We Made Strawberry Bread in the Oven and Strawberry Jam - The Complete Guide

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"In this video, together with my sister and I, we go to the strawberry garden and collect fresh strawberries. Then we carefully wash and dry them. We mix half the amount of strawberries with a precise measure of sugar and a kilo We crush this mixture and add flour to it to create a paste. Then put the rest of the strawberries on the heat and boil them well and cook them. When the jam is ready, put it together with the prepared paste. We put it on the sinbaz and decorate it with strawberries. Finally, we put it in the oven and bake it. Also, we teach you the traditional way of cooking other doughs in the oven. In this video, how to prepare traditional strawberry bread We will teach you step by step how to cook strawberry jam in the oven.
