peaceful and happy holiday destination

  • 3 years ago
Turkey Trabzon, Lakes and Caves
Despite the hot and humid weather of the summer months; Our plateaus have a wide variety of flora and fauna, rich forests, crater lakes, rivers, exuberant streams, landscape images, mountain and nature walks, rafting, canoeing and winter sports, hunting and angling, grass skiing, healing waters, local food, cultural life of the people It creates an important potential with such values. Highlandism; Besides its natural and economic qualities, it is also important as a social phenomenon. Going to the plateau has been happening since ancient times. As the most distinctive expression of this tradition in the local culture, festivals are held in the plateau every year. Kadırga Plateau Otçu Week Festival, Şalpazarı Geyikli Town Sis Mountain Festival, Akçaabat Hıdırnebi Plateau Festival, Maçka Lişer Plateau Soğuksu Festival, Vakfıkebir Karadağ Plateau Festival are some of these festivals. Our plateaus have beautiful highland houses that will enchant local and foreign visitors and are decorated with moisture-loving flowers and plants. The streams that come out of the mountains are almost overflowing to reach the sea. Such perfect and dazzling nature of green and blue has caused the natural development and interest of plateau tourism, which is a form of tourism in accordance with the tourism reality of our city, with recreational, sightseeing and sports facilities. There are social facilities to meet the accommodation, food and beverage needs of thousands of people who come to our highlands, which are so worth seeing and living, due to the increasing interest in recent years.
