• 5 months ago
James McAtee on his Sheffield United loan spell after two years as a Blade from Manchester City
00:00 Your first taste of life in the Premier League personally, how do you think it's gone on a personal level?
00:05 It's been tough to be fair, I struggled at the start and then I got kind of used to it and then at the end obviously the results hang on our way but I've definitely enjoyed it, it's been an experience.
00:14 Yeah, having experienced the Championship last season as you did in the Premier League this year, what would you say is the biggest difference that you've felt as a player personally?
00:22 It's definitely the speed, the speed has been so much faster in the Premier League as everyone would expect but in the Champions I really enjoyed it, some parts I've enjoyed it this year but sometimes it's been unlucky and the team's been unlucky especially with the extra time.
00:37 Yeah and obviously this is your second year here now, it's two years since you first arrived from Manchester City, how have you changed as a person as well as a player in that time, have you matured on and off the pitch really?
00:49 I like to think so, I'm hopefully growing up as I'm getting older but yeah it's definitely been a tough experience but it's something I've learned from.
01:00 Yeah, what do you think has been the toughest challenge? Because obviously leaving City's academy where you've been since a young boy to go out there and play real men's football, what's the biggest challenge that you remember facing?
01:10 Well luckily the team's very close and they've all looked after me especially some of the older players so I think the toughest thing has been the physicality and the speed of the Premier League.
01:22 What has this club mean to you, obviously you've bought into it over two years, what does Sheffield United mean to you as a person?
01:28 Obviously I'm very close to the players and last year obviously made me come back so the club means a lot to me and I hope they do very well next year.
01:36 Is there a chance of a third spell, would you be up for that?
01:39 Well you never know with football so I guess it could be so I can't say anything right now.
