Midshipmen graduate from the Argentine Military Naval School 1980

  • hace 4 años
Bs. As .: In the assembly hall of the Naval Military School with seat in Rio Santiago the graduation ceremony of the new midshipmen that integrate the 109th promotions of the combat corps, naval command and marine infantry ranks and the 67th of the professional corps of the quartermaster level. The commander-in-chief of the Navy, Admiral Armando Lambruschini, presides over the ceremony. Authorities from the three armed forces, national and provincial authorities and special guests attend. During the course of this act, the director of the Naval Military School, Rear Admiral Jorge Goblunt, speaks. Images of the speech delivered by Admiral Goblunt. Next, Admiral Lambruschini presents the "Argentine Nation" and "Admiral Guillermo Brown" awards, also the sword to the midshipman Miguel Angel Peirano. Midshipman Jorge Luis Garcia also receives the "Guillermo Brown" award from the Rear Admiral in Chief of the Navy. The same award is also given to the midshipman Néstor Rubén Alassandreno who belongs to the quartermaster corps. Finally, Admiral Lambruschini proceeds to deliver the saber and the dispatch to each of the midshipmen who have obtained the first place in the combat, infantry and quartermaster ranks. (Rodolfo Pousa / Magnetic / Color)
Date: 1980
Duration: 4 minutes 29 seconds
Film Code: C-00113

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