Some people believe that it is good to share information - IELTS essay

  • 2 years ago


Some people believe that it is good to share as much information as possible in scientific research, business, and the academic world. Others believe that some information is too important or too valuable to be shared freely.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

After the completion of the Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age, and even after witnessing the industrial revolution in the last century, humankind is now living in “The Information Age”. Heated debates are common between people who suggest that knowledge related to scientific research, business, and education should be shared so that it is beneficial for the human race, and the people who are against this suggestion. I support the latter view as there are risks associated with this type of free information sharing.
Believers in spreading the knowledge free of cost have some strong arguments to present. They state that if the data of former research is available to all then it may be easier for others to access it and do further research. This type of data sharing is making the process of technological advancement faster. Free courses available on the internet are helping many students in acquiring new skills. They also insist on sharing academic and business methods so that everyone can utilize it for the betterment of the human race. However, they forget to notice some important aspects.
Some types of information are too important and sensitive that it is very essential to secure them and hide them. This is true with the data related to science as the procedure of making an atom bomb could not be shared freely. Sharing of educational material for free may harm teachers’ who charge for teaching. Businessmen will also hesitate in publishing their business secrets. Nobody in this world can deny that this could be misused if it ended up in the wrong hands.
I believe that inappropriate use of freely available data may wipe out either nations or humanity itself. So, it should be accessible by only those who are responsible and eligible.

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