• 6 months ago
Blaine Stewart Press Conference 4/15
00:00We got tight ends coach Blaine Stewart questions for coach Stewart
00:04So Blaine just give us a quick overview of your position where the tight ends look like through the spring
00:09We know Cole's not going but what's everybody else doing? Yes, sir. Well, obviously, yeah Cole, you know coming off of rehab
00:16He's doing really well, but in terms of everyone else, you know, we've really used this spring as a spring of growth
00:22Obviously that message been set by the head coach about you know, getting better in incremental ways across the board
00:26So, you know, everyone's been been trying to get some reps and and we've really just been trying to take a stride
00:32Individually and then therefore collectively so, you know guys are working hard
00:37We're not really changing much of our of our schematics, you know, we're we're going normal install first and foremost
00:44Which has been great and you know guys are just trying to get better daily and just finished number 10
00:48So got a couple more opportunities, but it's going quick
00:50So we're we're happy where we are, but there's still a lot of work to do obviously
00:54What areas work to do if you could have a magic wand and say this is where we need to be better
01:01Yes, sir. Magic wand, I think collectively we just got to grow in terms of guys finding roles on the team
01:08You know, I've touched on that before I think you know, Traylon Davis for example trying to increase his role now
01:14He's getting a lot more opportunity to to shine in the pass game as opposed to just you know
01:19Kind of being the point-of-attack blocker
01:21young guys like Will Dixon and Noah
01:24Their biggest thing is just proving that they're ready to compete at a high level this fall
01:28So their their growth is is being measured differently and that's more overall
01:33preparation for the fall
01:35You know Jack high school senior early enrollee
01:38He's kind of you know taking it all in and he's been eager and willing and you know
01:43His thing is just hitting the ground running
01:46Trying to trying to match what the older guys know he's playing catch-up, but that's that's fine. You know, everyone's on their own path. So
01:53Overall, I would just say continuing to improve
01:57In certain things that the guys can find a role this fall
02:00That's the biggest thing we're looking for is just proving that you're ready to help us
02:04You've got some that are good pass catchers. You've got some that are good blockers. Who's the most well-rounded right now?
02:11You know right now trailing Davis is in an excellent spot physically he's made some plays down the field
02:15I'm not sure if you guys were at practice in the stadium a couple weeks ago, man
02:18He probably had you know, six or seven catches which would have basically doubled last year. So trailing trailing is in a good place
02:26Overall, you know a guy like Will Dixon has great
02:29Has great physical skills. So I would say, you know
02:32He's probably the most well-rounded in terms of size the ability to run and stretch the field the ability to play strong
02:39So those are two that come to mind right off the bat
02:42You said it was a big spring for Will. Have you seen what you wanted to see out of his development so far?
02:47Oh, yeah for sure
02:48You know Will knows, you know the it's kind of time to grow going into his his third year
02:53just his second spring ball, but Will's biggest thing is
02:57Being able to play multiple positions, you know a guy like Will to help us this fall has to be able to play
03:02You know 11 personnel tight end. He's got to be able to play 12 personnel both tight ends
03:06Be able to play numerous spots in that so, you know, Will's taken a step
03:11There's still plenty of of next level execution. I call it
03:16You know Will can get on the board and draw any play
03:18but we got to make sure that in all young tight ends that when that picture changes is of a defense that you know the
03:24Intricacies of the why and Will has started to show that and it's only getting better throughout spring
03:31What is the
03:33Pump for young tight ends to get over to where they're ready to play
03:38First, you know, you got to know what to do always that that's the that's the you got to get off the bus knowing what?
03:43To do and then second it's the confidence to execute no matter who you're going against, you know
03:48When a when a true fresh
03:50Well, I guess a high school senior true freshman gets thrown in the fire and has to block Sean Martin on the goal line
03:55Like happened this weekend, you know, there's some trial by air there
03:58but I think the biggest thing is understanding your job and
04:03Executing it at a high level regardless of what the defense does and and really, you know
04:08Trailing touched on it last week kind of that welcome to college football moment when the picture changes or that it's not the look you
04:13Anticipated still being able to execute that's when a young tight end is ready
04:25Cole and I are on a very individualized plan and we have been since January
04:30I think the biggest thing for him is maximizing his physical
04:35You know his physical development as much as he can push himself and that starts in numerous phases
04:40That starts with the training staff that starts with the strength staff that starts with nutrition and really taking care of his body
04:47you know, he's doing a good job pushing that and and being ahead of
04:51Being ahead of schedule I would say on his rehab and then in terms of classroom work, you know
04:57We are studying what he did last year
04:59We're studying what we want to you know
05:02Kind of take to the next level in terms of schematics and and skillset added to his his disposal. We're studying guys
05:09You know, we're studying
05:11former college tight ends that have came out and been successful earlier in their NFL career like
05:16Trey McBride out of Colorado State and and Laporta who's now with the Detroit Lions
05:21So we're studying guys and in my biggest thing for him is like look when you put senior film out there
05:26This is what it needs to look like because those guys have obviously been very successful at the next level early in their career
05:31and that's his goal and that's my goal to to prepare him for the next level and
05:36You know, we're really trying to maximize
05:38classroom time walk through time
05:41Doing some individual on the side, you know during special teams or whatever period that may be pushing him and really emphasizing the things
05:48We want you know taking his his receiving ability the next level
05:51But also, you know being more stout in the run game and that starts with flexibility
05:56which he's improved that starts with you know mobility being able to play with the lower base because I mean
06:01It's no secret that six seven guys no matter who you are
06:03You got to be able to bend so we're trying to take that to the next level
06:06But Cole's on a Cole's on a great trajectory to come back here
06:10Whenever that that clearance comes and help us and have a great summer. That's our goal
06:15How much did your time with the Steelers?
06:18Seeing what they do with the tight ends and that influence what you're doing now and and what you're incorporating in this
06:24I think that shows last year, you know
06:26We really did incorporate the tight end and that was kind of when I sat here a year ago
06:31It was kind of trust that we were gonna do so
06:33And I wouldn't say it was specific to the put to the my time in Pittsburgh, but you know general football, you know
06:39Coach Brown is big on professional development. So we've studied college offenses pro offenses
06:45Like I said, I've individually studied tight ends
06:47So we're trying to just take what fits our current system and how we can apply it to not only the tight end position
06:54but also the overall
06:56Just just skill skill positions that can help us schematically and put our guys in a position be successful
07:03And let their God-given gifts take over from there. But but we have studied, you know numerous levels whether it's
07:10You know people in college are doing a good job or NFL teams or specific cut ups that we've studied
07:16You know, we're taking a general approach and kind of trimming it down to what fits us
07:24Who they are and what their skills are or you try to fit them to what you want them to do
07:29That's a great question. You know, I would say first and foremost
07:32It's got to fit the overall offensive philosophy and then yes, it does certain guys are gonna be asked to do certain things
07:38But when you've got a guy
07:40Like Cole who can do what he can do general football for us. You got a guy like trailing Davis. Who's a
07:46You know a really strong point-of-attack guy, you know, I got to be better
07:51About trying to get him involved in the pass game
07:54But you know
07:55We just try to to fit guys and it's no different than running backs with their skill set receivers with their skill set
08:00We're trying to put guys in position to help us
08:03Whatever their God-given abilities are that we can maximize as a total offense
08:07It's the goal then is just to get a tight end out there that doesn't predict what you do, correct?
08:12It comes back to the well-rounded part, right?
08:14Oh, yeah, absolutely, you know well-rounded in and we were very thoughtful last year with our with our self-scout
08:20Trying to not be predictable now if it's third and nine and we got 11 personnel with one tight end the game
08:25It's probably gonna be Cole Taylor
08:26But you know on first and second down we were trying to be very
08:29Very unpredictable with with who we're asking to do what and our sequence of motion
08:33So we're always trying to camouflage that as an offense
08:36But I would say the more guys that can do more things football wise
08:39It just makes you a better offense and less predictable as you mentioned
08:4516 months ago, whatever it happened to be
08:48So what have you learned in that time leading your room?
08:51Recruiting all those things in the college game that maybe you didn't have to do in the professional level. Yes, sir
08:56So first and foremost, you know, I think the biggest thing is time allocation
09:00Last year, you know, I was kind of the new guy on staff
09:03So I was hitting hitting the ground running with trying to get the guys ready for practice
09:07Like you said maintain those recruiting relationships try to get top guys on campus for spring ball
09:11I think the biggest thing I learned is just time allocation and
09:15you know just there's
09:17There's never enough time in the day
09:19So you got to be efficient with what you do and I think I've grown in that area
09:23I felt way more comfortable this January recruiting than I did last year
09:27I know I only got out a couple days last year before the dead period started, but really excited for May
09:31You know, I've got a lot of plans with the recruiting staff lined up for for our May
09:36You know general
09:38Obviously area recruiting first and foremost tight end recruiting
09:42Trying to trying to get things set up for official visits and things of that nature
09:45I think I've grown in numerous ways and that's just you know being put in the position until you're really in it
09:51You know, you don't know what's the important thing?
09:52But now I have a good feel of kind of where we need to be on a calendar basis
09:56where I should ask our guys to be in terms of football in terms of install in terms of
10:01Just growth throughout the spring and I do feel more comfortable this year
10:06Mentioned time allocation that's kind of interesting because a lot of pro coaches come back to college and they find well
10:12We don't have the time we thought we had with them
10:14Whereas before and the pros you had more time, I don't know if it's unlimited time
10:18So I guess you have to kind of work smarter, don't you?
10:21Yeah, you definitely have to work smart, you know, these guys still have class at one o'clock, which is a great thing
10:26So, you know, I got to be efficient with my time
10:28I got to be efficient with what I'm asking them to do what I'm asking them to you know
10:32Do outside of this building in terms of preparation for not only football, but you know, they got a lot going on
10:37We got the elite climbers that are busy that are doing business proposals and guys are in grad school
10:42So I would just say, you know, it's still football
10:45but the biggest thing is I got to be efficient with what I'm asking them to do because
10:49You know, there's a lot going on outside this building which in any profession people got their personal lives
10:54But you know, we got to make sure that when I have a 40-minute position meeting
10:58I'm not wasting any bit of that time. You know, I got a
11:01Recap whatever the previous day was get ready for today and then, you know
11:05Show enough film that we can go out and execute which you know
11:07I feel like we're we're doing a really good job as a total staff of you know, not
11:14Over-installing but really putting our guys position to be successful and build it
11:17So by the time we come out of this spring
11:19We have a whole bank of things to look back on and then prepare for throughout the summer
11:24How hard is it to find so many tips all about size, speed, strength,
11:29catching ability that a tight end has to do and how much competition does
11:34Basketball and power forward give to narrow that field down?
11:38I would say we we do love dual sport athletes and that's one thing
11:42You know when I was when I was with the Steelers that was a major point of emphasis
11:46That numerous guys that have been drafted by the Steelers were dual high school sport athletes
11:51So I love when a guy plays basketball. Um, I think it's a great way to to evaluate too, you know, there's competition
11:58There's body movements. There's leadership ability. So I love evaluating dual sport athletes
12:03I would say, you know, there's not a lot of ready-made tight ends
12:08available in
12:10At any level you look at you look at major college you look at group of five you look at FCS and then you look
12:16At the NFL, you know, there's only a handful of guys that are the ready-made
12:20Freaky show up day one ready to go projects or products. So, you know, there's projection out there
12:26There's development out there and that's why you know
12:30numerous things skill development offseason training all those are so important because
12:36You look at the landscape of high school football
12:38There's very few ready-made guys are gonna show up a day one starter
12:41But there's a ton of guys out there that have developed in the right system
12:44You could take a guy that by the time he's going into his second or even third year
12:49He's gonna be a hell of a player. So we just got to do a good job projecting developing and then retaining once they're here
12:59Yes, sir, you know, there's different guys, you know
13:02You can take a you can take a big kid out of high school that that may already be, you know
13:06250 pounds and reshape his body or sometimes there's projections on 210 pound guys that you know
13:12He's got the the frame to hold the weight or there's a guy that's a receiver right now
13:17That's gonna grow into a tight end. So there's numerous body types and you're right
13:20It's kind of you know
13:21Finding a needle in a haystack of a casting a big net in hand picking
13:25Select guys that are gonna come fit your program and be ready to go by the time their numbers called whenever that time is
13:34He's done an excellent job in terms of
13:37Understanding the playbook understanding, you know what we're kind of asking his body type to do
13:42Obviously, he's playing all the tight end positions right now
13:44But I see him as a guy that you know can model his game after trailing Davis and really be a move tight end for us
13:51Flex out in the slot play what we call in the hip position off the tackle move around be in motion at the snap
13:58He's done a really good job. You can see his
14:01Athletic skill set show from when he was asked to play basically every position at University High School. He's doing good
14:08It's crazy. You know a year goes by quick. He hasn't even been here a full calendar year yet
14:12He was playing high school baseball this time last year. So his best football is in front of him. He's gained weight
14:17He's north of 240 in terms of weight
14:19So that'll continue to go up and the more he gets comfortable gaining that weight and playing physical
14:25That's the big thing
14:25I want from him is I want him to be a hammerhead and and really take that
14:29You know off the ball tight end that runs counter that runs split zone and really sets the point of attack for us
14:36I think he's done that and I think he'll be able to do that for us for for numerous years moving forward
14:43Mentioned growth with yourself you talk a little bit about recruiting
14:48That was very new for you. So what did you learn with that? What were the hard pieces?
14:55You know, I I think recruiting is a lot like people relationships
14:59So I feel comfortable, you know being able to go and talk in front of a high school coach and it's it's unbelievable
15:05How many connections there are out there?
15:06you know, I'm I'm walking into a high school in rural, North Carolina and
15:11There's a high school coach that pulls out a letter from my dad from 2009 and he was an assistant coach
15:16He wasn't even on my list and we got to talking. He was like, hey, man, look at this
15:19Look at this letter. He used to come up here to
15:21Retreats when he was in Southern, Virginia
15:24So things like that are unbelievable
15:26So the the relationships that that I've tried to build and and cultivate over the last year have been good and I'm thankful for
15:33You know those opportunities to to have connections with with a big network that I'm that I'm fortunate to have in coaching or or whatever
15:40I think a big thing is
15:42You know finding a way to never take no for an answer like trying to get a guy on campus
15:46I learned I need to be the aggressor, you know
15:49You'd rather them say alright coach like we get it as opposed to being too passive
15:53So I definitely had to flip that mindset of you know, if a kid can't come this weekend
15:57I need to press a little bit more and and really try to go through the coach or a
16:01Trainer in the area and really find a way to to push myself in recruiting
16:06If recruiting is not a passive game and I learned that very quickly. So the growth and recruiting has been has been great
16:13I think one thing that's been awesome is is the areas that I have, you know, I have connection with my
16:20Virginia and Western Maryland from my time at James Madison and playing schools like Martinsburg and played baseball against Jefferson
16:28numerous times in high school
16:30Western PA that I'm in now have great relationships there from my time in Pittsburgh from people
16:35I know like I got a buddy that played at certain high school and in
16:39Western PA well, I'm gonna tell the coach that and then it kind of lets his guard down
16:43He's like, all right, I'll take care of this guy. So and then going up to Buffalo
16:47Rochester, New York building relationships up there through former Mountaineer alumni feel good about that my time in Indianapolis
16:52I feel like you know, you throw a dart in Indianapolis schools
16:56I know somebody that's connected to the program whether that's a former Steelers coach or
17:00You know Pat McAfee or whatever
17:02so I try to use every recruiting connection I can get to get my foot in the door and get a kid on campus and
17:08Show them once they're here
17:09The man West Virginia is a heck of a place to be and you can achieve anything you want to in these walls
17:15Play did you have a welcome to college football moment? That's a great as a coach
17:23You know when you are playing in front of 110,000 people at Penn State and you're on the silent count and
17:29The first play of the season is two tight ends trying to block a first-round pick
17:33Yeah, that's a welcome to college football moment, you know
17:36We ended up gaining about eight
17:38So I was I took a deep breath and then it just became football but that was a welcome to college football moment
17:42One thing I learned to is, you know, you always got to have a plan B
17:46You know Cole had a had a minor injury that made him miss a couple plays against Texas Tech and you know
17:52There's there's plays for Cole in the game and you know, we still got to go execute
17:56So making sure guys are ready that that was a welcome to college football moment
18:01Recruiting when you think you got a kid lined up for an official visit and then he calls you 48 hours before that's a welcome
18:07To college football moment that he wasn't coming. So, you know, there's always there's always growth and I would just say, you know
18:14I'll still probably have some welcome to college football moments. It's it's never-ending, but it's it's been a it's been a great journey
18:20And I'm just fired up and thankful and you know
18:23Gonna be just as eager as I ever was going into full year number two
18:29Just the the quantity of people you all targeted and tried to get here
18:33I understand that but it's it's not like they all fit into one canister. They're different sizes abilities
18:38I'm assuming to how much of that is what you're talking about where you might not have an ideal
18:42That's ready to hit the ground as a finished product
18:45But he starts at this and you can add that or he starts with that and you can add this like there has to be
18:50Enough it's a core, but there has to be like a foundation you can build off of to get toward the all-around
18:56So the biggest thing I would say with that is
18:58There are non-negotiables to the position, you know size is one
19:02Athletic ability now there may be different, you know levels of athletic ability, right?
19:07But just looking at this last class Jackson Marco, we needed a big human being
19:11So when I'm recruiting if they didn't check the initial boxes of the size
19:16We needed for the on-the-ball tight end. That was our goal to sign in this class
19:19You know, there could be great players that didn't really fit that
19:23So I would say it all comes back to the vision of what you're trying to get in a class
19:27It's no different than an NFL draft. You know, if you got a guy in Pittsburgh like Pat Friermuth
19:32Well, you draft the Darnell Washington to be his compliment, right?
19:35They go really well together in their matching skill sets to combine for a great tight end room
19:41So that that's key right now in our recruiting. I
19:45Kind of tear them into different categories, you know big human being that has athletic ability
19:50Best football player available, you know, we may give up an inch of size and maybe 10 pounds of weight
19:55But if he's dynamic with the ball in his hand or he's explosive, you know
19:58he'll be in that category and then it just it comes down to
20:02Pairing up, you know the finished product of what you want to recruit in class to look like so I think
20:07There are non-negotiables of the position that everybody's got to check a certain box
20:12And then from there you kind of tear different guys into our this. This is our big group that we're recruiting
20:17This is our kind of smaller guys that we envision becoming this category and go from there
20:23You know, it's all about the individual player and how they fit in our program and vision
20:30Yes, sir, yeah, we got some pullbacks going on
20:33So I would say trailing Davis first and foremost, you know
20:38If we lined up there and threw a couple extra linemen in and it was a big goal line set trailing Davis
20:43Like we had two fullbacks last year with Luke and trailing trailing
20:45We'll still have some fullback in his game and we're trying to add to that but Colin McBee has done an excellent job
20:51He's done a good job really knowing three positions. He can play tight end in certain personnel groups
20:57He plays fullback when we go tight end in the fullback sets
21:00He's also, you know played running back before from his background to his freshman year with coach Scott. So Colin's done a great job
21:05I think he's gonna find a role similar to Luke Hamilton
21:08You know, I don't want to put a number on a snap counts this year
21:10But I would feel very comfortable with Collins ability to go in and in specific, you know
21:16Packages whether it be third and short or on the goal line and have the ability to run the lead blocking like we asked Luke
21:22Hamilton to do last year there. They're very similar and
21:25Colin's still a young guy. I feel like everyone loves him and that makes me think he's been here forever
21:30No, he's still a young guy too. So he will can only continue to get better. He's excellent in the weight room
21:35He's a smart young man. He's a great kid and he's well liked so, you know
21:39We got to find a role and I got to make sure I push for a role for Colin McBee and I'm excited about him
21:53Yes, sir
21:53I would say
21:54The first thing that I noticed coming off the bowl game this year when we were back in January is is his development with his
22:00Body physically he's really dedicated himself and that was one of the things we talked about in January
22:04You know, he's always kind of been the the you know big strong
22:09You know love his love his physicality
22:11But if he wants to take that next step, we kind of we in work with our nutrition staff
22:15There's a recomposition process of his body and he did that
22:18He didn't lose any weight
22:19But his body fat went down by about 3% and you see it in the winter drills of change of direction
22:25And you're like, all right trailing is moving pretty good. So
22:27With Cole out when we put one tight end on the field, you know trailing is the first to take the ball this spring
22:33So I'm like, hey, let's go and I'm the type of guy that I'm I'm gonna have to be proven
22:38That someone can't do something as opposed to put him in a box
22:41So we've tried to put him in spots and you know, he's done. Well, he's taking steps
22:45There's definitely things he's seen that he's like, okay
22:48I need to improve on this and he feels that
22:51Throughout the spring and and I just think putting him in a position to show it as opposed to say he can't do it is
22:56One thing I got to do as a coach and that's been my goal for him
22:59But he's done the work and now it's just you know, reaping the benefits and taking it to the next level
23:05All this conversation about players maybe growing into different roles or positions
23:09Where does TJ Johnson kind of figure into there's a receiver now, I guess but is he definitely receiver?
23:14Could he be a tight in the future as a TBD?
23:18He has the flexibility to play both he's played some outside receiver some inside receiver
23:23Still he's weighing a good bid
23:26I'm not sure exactly where he's at
23:28But he could if we got in a pinch come back to tight end
23:30But right now TJ is just focused on doing a good job and trying to find a role whether that be outside or inside
23:36And we'll take the you know, we'll take the tight end play
23:40If we would need it, but he's doing an excellent job as a receiver right now for coach Marshall
23:45Okay, thank you very much
