Footage of the arrest of murderer Toby Kelly is released by Northumbria Police

  • last year
Body-worn camera footage of Blyth man Toby Kelly being arrested after murdering ambulance worker Sheldon Flanighan in Cramlington has been released by Northumbria Police.
Kelly, 38, of Wansbeck Avenue in Blyth, ran the ambulance worker down outside a pub.
00:00 Where's the driver gone?
00:02 What's your location?
00:03 Where are you?
00:04 He's away.
00:05 Hi, awesome.
00:06 Right.
00:07 OK, at the minute both of you are under arrest for death by dangerous driving.
00:10 Do you have to say anything?
00:11 Death by dangerous driving?
00:12 It may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something they try and require
00:14 anything you say may be given in evidence.
00:16 Driver just stand away from it.
00:18 Alright, just stop.
00:19 Do you know where the driver is?
00:21 Yes, I know where the driver is.
00:23 Right, fine.
00:24 Just stand away from this.
00:25 Fine.
00:26 He's gone, where's the driver gone?
00:27 He's gone.
00:28 He's gone.
00:30 He's gone.
00:32 Where is it?
00:34 270, I'm on the A193.
00:37 I'm on the A193.
00:39 The driver is made off allegedly.
00:41 If I could get a dog unit to this location as well please.
00:43 Allegedly?
00:44 Allegedly?
00:45 Excuse me, sir, is it allegedly stopped the driver?
00:47 Excuse me.
00:48 No!
00:49 Can I have a dog?
00:50 Do you know who it was?
00:51 Who's driven you?
00:53 My friend.
00:54 What's his name?
00:56 No?
00:57 You're not going to...
00:58 Oh, come on.
00:59 It's built with a sign about death by dangerous driving.
01:01 I'm not lying about death by dangerous driving.
01:03 I'll give you a vote for arrest of the driver.
01:05 Fine.
01:06 Fine.
