Quando Parei De Me Preocupar Com Canalhas (Short Film HD)

  • há 6 meses
Publicado em 20 de abr de 2015
[ https://goo.gl/Yde0Ij ] short film
[ http://goo.gl/OJ0Zlq ] credits
[ http://goo.gl/WBDA8u ] poster
[ http://goo.gl/4P4H4M ] fanpage
[ https://goo.gl/Gx9fg8 ] photos
[ https://goo.gl/HTfeXx ] gif
[ https://goo.gl/PFfD6B ] soundtrack
[ http://goo.gl/XU45Ek ] revista piauí


[ por ] Quando Parei De Me Preocupar Com Canalhas
[ eng ] When I Stopped Worrying About Scoundrels
[ esp ] Cuando Dejé De Preocuparme Por Los Canallas
[ fra ] Quand J’ai Arrêté De Me Soucier Des Canailles


[ type ] Short Film
[ running time ] 15 min
[ completion date ] May, 2015
[ country ] Brazil
[ language ] Portuguese, Spanish, Quechua
[ format ] Digital 2k
[ aspect ] 2.35:1 scope
[ film color ] Color
[ parental rating ] +12


[ por ] João Carlos se acha politizado, mas começa se dar conta de que vem se tornando tão chato quanto os taxistas da cidade. Enquanto esse fantasma o persegue e uma crise de relacionamento o leva ao fundo do poço, um surto de lucidez faz com que tome a decisão mais importante de sua vida. Se alienar.

[ eng ] João Carlos believes he is a political expert and thus becomes as annoying as the downtown taxi drivers. While chased by this ghost and going through a relationship crisis, an insight leads him to a rather radical path: get away from everything.

[ esp ] João Carlos se cree muy politizado. Pero de a poco comienza a darse cuenta que se está volviendo tan aburrido como uno de esos taxistas de la ciudad. En cuanto ese fantasma lo persigue y una crisis de pareja lo lleva al fondo del pozo, un brote de lucidéz hace que tome la decision más importante de su vida. Alienarse.

[ fra ] João Carlos se croi politisé, mais comence à se rendre compte qu’il est tout parreil que les autres chaufeurs de taxi de la ville. Pendant que ce fantôme lui poursuit dans sa tête et au cours d’une crise de relation avec sa copine, il se trouve presque au fond du puit, quand un moment de lucidité lui fait prendre la plus importante décision de sa vie: S’aliéner.


[ 43rd Gramado Film Festival, Brazil ] winner best screenplay, winner best actor - [ 26th São Paulo International Short Film Festival, Brazil ] one of the audience's favorites - [ 4th Brasília Short Film Festival, Brazil ] winner best film - [ 2nd Pará Short Film Festival, Brazil ] winner best film - [ 9th Farinha Film Festival, Brazil ] winner best sound design, winner best soundtrack - [ 3rd Belém Film Festival, Brazil ] honorable mention - [ 2nd Caruaru Film Festival, Brazil ] winner best editing - [ 5th Brazilian Association of Film Critics Prize, Brazil ] top 5 brazilian short film of the year - [ 22nd International Film Festival of Curitiba Biennial, Brazil ] official selection - [ 16th Pamplona Film Festival, Spain ] official selection - [ 5th BAFTA Qualifying Aesthetica Short Film Festival, United Kingdom ] official selection - [ 68th Cannes Film Festival, France ] short film corner, out of competition - [ 9th Belo Horizonte International Film Festival, Brazil ] official selection - [ 11st Cinefest Gato Preto, Brazil ] official selection - [ 10th Cambuquira Short Film Festival, Brazil ] official selection - [ 11st Festival de Cine Underground de Buenos Aires, Argentina ] official selection - [ 7th Pantalla Latina Festival of San Gallen, Switzerland ] official selection - [ 16th International Izmir Short Film Festival, Turkey ] official selection - [ 10th Miracema Film Festival, Brazil ] official selection - [ 2nd Collaborative International Film Festival, Brazil ] official selection - [ 16th Brazilian Association of Cinematography Prize, Brazil ] official selection - [ 4th Baixada Fluminense Brazilian Film Festival, Brazil ] official selection - [ 9th Oporto International Short Film Festival, Portugal ] official selection

project history

[ http://goo.gl/7wXwwX ] presentation
[ https://goo.gl/3t92d4 ] crowdfunding
[ http://goo.gl/JBxzuM ] Matheus Nachtergaele
[ http://goo.gl/KgHu9f ] Paulo Miklos

about this production

[ por ] Este é um filme totalmente independente, que não contou com nenhuma lei de incentivo. Você é o nosso principal distribuidor. Por favor, curta, comente e compartilhe.

[ eng ] This is a completely independet film, that had no government incentive law. You are our main distributor. Please, like, comment and share.


[ http://www.oniricastudios.com ]

Brazilian Short Film.