William Mowell - I'M Not Dead Yet

  • 5 months ago
This life hasn't been the easiest thing
I've made it through on a prayer and a wing

I've been dealt some bad cards, but I still live
And to others I still give

My body has been tested
And my mind molested

There are those that would've giving up
Thrown it away like a Dixie cup

I stand strong and try my best
I say hell to all the rest

I'm here despite all the odds
I'm here because of God

He gave me the strength to make it through
And I've used it, thats something he knew

I'm the man I am today because of those tribulations
And I'll withstand all of the temptations

Make it out unscaved and unused
Even though my spirits been abused

The man I'm meant to be will see the light of day
It may take my whole life, or it may happen today

But one day I'll be a leader to some
A true cowboy is what I'll become\n\nWilliam Mowell

