William Mowell - Looking Back On My Life

  • 6 months ago
I sit here looking back at my life, I'm 20, broke and without a wife

I look back to my senior year, and I shed a solitary tear

Thinking about those I left behind, sometimes I wish I could rewind

Go back and change the past, time goes by so fast

Friends and those I wish were more, I never got to let my love soar

I never let the one I cared for the most know, and my love for her I never got to show

I listen to this damn song thats causing this, but I wonder if her lips I could've kissed

I can still feel her in my heart, although many others have tore it apart

I see others inject poison and I wonder why, life is too short to let it go for a stupid high

Life is bliss and hate and love, and it doesn't always fit like a glove

But it fits just the same, in this worldly game

Which brings me back to the mistakes of my past. and it probably wont be the last

But I learn from every mistake I make, like never swim in Banana Lake

Or never get dressed up on yard work Wednesday. you can't get out of some things you can try as hard as you may

Always show up early for lunch and late for class, and the teacher will always bust your ass

Ain't ain't a word, but I'm dang well gonna say it, I miss everyone's fussing I have to admit

Man how I miss those days, and wish I could change or find a way

To get those days back again, and past relationships I wish I could mend

My life ain't the same without Ashley's smile, I wish I could go back, even just for awhile

Finally tell her how I feel, I would get to make my appeal\n\nWilliam Mowell
