Garlic-Farming & Production Information In English @kuberclasses_HD

  • 2 years ago
In today's video we learn about "garlic crop farming, garlic crop production as well as garlic health benefits in english".....

Garlic Crop History-
"garlic" is nature to central Aisa and north Iran and has been a long common seasoning worldwide, with the history of several thousands of year human consumption and use.
"garlic" is also known as that the ancient Egyptians and has been used as for both In the Old World, Egyptian and Indian cultures referred to garlic 5000 years ago and there is clear historical evidence for its use by the Babylonians 4500 years ago and by the Chinese 2000 years ago. Some writings suggest that garlic was grown in China as far back as 4000 years ago.
Health Benefits Of "Garlic"
1) for flavouring the food
2) as a traditional medecine
3) Garlic also contains trace amounts of various other nutrients. In fact, it contains a little bit of almost everything you need.

"Garlic" Production -
of 2019 (millions of tons)
In 2019, Garlic Production in India was up 4.2% from a year earlier. Since 2014 Bangladesh "Garlic" Production increased 8.9% year on year attaining 478,284 Metric Tons. In 2019 India was number 2 in "garlic" production. In 2018 Bulgaria was number 84 in garlic Production totalising 445 Metric Tons, moving from 98 in 2017.

"Garlic" Production Country -
1) China :- 22.3
2) India :- 1.7
3) Bangladesh :- 0.5
4) Egypt :- 0.3
5) Spain :- 0.3
6) World Production :- 28.5

"Garlic Content" -
1) calcium 2) iron 3) sodium 4) phosphorus 5) potassium 6) magnesium.....
"garlic" is a food that many people either love or hate. Its strong, pungent flavor lends itself to several types of savory dishes, and garlic is used in traditional cuisines worldwide.
"Uses Of Garlic"
Garlic has been used to treat illness and disease for thousands of years.1 There are biblical references to the use of garlic in medicine. According to some sources, Hippocrates prescribed garlic for various illnesses, and early Olympic athletes used "garlic" to enhance performance. The health benefits of garlic are mainly due to plant compounds, but garlic does contain several vitamins and minerals as well.
Thank you,
(आपला आभारी आहे, धन्यवाद )
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