Tribute of the CGT to the military fallen in the Argentine subversion 1973

  • hace 5 años
Bs. As .: Ceremony of homage to the military fallen by acts of the subversion, act organized by the General Confederation of the Work (CGT). The commander in chief of the Army, Leandro Enrique Anaya opens the event, he does it through the traditional system of military salute to the companies of Regiment 1 of Patricios, Infantry Regiment 3 and Regiment of Grenadiers on Horseback. At this moment General Anaya receives the high national authorities, the engineer Juan Carlos Basile; the undersecretary of Press and Diffusion, Jorge Conti; the Minister of Defense, Adolfo Mario Savino; the Minister of Culture and Education, Oscar Ivanissevich; the Minister of Labor, Ricardo Otero and invites them to take a position to open the event. Speech by the General Secretary of UOCRA, Segundo Bienvenido Palma in tribute to the members of the Army fallen victims of subversion. In the Plaza de las Armas a memorial plaque is discovered: - "Tribute of the Labor forces to the Argentine army for their fallen in the struggle against subversion to the homeland in defense of the institutions of the Nation". They contemplate the plate discovered the Second Palm, Leandro Anaya, Mario Savino and Ricardo Otero. Speech by General Leandro Anaya. Images of the military and civil authorities on the steps of the Libertador Building, among the guests are Lorenzo Miguel, Casildo Herrera and Adalberto Wimer. (Ambient sound)
Date: 11/18/1973
Duration: 7 minutes 30 seconds
Film code: DV-00072

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