Pope saddened by deaths of 7 aid workers

  • 5 months ago
Pope saddened by deaths of 7 aid workers
00:00 The inadvertent airstrike that hit and fried the van carrying seven World Central kitchen aid workers continues to reverberate worldwide,
00:08 drawing outrage and condemnation from world leaders and just about every human being on the planet.
00:14 Among them, Pope Francis, who in his weekly audience at the Vatican expressed grief and sorrow over the latest war crime perpetrated by Israeli defense forces in Gaza.
00:24 The 87-year-old head of state and leader of the Catholic faith renewed his appeal to Israel's iron-handed policy of starving and denying more than a million and a half of exhausted and suffering Palestinians of food and humanitarian aid.
00:38 Likewise, he pleaded for the release of all hostages still in captivity.
00:43 An estimated 196 aid workers from various international relief and humanitarian groups have perished since the war began in October last year, mostly perpetrated by the IDF.
