Anatomy of a ‘No’: The people voting against the Voice

  • 8 months ago
#Anatomy #No #The
From now on, we have removed paywall in the entire Voice coverage area until referendum day. Read and share this article for free. Beyond “No” campaign, there is an average voter who does not support Voice of Parliament referendum and does not say much about it, except for rallies that attract attention of dominant citizen movements living on sidelines. Great efforts were made to understand what prompted these people. Now that the surveys show that they are switching to mainstream, this question becomes even more difficult to answer. Saturday Paper is a series "No" in Wright's southeast Queensland voter district" He interviewed his voter and spoke with researchers and interviewers to draw a portrait of people who received little or no value for current offer during the closing weeks referendum. . From all angles, they are now in the majority. "These are words on a piece of paper," says a "No" voter. If there was a typical "No" vote at the beginning of this campaign, they were quite recognizable over 50, generally conservative in their politics, Men who are more likely to live in the regional region of Australia and do not continue higher education. Focus groups with thousands participants late last year revealed a shocking obstacle Almost a third of respondents believed that the people the First Nations were treated fairly. Not only now, but since the occupation. In addition to these people, there were others who could believe in the effect of colonization, but now think that the damage was balanced. "There group of people who think there some bad things past," said researcher who was not authorized speak front of the community, "but now if Welcome to Country mark particular boxer, if unemployment form and Aboriginal, treated privilegedly want plant tree Western Australia, know, should have some First Nations groups say 'yes'. ” "So, even if everything is considered bad, there is an opinion that we now have all these things." These are opinions leaked from the countless focus groups carried out as the October 14 elections approached. Naked facts contradict these views Aborigines Torres Strait Islanders die significantly earlier than all Australians, are disproportionately imprisoned and face breathtaking inequalities specific to themselves the conditions in which they are pushed. I don't think the “ Campan will make any difference for the average ‘No ’ vote. 'I think 'no' people already strongly believe in themselves. Most of those who voted “'No are self-confident people. We will not bleed what others think. I never go to the rally. I don't believe in any of these conspiracy and anti-vax nonsense. There is now a tremendous distinction between the official “No” campaign and the ordinary “No” voter. Still, it's worth asking the question are you racist? "This is especially objectionable for white men who feel they don't already have the right to speak... Already, 'Where's my voice?' A voter says “No”. "
