Bacche Ko Kabj Ho To Kya Den| Best Food For Constipation For Kids|Boldsky
बच्चों में कब्ज की समस्या बहुत कॉमन होती है। लेकिन कभी-कभी यह समस्या बहुत गंभीर हो जाती है। जिसकी वजह से माता-पिता परेशान हो जाते हैं। जब बच्चा लिक्विड डाइट से सॉलिड पर आ जाता है तो अमूमन बच्चे में यह समस्या देखने को मिलती है। बच्चों में यह समस्या ज्यादात्तर चॉकलेट, कुकीज और चिप्स खाने की वजह से होती है। आपके बच्चे को भी कॉन्स्टिपेशन की समस्या है तो कैसे पता लगाए और उस दौरान उनको की अखिलाये आइये आज की वीडियो में जानते है।
The problem of constipation is very common in children. But sometimes this problem becomes very serious. Because of which parents get worried. This problem is usually seen when the child switches from liquid diet to solid diet. This problem mostly occurs in children due to eating chocolate, cookies and chips. If your child also has the problem of constipation, then how to find out and provide relief to him during that time? Let us know in today's video.
#BaccheKoKabjHoJayeToKyaKaren, #BccheKoKabjHoToKyaKarnaChahie, #BaccheKoKabjKyonHotiHai, #BaccheKoKabjHoJayeToKyaDen
The problem of constipation is very common in children. But sometimes this problem becomes very serious. Because of which parents get worried. This problem is usually seen when the child switches from liquid diet to solid diet. This problem mostly occurs in children due to eating chocolate, cookies and chips. If your child also has the problem of constipation, then how to find out and provide relief to him during that time? Let us know in today's video.
#BaccheKoKabjHoJayeToKyaKaren, #BccheKoKabjHoToKyaKarnaChahie, #BaccheKoKabjKyonHotiHai, #BaccheKoKabjHoJayeToKyaDen