, we have 19 arranged.
07:42After 19, we have 20.
07:44Now have a look, 20, it's 1, 2, 3, and 4, 20 is repeated 4 times, 1, 2, 3, and 4, repeated
07:554 times.
07:56After that, we have 23.
08:01Have a look now, we have not taken 10 and 16 here.
08:05So 10 has to be taken here and 16 has to be taken here.
08:09That's why only I was saying, keep on crossing so that you can make out your mistake where
08:15you have done it, okay?
08:17So we have already, we were having 23 here.
08:21Let's recheck, yes.
08:24So I have crossed 23, but I have not written it yet.
08:27Now I'm crossing it.
08:28This is 23.
08:29After 23, we have 24 here, 24, cross it, and after that, 25 is coming 2 times.
08:39Since the number of observations are more, so there are chances that you might be missing
08:45one of the numbers.
08:47Best way is, question says, this is the date of 15 students, so we should have 15 numbers.
08:53Let us count if we have written 15 numbers, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
09:0114, 15.
09:02Yes, we have taken all.
09:04What is mode?
09:06Mode is that number which is having the highest frequency, which is repeated the most.
09:13Now have a look at the data, 20 is repeated 4 times.
09:18Is there any other number which is repeated these many times?
09:22So your answer, what is your mode?
09:25That is 20.
09:26Mode means that number which is repeated the most.
09:31Now how to find the median?
09:34For the median, I have already told you the formula is, if the number of observations
09:40are odd, see here, observations are 15, which is an odd number.
09:44So when your observation is odd, the formula is n plus 1 upon 2 bracket and write th.
09:53Th means position, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 12th, like this.
09:59Put the value of n equal to 15 here, 15 plus 1 by 2, 15 plus 1 is 16 by 2 or 16 by 8.
10:11So 8th term of your data, which is arranged in the ascending order, that is the median.
10:17I repeat myself, this 8 is not the median.
10:22It is the position of the term when the data is arranged in ascending order.
10:28So 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
10:33What is the median?
10:34It is 20.
10:36So your median is again 20.
10:39Question is asking, are they same?
10:43You have to write, yes, they are same.
10:48Second question is exactly similar.
10:50Again, number of observations are 11, odd number of observation.
10:54Arrange the data in the ascending order.
10:57Look for the number which is repeated maximum time, that will be your mode.
11:03Which term will the median tell?
11:05Again, number of observation are 11, odd number.
11:09Formula says n plus 1 by 2, which means 11 plus 1 by 2, 12 by 2 is 6.
11:19So 6th term, not the 6th term of this data.
11:23You have to first arrange these terms in the ascending order, smaller to bigger.
11:28After arranging, whichever is the 6th term, that is your answer.
11:34And mean, you know very well how to calculate, add all these numbers and divide by 11.
11:40You'll get your mean.
11:41Good to go?
11:42Exactly similar.
11:43You need to do it yourself.
11:45Similarly, question number 3, again, 15 students' data is given, like it was given in question
11:51number 1.
11:52Mode and median, you know very well.
11:56What will you do?
11:57Arrange the data in the ascending order.
12:01The number which was repeated maximum times, look carefully, which number has been repeated
12:06the most?
12:0743, 43, 43.
12:08Don't do it directly.
12:09How many times has 43 been repeated?
12:103 times.
12:11But 38, 38, 38, this has also been repeated 3 times.
12:21So there is a confusion if you do it directly.
12:24Arrange it in the ascending order and see which is your mode.
12:28It can be more than one mode.
12:30Like it was in this question, 20 is repeated 4 times.
12:34If any other number has been repeated 4 times, then it can be 2 modes of some data.
12:39It is not a problem.
12:41So find the mode.
12:42Which term will give you the median?
12:44M value is 15.
12:46So 15 plus 1 by 2, 16 by 2, that means 8th term of the series, which is arranged in the
12:57ascending order, right?
12:59So you can easily do it yourself.
13:01It is asking, is there more than one mode?
13:04I have already told you, there will be 2 modes, 38 and 43.
13:08You can check it yourself.
13:11Find the mode and median of this data.
13:14Let me do this question for you.
13:17Exactly similar questions are there.
13:19So there is no need to do the repeated questions.
13:22I'll still do question number 4 for you.
13:25Mode and median of this data is required.
13:27Step number 1, arrange in the ascending order.
13:31Smallest number here is 12.
13:33It is repeated 2 times, 12 and 12.
13:37After that, 13, 13, I'll write 13, 2 times.
13:44Then I have 14, 14 and 14.
13:47It is repeated 3 times.
13:50That's correct.
13:51After that, we have 16 and 19.
13:55It is arranged in the ascending order.
13:57See, which number is repeated maximum times?
14:02It is 14.
14:03It is repeated most of the times.
14:04So your mode is 14 here.
14:08What is your median?
14:09It is 9.
14:10Be careful.
14:11It is very easy.
14:121, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
14:17Number of observations are 9.
14:209 is an odd number.
14:22What formula did we learn just now?
14:25n plus 1 by 2.
14:27This is the formula when number of observations are odd.
14:32n value is 9 here.
14:339 terms are there.
14:349 plus 1 is 10.
14:37So 10 by 2 is what?
14:39It is the 5th term of this series.
14:421, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
14:44This is the 5th term.
14:45So your mode is also 14 and your median is again 14 in this question.
14:54Move to question number 5.
14:56The mode is always one of the number in the data.
14:59What is the mode?
15:00The one that is repeated most of the times.
15:02So of course, it has to be the part of the data.
15:05This is true.
15:06The mean is one of the numbers in the data.
15:09It is not necessary that your average or mean is always a part of the data.
15:15For example, I am finding the average of 1, 2 and 3.
15:20I have 3 numbers.
15:21How do we find the average?
15:23Add all these numbers and how many numbers are there?
15:26So sum of these numbers divided by 3.
15:293, 4, 5 and 6.
15:326 divided by 3 is 2.
15:34Here average is 2.
15:36But if I now find the average of 4 numbers.
15:401, 2, 3, 4.
15:41Quickly get the sum.
15:424 plus 3 is 7.
15:448, 9 and 10.
15:46Sum divided by number of observations.
15:494 right?
15:50And if I divide 10 by 4.
15:52It is 5 by 2 which is 2.5.
15:55There is no 2.5 in my data.
15:57So that means average may or may not be a number in the data.
16:03It is one of the numbers.
16:05It is not true.
16:07The median is always one of the numbers in the data.
16:10It is true of course when the number of observations are odd.
16:14The data, this one has mean 9.
16:18How to find the mean?
16:20You have to add all the numbers and divide by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
16:27When you divide it.
16:29You add it.
16:31You will get the sum 64.
16:33Total 8 numbers are there.
16:35And 64 divided by 8 is 8.
16:37So how much should be the mean?
16:39It is written 9 here.
16:41So it is again incorrect.
16:44Good to go?
16:45Next question.
16:47Now we have reached exercise 3.3.
16:51Many of the bars, double bar graph, reading the graph.
16:55Exactly similar questions are there.
16:57Few of the questions we will discuss.
16:59Rest of the bar graphs you will make yourself.
17:02It is just a practice game.
17:04Understand the format of one question.
17:06You can easily make another bar graph yourself.
17:10So let us read one of the bar graph.
17:13This one.
17:14Which is the most popular pet?
17:16Now what do we know by looking at this bar graph?
17:19These are the name of pet animals.
17:21And these are the number of students who own it.
17:24So which is the most popular pet?
17:26Whose graph will go highest?
17:28It is cat.
17:30Cat is the answer.
17:32How many students have dog as the pet?
17:34Where is dog?
17:35It is dog.
17:36How far is it going?
17:37It is going till 8.
17:39So how many students are having dog as the pet animal?
17:42It is 8.
17:43Exactly in the similar manner,
17:45you can answer question number 2.
17:47You just need to read this bar graph.
17:50These are the number of books sold.
17:53And these are the years.
17:57I have myself drawn the horizontal line.
18:00It makes your reading easier.
18:03Whenever you get such a question in exam,
18:06generally you get the graphs like this.
18:08Where it is line and the information is very very accurate.
18:12There is no scope of confusion.
18:14You don't get such graphs where lines are not there
18:17or confusion is there.
18:20Let me solve first part for you.
18:22How many books were sold in 1989, 90 and 92?
18:26Now you see,
18:28it is just an approximation based.
18:30We are not given the lining.
18:32So if we assume,
18:34this is 0 from here and this is 100.
18:36What will be exactly in the middle of this?
18:40Between 0 and 50, what comes?
18:44And between 50 and 100, it is 75.
18:46So what will we do?
18:48If it is exactly in the middle,
18:50then we will take it half.
18:52For example, if it is here.
18:54I would have taken it 150.
18:56Now it is between 150 and 200.
18:58So how much will I take it?
19:00It has to be 175.
19:02So in 1989,
19:04175 books were sold.
19:06After that 1990.
19:08Now you see,
19:10where is 1990 going?
19:12It is above 450.
19:14It is below 500.
19:16Take it 475.
19:18Similarly, 1992.
19:20Now see,
19:22where is 1992 going?
19:24If I take this line ahead.
19:26I will take this line a little ahead.
19:28It will come somewhere here.
19:30It did not reach 250.
19:32But it is more than 200.
19:34So you can take it around
19:38So you will write the value
19:42Next question says,
19:44in which year were about 475
19:46books sold?
19:48In 1990.
19:50You write your answer here.
19:52It is 1990.
19:54When was 225 sold?
19:56When was 225 sold?
20:00Answer is 1992.
20:02One more question.
20:04In which year were fewer than 250?
20:06Less than 250.
20:08In all the years,
20:10you need to include
20:12all the years.
20:15Is 1989 less than 250?
20:19So you have to write the answer
20:21for the third part.
20:23First one of the year is 1989.
20:25When was it less than 250?
20:27This year, 1992.
20:29So you have to mention
20:31both the years
20:33wherever the sale was less than 250.
20:35Can you explain
20:37how will you estimate
20:39the number of books sold in 1989?
20:41I have already told you.
20:43Since it is lying
20:45somewhere between 150
20:47and 200, so exactly
20:49middle number is 175.
20:51That is how we have approximated.
20:53Come to
20:55the next question.
20:57The number of children in different classes
20:59are given below.
21:01You have to represent the data on a bar graph.
21:03We will do two graphs.
21:05One normal and one double bar graph.
21:07This is the normal graph.
21:09Now you see, certain numbers
21:11are there.
21:13If I have to show this number on the graph,
21:15I have to choose a scale
21:17in such a manner that I can easily
21:19plot these numbers.
21:21If I take a scale of 5,
21:23then I have to draw a horizontal line
21:25to make 135 and 120,
21:27which is a task.
21:29A better option could be
21:31to take a scale
21:33where these numbers fit exactly.
21:35If I take a scale of 10,
21:37it can easily be shown.
21:39It can be easily shown on 10.
21:41Have a look here.
21:43If I make it like this,
21:45one vertical line,
21:47one horizontal line,
21:49horizontal line
21:51is your X-axis
21:53and this is your
21:55Y-axis. Basic requirement.
21:59we take the number of children
22:01on the Y-axis.
22:03We will write here
22:05this is number of
22:07children and
22:09these names we are going to take
22:11in X-axis and what is this?
22:13It is the class of the student.
22:15It is important to label this.
22:17The distance from 0
22:19to the first line should be 1.
22:211, 2, 3, 4
22:23But instead of 1,
22:25if I take a scale of 10,
22:27from 0 to 1,
22:29this is 1 unit.
22:31I have made 1 unit as 10 and
22:33what is 10? It is the number of children.
22:36You have to mention the scale here.
22:381 unit
22:40is equal to 10
22:42children. It is important to write this.
22:44How far
22:46do we have to go?
22:48We have to show up to 135.
22:50At least we have to go up to 140.
22:52It is
23:0050, 60,
23:08This is 100. I have to take
23:10it up to 110.
23:12Let me extend it further.
23:18After 10,
23:20then it is 120,
23:2230 and 40.
23:24It will come somewhere here.
23:28In grade 5,
23:30135 students are there.
23:32Where will it be? Between these two.
23:34The first bar that I have to make,
23:36it should not be attached to
23:38y-axis. We have to maintain a distance.
23:40On the graph paper,
23:42you will see that the boxes are already
23:44made. You don't face any problem there.
23:46The first bar,
23:48you will leave one box and make it from here.
23:50How far will the line go?
23:52It will go up to 135.
23:54Then you have to
23:56close it up like this.
23:58This is the first bar
24:00wherein the value is
24:02135. I will mention here.
24:04This bar is representing what?
24:06It is representing grade
24:085. Now we have
24:10made one bar on the gap.
24:12Leaving the same gap,
24:14we will make another bar. The distance
24:16and the width between the bar has
24:18to be same. How many students are there
24:20in 6th class? 120.
24:22I will start from here and I
24:24will go till 120.
24:28the bar of the same width
24:30take it down.
24:34the number here that this is
24:36120. This is
24:38for which grade? This is for
24:406th. Now come to 7th.
24:4295 students are there.
24:44Where will 95 come?
24:46Between 100 and 90.
24:48It should come here.
24:50We will take our bar for
24:527th again. You will leave the gap.
24:54Start from here
24:57and 95 is here.
24:59Exactly middle.
25:01This is like this
25:03and take it down.
25:05This is 95 for grade
25:09We can mention the number here.
25:11Accordingly, you have to mark
25:138th class. It is having
25:15100 students. Let me mark
25:17from similar one.
25:19100 is still here.
25:21Same width of the bar
25:23and take it down.
25:25This is which class?
25:27This is 8th class having
25:29100 students. Then 9th class
25:31is having 90. Again
25:33let us mark
25:3590 is exactly here.
25:39This is 9th class.
25:43This 9th class is having
25:4590 people and
25:47final bar we have to make for
25:4910th standard wherein
25:5180 students are there. Similar
25:53gap. 80 is lying here.
25:55Similar width and
25:57then take it down.
25:5980 students are where?
26:01They are in grade 10th. It is
26:0380. Look carefully.
26:05The distance between the bars
26:07should be same. The width
26:09of the bar should be same.
26:11This is your graph for this one.
26:13How will you choose the scale?
26:15You will write 1 unit is
26:1710 children because all these
26:19numbers can easily be plotted
26:21using this scale.
26:23Which class has the maximum number
26:25of students and the minimum?
26:295th is having the maximum student
26:31and which is having
26:33lesser number of students?
26:3710th is having
26:39minimum number of students.
26:412nd question. Find the
26:43ratio of the student of class 6
26:45to the student of class 8.
26:47How many students are there in 6th?
26:496th ratio
26:51is 8th.
26:53Students in 6th are 120
26:55and students in 8th are 100.
26:57Ratio means the fraction
26:59written in the simplest form.
27:01How can we write 120 upon 100
27:03in the simplest form?
27:050 0 cancel.
27:072 6s are 12. 2 5s are 10.
27:09Ratio symbol is
27:11these two dots. Your answer is
27:136 ratio 5.
27:15This is how it has to be shown.
27:19One last question wherein
27:21you can show the graph easily.
27:23I will do this one for you.
27:25This data is done.
27:27Double bar graph is
27:29used for the comparative analysis.
27:31When we compare two things
27:33then double bar graph
27:35is being used.
27:37Double bar graph is
27:39only one thing. For example
27:41I am checking the
27:43term 1 and term 2 of my English subject.
27:45I am just checking
27:48the performance.
27:50What am I comparing?
27:52I cannot make
27:54a double bar graph of
27:56height and weight.
27:58We can plot
28:00the same quantity
28:02of height in one year
28:04and height in another year.
28:06I will show you
28:08how to pick the scale.
28:10You can see here
28:12the numbers are quite big.
28:14Which scale do you think
28:16to plot this one?
28:18All of them are multiple of 100.
28:20We can choose the scale
28:22of 1
28:24unit is equal
28:26to 100. What is this 100?
28:28These are the 100
28:30people. This is the data
28:32collected from a survey of a colony.
28:34These are the people.
28:361 unit
28:38is equal to 100 people.
28:42as usual
28:44One x-axis here
28:46This is the x-axis
28:48like this.
28:50This is the
28:52x-axis like this. After that
28:54you have to make y-axis.
28:56It has to overlap
28:58this line. This vertical line
29:00has to overlap
29:02like this. It has to be exactly
29:04neat and clean.
29:06We have used a bar.
29:08The one unit is 100 people.
29:10The first distance from 0
29:12is 100.
29:14Maximum number is 1240.
29:16We have to go between 1200
29:18and 1300.
29:20200, 300
29:22400, 5, 6
29:247, 8
29:269, 10, 11
29:2812 and 13
29:30We have to go till here.
29:32Let me just increase it
29:34a bit because I need
29:36to mark till 1300.
29:38We have to go till here.
29:40Now you have to remember one thing.
29:42Between 100 and 200
29:44the small boxes
29:46each box's value is 10.
29:48Total 10 parts are there
29:50so one box 10, another box 10
29:52another box 10. You have to count like this.
29:54Now you see
29:56this is a double bar graph.
29:58It shows watching in one thing
30:00and participating in another.
30:02For one particular.
30:04Let's say I want to show cricket.
30:06How many people watch cricket?
30:09How many people participate?
30:11Let's make a key.
30:13If my box is shaded
30:15Shaded means watching
30:17If my box is empty
30:19it means participating.
30:21How many people
30:23are watching cricket?
30:25Rule will remain the same.
30:27We will not make it by attaching this axis.
30:29The value, this first
30:31vertical line has to be left.
30:33Now you see here.
30:35I am making for watching 1240.
30:37Between 1200 and 1300
30:39I will start from here
30:43I want 1240
30:45So below 1250
30:47Like here
30:49This is 1240
30:51This one and go down.
30:53This bar is
30:57The value is 1240 here.
30:59Just a minute
31:03I will make it once again.
31:05This value is 1240
31:07I am showing it for watching people
31:09and the key for watching is shaded.
31:11What will you do?
31:13You have to shade this up.
31:15To show that this bar is for
31:19For whom are we showing this?
31:21For cricket.
31:23You will write here
31:25These are the number of
31:29What is this?
31:31Watching or participating.
31:33We will write their preference.
31:35The game preference.
31:37This bar is for cricket.
31:39So you have to mention
31:41cricket here.
31:43I am making one for you.
31:45You will make the rest yourself.
31:47We have made the watching for cricket.
31:49Now I have to make the participating
31:51for cricket.
31:53If you are making two bars for the same thing
31:55There will be no difference between
31:59If I have to make participating
32:01for cricket
32:03It will be attached to this one.
32:05The number of participating is
32:09I will write the number here.
32:27This is 600
32:30Two steps above is 620
32:32We have reached 620
32:34Now put this down
32:36You may write the numbers here
32:38The first number was 1240
32:40This number is 620
32:42I don't need to
32:44shade this bar
32:46Participating people is 620
32:48Participating is 620
32:50What is the key of participating?
32:52A clear box
32:54Similarly, if I have to make
32:56for basketball
32:58Let me use
33:02How many people watch?
33:06Again the same rule
33:08Before making for basketball
33:10This vertical column has to be
33:14We will go from here to 470
33:20Two steps above is 470
33:24Now take it down
33:26What is 470?
33:28It is watching
33:30What is the key of watching?
33:34We are showing
33:36the people who are watching
33:38We can easily write the number here
33:42How many people are participating?
33:46Both the bars
33:48should be attached
33:50Now we will go from here
33:52This is 300
33:54Now take it down
33:56I don't need to shade
33:58because it is participating
34:02You can write here in the bottom
34:04This is for basketball
34:06You can continue
34:08the double bar graph like this
34:10for all the sports
34:12You can easily plot it
34:14After this
34:16you need to answer this question
34:18You have drawn the double bar graph
34:20Which sport is most popular?
34:22Whose graph is the highest?
34:24You can make out from here
34:26It is for cricket
34:28Answer is cricket
34:30Which is more preferred?
34:32Watching or participating?
34:34Watch carefully
34:36All the numbers for watching are more than participating
34:38Of course
34:40Watching is preferred
34:42over participating
34:44This marks
34:46the end of this chapter
34:48I hope you are able to understand it well
34:51Practice these questions
34:53on a graph paper
34:55Calculation has to be taken care of
34:57There should not be any
34:59error in addition, subtraction
35:01and division
35:03I wish you all the very best
35:05for your upcoming exams
35:07Thank you so much for watching
35:09If you have not liked and subscribed
35:11Please do it right now
35:13Thank you so much
35:15Take care
35:20Thank you
