Nvidia Researchers Plug GPT-4 Into Minecraft
  • 11 months ago
Researchers at Nvidia ($NVDA @US) plugged the language model GPT-4, which powers ChatGPT and other applications, in the video game Minecraft and created a Minecraft bot called Voyager that utilizes GPT-4 to solve problems within the game. Voyager can read the game state and generate objectives and code to improve gameplay skills. The generated code is refined over time using error messages, feedback, and descriptions provided by GPT-4. Voyager builds a code library to learn and accomplish increasingly complex tasks in the game. The researchers demonstrated that Voyager outperformed other Minecraft agents regarding item collection, exploration, and tool-building speed. The use of video games like Minecraft as testing grounds for AI algorithms is also discussed, highlighting the game's open-ended nature and suitability for training AI agents.