13 Foods That Raise Blood Pressure According To Dietitians_

  • 3 years ago
1. Salty Snacks
Did you know that it’s estimated we need about 500 grams of sodium everyday? As little as that may sound, we tend to overeat the recommended amount and super salty snacks are to blame. But how do they affect blood pressure?

2. Canned Food
Honestly though, how can you expect food stored in tin cans to be healthy? Most of these cans have an inner lining of BPA, a harmful chemical responsible for raising blood pressure. Canned food makes cooking meals very easy but the health hazard that comes along with it is huge.

3. Pizza
Yes, it’s true. Pizza is your worst enemy when it comes to hypertension. This comfort food of the world, has all the ingredients that lead to a rise in blood pressure. It is loaded with tons of salt- so much so - that just one slice of pepperoni contains more than half of your daily recommended salt need. Now imagine downing a whole pizza. Also, you can’t fool high BP with a veggie pizza because it contains just as much salt. The high content of saturated fat is also another factor that raises blood pressure.

4. Sugary Food
If you thought salt was your worst enemy when it comes to blood pressure, think again. Sugar can do more damage than salt! Not just sugary desserts, beverages are equally harmful.
