How to Make Quick Pickles to Prevent Food Waste

  • 4 years ago
Pickling often feels like the realm of fussy chefs and pioneer women. .But it's actually a genius, time-tested way to buy yourself more time with your produce. Here are some tips:.Pickling supplies are simple pantry staples: vinegar and water, plus salt, spices, and some sugar if you'd like.Simple vinegar is preferred over the fancier stuff. You can use white vinegar, rice vinegar, or apple cider vinegar. The only type of vinegar you really don't want to use is any aged vinegar like balsamic.If you want to be able to eat your quick pickles with just about anything, throw in some garlic cloves and black pepper.If you eat a lot of Mexican food, toss in some cumin, garlic, and a dried chili.If you're quick pickling fruit, add some vanilla bean and go a bit heavier on the sugar