• 6 months ago
00:00Questions for Trey?
00:02Well, Trey, I hate to start out with the bad point,
00:05but just walk me through the injury.
00:09So I fractured my tibia and my fibula.
00:12It basically snapped in half, so they went in and repaired it,
00:16put a rod and four screws.
00:19When it happened, how quickly did you know it was really bad?
00:23I mean, I felt it, and then I looked at my leg
00:25and it was just dangling over, so I already knew it was over.
00:29Were you surprised you're back to where you are this fast?
00:33No, I was walking within a couple days after surgery.
00:35Walk us through that.
00:37Walk us through walking back to being trey-like.
00:42So it started a couple days after I got back to Morgantown.
00:46They got me going fast, started walking,
00:48disced the crutches after three days,
00:50and then after that they was just telling me the faster I walk,
00:53the walk normal, the faster I'll be back,
00:55and I just did that, and I'm back here now.
00:59How long did it take to stop feeling sorry for yourself?
01:03Probably like a week.
01:05Yeah, probably like a week after it first happened.
01:09Yeah, that was the roughest week of my life.
01:13How much was it a help to have Burks kind of going through
01:19his own type of thing, even though not maybe as serious of an issue
01:23in terms of the whole year for you?
01:27I don't think it really did much.
01:30It really didn't do much.
01:31Does that just mean like a mentorship thing,
01:33like I'm also dealing with this?
01:35Was there any of that type of thing or even communication?
01:37No, not really.
01:39Biggest disappointment, you were kind of coming in your own, right?
01:43Things were really starting to happen for you.
01:46How do you pick up from there?
01:49Just basically told myself where I was at last year,
01:53it's going to be a lot different this year,
01:55and just get better and then anything I want I can go grab it.
01:59So that's the kind of mentality I have right now.
02:01Where do you think you were at that point last year,
02:03right up to the point where you had your injury?
02:05I mean, it seemed like you had a great command of the defense,
02:08you were really seeing things, making plays.
02:10Talk about that a little bit.
02:12I was doing good.
02:13I felt like I was getting better each and every week.
02:16A lot of things were starting to come clear once I started playing more
02:19and getting more snaps.
02:21So just taking that and running with it.
02:23Have you been able to pick up where you left off?
02:25Oh, yeah, most definitely.
02:28Any restrictions at all?
02:30No, I'm fine.
02:31I'm totally fine.
02:32You're back to the old Trey like?
02:34Yes, sir.
02:35No pain?
02:36No when it rains?
02:38No, I don't feel anything.
02:40Yeah, I don't feel anything.
02:41What about this defense?
02:42Talk about this defense.
02:43You've got some different players out there, some different pieces,
02:46brought in some guys.
02:47What do you think?
02:49What's fans going to see this year that's maybe different
02:52from what we saw last year?
02:53I think this year our defense is more hungry.
02:56I think this is the best defense since I've been here.
02:58I think this is the best defense that we had.
03:01We've got a different type of mentality this year.
03:03I mean, we don't have to coach guys running to the ball.
03:06Everybody's getting to the ball every play.
03:07So I think it's going to be a lot different.
03:09I heard a lot of guys say physical.
03:11That seems to be the word for defense.
03:13Is that something you guys would be conscious about?
03:16I mean, yeah.
03:17I mean, we just try to go out there and just – I mean, it is what it is.
03:21We try to beat our offense every day because that's the team
03:23that we're going against.
03:24So we try to beat our offense.
03:25We're very competitive, and I think that's what's really got us going.
03:30Trey, there's a lesson in everything in life, whether you win or lose
03:33or play good, play bad.
03:35When something that could be catastrophic happens and it isn't,
03:39what's the lesson that you take out of where you go from here now?
03:44I learned – because football is my life, but I learned my life isn't over.
03:48I feel – it basically put it in perspective.
03:51One day I'm going to be done with this,
03:52and basically that's what it felt like for those six months.
03:56It felt like I was done with football, so I had to really focus on my life
04:00and really get things going on track.
04:02Have you ever been hurt before?
04:04Yeah, I've been hurt before.
04:05Not to that extent, though, right?
04:07No, not to that extent, but I broke some bones.
04:09What was the other thing you've done?
04:11I fractured my foot.
04:14Last spring I tore my meniscus, so I had to get a surgery on my meniscus.
04:20Neil had relayed a story about you and the ambulance.
04:24Trying to listen to the game, watch the game, whatever.
04:27Tell us that story.
04:29So –
04:30When you got in there, what happened?
04:31And how are you keeping up with the game?
04:33So, Patrick, my mom – because my mom was crying so much,
04:36but I'm trying to ask Patrick, like, what's the score of the game?
04:38Like, what's going on in the game?
04:40And then he just gives me his phone and I'm watching the game
04:43as I'm on the way to the hospital.
04:45Did you calm down your mom at all, or was she still –
04:48I mean, yeah, I told her I was fine.
04:49Like, I told her I was fine, but she was crying.
04:51She always going to cry because that's my mom.
04:54So, where were you to watch the end of it?
04:57And what was your reaction?
04:58I was happy.
04:59I was happy the whole time.
05:00Like, I honestly forgot I was even hurt.
05:02Like, I was just – it felt like I was out there with my team.
05:06So, you saw the block?
05:07Yeah, I saw him, yeah.
05:09When you're looking at the game from afar,
05:11you obviously don't want to be injured.
05:13What are, I guess, a couple positives of seeing things from a wider view
05:17and kind of maybe taking some things in and a little bit of a coaching role?
05:21Like I said, it was just like football is going to be over for me one day,
05:25and I understand that.
05:27And then just being there for my teammates,
05:30just trying to figure out a bigger role than the other –
05:32obviously I can't play, just trying to be there supporting them
05:35in every way I can.
05:37Just from your position, is it nice having more guys in your room?
05:41Yeah, yeah, it's a lot.
05:44Those guys, I love those guys, yeah.
05:46Yeah, we got a lot more guys that's going to help us this year.
05:49Just a look at Trotter.
05:51We hear a lot about him.
05:52Obviously he was hurt last year, didn't get to play.
05:54So, now that he's healthy and going, what's Josiah like?
05:57Man, Trotter's a – he's a dog.
06:00Trotter has the biggest upside out of anybody in the room.
06:03He's just – he has a nose for the football, and it's just –
06:06I don't know if he get it from his dad,
06:08but anyway, I feel like Trotter's the biggest –
06:11has the biggest upside in the room.
06:14Watching the linebackers,
06:16it seems like this increase in speed is obviously noticeable.
06:20Is that the most important thing in getting to the ball?
06:23Or is it the sense of being able to know where things are going,
06:28diagnosing plays?
06:29What's the most important thing for you to get to the ball?
06:34Angles most importantly, because if you key step the right way
06:37and you take the right angle,
06:38you get to the ball faster than just being fast.
06:40And does that come from just initial steps of the offensive line formation?
06:44Yeah, that comes with initial steps.
06:45Knowing their –
06:46Initial steps with the offensive line.
06:49How did it go out there today?
06:50What was your thoughts on today's practice?
06:54I felt like as a defense we played good, but we could have played better.
06:57We obviously lost some plays out there on the field,
06:59and it's just – just got to come back on Monday and fix those corrections.
07:05Trey, you mentioned something a couple times that the injury,
07:08you kind of realized one day football will be over.
07:10I'm guessing that prepares you for that many, many years from now.
07:13Did you think at all about like career after football,
07:15or did you buckle down academics in a certain area, like pick up a hobby?
07:18I have no idea.
07:19It sounded like you went somewhere at that time.
07:20Yeah, I thought about – well, I want to start a trucking business,
07:22so I just was looking into that more and like getting more into school
07:27because we're like in the season and stuff is not really –
07:30like we go to class and stuff, like school is very important and stuff,
07:32but we're not really focused on it.
07:34So, I started focusing on school and actually started doing much more work.
07:39What about a trucking business got your attention?
07:41You said what?
07:42What about a trucking business got your attention?
07:43That's a very particular career.
07:45So, I – in high school I took an economics class,
07:48and then with COVID and everything, with the shortage of drivers
07:51and people being out stuck on the port, like near the port for six months,
07:55it's just a billion-dollar industry, and there's a shortage on drivers,
07:59and it took my interest because I like driving too.
08:05Trayden, I want to ask you, we've been hearing a lot about culture
08:08and the locker rooms, right, guys get along.
08:12Why is that important in your opinion?
08:15Because if guys don't like each other and the guys can't stand up for each other
08:18or be within each other, that means you're never going to click,
08:21and that's what we try to build here with Coach Brown.
08:24I think that's really important.
08:25I think that's really important to us, just clicking and just –
08:29they encourage us to hang out more than we do here, like try to go out bowling,
08:34like just try to hang out with each other more because that's the guys
08:37that we're going to be around and the guys that we're going to fight with
08:39when it's coming to an end.
08:41It can't be forced, right? It's got to be genuine.
08:43Yeah, yeah.
08:44As a player, you know that, right?
08:45Yeah, yeah, yeah.
08:46I mean, everybody in the locker room likes each other.
08:48I don't think there's any problems that we have.
08:50Even if there is a fight, like it's just really squashed,
08:53and you just take it back in the locker room.
08:55We all click as one.
08:58First time you met CJ, how old were you?
09:00First time I met CJ, I was seven.
09:05Yeah, seven.
09:06I've been playing against CJ since I was seven.
09:08So like midget league football or something like that?
09:10Yeah, probably.
09:11Different teams?
09:12Yeah, different teams.
09:14What did he play?
09:15He played receiver.
09:18Receiver, yeah.
09:21Did you ever envision him as a running back?
09:25I still say this to the day, CJ not a running back.
09:28I still see CJ as a little receiver, tight end kind of dude, yeah.
09:37Okay, anything else?
09:40All right, thank you very much.
