Episod 505 My #QuranTime 2.0 Rabu 1 Mei 2024 Surah Al-An'am (6: 138) Halaman 146

  • 4 months ago
Episod 505 My #QuranTime 2.0 Rabu 1 Mei 2024 Surah Al-An'am (6: 138) Halaman 146

Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Al-An'am ayat 138 halaman 146 ini adalah:
* Pendustaan dan kejahilan orang-orang Musyrik mengenai hukum Allah (138)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 138 halaman 146:
* Jangan ubah syariat ikut kepentingan peribadi (138)
* Jauhi perbuatan buruk atau batil yang menyesatkan (138)
* Patuh dan taat dengan perintah serta larangan Allah SWT (138)

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My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
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02:23 How are you ladies and gentlemen?
02:25 We meet again in My Quran Time, Quran Salat Imfah today.
02:28 Together we want to delve into one verse, verse 138 from page 146.
02:34 Surah Al-An'am, the surah that provides guidance to us on how to strengthen our faith, strengthen our self-esteem with faith in Allah SWT.
02:44 And today we will read a verse together with Al-Fadhil Ustaz, Tadmiri Abdul Rahman.
02:49 Alhamdulillah for the sakfahs.
02:51 Alhamdulillah for the sakfahs.
02:53 One verse?
02:54 One verse.
02:55 On page 146.
02:57 146 and we want to read it with our guest.
03:01 Yes, our sakfahs. We want to introduce to you the presence of Hawanis.
03:06 Is that right? Hawanis?
03:07 MashaAllah Hawanis.
03:09 Hawanis.
03:10 The main service park, the surah Al-Jannah, the old river, the stone cave of Selangor.
03:15 Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
03:17 Hawanis.
03:18 MashaAllah.
03:19 What does Hawanis mean? Hawa mixed with Nisa?
03:21 Maybe.
03:22 A combination?
03:23 We will discuss it later.
03:24 And also to the group of Istiqamah who are in the studio, who are at Ahlan Wa Sahlan's house, we will read it.
03:29 And inshaAllah we want to read one verse together on page 146.
03:34 By seeing how the way of thinking, the way of feeling that Allah has arranged,
03:38 is in line with the way of thinking that is bad that has happened to the polytheists.
03:43 We pray to Allah SWT.
03:45 Allah grant us the knowledge and wisdom.
03:47 Subhanakallah ilmalana illa ma'allam tana innaka antal 'alimul hakim rabbi zidni ilma.
03:55 Let us see together what is the summary of the verse today.
03:58 That is to the verse 138.
04:00 The lies and ignorance of the polytheists regarding the law of Allah SWT
04:05 and how we want to take it as a big lesson in our thinking, in our faith and religion.
04:13 Let us read one verse, verse 138, led by Al-Fadl Sass.
04:17 Dermizian Rahman, please.
04:18 Thank you, Fatiha As'ad Fazlul.
04:20 Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.
04:21 Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
04:23 Ayatna dan bonda, ladies and gentlemen, Muslims and non-Muslims.
04:26 Sahaba Sahaba al-Quran, may Allah bless them.
04:30 We are grateful to Allah SWT.
04:33 We are at the next page, the eighth juz'
04:38 Surah Al-An'am.
04:40 We want to read this time, verse 138.
04:44 We want to try to read this verse 138 using Taranum Hijaz, if Allah wills.
04:51 Is it okay?
04:52 What is Taranum, ladies?
04:54 Hijaz.
04:55 Hijaz, mashallah.
04:56 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
04:59 In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful.
05:12 And they say, "These are cattle and a field of stones.
05:23 No one can feed them except those whom We will by their claim."
05:52 And free livestock, their backs are forbidden.
05:59 And livestock that do not remember the name of Allah upon them,
06:09 will be punished by Him.
06:19 Allah will reward them for what they have invented.
06:39 Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
06:45 We are grateful to Allah SWT for letting us read from verse 138
06:49 so that we can understand about faith together.
06:52 It is brought by Surah Al-An'am.
06:54 Surah Al-An'am was revealed to Prophet Muhammad SAW not in the early stages.
06:59 In the early stages of the Prophet's Dawah in Mecca,
07:02 the Prophet made Dawah.
07:04 One of the Dawah was asked to do was to pray,
07:07 "Ila sabili rabbik bil hikmah"
07:09 With wisdom, with good advice.
07:12 That is called Dawah.
07:14 But if we notice, when we read Surah Al-An'am,
07:18 especially in verse 137-138,
07:21 we notice that this is a confirmation of one of their practices
07:28 that tries to mix the truth.
07:32 And one of the things that is stated here,
07:34 "Wa qalu hadhihi an'amu warharthun hijrun la yata'amuha illa man nasha'u biza' mihim"
07:42 This time, it seems that the argument that is brought in this verse 138
07:46 is not only wisdom and good advice,
07:49 but it has started to take the practices of the polytheists in a specific way.
07:54 More or less, in this verse, they said,
07:57 "The animal, livestock, and plant is hijrun."
08:01 Hijrun means stone.
08:03 Stone means that it is forbidden.
08:05 It is absolutely not allowed to use
08:07 "la yata'amuha illa man nasha'u biza' mihim"
08:10 It cannot be eaten, except for those who we consider to be the followers of their beliefs.
08:17 They give it to their servants,
08:19 or they say that this food, or this goat, or this camel, or this plant,
08:26 is for the servants that they named.
08:31 So, why did they put it to the point of blaming the polytheists one by one?
08:39 Actually, in the phase of the Prophet's preaching,
08:42 the Prophet did not do that.
08:43 But in the final phase,
08:45 when he reached the middle, the final phase in Mecca,
08:48 when it was conveyed in a good way,
08:51 "Let us worship Allah, let us read in the name of Allah, let us be just,"
08:57 it did not work.
08:58 So, after that, there is a phase that states one thing after another,
09:03 and this time, it tried to state the argument.
09:06 So, understanding this matter, this context,
09:08 before we go further into verse 1-8,
09:10 this is very important to us when we read the Quran.
09:13 Because the Quran is not like we just read the Bitu, for example.
09:16 We have to understand the reason for its revelation.
09:18 That is, because it is revealed, first,
09:21 and which phase did these verses come down to be applied to the Prophet and his companions?
09:28 Where, when in the initial stage,
09:30 the Prophet, if his preaching said,
09:32 "Hey, you are worshipping the God of the universe,
09:33 why is the universe shaped like this and that?"
09:35 If he had said that in the initial stage,
09:37 it was indeed right.
09:39 Saying, "La ilaha illallah"
09:41 "Let us be just"
09:42 that too was rejected,
09:43 let alone if it was a curse or taking away all the wrongdoings
09:48 in the rank of the polytheists.
09:50 So, in this matter, we need to understand,
09:52 when we want to take this lesson, this verse,
09:56 we need to take our context.
09:57 Our context, based on what the Prophet did,
10:00 that is, we should not just talk to Ah Chong or Mutu Sami
10:04 or anyone who is not Muslim,
10:07 do not just suddenly say,
10:09 "I want to preach."
10:10 And he understood that preaching is when he told,
10:13 "This is why it is shaped like this,
10:16 why there are so many of this and that."
10:18 These things, actually, we need to avoid,
10:21 in the initial stage,
10:23 we communicate the preaching with our fellow Muslims who are not Muslims.
10:28 And this is important,
10:29 so that we are not distracted from the morals of a preacher,
10:33 we want to teach people towards goodness,
10:35 more or less, we want to teach people to go eat.
10:37 We invite them to go eat,
10:39 the food will be delicious.
10:40 We do not say, "Let's go eat."
10:42 You actually need food,
10:44 because you do not have enough food to eat.
10:46 If we say that,
10:47 "Shut up."
10:48 Rather than following our invitation to go eat,
10:52 in the end, we do not want to go eat.
10:54 And this is among the morals that we can learn
10:56 from the history of the Prophet, peace be upon him,
10:59 in understanding verse 1, 3, 8.
11:02 We will take a break now,
11:03 and we will be back after this to continue the discussion
11:05 on Quran Time, Quran Salatul Infah.
11:07 Inshallah.
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14:51 Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
14:52 We are back in Quran Time, Quran Salatul Infah.
14:54 Together, we look at the verse 138.
14:57 This verse 138 is a verse that states
15:00 about the Mushrik people,
15:02 that they said that this is an animal
15:05 or this is a plant,
15:07 "Hijrun."
15:08 "Hijrun" originally means stone.
15:11 But it is translated as a ban.
15:14 A ban that cannot be changed.
15:17 And what is prohibited?
15:19 "La yata'umuha" cannot be eaten.
15:22 "Tidak boleh memakannya illa men nasha'u biza' mihim."
15:25 It cannot be eaten except what we have established.
15:28 We will go into detail later
15:30 in the verse 139.
15:33 But the idea is that this is for the poor,
15:35 this is for Allah,
15:36 this we can use for the poor,
15:38 and this is for the poor.
15:40 Then, it is mixed up.
15:41 What we have learned in verse 136-137,
15:45 when they have given to the poor,
15:48 the reward cannot be reduced.
15:50 If they have given 40%,
15:53 for Allah,
15:54 for the poor,
15:56 for the orphans, etc.,
15:58 60% is given to the rich.
16:01 The rich are given more,
16:03 but for Allah,
16:04 they can play tug of war, etc.
16:07 So, this is the way they practice religion
16:11 that Allah highlights,
16:12 Allah emphasizes here.
16:14 And after that, what do they say?
16:16 "An'amun hurrimat zuhurruha"
16:18 That is,
16:19 this animal,
16:21 this particular animal,
16:22 is forbidden to be carried.
16:25 Meaning,
16:26 this animal is already designated
16:28 for a certain period,
16:30 then it is already pure.
16:31 When it is pure,
16:32 it should not be carried anymore.
16:33 Whereas we know that
16:34 "An'am" is one of the blessings
16:37 from Allah
16:38 that we can use.
16:39 For example,
16:40 from Allah,
16:41 He has given to us,
16:42 the people,
16:43 to use it properly.
16:44 For what?
16:45 So, we are grateful again,
16:46 we worship Allah.
16:48 It is not that we take,
16:50 a part of it,
16:51 we take it for food,
16:52 for a meal,
16:53 and the other part,
16:54 we give it to the poor.
16:55 It is of no use.
16:56 It is just a waste,
16:57 what has been done.
16:58 So, how does this creative way of thinking
17:01 emerge?
17:02 Apparently,
17:03 what we have learnt so far,
17:04 this is a curse from whom?
17:06 From the devil.
17:07 The devil can come from the jinn,
17:09 or from humans.
17:10 And the jinn,
17:11 they say,
17:12 "You give it to the poor,
17:14 or else,
17:15 the poor will be angry with you,
17:16 if you do not give it to the poor."
17:19 "The hill or mountain will be in a state of panic,
17:21 the mountain will explode,
17:23 if you do not give it to a crow,
17:26 for example."
17:27 And,
17:28 even if he gives it,
17:29 it will explode.
17:30 Why?
17:31 Because,
17:32 the important thing is,
17:33 the hill or mountain,
17:34 or the forest,
17:35 the one who gives it,
17:36 whether or not it is with permission from Allah,
17:38 whether he gives it to the crow,
17:40 he feels safe when he gives it to the crow.
17:42 Indeed,
17:43 for maybe 3-4 months,
17:45 3-4 years.
17:46 And he said,
17:47 "This is because we have given it to the victims,
17:50 to the hill or mountain,
17:52 or the jinn,
17:53 who they ask for protection."
17:55 So,
17:56 once again,
17:57 we read verse 138,
17:58 to be grateful,
18:00 if we do not have this way of thinking.
18:02 And,
18:03 if there are people who try to bring the way of thinking,
18:05 that,
18:06 this animal,
18:07 this plant,
18:08 we have to give it to the jinn,
18:10 or to the hill,
18:12 or to,
18:13 if we give it to the crow,
18:15 we have to give it to the chicken,
18:17 what is it?
18:18 The chicken,
18:19 the forest chicken,
18:20 for example.
18:21 The forest chicken.
18:22 It must have a spiked head,
18:23 for example.
18:24 There are all kinds of things.
18:25 We try to,
18:26 what is it?
18:27 Our influence,
18:28 for what reason?
18:29 Because,
18:30 he said,
18:31 if we give the spiked head,
18:32 if you get married,
18:33 you will not have a spiked head.
18:34 He is smart,
18:35 he is creative in making an offer,
18:36 but actually,
18:37 all of that is a reflection,
18:38 one thing that is made up,
18:40 because,
18:41 in the name of Allah,
18:42 which is very,
18:43 very,
18:44 false.
18:45 Let us read verse 138 again,
18:46 with Ustaz Farhan Mazik.
18:47 Thank you,
18:48 Ustaz Fazlul,
18:49 ladies and gentlemen,
18:50 ladies and gentlemen,
18:51 ladies and gentlemen,
18:52 dear viewers,
18:53 may Allah's mercy and blessings be upon you.
18:54 Actually,
18:55 what Ustaz Fazlul said,
18:56 sometimes,
18:57 still happens,
18:58 Ustaz Fazlul,
18:59 so hopefully,
19:00 hopefully,
19:01 we can share it together,
19:02 if there is anything strange,
19:03 Ustaz Fazlul.
19:04 Yes,
19:05 there is one time,
19:06 Ustaz,
19:07 someone called me,
19:08 Ustaz,
19:09 ask for a chicken.
19:10 He asked for a chicken,
19:11 he said,
19:12 Ustaz,
19:13 can you stop the rain?
19:14 Because he is doing it in the camp,
19:16 he is afraid that the chicken,
19:17 when it rains,
19:18 it will be difficult,
19:19 he said.
19:20 If we are willing to pay,
19:21 the important thing is,
19:22 he said,
19:23 at this moment,
19:24 I have Allah,
19:25 I ask for help,
19:26 if Allah gives rain,
19:27 Alhamdulillah,
19:28 if not,
19:29 but,
19:30 I don't,
19:31 this is all Shirk,
19:32 I can tell you about it.
19:33 So,
19:34 it seems there are still people,
19:35 who ask to stop the rain,
19:36 rain,
19:37 all kinds of rain,
19:38 actually,
19:39 we know,
19:40 rain comes from Allah,
19:41 so,
19:42 we ask Allah,
19:43 because maybe he feels,
19:44 he is not good enough,
19:45 he has to ask Ustaz,
19:46 he said,
19:47 I am not a fool,
19:48 who can,
19:49 push and push,
19:50 and the fool,
19:51 he uses coconut,
19:52 or what,
19:53 all of that,
19:54 is for a pure reason.
19:55 So,
19:56 what they think,
19:57 this creative,
19:58 one of it,
19:59 because there is an industry,
20:00 behind the Shirk,
20:01 that we are studying,
20:02 Ayat 138,
20:03 with Ustaz.
20:04 Thank you,
20:05 Ustaz Faz,
20:06 ladies and gentlemen,
20:07 Ayat 138,
20:08 we want to read it again,
20:09 Ayat 138,
20:10 we have read it,
20:11 using Taranum Hijaz,
20:12 in a Mujahwat,
20:13 let us try,
20:14 Taranum Saba,
20:15 we will try to read it,
20:16 in a Muratal,
20:17 Audhu Billahi minash Shaitanir Rajeem.
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26:53 The verse about fasting, "Ayya man ma'abdudat."
26:57 These are days that are short.
27:00 Even now, it's almost 20.
27:02 We don't even notice it's 20.
27:04 What we can't do is to ignore our time.
27:09 We'll be asked about our free time.
27:13 The Prophet s.a.w. mentioned, "Ni'matan marbunun fi himal kati'ru minal nas."
27:18 Two blessings that most people are blessed with.
27:22 "As-sahatu wal-farag."
27:24 Sahad means healthy.
27:27 Al-farag is free time.
27:30 When it's night, you don't know what to do.
27:33 That's the problem.
27:35 We fill our free time with what we mentioned earlier.
27:38 Whatever form of worship, whether it's a special one or a general one,
27:41 ...that helps Muslims or animals,
27:44 ...that needs our help, we'll help.
27:46 We'll fill our time with that.
27:48 What we can't do is to not waste our time.
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29:25 "HasbunAllah wa ni'mal wakil, ni'mal maula, wa ni'mal nasir."
29:29 Sometimes, the effort, the lack of contentment,
29:35 ...leads to opening up space for selling animals to the wrong buyers.
29:46 We pray to Allah,
29:48 ...Allah is the best manager, Allah is the best helper,
29:52 ...the best guardian,
29:53 ...the zikr that we can do.
29:56 That's to calm our hearts, so we don't get influenced,
30:00 ...or until it becomes an investigation,
30:02 ...that's a scam.
30:04 Scam, but it's a lie from Allah.
30:08 If you buy a goat, it's good,
30:11 ...it will be easy to accept your deeds.
30:14 They use the name Allah,
30:16 ...that's actually wrong.
30:18 They use the name Allah,
30:21 ...this is for Allah, this is for a beggar,
30:23 ...because later we'll deliver it to the beggar,
30:25 ...the beggar will deliver it to Allah.
30:26 He'll be confused.
30:27 How many hundreds of levels is that?
30:29 We need to understand that,
30:32 ...if we want to know if it's right or wrong,
30:34 ...we need to refer to the words of Allah that we read today.
30:39 Thank you, brother Safas.
30:40 Let's go to our Tajud study room,
30:44 ...what are our words of choice for this episode?
30:48 Let's listen together.
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