2001 Right Smack in the Middle of It

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2001 Right Smack in the Middle of It by Mark Fielding Darden
Written July 10, 2001; recorded at Fishing Creek Studios in Oxford NC
Copyright date: January 18, 2006; #PAu3-019-605

A favorites song of mine and a great video. A lot of killer pictures in this one. There are many ways to praise God. I picked this one this time.

Have you ever needed to be rescued? This song's for you. It was part of my first real CD album that I put out around 2002.

I re-worked this song, taking out the first chorus, boosting the bass, and eliminating the drum machine. I replaced that track with real drums. Great song. It took a lot of work.

Chris Kisgen: bass
Mick Purdy: piano
Mark Darden: guitar, vocals, percussion, song, video

All images were found on "Public Domain" sites online, though I "fixed and adapted" pretty much every one of them for this song.