Is Chatgpt Going to Replace Google?
  • last year
Is Chatgpt going to replace google? The two are different in that Google is a search engine while Chat GPT, an advanced Chatbot. Both ChatGPT and Google provide information based on our queries. The information provided by ChatGPT is easier and faster to consume.

However, it doesn’t live up to the purpose of a search engine of providing accurate, verifiable, and the latest information. ChatGPT can’t show the current news, share advice about real-life situations, or segregate between fact and fiction.

For the time being, ChatGPT replacing Google seems to be a ‘NO’.

However, in days to come, ChatGPT/Large Language Text AI is sure to learn and improve. Google’s parent company is already hurrying up on its AI program and also looking for ways to provide more accurate, relevant, and unbiased search results on its flagship search engine, Google. As consumers, we sure have an interesting time ahead!