Mungfali Khane Ke Bad Pani Pina Chahie Ya Nahin, FACT CHECK | Boldsky
Drinking Water After Eating Peanuts Cause Coughing: खानपान से जुड़ी सलाह और भ्रामक बातें हमारे समाज में आम हैं। आज के समय में इंटरनेट पर भी कई ऐसी भ्रामक बातें तेजी से फैलती हैं। आपने भी ऐसा जरूर सुना होगा कि मूंगफली खाने के बाद पानी नहीं पीना चाहिए। इसके पीछे यह तर्क दिया जाता है कि मूंगफली खाने के बाद पानी पीने से गला खराब हो सकता है और खांसी आने लगती है। अक्सर लोग इस तरह की बातों पर आंख मूंदकर भरोसा कर लेते हैं। कई बार ऐसी बातों पर भरोसा करने की वजह से लोग गंभीर परेशानियों का शिकार भी हो जाते हैं।
Drinking Water After Eating Peanuts Cause Coughing: Diet-related advice and misleading information are common in our society. In today's time, many such misleading things spread rapidly on the Internet. You must have also heard that one should not drink water after eating peanuts. The logic behind this is that drinking water after eating peanuts can hurt the throat and cause cough. Often people blindly believe such things. Many times, people become victims of serious problems because of believing in such things.
Drinking Water After Eating Peanuts Cause Coughing: Diet-related advice and misleading information are common in our society. In today's time, many such misleading things spread rapidly on the Internet. You must have also heard that one should not drink water after eating peanuts. The logic behind this is that drinking water after eating peanuts can hurt the throat and cause cough. Often people blindly believe such things. Many times, people become victims of serious problems because of believing in such things.
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